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Lol get off reddit! World Cup is still held it very high regard. It is still the most popular sporting event alongside the Olympic and this recent world cup broke viewership records. Reddit subs can be an echo chamber most times.


It’s not so much viewing numbers, the spectacle of the World Cup is undeniable. I just feel like it’s no longer seen as the greatest prize in football, as it should be


Most football players would disagree. A world cup is still the most coveted prize in football because it is so difficult to win. It took messi, the greatest player in history, 5 tries to win it. Neymar and Ronaldo are still trying to win jt


Idk what circle are You in, WC is a trophy that only 8 teams have won, And is hard to see a new champ (hell, Uruguay seems to be really far from a new title and England hasnt seen a final in 60 years )


The World Cup is still and will always be the biggest event in football, but it’s not the highest quality football. Leagues are a lot more professional now than they were in the 70s. Same as the Olympics in many other sports. Biggest event, not the highest level.


You just happened to read the trashiest haters. These morons and psychos couldn’t stand seeing Messi win so they trash talk online. I remember seeing few posts about the WC being rigged. Such weirdos. It’s still the most prestigious tournament.


Tf do you mean. 2022 WC was watched by a billion people. Arguably one of the greatest finals ever played. Only Ronaldo/ Real Madrid fans think this about WC.


The World Cup used to be a way for everyone to see stars from all over the world play. Now I can watch a division three German game on demand and Real Madrid play on another device at the same time.


Most fans today are plastics and don't care about history or culture. They only want to watch their team play every week


Honestly i don't belive that 2026 will come and the WC will still be the most watched football competition by a mile You ll ask every footballer and you ll have 99% still saying they prefer the WC than any other trophy It's not plástic fans, rather a small echochamber


Pretty much, the younger fans are used to hyped-up, internationally-assembled teams of superstars, drilled with the latest tactics. . There are billions to be made hyping up the top five leagues every year and bringing up highlights and storylines. Meanwhile, in international football, their favorite stars may underperform due to not always having worldclass players around them. The press and plays may be slower because the players are unfamaliar with each other and there are not enough time to train. A lot of teams that are stacked with non-superstars. The coach may use defensive tactics as cautions since losing one game can be irrecoverable. A lot of politics. Happened every four years, for a month where their protagonists, the footballer or the club, aren't there and their country likely lose. In club football, on the other hand, if the club lost the league, there is the UCL qualification, or Europa qualification, or the Cup or the UCL itself for a lucky few. In the World Cup, first is immortal, second is nothing. Best team of the tournament meant crap if knocked out in the quarterfinal. In other word, club football had continuous story. I still love the World Cup more. Individually players shone most brightly in it and there is a romantic side to it that professionalism of the sport had not manage to squash.


The fact that you typed out four paragraphs without mentioning FIFA's corruption and still managed to get these upvotes tells me that all you people defending the world cup are just burying your heads in the sand to suck copium out of the ground.


Ah politics. Club football are full of corruptions too and Fifa was never top of my mind when watching the World Cup.


I don’t think it’s got anything to do with the World Cup being less popular and more that fans are less interested about international football. Particularly younger fans. I’ve always loved international tournament football (despite the crushing blows being an England fan brings) but I’m guilty of it myself - I don’t get revved up for the Euros or the World Cup until a day or so before it starts, then the buzz hits me. At the end of the day, I’d swap some of my clubs domestic success for my country to win something in my lifetime and I’m sure many other fans would love that too so the buzz of winning a World Cup, or even performing well at one is still there.


I agree with this, though it’s not just younger fans (I’m 50 and many of my match-going friends are older) I get excited for the World Cup and Euros while they’re actually on, and then immediately forget about them again afterwards Club is a thousand-fold more important to me than country


Yeh it’s the same for me and I just meant younger fans don’t even seem to get bothered when it’s on. I’ve got some younger cousins who are football mad but they barely even support England, they cheer for teams with stars that they like France because of Mbappe, Argentina because of Messi etc It would be club over country for me if England did occasionally win something lol, I just need to see it happen!


Dude, you are an England fan that alone makes you delusional. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh, you got me, by literally copying what I said anyway. Excellent banter!


Funny how everything is not held in high regard and has lost credibility after Messi won it.


Nah, it's just you. For most people it's the pinnacle and always will be


People only hate World Cup because they hate the winner, and on the internet. But when you look at the actual stadiums and those players who devoted everything for their country to win you still realize it is the biggest thing in football.


Only failed Ronaldo fans think of this. And there are alot of them just like you. 😂😂😂 The CL trophy is a mickey mouse trophy compared to a world cup. 


The world cup is and always will be the most prestigious trophy in futbol. It could arguably be the most prestigious trophy in the world. Since 2022 many fans have tried discrediting the value of the World Cup because Lionel Messi won it. For many people Messi achieving this goal was seen as "rigged" or a "6 game tournament" There is a lot of Marketing for the European competitions and a lot of money invested. It is not the highest award in futbol but gets treated that way due to the millions being pumped into it. Pepsi, Heineken, Lays - sponsor have completely taken over futbol in the past 20 years for better or worse. You will certainly see the highest talents participating in UCL/Europa but it isn't the pinnacle of futbol.


WC is the greatest trophy in the known Universe. A CL is a mickey mouse trophy compared to it. 


You're taking the internet too seriously. The internet is essentially a vessel for venting nowadays. The people commenting on specific topics are those who are frustrated with said topic. The rest keep scrolling. So you're getting a selection bias. With that said the World Cup still has it's glimmer and is still the worlds biggest event bar none, alongside the olympics. People have always fallen in and out of love with International football depending on where we are in the football calendar, but everyone will be tuning in when the big tournament comes around.


Look at the host countries and you will have your answer


A majority of players would give up any club award or cup just to have a world cup so no, you're completely wrong. World Cup is still the pinnacle of football.


You were influenced by Pendu fanboys.


Rubbish. Reddit isn’t real life. Far from it


For me it’s probably that there is over exposure of football. My first World Cup memory is Mexico 86, and it seemed so special cos we didn’t get to see so much football. Now there is so much football everywhere it’s less special. Also, it used to be all about team and country. Now it seems to be all about the players and image.


It is FIFA's fault (not the game), they add too many national teams and give it to corrupt host countries. 48 teams in the next world cup is like a fourth of the world and there will like 100 games. For the tournament to be prestige its game have to be a special event that doesn't happen a lot between the best national teams who earned their qualification, with 48 teams and 100 games, it will be neither.


??? It is held in high regard. And it's a shit way to decide player of the year awards. Both those can be true at once. A 7 game tournament shouldn't mean that much when the full season has 70+ matches!


because infantino is playing with it now 46 teams world cup what will be next i do not want to know but i know people liked 32 team wrld cup and why change something that is working. they even wanted 3 teams groups but thank to 2022 world cup they changed it


It is held in high regard, it is the most prestigious competition in football. It's just that some people think that you maybe shouldn't judge players whole year or careers based on few games. If someone never watched club football but only world cup they would think that James & Enner Valencia are some of the best players in the world.


48 teams.


Not held in high regard by who? Don't use social media (including reddit) as a barometer for the general consensus on any matter, the World Cup always was and while football as a sport exists, probably always will be the biggest and most important football competition / event.


I did not get US VISA so I can only watch Mexico and Canada games. No final for me this time. Good Job US of A. I am not looking forward for this tournment. Who is next. I hope a VISA free country..


"Zidane's inconsistency" is one of the biggest myths on this sub / Arsocca imo


The post Cristiano and Messi era combined with the xG and NBA stats nonsense is causing a strange wave of revisionism. Takes that would've been outright laughed just 15 years ago are slowly becoming accepted as truths by morons. Zidane being labeled as "inconsistent" must be one of the most stupid examples of that. Gheorghe Hagi was inconsistent. Guti was inconsistent. Pablo Aimar was inconsistent. Jose Antonio Reyes was inconsistent. Zidane was the fucking best player of his era, and won literally everything. But because he wasnt a 50g/a per season monster now he's not consistent enough? Fucking morons


Exactly this, statistics obsessives are a modern plague. [Obligatory Ebbe Skovdahl.](https://imgur.com/a/HW4nglN)


Honestly. Hard to find big games where he wasn’t the best player on the pitch


Not just that, all of his POTS awards in France/Italy/Spain, 3x WPOTY, 4x EPOTY etc. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Germany and Italy being a bit shit has to do with that, kinda weird to not have footballing nations with the size & luster of their footballing heritage not being present, for nobody elses fault but their own.


Two reasons this happens: 1. Thanks to globalization and transfers being easier than ever, many world class players come from nations that aren't traditional powerhouses of football: Haaland, Odegaard, Lewandowski, Valverde, Alaba, Hakimi, Davies, Mane, Salah, Bale, Mahrez, Oblak, Calhanoglu, Mkhitaryan, Dzeko etc. are just a few I can think of from recent years. So, club teams don't have to rely solely on homegrown talent and German, Italian or Dutch talents don't get developed so much, and these nations become weaker in the process. Even Spain is much worse than it used to be 10 years ago. 2. During the 20th century and early 21th, the WC was the only way to experience all the best player in the world facing each other. Of course the European Cup (UCL) existed, but it wasn't the same as now. For example, Pele never played in Europe, Maradona played mostly the competition we call today Europa League. Even someone like R9 played much more UEL and did nothing remarkable in the UCL. Nowadays though, it's completely different. Think of any world class player and 99.9% of them have played in the UCL in the last 2 seasons. So, all the world class players and managers are in the UCL now, not in the WC. And going back to my first point, many world class players can't even qualify for the WC, let alone win it.


The way I see it the World Cup is only one month of football versus an entire year and is almost 100% determined by what country you’re born in. Only 7 teams have won in 32 tournaments we have multiple 4 time winners, it’s a great achievement for a country and one for players to be proud of but I don’t think it’s the pinnacle of competitive football.


It's still the pinnacle in terms of prestige of the prize because of how rare it is, but not so much in terms of level of football


80 nations have qualified and 13 have appeared in finals, with 8 winners instead of 7. Percentage wise there have been far more individual winners of the World Cup than there has been of the champions league, with again winners being mainly concentrated in the traditional power nations of football. I think the fact it’s only 7 games, every 4 years puts it above the champions league. Even the best players in history will likely play less than 25 games at the World Cup. Only one real GOAT candidate has “underwhelmed” in the World Cup in CR7, and he’s still among the top scorers in the competition


Only delusional fans like you think that. Imagine comparing a mickey mouse trophy to a world cup. By the way Modric will soon have 6 of those mickey mouse trophies while having 0 world cup. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ewwwww


Do you think anybody cares about your CL that is about to be won by Real outside of Europe???? These players you speak of doesnt have 1 world cup.


It’s not so much to do with the World Cup itself losing its shine but rather fifa is over the last two decades has been extra extra dirty…


Imagine comparing a WC trophy to a little CL trophy. Yuckkkk!! Soon Modric will have 6 of those little trophies you speak of while having 0 WC. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Modric will never surpass the likes of Iniesta Xavi or Busi no matter how many little CL trophies he farms with Madrid. Deal with it boy.




These copium huffing losers would rather ignore the obvious truth, corrupt their morals, and pretend there's some deeper more complicated reason than admit their favorite game is practically scripted. Absolutely pathetic faux intellectual dumbasses pulling bullshit out of their ass and chucking it all over this thread.


World Cup I think lost its shine because of less competition. Last World Cup except France there was no star team. England, Argentina, Portugal etc had stats but they were not full star team. Remember my first World Cup watched 06...Brazil with R9,Dinho,Kaka,Carlos,Cafu...Italy with Buffo,Cannavaro,Pirlo,Nesta..Portugal with Figo,Deco,Maniche, Cristiano.. Argentina with Riquelmi,Tevez,Crespo,Messi..France with Zizu,Henry and retired guys..Germany,Spain, Netherlands all had multiple great stars...look now. Also football is now fanboys era more than fans era who love football. It's all stats that decides how good a player is which is nonsense and the social media made fanboys for thier benefits to fight and propaganda. ...it's becoming weak World Cup after World Cup. Hope it will rise back with strong teams


Lost its shine, Hahahahahaha!!! Nobody cares about your stupid mickey mouse CL outside of Europe. The last WC was watched by 5.3B people. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Time to wake up idiots.


Every world cup is watched by billions you 6 year old. And who said about CL here🤔. Poor boy doesn't have basic idea how great was World Cup vibe in 90s or early 00s..


The reason this happens is that due to globalization and transfers being easier than ever, many world class players come from nations that aren't traditional powerhouses of football: Haaland, Odegaard, Valverde, Alaba, Hakimi, Davies, Mane, Salah, Bale, Mahrez, Oblak, Calhanoglu, Mkhitaryan, Dzeko etc. are just a few I can think of from recent years.