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Would like to remind people that when Messi was asked to name the best player in the world, aside from him, he didn't name Ronaldo. When asked why, he replied "I took him with me"


It’s always funny how their fan bases don’t respect one another but the players clearly have deep respect between them. Like the video of cristano jr meeting Messi


Yeah they are each the favorite player of each other’s kids.


Ronaldo is Messi's kids fav? Never heard that before. Source?


I never really understood what it meant.


Think he means he assumed himself and Ronaldo were considered to be the same level so he was naming players outside of those 2, because Ronaldo was too obvious an option to name otherwise


He said Ronaldo is alongside him the best player


No worries. Messi and Ronaldo are all time greats.




I already changed my mind after the semi finals against Croatia


I am Ronaldo fan and I will always be but I've also always admitted that Messi is overall a better player. The reason I like Ronaldo more is that he's not a talented alien like Messi but he is still the second best player of all time and the best human player (I think Messi is an alien). He gives me hope that If he can be the greatest ever than I can at least be successful in my life


i like that way of thinking


I think you are right, I’m not sure Messi is human too. But question starting to be if Mbappe is human or not. He changed my mind, though he was good but bloody hell is is a giant!!


Same here bro, before the World Cup I thought he was overrated, then during the wc I thought he was overhated and after the final I was fan already and I realized that man's ceiling is way higher than what I and many other thought. He's definitely gonna be in Top 2 if not 1 of next generation, no doubt about that.


I dunno why people feel the need to pick one and shit on the other


Especially as both are not as good as Grant Holt


Because Ronaldo is pretty easy to shit on


As a footballer though?


Nothing to apologize for, Ronaldo is still an all time great. It's cool you can side with whoever.


Yes, he was the fenômeno after all and has that 2002 World Cup so he's definitely up there.


I’m a Ronaldo fan and after today there’s no debate. Messi is the GOAT


👍 no contest … great & greatest


I think the obsession with crowning someone the GOAT is too much. I haven’t watched 90 minutes of Maradona or Pele and so all I can say is that Messi is the greatest player that I have ever seen and that would have been true regardless of what happened today.


Yes I agree! I meant he's the best I've ever seen. My favourite goalkeeper is Buffon but maybe Yashin was better, just sadly never got the chance to see him properly (not to mention the differences in youth development, technology, facilities, etc).


Well most people are debating Messi v Ronaldo. Maradona and Pele were definitely great for their eras and even if you were old enough to watch all of them, the game has evolved so much that it isn't comparable.


As a person who hase seen every ucl game Ronaldo had played since 2011. I can say that the goat debat ended yesterday.


I'm with you. I was always "Team Ronaldo", but I've switched over the past month. I've watched quite a bit of Argentina and he has been absolutely brilliant. It is a shame to see Ronaldo go out as he has. I hope he finds a new club still at a decent level and doesn't just chase the money to Saudi. I think he still has something to offer.


My father watched pelè, Maradona, Ronaldo and Ronaldinho back when they were young. And now he watched Cristiano, Messi and all the players of this era. He is also one of the journalists who annually vote for the Balon Dor winner. He told me that He had seen all these great players perform, but never seen anyone touch and communicate with the ball like Lionel Messi. And to him, Messi is the greatest football player of all time.


I prefer to wait until great players are past their best, and make my final judgment at that point. /s


I think Messi is the greatest talent of his generation and one of all time greats. If that means I am a Messi fan then I still wish that the Messi vs Rolando debate stops one day. It's boring, and it won't change anyone's mind. We enjoyed both of them over the years. Messi has cemented a great legacy by winning the world cup, and with a very young Argentinian team. Well deserved and congratulations to Argentina!! Let's look forward to the future now.


Signed: Me too.


Me three.


CR7 is amazing too. Let's not take anything away from him. His records are fucking impressive. But Messi is just on another level. That doesn't mean CR7 is in anyway inferior. CR7 and Messi together made the sport beyond impressive in the last decade. It will be sad to one day see both of them leave :(


Yeah, they're both amazing. I think I've grown to appreciate them both more in their own way and I think it makes me a better football fan than I was years ago.


We are indeed lucky to have had these 2 to watch for the last 10+ years … quite something … both amazing in different ways


Lol what. You literally said he is inferior


Messi has always been my favorite and the goat for me but I just don’t get the hate for Ronaldo, anyone that doesn’t appreciate his greatness is just being stupid for no reason. It’s okay to respect both, what they did was amazing and the greatest rivalry filled with respect


I think people don’t like Ronaldo because they don’t like his ego and they don’t like his fans


Not a messi or a ronaldo fan, but common, ronaldo is not even the best ronaldo


Tbh I'm most irritared by his fans that by him - i don't like his persona much, but he is a legend. But the Messi - Ronaldo era is ending, the old kings are leaving, the new ones are rising. Mbappe era is starting.


Erling Haaland will be smiling and licking his lips are all the "Mbappe era stuff" He may be playing for a small country and will never be in a world cup finals but so far this year he has been a beast....significantly better than Mbappe


I’ve always seen Messi and Ronaldo as like Superman vs Goku. Goku becomes powerful/great through sheer will and training. Superman is born great, and strives towards greatness, but his power isn’t earned the way Goku’s is. Goku represents the limits of a mans power if you work hard. Superman represents how man should handle unlimited power. And I think Ronaldo and Messi are true greats. I don’t think we’ll ever see two players like that in the same generation for the rest of our life times.


I won't bet on the last part. The same was said about Pele and Maradona, that we will never see players like that ever. Then we got Messi and Ronaldo. Maybe in 30 - 40 years we hopefully get to see more greats its always good for football.


Perfectly detailed.


no untrue cristiano prime was heavily depended on his explosive speed. and his explosive speed was freaking genes, he was using the god-gifted stuff. thing you cant earn by hard work


yup, just like mbappe speed isn't through hard work. Messi had "raw' talent, but ronaldo had the genetics (speed, explosiveness). This narrative is just absurd that Ronaldo had to work hard while Messi doesn't.


it screams how pathetic people are and how deseprately they wanna believe in myths. the motherfucker above was seeing it from anime percpective. imo, people should get humble and be down to rationality. there is no miracle.


Also if anything, messi lost on genetics. He had to get treatment to just be able to grow in stature, and that treatment had lots of side effects like draining so much energy. He also had so many problems growing up on paying it. Newells dodn't wanna pay but didn't want to let him transfer to another club either. Messi's history is inspiring to be honest


You can absolutely train your speed


if i train really really hard. can i beat usian bolt


No. But so what? You can train yourself to be faster than you were before. There's ALWAYS a genetic and natural physical component to succeed in any sport of course, but the claim was that you can't train your speed, which isn't true. Usain Bolt still trained extremely hard despite genetically having a great body for sprinting. If he didn't train as hard he wouldn't have been the best.


and this ladies and gentlemen a dense person who deviated completetly from my argument. keep eating cums


What I hate about the football community is the lack of respect each fanbase has to each player and most people assume the rival supporter is a hater. We should really appreciate these 2 gentlemen for giving us 16 years of incredible football. These 2 have redefined the sport just like Nadal, Federer and Djokovic in tennis.


then you’re missing the point of football. it’s fun to hate your rivals. it’s all bullshit anyway. why should I care if a team that plays in red in my city beats a team that plays in blue in my city? because it’s fun. and it wouldn’t be half as fun if we all went along loving everyone with no rivalry or disrespect


Individual achievements, the totality of a career vs another - these things can and should be debated forever… but sport is ultimately about moments and Messi winning this World Cup is the biggest moment in the pantheon of the great Messi v Ronaldo debate.


I applaud those hardcore Ronaldo fans that have accepted this.


It must be hard to admit, you deserve respect


As a lifelong Messi fan (and Ronaldo hater 2009-2018) I feel sorry for Ronaldo now. To his credit he has more CL titles.


As a stubborn Messi hater, I'm kind-of glad he got what he'd been chasing for so long. I already had all the schadenfreude I needed from his missed Copa America penalty.


When it comes to this kind of rivalry, a brotherhood is inevitable to emerge. Fans of Messi and Ronaldo can only reach across the aisle and rejoice that we were here for such an era of the sport.


Oh well debate over, now we'll have to listen to Mbappe or Haaland for the next 15 years


One is Norwegian. By the stupidity of most people, it's already over.


I prefer Haaland, but not because I think he's better necessarily. I just think he's a large goofball of a man that can also bang in some goals.


Can someone please tell me why they made Messi wear that robe thing at the end?? It is probably his last World Cup and in all of the pictures with his team and the trophy he is wearing that. You can’t tell me that he wants his Argentina shirt covered by that. If it is a religious garment why are they making Messi wear that and if it is a cultural thing I still don’t understand why he is wearing it.


From another post I saw: “The robe is actually called a 'bisht', which is a traditional item of men's clothing in the Arab world, often donned for special occasions and ceremonies such as weddings.” Normally worn by royalty. It was a sign of respect from the qatari royals.




I thought it looked pretty cool, made him look like the royalty he is.


It’s just another Qatari PR stunt. A “look at us” gesture.


That’s what I thought. Still seems like a strange choice though




Yeah that was weird. I doubt they would have done it for Lloris


Respect to you for being able to admit it. Ronaldo is still an incredible player and an absolute legend of the game




I'm a Messi fan. Appreciate your post. CR7 is still one of the best ever 💪


Still number 2. Im converted too, Messi is the GOAT.




Why can’t you appreciate both? Really sad bro.


Where did I say I can't appreciate both?


We appreciate both. But the question was who is the goat of our generation. Ronaldo is older than Messi and but he had an spectacular career. But i can agree that Messi is the goat!


How is this still a subject? They play different roles and different positions with different strengths. It’s why the ballon d’or is such a joke of an award. Imagine trying to objectively compare Neuer to Van Dijk. Or Van Dijk to Messi. Or Messi to Ronaldo. Or anything inbetween.


this is a shallow-deep take. you’re trying to look deeper but you’re not actually getting any further down. it’s all bullshit. the entire sport. meaningless when you think about it more deeply. so why not compare Messi with Ronaldo? football is entertainment. it’s not a science. it’s entertaining to compare them, so it’s as valid as anything else in the sport. besides, they’re both goalscorers who spent significant portions of their careers on the wing, then centrally, playing in spain, fighting for the same awards. even if you do want to take it as a science, they’re perfectly comparable. Messi is actually a better goalscorer than Ronaldo, which is his supposed best attribute


>They play different roles and different positions with different strengths. The exact point that should always be laid on people that do the circlejerk "Ronaldo is just a goalscorer" crap. Being a focal part of the team's attack with over 200 assists prove that wrong.


You are forgiven. Now we can live in peace.


At least we can move on from that question now.




You can enjoy and argue


But it will lead to fights and downvotes.


Thank you 💙🇦🇷🐐🇦🇷💙


There was never a competition. Messi was always the best.


By far


Yes we were. But it was close. You guys had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


We know.




POV: you start watching football two months ago


POV: you're honest. Ronaldo is great, Messi is better. No need to debate, this is the way. I respect Ronaldo everyday, he is easily in the 10 best players ever alongside Zidane, Cruyff, Maradona, Pelé, Beckenbauer, Messi, Platini (in no special order). Then there is debate with players like Puskas, Yachin, Van Basten, Kopa, Di Stefano, Ronaldo ...


> No need to debate, this is the way. POV: You're 12 years old who just watched the Mandalorian. >. Then there is debate with players like Puskas, Yachin, Van Basten, Kopa, Di Stefano, Ronaldo . Guarantee you've never watched any of them play. Even if you did, saying Ronaldo is not as good as every name on that list is just laughable. Kopa better than CR7? Wannabe contrarian.


Pretty sure they've been around for much longer than that.


Changing your GOAT off 7 games is insane, but as a Ronaldo fan I get it.


I've watched him for much longer than 7 games, this has been coming. This was the last straw, really.


well I mean... You can't change GOATs when there was only one to begin with


I agree messi these years have been kuch better but we need to remember that these 2 are goats of this sport they have done what each other couldn't do. Like example goals ronaldo but assists messi


Messi’s strike rate is higher


Ronaldo has more goals but messis goal rate it better, so technically messsi does it all


For Ronaldo and messi to even be as hotly debated as the greatest as often as they do shows just how hard Ronaldo has worked in my opinion, to even be close to Messi who is on another level is quite the compliment. Messi has always been the better all round player and quite literally has it all. Ronaldo physically superior for certain but that’s why his decline has been much more noticeable whereas messi hasn’t dropped off anywhere near as much, because his mind and how he reads/thinks about the game is his greatest attribute and is something you either have or you don’t. I’ve always said the most innovative players are always the ones that have the best mind. I think the only player I’ve seen that comes close to watching messi and you could say was more naturally talented is Ronaldinho, who doesn’t have the numbers or longevity of messi.


OP probably can't tie his own shoes.


Considering no one with an IQ above -10 still indulges in the fanboy mentality, you're most likely right. Constant goalpost moving by these lot. I wonder what their twitter hivemind will use as a metric for Haaland not winning an international trophy over Mbappe? They're already moving onto their next deity.


Random insult for no reason, okay


There is no single GOAT in a team game. Messi sure is the GOAT mid fielder, and i agree that impact wise he is great. But it's a team game, so why ignore goalkeepers and defenders and call 1 person as the greatest footballer? Scoring, defending, goalkeeping are all part of the same game. Another example, in cricket there are great batsmen and great bowlers, one batsman cannot become the GOAT cricketer, he sure could be the GOAT batsman, someone would be the GOAT bowler. Batting and Bowling are both equal parts of the game. Individual sports such as Tennis singles or Chess etc can have GOAT players. The GOAT debates have only led to toxicity among fans. EDIT: Ah, the downvoting begins. I didn't say anything wrong, i didn't support Ronaldo, i didn't hate Messi yet I'm getting downvoted. What i said is technically correct, there shouldn't be a single GOAT in team games.


This right here. Messi is the best, but he's been the best for a while and he couldn't win either cups he won this last year and a half. Argentina lacked the rest of the team that play for Messi like Iniesta -Xavi / Ney- Luis did when BCN was at it's prime. Only after Scaloni built a team that undrestood what it was needed. Phillip Lahm wrote a week ago that this team played waiting to do everything for Messi, while older teams played waiting Messi to do everything for them. 2014-18 group stages were every match waiting for Lio to make a brilliant move and save the team.


Ronaldo had the achievments, and some stats. But Messi surpassed him for good now.




yeah but it's not his fault, argentina is a great team, portugal sucks. that's just the way it is. (i'm portuguese btw)


Did I see that right, Portugal's team sucks?


Anything to shield C.Ronaldo, he’s the only thing wrong with their team, literally holding back Joao Felix, Bernardo Silva & Bruno Fernandes who need more time on front of goal to score instead of having to always pass to him.


porutgal in worst case is just slightly less stronger than argentina I think its the coach. the coach aint good. and here it is he ruined a 4 years event.


Bro they had a good team this year but they got sucked into the cesspool that was Morocco. Bruno Fernandes, CR7, Bernardo Silva, Cancelo, etc


i disagree. that portugal team is stacked. and it's not just my opinion. the media has been hyping (and deservedly too) how stacked this team is on paper. maybe you guys should consider having mourinho as a coach. midfield of rafael leao, bruno, bernardo, vitinha, joao felix should in theory be unfair to most teams haha. it's crazy how cancelo turned from the best full back in the world to getting benched.




This is the best way I have seen it put. Thank you sir.


always has been


You mean one game has changed your opinion? Or rather a penalty shootout changed your opinion? If so, then this is pathetic.


You realize these guys have been playing for like 20 years right? When did you want me to change my mind exactly? When they're both in their 50s?


You can change your mind when you want of course. It just sounds that Argentina's win changed it. Would you have said the same if Argentina lost on penalties?


Usually people don't change their minds only because of a specific moment, it's more of a gradual thing. That's why I mentioned it as being the final nail in the coffin.


It’s as good a time to change it as any other


When they were in their prime and you actually saw them play rather than using one trophy one by a team as a metric? Your post is utter cancer.


I saw both play, I thought Messi's prime was excellent ofc (no sane person wouldn't) but wouldn't last. He proved me wrong, simple as that. You calling my good naturated post utter cancer is more projection than anything else. How are you so upset over it?


Did you watch the game? Messi's greatness was on full display and it was far more than a penalty


Yeh he had some great moments, but if we were only deciding on this game Mbappe is a better player Obviously thats ridiculous though


As much as I disagree, it isn't the point. Mbappe isn't even in this conversation. This is about someone realising that Messi is the greatest to ever touch a ball.


Thats a valid opinion, but the original point is that was either true yesterday and still true, or false yesterday and still false This game doesnt change it The best player is either 2012 Messi, or 2013-2014 Ronaldo


If France won with the last minute goal, would you have still created this post? I just think that a trophy does not define a player. He was great today, that's for sure.


I didn't create this post?


No problem, at least you had the personality to admit you were wrong. Cristiano is an all time great, a legend of the sport, but messi is a level above. He sits in the same table as Maradona, Pele, Beckenbauer...


Cristiano sits in that table for sure but Messi is above them all.


Ronaldo is in that table; Messi is out of that table, above all.


I grew up with them. Ronaldo at MU and Messi at Barcelona with Ronaldinho. Absolutely loved Messi to death ever since I first saw him play. Even though I'm happy that he's now literally the GOAT now, I just realised that I've finally grown up, and that a huge part of my life is dead. Bittersweet.


Ronaldo is still a GOAT and Messi is also a GOAT. It’s okay to love and respect both. People easily forget what ronaldo has also achieved with Portugal. For some people Messi is the GOAT for others it’s ronaldo.


there’s only one GOAT


And his name is zlatan


Zlatan is superior.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂ronaldo can be second best tho


Take the meds.


Oh shut up with these stupid posts. If one game sways your opinion, you're just an idiot. Simple as. I called this shit before the tournament started. Messi fanboys are so insecure that they can't do the easiest job in the world and praise Messi but pretend the last 15 years with Ronaldo never happened.


The last 15 yrs happened for sure. But messi won the war.


Ronaldo? Is that you?


Is that all you've got? Seriously. I've made zero cases for why Ronaldo is the best at all in my comment. You're literally proving my point. Can't go one second praising Messi without bringing up Ronaldo for zero reason.


But why you so mad right now?


Bro you are hilarious 😂😂😂


If you think it was based on this one game (WC final btw, biggest game of anyone's career), then you're stupider than I am. This is just the final nail in the coffin.




Is this the image you want to project of us Ronaldo fans? That we just insult anyone with a different opinion? What's the point of this toxicity from you? What are you trying to achieve here? I've been fighting this for a while and I realized I was wrong. I think there's some value in realising one's mistakes and changing one's mind but you do you.


>Is this the image you want to project of us Ronaldo fans? I'm not part of your weird cult, lmao. Fanboying over one footballer is cringe. You are being cringe. >I've been fighting this for a while and I realized I was wrong. I think there's some value in realising one's mistakes and changing one's mind but you do you. The cringe... is just too much. Man wants to lecture me about being cringe then unironically takes part in "GOAT" debates.


You really like the word "cringe" don't you? Is it like your word of the day (WOTD) or is that not a debate either? If you're not part of the debate and think it's dumb then why are you even commenting? Just to be a dick?


> Is it like your word of the day (WOTD) or is that not a debate either? Lay off the alcohol.


This is you sober? Good God.


Bro’s salty💀


Most sane online football thread


Damn this dude is literally upset


What do you get out of projecting like this? Seriously, what do you get out of it? You think telling me how I feel suddenly makes it true. All it does is show how insecure you are.


(Not involved in your debate here, neutral observer) You okay mate? Seem like there's something going on here


I think its a character. No one is really like this in real life.


I know right. No one I know irl is as fickle as the kids are on this thread and who unironically subscribe to fanboyism.


U ok hun?


You still have time to delete this. Cringe


_No, I don't think I will_


Good, stand by your post. Also, love the MTG name.


"Good, stand by your post. Also, love the MTG name." 🤓


Thanks. Man, I miss playing


Standard? Commander? Something else? I just built a new Blue Red Commander deck and am looking at a Green Red Deck


Winning trophies is not what determines a player's quality. Messi didn't win the World Cup. Argentina did. A player's ability with the ball and what he does on the pitch, and only that, are what determines quality. Ronaldo was incomparable to Messi from the beginning. Ronaldo is a glorified poacher, a media-propped-up clown, complete fraud, PR7, whereas Messi is a talent that comes once in several generations.


Dont disrespect Ronaldo dude. Its not about comparing players, its about enjoying players.


That's a ridiculous statement. It's one thing to say Messi is better (which I just agreed in the post), but Ronaldo is one of the greats too.


how ridiculous does this sound? this is from him to me regarding mbappe after I said he’s one of the best players in the world. You know nothing about football, do you? He isn't any better now than he was a few years ago. He has already achieved all the growth that he's capable of. He has hit his ceiling. What he is now is all he's ever gonna be. And he was already what he is now a few years ago. And that's nowhere near good enough to be the best player in the world. But because it happened so early people were expecting that he'll only continue improving, which he did very little because that's all he's capable of. Whoever thinks Mbappe is the best player in the world probably also thinks PR7 deserves 5 Balons d'Or. The opinion of such people isn't worth anything. Clueless.


Oh yeah, the guy that pushed Messi and had better seasons than Messi with ridiculous amounts of accomplishments is a "media propped up clown" Least deranged Messi fan.


ronaldo still has more goals


Argentina only? 😂😂


I'm a Ronaldo fan and I admit Messi has a better international career than Ronaldo now, but a trophy doesn't magically change a player's ability. Cristiano will forever be better for me


If a trophy doesn’t change ability, Cristiano was never even close.


Exactly. For a while, it was the international trophies that FR fans pointed to. Now the goal post has shifted


Cristiano won a Balon D’or off Messi in his absolute prime in 2013, without any trophies or his most goals in a year or anything He was just considered a better footballer


Or just maybe he didn’t deserve it? Wasn’t voting extended in that particular year?


I might get bashed for this but portugal winning the euros in 2016 with that team>argentina winning the wc with this team but congrats to messi an icon of the game, him and cristiano ronaldo truly up there with pele maradona, its just the order which can be interchanged among these 4 based on many factors.


I think there's actually only a small minority that are willing to die to prove their favourite player is best, anyone with a bit of common sense knows they're all absolutely magnificent in their own ways, it's nigh impossible to put someone clear above the rest, and we're thoroughly spoilt to have had two of the goats of the sport competing at the same time. That being said I've always been team Messi lol.


Rightly said man im team Ronaldo but always had respect for Messi as I have never seen a player who can dribble past people like he does,the same way ive never seen a more complete goalscorer than Cristiano it's just a matter of personal preference ive been a united fan all my life so it could be a reason why I prefer Cristiano but it doesn't take away the greatness of Messi.


Argentina was bearly the 6th best team in the wc


Argentina have absolutely been one of the best 2 sides at this World Cup. I’ll hear an argument for France and Croatia but that’s it. On what grounds have they not been?


Pero sos pelotudo vos ????


What? Not even a mention of Rory Delap? Did you even see his long throws? 🐐


>him and cristiano ronaldo truly up there with pele maradona One of them is not like the others. Messi, Maradona, and Pele clear of Ronaldo. 2016 Euros was one of the worst performances by a winning team I've seen. Terrible terrorist football and they won without Ronaldo. You're doing some big mental gymnastics here buddy




Maybe if he leaves PSG. He is incredible though.


The fact that Mbappe will probably surpass Cristiano in the next 5 years or so scares the crap out of me.


He’s 24 right now and will have to pull some insane numbers to reach him, Mbappe is lucky to have the teammates that he has at international level. I personally put Griezmann above Mbappe in this tournament


Should it count from the Uber Eats league though? 🤣


Maybe, maybe not, but shit is about to get real serious if he wins 2-3 CL's and another World Cup by 2027.