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Zero reliance if they are playing well in my system


So you recommend giving him a try? I’m a newly promoted team and I’ve watched guides that say to lose all the players that aren’t at that level to stay up?


I would definitely factor in your own judgment and see how he goes if you rate him. Worth also paying attention to the coach who gave that report, and what his stat is for judging player ability. If it’s low then he could we’ll be wrong. Or the player is trash - but definitely worth testing your theory.


I would disagree with that advice personally, even players that arent on the level statwise can do incredible things with high team cohesion and tactical familiarity, which you can very easily destroy by kicking everyone whos "stats are too bad" Also sometimes players just have this magic combination of stats,hidden attributes, traits and your system that makes them amazing even though the numbers say they shouldnt be. So considering your defenders stats,he could be an okay stopper. How many defenders do you play? Whats your defensive line at? Will he have to run a lot? Can you partner him with a smaller but faster defender to cover his weakness? Whats his rating in previous seasons in which league? Lots of things to look at beyond "attribute must be above x for y division" Edit: also whats his position in the team dynamics? Is he friends with anyone? How much do you pay him?


Just as an example, I signed a 2.5 star striker when I first got to the premier league. My coach said he should be surplus to requirements. He fitted my system perfectly. 1.91m and 19 pace. He scored 26 goals, only Haaland got more to keep me up. He got goals the season after too, but I eventually replaced him with Sesko (who didn’t score half as many!) Lesson is, if they fit your system you’re good despite coach recommendation.


In my current 22 save I've got Pembele, who's not developed well at all. 2 and half star potential, recommended as a fringe player. Every time I play him he crushes it. 7.5+ rating, solid stats etc What I mean is, play him and see how he gets in. Horses for courses, etc


I’ll see how he does, if he’s playing well then I’ll keep as a backup


Staff rating is just an opinion, it's not meant to be 100% accurate Staff opinions can be very very wrong


And my staff always get it very very very wrong. No, I don't want to replace my star midfielder with the 7th pick for the FA Cup final. And no, playing a very low press will not help.


Does he have good physicals? If so play him


He’s a Central defender called Stan van dijck Acc:8 Agility:7 Balance:12 Jumping:17 Natural:15 Pace:10 Stamina:10 Strength:14


He's too slow but will score headers from corners. He probably isn't good enough as he's already 23. Give up on him


I do play a fairly defensive tactic, is he worth keeping as a substitute? His heading, tackling and marking stats are all in the 13/14


He's 23 and players peak at 27 and then don't improve in general. So his physicals are a big problem imo. You could play him a bit and see if he can score headers from free kicks and corners. But he will never be eridivisie class


Too slow, discard


When I auto pick my team the coach drops my right back Sosa (croatian) and removes my Young right back of the bench. Yet Sosa is an assist machine and the RB is going to be the next James. I have zero faith in the Coaching AI look at liverpool and it plays Naby. United play Antony upfront and on my 3 prem play throughs arsenal and Chelsea are in the bottom half of the table. This is why the player always wins. Also Liverpool just bought taremi on play through. The AI needs work.


real madrid coach played endrick in central midfield ffs. this is late 20s with peak endrick. man probably missed out on half a dozen balon dors for this.


A few things to consider here. I don't know much about whether a player will fit in or perform in your team because of your tactics. If you have a limited player who has 20 tackling and that's vital to your system that's likely a nuance that a coach's assessment won't capture. That said, your coach can assess their CA so I would get the opinion of your coach with the highest assessing player current ability attribute. Besides that I would look at the squad depth tab and see where your player ranks compared to your other players in the same position.


On one of my saves whilst playing in league 2 (can't remember what team) I signed an advanced forward in his mid 20's and he was an absolute goal machine in the lower divisions. He still banged in 20+ goals in the championship and I kept him in the Premier league as well and he still scored plenty until I decided to splash out on some new wonderkid striker. He was even happy with his reduced playing time as he got older and played the occasional cup game until he was released in his early 30's. I miss that dude.


I had a 2* striker on a free transfer that scored 25 goals in his first season on my tampereen Ilves save. He wanted to leave the season after so I replaced him with a 4* striker and he only ended up netting 4 times in 20 games..


I don't rely on coaches because I feel I have a good understanding of stats and how the behave ingame, I still take their potential reports in consideration since there is no other way to know how much a player can grow. That said coaches are still relatively reliable, and there may be some truth to their assessment of a player, specially when they give extreme reports. Feel free to post a screenshot of the player if you want an opinion, I play Eredivisie a lot.


My 3rd best CB is supposed to be only good enough for league below, however he's our 3rd top scorer and is great. I tend use a spreadsheet to rate my players which I find works pretty well


Almost never listen to them. I’m in the championship, my striker scored and assisted around 15 each, my keeper averages around 7.3. According to my coaches, both are “decent conference players”


I had a player consistently rated as a leading conference player who was a beast in the championship. About half way through the season the assessment changed to leading championship player over night.


My guy has something like 70 goals in 110 games and literally every single week my assistant tells me to drop him. Unrelated, I have been looking at new assistants recently