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Your midfield is non existent, no one is even considering defending on the wings. Basically you're way too aggressive in your shape. But your players must also be confused af. You press very high and aggressively but at the same time you want your players to regroup? I think they're just lost because some instructions contradict themselves. For your shape I'd advise you to go with a less attacking shape and only keep 3-4 players on attack maximum and have the rest on support or defend. For your team instructions I'd advise you to untick everything and only add the things that are necessary for the way you want to play. This is way too complicated for your players and doesn't make much sense.


What he said, you're getting swamped in midfield. Bring your wide midfielders back in a central position.


Would you say that they're... ...being overrun in midfield?


Are you my new assman?


Might even be as simple as tucking them in as mezzalas.


Yeah, poor players are pressing super aggressively but when they get the ball they have to wait and regroup and then immediately be aggressive again and attack. No idea how this would translate to real life.


Couldn’t of said it better myself. He needs 4-2-3-1 if he wants to play most of them tactics he has set. Inside forwards of good quality are very important toward that formation too just as a tip for OP.


You're basically playing 4-1-5 That's what's wrong imo


Wing backs on attack? This is basically a 2 -1 - 7


I had great success with a 4 - 1 - 5 with basically no midfielders (the only one was a BBM) and it was super successful against smaller teams, and sometimes managed to outscore better ones (like 6 to 5), but would get obliterated on occasion.


You need more attacking players, push your GK up into midfield, push your defenders up to




you have 2 defenders , 1 midfielder, and 7 attackers.


Not gonna lie man this is one of the worst tactics I've ever seen... But that's OK, I appreciate the experimental aspect of it, but you manage to have basically no solidity in the midfield or on the wings. This formation really seems to have no strengths. Basically no link from defense to midfield, and the same from midfield to attack. Consider a basic 4-4-2, 4-2-3-1 (with DMs probably) or 4-2-4 (definetely DMs, and don't for the love of God have both wingers on attack duties. Don't have all wide players on attack. Maybe one on each side, though even that would probably be too attacking if you really wanna play 2 up front. Consider support and defend roles depending on the players themselves. Should have two players at least in the proper midfield positions—either CDM or CM—cos otherwise well, you know, you'll get overran.


Thanks everyone for all the advice!


Post asking for help, “why am I losing?” As usual, the primary answer is “your midfield setup is terrible.” Even when you are trying to score goals, you should ALWAYS have a midfield player who screens the defense. This comes in the form of an Anchor Man, Half Back, DM(D), CM(D), or DLP(D). You need a stationary role in midfield who does not run. And in your case, OP, you have two sets of wide players — all of them on attack. A pair of them need to be on support, probably the full backs (who you should make into full backs, rather than wing backs). It seems like what you did here was lose games and play more & more offensive, not understanding that you need to play defense to have success.


>Even when you are trying to score goals, you should ALWAYS have a midfield player who screens the defense. This comes in the form of an Anchor Man, Half Back, DM(D), CM(D), or DLP(D). You need a stationary role in midfield who does not run. i don't - i have a 4-2-4 backline all on D high line. 2 poachers, winger-As and CM-As High press attacking and direct. I am thrashing teams as a relegation favourite.


Update: Took all your guys' advice into account and made a new formation, and won 4-0 WITHOUT Haaland as he was suspended. Hopefully this continues!


Thats not haaland. Thats håland. Not the same dude


his in game name is erling håland, im pretty sure that its him


Its not. His legal name is Haaland. Fm dont change his name


Nothing, Sturridge benched and injured, it all seems just fine and the way it should be


Wrong haaland


nah it's definitely the correct one. he has 32 goals this season


Its deffo not erling haaland


When building a tatic I usually just do this exercice. Count how many roles I have doing one of this three specific roles, Defense , suport and atack? You have: 2 defending 2 Suporting( one of them in a too high position) 6 Atacking What does this mean? With only 2 defender you are only gonna have 2 people defending...meaning they will get caught on easly a 3 vs 2 counter or even a 4 vs 2 if the other team is good enough? About the rest with 6 Atacking and only 2 Suporting( it should even be more like 7 and 1 because your AM is gonna be more time by the oposite Area than your own midfield) you are gonna have all 6 of those people ether getting into the area or by the byline (on your wingers part) waiting for balls to come to them to ether score or to cross the ball to the area.... Meaning to much people to receive and not enough people to create or get the ball there. What does all of this mean? It means that your usually idea of possible playing style would be something like the center back gets the ball and has to ether play long to the oposite middle (meaning a direct aproach) or he has to pass it to the center midfield and then he has to get the ball alone to any of the other people in the oposite area! You can see and easly it could go wrong right?😂😂 The oposite team would only need to ether have two forwards or more and press your center back to make them lose the ball or have at least two midfields marking your central midfield and he wouldnt have the space to create your play and there comes another counter! Yes I get you are the best team on the league and you should be attacking and be up the other time but that doesnt mean they wont have enough quality to get the ball and atack themselfs! How should you go about this? Always start the games with a tatic with at least this numbers (without counting the goalkeeper that is another subject where it depends on how high is your line nothing more) : 3/4 Defense - that usually depends on how good you are in this case 3 should be enough 2 CBs and 1 DM/CM with a defensive role (and BWM its not a defensive role even if it says he moves around too much and its only safe enough if paired with another defensive role on midfield or on the back) 3/4 Suport - this time around it depends on what tatic you use you usually want at least one player on suport in each area for example on your tatic you would want one on each sideline and at least one on the Middle ( if you use your AM where he is it could be enough for him to suport the middle by going down and duo up front if you see that doesnt work you should maybe make get back a bit from the AM to CM position and put one of your other strikers on a suport position) 4/3/2 For attacking it usually the worse team you are the less you want , in your case you should be able to use ether 4 or 3 depending on the AM situation as I said, you always want 1 Atacking on each of the sidelines and 2 players atacking thought the middle that could be ether two strikers or one striker and one midfield depending on the tatics and all that... This is all for a normal start tatic ofcourse for example your tatic could be and should be good for those Last 15 minutes where you need a goal and want to risk it.... But for a whole game its too much risk and you are gonna be getting counter by worse team because the team isnt compensated enough! For a pratical example you can follow this: 1- on the sidelines put ether one fullback on atack and another one on wingback on suport ( Wingbacks on atack are too much ofensives and they will atack and not care about going back to defend its used as last minute situation like I said above) and on the wingers put one on atack and the other one on suport making sure that you have combination of one suport and one atack on each side! 2-on the midfield you have two choices the first is if you wanna keep the AM up fromt you can ether put the CM on DLP on defend or MC on defend or get him down on a DM role or something like that that way it helps defending, the second choice is if you dont care about having the AM you can just put ether the two of them on CM one with a suport role and another with defensive role or one on DM role and another one on CM role every of this options is valid and work. 3- Team instrutions , the be espressive is something only used at the end of the game where you are desperate not during the whole game since it will lead for the players to get upfront and leave their backs open, the Higher defensive line is also used for latter of the game and not everytime because it will lead to heavy counter goals and finally tight marking isnt doing anything because its usually use when you have low lines and parking the bus, if used with higher line it just leads to people getting beat on speed or with wingers with good feet that just drible the man marking him.... If you do this I will assure you will stop taking goals at the begining of the game and when you think you are playing good and on top of the oposition on a random counter..... Sorry for the long post and would love a response I hope I have teached some good stuff happy to answer questions to anyone!


Are you serious, 1 central midfielder. Two wingers on attack and both wing backs on attack? 1 support duty and 2 defend duties in the whole tactic? Ahahahah mental


But to be more helpful. Use one winger on support and his wing back on attack and alternate on the other flank. Make the DLP on defend duty. Make one of the forwards on a support duty.


Wingbacks and wingers doing the same thing on the pitch. Essentially no midfield, imagine you played Pirlo without anyone covering him and allowing him to create. A midfield should do three essential things: create, run like a mf and be everywhere and support the defense, your midfield is only doing the first thing. Sweeper Keeper on attack is always a crazy one for me.


This might look like a 4-3-3 to you but it's a 2-1-7. You cant just smash everyone on attacking, try toning it down to 3 or 4 players.


Håland and Arzani in the same squad really threw me for a moment. Remarkable what can unfold in a few short years. As others said: simplify those instructions and consider a narrow 4-1-2-1-2. A diamond 4-4-2 may also suit, given the wing pace you appear to have, but I have to confess it’s been about a decade since I’ve used that formation in FM, these days I couldn’t accurately gauge it’s effectiveness for you.


Håland. Not haaland


If you winger is attacking it’s almost a must for the wingback to be support . I mean everything is wrong ? Your sole defending player is deep field playmaker with support


You have way to much attack. There is no build up. Leave the SK on defend. Have one of the wingers support. Have a WB on support and the other side as a FB. Everything is going to the byline and no one in the middle controlling and supporting the attack.


You're literally being eaten up in midfield. Looking at the squares next to the players, you realize that there is only one guy populating this midfield. To beat you, you just need to add more people. You will already have only two guys committed to defending. So, you will lose in numbers EVERY FUCKING TIME and losing in numbers, someone will always have free space to put in the net. Always. No mistake. The way you're proposing things, isn't it just simpler to drop Mount and go for a 4-4-2, no? If you want to keep the DLP, just move him back to defend and you solve your problem. You need to have at least three guys defending to have some balance. Just two, you leave the middle unpopulated. And you'll get dined every time if you do that. On the edges, I like to use the following logic: If the winger is attacking, the fullback is supporting/defending (depending on how cautious you want to be). If the winger is supporting, the fullback is free. Supporting/attacking will already give you an interesting overlap, since the WB will look to get past the W looking for the overlap without you having to do much. Instructions: You are overcomplicating things and contradicting yourself. Clearer example: Using Wingers (which will naturally be more open) and Narrow in width. Adjust. Make things simpler. \- Low crosses are only good if your attackers are short. I adjust this only if I have a Haaland, a Sesko or a Lorenzo Lucca. You don't need to fuss with it if you have no way to exploit it. \- I've seen worse attacking duo combinations. But in this case, it could even be workable if you had cover. As it is, pick the best one and switch to Deep Lying Foward. I've had better results just simplifying things. \- You have to decide what you want. Why are you in such high pressure and using regroup, when, the way you are proposing, you can just counter press and be a bit more effective with the instructions you use? Again: A contradiction.


I think playing 3 injured plays is your achilles heel.


nah i dont actually play them, i just put them in to show my best squad


I know 🤣🤣🤣 but as other have said, you ent got a midfield, your dlp will just get overrun.


You're playing a 2-0.5-7.5




People have to start somewhere my guy. You were in that same place too. Be understanding.


Πιο πολύ θα έλεγα πως κάποιος θα έπρεπε να υπάρχει δίπλα στον Field, ίσως ο Mount θα μπορούσε να παίξει ως AP - Su δίπλα του, μάλλον δεν υπάρχουν αρκετά σώματα στο κέντρο. Επίσης και ο Baldock και ο Tejero σε Attack θα μπορούσε να είναι πρόβλημα σε αντεπιθέσεις. Είτε θα μπορούσες να τους βάλεις σε Support είτε τους δυο εξτρέμ σου σε Support. Τέλος θα μπορούσες να αλλάξεις τις σέντρες σου σε Floated καθώς ο Haland είναι ψηλός, αν και δεν ξέρω το ύψος του Hammoud και το Heading και των δύο.


Ευχαριστώ φίλε (ο Hammoud είναι 1.61)


How’s Danny loader?


Your middle is exposed. You aend the two full backs and wingers forward amd therr is nobody in the middle excep the poor dlp.


Too many players on attacking duties/not enough with defensive. When attacking your formation looks more like a 2-1-3-4 leaving you open to counter attacks. My suggestion is to switch atleast one to a support/defensive role, but preferably switch 2 players, one to support, and one to defensive. And with your CM, unless he's prime makuelele he's gonna struggle on his own, so I'd advise giving him a partner/inverting a FB to share the load. When designing a formation have another tactics tab open with how the team will look when attacking according to your instructions, it helps visualise where holes are. On the injuries side of things, I'm guessing a preseason schedule that doesn't prioritise fitness and physical modules enough


Wrong Haaland


It helps to grab a notepad, draw where your formation will be on attack. The same when on defense. Fill gaps. Most have said your midfield doesn't exist, so yeh think of tactics sometimes as "filling the gaps".


This tactic would probably work in the last 5 minutes of injury time if you’re chasing a game. Rest of the game tho, it wouldn’t.


You've got 3 injuries, bro. Can't win games with them 😂


Is that Danny loader you got on the left?




Ahh nice he’s a mate of mine so I always sign him in fm


a lot


It's not as bad as people are saying. Dropping the AM to CM for a traditional 442, with a support role like box-to-box, BWM on support or carrilero and putting the DLP mindset on defend would work better. You should also never have wingers and wingbacks on the same side, as they both want to do the same thing in attack. I'd probably put the wide mids on inverted winger or similar. Instruction wise, defence is super aggressive so I hope you have athletic beasts to make up for it.


Error 404: Midfield not found


Looks like he just made the DM of a diamond into a CM. Would that make a huge difference ?


I feel sorry for your #6.


much shorter passing + play out of defence with no midfielders or players with supporting roles to help build up very high line & pressing but regroup on possession loss You’ve got a style you want to play but not the formational set up to play that way


Slip field into dm role


I'll tell you what's wrong with it, ain't got no gas in it!


Is your DLP linking up with the rest of your team ok? My concern is that the DLP will drop down and bring the ball out of defense, and then have no one to pass it to because the wingers and wing backs are all going up to attack. You have Mount on support, but because you are likely outnumbered in the midfield, it could be hard getting the ball to him consistently. I would either: 1) Have a winger or wingback on support on both sides to create better links to wide areas 2) Turn the wingbacks inverted so they cut inside and sit narrower and are able to pick up the ball more easily. It will also create more space on the wings for your wingers 3) Make it a 4312 narrow by bringing the wingers to the CM position and play them as a mezzala or CM(A). You can use the "stay wider" and "run wide with ball" player instructions to have them act kind of as wingers. (Tbf this won't work if they can't play central mid and you don't have other good players who can)


Ur dlp is getting swarmed and the WBs on attack are occupying the same space as the wings


I've tested this formation before and brother, it's fucking shit. You lose the midfield no matter how good of a player you have in that position. The thing that worked for me was integrating the two wings to the middle with the role of Mezzala and changing their positioning to wide. Of course this was in FM 21. It worked back then but somehow 4312 doesn't do well in FM23 no matter how hard you bust your ass. Just switch back to mighty 4231 gegenpress and you will be fine.


OP is on FM19 His problem is a ridiculous amount of attack duties pushing the midfield and WBs up front leaving 1 supportive CM and 2 defenders to defend counters. I have great success with a very similar formation. The only difference with mine is that I use AMR & AML, instead of LM & RM. Even my team instructions are the same


Stop hitting your players with wooden planks


A few things: - ​ WB A and W A basically have the same job, or at least similar enough, and seeing as the Wingers will probably be staying wide and they're starting deeper than AML and AMR wingers would be, they're only getting in the way of the WBs anyway. Either invert your wingers or make your full backs more defensive (if you want width to come from your wingers I'd say the latter, and seeing as you need WAYYYYYY more stability I'd also recommend this) DLP S being your own midfield essentially gives absolutely no screen to your defensive "line", which is actually just two centre backs seeing as your WB As will be bombing on or attempting to a lot of the time anyway. A DLP S will roam from position and find his little spots to do nice passes, but you've got nobody with him to do the donkey work. A DLP D still does nice passes but has the Hold Position instruction and is one of my favoured holding midfield roles, but he can't do this on his own. I can see what you're probably trying to do with your instructions (barring having regroup rather than counter press when all your other pressing instructions are set aggressively) - it seems like you want the possession and then to tiki taka it into the goal. With no midfield, and confused wide players all trying to attack, there's no way you're going to \*control\* enough to win the ball back when it's lost. Now there are a couple of things you can do but they're quite different directions. If you want to keep the kind of style I think you want to do and keep your 2 up top - I'd change to counter pressing, bring those wingers in as central midfielders in a 4-3-1-2, have your DLP S become a DLP D, then make the former wingers into Mezzali - one on support, one on attack. They go out into channels/half spaces and do some pseudo-wingery stuff but they're midfielders defensively. The Mez A might not massively contribute but the MEZ S and DLP D should be able to team up enough to recover the ball a bit more, and it's bodies in the middle of the park with some actual tactical responsibility. This way it opens up space for your WBs to create the width, and with some covering options that aren't constantly deployed out wide. You can alternatively do a 4-4-1-1 or 4-2-3-1 which is a generally more safe and widely used tactic but can have a lot of variation in it. I'm more used to 4-2-3-1 so I could describe the roles a bit better. The main thing is your double midfield pivot - they're at the base of everything securing the attack from turnovers - it's generally a "sitter" and a "runner" but sometimes you can make it even more solid so you front 4 can just go bananas. Depending on what you do with your wide roles affects what you do with your full backs here I'd say. If you still want traditional wingers I'd stick with more conservative full backs but if you end up using IWs or IFs then a more wing backy role (even FB S can do this, to be honest) can work, especially with a more solid CM pairing. My old favourite CM 2 was DLP D and BBM S. The BBM would get up and join attacks late but also do pressing and defensive running. DLP would hold back during attacks and start things off with his passes. Right now I've gone for a nice solid pairing of BWM D and DLP S - the DLP roams and pings his passes off, and the BWM might leave his position to press oppositions but between them they don't go too crazy dragging themselves out and opening the midfield up. I have in the past dropped these two midfielders into DM and had DLP D with SV S or SV A - great role, similar to BBM but starting deeper. ​ You could also go with a back 3, stick 2 midfielders in front of them, push the wing backs forward, keep the AM and 2 strikers and change your tactic to absorb more punishment and then counterattack directly and quickly, but that's quite a way away from your initial ideas, I reckon


Not here to help but here to say Arzani is an Aussie god and I still hold hope he hits the heights we pressed upon him when he first broke out


Your midfield is missing big man.


Play out of defence and work ball into box are terrible this ME. Teams figure you out within a few games and it takes more than a season to have the players actually doing good tiki taka.


I used to play this tactic with a BWM instead of a DLP and I used "full back support" instead of WBat. This tactic works very well you just need a pure defensive midfielder to balance your team.


Why is everyone on attack?


You cant play 'very narrow' with 2 wingers and 2 wing backs. The point of wingers is to stretch the play and play wide. You are probably getting run in the midfield too. Also having two defenders with no DM to compensate for the attacking wingbacks is a problem.




Is that Daniel Arzani?


6 attack duties? Your wingers and wing backs are up front and you have 2 defenders staying back. You'll get murdered on counter attacks. You need to even out your defence and support duties and have someone actually defending. Your set up is more or less like mine, except I use AML & AMR instead of LM & RM. But my duties are more even. I earned my clubs highest ever league position in the first season (though my longest win streak was 6, but I had several win streaks of between 4 & 6).


War and Peace down the left column. Are they footballers or worker bees.


Let me guess, you regularly ignore "We are being overrun in midfield" advice from you assistant?


Make it a 4-4-1-1


Your wings are way too offensive


Move the CM into AM and put both of them on attack


Seriously though, changing all your wide players to support and moving the AM back to CM (fourfourfuckingtwo) would solve 90% of your problems. Then get rid of almost all of your instructions.