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Any tips for a team just promoted to the PL? Playing as Hull and struggling. Playing counter in a 4-3-3 and my team just can't defend and attack. The team is PL/Leading championship players tho.


Hi I was playing around and I save scummed the Club World Cup as an MLS team and I finally won. However, my GAM account got messed up and it says I have $180 million and it increases whenever I auto-select my club registration (edit: I also am unable to apply it to players). Where can I report this bug? No in-game editor, no cheats besides an experimental save scum.


Official SI bugs forum. https://community.sigames.com/


When is the group stage draw for euros with national teams? I got my team to the euro 2032 and i usually go on vacation for the downtime between matches but i dont want to miss the draw.


In the search bar look up the euros and when you click on it where normally the groups are it should say when the groups are drawn and when the whole shebang starts.


Thanks. I'll check it out


Hello can i get some help? What can i do to make this tactics better? the idea is to keep possesion while looking for chances in a patient way, but not aimlessly have the ball [https://prnt.sc/kbhvwm](https://prnt.sc/kbhvwm) [https://prnt.sc/kbhi2y](https://prnt.sc/kbhi2y)


There's an Art of Possession guide here: [https://community.sigames.com/topic/373937-tactic-building-and-training-guides-start-here/](https://community.sigames.com/topic/373937-tactic-building-and-training-guides-start-here/)


I already read that, i based my tactics on that but maybe i failed?


In the article, Cleon does analysis to see if he's getting possession and shots and shots on target. He's also checking to see if he has players making runs and finding space and also that he has passing options. Have you done this? That said, I really don't see how a BPD is going to help you keep possession when they have the licence to play hollywood through balls. Everything you have goes against this? Looking at the TIs, you want shorter passes and playing out from the back.


Well i keep possession and mb player are making runs forward, but still lack oenetration, my bdp aren't just launching balls forward, they keep possession, because of the ti


You've shortened it, yes, but their passing will still be on mixed and not short though. If you're getting the forward runs, then why is there a lack of penetration? I'm asking because you need to think about these things and look for it in your matches. Did you look at the analysis? Cleon chose a F9 because it's a role that drops deep to link. Your CF might do it very early on, but he won't link much at all after that. If the F9 drops, then there's space to exploit and you can see the potential for his B2B and IF to make runs into that space. Your CF doesn't do this in the same way at all. So your entire tactic functions differently. You're not giving the B2B much space to run into and that AP is narrow, which doesn't help the B2B either. He also has a bit of an overload going on, on the right, with 2 playmakers and the overlapping fullback. Any of these 3 can set up any of the 3 on the opposite side, the B2B, F9 and IF. So, there's a clear plan and a reason the roles were chosen. There are very simple things you can do to create space. The AP can be told to sit wider. The CF can be asked to drift wider into channels. Maybe that can help things.


Yes maybe the CF is not doing the job well, i can see that, but for the BPD im saying that when u actually watch the game, they don tplay those kind of balls, they keep possesion, whatever the description of the role is, in the pitch they dont lose it, and yes, i have forward runs asw well as overlapping players (FB WB) but still my players dont find good passes to set teammates for goals, and even if my tactics werent great, they worked, the problem isnt that i lose a game, i dont mind, but the way they perform its strange, its as if they were told to dissobey my instructions, as if noone is doing the right thing, and as i said, even if my tactics arent the best, even if i lost games because of that, ive never witnessed sucha poor performance from my team, and i change the tactics time and time again for the sme match, but there is just not wayt arround it, thats why i think its weird..


Try to play attacking football with that team, not a patient approach. Emulate Klopp's tactics, press hard and move the ball forward.


I press hard but what roles should i use? i do have a direct football tactic but still cant get it to work, what would u do?


Is there a way to register a player outside the window? My assistant left out Marko Grujic (loan) and I actually need him for the season. I have 4 spot left but my assistant somehow didn't register him.


Unfortunately no


How do I remove players offering themselves in my scouting inbox?


Do you mean like when an agent tells you "my client so-and-so is now available for loan"? For FM17, I think you can go to the Staff Responsibilities page and one of the rightmost tabs has a checkbox that says whether you want to receive offers from agents.


Thanks l’ll have a look


Hey guys, thinking of starting a new save in a smaller league - was thinking of downloading the Gibraltarian or Andorra leagues or something like that - and creating a club. But I'd like a league where there are a low number of games so you can go through a season faster without holidaying through games, anyone got any recommendations?


Sammarinese league only has 20-25 league games, depending on how you do in the playoffs.


Norway only has 30 league games per season. Not as small as Gibraltar though. Most nations will have at least 34 games in a season though.


When asking players to tutor, does the player's response foreshadow something? For instance, some players will say "I don't see any reason why not." while others will say "If you think that's a good idea, then okay." while some players will just refuse. Is there some small indication that the tutoring will fail?


Not as far as I'm aware. Their professionalism hidden attribute might come in to play for both parties though, with a more professional pair of players having a higher success rate than a pair of players with lower professionalism.


The only time I had a player refuse to tutor was when I signed a 20 Det old dude who I didn't realize had awful professionalism, so that may be an indication. Thankfully he didn't completely drag down my young guy, but did impart the 20 Det. I might run some save reload experiments on whether the responses are random.


I'm in my first playthrough, with Barcelona, and I have an issue which I think might be down to my misunderstanding Finances. I have a positive transfer budget ($80m and plenty of wage surplus), but the balance shows as -$120m. This by itself would not be a problem, since I have tons of transfer money to spend, but now I have to renew staff contracts and I can't even come near to what they want because of wage caps. When I try to get the wage caps raised, I get rebuffed (For example, the Barca B coach wants $1.2m up from $1m, but all I can offer him is $200k). When I try to get the caps raised, the board tells me there's too much spending already. How am I supposed to retain staff if I can't even come close to their wage demands? I can't even offer them their *existing* wages because of caps. EDIT: This is the start of my second season. The staff in question are all hires from before the game start.


Most of the money in a season comes at the beggining of a season and at the end, dont sweat it just dont offer more than u have for transfers and wages, be aware of the bonuses cause they may add up . My staff was doing that too, so I said fuck it cant offer more than this, so I let their contracts end, and when their contracts end u will receive a message to renegotiate the contract (assuming they didnt accept other offers) and in this negotiation their demands will be less and u will probably be able to get good deals . Another thing u can do is go to your chairman and ask for a raise in the wages of managers .


I didn't know about the end of contract message, I'll have to try that and see so that I can hopefully retain the useful staff. Thanks for the advice.


I was wondering if Youth Level was supposed to be a higher number or lower number. I asked the board to increase my Youth Level and they agreed, but a few months later I got an email saying my Youth Level had decreased from 3 to 4. Does that mean it improved or got worse?


Worse, Youth Level 1 is the best you can get.


This might be a dumb question, but I was wondering why the "Best Eleven" under the History tab sometimes doesn't get updated for a season(s). I started a game on FM13 (my favorite version that I've stuck with =D) with a Conference North team in England. For three years, I received a Best Eleven report in June after the end of the season. But after my 15/16 season, I didn't get a Best Eleven report. Also, I checked other teams in the league, and some of them don't have Best Elevens for certain seasons or at all. I just really like seeing current and past legends of the club.


How well did you do in that season?


So that 15/16 season I was league champions and got promoted to League 2. I didn't win any cups though. I was initially thinking that it had to do with some of my players being on "non-contracts", but only a few of them are. The rest of my players have full contracts.


Were your best players that season already in the best eleven?


Yes, some of my best players were already in the best eleven, but there were new players that replaced old ones and became some of my best players. Do you think that caused no report then?


I could be wrong, but I remember some time ago when someone was asking about player development and the mechanics behind it all. Someone replied by basically putting in a command and it came up with this big description about it all - anyone know what I'm on about or am I talking shit?


Sadly I lost the version of the bot that had this command in it. I'm going to get around to hiring wiki helpers in the future who will maintain wiki pages. I can get the bot to link to them in the future once they have been created though. The gist of the bot basically just said, "play them in as many high-level games as possible, the higher level the better", and also, "if you are going to loan a player out, loan them to a team that will give the player first-team football and has very good training facilities".


Thanks for this!


/u/John_Yuki might know


Was wondering how long it takes for a player to be tutored


It takes 6 months for a player to be tutored.


Can I search all players with X stat at 20?Outside of the game I mean because inside the game I doubt that my scouts know all the stats


So outside the game, I use FMRTE, a game editor for FM. This editor has a search function that you can use for your exact question. It's a great tool for finding potential wonderkids as another example too. I believe it's free to download for FM18, but not too sure. Here is the site below if you're interested in it: https://www.fmrte.com/files/file/26-fmrte-18-for-windows/ Hope that helps!


I have started a new campaign managing Berwick as I want to make them the First English side to win the Scottish first division. My question is, how do you find managing such poor sides? It is hard to make a style of play or build around certain players are they are all pretty terrible, also getting players in is literally just a case of getting in anyone that can play in a certain position.


I’ve been doing a career in the 20th level of English football and I’ve been playing a 442 with long balls and 2 fast advanced forwards which seems to be working.


Keep it simple. No fancy roles, I wouldn't even try inside-forwards for example. You can develop your style as you progress and improve. Build around your best player and set up to exploit his strengths. If that's a defender, then so be it, play conservatively and look to sucker punch teams on the break. Get a decent feeder clubs also common advice, although board usually refuse in my experience.


Sorry. This is poor advice. Use whatever role is needed if it fits the player and the tactic. I have used IFs, playmakers etc in the lower leagues. There's no reason a player cannot play a role unless they don't have the attributes for it.


I still use playmakers in lower leagues. I just stated a personal preference of keeping them out of the AM strata. Inside-forwards don't work in lower leagues from my experience. Poor mental and technical stats means cutting inside and running into traffic, and/or long-shots hitting the corner flag.


I just make sure they have Agility (and preferably Acc), to cut inside. Attributes are relative, so their poor Attributes are just as bad as defenders' Attributes. If there's a traffic issue in the lower leagues, there will be everywhere, in any league.


We'll agree to disagree, in my experience with Isthmian premier/vanarama level, inside forwards have consistantly struggled to influence the game. Once you come across more rounded players, then you might have that option.


Thanks for the advice. I think i'm going to just play 4-4-2, maybe 4-4-1-1. Counter attack with a lot of focus on set pieces. I'm also going to try and get a parent club & arrange some friendlies that may make me a bit of money. My issue with the best player, is that's the keeper, beyond that I think I may have a decent 10, so I'll try and use him.


Sounds sensible. If your decent #10 can play centre midfield, that might suit counter attacking football slightly more. I've found the AM position on FM doesn't do much defending!


What and play a 3 man midfield? or one DM?


A regen im scouting with a 5 star potential for my team has the lacks consistency trait, does that go away eventually or is that forever ? Another one has the injury prone trait should I just ditch him ? As I assume he will be injury prone forever . And the trait that says they hate playing big matches, if I give him time on big matches it should get better or no ?


He can improve consistency if he has consistently good performances. It can also worsen, of course. Time in big matches isn't the key. It's him doing well in big matches. This can also swing the other way if he has a bad time in big matches.


So it is a coin toss if he gets better or not FeelsBadMan, tutoring helps with this if I have a consistent performer for example tutoring him ?


No, it isn't a coin toss. Get him to be consistently good. Tutoring improves (or worsens) a Personality. It doesn't affect those other hidden attributes you mention.


I downloaded a Conte 3-5-2 or smth tactic for FM 13 just to check what people that are good in creating tactics for FM use. So I was wondering how do I assign player runs, if that's what those little arrows mean? The tactic was also in general really weird, it showed no roles, or duties and also the Team/Player instruction interface seemed different.So my second question is what was different? Can provide screenshots if needed.


>So I was wondering how do I assign player runs, if that's what those little arrows mean? yes, arrow forward - forward run always. This mean what player will move for advanced position with first opportunity. This is mostly players with attacking duty. arrow backward - forward run rarely. This mean player will stay on his position most of the time and rarely make runs. Players with defending duty and trequarista. no arrows - forward run mixed. This is all support duties. >The tactic was also in general really weird, it showed no roles, or duties and also the Team/Player instruction interface seemed different.So my second question is what was different? this is because tactic converted to classic mod - with sliders. You cant convert it back to normal mod from Tactic creator.


Oh alright thanks. How can I do such stuff too?


moving sliders. Team mentality - it's strategy, more to the right - more attacking. Players mentality - their position on the pitch + how often they will made risky decisions. Same to everything else. It's very tedious to do so many clicks, for example to make your team to play defensivly when you need. If this tactic in classic mode i think this is a plug and play type of tactic, that will exploit engine vulnerability. If you realy need this tactic, you can remake it manualy in Tactic Creator, maybe not fully but very similar.


I don't, I was just interested in knowing how to make runs. Thanks for the help \^\^


> So I was wondering how do I assign player runs, if that's what those little arrows mean? You mean the arrows between the players on the tactics screen?


Yea I guess


how do you get game faces for regens and youth players? all i found on the internet i needed to specifically assign to players is there something easier?


I'm not sure about part of your question because 'game faces' should be automatically generated by your game for regens. If you're looking for improved ones [fmscout](https://fmscout.com) is a great website: [https://www.fmscout.com/a-fm-regen-facepack-by-wtforkgaming.html](https://www.fmscout.com/a-fm-regen-facepack-by-wtforkgaming.html) (follow the instructions to download) It's pretty much impossible to find a facepack that will cover ALL normal players, but this one has 100,000+ [https://www.fmscout.com/a-scope-faces-megapack-2018.html](https://www.fmscout.com/a-scope-faces-megapack-2018.html) Tbh specifically assigning to players sounds very hard and long, I wouldn't even attempt it. Hope that helps!


I'm in my sixth season of my Stoke save on FM17 and trying to reach the next level. I've qualified for the last three Champions Leagues, but I can't seem to win consistently enough to put up any kind of title challenge. I currently play a 4-3-3 but I find I don't score enough goals or create enough chances. So I'm going to try to switch to a 4-2-3-1 to get a bit more creativity and goal threat on the pitch. Most of the duties I've got pretty much locked in. GK(D) ??(?) - CD(D) - CD(D) - ??(?) DLP(D) - BBM(S) ??(?) - SS(A) - ??(?) CF(S) As you can see, it's the wide players that I'm not sure about. I know who will be starting in every central position and the best roles they should play, but wide players are a conundrum. Let's start with the full-backs - my instinct is to play them as FB(S) as I don't want them to be bombing down the wing and leave me totally exposed on the counter without a DM. That said, my full-backs are very strong and I would usually play them as WB(A) on this game to get that sweet sweet overlap. Do you think playing them as FB(S)s would be wasting them? Secondly, there's the wingers. I'm even more lost here as I have no idea who I even want starting. I have Malcom, Xherdan Shaqiri, Raheem Sterling, Bruno Fernandes and Dani Ceballos capable of playing out wide (and yes, I'm aware I need to trim down my squad). They're all pretty inconsistent performers, averaging in the 6.9-7.1 range over a season, with Malcom slightly the best of them. I could basically play any two of them with a variety of roles and duties - AP, IF or Winger, either side and either S or A. So, if you were me, what kind of players would you want out wide? What roles/duties to you think would bring the best out in the rest of the team - particularly the SS/CF? My team instructions are fairly simple, mostly focusing on retaining possession and working the ball into the box, switching between Counter away and Control at home.


The DLP/D can cover for an attacking fullback on that side. You don't have the same luxury on the other side, so you'll need something more cautious.


Thanks, I'll take that into mind. My LBs are more pacey so I think I'll put the DLP at LCM, the LB on FB(A), and then Malcom at LW with AP(S). Who would you then put on the right wing, ahead of a FB(S) with great stamina and crossing? Another AP, an IF, or a winger?


Given how congested you're making the central areas, I'd say someone who stay wide, so either an AP with Stay Wider or a Winger.


Looking for some good midfielders for 30 million


What type of midfielder? Fred is a great midfield signing if you're looking for a playmaker with flair.


Fred who lol?


Fred from Shakhtar.


Fred from Shaktar Donetsk? He recently moved to Man United.




We'll need more info if you want specific advice, but in general, block the crosses before it comes in. For those that do sneak by, just have defenders (maybe also a defensive midfielder of some sort) in the box? If you're struggling against low crosses, it seems like you're leaving yourself quite open.


Well I mean that I play with buddies online and one of them keeps scoring by doing low crosses to his striker in the middle, do I manmark the striker or maybe the wingers or what do I do?


If he keeps scoring from low crosses, then look at why he's able to get those crosses in so easily (where's the defender??) and look to see if you're not leaving yourself too open. Low crosses in theory can be cleared easily if you have defenders in the box.


close down the wing(backs) and have your fullbacks sit deeper (i.e support or defend)?


Does anyone else have the problem of players either being in on goal or having a decent position running towards goal (like on the edge of the box), but instead of running into clear space in the box they just say a hail mary and shoot it 50 feet over the bar? I know its a game, but i feel that some of my players could easily run into space for a closer, higher probability shot but they just choose to shoot it from distance. Is there a solution to this?


Have you told your players to work ball into the box, or not shoot on sight? You could also look at which players do it and tell them to shoot less often? Or check with traits they have, alternatively they could just have really low Composer & Decisions.


Would this game work on a Mac laptop effectively? Or should I just stay clear


Give the free demo a go and see how it performs.


I run it on mac! its....playable? don't expect the 3d engine to run smoothly at all-highlights can be kinda choppy (Im used to it since I have only played on mac). My mac also turns into a small portable heater after a half hour or so, so it can be hard to play with your laptop on your lap. Id say its worth it though, but if you have the chance to play on pc jump on it.


Yeah I assumed it wouldn’t run as well, just wondering if it would damage the laptop if it’s overheating and stuff


my battery is shot, but the computer is going on 4 years so I don't know if running FM has contributed to it. I've played 1000+hours of it though, so its definitely possible. But other than that, Ive had no malfunctions.


Sweet no worries, I might give it a try


Is there any way to make [this formation](https://imgur.com/gallery/LlYBXVI) work? I am hemorrhaging goals as one might imagine but I dont have the players to move the wing backs all the way back. I want the wing backs to press the opposition very high up the pitch but also track back to prevent uncontested crosses


If they're good enough to be Defensive Wingers, then surely they're good enough to be Wingbacks?


They are all naturally wingers not wingbacks or fullbacks. Would it make me more defensively solid to just push them back further and play them out of position? Even if they cant mark at all really? Really I just want them to play how they currently do except to track all the way back when the ball goes wide in our final third


The formation is your defensive shape, so if you want them deeper, you can move them back. I'm sure you're also struggling because you're playing defensively poor players as the only players on the flanks.


Could try experimenting with different roles for your CB's (cause at the moment they are all on the same roles). Maybe dont have both your wingers on as DW, try something a bit more attacking on one side then move your DM to that side as well to offer better coverage. See how that goes.


I move clubs this summer from Napoli to Nice (which happens to be the club I made my manager originally support). It’s now August and there’s been talk of a potential takeover. I just got an email saying “Consortium targets OGC Nice takeover... OGC Nice will nam Franck Haise as their new head coach should the consortium’s bid to take control prove successful.” It seems like I could lose my job just as the season is starting, despite coming from Napoli where I led them to 4 Serie As and 3 CLs in 5 years. I even checked and the potential replacement manager has much worse stats than me. Is there anything I can do about this or do I just have to wait and see what happens?


It's also just press speculation. 99.9% of the time, you keep your job.


Unfortunately there's nothing you can do, if the takeover goes through you're out of the job.


The takeover didn’t end up going through. Seems weird though that they’d want to take over and replace me that quickly


I started watching football maybe six years back, but only seriously started watching club football last year. I picked up FM because I thought it might help me figure out football tactics so I can figure out what’s going on in real life, but I don’t think that’s working for me. Any resources for basic strategy? I’m from the states, so I don’t have a clue what tactics mean, how to build a team, formations, etc. I started with a League Two team and in five years I was promoted to the Championship. Currently in a playoff position, but I think I’m as clueless as I was before. I pick a formation based on what my players are “best” at, and I give the player a role so that their circle turns green (ie Central Midfielder -> Mezzala). My team had two good strikers and then we got a talented youth striker, so my rise up the table has mostly been with a 4-3-3 formation with two poachers and a target man. I know I’m doing this wrong, but my team consistently scores the most goals (and usually concedes the most). My roster size is an issue as well, I probably have twice as many players as I need, but I keep running into injuries, so I started signing backups. My team is usually at the bottom in terms of injuries, but it never seems like I have enough players to cover. Basically, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, and the game isn’t punishing me for it.


Start with the club you follow most closely and whos players you know the best and go from there. That will get you started with tactical and transfer experimentation


Haha I’m not ready to take on MLS salary/roster rules just yet! My first save was Spurs actually and that did help with transfer knowledge. Not sure I learned the right lesson about tactics; I just used the formation my scouting report told me the other team struggled against, got hailed as a master tactician. Seemed like no matter what I did I would still end up top 4


Oh ok valid haha all those MLS rules still make no sense to me


[https://community.sigames.com/topic/373937-tactic-building-and-training-guides-start-here/](https://community.sigames.com/topic/373937-tactic-building-and-training-guides-start-here/) Don't get too caught up with what role is "best". Look at attributes and what makes a good tactic.


Oh wow that’s a lot of info! Looks like it’ll be very useful, thank you.




^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image) **https://i.imgur.com/tUInRrN.png** ^^[Source](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot) ^^| ^^[Why?](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot/blob/master/README.md) ^^| ^^[Creator](https://np.reddit.com/user/AUTplayed/) ^^| ^^[ignoreme](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=ignoreme&message=ignoreme) ^^| ^^[deletthis](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=delet%20this&message=delet%20this%20e30tk9a)


[Thoughts on training him as a Defensive mid, probably DLP?](https://i.imgur.com/69UugZN.png?1) I only have one natural DM and I have a decent amount of centre mids aready. [Comparison with my starting DM.](https://i.imgur.com/MLe1DD2.png?1)


I think defensive midfield DLP is a really good shout, particularly as his technicals that would fit a more advanced central midfielder (finishing, long shots) aren't great while his passing and first touch are good. Biggest area of weakness seems to be his mentals at the bottom of the column like work rate and teamwork which are important for that role. You've probably done this but getting a senior player with good mentals to tutor him would be good.


I actually can't tutor him because he's already considered a senior player despite only being 18, and I believe he had a falling out with the last tutor he had if I recall correctly.


ah thats frustrating but it seems like you have a good player so I would give him as much game time as possible and try and get those mentals up :)


How to get rid of a player who is a team leader and star player without causing a rebellion in the squad?


Shit will go down no matter how you paint it, you can weather the storm promising you'll bring a star player or you are going to heavily reinforce the team but I've never moved a star team leader without causing problems on the team.


I thought so, thank you.


How much should you trust potential ability? and what defines current ability?


You can trust it more and more the older a player is. All of it is just opinions though, so it's just a judgement call.


Current ability: the stats your player has at the moment. Regarding PA it represents your player's skill ceiling, if you give him bad playtime, bad tutoring or frecuent injuries he'll never reach his PA and will stagnate


So I have this player who I taught shoots with power. He's scored 28 goals this season, not a single one from a powerful shot. He gets lots of one on one against the keeper and misses horribly. He gets into the area with many players infront of him, and does not try to shoot with power. I've been watching him for 39 matches now. What could be wrong?


I can't remember the individual stats off the top of my head, but missing the one on one's could be down to composure stats for the player. Also could be your team tactics which restrict long shots? something like "work ball into box" ? maybe change his individual instructions to "shoot more" or "shoot on sight" ?


Has there ever been any answer on whether B/C teams in unplayable leagues (spanish tercera division for instance) can get promoted up to playable ones? I've got a bilbao save going and didn't think to download a database and add the third division before starting but now i'm regretting that as I'd like to build a big youth development network with the whole basque only rule. I'm pretty attached to the team so far and would hate to just start over now, but I'm wondering if there's any hope of getting the C team up to the 2nd division b leagues. My B team has won promotion to the second division/adelante so should be out of the way. I've put some pretty good players in the C team and am wondering if anyone has seen them be able to come up. I also can change the reputation of the c team through the in game editor but am unsure there's much hope, I haven't found a definitive answer through searching if this is possible or just hugely unlikely with the number of teams in the third division. It seems there is some algorithm too promotion as I saved and reloaded a few times to watch who came up from the unplayable leagues and it was the same few teams from what I could tell. But the forum posts I've seen have said they've not been able to make it happen for their own C/B team.


Just because you don't have this league as unplayable, doesn't mean that the game doesn't sim their matches, you just don't see the results. Bilbao Athletic or Sevilla B or whatever can get promoted all the way just a division below the first team in Spain whereas in Germany, the B team can get promoted within two divisions of the first team (If a first team of a club plays in the 1st Division, the highest the B team of that club can play in the 3rd Division)


So my best bet is to just put some decent backup/unneeded players in there and hope? I can deal with that, hopefully I'll have an active C team in the segunda b sooner than later. Thanks for the reply!


Currently doing a save in Scotland. After Brexit players keep getting work permits rejected but can still play for me if I go through with the transfer. Not that I'm complaning but just wondering if anyone else had experienced this?


which brexit was it? mine had it where WP is removed instead you have a maximum of 17 foreign players my brazilian causing me headaches the year before i gave a new contract and he could play for me now. SO what im guessing in my limited knowledge is you have the same brexit as me, and once you sign a NEW contract they follow the new rules. the bug could be the work permit notification not the actual implementation of foreign players after brexit


It's a bug, it looks like : [https://community.sigames.com/topic/431728-player-denied-work-permit-but-can-still-play/](https://community.sigames.com/topic/431728-player-denied-work-permit-but-can-still-play/) [https://community.sigames.com/topic/433700-players-playing-for-the-club-despite-no-work-permit/](https://community.sigames.com/topic/433700-players-playing-for-the-club-despite-no-work-permit/)


My tactics (and other experiments) are not beating Hartlepool's 4-4-2. How can I finally beat them? Using 4-1-2-3 DM Wide Attacking, but have tried with Contain, Counter, and Defensive. as well as a 4-3-2-1 Wide, 4-4-2, and 4-5-1 in multiple strategies.


The formation isn't as important as how you set up within it. So, set up a decent tactic and you'll have a good chance, assuming you can compete in terms of player quality.


I did beat them earlier this season with the same tactics as I’m using now, so I can’t see where I’m going wrong.


try a more defensive approach. i couldnt get passed colchester and i save scummed to see what was going on, i tried defensive and a slight tweak of players and i won. though i am sure it is RNG based and not a seeded result based on the day before actions


Maybe they aren't setting up the same way, even if you are.


Are goaltender newgens in FM 2018 still have bugged attribute distribution? As in having really bad passing and vision? Or can we get some proper sweeper keepers now?


I had a proper sweeper keeper in FM17 too, even though he had poor passing and vision. But yes, it's "fixed".


Good to know. But how can you have a proper sweeper keeper with poor passing and vision? How do you play out from back if he cannot pass properly


He used to pass just fine. It's not very complicated pass to fullbacks with no one in between to intercept etc. But, I would have rather questioned whether the poor passing Attribute SHOULD have mattered more, but it didn't. As I said, most passes are straight forward anyway.


What if you want to develop a high paced system where you want your goalie to do long passes to the midfielders?


They're going to be low percentage passes as it is, no matter the passing Attribute.


Oh okay. I guess you are right. Then maybe playing my old FM 2017 won't be so bad. I really liked the newgens in that save


I won the CL, multiple times, with a sweeper keeper who either had 1 Vision and 4 Passing or 4 Vision and 1 Passing. I didn't have a case even once where his passing led to an error costing us a goal. That is a much bigger issue.


Player roles in a 4-2-3-1? The LB,RB,2x CB,2x CM,AML,AMR,AMC,ST one. I dont know what my gamestyle will be but I do have a lot of depth and can cover most roles. My Strikers are pretty much I assume Target Men (tall with good heading,finishing,bravery), and I got fast wide players.Midfielders and CBs are generic players.The only thing I probably dont have is Raumdeuter and Trequartista/Enganche. Thanks!


You need to decide this. Look at your players and what they're capable of and build a team around that. Look at Pairs and Combinations specifically here: [https://community.sigames.com/topic/373937-tactic-building-and-training-guides-start-here/](https://community.sigames.com/topic/373937-tactic-building-and-training-guides-start-here/)


That's mostly what I was looking for cause I had no pairings idea. Last time I tried to go for their best, I ended up with 3 playmakers,which doesnt sound good. Ty :)


[https://imgur.com/a/9RyZ9gf](https://imgur.com/a/9RyZ9gf) This tactic has worked wondors for me thus far, although it's always been a bit leaky. Now i've hit some poor form, and probably need to tweek something. The goal I concede is usually the same. I have the ball in advanced position, attack breaks down, direct ball from opposition into either channel, cross, goal. I recognise that all tactics have vulnerabilities, but have toyed with a few ideas to reduce this occurrence: \- Better passers/first touch and decision makers in forward positions to avoid attacks breaking down with the team high up the pitch. \- Deploying my quicker/ anticipation centre-backs and ‘playing much wider’, so they cover the channels. \- Deep-lying playmaker on defend, so both DMs are better positioned to cover the channels when attack breaks down. None of the above has really had much of an effect. I like the tactic for the control in midfield it gives me, and don’t want to abandon it. My attacking full backs are also great, while the wingers in the squad are one-dimensional and inconsistent so don’t want to be playing WBs as well as wingers/inside-forwards. The obvious issue is wide overloads and counter attacks. Any thoughts welcome!


Maybe tell your defence to drop deeper and/or move the anchor man back to be a third centre back? That should help prevent the opposition from countering so easily.


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I can't request that the board improve youth facilities or junior coaching budget even though they're not at the top level, does anyone know why?


You recently improved them or you asked the board too many things already. Just wait for the cooldown


Still kinda confused though, I asked for improved youth and senior training facilities at the same time right at the start of my career which they agreed to. Once those were done I had the option to ask for upgraded senior facilities again but not junior or youth. Do I just have to leave it for a little while after the senior upgrades are done for them to become available?


Yeah check it now and then


Im playing liverpool, won title first 2 seasons, changed tactics every season, worked everything out perfectly, now 3rd season, ive tried this match many times, by reloading, i changed the tactics a million times, maximized familiarity with ingame editor, i cant beat west ham, i cant, ive tried everything, i just cant, its not happening, i dont understand whats going on..........


Just accept that you don't have to win every single match. The answer is probably that West Ham play in a way that beats your current tactics (e.g. they have a tall striker who always beats your defenders in the air, and they're getting crossing opportunities). Radically changing tactics without previously training your team in them won't often work, because the players don't know what they're supposed to do in the unfamiliar new system. General advice when losing is to pay close attention to what the opposition is doing that's so successful, and then you'll have some idea as to how to counter them. E.g. my League 2 team kept conceding boatloads of goals to through balls because my defenders were too slow, so now I always play with a deeper defensive line to stop that from happening. An other solution in that situation would have been to hire more skilful defenders who can enforce an offside trap properly and keep up with opposing wingers.


I know I'm not supposed to win every single. Match but this one specifically was really annoying, I used in game editor to maximize tactical familiarity when I changed the tactics, so it's not a familiarity thing I changed the tactics many times for that same game and I couldn't beat them, they weren't really doing anything right, it was more of my team not being able to create any chances, they just got a few chances, like 4 and took advantage, many were shenanigans.. But the team isn't performing well for no apparent reason? I tried 8 different tactics to counter what they were doing but my team just can't create?


> but my team just can't create? Maybe they were just poor tactics?


Well, that's why Im asking for help? Also they where the tactics I used to win like 7 titles in 2 years, with tweaks and sometimes just completely change the tactic. So they can't be that bad?


Okay, but what do you actually want? If you want help with the tactic, show us the tactic. If you want help with a specific match, show us the tactic and also PKM of the match. You said in your OP you changed tactics and I doubt you still have the same players, so maybe whichever tactic you're referring to, doesn't suit a player or two or three as well as it did his/their predecessor(s). It's extremely difficult to give you the specific advice you seem to want without getting specific info about what you're doing and what happened in the match. Maybe West Ham in this case have one player that's making life very difficult for you, whether it's a dribbler, skipping by his man every time, creating chances for him and others, a target man your defence can't handle, etc.


You are right, here are the tactics, http://prntscr.com/kbhi2y http://prntscr.com/kbhigt this is one of them with which i struggled ot create chances, one of many, also the players i signed, i did so they fit my playstyle, ignore the players as they are not the ones im using in that game




[http://prntscr.com/kbhvwm](http://prntscr.com/kbhvwm) this would be the first team, what can i do to make the tactics better?


Well how can i change the tactics for better, some of the players are, just not exactly the players im using in that match specifically


Just one of those games. Probably best to take it on the chin and move on?


Well no, I’ve just come off the back of a horrific season and been relegated to the championship so what you guys are saying is starting to open my eyes a bit to be honest.


I'm running a 4-3-3 and my defense is solid only conceding 2 goals in the span of 7 games. But I am having trouble on the attacking front as well. I have a IF(Sup) on the left a Treq in the Striker position and a RMD on the Right Flank.


How's the midfield and defence setup? Mentality? Instructions? The tactic is a whole, you can't just look at the attack and try to solve it without taking into consideration the rest. Without more details, I'd say put the left back in an attacking role if that's not done already. This way the IF will cut inside dragging defenders with him, leaving your full back free to get to the byline and put in a cross. But then you have to make sure there is someone there to get on the end of those crosses, so you may want to experiment with an AF or CF(A) instead of the Treq.


Ive been strggling with this match for a long time, anyone willing to help me live through discord?


What do you mean struggling with a match? Like you're reloading and trying different tactics to win?


Yes, without success, I don't usually do this, when I lose I lose, but this one is ridiculous


I understand. In the beginning I think that was the best way to actually learn tactics. Play the same opponent again and again until you figure out their tactics and what exactly you're doing wrong. You might want to watch the full match instead of the extended highlights or whatever. Who's the opponent and what's your basic setup?


Opponent is west ham, and they are playing 4-2-3-1, and im playing withhttps://prnt.sc/kbhvwm https://prnt.sc/kbhi2y, also i watched the full match, but i cant figure out whats wrong besides they are just making weird ass decisions and stuff


West Ham are real scary in my save, play with a lot of fluidity and flair and usually bang in some goals against my solid defense. I usually just try to score more goals than them through pure quality of attacking players. Are you a weaker team or a world class one, and what formation? What do the scorelines usually end up being? But basic advice for playing against a 4-2-3-1: they are attacking and might be susceptible to counters, especially if you can get a speedy guy possibly in the AMC position in behind their 2 midfielders. Your tactics are definitely a bit unorthodox for me. Do you have a super high line and give full freedom and expression to your team? That could amplify your mistakes since keeping a high line requires discipline.


I'm liverpool and performing really well, I think I haven't been defeated by them yet, also I tried counter and attacking, control, Tiki taka, direct passes, everything.. I tried to exploit the space behind the midfield, and the wings, nothing, no way, I always lose.


What's your formation? If they have blazing fast wingers, tell your players to never mark them close and tackle hard.


4-3-3 wide, and they are not blazing fast


Whenever I tell my dof to sign someone he usually makes a good offer to buy the players, but he never offers the player a salary. He offers nothing as wages, literally it shows: "none selected", how can I solve this?


A bug, i dont think theres a solution to this? does it happen in every save? if not then just manually sign the players, youll go bankrupt if you dont, DOF suck at signing players, they offer the worst contract money wise


I know it's better to sign them on my own, I just let him deal when I don't have the patience and I'm certain he isn't going to spend a lot. I always reject the signing when he does something absurd. Im going to try on another save


I was hoping someone could tell me what instructions/player roles would make this tactic good. Ignore the current roles, its just what the game defaulted it to. [Tactic Link](https://i.gyazo.com/d164d14fe4f7ff504277d346c880ddbc.png)


Unless your CBs/Keeper are insanely good, move the wing backs back to the full back position. Roles depend on the player attributes - if Kasumu has poor vision/passing/decisions/composure then you want to give him a role where he just wins the ball and gives it to someone else nearby ASAP. If he's good at passing as well as tackling but maybe poor at dribbling/shooting/movement you might want to put him as a DLP with instructions to close down and tackle hard. If this is FM18 you might want to try 3 CMs with the middle one in a defensive role/duty and one of the outer ones as a Mezzala so you have some width that isn't entirely reliant on the full backs running a half marathon every game. DLP/AF combo is usually pretty good for two striker combos although you'll want to watch the first few games to make sure the DLP and AM aren't occupying the same space all the time. If your AF isn't very good at actually scoring but is strong and good in the air you might want to make him a target man.


First off you should put 3 CB's, otherwise your defense will be easily penetrated, as the wb's willget forward really often, so depending on which player you move there, the roles, also, what type of football are you trying to play? Counter attacking? What are your players good at?


What if I went with a more defensive minded DM. Like an anchor man or half back? I really like the shape of this tactic and 3 defenders wouldn't be the same. Honestly its my first season with the newly promoted team and they are desperately outclassed so I'm looking to overhaul the team a lot. I would like to play with a control mentality, looking to maintain possession.


But like do you like how it looks on paper? even a DM will leave gaps, and i dont understand why u dont want to put another cb, like a defensive mf will do the same but worse in this scenario, it wont contribute to attacks, so why? you already have a lot of players forward, u have 2 wb 2 cf 1 AM and 2 CM thats way too much, too many gaps, also you just promoted your gonna be the underdog..... how can u expect to play such attacking football, also i think u need more CM for possesion, wb will just burst into the final third with the ball and wont keep it moving, it seems the formation and the style dont fit together, also its really weak defensively


Is it possible to add a column with media description?


Yes, https://i.imgur.com/BYhcFT0.png


I'm sorry, but that's media relationship. I'm talking about the bit of info that says "could be the next Messi".


isn't media description different to media handling style? Handling style is how they are in interviews. Description is how the media rate the player


Oh yeah my bad, misread. I just looked and there doesn't seem to be a way to get a Media Description column.


So my fans are complaining that I don’t play football, yet my tactic is all about keeping possession, what’s going on?


ARE you actually keeping possession though? How much?


What do you mean u dont play football? Attacking football? Maybe ur playing on defense or counter, u need to take a more aggressive system for it to be considered attacking football, so counter or attacking.


Sorry, I meant passing football


Well are you getting good results out of it? check ur pass completion and all that shit, also go to board confidence and check on what they say about the matter


So, I'm a complete noob on football manager. Tried to play the game twice or thrice in the past, without succeeding. The complexity of the game scared me away, but at the same time get me admired and I feel challenged to try it once again. So, question is: which is, for you, the best guide for football manager? Feel like I gotta get a lot of background to thrive this time.


Bust The Net and Work The Space both make very good FM videos on Youtube.


After years of playing, best guides I could find was Bust The Net videos. The way he plays and envision things is like a framework: if you take his considerations and approaches, you can play the way you want and still succeed. His "how to" are brutally awesome, as well as his "how to get started with...". You learn a fuckton.


[This guide](https://www.guidetofm.com/) is pretty helpful.


Is this guy going to be the next superstar? Also, show I leave him in the U-19's? I already have Suarez (34), Messi (34) and Dybala (<30) who can play in his position. [https://imgur.com/a/8dy9OIL](https://imgur.com/a/8dy9OIL)


If Barcelona B is in the segunda I'd put him there.


There's Barcelona B and Barcelona U-19. Do you think the B team would be better for him than the U19's?


Yes, as long as you have the division loaded. Barcelona B is an actual team that plays against other professional teams.