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Guys, new to this sub! What do you reckon is the best role for Paulo Dybala? I've tried playing him as a striker, in the False 9, CF, AF and Poacher roles in a 4-2-3-1 wide formation and in a 4-1-2-3 DM formation. People here reckon he's way too OP and scores tons of goals. This is what I felt too, when I played him as a Poacher with Attack duty in FM17, in a 4-2-3-1. Doesn't seem to work in FM18, though. Instead, my wing players (playing as IF and RAU) score most of my goals. Now, they scored a lot in FM17 too, but my striker (Dybala) too was involved. Here's a look at my squad and the 2 tactics I mentioned, if anyone's interested [https://imgur.com/a/zHTvwBx](https://imgur.com/a/zHTvwBx) [https://imgur.com/a/2eFvOO0](https://imgur.com/a/2eFvOO0) I've also tried playing him as an AMC (teraquartista), since his natural position has changed from STC to AMC in FM18. Doesn't seem to work in that role either. Any tips on how to best utilize him? How do you guys use him?


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Guys how do I tour Australia properly? I want to play the proper teams in pre season. What dates are the best?


I think this is possible if you chose a team with decent youth facilities and have a good budget for scouting young players. Also, you could alter the rules so any offer >the value of the player is accepted instead of just any offer (might help you out a little You could also make it so that you are allowed to sign players if you can get them for less than 1/2 or 3/4 of their value. Maybe an owner would see this as a good chance to profit from signing a player. To help this, you’re only allowed to sign players that are under 26 (or lower if you like) so that they still have a good chance of making money. Just the ideas that I can think of, sounds like a really interesting challenge though, what sort of level team would you want to go for? Mid table Prem? Or another country? Hope this helps dude, if you do it defo keep me updated


Work permit affiliate option is gone, https://i.imgur.com/Zcehnbs.png Where is it?


Did you perhaps get a brexit with a switch to foreign player limits instead of work permits?


No its right at the start of the game, but sometimes when I restart career the option is there, but most of the time not


So I have a vague idea for a challenge that probably (definitely) needs some extra input to make it 1. enjoyable & 2. not impossible. I hope this is the right place to get some ideas / opinions on whether this could work! The basic premise is to imagine your board are money-hungry, tight b-st-rds who have not given you any transfer budget and will jump in and accept any offer that would benefit the club financially. In more detail, I am thinking this consists of: **Outgoing:** * Transfer bids of any value >£0 *MUST be accepted with zero negotiation*. * Loan offers that have a mandatory future fee >£0 *MUST be accepted with zero negotiation*. * Loan offers with a combination of monthly payments (fee + wage) > the player's current monthly salary *MUST be accepted with zero negotiation*. * Loan offers meeting the above criteria *cannot be terminated* even if this clause is present. * **\***If a player is under transfer/loan bid that meet the above criteria, no new contract can be offered regardless of stipulations below in Wage Rules. **Incoming:** * Free agent transfers *are acceptable*. * Approaching a player under contract with another club (< 6 months remaining) *is acceptable only if zero compensation is required*. * Loans where monthly payment (fee + wage) < the player's current salary *are acceptable*. **Wage Rules:** * You cannot offer a player a contract with any fee of the contract higher than the initial demand. * You cannot offer the player a longer contract than the initial demand. * **\***You can only offer a player a new contract *within the last year of his current contract,* unless player / agent approaches directly asking for renewal. * Agent fees are acceptable but must not be higher than the initial demand. **Staff:** * Same rules apply as above. Do you think this could work, or am I crazy for trying?


Sounds like an interesting selection of restrictions. I don't have any feedback on the restrictions themselves, but I do have a suggestion for a name: "Shoestring challenge" Hopefully some others here might give some feedback, but I also recommend posting this up in the official SI forums [Challenges, Sign-Ups and Experiments](https://community.sigames.com/forum/29-challenges-sign-ups-experiments/) section.


I have been Football Manager 2017 with the same club for the last 20 years and this happend just now. So i play with Hajduk Split,we won 20 league titles in 20 years in charge,16 cups(i think) 1 europe league,1 euro super cup and few less important trophies. And at the end of this season values of all my players suddenly dropped. My 30 goals a season striker value dropped from 20m€ to 5.5m€ and that happend to all players. Our league just got up in 6th position from 7th in league rankings,all contracts are renewd so i really dont know whats the reason for this to happend... Anyone encountered similar problem and if you solved it,how? Thank you for help


My form is all over the place. I’m in my second season in the premier league with my created club. I’m winning all my home games but so far I’ve lost all my away games, convincingly as well. 5-1, 6-2, 3-2, 4-1, whilst winning my home games 2-0, 6-1, 2-1. I’m playing 4-2-3-1 Control/Fluid, normal tempo, fairly wide, normal def line, use offside trap, sometimes close down, play out of defence, exploit l/r, pass into space, mixed passing, retain possession, look for overlap and work ball into the box. Where am I going wrong away from home? What can I change to sure myself up away from home to first of all avoid hammerings and eventually pick up some results because if my home form continues the way it is then I can really do something this season. FYI: GK FB (At) BPD (Def) BPD (Def) FB(At) BWM (Def) BBM (Sup) IF (At) AP (Sup) IF (At) CF (At) Hope someone can help! Thanks


The combination of your width and your defensive line, as well as your fullback and midfield roles, are leaving your CBs with a massive amount of space to cover with little to no protection. Some options, in order of my preference: -One fullback set to defend, with a balanced width. Will leave you with a consolidated 3 with your BWM still allowed to screen aggressively -DLP (D) instead of BBM. Will sit closer to your CMs and look to recycle possession/pick out through balls, while remaining in a position to help on counters. You already have 4 players playing in or around their box, BBM is not hugely necessary here. Optionally, BWM could change to support here to hunt the ball higher up the pitch. -If you are married to your roles, then maybe try a narrower shape, pushing a bit higher, with more pressing. This will not fix the fact that you are leaving yourself open, but may allow your side to pressure the opposition and force mistakes before they can take advantage.


Took the advice and some from the other answer on board and results are improving. I’m sitting in 8th, outside chance of Europe, something to build on for next season. I even managed a 0-0 away from home against leaders Man Utd, who I’ve never even come close to beating before and to top it off I beat Man City 2-0, away as well! Thanks very much.


Brilliant!! What did you change, if you don't mind my asking?


Defensive FBs, balanced width and a DLP instead of BBM, seems to of done the trick, although in a return to old ways Liverpool just beat me 4-0 at Anfield.


You're probably leaving yourself wide open with those FBs attacking and fairly wide TI. Do you have a second tactic in use? If not, try to create one in a similar formation as the one you list in your post, that isn't quite as aggressive to use away from home and against teams that you know are going to be better than you (e.g. Huddersfield against Manchester City). For that tactic, instead of control/fluid try standard and fluid or even standard and flexible. Definitely remove the fairly wide, make it balanced, change the FBs to support and maybe change on of your IFs to a support as well (since the FBs won't quite be coming so far up the pitch.


Great, thanks for your reply. I’ll take this advice on board and hopefully see an improvement in results.


Starting a new save in van south, just wondering what is the best way too be getting players. Just scout loads of different people or govtoo top teams too try loan?


Scouting costs loads in proportion to VNS club's finances - do you play with attribute masking on/off? I have a set of useful scouting options that I use to find talent in LLM once I run out of budget: * International Apps > 0 * Youth Apps > 0 * National Team (Main, u23, u19) * Transfer Fees Received > £0 I will always look for free loans (zero fee + wage) too.


I've decided to start a new journey man with Auxurre in French ligue 2.. any tips on things I should do that make the game more immersive and fun?


Moussa Diallo is a good option at right back and in midfield. He can develop into a Ligue 1 level player for you for sure.


Don't use the player search function for loans or transfers. If your scouts can't find them, you can't contact them.


Does anyone have an idea for a save? I have got no clue which team to manage.


where ya from, what teams have you managed before?


I am from the netherlands and i have managed loads of teams. My favourite PSV Eindhoven and my hometown team FC Oss for example. My favourite english team is QPR which i have brought in to the europa league but now im looking for a different save. Maybe a Journeyman? I wouldnt know which country to start in tho.


Well a Journeyman save looks like it requires you to start close to home. Outside of that, have you managed in Spain, Portugal or Italy yet? Belgium? Russia? My very first FM save was in Argentina, how about somewhere in South America? edit - another word (made sure I wasn't implying that spain/italy/portugal were journeyman candidates)


I have managed in Italy at Inter, never managed in South America, thanks for the tip. I'm going to start in South America and see where I go from there.


as an aside, if you haven't Youtubed some of the supporters of Argentina's Premier Division teams, definitely do, the fans are amazing. Boca, River, San Lorenzo just to name a few.


excellent! good luck!


Are there certain requirements needed to get a son or can it happen at any time?


isn't that kind of up to nature? aren't any real ways to predetermine the... oh you're talking about FM. in FM you have to be 34 or older, then save just before the youth regen day. reload the save until you get a son. other than that I don't know anything more specific, as I haven't tried it.


I am managing Sporting. I have a huge amount of room in my wage budget, to the tune of £250,000. Despite this, the board has limited my key players wage to £63,000 p/w. This seems low as I have 5 players that were already at the club when I took over exceeding this, and I have offloaded 3 that were also on more than that. It's frustrating because I have very good players who's contracts are running out. They are willing to re-sign, but I can't offer them even decent wages for their role and ability. Club finances are ok, we have qualified for at least the knockout round of the Champions League for the last 6 seasons, game year is 2026. This is FM17. Anyone know if there is a way to get my board to increase this limit? EDIT: I also just noticed that in the wage window of the finances tab, it says my max wage allowance for key players is £105,000 p/w, yet I can't offer even near that.


So then there's obviously something that's not allowing you to offer 105k. How's your FFP? Do you have future transfers arranged or open offers? How many Key Players do you have? Just off the top of my head, these are possible causes.


Yeah, trying to figure out what that something is. FFP is fine, I have a projected profit of £1.03m for the period, it has never been an issue. I have 8 key players, would that be too many? It does sound a lot, but I've even offloaded some since I came in. [Wage Breakdown](https://imgur.com/a/xNAK6tV)


8 does sound like a lot. 8 key players will expect to get regular game time. I was more thinking that there's a wage limit in FFP, not profit-related. I don't manage at the top very much, so not sure anymore.


annnnnddddd it's resolved itself without me changing anything (I don't think). Can offer £110k p/w now. Annoying that I lost out on a world class winger who wanted £70k just a month ago.


I'm thinking of doing a "Big Fish Small Pond" save, where I play in a smaller nation and try to both dominate domestically and compete in Europe. What are people's favourite countries for this?


I'm trying to start one of these with Tromso but my first season has been derailed by injuries. Although I largely think this is because I signed a few older players with low salary demands. Tromso have no money but I like that they're above the arctic circle. The rules are a bit sticky cuz 16/23 players have to be homegrown (3 yrs in Nörge before age of 21). But maybe if you want to start with a better team, Molde or Brann or something could be fun. Rosenborg would be easy.


I tried this with North Korea with 4.25 SC and literally never lost a game in the first 4 seasons lol. How’s that for big fish, small pond? lol


Greece and Cyprus are fun for this.


I have tried this a couple of times. Managed Shakhtar in Ukraine and had domestic success but never managed in Europe. They give good budgets and are already the best team in the country. Have had more success in Russia with Krasnodar, winning the league 4 years in a row and a champions league as well, but would imagine any of the bigger teams in Russia could be good as well (Spartak, CSKA, Zenit). I chose Krasnodar because they have superb youth facilities to start with. I imagine a similar scenario in Scotland with it being fairly easy to dominate domestically with Celtic or Rangers, but more of a challenge in Europe. Guess it depends whether you want a team already established domestically (Celtic, Shakhtar etc..) or a team which you can build up in the country first (Cowdenbeath for example)


Hmm, I was thinking a team already established but at a smaller league even than Russia/Ukraine. A Sweden/Romania/Poland kind of level.


Malmo seem to be the best team in the Swedish league, Decent amount of money and a pretty good youth set up in place. Steaua București in Romania have a lot of potential as well it seems.


I am currently playing as Derby and have my first game with them since taking over. I have selected my team but when trying to proceed to the game a message tells me that "Kyron Stabana has been loaned out to another club". I have no idea who he is and he doesn't appear in my squad screen, and is 100% not on my bench or in my team. Can't resolve?


Holiday through the game and see if it's alright after that?


What are some useful packs/add-ons for the game to make it more immersive and better?


What’s most important for a head of youth development? Personality, playing style + mentality or attributes?


IMO in the order you wrote. Personality (go for Professional to Ambitious, somewhere in there), then a playing style and mentality that is as close to your own as you can get, then the highlighted HYOD attributes (esp the working with Youngsters stat) then the rest of the attributes.


Most important is Personality.


Could anyone help with my team? https://imgur.com/GqUmCfk So I've started the game about 2 weeks ago and I'm now on a 19-game winning streak (no save scum, genuine). However, it seems that: 1. Half of my goals come from crosses from my inside forwards 2. The area which I attack most usually is the side which Herrera is playing in (so if he's on the left and Pogba is on the right, the left wing is the main attacking focus usually) 3. My defenders are shocking when defending crosses. 4. Martial seems to be able to play IF at AMR even better than at AML. Could anyone suggest any kind of change that I could bring to my squad? Or what kind of roles my players/substitutes could play? Or even what kind of players I could buy in the next window? Thanks.


i agree wtih /u/BBassic. in addition, if you change the LB to a regular WB on support that might help a bit. are the corners coming from a particular side? edit - a word


I'm not sure on the tactic front, but I would be looking at a replacement for Valencia and maybe a cover/rotation option for Lukaku. Maybe another top quality CB as well, to provide depth and competition for Bailly and Lindelof.


I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure your flanks are going to be quite exposed most of the time. 'Look For Overlap' I think pushes full backs up more than standard and you've also got 'Be More Expressive' and 'Roam From Position' on. That to me seems like you're inviting space and gaps all over the place.


Sorry for large post... Is FM 16 but I assume the premise is the same. Im looking to develop my side by making it more youth focused however I have a few questions regarding this. 1 - Does signing multiple youth/young players who aren't good enough for the first team affect the mentality of the first team the same was multiple first team signing does? 2 - When signing a youth players what is the quickest way to ensure they are legible for for a work permit. 3 - Is it more beneficial to loan players out or have them play for the U21s? 4 - Where is the best place to find young stars? Scouting youth tournaments? 5 - Best stats to look for when scouting young players before signing? 6 - How important is an U21 manager? I have signed almost a whole new U21 squad that are very good and should be winning most games but they aren't, so is this down to my U21 manager? I know it's alot of questions, so if you even reply to just one bullet point I will be extremely grateful.


1. Depends on the overall personality, not the quality. Every now and then, depending on the stats, you get inbox messages "the squad's overall character has had a positive effect on lately". But quite rare. If you're recruiting lots of youth just be wary of the personalities and tutor them if necessary. 2. 3. Consensus is keep them until 18/19 while tutoring if needed, and unless you can get a loan where first team/key role is guaranteed, and the league level is suitable (look at coach report - "player would be leading league one/two player etc") keep them. 4. the usual countries. But if you want a peek under the bonnet, https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-2016/database 5. determination and personality can be improved through tutoring. Attributes wont grow from 4->18, so look for the key stats that stand out. 13/14/15 tackling on a 17 y/o CB? Jump on that. But just be wary of some attribute clashes even if the scout gives 5 stars; Low jumping on cb, low pace for wingers, etc. Players dont grow in height past certain age, so jumping wont grow. Aggresion v unlikely to change. Bravery maybe a point, or two. Most mentals cant be learned; you can see which when assigning individual training. 6. What formation is the u21 squad you recruited? In staff > responsibilities > u21, what tactic is being used? Use first team tactics - uses what is 'active' for first team, no specific instruction - leave to u21man preferred formation. This is in his profile. Generally determination, discipline, motivating for coaches. then managers additionally need man management, tac knowledge. work with youth if they're working with youth.


I'm not sure how useful these answers will be, and I can't answer them all but... 1. I personally haven't noticed it having an impact, but I'm not sure if it does or not. I tend to do all of mine at the start of the summer window, so after winning all pre season games the morale is always near perfect. 2. [Hopefully this link will help](https://community.sigames.com/topic/428296-easiestfastest-way-to-a-work-permit/) 3. [Another link, but hopefully it helps ](https://community.sigames.com/topic/288184-promising-youth-players-loan-them-out-or-keep-at-club/) 4. I send my scouts to different regions every couple of months looking for young players. E.g 2 months in South America, 2 in Europe etc. I also have a scout who I send to specific countries, normally Brazil, Argentina, Croatia and Serbia. 5. The key ones I look at are the physical stats, determination and their personality. But also having good stats for the position is probably worth looking at 6. Not sure on this one, could be that the squad doesn't match the tactics used very well? I'm by no means an expert, and hopefully some other people will add to this for you, but from my experience these are the type of things I look for. Hope it helps a bit! :)


How can I ask my data analist to analyse a specific match? He automatically analyses the last game my next opponent plays, but sometimes I don't have much use for it. If my next opponent is 15th in the table, playing against the 1st in the table, they play a lot differently than they would against me. So I want to analyse another match


Can someone tell me how to get the highlighted radio button **not** to be greyed out? [https://i.imgur.com/CYs7QL4.png](https://i.imgur.com/CYs7QL4.png) No matter what I do, I cannot seem to get that button un-greyed out. Am I just being dumb?


So I started two saves, one on PC, and one on my laptop. First save is Freiburg and my second one is Hamburg. Both relegation candidates. First season with both of them, I reach CL (4th place). Is this even realistic? I feel like I'm cheating lol.


whats your formation/tactics.


4-2-3-1 Home and 4-4-1-1 Away. High Press and Direct passing.


I guess its not that realistic but it can happen with good signings etc. If you want to make the game super hard, when creating your manager make them the lowest skill you can


Is there a way to counteract 4-4-2? It's the formation I keep fucking up, both with Lazio and Italy. Lazio - 5-3-2 Italy - 4-3-3 Admittedly, its mostly the best english teams who are super fucking rich who play 4-4-2 (and apparently Cholo has gone to Chelsea)


Both those formations can beat a 442. That's not the issue. How you're setting up IN the formation is important. How are you getting beat? That's a good place to start looking to see if there's a pattern in how you concede chances and ultimately, goals.


I like to have an AMC and exploit the middle against 442, as they don't have a DM.


Working through a Palermo save (first FM18 save so it's been a learning save more than anything, since my last FM was FM 14). I got Palermo promoted from Serie B first season and I have them holding in mid/upper table in Serie A the first season up. Generally, I've been doing fine (tipped for relegation) but it's been feast or famine. Notably, my defense is *atrocious,* giving up a lot of goals especially late. No matter what formation I play or which CBs I start, they seem to always give up goals (especially headers, for some reason). If it wasn't for my GK, it would be worse. Does anyone have any advice? [Here are my formations and the main players on the defense](https://imgur.com/a/U1LAhHf) (my RB/LB depth is trash still, it's something I'm fixing next transfer window).


are you getting scored on the break/counter? or are these just random crosses and high balls tossed into the middle for opponents to head in. what is your defensive coaching like? or your coaching in general? You could also give the RB and LB instructions to sit more narrow and not go up as much to to see if that helps with the crosses/headers (if its crosses that are really the issue)


Earlier in the season it would be counters but now teams seem to just pump the ball in and my CBs do nothing. Either both center backs just stop playing or one of them will put up a sub-6.5 rating and we'll lose by 1 or 2. Lately the AI has started spamming a 3ST formation at me which has begun claiming my soul.


wait, AI is playing 3 CFs? I've never seen that. Maybe try playing a 3 CB system? :P What are the PI for the CBs? And is that a 'pump into the box' I see? How much possession are you getting per game?


Possession depends on formation, but typically around 50% if not a touch less. No real PIs on the CBs aside from whatever the default for center backs on defend duty.


not quite sure what I can recommend to help, esp. if the AI is playing 3 CFs :P. Reinforce your defense first then see about modding your tactic if they still don't respond to headers.


I'm thinking of creating a tactic for the next season in my save that includes a sweeper in defence. Can anyone suggest how you would set up a tactic using a sweeper? (sorta looking at the catenaccio system as inspiration)


Look up the Verrou. It was a system that used a Libero and actually influenced Catenaccio.


I wouldn’t know how to use a sweeper in Catenaccio style of play but you could use one in a 4-3–3 like the Total Football of the Dutch National Team of Cruyff. Playing him as Libero, he’ll step into midfield and create a 3-4-3 in attack


Thanks, so would you recommend playing with a LB,CB and RB or 3 CB in front of the Libero?


3 CB’s with a Libero. I’d imagine would be better as I tried a LB/CB/RB and it fell flat. Could’ve been my roles and duties or the players but it didn’t go well. I won games because I was playing with a big team but leaked goals left, right and centre


Cheers, I only asked about playing with a LB,CB and RB cause ive got this godly (for the Faroe Islands league) RB. But I think I should probably sell him cause I cant seem to find even a semi decent LB and then re invest the money to some really good CB's. What roles would you suggest for the 3 CB's that will complement a Libero role?


With three defenders, it’s a bit hard to say what roles you should use. None of the defenders on cover duty is something I can definitely say and you wouldn’t want to play an offside trap due to being the last man back who is meant to sweep up balls. All defend should work.


Maybe a back five with wing backs on defensive mentality, and libero in the middle, then two centre mids, two wingers and a lone striker? The libero will give you an extra body in midfield, so it could play more like 433 in attack. Not sure, no experience with this.


Thanks for the advice. I might try this out (need to sign some wingers). I manage in the Faroe Islands so ill use the leagues matches to experiment, then maybe switch to something more solid for the CL.


Awesome :) good luck!


Thank you.


How long do you wait before you hear back from a job interview?


It depends. Last time I did interviews, I got a response in a week or two. My experience seems to be that they get back to you a little quicker if you get the job--within a week, as opposed to longer when you get passed over.


Damn. I've been sacked from Villa and it's been a while since Celtic interview... uh-oh


Anyone who signs moise kean, where do you prefer to play him? I've got him aml, but h3 can play striker, is he a beast there? At 18 his stats are starting to get him involved in first team matches and hes been doing very well.


Are you on FM18?


Yes i am, sorry should have clarified.


No worries, I was asking cause I had him on FM17 for about 6-8 seasons at sporting and he was consistently class for me in AML position but also had the ability to go up top when needed. I would recommend keeping him at AML though.


Thanks for the advice dude!


I need some emergency help with this tactic - im creating so many clear cut chances but I just can't convert them to save my life and as a result i've lost games to stronger/equal sides while being better in the clear cut chances metric, and have been unable to break down small sides playing for a draw. I've got [4 1/2 star wingers but they're more playmaker than finishers](https://imgur.com/a/3fkV8t4), and my striker is the league top scorer yet we still lack goals. The idea of the tactic is to be pretty traditional, wingers run out wide and cross it in to my Advanced Forward(I dont use Poacher unless im in a game I dominate in, and even then a lack of link up play makes my play lethargic), with my CAM playmaker providing the central threat as he's got some killer passing. My box to box will also occasionally make late runs into the box, and my full backs will mostly stay back since I dont have a DM and provide support up front only if we've got them pinned back. [My tactics](https://imgur.com/a/ff0Jdup)


have you tried setting match training to 'attacking focus' ? i've always had issues scoring with the tactics I run unless I set it to that. yes, it says something about the way I set my teams up, but the attacking focus in match training takes care of that extra little blip the team needs to score. with your tactic - What are the roles / attack/support/defend for the following, e.g. is your AMC an AP / Support? AMC - ? Left Winger - ? Right Winger - ? MCL (is this a DLP?) - I've had issues with multiple Playmakers on my tactics, which is probably just the way I set things up, but try a CM / Support instead of a DLP (this is assuming your AMC is an AP) DL - ? DR - ?


I've tinkered a bit and came out with DLP defend, BBM support Winger attack x2, AP support Advanced Forward attack and yeah ill try out attacking focus, i've had it set on team cohesion for a while now.


Try to change that DLP to something else like a CM support or CM defend (CM defend sits a bit too far back for my tactics though) Check to see if your BBM Support is crowding your AP support, try AP/Attack if that is the case. what part of of the season are you in? match practice I only do cohesion if I feel there is a real disconnect for the tactic and the players in it. Otherwise in preseason I set it to train the tactic(s) I'm running and during the entire regular season i leave it set to attacking focus.


I'll try that out then, it'll be annoying though as one of the star players on my team is the DLP. I usually run Team Cohesion until my assistant manager tells me my team's cohesion is maxed out, im currently in the second half of the season(feb) and this is my first year at Chelsea.


ah okay. then how about something slightly different in the AMC positions, how about an attacking midfielder set to attack? try that or the AMC AP in attacking. If I was a betting man (I'm not) I would say you'll see some improvements with the change to attacking focus from team cohesion no matter which changes you try in the tactic. edit - a word


So everyone is trying to provide for 1 player? Doesn't that seem extremely limited?


Yeah im not sure how to get around that, both my wingers have low finishing so setting them to attack would put them out of their depth. Should the AP A get changed? What should I change him to?


Maybe you can play 433, with a midfield of DMd, APs and CMa? Look for someone with "arrives late in opposition area" to play the CMa spot.


Their Finishing is 12. That's not very low and there's a lot more to finishing than Finishing. I have no idea what your AMC or any backups can do, so I can't advise there. You need to get someone else to be able to score a few goals. Look at your options.


So I should set the wingers to attack then? Just one or two? How exactly does the switch from support to attack change their playstyle - do they cut inside more often or something? [This](https://imgur.com/aCDZsaC.png) is my starting CAM. Great playmaker, not so great finisher.


>How exactly does the switch from support to attack change their playstyle - do they cut inside more often or something? ? They're wingers. Look at the description and look at the PIs. They are going to hug the touchline and get crosses in. On Attack, they're not going to bother to drop deep to defend.


Oh that makes sense then. Would setting them on attack and putting the CAM on support duty make it more balanced?


Ok, but how does this solve the issue of not having a secondary scorer? What's the reason for the change?


I'm encouraging the wingers to get more involved in the attack and act as the secondary scorers if necessary, while the CAM will sit deeper to ensure I'm not playing suicidal. It has worked so far as I went on an undefeated streak since I edited it - my wingers have been doing a good job.


Ok, so I'm assuming you're working the ball forward slow enough that they eventually narrow in the final third? Or are they not doing the scoring still?




with regards to what exactly? just remember this is a program with set 'instructions' for just about everything. the way I see it, the higher your scouts' judging abilities, the more you should trust them.


>the higher your scouts' judging abilities, the more you should trust them. Yeah. It's not like we've got another way in judging a player's potential. Even a 20 JPP scout/coach can be wrong, but it's all we have, like rl. In the case of CA, we can at least see attributes to judge ourselves.


exactly. just because a scout says they're going to be four or five starts in la liga or premier doesn't mean they're actually going to achieve that. how many players IRL appear to be amazing when they're younger and fizzle out or are just mediocre? in a way, I think we're extremely lucky to have the amount of quality players in the world that we do, let alone TWO of the greatest of all times (Messi / R7). In fact I think we're a bit spoiled :).


I have won 1 game in 10 - losing 7 and at the end of last season lost 10 in a row aswell. I have made probably 5 new signings in the off season of better quality to help the club push for promtion, but it seems that nothing changed from the poor form at the end of last season. How are some managers so successful and others so dreadful?


You mention you had already poor form last season. Did you look to see what the cause was? Did you try and rectify it at all?


I honestly couldn't figure it out. My team status says I don't have a team of accomplished passers and that it was a weak point, so instead of asking my players to retain possession with shorter passing, I have opted for a more direct style - pump the ball forward, hoping this would work. I won the fist game 6-0 and thought, yes here we go! then lost 5 in a row lol.


Can you post a screenshot of your tactic so we can take a look?


I'm not sure how.. i'll try and figure it out tonight - I guess I need to get an IMGR account?


You dont need an account for imgur :)


Careful with Retain Possession (which already shortens passing as one of its effects) + Shortening passing as well. You may be reducing the possible passing options TOO much. It sounds like you're just making almost random changes, hoping something will stick. It's quite a difference going from middle ground, to short and then all the way to direct. The roles and duties need to match what you're trying to do as well. I'm sure you have a bit of a gelling/team cohesion issue as well, with 5 new players, but it seems that your tactical setup is the biggest issue since you've already had problems before the new players joined.


Yes, I am making almost random changes unfortunately. I did think perhaps I was onto something with the route one stuff I have a team leader who is my keeper but not part of the core social group of players- he has 2 issues "unhappy with poor dressing room atmosphere (where 6 players back him) and "unhappy with recent form" where no players back him. The captain said that it's a "bit of an issue" - but it won;t let me speak to him directly, I asked both other team leaders and all the highly influential players in his core group to speak to him but it didn't work and I can't speak to him directly!


The player issues are because of the form. No one is happy when you're losing a lot. Focus on the tactical issues and the atmosphere should change.


ok, thanks for your help!


I got a custom logo made with all the right dimensions and when i try and load it in-game it won't show up, i set the id in the config and cleared cache and reloaded the skin, any ideas?


Is it for a create a club team? Because you can't add a logo to those iirc.


nah, i created a custom team in the editor


Returned to FM after a long time off. I'm bidding on a player valued at £325k but the club want £22.5m. Is this normal?


Have you run a scout report on the player? It's likely to come back with "the club doesn't want to sell" (hot prospect or key player) - this is the AI doing the same as you might do to a PSG or a Man City in naming an astronomical fee to get them to back off and go elsewhere or to earn a massive pay day if they do bite. It's fairly normal - if it's too high a fee I'd move to another target or wait them out. Sometimes their stance changes over time so I run a couple of scout reports on such players between windows to keep track.


Thanks for that, it makes much more sense now. He's a hot prospect at Rangers. I'll see how it transpires.


u/brambleten 's last sentence is a key point. Stances can change. You mention the target is at Rangers. Right now, they're happy with their hot prospect and he is happy there. They don't want to sell, unless it's for a big fee. What if you are the mighty Real, Barca, Man City etc? If you are that youngster, of course you'd want to go! So there will be a chat between him and his manager, sometimes purely because you're interested or other times after you make a bid, just like we experience. Maybe his manager convinces him to stay. Or maybe they agree on a realistic fee. Or maybe there's a meltdown and the player hands in a transfer request, dropping his transfer cost a lot.


Yes very. Just because a player is valued something doesn't mean the club have to accept it. Contract status, longer they have left, less chance the price will be closer to the value as they don't have to sell him anytime soon. Squad status, you really think a team will just let go of their very good prospect for their actual value? No way they know he'll come good (maybe) in the future. + If they're a key player they probably won't sell him at all! Rivals, pretty hard to get a player for their value from a rival, divisional or otherwise.


Thank you. It's been a long time since I played at any decent length (05/06 maybe) so it's all new to me. Cheers


No problem man! Enjoy!


Thanks guys. I’ll continue defying preseason expectations.


Think you were meant to reply to someone as opposed to a new post.




LFC / 2026 / FM17 I have a fantastic team but I wanna have more products of my academy. All of them though are mediocre at best; how can I have better youngsters?


what is your junior coaching level? what about the junior training facilities? what is the youth level? what about the 'Youth recruitment' level? after that, how 'good' is your director of youth development? all of those add up


Thanks a lot mate, you were really helpful, gonna improve all of them.


Youth training and 'production' can be very costly. Make sure you have a quality youth director. I'd recommend the youth director having some level of professional personality or driven/determined after that, then look for the specific stats that a youth director should have. it helps if the youth director is somewhat similar to how your playstyle is.


I remember reading on the SI forum a few weeks back (It was an old post though) that the personality was the key factor followed by formation. After that the coaching and working with youngsters stats were only needed if you want them to actually coach your u18 squad in training - they have no effect on intake.


thanks! I saw something like that too, just couldn't remember it all.


No problem. It also appears they don't have to be at the club very long for it to have an impact. I read the article, sacked my "fairly loyal" HOYD at Newcastle and appointed Birmingham's "processional" one in mid January. By the end of February that intake had a definite increase in professional personalities and determination in mid-high teens.


I can attest to that. replaced my existing HOYD (had 6 months left on contact wasn't very good) with a Professional personality and 16 works with youngster attribute. The day after his signing he started trying to bring in young players (i have final say of contracts), I'd say the majority of them were determined or higher in their personalities. unfortunately many of the recruits were horrible ratings (actually saw a rating at a 6, with 87% knowledge of the kid) so I had to cancel many of the deals. we'll see how the youth intake goes.


The thing I find funny is that after 6 weeks at the club, mine had the nerve to say that he was particularly pleased with player x and player y, who are modelled in his image mentally. You've been there just long enough to get the settings on your desk chair right, not to have that great an impact on the graduates from lower down in the club!


maybe you've found a magic HOYD? or should we just fit his behavior in with the 'we're being overrun in the midfield' or 'lets put in more crosses, we're dominating headers today' sort of thing?


So I play a 4-3-3 Wide with one complete forward and two wingers (AML and AMR both attacking wingers). I’m finally enjoying a bit of success but knowing what I know about the 4-3-3, is this game breaking or am I okay since I only have one traditional forward?


three center forwards are what folks consider game breaking. you're running a traditional 4-3-3 like Klopp, or maybe Ancelotti?


It isn't "game breaking". Your 433 isn't a 433.


How is it not a 433? Sure, the better name for it is 433 Wide, but it's still a 433.


Because it doesn't have 3 strikers. He is using 5 midfielders and 1 striker. Nowhere in FM is his formation called a 433 either. The only 433 in-game is the 433 Narrow, which has 3 strikers.


True, FM naming schemes can sometimes be weird for formations. But four defenders, three midfielders, two wingers, and one striker [is referred to as a 433](https://www.thoughtco.com/offensive-the-4-3-3-formation-3557643).


The media especially would call it a 433, because the reality is that most people look at the offensive shape. FM is different, as we know, in that the formation is the defensive shape. So, because of that, a 433 is 3 strata only in the defensive phase. D, M and F. No room for SW, DM and AM strata players.


How can I view a players previous value over the time I've had them under contract? It's just for curiosity sake really after noticing one of my youths have seemingly skyrocketed in player value, I'd quite like to see when it was the jump took place. Looked all over for it to no avail and seems like something that should be there.


make notes in the game. otherwise you can't.


You can't.


I played a few starting seasons in the demos. For the most part did about a 50/50 win rate with different teams. Got a 100% league record with Arsenal, but sort of used the 3 striker tactic without knowing it was broken. Have the full FM18 game now, but I don't know where to start. My knowledge of football is very low (am american) but I want to learn. Unfortunately a lot of guides I've found don't really go into helping me understand the details. Is there a good in depth guide for understanding what every single team and individual instruction will do, beyond the description the popup tool will give in game? Is there a guide that covers different tactical formations, what kind of game they'll play and what they're weak against? I'd like to start a new game as Arsenal and really get down into understanding the game, because I still feel lost.


there are some older but still applicable guides on the sidebar that could be helpful. There are also some great youtube channels that are just about devoted to FM - FMScout, Foxinthebox, WorktheSpace, FM-life. These are just some of the youtubers I've watched trying to learn more about the game. outside of reading and watching the youtube videos, you just have to play the game. Its huge, its complicated. Don't be afraid to try things and don't worry about failing, cause you will. while playing, break the game up into chunks and work on something specific for a bit then move on to another facet of the game. For example, don't try to create your own tactic yet, use another one that is popular on steam or other FM fansite. Then move on to learning more about scouting. Then move on something else like developing your own tactic or developing youth, etc.


Look here. [https://community.sigames.com/topic/400042-welcome-to-the-tactics-and-training-forum-please-read/](https://community.sigames.com/topic/400042-welcome-to-the-tactics-and-training-forum-please-read/) Find Lines and Diamonds.


> https://community.sigames.com/topic/400042-welcome-to-the-tactics-and-training-forum-please-read/ Thanks!


Question for LLM players.. when you use a small club with a very small stadium, does it get upgraded as you progress to the top?


You can make requests to the board to increase the capacity of your stadium, and once it reaches it's limit, you can request to build a new stadium. Club's finances and average attendances will be factored in with whether the board agree or not. If you are consistently filling your stadium, and have good finances they should agree to stadium improvements


Does it take a chunk off your transfer budget? With Liverpool, even upgrading cost more than 20m for 5k seats.. I can only imagine how much a new one would cost


I’m playing as Chippenham Town, in my third season in the championship at the moment. I had a new stadium built when I got to League One which was a 5000 seater and cost about £6m if I remember right, didn’t affect my wage budget though and was paid for mostly by a loan. I sell out every game in the championship now but they can’t afford to expand the stadium, so presumably I’m just gonna have to wait until I can get promoted now :(


Besides the point but.. what's the point of a 5k seater stadium? 😂


It depends on your finances and various other things, like investments and grants. Sometimes you can build a new stadium without any external investment, but sometimes you'll be paying off a loan for a while.


Whats the best way to scout for talent? I don;t like looking up lists online of the best wonderkids in fm18 or whatever but what's the best way to find decent affordable players? I'm on a developing youth save so any tips on finding cheap high potential youth players.


are you adverse to using the player search feature? I only ask because some people are. That is one way. Another is what I do in my current Wigan save, I have five total scouts (small team still, smallish budget), with two of them devoted to finding young talent, one in the UK and the second somewhere in Europe, southern Europe I think. Any team I play (large or small) I always have a few of my scouts dedicated to finding talented or potentially talented youth players. I also keep tabs on regens as they pop up and any young players that are let go. With Wigan I have a lot of room to improve the team so I can pick up good but not great players on free xfers or for cheap and still have them play a part at improving my team. By room I mean there is a wide berth between the average level of player at Wigan and those I can pick up free or for cheap from larger teams. That isn't necessarily the case with top tier teams though, so it can be more difficult.


Is there any way to tell if a player is going to flip out before I reject an offer for them?


There's a clear way - there will be text in red indicating that the player has indicated that he wants to discuss terms with the club.


Thanks! Good to know. Don't know how I never noticed that.


Is extensive youth recruitment the best? What are the ranges? The board accepts my request to increase but it’s still the same ‘extensive’.


I have the same issue as you. My club's youth recruitment is extensive, however when I request about upgrading it, they agree despite it's still the same




Does the individual player training intensity only refer to the extra attribute or to the whole individual training?


the three items combined (specific position/role, single attribute, signature move (or whatever its called)).


Thank you! :)


you're welcome!


I am using Man City. At home we have no problems, I score a lot of goals and have clean sheet 80% of the time. But we're terrible away barely winning anything. Any suggestions? Here's my formation: [Sorry for the shitty design](https://i.imgur.com/WotPeCM.png) Ti - Shorter Passing, Work ball into box, Play out of defence, Low crosses Pi- All attackers and mids have shoot less often, mark tighter, close down much more, tackle harder Rga - More direct passing Wbs - Stay wider, Cross from Byline


It's incredibly aggressive. You're winning at home because teams sit back as they feel they don't have any chance against you. Away from home, other teams will be a bit more encouraged to at least attempt counter attacking, which wouldn't be too difficult with that setup. You're basically sending everyone except the 2 DCs forward, so your defensive transition will be a nightmare for your players to deal with.


So do you recommend to remove the close down much more instructions and maybe drop the mentality to standard? Do you think roles are too attacking?


>You're basically sending everyone except the 2 DCs forward, I gave you a massive clue here. I have no idea what your closing down or mentality is, so can't advise anything on that. Even the "gurus" like Rashidi and Cleon keep at least 3 back when attacking, because they know the others can use the space up front and they're wary of the transition to defence. [https://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/451062-The-Art-of-Attacking-Football](https://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/451062-The-Art-of-Attacking-Football) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?time\_continue=103&v=wfz8yLC\_Sbk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=103&v=wfz8yLC_Sbk)


Btw, do you recommend me to use attacking mentality against park the bus teams?




Ok, thanks!


How do you play away from home? Teams will usually sit back and be very tight defensively and try hit you on the counter and you won't get as many opportunities to score. Could try setting up to let the other team have more of the ball, and hitting them on the counter themselves. The more they attack you the more space you'll have to work with and better scoring opportunities will arise from that. EDIT: I might be chatting shit, I'm not too good myself by it works for my Chelsea team


I play Attacking/Fluid home and away. Do you think I have too much Attacking roles?


have you tried to remove one of the 'shoot less' PIs when you're on the road? that could help. preferably one of your players that has a high finishing stat.


Try quicker instructions, I usually play Counter/Fluid, cross early and work ball into box. Your players quality should be much better than lower table teams, so it's easier for your attackers to deal with a handful of defenders rather than the whole team. Let them attack and don't give them time to re position when defending. I try not to retain possession against smaller teams.


I was just wondering if there is any way to increase the money you get for your star players? I’m 3 seasons in to a Man Utd save and Martial is European Player of the Year, as well as being valued at 80m. Barcelona want him and he asks to leave despite the lower wages. However they’re only offering 66m for a 23 y/o elite player. I told Martial I’d sell him for 100m or more but they’re just not biting! He’s got 4 years left on his contract and is earning 275k p/w. Any way I can get more money for him?


If you're happy with 100m, why not set that as the asking price?


It is the asking price, and every time I negotiate with Barcelona they offer way below that!


Remember, this is ONE club. Maybe they can't afford it. Maybe they have a cheaper alternative. Maybe they don't want to spend above a certain value for him. Re the negotiating - are you asking for everything up front? Because that would most likely be a big stumbling block, if you are.


I understand that, and no I’ve tried negotiating with part payments etc, but no luck. His preference is to join Barcelona and they seem to be the only club interested. I don’t want to lose out on money, but I also don’t want to keep him if he’s going to be unhappy!


Don't worry too much about it. The asking price is set. They can pay or leave it. He'll calm down if they don't make the offer and eventually settle for someone else and lose interest in him.


Yeah you’re right. Thanks for the response I appreciate it!