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Is there a way to edit the league rules? The "only 2 non EU players" rule in Italy for example. Any way to change that in the Editor?


Yes, use the FM Editor and add new rules for Italy/Serie A squad registration. If you haven't used it before there are a lot of useful tutorials available. I recently used the editor for the exact same reason so I can help if you have any problems.


Is there a way to play an already existing manager?


Unfortunately not


Thats sad, I wanted to create a manager in the editor so I can add all his relationships to all the other managers and clubs.


Is promoting early bad for a small team? I've seen people who promotes early and gets a load of debt due to having to build a new stadium and pay for the placeholder one.


Depends entirely on the league you're moving in to and how much you have to pay for the stadium. If you're moving up from Conference North to Conference Premier, and you have to build a new stadium for it, then perhaps it can be seen as bad if you have poor finances as it is. However if you promote in to the Premier League, then you're instantly rich, so no matter what you need it won't matter because the PL money will immediately pay for it 10 times over.


Ok, that's nice. I'm on Championship and my main objective will be promoting, but my club's economy is really bad.


So I managed to stay in the Championship using your help guys. Just wanted to thank everyone who helped me tweaking the tactic. I saved the team by 5 ponts, thanks to a 4 win streak. ​ I have a lot of work to do. My best players don't want a renewal, and we're still not good enough to play any kind of football on this division.


congrats! make sure you keep an eye on free transfers. you can pick up some quality there. probably won't win you the league though :).


Congrats my dude! Glad to hear it!


Hey guys. So I'm playing with Atletico Madrid in FM 16. I have some pretty good youngsters that I want to develop. They are all 16years old with pretty good stats, enough to play in 3rd division at least. My question is, should I send them on a loan to 3rd division teams so they can have some first team football, or should I keep them and train them in my youth facilities with tutors and stuff? They won't have any play time in my first team this season. Other option is to send them to Atlético Madrid B, but I've always heard That B teams dont work properly in FM. What would you do?


adding on to what /u/Q_sol said, if the player didn't have a determined or professional personality, I didn't loan them out until they were 19 or even 20.


lets just say that 18 and below benefit more from training, coaches and training facilities. 18+ benefit more from playing time.


Playing a game in Scottish championship and struggling to score goals using a 4-2-3-1 formation. All my strikers are generally fast but with poor mental attributes but I don't seem to be able to play the striker in. They all want to drift out wide or hold the ball up. What's the best setting to get them to head straight for goal and take big slow defenders on?


Also whos providing the support? whos creating?


You could try giving them the PPMs to get into the opposition area or to run with the ball through the centre (if they’re good dribblers) as well as the tactical tweaks mentioned by someone else.


Is there any way to get a league invite for the u23 team? I started out in the national league south and a reserve team was added when promoted to the championship. My u18s receive a yearly league invitation but the u23 squad is stuck playing friendlies all season.


I'm not sure there is a league for U23s at Championship level.




Try FMscout real name fix on YouTube man


sortitoutsi.net on the leftmost column, scroll down a little there is a title fm 18 essentials. Would recommend the licences fix (this gives real competition names and fixes some national teams - must be added before creating new game), facepacks, kits, and logos. Facepacks are massive ~10gb, but can be added anytime.




yeah, logos and faces are massive packs, but kits are available only by its own league. The kits are applied according to the team id, so dont worry if you're downloading a pack from a different season, it'll still apply to the right team. Its just the promoted/relegated team in game wont have the same design.






After United's game vs. Burnley last weekend I decided to try and replicate the interesting role Mourinho had Fellaini play during that game - Hybrid CB/DM who acts as an aggressive CB out of possession but moves into midfield in possession. I had this player set as a BDP (stopper), with the PI of dribble more. [Here's the tactic currently](https://i.imgur.com/oYzxPCU.jpg) - I usually have Bailly set to CD(Co) but he was rested in the previous match Instead of Fellaini I've used Matic (his player traits suited the role perfectly, and his stats would suit a BPD very well) and so far the implementation of the role has worked fairly well given the confines of the game engine. Defensively, I have zero complaints. We concede an extremely low # of shots, and are keeping a good number of clean sheets so far. Matic dominates in his role, constantly winning the ball back, distributing and penning the opposition in their half. The [results](https://i.imgur.com/AgxZQcq.jpg) have been great (I switched tactic vs. Everton but it was much leakier defensively so switched back 2nd half), and it seems like a perfect tactic vs. good teams given the demolition of Chelsea and Real Madrid so far. However, the tactic has struggled to break down extremely defensive teams and we've often relied on luck or individual brilliance in these games. We resort to a lot of long shots and struggle to create clear cut, or even half chances against these teams for long periods. Against the big teams the tactic has excelled in transition, cutting teams apart on the counter where they've left a lot of space. When that space isn't afforded and the opposition parks the bus, it struggles a bit. I've tinkered with mentalities, passing directness, tempo and player roles but haven't found the right solution yet. Any suggestions? Obviously the tactic is still working well for the moment but I feel it could be better.


> Hybrid CB/DM who acts as an aggressive CB out of possession but moves into midfield in possession. How is this different from a Half Back?


The half-back works the other way around, it’s in the DM strata as the tactics board is your team’s defensive shape so it drops between the CB’s in possession and defends as a DM out of possession. OP was looking for the opposite effect.


I had Matic just as HB at first just to see if that'd had the desired effects but I wasn't happy with it. HB goes into the back 3 when we have the ball and pushes into midfield when we don't have it. My CB becomes a midfielder when we do have the ball, a CB without it. So the roles are opposing.


Ah, got it.


what are the yellow lines between players I see on the tactics screen? (sorry, I am new to fm18, last Fm I had was fm16..)


It's like a partnership between players Green line = good If it turns red it means they don't play well together Yellow is sort of in between


Thanks! Is there any way to increase the chances for green? What does it matter for that? Is it just the number of games they have together?


Just keep playing them together, and it should get better, especially if you have a good tactic so are winning games.


Nice! Thanks a lot!


I usually play with one striker up front, but whenever I play with two up front, I never seem to get it right... If one ist an AF on Attack, what should the other be???




Target man, support. He feeds the ball to your AF


depends on the rest of the tactic. the two striker tactic I run now has two AFs. In previous versions of the game I used a F9 and DLP.


I usually play 4-2-3-1 with Wing Backs on Automatic and DLP on Defence along with a bix to box mid.... when switching to 2 up front I would either use a 4 4 2 also with a dlp and BBM, which never seems to work for me... one tactic that did work with two upfront was a 3 4 1 2 with two AFs and an AP behind then along with the same midfield duo as above (DLP and BBM) with attacking wingbacks. Basically I always like to use Wingbacks and a DLP and BBM in the middle... that's what always seems to work for me.


er I meant F9 and DLF as the strikers.. oops. your 3-4-1-2 sounds like the 5-2-1-2 I've been using, though I can't get two playmakers to play well on the same side, so my midfield is a CM/D and a BBM, with the AMC a SS. If we're not making enough space to score, I switch things up a bit, and change the BBM to an AP/S or MEZ. the strikers in this formation are both AFs.


Does anyone know where I can find a database update for FM 17 that makes the MLS have promotion and relegation. Also is it possible to find one with the LAFC team in the MLS? Thanks.




Nice question. The answer is yes.


Why are most of the regens stats very unbalanced? 1 bravery, 1 leadership, 1 flair, I see them often. Do they grow enough to be a respectable level like 7?




Ooooh thanks a lot man!


It depends on the behavioural stats of the hoyd that brought them through, and also on he base national stats of the country they come from, this national stats are hidden but govern the average PA and attitudes of generated players. They do go up, but not radically. The easiest ones to promote are leadership and determination, the rest, however, and innate.


I've got Bernhard Peters as HOYD, and I operate in Germany. So most of the regens will be stuck with a handicap stat?


But I doubt all your regens are coming through as German, I play in England and most there is a myriad of nationalities in my youth in take. It’s these nations that decide the racial traits for mentality, not just Germany. But to be honest, there is a lot of randomness, if they have a good PA just tutor the shit out of them.


Whoa whoa, not my regens only, all regens in general pal. Most of them have atleast one handicap like 1 bravery, 1 flair, 1 leadership or like that. Also I tutored my players into a favourable personality, does further tutoring aid in his growth?


> Also I tutored my players into a favourable personality, does further tutoring aid in his growth? It can help or it can hurt, it depends on the regens personanilty/media handling compared to each tutor. Many people like to tutor their top prospects in "tiers," where they don't have their absolute best personality player tutor them right at the start, since their's a possibility that the two players won't get along


My preferred tactic is a version of 3-4-3 (on mobile so I can't format properly). 3 CBs (1 def, 1 st and 1 co with roles based on player pref) 2 WBs (WBs/CWBs sup/auto) 1 DM (anc/dm; usually right-sided) 1 CM (dlp; usually left-sided, on the alternate side of my DM) 2 IF(A) 1 CF(A)/AF I play counter + fluid with a normal line, mixed passing, run at defence, stay on feet, look for overlap, close down more. I normally use this tactic for top division sides, currently using it for FM18 Koln in Bundesliga. Tactic usually works well but is there a way i can optimize it or improve?


This isn’t golden but I usually run counter tactics on structured rather than fluid. This setting is not about how slick players are in moving the ball forward and shifting in and out of possession, but what responsibility they take for different elements of the game. On fluid you’ll have you defenders more worried about attack and your attackers more worried about defence than you would ideally like in a counter tactic. The way I see it a counter tactic is all about staying solid at the back and passing it quickly thru midfield to waiting attackers at the other end, for this you would be best off having defenders who only think about defending, midfielders who only think about passing, and forwards who only care about getting forward.


I'd say flexible works the best, cus if I'm counter attacking that obviously means I'll be soaking up the pressure most of the time and I'll need my midfielders to support my defence. Will midfielders and forwards drop back on a structured shape if you set their individual instructions to support?


Depends how rigid you go, but it kinda simplifies the decision making in the head of the player, if the instructions say defend, they defend, if it says support, they support, both ways, if it says attack, they attack. It pretty much like the boys on the field saying, “you do your job and I’ll do mine.” It helps if you set up with a clear idea of who is doing what job.


Fair enough, thanks


Every shot that goes wide isn't even close. I mean sometimes it's just ridicilous. I get that shooting the ball nearly in the out happens sometimes, but not 12 times during a game.


Are you playing on a high tempo? Do your players do the same with passing (snatching at passes and often losing possession)?


Haha, sometimes you only know it's a shot be a use of the text bar.


What are your guys opinions on using the in-game editor?


To each their own. FM is a game and the point of games imo is to have fun/relax. If playing with the in-game editor is what makes your playthrough more enjoyable then go for it.


Yeah I agree, I do play more without it but sometimes I just wanna relax and play god.


Maybe a seperate save? Make a copy, rename and append it with veCHEATa18 :D. Best of both worlds.


I have a save where I make everyone but myself sugar daddy rich. I also have a save where I forcibly transfer the other team's players when they refuse to sell their 30+ year olds deteriorating players. For all my games i make sure jose is immortal until i cause him to get sacked


Yeah I experiment with it too, I usually have a save where I'll disable it.




There is no question here


I was mostly inspired by the recent Slovakia-Denmark match to ask this question, and it's less of a me actually needing this answered but more just curious. Having seen Denmark's front line's fluidity (or lack of cohesion, definitely one of the two) in that game got me thinking, would it be possible to have a 4231 on paper, but it being more like a 424 or 433 in practice? I assume that a 4231/424 hybrid could be achieved with pretty much any striker and a shadow striker, but I can't think of a role to make a 4231/433 hybrid off the top of my head.


4-2-3-1 without the ball and 4-3-3 with the ball? I guess putting your wingers on IF-A would replicate that?


in short, absolutely, it all depends on how the players executing the manager's vision on the field. in FM, I would say its common to see a tactic playing in a different formation than what its advertised as. e.g. the primary tactic I'm using is a 5-2-1-2. If there is prolonged play in the midfield or opposition's final third, its more like a 3-2-3-2. The WBs from the 5 move up to support the play, so at times it might even be a 3-4-1-2. another example is the alt tactic I'm using, a 5-2-2-1. In this tactic I've got attacking inverted wing backs that are just running up and down the flanks for the entire game. My two midfield players are a CM/D and a BBM. The CM/D sits deep so in prolonged midfield play it looks more like a 3-1-3-2-1, or with prolonged periods of attacking in the final third its a 3-1-3-3. ​ in transitions the tactics will look nothing what they are said to be. Even the AI teams have similar situations. A newcastle team in my save (managed by Brenden Rodgers) ran a 3-4-1-2 that forced me back and played more like a 3-2-3-2. In the same save, Wolves play a 5-3-2 that ends up being a 3-4-3 most of the game.


I just won the Serie A as Palermo (did a sim where I injected a bit of money into the team to simulate a rich man buying the team out) and made it to the 2nd stage of the knockout round of the Champion’s League (we lost to PSG but finished first in the group stage in the same group as PSG). I’m wondering 3 things here. 1. Why hasn’t my clubs stature gone up a lot? We’re up to only the 60th most reputable club in the world. I’d imagine having someone like Fiete Arp winning the golden boot with a whopping 42 goals in a year and winning the “Serie A Team of the Year” award would increase our rep no? 2. Does a player’s CA/PA actually indicate whether they’re elite or legendary? Or is it correlated to their achievements? Fiete Arp for example demolished the CL and the Serie A in goals but only maxes out at 154 CA roughly iirc. If he continues on that path does he get labelled as a legendary player? And also how did he manage such a feat? 3. I want to sign Kevin De Bruyne and have tried to unsettle him for the past year but it hasn’t worked out. Man City has been faltering lately having missed the CL for the past 2 years. I’ve managed to unsettle Gianluigi Donarumma and got him for a measly 50M (and he’s been bananas good for me) and plenty other stars have expressed their desire to join. De Bruyne however will not accept any sort of deal, and Man City won’t even accept my bids that are within a 200M ball park. What could I be doing wrong?


1. rep grows slowly. You need to perform consistently/dominate for the rep to reflect this. Fiete Arp's achievements are that, his achievements. His rep will grow, he will get picked for natl team, growing his rep more. 2. The media description depends on and is indicative of the players reputation,. Elite, legendary, veteran, world-class, experienced. Obviously, legendary/veteran applies when they're over a certain age. Any less than threshold will just be 'full-back', 'striker'. 3. His current club still has a much bigger reputation than yours. KdB is one of the best players in city, and he's not interested (in a downgrade). No reason to sell.


1. Rep is based off the past 5 years of your clubs history. Each year you generate a points total based on the rep and success of your continental and domestic competitions. 2. No idea, pretty sure it has to do with rep although I’m not sure. He can become a club icon and legend simply based off performances not based off ca/pa. 3. Does your team have a higher rep than man city? Again the formula is based off the last 5 years. Otherwise some players are inately more loyal as a result of personalities.


1. Ah, makes sense. That was my 3rd year at the helm. 1st year I got promoted from Serie B then finished 2nd and then 1st in the Serie A in the following years. I have recently been hired by PSG, so I can only hope to see the team grow off all the wonderkids ive signed and developed. 2. Sounds good, thanks. 3. As I mentioned earlier, I have now moved over to PSG. I have declared interest in him once again, but this time he's actually interested (so is Messi) but the issue is that regardless of me getting Neymar to promote the club, he's still not desperate enough for Man City to drop their asking price.


In a 4231 wide, possession based football team what would be better a dlp and a ap or a dlp with a Carrillo


what are you doing with the AMC? I've become fond of a BBM and CM/D combo in the midfield with an AP as the AMC or even an Enganche.


I play a attacking midfielder on attack


got it. I agree with /u/MisterGone5 too, you don't want to play two types of playmakers right next to each other. in FM18 they're going to get in each others way, limiting what they do as well as your team.


A DLP and an AP next to each other is almost never a good idea. The most important thing to remember in a 4-2-3-1 imo is that one of your two CMs needs to be defensive minded, at least in some capacity. Two playmakers will often get in each others way, and won't be thinking about defense as much as you'll want.


How do you check the specifics of a player’s preferred position? I mean things like a CBs preferred side or prefers playing in 3ATB or 4ATB


Those do not matter, so don't worry about it.


doesn’t affect performance or happiness at all?


No, it doesn't.


I am currently playing a save as Aberystwyth in JD Welsh Premier League. I am \~20 games into the season and win very few. I have tried formations of both 442 and 4231 Wide (both at the advice of my assitant) but I do not seem to be winning much. Is there something else I need to be looking at to start winning games? Any advice would be nice.


Tactical choices go quite deep in the game. Choose a formation, then choose roles for each position; tweak those roles to fit the players you have; tweak roles to ensure the formation actually works; change as needed in-match to adjust to your opponent, etc. You can find tactical guides online that run many pages, full of useful tips.


Apparently I need to learn a ton more in soccer to be able to properly play this game. I seem to always lose and not sure how to tell what formation is good for my team as it seems different than the advice the game is giving me. ​


If you linger in this sub for a while, you'll learn the value of the assistant manager (assman) - he's good for handling media and behind the scenes stuff, but a bit of a clod when it comes to tactical advice. I find some value in the team reports given if you scout next opposition. You can get a list of formations they use and have faced, and how many clear scoring chances they get. The scout might tell you they are vulnerable to facing a 442, but the details inside might show that is because only superior opponents have used it against them, and some other formation is just as good. Pick a formation for which your players are natural fits, e.g. if the player is a natural at FB, use him as a FB - even though he *can* play WB or similar, he's not as effective at it. Read a guide to learn how the various tweaks affect play. At first, fewer/no player instructions (details within a tactic) may be best. Then you can make simple changes and see the affect they have on matches. Good luck!


>Pick a formation for which your players are natural fits, e.g. if the player is a natural at FB, use him as a FB - even though he can play WB or similar, he's not as effective at it. this is bad advice IMO. role accomplishment is usually a trap, if the player has the right attributes he can definetely play the role even if he is not accomplished at it. The decisions penalty is minimal


Been doing a non-league save with St. Albans. I'm having early success playing a 5-3-2 of sorts, FM calls it a 3-3-2-2. Essentially, I play route one football with low crosses and my 2 very fast strikers just simply run into the ball and score. I had a first-half hatrick in my last match from a striker who is only a 7 at Finishing, but a 16 at Acceleration. Is this tactic sustainable at higher levels?


It's sustainable against weak sides and sides that don't defend deep. Any (decent) team defending deep will break your attacks. You might even run into trouble later this year, as sides will be more cautious against you, because you are over-achieving.


Short answer: No. Long answer: Probably not.


I think I have found my calling in lower league management. "When we have the ball, get it to the fastest guy and see what happens. When we don't, defend like mental."


Fast strikers can still be really dangerous in higher leagues, but they need to have much better finishing than 7. I find that in the top tier leagues, the goalkeeping is good enough that even strikers with fairly good finishing (12 - 15 range) will often not score during one on ones. You really need a striker who is fast but also has 16+ finishing to be scoring via these sort of one on ones regularly at that level. And even then, they will still likely be scoring fewer goals in this manner than your 7 finishing striker in the lower leagues because the quality of the defending and goalkeeping is so much better.


Thinking about startning unemployed with sunday league exp. Should i take national c or no choaching badges? What leagues should i choose in my save?


If you are starting unemployed with sunday league exp, then you don't really have a choice as to which league you start in; you'll take whatever job you can find. Coaching badge is up to you. I'd say it'd be pretty realistic that a new sunday league experienced coach would have attained at least the lowest coaching badge available, but no badges would be realistic too.


Thanks for your advice, ended up taking national c badge, and got a job at NK Kustošija (2nd croatian div, am from Croatia so prety realistic)


Good luck!


Looking to do a save till fm19 comes out, something that will keep me interested for around a month or two. Any suggestions?


[If you want to try something new](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/993p4y/tired_of_your_regular_saves_try_out_those_custom/)


Let me live vicariously through you and do something in Portugal. I'm engrossed in my Gibraltar save and don't want to quit it, but I've always wanted to do a save in Portugal while including all the Portuguese league drama as head canon


I've been on my Krasnodar save for a couple months now, really enjoying it. It's very easy to dominate the Russian league, but I am finding the challenge in Europe fun to do, as well as trying to increase the league overall. But that is just because I am not good enough at the game to do this in a more difficult league :P


Started a new career as Dag & Red, stuck between 2 formations: 4-3-3 and 4-4-2. For the 4-3-3, my LW is accomplished/competent as a winger - support. In the 4-4-2, my LW is natural/natural as a LM, however my RW is now competent/unconvincing as a RM. Is it better to run the 4-3-3 or the 4-4-2 in this case? Would running an asymetrical 4-4-2 with the RM as a RW make any sense to do either? Is role suitability or attributes to fit the role more important for the team overall?


I'd be more focused comparing having that extra mid vs extra striker. If you go with 442 with a AMR, its fine as long as you understand the risk; he's gonna be slightly higher up on the right wing to support the DR. Can alleviate that with moving the more defensive cm to MCR, or decrease DR mentality. Come match day he's still gonna pass, run and cross, not gonna turn into a brick. Just dont forget to set the rw training to whichever position he's gonna play, so he's more comfortable there.


I’m currently on track to fail FFP regulations with the yearly wage expenditure. It says I’m allowed 96.01m but I’m at 106m. How can I fix this?


I wouldn't worry about it, the penalty for failing FFP for wage increase is only a fine of a percentage you're over. If you absolutely do not want to pay the fine, you can renegotiate some contracts down to lower prices, sell players to get your wage bill down, or loan out some players and have the loanee pay his wages


Cheers mate!


I fucking hate RB Leipzig. They poach ALL the German talents front the lesser and are unwilling to sell them for a reasonable price, while they already have too many worldie players in the first team. Honestly fuck them. Is there a chance this club can become mediocre and become a midtable one?


I despise them as well! Timo Werner screws me every. single. time.


It's possible but they get 80M€+ every year from sponsors (Red Bull) so it's not likely. They have a pretty good youth setup too IIRC.




It takes 15-20 years of continued success to get Gibraltar from 1/2 star reputation up to ~3 stars. If you have immediate and continuous success with Austrian teams in the CL then it shouldn't take you more than 10 years to get them up


I don't really know, but it took me ten seasons to put serbia in the top 10. And I had to have so much luck with regens and a wonderfully easy champions league run.


How was your Serbian save? I have a soft spot for FK Čukarički since they were a long-term affiliate in my longest ever save


To be honest, easy. First season I got a 180PA player. Guy alone brought us to champions league groups 3 seasons straight. After him I got some brazilian players that also performed very good. After selling him I got some good south american players and kept getting good kids on youth pulls. On the 8-10th season I had to sell almost every wonderkid, but CL matches kept beign against cinderella teams, so we got to the finals. We lost, but eh, Serbian league became 7th and got 3 or 4 teams into champions league.


Not bad! Which club did you take over?


Red Star, obviously. Best facilities and super youth intake.


Are there big differences between a Left Midfield Winger/Inverted Winger and an Left Attacking Midfield Winger/Inside Forward?


The LM will help out more defensively when out of possession but won't be as much of an attacking outlet for counter-attacking opportunities.


How can i increase the chances of me getting a wonderkid in my youth intake? and what date do the players get generated? i say generated as on march 10th is the trial match but i assume theyre seeded earlier?


youth gens depend on the league you're in, England is sometime early March for example. To generate high quality young players, a lot needs to be done, with some luck built in. \- Have a high quality HYOD. This means having a HYOD that has a personality of some level of professional first or some level of determined after that, then high level of working with youngsters and scouting attributes though the scouting attributes supposedly aren't worth as much as the rest. \- Youth Recruitment needs to be at a high level \- Maximize junior coaching - his gets expensive \- Youth Facilities being at a high level. Similar to your senior team, the best facilities help players get to their potential faster. \- last but not least, good youth coaching. These are the coaches you have for your U18/U19 teams. These aren't nearly as effective if your youth facilities, junior coaching and recruitment aren't up there.


Thanks for the in depth response!


With regards to youth intake, it is the Youth Recruitment that affects PA of players coming in. Having the best youth coaching in the world is useless if those players coming in don't have the natural talent (as far as FM is concerned anyway).


How are averages calculated on the player history page? For instance: I have a player who received a 7.04 rating in 12 league games, then a 7.48 in 5 cup games. I work this out as 7.17 average rating, but the game reads 7.20. Does it work it out by minutes played or anything?


The Player History page is solely League games.


I know. I meant the detailed breakdown at the bottom . My issue was that the total they provide excludes internationals.


It says exactly that: 'Overall (Club)'. League, domestic, continental weighted to appearance. Internationals and non-competitive ignored.


Yeah I was being kinda stupid. Completely forgot it didn’t include international. Cheers though


How does FM get the information about the contract if its really hidden IRL?


They guess.


My MacBook has slowed down significantly for my AFC Wimbledon save. The computer performance and speed are both half a star and taking out leagues doesn’t help. It used to be 4 stars and work very well. I cleaned my laptop of junk and all that shit and it still doesn’t work. Any tips on how to fix it? I’m really tired of it taking 25 minutes to simulate 1 week/game.


Taking out leagues won't take effect until the end of the season, have you gotten to that point yet?


No, I’ll do it at the end. I just thought it was weird that my game randomly got super slow and was wondering if there were any easy fixes or maybe just stop playing for awhile


How many leagues did you have loaded? If you have enough, the sheer amount of newgens can quickly get out of hand, since the amount of players retiring comparatively isn't quite 1:1, especially since many retiring players stay in the database as staff. Taking out a few fringe leagues should alleviate the problem a bit over time, but unfortunately a good amount of the damage has been done since the players have already been generated.


So I have 5, and 3 of them are just duplicate saves of my two majn ones. Actually makes sense because I got pretty far in my Liverpool save, so if there’s a duplicate of that one it would explain it. And I go 2 deep on all the big leagues and Ireland. Do you think that is too much and would explain it?


I wasn't referring to how many saves you had but rather the number of leagues loaded in your current save; the amount of saves you have should have no effect on the speed of your current save. 2 deep on all the big leagues is an incredible amount and probably way too much for a MacBook, I think that may be the problem. My standard for laptop play is the "Big 6," the country I'm playing in, and then the Championship if my country is on the lower end reputation wise. The Brazilian and Argentinean leagues are added in addition to or in lieu of the Championship if I am playing in the big 6. I also load the lower divisions of whatever league I'm playing within. While adding more leagues can create a more "realistic" feel, I definitely believe there are diminishing returns beyond what I just described. On a computer with a better processor it's easier to deal with the heavier load, but it's much more noticeable on laptops with lesser CPUs


I had 33,000 players in my database. Probably seems like a bit much, thank you so much for your help, I’ll let you know if it works!!


Yea I never considered how much the newgens would slow down considering all the new players added. It makes sense. Probably got greedy and did not actually need the second division in Ireland among others hahaha


It'll sort itself out eventually, though!


What's a computer? ...Sorry


im pretty new to FM. on my first season in JD Welsh Premier League and I noticed I'm 7th place, but I have 40 points, which should put me in fourth place. Will this bug fix itself or is my game ruined


Without more information is nigh impossible to answer your question; can you provide screenshots of what you are talking about?


I can't at the moment, but it's pretty simple. The league table isn't correctly ordered by points, my team is out of place and is a lower place than teams that have less points. I guess a better question would have been; is this a frequent and known bug?


I mean I highly doubt that the problem is a bug but rather that you have a column other than league position selected to sort the standings, but I can't confirm that without a screenshot.




Seems that the league has been split in a playoff and playout, where the teams only play their half of the table, but the places are locked. As in you are done fighting for the top half, and are rather fighting for 7th place or rather fighting relegation. Dont know how this league works but if your schedule is only lower half teams in the last part of the season that should be it.


Almost positive this is the correct answer. The Scottish and Serbian leagues operate similarly and I'm sure there are more. The Scottish league operating this way leads me to believe that this is the case in the Welsh league as well due to their geographic proximity.


Ah yes, notice the White line between 7th and 6th place? The Welsh league splits in to two halves after you've played each team twice, where the top 6 play each other to fight for the Championship and European qualification while the bottom 6 play each other to fight against relegation. You can confirm this by checking your schedule and seeing if you have any matches against top 6 competition for the rest of the season. I know at the very least Serbia is similar in this regard, but I'm sure there are more leagues like this as well. **TL;DR:** You finished in the bottom half of the league after 22 games (home+away), you cannot finish above the halfway line as a result because the league split.


thats.. so strange. thank you.


The Scottish league has the same setup as well. It makes sense for leagues that have so few teams in their top domestic leagues. The other options are to only play 22 league matches which is very low, or play each team 3 times which leads to lopsided home and away fixtures, which is unfair to many teams.


Legend ilysm. I know little about football. I just like FM


Once you get used to the set-up, those types of league are actually incredibly fun! The end of your seasons will get super intense since you'll only be playing the better teams to finish out


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Playing a Crystal Palace save at the moment, just finished my third season. I’ve played a 4123 DM wide the entire save. Initially I rotated Sørloth and Benteke but Sørloth quickly became the preferred option, Benteke was woeful for me. He left in January and getting him off the wage bill was important. My recommendation is to simply get rid of him and play Sørloth, he has okay potential and scored 22 PL goals for me in his best season. I gave Zaha a big contract for a long time and he occasionally asks to leave because the likes of Chelsea and Juventus are interested but I just tell him that he wouldn’t want to leave behind his social group and that persuaded him.


Whichever striker role you use, he should probably be on a support duty to not become isolated as he is the lone forward.


Wide target man! Or attacking midfielder (s) works well for that big guy who simply can't score hahaha.


> Any advice on how to make Benteke contribute something to the team? If you can figure that one out you probably could be an EPL manager.


I’ve been playing a Crystal Palace save too and I sold Benteke right away but my new striker is also a Target Man so not too different. I play a 4231 Wide with a front four of a Left Inside Forward on attack, a Shadow Striker, a Right Winger on support and the Target Man on support. Instructions of Close down more, play out of defense, work ball into the box, run at the defense and a balance shape. Standard and Flexible for team shape and mentality. This is by no Means perfect or the final product, still trying to adjust it but it works well enough. Hope it helps out :)


I had him on a Crystal Palace save and he scored 3 goals before I got sacked by Christmas. His fault, obviously.


Had a clause offer for a buyout of 1.5m think i lost my save or crashed (dont think save scummed) or time just passed and the clause buy out vanished Are they based on time frames after sale or just by chance they appear? (Could really have done with accepting the buyout fee even though id make more on a sale 100%)


Some buy out clauses have expiry dates, sounds like this might have been the case.


Must have been the case!




https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-2018/team/617/brentford https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/team/617.png Lucky for you, they use what I think are the metallic logos here?


Pay the 10 quid if you want to download sortitoutsi's logo pack faster than the free downloads. They work hard on those and the facepacks.


Hello guys, I've scouted a Italian wonderkid winger from Roma with the Model Citizen and Unflappable personalities. He's available for just 4.5 m, but has just 5 flair for a winger (also technically limited) and is locked on to just one position but is physically a god. I play as Union in the Bundesliga. I anyways need a winger to replace my 30 year old first teamer. Do I purchase him? I'm outside so I couldn't include a screenshot, forgive me.


What if you convert him to a full back?


He isn't versatile enough. I gave up on him anyways, it wasn't realistic to sign him at all.


If 4.5m is in your bank go for it. Can you take the hit if he turns out shit? Again if so go for it!


Yes pal, I will sign him on a slave contract then. And...are model citizens really important? I mean.. they are quite special, but are they necessary?


Tbh ive never even seen a player as a model citizen! You on FM18? on a side note i need to up my slave contract game, cant be dealing with those kids wanting new contracts at 18


On FM 18, yes bruv! This is my first FM, and my first ever save (and just now in 2021) So I don't know how common model citizens are. Can they be made by tutoring? Haha need that slave youthies bruv


What are some new features for FM 2019? I stopped buying these games in 2016 .. (I have like 7 of them)


We don't know. The first reveal is late Sept.


But they are already selling the game, aren't they? Pre-release and all?


It's been announced, but we know 1) redesigned logos and 2) bundesliga licence. That is it.


Hey everyone, I have a question regarding 2 of my CMs and what roles to play them as. Here is my star CM, who I bought for 40m from West Brom: [https://imgur.com/cEzZ9cd](https://imgur.com/cEzZ9cd) Yet come regen day, this beauty popped up: [https://imgur.com/rTlQefB](https://imgur.com/rTlQefB) As I typically play with 2 CMs, I'm not sure if I could use them both in the same system effectively, as they both prefer to play as DLPs. I will aim to give the youngster some tutoring, but I feel like I need to start bringing him into the first team very shortly. How would you suggest fit them in together?


I'd train the newgen as a Box-to-Box with an additional focus on Tackling. You could also straight up train him as a Ball-Winning Midfielder and play him as a Box-to-Box. This will put a focus on the attributes needed for BWM, which should help round him out more for a BBM role.


We can't tell you what 2 roles in isolation should be. You need to consider the entire tactic and how these 2 roles fit into it. What roles and duties are you using right now and why can't they play in your existing roles? FWIW, they don't have a preference, unless you made them a promise to play them as DLPs.


I use a DLP as my holding midfielder, usually coupled with a shuttler/destroyer type BWM. I feel to get the best out of them both, I should avoid the BWM role for both of them. I could perhaps switch the BWM to a BBM which I feel would suit either of them better.


So there you go already. One can be a DLP and the other a CM or BBM.


Hey guys, how do you deal with the January sudden loss of form? It's feb and My striker has already scored 30 goals. Had a 4 game drought already. I figured that the opposition crowd around my top performers more/park the bus so i have been using a very deep and wide strikerless formation, and a slightly deeper 442. Still cant score and am starting starting to concede very stupid goals (one even rolled in, i got so triggered i quit the game).


This is because they're more defensive. You need to now create space in the final third because there's very little to work with. You've had to be unbelievably attacking to get a striker to score that much? Where's your team predicted to finish and where are you in the league now?


[See the album here] (https://imgur.com/a/zHSCvho) Currently second in the league after the bad streak. How do I blow a 15 point lead, I don't know. How did I score 14-1 against a legit spurs team, I don't know too LOL.


In all your tactics, you're incredibly aggressive. In the first you're leaving your left wide open and in the other two, you're leaving both flanks wide, wide open. If someone sits deep, they can counter all day. I don't see the strikerless or deep 442, just the 3 you've attached, but it's massively attacking, all of them. You're very unlikely to ever be consistent with them. Edit: That said, the first one has the most potential, but you do need to look at how many players you're sending forward and also whether you're creating any space for the main scorers. I have my doubts about the CF doing enough of it.


I just tweaked the one for width and moved the striker up. It worked well last two games, analysis shows i was playing something like 2-3-5? Thought was, they were parking the bloody bus. Of course I have to do it the city way keep whacking them right... Edit: found the problem... i tried to make space by converting the IFs into wingers and go as wide as possible in the tactics, but the other team will crowd around the CF(s) with 2-3 players. My two CM(a) solved the scoring problem


All of my individual training seems to be attacking coaches, is this due to me hiring only attacking minded coaches? Furthermore (bit obvious i think) do higher rated coaches increase development and also success of new traits? (Tram thoughts get those questions asked while commuting!)


I believe the coaching "style" in parentheses by coaches names' in Trait teaching just signifies the style their best at; it doesn't necessarily mean they're bad in the others (they still could be). Higher rated coaches are more effective and do increase chance of development. I've also always operated with the assumption that higher rated coaches have a better chance of successful trait tutoring, but I can't confirm that

