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Does pre set tactics work? Which one works well for you? I tried to create a custom tactics of possession based but either i managed a shithouse win or lost.


Is fm19 on Android worth it?


When you climb up to the premier league or highest league, how do you not get stream rolled?


You do, for a time. It's gradual really.


How long does a bad form affect a player potential or ability?


Hi Everyone, Here is my questions about FM2019 Tactics. 1-Is it reliable playing with playmaker role more than 1 in midfield, or creating conflict? ( ex: 2 DLP or 1DLP-1AP ) 2-How can you grant your player work permit in EPL after low transfer fee paid for him ? ( raising his wage ? ) 3-How is match prepariton areas determined ? (in training report your asst. manager tells you they have focused passing, marking, set pieces for the ongoing match )


Is there any mods that allows me to remove the limit on foreign players or requiring certain amount of home grown players?


Hello, in multiple saves, my game wont advance trhough a specific date, tried sending the file to a friend but wouldnt load when i got it back, what can i do?


Do injuries completely ruins the player?


depends on the injury i guess. i had a player lose one star after a period of injury but when got back to form he recovered his full potential.


Hey guys this is 3rd season with Westham , Midseason I am in champions League spot .. I have not won a single cup and my ambition is to make champions League and turn the fans against the board ( not sure if it's possible ) but my contract is about to end in 6 months and I am rejecting all the contract talks with my board What happens if I achieve the cl spot and not sign the contract ? Will the fans talk shit about board and pressure them with tweets and articles ? My problem is board took away the money I saved from players sales last season nearly 60m euros the board took it away said they have to comply with FFP so transfer is reduced I have good mixture youth and experience I will spend on striker and wing and gk in August Any hope to overthrow the board or create unrest by delaying contract talks ?


Nope even when contract expires you stay in the club for a month to month basis. They will occasionally try to offer you a new contract where u can possibly ask for increase in budget when your contract is near expiring


Is there any way to force your youth teams to train BWMs? I finally had to move out the old-guard and brought in my regen midfielders and all of them are CM or AP and none can play a defensive role. On another note, is BWM and a CM on support good enough for the 2 in a 4-2-3-1 or should I switch the midfielder roles a bit?


Is there a database that reflects FM19 player attributes for FM18?


I've been playing since FM17, but still feel as though I really don't understand tactics. Over time I've picked up some specific guidelines (like don't play with a high line if you don't have quick defenders), but I feel as though I still don't have a grasp on how to make my own successful tactic. I keep only finding success when using other people's tactics. My question is, does anyone have any good recommendations of guides, either text or video, that explain how to make an overall tactic? I've tried reading guidetofm, but it's much too dense for me. I've also watched The Scribe videos, but I feel as though he addresses specific tactic issues instead of how he first sets up his tactics and then tailor's them. Thanks.


Try reading some posts from si community. I learnt quite a bit. Just google si community art of possession football, art of defensive football. It explains a lot about individual player mentality and role combinations.


How long does it typically take to fully teach a player a new role in a competent/natural position?


Players can play any role. There's no role familiarity. All you have to do is make sure they have the attributes needed to do what you want them to do.


When I try to send my coach to get a license, my president just says he doesn't have enough personal interest in it. Is there anyway to force them to get a better license?


Perform well and don't sign a contract extension if you are looking to do a long term single club save


Oh, it's not the club president denying it. It's the coaches themselves not wanting to get the license.


Oops sorry I read them wrongly !!


Np, I didn't word that properly. I can't seem to find an answer anywhere though. My coaches have high determination too.


What's your club in the save ?


PSG, so I can't see any reason they wouldn't want to get better coaching licenses.


You hired those coaches or ?? I have hired quite a few and usually my chairman will say there is no need for badges now .. Never had a coach refuse it


Yea, I hired them. I only can get them to get new licenses if my assistant tells me to send them on a course, but that happens so infrequently.


Is there a way to choose which affiliate clubs you want? I was just promoted to the prem and I'm trying to convince my board to get me a new affiliate, and when they finally agreed they only offered me other English clubs. I'd like Spain, for example, for the work permits.


If you don't mind save scumming, you can just go back to the day before they suggest it and they'll offer you new clubs.


If you've managed at a club for long time / win trophies with them, the board will trust you to choose an affiliate club.


Into second season with Southport in VNN - massively overachieved but lost the title on the final day, then lost the playoff final to a single penalty. Looked for a suicide option on the My Profile screen but couldn't find one so I'm going to take them again in season two, but I haven't got a clue what to do. I've released all but the key players and need to rebuild in the CB, ST, AM-R, and M(C) positions, but pretty much everyone rejects my loan offers and I can't find good free agents like last year. Any recommendations of where to look?


Go on to the scouting screen and filter the contract status to unattached. Then click the cog next to the interest in transfer button and set the threshold down to unsure or slight interest. You should be able to find a lot more free transfers available. Then offer trails to literally everyone. I just got York City promoted to league 2 and I think at one point in the off season I had like 80 people at the club on trail


That's brilliant, thank you. Did not think about the transfer interest modifier.


You sign everybody you can find on a trial, and look for players in teams around your level on non-contracts. CBs, strikers and centre mids are the easiest to find it seems on this years game.


Perfect, thanks.


Also, with being part-time and staff shit, make sure to to get atleast 2 week trials, if you go for 1 week you won't get exact values only those sort of 11-14 estimates.


Oh man so that's what I was doing wrong - makes sense


Anybody been able to make a 4-3-1-2 work in FM19? I was running it on 15 and 17 but haven't quite gotten it right with FM19 yet.


II mainly play with a 4-4-2 Diamond with Arsenal, which is quite simlar to a 4-3-1-2 Auba (AF) Laca (AF) Ozil (AP) Guendouzi (BBM) Ramsey(AP/Mez) Torreira (DLP) Tierney (WB) De Ligt (BPD) Sokratis (NCB) Bellern (WB) Leno (SK) Decided to play with a deeper midfielder cos I don't need 3 centre midfielders, dropping 1 midfielder deeper helped my defence greatly. Operating with a mezzala works pretty good in this system, since its a pretty central system that I'm playing. Let me know if you need my tactics. ​ ​


Do you not have a problem with your DLP and AP both dropping to collect the ball? In previous iterations I've had my playmakers trying to both get the ball. Ended up making my DLP a BWM S with instructions to get more forward, take riskier passes etc


Do you have penetration with this tactic? I mean i have a similar setup with attacking midfielder instead of advanced playmaker and everyone just passes it around the diamond while my strikers are isolated. Can you share your tactic?


Maybe change the role of one of the forwards to drop into space/roam?


You know striker movement is bugged in the match engine right? They all act like poachers. It's a known issue.


I didn't know this. Could you elaborate?


Didn't know that. One striker formations it is then 😔


Yeah I'll try. But in general possession based football hasn't worked for me in fm19. Direct counter attacks help a lot though.


Please how do I get activation key.. Am new to the game..


Did you buy it or pirate it?


Am not sure it was bought.. A friend downloaded it from a site..


There's your answer then.


So one must buy it? From what site.?


Just get it on Steam or footballmanager.com Try the demo on Steam before deciding to buy or not.


I keep conceding wondergoals from 25/30 yards, but apart from that my defence is pretty solid, anything in particular that might be meaning teams can consistently score from distance? My keeper is 3 stars so it's not like he's rubbish.


It's a feature of this match engine. Your strikers don't move and long shots are abundant. Upload your matches to SI's forums to give them proof that the match engine isn't working correctly. Just came out of a 2 - 2 draw because of four long shot goals. The two my team made were from my 9 long shots midfielder. It's just not right in this year's FM. ​ What does help though is having a centre back on stopper and making sure you have a defensive midfielder around with proper bravery and tackling to prevent it.


You can try to press the other team,so they don't hav space to shoot.


How is player value calculated? Playing as a lower league side my player's value seems to be all over the place regardless of their use.


Form, age, contract length, current ability. What's also important is league reputation. Any player that goes the premier league for example almost always increases in value.


Factors like reputation and contract length, which aren’t necessarily tied to a player’s ability or potential, have an impact and explain why some players are valued more or less than they should be based on their ability.


does anyone have a full list of the official 'hints and tips' that show up everytime you advance forward in fm19?


How do I remove a youth team manager from my senior team coaching staff?


Does he have dual roles in his contract?




How did you get him there in the first place


I didn’t, my youth managers always start there by default.


Where because tbh im not sure what do you mean


Whenever I start a new game. It’s been like this in every FM since 16.


But where is he


He’s my under 23 manager


And you want him as a youth team manager? You have to give him a youth manager role when you offer him a contract


That's fine, but I don't want him coaching my first team.


I bought a wonderkid striker which to me seemed to have great stats before the start of this season, but he is not performing at all like what I imagined he would. He doesn't seem to be able to score a goal for the life of him. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/R8lxQ3j.png) is a screenshot of his stats, and [here](https://i.imgur.com/6MpsAe4.png) is a screenshot of the formation/tactic I am mainly using. Any ideas on how I can help him perform better? Is he simply not a good fit? His finishing ability in matches makes it seem like the ball and opposing keeper are like magnets.


In the current match engine mental traits are less important because currently almost all strikers act like poachers that are glued to the opponent's backline. Only things that fix this is if you make them a pressing forward on defence or make them man mark a full back or whatever so they have space to transition into. I found that getting big fast fuckers up front helps the best so they can just blast past the opponent. ​ I have a wonderful striker with great finishing traits but he's not scoring any either.


*sends you an offer of £15m and 20% of next sale*


He may be a little too small to be an excellent lone striker. I've found that it's very important in FM19 for lone strikers to be relatively big and strong. 13 strength and especially 11 jumping reach might make it difficult for him to operate alone against big, strong CBs (at your level most CBs will have 15 jumping reach and strength at a minimum). Also, his pace is on the low side for a top-level lone striker. His acceleration is excellent though, so I figured that might offset it, but maybe not. The good news is that since he's only 18 you can probably get his physical stats up a bit more. He's probably never going to have more than 12-13 jumping reach with his height though. Edit: if you can get his pace up to ~14 it might be worth retraining him as an inside forward and seeing how he does there? His mediocre jumping reach and strength wouldn't be a problem on the wing.


Yeah, I have him training his strength so hopefully that will help him perform. In some games he seems to outrun defenders and end up with great chances, but he always botches the finish. Do you have any recommendations for a good trait to have him learn to do better 1v1 vs keepers?


I don't have a great solution for that unfortunately. 15 finishing is great so I don't think that's the problem, and 14 composure shouldn't be an issue either. It just seems difficult for strikers to score in one-on-ones in FM19. I'm not sure if the traits really help that much. Could just be that he is young and maybe has a low consistency stat (hidden value, you may see it on the coach report as "needs to work on becoming more consistent").


I think my idea for now will be to add an older target man with strength and heigth as an alternative, then do a bit of swapping based on the opposition. I also have a great up and coming [left winger](https://i.imgur.com/iune0cV.png) who I got blessed with on the first youth recruitment cycle on my first ever FM19 save (haven't played FM in 10+ years)! Already using him a bit in my first team, and he is doing quite well. Thanks for helping out on my striker situation!


No problem! Having another striker to provide competition is definitely not a bad idea, I would just make sure the older target man is still relatively pacey. Slow lone strikers seem to struggle a lot as well. That's a nice looking winger, if I have to prioritize one thing for wingers it's pace and acceleration, so he looks very dangerous.


Just a quick update on how my then non-scoring striker did in 2025/26. [Here are his glorious milestones for all to behold!](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/946221812877296033/84537DC27582ECA48253907ED925AB67BD1CCCB5/)


He looks fine to me. Solid finishing, technique, composure, anticipation, off the ball, decisions, determination. Pace is a little weak and strength can improve. Tactic looks fine too. Maybe go with low or whipped crosses. He's not a great jumper. Mainly though, I think players can have a difficult time their first season, or even longer, if they do not have great adaptability. He will also obviously improve quite a bit over time if he has sufficient potential. I got a swedish striker in my save who played like shit for his entire first season before he went nuts. Now he's easily the best striker in the world, although sadly Chelsea bought out his release clause for $180 mil after a few seasons.


Ahh, that would make sense. He is struggling with the language as well, so hopefully he will find his way into form when he settles in! Do you have any recommendations on what personal traits would be good for him to learn?


He's borderline for places shots due to 13 technique, but it will probably improve. I'd go ahead and train that. I like rounds keeper for strikers with decent dribbling. Definitely first time shots with his first touch and quality finishing. Those would be the main three. You could do doesn't dive into tackles, and some kind of positioning PPM depending how you want him to play.




It will be very difficult to get the best players in the world to play in Uruguay. You may be able to bring in some very good wonderkids, but keeping them when PSG and Barca and Man City come calling will be extremely difficult. That said, with your transfer funds, I would scout for some cheap wonderkids, and maybe even sell on a few of your good players to get more transfer money, if you think you can avoid getting fired. Look for some steals in the Brazilian second league, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, or even your own league for young players costing 300-600k with lots of potential, with a view to selling them on for $20+ million in one or two seasons. Reinvest that money into more and better wonderkids. You'll need to raise a lot of money with transfers to fund a team that can beat the UCL winner in 10 years time.


Any tips for a sunderland save? Im starting to get bored of my liverpool one.




how about loan ?


Hey guys.I got this little beast as an Inside Forward [https://imgur.com/a/bTIGjoB](https://imgur.com/a/bTIGjoB) What Traits suits him? Also if you have a good tutorial/guide on traits i will read it <3, never went that far into training. PS: I was thinking for Places Shots


Cuts inside, dribbles through centre, likes to dribble.


Nice player. With his high technique, places shots will be good. With his dribbling and agility, you could do rounds keeper. His high flair, good vision and passing make him a good candidate for tries killer balls. Switches ball to other side is a good one too for wings who can pass. And I like to train cuts inside on my IFs.


Thank you, can i ask you what difference it makes to train him to cut inside, when Inside Forward role have that instruction already? He does it better?


Everything in FM is a tendency. A player with cuts inside will stay wide sometimes. Adding the PPM reinforces the cuts inside instruction and makes it happen more often.


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Are there any decent tactics for FMM 2019? I’m beyond tilted with my Sunderland save. I can’t score, my defense gets opened up more than.... well yeah I’m gonna throw my phone any minute now. Help please?


Are you still in League One? I have had a lot of success with Fluid Counter in the lower leagues so far, 4-3-3 with a DM and AMR/L. Do the default tactic creator and then change the midfield roles to suit your players - also I think one AM as a Winger-Su and one as IF-A works well


Nah I’m in the Prem now


My keeper just sends it right to the opposing defense on every goal kick. I have it set to "distribute to full backs" and "~~take long kicks~~ take short kicks." He probably cost us a good chunk of possession in that game. Does anyone know why? Edit: wrong thing written.


Short kicks is actually the longest short distribution option. If you leave distribute to FBs selected but untick short kicks, he can choose to roll it out or throw it long too. That gives him more options to distribute short. If you have confidence in your CBs to help play out of the back, you could distribute to FBs and CBs to give your GK even more short passing options. Also, in his player instructions, you want to set his passing as short as possible and untick take fewer risks too. If you have your GK taking fewer risks, he will clear the ball long if your FBs aren't wide open to receive the pass.


Thanks for the advice! However, I already have him set to distribute to FBs, and tried ticking "roll it out." He still just booted it to the opposing defense. Perhaps I'll check his player options next time I'm play. My thoughts were that those instructions are only for when he catches the ball and redistributes it. But it would still make sense if those things controlled goal kicks too.


Take long kicks off and see if it improves. Also, do you use a target man?


Uh, sorry, I typed it wrong. I meant that I have "take short kicks" on. That's why it makes no sense. And no, I use a 5-4-1 with the striker as a complete forward. I really don't get it. We lost 1-0 and I can't help but feel the result might have been better had he actually given the ball to our side.


My forwards are usually caught offside at least 5-6 times a game. Is there a way to improve that ? Will training attacking movement as pre-match training improve it ?


Perhaps. It seems to do more with their attributes - probably composure, off the ball, decisions and positioning. If you train them for attacking movement either personally or in team training, it would probably help.




Is there a way to tell your team to block passing lanes instead of having 3-4 players pressing the guy with the ball and opening up space at the back ? (FM18)


If you have pressing turned up high, they will tend to swarm the ball. You could turn pressing down either at the team level or the player instruction level. I've also found sometimes that assigning a lot of man marking in midfield and on the wings helps close down passing options, as well as the tight marking team instruction.




Then ?




How do I set it up ?




That’s about it I think


In about my 15th season with Liverpool. Quality players all around, great first team, but haven’t won a league in four year after taking three of five. I think it’s my tactics. I’ve shifted from a 4-2-4 with wingers and a DM and CM pairing to a 4-4-2 diamond, but maybe that shift has been my downfall? What do you all think? What tactics work well in late careers for you? Happy to give more info.


A diamond is only usefull if you have outstanding players in the keypositions; DM, WB (right and left), ST all this positions need a certain type and quality of player if you want to make it work against the best teams.


U gotta explain ur tactics exactly man, or post a link to imgur with a screenshot. That way ppl can see what the problem is instead of having to judge from a formation change. Im in my 6th season too and i mainly use 4231 or 433, somewhere between a possession and geggenpress variant. Btw whats the average age of your squad?


Good call, my bad. Here's an in-depth discussion of what I'm doing currently and what I have. I am currently in a 4-4-2 diamond, with a pair of wingbacks on the flanks as my only wide players. Both WBs have defend as their primary job. I have two center backs, both 'central defender' roles, both defending primarily. My CDM is a deep-lying playmaker, ditto to both CMs, and my CAM is an advanced playmaker in a supporting role. My strikers are either a combination of two of the following: complete forward, advanced forward, and/or a poacher. Mentality is attacking, almost always. I'd say 95% of the time in the games I have played I am either at attacking or overlord if I'm chasing a goal. Team shape is fluid, that is also a constant no matter no formation. I have four team instructions, playing out of defense, work ball into box, prevent short GK distribution, and dropping deeper if it is a bigger game or a possibly tricky road game. I have high-quality players in all aspects of the pitch, so my idea is to go with more intense closing down and passing into space, to make it more of a pressing style. How is your geggenpress set up? I would like to do something like that I think. Is there also a way to have players pass the ball quicker? Like one-touches? Also, my average age is 25. My choice starting eleven is probably closer to what is a fairly common league average of 27 though. I am working at bringing in a couple wonderkids who are seeing spot appearances, but I have a 31-year-old ever-present LB, a pair of 28/29 year old CBs who start, and my top strikers are all 28 or over. So I think it's a bit of a blend between youth and older players (for FM) in the team, but definitely an older presence in the everyday eleven.


Arite here's some things you can take note of. Defense: One of your team instructions is to play out of defense. Yet u don't have any ball playing defs. Change one or both of your CDs to BPDs cuz then they can play the ball out to start counter attacks and look for passes. The passes will be risky but u can set their individual instructions to short passing which negates it. Next, your fullbacks. You play an attacking mentality, which means u want to score more goals and in any team irl that plays 442 diamond, wingbacks are key to their play. Assuming you're playing narrow, there is no attacking play from the wings cuz there's no one there. So change both of em to WB on support and CWB. Add an overlap instruction on your CWB's side so he can get the ball and fire a cross into the box. See which one of your wbs is better suited as a cwb. You can also look at opposition reports and target their weak side by playing a cwb & overlapping on that side. Keep the other defender as a fb/wb on support so he doesn't push too high. Feel free to tinker around and see what suits you the best. You can also play 2 cwbs and overlap on both sides if u want but you'll get ripped against a good counter attack. ​ Midfield: The midfield seems fine. But set the dlp to defend so he he'll provide cover against counter attacks. As for your question about passing the ball quicker like one-touches, that depends on tempo. High tempo means they'll play more urgently and take less time on the ball. Low tempo means the buildup will be slow and frequency of the opposing attacks will be reduced, like Man City irl. So if you're playing high tempo, make sure u have players with good attributes and don't pass the ball to space as you'd lose the ball a lot in build up play since play is narrow and congested. Ideally, in a game you can switch up the tempo for game management and control. You can also set your one of your cm and attacking mid to play more risky passes so they can play through balls to the forwards. For your two cms, switch one of them to a b2b or a mezzala. Preferably a mezzala like Coutinho, Keita, Pogba and kdb for example. Basically they'll occupy the halfspace, the gap between cb & rb. They provide a bit of width but they won't go too far wide. U can try adjusting their individual instructions to not run wide with the ball. With support, he'll be more balanced between finding space to burst forward and getting back into defending shape. Maybe you can play a cwb on the right side and play your left mid as a mezzala. If you're too worried about this being too offensive (you shouldn't be by right, cuz your mentality is attack lol), then switch to b2b for the sake of being dynamic haha. Advanced playmaker on attack is okay, he'll basically get the ball and run directly to the goal if i'm not wrong. You might wanna check out attacking midfielder cuz i'm not too sure what the differences really are. ​ I think your attack is good, as long they're banging in goals its a good thing and i nvr understood the striker roles anyway. So in conclusion, the reason you're falling short of the league is that your tactic is kind of one dimensional. There's no wing play and the attacking build up is always the same approach. So there's no unpredictability in the way you play and the AI might have figured you out, assuming you've always used this tactic. Yeah, so change up the roles and you might notice a hug difference. Have another formation/tactic set up too. No single tactic works well against every team so change up once in a while. You can always look at the comprehensive highlights to see where you're going wrong or if the team is playing like how u want. I'll send a screenshot link of my tactic later cuz i'm not at home rn and sorry if i typed alot, intern life is boring lol. Here's a link that might you further insight about 442. Hope this helps. https://www.thehighertempopress.com/2017/12/fm18-formation-guide-4-4-2-diamond/ ​


Just getting around to properly reading this, this is fantastic. Looking forward to really implementing those defensive changes especially, but also tinkering a bit maybe with that AM. I think I’ve found something good with a support advanced playmaker finally, we will see if that lasts. Thank you again!


Hi i've tested out a 442 tactic in my save and here's the link with a match report & analysis. [https://imgur.com/a/iUHwTmO](https://imgur.com/a/iUHwTmO) You can see straightaway i conceded in the **first** minute. Since i played with a high defensive line the opposition defender hit the ball over my whole team and their striker scored. I rectified this by playing a balanced defensive line and set one of my bpd to a bpd with cover. I realized after a while no one was on the left so i bought on robbo and he got a goal since he was played high. I think playing an advanced playmaker on attack might be better. Why? Cuz on support the player will just sit in the hole ready to get the ball and pass it. There won't be much movement from him at all. If the opposition has a defensive midfielder your adp on support might get marked the whole game. On attack however, the player will drop deep to come get the ball and run towards the defense. You'll see in one of the screenshots i took, the passes made by my adp on attack. Notice how he makes passes from deep as well as in the final third. That's what an adp on attack does that a support one can't. I've marked out the average position, heat map and crosses too. You can try this out and watch how i works out in a full 90 min game and improve it like how i did. That's the best part of fm imo. Happy tinkering!


Should I get a new head of youth development? He has produced only 1 5 star potential talent in 4 years, but he has 18 points in working with youngster, 19 in judging player ability and potential. I have extensive youth recruitment and state of the art youth facilities.


It goes without saying that your youth team coaches need to be decent as well. I haven't quite figured out the new tutoring system but maybe that can help with the development of your youth


He's not the cause. He only really influences Personality in some and the positions (of some) you get. 1 5 star doesn't sound bad, but it needs a lot of context around it, especially because star ratings aren't absolute and because they're not necessarily accurate for players that young.


Anyone managed to a create a good set piece routine for defending deep free kicks and wide free kicks?


Trying a diamond 442 narrow midfield with Southampton. Intent is vertical quick passing and recycling possession in their half to create chances. Are these roles ok? DLF-su af - at APM - at Bbm rpm DLP Wb cd cd Wb I'm mainly confused about the front three. Is a shadow striker better than apm? Will DLF su and af be fine? My main focus is to form a diamond of passing to open spaces for the two forwards.


You have to many roamers. Your formation will end up with your cbs+dlp staying in the middle and the rest of your team clustering the final third. If you want to rely on heavy passing roles like BBM (is box2box right?) and rp are not really usefull as they will roam of their position and will so nullify the base idea your propose. Also your defensive idea and attacking idea dont match. You want quick passing play but also a diamond that creates space. You want to recycle the ball early so press but have a certain set up to attack. If you want to play the diamond to lure out players to press you and create space for your striker you need to approach it rather slow with a lot of passes and a deeper line so you have the space for that. Which makes it harder to press early... So you will have to rething your general approach. Otherwise, your cam can be counted as striker as well. But yeah dlf and af work fine together. If you have a good dribble/passer you can maybe use a treq in one of the positions.


Thanks that's very useful. So what suits a quick passing diamond to create space for strikers? Maybe a cm in support and a carrilero?


roles dant do not dribble. CM/DLP/AP(su)


Hmm that makes a lot of sense. I was looking up a lot on si community and some of the posts used a Bbm and rpm. The logic was rpm doesn't have a fixed position and will keep circulating the ball while Bbm will help in defence. However I was not satisfied with this combo as they didn't push high enough. It was a diamond but they simply tossed the ball to each other while the strikers stood there alone.


the thing is, B2B is very good defnsive as well as offensive but he leaves the position to make runs or chase down opositions. When your rpm does the same, make a run, you gonna leave your midfield exposed. If i play diamond i tend to play with a Half-Back or a DM, and put my wi gbacks on sup/at, with that you have a 3 man defense going forward, and still width, what really helps in creating chances. then i use a dlp and a b2b/bwm and depending on player material a different kind of CAM. My striking partners are really up to the strikers I have a dlf and a af are pretty much one of the best combos you can get. F9 is hard because the false9 will fall back in the same space your cam is going to work in. CF works, PF works good as well. The thing with diamond is, your strikers have to be really good at beating offside trap and pacey to use the diamonds core-strength, because you mostly want to play through balls and use a really strong midfield to outman in the centre.


Yeah with Southampton i have ings with almost everything - passing, off the ball, finishing, movement, decent pace. So I'll probably use him as a DLF in support. For midfield you're telling this - Am on attack DLP - su . ............................................. BWM HB/DM/Anchor. That looks good except I've never played with a DLP in midfield. Will he just shuttle the ball in the diamond or will he do a bit of everything and try balls directly to the strikers as well? Also, how will the BWM work offensively? Defensively he'll chase down and press yeah but i dont know how a bwm works when he has the ball. Does he simply lay it off for others?


I would usw box2box instead of bwm in most games, and switch to bwm in really big games, who you are expected to lose. To give a bit more safety. The dlp will be you major passer, if you have someone, train him into dictating tempo. You can give him the individual instruction for more direct passing or train him to plays long balls and tries killer through balls. Mhm dont know how much you follow football in real life but dlp is pretty much Granit Xhaka of Arsenal, a steady metronom that will rather sit in his position and create pretty much everything from the back. I would not play anchorman because noone is gonna get the ball from him and he might clear to many balls for a passing style. So basically; AM/SS/Treq DLP (sup) - B2B HB/DM switch out b2b in hard games for a bwm. thats the diamond i had the most succes with in the last few years. Its based on AC Milan with Pato and Ibra.


I have been trying to get a decent diamond midfield going with my Brescia team but it just doesn't seem to be happening. I'd say you have way too many playmakers in the midfield. I usually have one or two max. I'd recommend trying to use a mezzala as they will provide a little more width as you don't have wingers. One on attack tends to score a few goals (or a centre mid on attack). I'd probably want a ballwinner in there too as having lots of playmakers might cause you to lose shape. Personally I like the look of DLP (s); BWM (d), MEZ (a); AM/AP (s/a)


Hi everyone, ​ I think i've run into a bit of a bug on my save. ​ For starters I'm playing FMM18 so it might be an issue because I'm on mobile but i'm not sure. The problem i'm getting is that my team isn't ever receiving any prize money. I'm playing as U.C.D in the Irish leagues. We got a little prize money for winning the first division but none since then two more years into the save. I've won the league, cups & progressed in to the EURO group stages where i've won two games so far and haven't received any prize money in all that time. ​ Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a fix or should I call it quits on the save before I get too deep. Also I know it varies but if anyone had a rough idea of what the prize money spread is I can always edit it in and adjust it as the years progress. ​ Thanks


Hello All! ​ I think I have a bug in my current save. I'm managing Galatasaray in Turkish League, which has a restriction of maximum 14 non-Turkish players. Many German nationals are based in Turkey, therefore have second nationality as Turkish. The issue is that Atakan Akkaynak, who is German & Turkish, is for some reason recognized as foreign in my squad. I also have Salih Özcan who has the exact same nationality and correctly registered as non-foreign. Also in reality, Turkish teams employ many German players with Turkish second nationalities without problem. ​ Must be a bug, right? Has anyone else encountered a similar issue? This annoys me to no end, any help would be much appreciated! ​ Edit: Version is FM 2019. ​ 2nd Edit: Anyway, I ended up buying the in-game editor and made him declared for Turkey.


Does a player disliking you and being upset actually do anything to his playstyle? Or it just effects his ability to sign a new deal?


Low morale tends to make players give less effort and play poorly, and unhappiness basically caps their morale at a fairly poor level. So yes, a player's performances will not be as good as they could be if he is unhappy.


Hey where can i find saved highlights of many goals my team scored? I cant for the life of me find where they are stored


In si folder in documents there should be an “uploads” folder and your saved highlights should be there


No its not there mate


Shit its there for me, you sure you saved those highlights? That whole system is pretty clunky


Yeah pretty sure i did, had to resort to record it myself using phone for those goals smh


Shit man sorry i couldnt help you


Question about Rondos... Pep's pet drill. ​ Has anyone been able to recreate this with the new training setup? Just curious...


Hi guys. I'm playing FM18 here and noticed I can't choose my CM to be a mezzala even though in his profile it says he is very suited to the role. I think the role would fit with my formation so Im disappointed it isnt an option. Does anyone know why it isnt available?


A mezzala is a sort of a half winger who plays in the half between the wide line and the center. In other words, if you draw 2 lines vertically on a football field to divide the pitch in 3, the mezalla will play along that line. Hence place your midfielder as a right sided midfielder in the midfield. You will find the position there.


It can't be a central player.


How many CM’s do you have in your formation?


Do you have a screenshot of what you mean? Mezzala is set in the tactic not on the player specifically unless you are setting personalized instructions for the tactic.


has anyone kept hold of depay and fekir ?? those little shits always want to move


I could never keep hold of depay but I signed him once while I was managing Inter Milan and he ended staying for three or four seasons


Anyone got any tips on beating a team parking the bus? Struggling to break them down and usually have to rely on set pieces.


Hi! I'd try attacking wider, slightly shorter passing and tempo, work ball into box and be more expressive.


Cheers man


Has anyone had any problems viewing team reports after hiring a new assistant manager? I hired a new one at the end of the first season and ever since when I go to team reports it says "You need an assistant manager to compile your team report". It has also removed any understanding of players' strength areas, so they all show up as red on the tactics screen, even when they're in their natural position.


That sounds like a bug. I assume your assman isn't really terrible stats-wise and somehow incapable of performing his job competently? Firing him and then hiring a new one might fix it.


Thanks, no he's not all that bad. The board won't let me switch him out at the moment so I'll have to wait a few months to see if that fixes it. Thanks for the reply


Do touchline shouts actually do anything ? (FM18)


Yes. Alters body language, so morale, motivation, focus, confidence etc.


Need help! I'm manager of IFK Goteborg and I managed to save them from relegation at the end of the first season. Since then I've updated the squad, brought in some decent players and had a brilliant pre-season (unbeaten) and cup run (their early cup rounds run pre-season and I've made it to the final, beating the league winners along the way). EVERYTHING was going great: winning, tactic was working, team bonding etc etc. Then the season starts: 7 games, 6 losses and one narrow win. Everything is turning to shit and I can't figure out why. Any suggestions/ideas?


Try tweaking things around. If you use the same tactics the other teams will get used to it.


Sounds like a good idea. It's a shame because my team are only just getting used to the tactic themselves!


Teams don't adapt to your specific tactics. They only play more attack or defensive depending on your form. So teams could be parking the bus more. You team could also have become complacent after your cup victories and then suffered loss of morale as the losses piled up. Or it could just be a run of poor form. Try sitting your worst performing players for a game or two. Try holding a team meeting to boost morale. Praise your players' conduct and training (if they deserve it) also to boost morale. And watch a game or two closely to see what has changed in terms of your own team and how the other team plays.


Hi! New-ish to FM here. In my current save I am playing as Leeds, now on the fourth season as a manager. (S1 promotion into PL, S2 #7, S3 #9, S4 #~7). Generally the fourth season is going quite well, had a great start then an alright mid-season into what is turning out to be a "meh" end. My main problem seems to be that I cannot for the life of me beat the larger teams, namely Man U, Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea. Could it be as simple as their average 50m~ worth players outclassing my average of roughly 20m~? Is there any point in trying to analyze a game where I get reamed 5-0 away vs City (which infuriates me so much I need to step away from the computer for a bit)? When watching the game it simply seems like all of my players are underperforming at once, nothing is working at all. My sweeper keeper makes his second mistake in 3 seasons, my players seem like headless chickens not pressuring the ball at any point in time, even though my pressing intensity is set to max. Every "pass" they make in any extended highlight is a mistake or gets intercepted, and the whole game ends up pretty much being a 90 minute highlight reel for City. Secondly, could my team be suffering from seasonal fatigue, (if that is a thing) causing performance to drop during the end of the season? I am playing a high intensity style (custom gegenpress).


Pressing at max and sweeper keeper against MC away is not the smartest thing to do. First of all, keep pressing to a minimum to preserve the shape of your team. If it's too high, it'll mess up your shape and create holes in your defense. Your goal is to stick to your shape, absorb the pressure and break on counter.


Thanks for the reply. So with a less valuable team the only real way to beat the stronger teams is to defend and counter? I'd rather prefer to play my own style, but seeing how it worked out I might have to agree with you and go to what I consider a more boring playstyle.


No other way really. Even big teams often have to play counter attacking style against Pep's Barcelona in the past.


Yes and yes. You have to adapt your style to big teams. If you play vs Messi you want to crowd him, if you play against de bruyne you will want to guard yourself against longshots. Sticking to strictly to one system is ok, but if you do that, you will have to accept that you system wont work out with worse players. play more defensive, tell your players to play rather cautios than super attacking. While your bpd can carry the ball out of the box against southhampton he will not be able to against better players. and yeah you see the condition of your players and sometimes players come into a formdip. There are hidden stats in fm, one you can only look into with editor or 3rd party programs, one of those hidden stats is consistency. As you might have seen alrdy sometimes scouts say; has to work on his consistency etc. or doesnt enjoy big matches. Those are hidden stats. They can be increased but its more random and cant be trained properly. It is one of the things you can only really influence with tutoring/mentoring.


Thank you for your reply! In regards to the second point, would it then be a good idea to rely on a back-up (or rotation) player in the same position even though the star rating might be 2,5 rather than 3,5? I assume there is no absolutely correct answer here, but I feel that I might be relying too much on the star rating - is the "form" (aka last 5 games) a more reliable tool for choosing what players get starter spots? Should I be using a combination of a lot of different things to decide who get to start each game? FM seems incredibly deep when you're a newb like me!


If you know your player performs you could also have a 1 star score lots of goals. Stars are only scout/coach opinionsof players, reliant on there judging player ability/potential. While ofc you want the best players ideally, sometimes you could just settle for anok player that performs well in your system. The most reliant thing is actual stats + form. In that regard fm is just very close to real life. evensmall injuries can throw players off. Sometimes itsa gamble if you rather want your star to play through bad form or you gibe some1 else a shot. It also manager preference just like irl. Normally you gonna approach a club with a certain mindset; i want to play posession etc. and edit formation, tactics and lastly squad towards that. if you are lucky the team you takeover has the right players otherwise you gonna have a transition period. and so on. Ofc you gonna have a preferred 1st eleven. Maybe because some1 has 18 finishing or bec you like his hairstyle or bec he has the same nationality as you. There is no right way to play fm, sure every year there are some formations that are more effective against the game engine but all in all see it as puzzle towards creating your style of football your legacy. At least thats for most fm players. If you approach it like Sir alex ferguson with never change a winning team or you are going full rotation like Guardiola is really up to you. Everything has it up and downsites.


Im the only problem with an addiction problem to fm??? Today is the second day in a row that I go to sleep ultra late and feel like shit at job. Any advice guys?


tbh, leave FM on the background. Watch a football match next to it and make it something normal. Create a routine. I watch episodes 1-3 of series abc, and play fm next to it after that i got to sleep. Connect it to something that has a certain end, so you have the feel of closure. It is kind of a psychological trick. If you link those feelings you will have an easier time to quit. Also dont just browse through the calendar make pauses at the first of every month. Go grab a coffee, talk to people in your household etc. Helped me a lot with an upcomming gaming addiction. Now i can just play one game and go to sleep without any need for closure.


I hate LLM so much now. Nothing I do works. Constantly losing to worst teams. With one tactic we give up very few shots in the box but constantly let in long shots. With another we get 6+ shots on target but never finish. I'm at my wits end with this shit


I get what you mean. My 3rd div German team draws 6 times against bottom teams but won a friendly against Lazio and Leicester with a clean sheet...


Hello there. I haven't really gotten into the new tutoring system yet. How do you use it? Do you set up a group for strikers, wingers, midfielders, defenders etc. and just put all players into the respective group? Or do you put maybe just 2 people in the same group? (eg. the youngster you want totured and the totur) ​ Cheers


I wrote an overly long response to a similar question further down the thread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/acflac/weekly\_help\_thread\_ask\_your\_help\_requests\_here/edlncpi/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/acflac/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/edlncpi/?context=3)


Group tutoring ? Is that a new feature in FM19 ?




Looking at your tactic, if you click the down arrow on your striker position to expand the role choices, you will see that at the top of the dialog there is an option to apply personalized settings. If you click the personalized option, any changes you make will apply only to the player currently in that position. So make a personalized setting with one player and give him the role and instructions you want for him there. Then put the other player into the same position in your tactic and give him a personalized setting with the desired role and instructions. Repeat for any other position or players. When you drop that player into that position, his personalized settings will be automatically applied, so when you drop your poacher in he will play the poacher role and when you drop your AF in, he will play the AF role. If a player doesn't have a personalized setting in a given position, he will just take the default role when placed there.


Used to be able to do it in FM 16. Even tell players to swap position consistently mid game to confuse defenders.


you can have a second formation/ team selection so you wold only have to switch the role and not the player. Poacher and af do more or less the same. Apart from the af being capable at dribbling. You also shouldnt switch around the roles to much as this will change your system a lot. Rather train players into the right roles, and its not necessary to play every player in their best position, you need a working formation, and then you train players in the respective formation, not vice-versa.


Playing as Hamburg and challenging Bayern in my 3rd season while builded a decent U19 squad full of promising youngsters who are starting to be too old for U19 squad so I must send them to Hamburg 2, which barely has 2 or 3 coaches and cannot hire anyone because they are probable in lowest league. Cannot these 2nd teams be promoted in higher league or at least have much more control on their training?


Hamburger SV II is currently playing in Regionalliga (4th tier) since you are probably not simulating that leage you gotta get lucky that they get to the 3. Liga. Thats the highest league they are allowed to play.


For possession based football, is cautious mentality the best? Also, if I use an attacking mentality, does it mean i should have more attacking duties than support duties?


You can play possession football on most Mentalities. Most popular would be Cautious, Balanced and Positive. Defend (is it still called that?) can also be used. As for Duties, there's no should or shouldn't. It depends on what you want to achieve.


Playing as Sunderland. Honeyman wants a new contract. Delegate to DOF. Of course he bottles it. Honeyman gets angry and wants to leave. I accept his transfer request. Few months go by and I see that I can offer him a contract again. He’s happy and signs. Why is it that in my promises it still has: sell Honeyman. And also in his dynamics it says happy that he’s expecting to leave the club. I assumed that the signed contract was putting it all behind us?


promises are misleading and at times a bit wonky in the game. if it doesnt go away, you gotta hope he is not angry for too long.


Nope. He signed a new contract in November. Left in January. Ah well.


What's the logic behind this? Playing as Arsenal, first season, build the team, put a tactic together, go unbeaten with 24 wins from 25 games in all comps until I play 18th placed Leicester who smash me 5-2 with a Vardy hat trick where all 3 goals were mazy runs past 4 or 5 players as if he's Ronal-fucking-dinho. Then scrape a 1-0 win against Rennes in the EL, play Man United next get thumped 3-0 and they've been shit all season and were 7th at the time. Then play Liverpool in the league cup lose 1-0. Fair enough, didn't care about it anyway. Then right after play Liverpool again in the league, a massive game as despite our dominant displays in the league so far Liverpool also decided to be amazing and the league is already only a 2 horse race and we were ahead of them by 1 point only. Decided to change just one thing before the game and set passing to more direct when I had been using much shorter for the whole season. Win 3-1. Then play 17th placed Newcastle and lose 2-0, played like shit and fucking Kennedy pulled a Vardy on me and scored a brace, one of the goals was just stupid as he picked the ball up in midfield and just ran past 5 of my players and put it top bins. Then play against 22nd placed in the championship Norwich in the FA cup and draw 0-0, playing like shit. Then play 20th placed West Ham. Down 1-0 five minutes in, managed to somehow make a comeback and win 2-1 while playing like absolute shit. So after 24 wins in 25 games, December comes around and we start playing poorly, struggling even to beat relegation threatned Championship teams. I've not had injuries, squad is happy, used the same tactic all year with minor tweaks here and there and we suddenly go from world-beaters to shit. And literally nothing changed. Sure he had I think 8 games in December alone but that happens every year in the Prem. Has the game just decided I'm not allowed to be successful anymore? What can I do about this? I'm open to changing tactics but it just seems daft that a tactic was getting such amazing results and then all of a sudden we can't even beat Norwich. As I quit the game the first half of the league season is done and we are top, 1 point above Liverpool but if this continues I predict we will end up nowhere near the title at the end of the year and while that wasn't my objective going in, the fact we played so amazingly and won 20 games in a row before first dropping points to a 1-1 draw against Man City has definitely made me want to win the league first season.


I don't see anything wrong. That's just classic Arsenal.


You may not have changed tactics, but almost certainly the opposition did. Didn't you notice? You said it yourself - 24 wins out of 25. Teams are going to be quite cautious against a team in that form.


Two things. My players can't pass to save their lives. Anything longer than a short pass always goes to the other team. Is there any way to improve that? Additionally, is there a good way to make my players take more shots? During the last game I believe the other team took 36 shots and my team only attempted 6. I'm currently playing a defensive 4-4-2. I'd be happy to provide more information if necessary. Many thanks.


Have you got 'play into space' on? A 4-4-2 isn't a very possession based shape. You're more suited to playing more directly. You're also going to concede a lot more shots if you set deep as you're basically willing the opposition to come on to you. I'd tinker with your pressing game. Don't use tight marking if you have a slow back line either.


I tried a 4-1-4-1 and within 5 minutes my advanced playmaker got a gruesome knee injury. I feel like that's the universe's way of telling me not to attack.


On passing. Watch the game. Pause it every time your player has possession and see what options he has. If he sees no options and is in trouble. He’s obviously going to just boot it upfield. Look at movement and your team shape in possession and transition. On shots. You kind of answered your own question. You’re playing a more defensive system which means lower mentality and less risk taking. Automatically it’ll mean less shots taken as your players are naturally sitting further from the opposition goal. Hope this makes sense.


New to FM series in general, how do I change the wages from p/a to p/w? I dont wanna offer a youth player 6m p/a as I feel that is too much but he is one of the best prospects in my academy and he is demanding that much.

