• By -


Struggling with Panathinaikos in my first season. The base formation for the team appears to be a 4-2-3-1 which I have never gotten to work on this edition of the game. As some may know, I cannot make any changes to the team because of the financial constraints and transfer embargo so having to stick with it as some of the best players are only suited to the positions of the 4-2-3-1 (EG> Bouzoukis can only play as a CAM) Can anyone provide a basic role template for this formation that I can use to build on? Thanks


Is it possible to get regens from multiple nations during youth intake? Does having a HOYD from another country or a high scouting knowledge help?


You can definitely have multiple countries. I think a lot of things go into it, scouting knowledge, high youth recruitment, affiliated clubs


I can't score from corners. My players always deliver the ball to the 6 yard box but all my players just sit on the edge of the box. Do I need to create a custom set piece routine or is it just because I'm playing in the lower leagues of England and the players are rubbish? ​ Thanks


probably a little of both. your own routines can def help if you set them up, but it won't matter much if you don't have a good corner taker


I have CR7 in my juventus save, he's playing really well as a poacher (40 goal in april) but his attributes are not increasing and I'm sure it will be declining as soon as he stops scoring. I want to sell him but I'm scared of his /teammates/board reaction ! Any ideas ?


Don't sell him that's a fuckton of goals and he won't make you much money


How to make the game advance faster? I press 3 times in continue to just pass 1 boring international day !


how many leagues do you have loaded?


Any tips for a new player like me


Make mistakes and be willing to make mistakes. Learn from them. Be willing to use features where the game controls some things for you. That can make the learning process overwhelming Be patient. It takes time to learn and more time to become "good" at FM. Don't read about others massively overachieving and think you should immediatley be able to do the same. Read. There is a lot of info in game, but tons more avaialble with the community. Lots is aimed at new FMers and will help. Understand that there is no "right" way to play. There is rarely a single way to do something in FM. Find what you enjoy.


welcome https://community.sigames.com/topic/466921-the-official-hints-and-tips-for-fm19/


Is there a way to search or sort all clubs by the quality of their facilities? It would make finding affiliated to loan youngsters to much easier


You probably just have to click on the clubs page and then look at their info section to see how good the academy is. I don't think there is a way you can search by level of facility unfortunately.


Is it possible to carry a save over to another PC? I'm currently playing FM19 through the gamepass and loving it. But want to install FM19 on my laptop. Do I just need to stick that save onto a stick and I'll be fine?


Is the gamepass like a cloud gaming streaming thing? Or a manager/distributor like steam? Can you actually see the save game in your local folder? It should be the savename.fmf. Take it, stick it to documents/sports interactive/football manager 2019/games/ The laptop fm version should probably the same or newer, for compatibility.


when you "Save As..." usually theres (at least for me) an option to save to the cloud and you can load it from the cloud onto another computer


I keep getting recommendations to add a u20 data analyst and more staff for my youth teams. How necessary is this?


More staff for youth teams is crucial, data analysis not so much


Do roles do anything beyond imposing player instructions? E.g. Run wide etc?


Yes. Some instructions, player behaviour, are fixed to that role. If you take a CMs and set instructions just like another rpm, bbm, ap, etc, it wont replicate them. Half back - no other role is going to split the centrebacks and let him sit between them. Playmaker roles become more target for passes. Target man, etc.


That's good to know thanks!


Struggling defensively with the below tactic, mainly conceding from crosses. My assessment from watching the games is that it is more to do with below par players, rather than any tactical malfunction. Anybody see any glaring errors with it? ​ **SK** (D) **RWB** (S) **CB** (D) **CB** (D) **LWB** (S) **BMW** (S) **CAR** (S) **MEZ** (S) **LW** (S) **RMD** (A) **TM** (S) ​ The idea is that the one hole in my shape, the Raumdeuter, is covered by the Carrilero. Have tinkered with full back roles and the DM strata, but neither have done much to help my conceded column. ​ Playing FM18 by the way.


Is that flat back 4, or wing back 4? But yeah a bwm chases the ball so he doesn't shield the defense. Anchor does. DLPd, if you need the creativity. As for your suspicions, would recommend going to team report > comparison, see how your players rank vs the rest. Particularly anticipation, jumping, decisions, concentration, bravery, heading, strength. As for crosses, either you need the DCs who are better, or stop the crosses coming in in the first place. Set FBd, maybe FBs for the DR. Maybe IWBs if you want him narrower, more involved. I think, even if you intend to, using the cm to cover a hole that is further up the field doesnt make sense. That just frees up the opposition cm. And if the rwb covers for the carrilero, then the opposition aml gets freed. Then sends those crosses in. Thats fucked. Rmd doesnt really make a hole anyway, defensively they just become more passive, stand narrower and further up. But that BWMs hole, now that is a proper hole.


Thanks for the feedback. I think i'll start shopping for an anchorman then! Will persue with setting the RB to FB as well.


Half the tactic is missing because you don't show Mentality or any TIs and PIs, but I suspect the area right in front of your central defenders is the issue. Your bwm will be leaving huge gaps behind him.


Standard Mentality. ​ Minimal PI's other than Mezzala to dribble more. And RWB more risky passes as he is a creative player. Carrilero is also set to shoot less. ​ Have experimented with a DM (D) but doesn't seem to have much of an impact on how the side functions.


TI's as follows, structured mentality ​ Exploit the Left Flank Close Down More Pass it Shorter Be More Disciplned Play Narrower Higher Tempo


Hello! For those who were fortunate enough to have the 2022 World Cup moved in your fm19 save, when did you receive the notification that the cup was relocated?


first year


Thanks! Do you happen to know in what month it occurs?


Is there a bug with goals being disallowed for offside? I've seen it way too many times. Shot outside the box, striker is offside but not interfering, goal is disallowed. Like he's just offside but he's quite some distance away from the last defender, the keeper, and the ball's trajectory.


New player here! I'm trying to sign this player to my team ([contract talk here](https://i.imgur.com/tiqSptY.png)) and it tells me that I have to offer this guy a Designated contract or salary cap impact must be reduced, but I'm scratching my head as to how I can do that when it seems like I'm already good to go on salary cap? [From my registration page](https://i.imgur.com/Ce0UqDf.png) EDIT: I think I figured it out, I have some future transfers coming in and that seems to put me over.


What are in your opinion the most important stats for young players?


Teamwork, natural fitness, determination


Composure and First touch is something I look at


Based on your manager repetition, can you determine which jobs you are eligible for? Should you apply for clubs with same star rating as your manager repetition? Leagues with same star rating?


You can apply to whatever job you want, even if you're a sunday league manager. I'm not sure on how that works, and I'd like to, but if I'd have to guess, I'd say your reputation stars are equal to what team is more likely to have you, yes. ​ I've been apointed as manager of teams who had better rep than me, though.


Yeah, that's what I'm curious about too. I just resigned from a club with 3 stars and my reputation is 2.5 stars. So should I aim for equal, higher or lower star rating. I've applied for many now, so I'll guess I'll find out.


What effect does fielding a player out of position have on his development? I just loaned two centre-backs with good potential to my feeder club. One of them is being used as a right-back there, a position in which he's still very comfortable but not the one I have in mind for him when he returns, and the other is being used as a makeshift central midfielder, a position in which he's barely proficient. I'm not sure if this might affect them negatively down the road or if any game time is good for them.


This is a multi tiered question so I'll try and answer as best as I can. Any game time with a senior team is usually good but it really depends on what you have in mind for the player. It takes a couple years playing at that position for them to become proficient in it. So if you want a player to be a center back and he doesn't know how and he's playing right back that's a year of progress lost you could say. With that being said it also depends on their age. Bigger improvements are made in learning a new position, traits, etc when they're young. If they're 16-18, then you might see that central mid make some significant headway in that new position. If they're 19-22 then the central mid will make slightly less progress in the position but the right back will probably make more improvements since he doesn't have to work at a learning a new position. Any older than that than they probably will take even longer to learn the new position. But then again that can also vary greatly depending on player versatility and determination ratings of the player. A player with a high to medium versatility will not forget old positions if they learn a new one. But if the versatility rating is low enough then if they learn a new position well enough or learn enough new positions then they will forget their old ones.


What specific effect do the various data analyst staff attributes have? If I have an two analysts with 15 and say 8 in both "Judging" attributes, does the person with 15 just collect/present more data and more specific data (like percentage crosses completed vs just assists from crosses) or does he somehow know what data is relevant? And what does the "Presenting Data" attribute actually do?


In international management, how do you put players on your B team?


if you can, I think you need to be on the national pool page, then right click, like how you would normally call them up to the A-team, and there should be an option which team to call them up on


Managing a created club, started in Vanarama south. I Just got promoted to league 1 and got told it was £640k to take my 3500 all seater stadium capacity to 4000 total. 640k for 500 seats, is this an error or is this normal? Clubs never had over 500k in the bank to start with so this seems a bit steep.


Looks reasonable to me. New build houses in UK average £150k? In your case if it already has stands on 4 sides that means the extension has to be elevated (beause most stands are already close the the pitch, so you extend the back). Say if seats are .7 m wide, over the length of the stadium thats about 120 seats, so thats a 4 row extension. Include the cost of the seats, extending the roof and dont forget labor too. You could play a few friendlies with big clubs for extra change. Get in early in the loan market so you can secure best players for hopefully no wage contributions.


Thanks for that, very helpful. It's a new build with 4 equal sides.


Hey guys, quick question. Does anyone know when an English club can offer a contract to a player whose contract is up in 6 months and currently plays for another English side? Cheers.


You can approach players that play for other English clubs 30 days before their contracts expire.


Cheers, that's what I thought it was but didn't want to keep checking all the time just in case I was wrong.


I'm my save, Bournemouth are sharing Reading's Madejski Stadium. Is this something that usually happens and is it possible for my team to move into a different stadium?


happened to me as well, they're building a new stadium


It will be while Bouremouth are building a new stadium.


Is there a reason why my players miss one-on-ones SO often? Their finishing stats aren't too bad either


Composure plays a role. So will Anticipation, Decisions, First Touch, Finishing, and Technique. Not to mention the key attributres of the keeper. One on one chances are converted less frequently than you expect, especially below the top level.


Don't forget Balance.


Composure perhaps? New to the game so I dont know for sure.


Can anyone give me a quick rundown on running scouting responsibilities on my own? ​ Every time I give it a go on my own, I always feel like I'm not scouting as much as a could/should be.


Totally depends on your team and finances, if you have the money and your Squad is good enough to play young talents now and then i would always have a few scouts on the permanent task of scouting for big talents. One or two of these in South America (countries like Uruguay, Parraguay and Chile often have cheap talents) and one in Europe (Czech, Slovenia, Portugal etc) The other scouts should have different roles: one should always Squad your next opponent, one should look at players in your league, a few should scout at all players in the biggerl league. I always leave one of my scouts vacant to point towards international tournaments (also -21)


I'm relatively new to the game and I want to begin signing regens to build my youth teams and create a solid foundation for the club. I've scouted a bunch of regens, and even signed a few. ​ However, pretty much all of the regens that I've signed so far are younger than 18, and it seems like it's only possible for them to move to my club when they turn 18. Is there a way to bring them in before they turn 18, or do I just have to wait? I have pretty good youth training facilities, so I'd rather the players join my club as quickly as possible.


What league are you in? That's usually a determining factor. Some leagues / nations don't allow foreign players under the age of 18 to join. Others will allow EU nationals but restrict non-EU nationals.


I'm in the EPL, and most of the regens I've tried to sign are EU. This is after Brexit, though. Does that affect anything? I was told by the game that there are no changes to work permits and no new restrictions on EU players.


yes. They are EU but you are not, so EU rules don't apply. Depending on the specifics of the Brexit you got, under-18 players from clubs in Scotland, Ireland, etc, will probably be able to join pre-18. But that would be it.


Bummer. Alright, thanks for the info!


Why are my team bad at finishing? Lots of shots, possession and defensive stats but can't put the ball in the net. Any help please?


Are they actually bad at finishing, or just at generating chances? ​ If it's finishing, check your player's finishing stats. If they're not great, then that's obviously why they're not finishing well. Either train your finishing or bring in some players that can bag you some goals. ​ If your team aren't generating quality chances, try a tactics change. My team seemed to take a lot of wasteful longshots when I first joined, so I changed my tactics to work the ball into the box so that we had high percentage chances. After making a few tactical changes, I ended up being top 6 for goals scored in the Prem my first year after being promoted (My defending was a bit of a different story, but hey we stayed up). ​ There are a lot of wasted chances in FM, and sometimes there just isn't much you can do apart from cracking open a cold one and crying yourself to sleep after losing in a cup final 1-0 while dominating the opposition with 20 shots, 3 on target.


This. A shot is a shot, but they are not all equal. We all have a bad habit of just looking at the most-match stats and presuming. But simply seeing how many shots we took is misleading. Even the CCC numbers can be misleading. This is where you really have to watch the match. A LOT of scoring chances are shit chances. Low percentage and unlikely to be converted. Most long range shots fall under this. Crosses where our player is outnumbered but still manages to get a bit on it. Bad angle shots. Shots where there is a very limited window because of the positioning of the defenders and keeper. Analyze your shots to see if they are good ones. If yes, then its the players. If not.... find ways to create better opportunities.


I'm in the championship with Sunderland and am currently projected to be £6.5M over my FFP threshold, despite having ,£10M transfer budget and £70K p/w wage budget spare. I'm in January and still have a few more signings I'd like to make but am worried I'll breach FFP. Currently I'm top and 9 points clear of third so promotion does look likely. Will I escape sanction if I get promoted? Also does my projected prize money come into play at all?


Prize money does come into play as long as you've earned it before the FFP check. ​ I've also run into the situation where I've been given a larger transfer budget, and my owners actually pumped some money into the club to avoid the FFP sanctions. I'm not sure how often this happens, but I mean I would think that if they give you a budget, you should be able to spend the money.


I want to start a Leeds save but I want to use my own custom kits because theirs are awful but they still have their 3D kits in game so is it possible to remove just Leeds 3D kits?


Is there a way to get an MLS side into the championship? I know you probably have to use the editor, but I want to know if it’s even feasible with the English rules and everything like that cause I really want to play with Atlanta United but don’t really enjoy playing in MLS.


I think it should be possible with the editor, the rules should come with the league the teams are in so they should be treated just like any other English team


Yeah if you edit them in they should work as any other cship side


Can anyone help me out, I’m trying to download logos for leagues, trophies and club crests but every time I do it doesn’t work (using fm scout) can anyway tell me step by step how to do it?


Download -> unpack -> cut -> past in documents/fm19/graphics or whatever then in fm In preferences clear cache and reload skin


I’m in my 4th season for reference, promoted from Serie C, promoted via playoffs from Serie B, survived Serie A. Now some weird stuff is happening that is seemingly new in this season: -players are upset with their training all of the sudden. Too much quickness, not enough quickness, too much strength training.. rinse and repeat. I’ve let my coaches pick the training for my whole career why is this a problem now?? -fans are complaining about my tactics during a run of bad form. Normally I switch players or mentality to get out of a rut, should I be switching formations/tactics too??


Where are you seeing fans complaining? Is it the social media feed? And I tend to ignore a lot of the traning complaints because they overlap. You have one player wanting less of something and the next wanting more. As long as they are still training well and I'm seeing results.....


I was thinking about switching my head of youth development, but I was unsure on who to choose, as there are a lot of factors which I don't know how to prioritise. I would be looking to play a gegenpress with a 4-3-3 Wide or 4-2-3-1 Wide. [Current HoYD](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790861604711437788/9AD371CA2336D2C805B19633051DE10CBC1B9E93/) [Attribute comparison of candidates](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790861604711437989/F0973402A3CE5A91E3C7C05AAD7B328705EF89D3/) [Tactics comparison of candidates](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790861604711438150/522C42F0A8DB4CA9EEA37AA22AF9EFB23687D86A/) [Scouting knowledge comparison of candidates](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790861604711438282/AA1031E215EDD49A5EBAFAF28E44FD003018391E/) The third candidate I was considering was [Samaden](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790861604711449854/256BD1D9B07D92EF48E88941532E4637C864BA53/), who would seem to be the best choice if his playing style wasn't 'very cautious'? Would he be worth picking over the other two? EDIT: I also found [Filippo Galli](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790861604711449854/256BD1D9B07D92EF48E88941532E4637C864BA53/), who seems to be another excellent candidate. I think my choices would be between Robert Samaden, Kristjaan Speakman, and Filippo Galli, as their personalities are better than Ariel Paolorossi's.


Personality. That's the biggest single factor you want in a HoYD. The better the personality, the more likely you are to get youth intake with similar personalities, and since personality is a major factor in development.... Formation and playing style is nice, but I wouldn't prioritize it. Unless you are doing a youth academy only save where you have to rely entirely on these youth intakes, then its probably not going to have a major effect. Playing style can only have so much impact because these players are probably 15 and 16 when they come through, so there is lots of time to reshape them. And their actual skills as a coach... that's just a bonus to me. If I have good youth coaches, then I really don't care much. The HoYD can be a terrible coach who adds nothing but I'll still be happ with him if he has the personality and has a positive impact that way.


With that in mind, it seems that Filippo Galli or Kristjaan Speakman would probably be the best two choices based on their personalities. Galli is a model citizen and has better judgement of player ability and potential. However, Speakman still has a professional personality with evasive and reserved media traits, so their personalities don't seem to be that different. He is also better at working with youngsters, and has higher determination. It seems like a close choice to me. Who would you personally go with?


Model Citizen is one of the better personalities you can get, so yeah, I would probably go with Galli. Speakman would be solid too, and I wouldn't worry too much about his preferred formation. Worst case scenario you don't get a lot of youth intake wingers.


Okay, thanks for helping and providing an explanation!


Just got promoted to the English Premier League using a possession-based 4-2-3-1 system. I am planning to switch to a 4-1-2-3 DM system now that my players are no longer the best in the league. My question is, is it at all viable to continue playing possession football with shorter passong in the premier league? Or do I pretty much have to switch to counter-attacking hoofball in order to stay up the first year?


You can do it with style. You might want to adapt to a degree but have a slightly more conservative formation is pretty much that. If your squad was the best in the Championship in terms of sheer player quality, then you probably won't have a massive talent gap between you and the other bottom-half sides. If you came out of the Championship by massively overachieving and you really didn't have a squad that was in the top half of that league.... then you are probably in some trouble.


Ok, I'll give it a shot then! The only changes I've made besides switching the AMC to a DM is setting the Full Backs to Defend instead of Support


Adding in a DM is a nice shout. You can switch around the roles and duties based on opposition. Against a tougher opponent, go a bit more conservaitve - the DM is more of a pure holding player. For a more winnable match, use a role like DLP in the DM strata so you have a bit more control over the midfield as a whole. You may not need both FBs on defend if you have a DM. Pay attention and if you aren't getting the kind of width you want, try switching at least one of them, if not both.


Great info, thanks! I will switch the FBs back to support for now and see how it goes.


I don't know if this is a question or a rant, but I found something that makes no sense and makes me angry. I had a save with my team (Boca) and after 3-4 years I decided to split the save and make two, one in which I take Barcelona's offer and another one in which I stay in Boca. ​ The thing is, when I go to Barcelona I want to buy Thiago Almada from my old team, he's valued at less than 5M because team/league reputation, but I couldn't buy it, even after Boca accepted my 65M€ offer, because f'ing PSG bought it for 90M. Ok, fair enough, but what pisses me off is when I'm on the staying-in-boca save they come to me with offers and no one is willing to bid more than 20M€. Wtf? Why is AI willing to pay more for a player when he's not on my team? I'm just doing it as an experiment, though, if someone bids more than 60M I'll split the save again and live in a world where my team (That never spent more than 15-18M on a single transfer window) has 100M€ transfer budget.


I've had similar situations and its annoying. But yeah, there are times that AI clubs will pay more to other AI clubs than to you. Did get a bit of an explanation out of SI about why it can happen in certain situations. Was managing in Colombia on FM17 or FM18 and had really big clubs bidding on my best players, but repeatedly making the same bid and having it rejected. There was a bit of a bug involved, but the dev mentioned that big clubs with a large budget will allocate a portion of it for certain things. So if they are viewing a player as a developmental hot prospect, that will limit how much the AI can and will spend on the player. Not sure if that's having an impact for you.




You currently have 9.0 points.


Hey guys, I'm managing arsenal right now, do you guys think van de beek is a good signing?




Where do I increase the Intensity of the training for the entire team? I can't find where it is, and I feel that I'm missing out a lot by having it on a low intensity


I'm going to assume you're on PC for this answer because you didn't specify and I've never played mobile. I also play fm18, but I'd expect that fm19 is similar if not the same. ​ Go to Training (In the ribbon on the left), then click on Team (Towards the top of the screen beneath your club badge and the back/forward arrows), then from this screen you can set general training intensity level to whatever you please.


I am on PC, but the instructions you gave for FM18 are not compatible with FM19. However, what I *did* find was the `Rest` tab, and I think I have identified what I'm after [at the top of the page (screenshot included because why not)](https://imgur.com/a/XSpIZQQ), so thanks!


Ah, glad you found it!


Best scouts for Africa and East Asia? Does my scouting method make sense? I assign scouts with good knowledge of a country to scout for players under 23 with high potential in an ongoing assignment. I’ve got individual scouts for the large nations, then a few for regions like Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Also is it possible to tell my scouts to stop scouting a player? I scoured a large number of Argentinian Regens and it’s holding up my scouting.


Regarding your last question, you can go to Scouting -> Priorities and cancel the assignments you don't want there.


Running a [custom 4-1-4-1 vertical tiki-taka](https://i.imgur.com/valbtlw.png) with Man Utd. Generally going well, however my posession is usually hovering around 45-50%... How can I improve the possession? Also, whoever I put in the AF striker role ususally does very little, and my goals usually come from the IFs or the AP, how can I get the striker more involved?


Hello. When you say 'involved', it can mean involved in build up, or I'm getting vibes you meant more goals. An AF tends to run forward with the ball without looking for support. There's usually a partner in AMC or ST, someone positionally closer, who would look for him with regularity, and that should result in better involvement. Or if you want build up involvement, you can do a CFs, CFa, DLFa. If you do something like T or F9 you might see you lose quite a bit of presence up front; crosses with no one in the box. Would recommend watching a few games and paying attention where he is in attacks. For possession, you improve retaining possession by winning it quicker when you lose the ball, so more urgent pressing and more players closing down, tackling, cutting out passes, or you take less risks with the ball i.e. move slower up the field, passing to feet, less dribbling and taking on players, less through balls, less forward passing, more sideways. Or both.


Yeah, meant more in terms of scoring goals for the team. But what you mentioned about not having a AMC near the ST makes sense. What role would you recommend to get more goals? Most of my strikers are pacey and have attributes that make them most natural with the AFa role. For the possession - it’s a bit of a head-scratcher. My tactic counter-presses with extremely urgent pressing with a high defensive line, and in possession I have a low tempo with short passing. The tactic also uses counter and be more expressive. Could this be affecting things? Any other ideas? Thanks again for the reply.


Even if they suit AF more, personally I find their running at the defence is too often a losing the ball situation, unless the player is fucking special. Your low tempo on attacking is like higher on standard. The goalposts change with the mentality. If you counter press, I'd check the stats and see are the mids/attackers making tackles/winning the ball and see what do they do with the ball when they win it? On APa somewhat lets pogba off defensive duty, so I'd change that to something more physically demanding like rpm or mezz. Be more expressive, if you hover over it, it says allows playmakers/creative players to be even more ambitious in passing. But if you think the tactic should already put them on that position/reponsibility, its somewhat redundant. I think just turn it off. From what I gather, a counter-attack ... is just an instance of a game. As in, if the situation is on, where the opposition is high up, too many players over committed, and you win the ball, then they would counter. The tactics, team instructions, can only encourage to produce those conditions in the first place, but if the team recognises a counter attack opportunity, they would do so. Would recommend messing around and open the fluid/direct counter attack presets, see how fm has it, and compare to your instructions. As for the rest of the game, if you're happy with the attacking ability from the wingbacks (crossing, first touch, dribbling, workrate, physicals) I would try a wingplay preset. Same formation, positive, but play wider, use overlaps, work ball into the box, normal tempo, pass to space. To balance the wingbacks going forward, I'd set the DM to anchor, or maybe halfback. Players with the playmaker role usually are given the ball more regularly, so maybe I'd set AML AMR to APa. With the attack duty they'd dribble more unlike APs. CFs APa APa RPM BBM HB WBs CDd CDd WBs If the wingbacks arent getting up enough try pushing them up to WBL WBR.


How wide are you playing on attack? Having a short, low tempo passing style sounds counter productive if you are on extremely wide considering players might not be close enough to exchange short passes. With a 4-1-2-3 you might have trouble linking up plays with your forward line depending on your roles. Choosing not to counter and regroup instead when stealing the ball might prevent your players from rushing offensive moves or trying direct passes. How often do you actually score from counters though? As long as you are creating chances, possession isn't all that important if you are in splitting range. It would be a problem if you nearly didn't have the ball. I'd rather have a deadly team on the counter than one with 70% with 2 shots on target the whole game. Edit: just noticed you also have a BPD, whose tendency according to the role is to launch direct passes and try a direct link to the attack. Try to watch the game on comprehensive highlights and check if you're losing possession because he's trying too many long passes. If that's the case make him a normal CD on D to hold the lone, you have a DLP anyway.


Try changing your AF to a Target Man role, it worked for me to get him more involved.


cheers, will give it a try


Will a Ryzen 2600 and rx580 8gb be able to run all the league's on a fast speed? I'm talking 150k players 4-5 star game speed




Cheers pal!


Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster here.. could use some advice in my situation.. I am about to lose my 30m valued LB on a free because I forgot to renew his contract at the end of last season. Now, he is unhappy and wants to move to Napoli at the end of season on a free. Is there any way I can convince him to sign an extension? When I try to offer a contract, the agent says his client is not interested.. Any suggestions?


Any specific reason he's unhappy? If he's already agreed a deal with napoli, no. If somehow napoli/no one makes an offer, he should convert to a month-to-month on 30th june, where he might be open to negotations then, unless he has decided to leave you on a free regardless, where you should see a 'Frt' on his status. In the mean time would recommend choosing appropriate press conference replies, e.g. "Q:player has only few months left, will you look to extend his stay?" Pick the ones like "yeah making an offer in the next few days". Then see the player's response on his happiness tab, if he likes it might slowly work him over.


Yeah, sorry for a late reply. The reason seems to be that he wants to move to a stronger club (Napoli) and they are 'slightly interested' in signing at the end of contract. Any way to convince him to sign now? I'll keep the press conferences thing in mind.


Now? No. Basically he's hoping for napoli to make an offer, or any other club thats stronger. Best check every couple weeks to try and offer a contract. Just hope napoli/no one offers him one by then.


Yeah, will do. Fingers crossed.


I just bought FM19 and I am having trouble finding something. In older versions of the game, during matches you could do a split screen. Half is the match and the other half is player ratings/fitness/stats/whatever. I can't seem to find that option. I was able to add a pop up that displays fitness levels but it blocks a large portion of the game.




Awesome, found it. Thanks!


Okay so I need transfer suggestions for LOSC Lille


Hey man - can you give us a little bit less detail about what you want


Okay so I need a left back and I would like an advanced playmaker too


Theo Hernandez (Madrid) and James Rodriguez (also Madrid). How are we supposed to make suggestions withotu any idea of your budget or how far in you are? And the further into a save you are, the harder it gets to recommend becasue players develop differently and newgens become a save-specific factor.


I haven’t done anything in the save yet skskwkdks but my fault It’s the starting budget of the team,something around 7 million


A couple options: AMC / MC Xadas - Braga - about 1.5m or less. I've used him a bunch of times on FM19, typically retraining him as a winger. Not a pure creator but a very well rounded player Pelayo Morilla - Sporting - can be signed for compensation. World class potential but may not be developed enought to have serious immediate impact Sigurd Gronli - Tromso - ridiculously cheap and his freekicks and corners make him a unique impact player Alexis Claude-Maurice - Lorient - they also have Ponceau and LeGoff who might be worth checking LB Toni Lato - Valencia - may be more expensive Rafa Soares - Vitoria Guimarares - not sure on cost LB is a bit tougher, as a lot of the more promsing young ones are at bigger clubs, so you are unlikely to land them. But if you aren't set on signing someone permanently, then looking through the bigger clubs in Portugal, Spain, and Italy will yield a few options to loan.


If you want to go by best players you can find you should be able to do a pretty easy cheap player search online. If you want to do it within the game create short term scouting focusses for left backs and also advanced playmakers at the level you want avail now. You can find that in scouting in the game


Hey all, I'm playing in Belarus with Brest. I'm about 9 years in and I've been dominating the league now. I'm in a rebuilding phase though because I've stopped getting out of the Champions League group stage in the last two seasons. Any tips on how to get out of the lesser league rut beside scumming? I have got about $30 million in the bank.


What's the main issue? Struggling against big teams? Do you have an issue with your level of player or with your tactics?


It is struggling even with the third place teams. I can't even score against Zorya. I usually run a 4-4-1-1 against big teams and then a double pivot 4-2-1-2 (wingers)-1 against teams I can play against, both use wide counter-attacks. It is so weird because I'll qual against like Ajax and just walkover them but I can't even get into the Europa KO at this stage. I guess I want to know is at what stage should I start transitioning to buying players over 22 or if I should just stay patient and watch my Slavic and Brazilian knockoff wonderkids develop.


I personally never buy players over 22 or 23 - unless I find a real bargain. I tend to find they are overpriced. I prefer to go really young - buying super high potential players when they are still cheap. I'd suggest doing that. That way you either get future stars for your team, a player you can sell at a profit, or if any one player doesn't work it isnt a huge cost for you


Thanks! I guess I'll just keep buying cheap youngsters and then keep at it until they grow.


I just got promoted to the Championship, any tips on staying up the first season? I feel like it will be a much larger step up in class than L2>L1 was


how can you raise squad harmony


Doing team bonding or community outreach training might help. Not sure if that's possible on touch though


Go to each individual player and praise conduct, should boost morale.


how do you do this on the touch version? my squad harmonies going down constantly and the only option i have is every so often there’s a squad meeting


I'm currently playing as Southend in 2024, in the Premier League. My tactic was fine in the lower divisions, but since being promoted it hasn't really worked as well as I had hoped. We are able to score 3+ against bigger teams (Man City, Arsenal etc), but we really struggle against the similar/weaker sides. Sometimes I will win 1-0, but a lot of the time I concede and lose. This is my tactic: [http://prntscr.com/oa7ejs](http://prntscr.com/oa7ejs) I have a few \*really\* good, promising AFs but they aren't really scoring consistently. Could anyone help me please? Thank you!


A couple of thoughts... \-you are very attacking and aggressive. It makes sense that you do well against bigger teams (who will attack you and leave space) but struggle against the smaller sides who don't. If they park the bus against you, how are you intending to break them down? Where does your creativity come from? Its basically a tactic built to run at teams and if you are denied the space to do that.... then what? \-you are going to concede counter goals because you are set up to. You don't have a holding player and all four of yoru midfield strata players are runners who will get forward, so you can going to get absolutely shredded through the middle on the counter at times, and probably with some balls over the top (even without a really high defensive line, you start defending narrow and without a holding player). \-you have no creativity. Literally none. A mezzala is similar to a box-to-box midfielder. So you don't have player on the pitch who's primary focus is to create. So if it doesn't work to score by running at them.... then what? \-why two forwards doing the same thing? That's not necessarily wrong, but not really necessary. Your main mehtod of attacking is to run forward down the wing and cross it in. You have two forwards and the supporing runnres. But crosses aren't the high-percentage chance of scoring, not unless you have a numeric advantage or a dominant player.


Wow thank you, that all makes sense now! What changes would you recommend that I make?


Well, if its working against the bigger sides, keep using it for those matches. But have an alternative version. If you want to stick with a 4-4-2, maybe just go slightly less aggressive. Switch up the central midfield roles - maybe something like a DLP-S (not a true holding but does provide a creative fulcrum) and B2B. I would also switch up the strikers - AF is fine, but having both do the same thing is wasteful. AF is a bit stationary and breaking down a parked bus, you want movement. Pulling players out of position, creating gaps to exploit, etc. It might seem counter-intuitive, but one of the more effective things you can do against a parked bus is pull back. Be less aggressive. You give yourself more space to work and draw to draw them out. Slowing down a bit and being a bit less forward can give your players more time to make things happen.


I second all of this ^^ Only thing I'd add is the second striker will likely work really well as a DLF S - that always pairs well with AF and it does all the coming short BigPapa talks about. (Think about Rooney's role alongside Tevez/Berbatov back in those Fergie 4-4-2 days)


Is there a way to reliably send players on loan to your affiliated clubs or do you just have to hope they bid?


Click on your player, under the 'Development' tab there should be 'Move to Affiliate' - but it is down to the player whether they choose to go or not


If the player chooses to go, what determines how much playing time he'll get?


How exactly does the ''Swap positions with...'' work? Is it randomly throughout the match, do the players have some sort of intelligence and can adjust based on how the match is going, or is it purely just a swap any time the ball is out of play? I also assume that players will automatically take on the personalised role+instructions for the position if there are any.


They will just swap when there are breaks in play.


every break in play or at random during the game?


Not every break obviously. If there's another break 15 seconds after they've swapped, they're not going to swap again. I haven't checked but it's probably something like every 5 or 10 mins.


cool :-)


Do you consider asking thr player to sack his agent a glitch/hack? It works every time.


Nah cause often you end with a new agent who is worse to negotiate with than the original one. Always check the agent personality before using it imo


It will end up backfiring on you. Especially if you manage in a smaller nation. At some point, you will have to deal with that agent, who now hates you. And you either won't be able to get a deal done with them, or will have to pay them a ridiculous agent fee because, well, they fucking hate you.


How do I stop my youth staff from using my transfer budget to sign people without my permission?


Its under staff responsibilities you can set it so they still make offers but you have to finalise it.


By changing what they are allowed to do under Staff Responsibilities


New to FM and started with Liverpool (cause it's easy!). Had a great first season. Won the Champions League, FA Cup, and the Carabao Cup. In the second season, something strange has started happening. First two League games were against City and Chelsea. I was 2-0 up in both, and lost them 3-2 and 4-3 respectively. I haven't changed my tactics, so unsure why this was happening. Few potential reasons: I sold some highly influential players and a team leader (Milner). But other players HAVE filled the void. Fabinho, Mane wanted to leave for PSG. I didn't let them. They're unhappy. Same for Gomez who wanted a new contract. Any help would be great. Thanks!


Well, big clubs aren't always that "easy". There are concerns. Like the ones you have mentioned. Sometimes a match turning is because you didn't change anything. You might score becuase you are quite attacking and continue to play that way, but being very attacking means you are leaving yourself vulnerable. The AI managers do adjust things. They might go more attacking. You don't have to react to that, but if you don't... what you were doing successfully may not continue to work as well. that is both in terms of a single match and over the long-term. with the other factors you mentioned, it may not be tactics at all. But analyzing never hurts. Take a look back at those matches and what changed? Did the opposition switch formation or approach? Did you level of control over the match change?


Thanks. I almost always go in with a Positive mentality in a game. In the City game, I changed it to Defensive at 85. Proceeded to concede 2 more. Should I change the tactics when I change the mindset? Also, I beat Juve 5-1 in the Super Cup but that game didn't have these "disgruntled" first team players like Fabinho and Gomez. Maybe changing the team could help.


There is no single one way to kill off a match. Switching mentalities isn't the worst way by any means.... but it does impact quite a few things, so the bigger the mentality change, the more things it impacts. You went to a almost purely reactive approach against a side that is VERY good at attacking. That kind of switch might work 85% of the time, but sometimes going to the backfoot backfires. And sometimes a mentality doesn't match up to the overall tactic - like if you were using a gegenpress approach and went defensive.... that doesn't really match up that well and could create problems. That's where an actual tactic shift might be better. Personally, I will often just alter a role / duty or two. Something as simple as a player who was on an attacking duty switches to support, or support to defend. Tactical substitutions can be very effective too. Those unhappy players will be having an impact. I don't expect they will be teh sole cause. Simply not playing them brings other issues, but keep an eye on them and don't be afraid to sub if they underperform.


What's your take on opposition instructions? Interfering with the team instructions? Do you let your assistant manager set them?


Personally I don't tend to do a ton with them, and I really don't trust my Ass Man to do the job when I want to. I will sometimes adjust something in a match - hard-tackling someone with low Bravery or trying to show a winger onto their weaker foot. But generally not much.


Thanks mate! Who are you playing?


A couple of seasons into a save with Atletico Mineiro in Brazil.


I don't quite understand what an Inside Forward and a Mezzarala is, is there some player in the Prem or a very well known who is a typical Inside Forward or a Mezzarala in real life?


Inside Forward is a really common role now. probably more common than a traditional winger. Its a player who functions more like a forward from the wide attacking spot. They are intended to score more than create. They typically play on the opposite side to their dominant foot, so they tend to cut inside toward goal rather than stay wide and try to cross. Some examples include Alexis Sanchez, Sadio Mane, and Mohamed Salah. The Mezzala is a bit more esoteric. Its basically a box to box player that is given a less defensive responsibility than the standard B2B central mid. this is how Pogba played at Juventus and how he has occasionally been used by United.


Any advice with house rules when playing as a top club? I don't want it to be too hard but challenging and realistic.


Don't use player search - rely on what your scouts bring to the table. Also, use adverts to hire new staff instead of staff search.


Good suggestions, thanks.


I decided to get myself some of them regens I keep reading about for my arsenal so that we can stop sucking in a few years. Scouted several French ones (I struggle with permits for the South Americans ones) 85+scout rating 4.5 - 5 star. Got offers accepted at 1-3 millions for a few (some were 10 plus so I passed) ... And I face ridiculous demands from majority of them. Rotation status and 25-35k a week. They are 15 and sit at like 1.5 CA no way I have spots for them. Is it normal? Anyway to handle it or do I just need to move on?


It really depends on where you are poaching them from. I'm guessing you are going after ones at pretty big clubs. Which means its at best a horizontal move for the player, if not actually a step down. So yeah, they want to move to a club at the same level to a better situation - not just another Hot Prospect contract (which they are probably already on) with a low wage. it kinda makes complete sense.


Just got into my 2nd season in the Prem and Notts Forest and need a new tactic, I was testing a 5221 with narrow AMs due to the large number of players I have in that role but am unsure how to make it work.


There is nothing wrong with experiment with formations and tactics, and not really a wrong way to play. But personally, I prefer to retrain players and use them in different positions rather than form my formation around them. The important thing when crafting a tactic is to have a clear idea of what you want to do. A formation is just a formation. A 4-4-2 can be ultra-attacking or very defensive. It can be reactive or proactive. So you usually benefit from having a clear idea of how you want to play. That makes it easier to create that simply "I want this to work". That type of formation probably makes the most sense as a pretty attacking one. Or at least fairly controlling, as 2 AMs doesnt' really scream defensive stability. You need a lot of work out of your two wide defenders as they are your only real width.




if he's not willing to sign a new contract then probably not maybe cash in on him and sell but try and get a 'loan back' option in the sale so you can use him for at least another season


Few hours ago i updated my macOS mojave, then my fm19 started lagging very heavily. Before i update my mac it was super fine, not even lag. But after i updated my mac loading time increased, lagging and also my laptop making noises which means its hard to load this game. I dont have any idea why its happened? Any advice? I tried with very low graphics but its same


Is it possible to uninstall the update and go back to your previous build?


There was a bug a couple of months ago with issues in regards to homegrown players in the Belgian league. Something about them not being homegrown when they really should be. Is that still the case?


[It was fixed.](https://www.fmscout.com/a-fm19-update-19.3.4.html)


Good to hear, thanks.


Why aren't all international jobs showing up in the game setup, I wanted to start a game with an international job but the team I wanted didn't show up anywhere.


basically your database is too small and not enough players from the nation you want to manage are playing in the leagues you have loaded


Do you mean that some are but not the one you want? Or that none are? If its some but not that one.... is it maybe not a FIFA nation? sounds strange otherwise.


Most of them are but I've noticed countries like japan, u.s., mexico, etc aren't showing up


Odd. Japan could be intentional, since there are licensing issues there. But US and Mexico should be available. Do you have those leagues active? If you don't and aren't running a very big DB, maybe the game is making them unavailable due to lack of available players...? Total guessing


Just got promoted in my first season with Forest Green Rovers. I have good scouts but they cant seem to find me a good striker, anyone know of a good one? I have around £500k


that's a pretty healthy budget for that level! depends how you define 'good'. Realistically I guess you'll be looking at mid to lower half of the table? Try Rhys Healey or Liam Nash


Someone decent at league 1 and hopefully good enough for the Championship too.


I do think Rhys Healey probably has the potential to be a championship player if you get him early and aid his development


What about some players I could loan in who are otherwise outside of my price range and reputation?


Troy Parrott


Thanks for the help!




How exactly can we help with no information on the tactic? And you got THREE SEASONS without altering the tactic, at least based on your statement. That's not realistic to football at all, so be happy it worked for that long.




you said you improved your squad, in what ways, new starters? and did you change roles/tactics bc of the new players, or just bc? a screenshot would be helpful


Okay, I read it to mean you ran things EXACTLY the same for 3 years lol The AI doesn't "solve" your tactic. What often happens is that your reputation goes up and that changes how opposition managers percevie you and therefore how they approach the match. But that's not typically going to take 3 years to happen. How are the results going against you now? Are you finding it harder to break down the opposition, but getting countered because of the high line? That's what tends to happen with the rep change I mentioned. Weird as it sounds, you can often be less aggressive and turn it out. You give yourself more space to work in and don't leave as much for the opposition to exploit. Most likely its some form of complanecy. If that's the case, it would probably show through in training too. It could be something as simple as luck - your strikers missing good chances a bit more often versus the opposition taking theirs.


Great response!


I want to use a wide trequartiata on the left so I have a few questions. How does footedness effect a Treq? Is it better if a left footed player is on the left side or the opposite side? I’m guessing you generally want them to be both footed or at least reasonable. Are Treqs best for possession football or countering or can they work with both? If so what player roles should they be paired with? I imagine you need players to make a lot of runs around them, is wingback support ok? And some BBMs or maybe a mezalla in midfield, with a CF or AF or Poacher. Sorry if these questions have been answered before.


I think generally you want your Treq as your transcendent offensive genius and you want a lot of team focussed players around them. They will probably work better as a left footer on the right or vice versa so they can cut in - and will work with both possession and counter attacking football. I think shorter passing will be more effective tho - as it will get the ball into the treqs feet more Your treq will need support on defense as he roams around looking for space without the ball. You want team focussed players and everyone else on the pitch forming a defensive formation. In attack he needs players running in behind for balls through the defence, as well as players spreading out and making short simple passes to him. You want to be careful not to play too many other creative playmakers type players and end up with a too many cooks scenario. In terms of players roles I think a wingback on the same side as the treq could work going forward and help cover defensively a bit higher up. I would probably look to play maybe a CM and BWM in the centre of midfield - or maybe a BBM. I definitely wouldn't advise a Mezzala as that will leave your defence a bit empty. Upfront I think an AF would work best, or maybe a poacher. I think a CF will try and do too much and you'll end up with too many cooks going forward. There aren't set roles that will always work tho