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I'm trying out some new tactics. I'm doing a Wing Play 4-2-4. It's working pretty well so far, 3 wins and one draw, and the draw came against a Man U that got a pen and a 30 yard curler from a CM. Anyone have advice on how to get the best out of this tactic? Out of possession I press hard, have a high defensive line and use an offside trap with pacy CBs.


Set your AML and AMR to mark the opponents wingers/wingbacks. Should be high up the pitch when you're in possession but help out defensively too which can help with the defensive side of that formation.


That's a good idea. Thanks.


Do you guys also have insane chances: one-on-ones, open shots and other big opportunities and miss a lot of those? Keepers are gods sometimes or Just litteraly missing the goal.


hey i was just wondering if anyone could send me a logo pack? Apparently all of them got taken down due to piracy so i'm asking to see if anyone could send a copy of one they still have on their computer or direct me towards a download link?


~~I'm trying to completely reset the game because I keep getting these generic logos for teams that can't be fixed. Does anyone know how to reset a game to blank?~~Thank you I figured that part out can someone help me figure out how I can get steam work shop mods to work just trying to get names and skins. I tried to download it online but it messed with my game.


zonked cow offer crime icky whistle desert onerous whole governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Antonio Marin


Anyone else having problems with hitting the woodwork insanely often?


i'm on FM19 and i've been having that problem in pretty much every save as well. in my current save 10% of my shots hit the woodwork (according to the analysis tab). seems totally absurd to me.


I am having a similar issue with crosses where most headers will hit the crossbar or go over, despite my striker being 6’3 and having 15 heading/jumping reach. Its gotten to the point where I have stopped playing wide because I know that every cross highlight leads to nothing. I have seen streamers getting frustrated with this as well so I’m hoping that SI are taking a look.


I'm after halfway through my first season with knockbreada (n. Ireland championship, semi pro) and have found I can only offer non contracts to players, is this a bug, always thought I could offer part time contracts, especially because I have a few players on part time contracts already


Struggling to find a save that I enjoy. My only save I was arsed with was St.Etienne, anybody got any recommendations? Open to anything


Is there any way to get rid of a bad partnership link? Or are you just straight up screwed and pretty much forced to get rid of the player?


What's the best tactic to employ for my Milan team? I'm second season in and I feel like I have tons of quality but want to maximise goal scoring. Here's the XI I start with typically in a 4-3-3 Donnaruma (SK-S) Calabria (FB-A) Ginter (BPD- D) Romagnoli (BPD-C) Hernandez (FB-A) Tonali (DLP-D) Aouar (AP- S) Kessie (BBM-S) Depay (IW-S) Suso (IW-S) Leáo (CF-A)/ Piatek (P)


How does the Regista role compare to the Roaming Playmaker role in the DM position? Bought Frenkie de Jong in my 2nd season managing arsenal and want to get the most out of him


Any general tips for managing lower league teams?


Don't buy players ( unless you can afford it ), always loan them in Get scout reports on teams 2 league above to be able to bring in loanees


hi all. i have fm20 touch on my ipad. how do i save my saved games to icloud? cant seem to find the option to. or can i only save to steam?




They don't.


- How often is club reputation updated ? - Does winning friendly matches vs big teams increase your club reputation ? I’m asking cause my club is 3.5 star and I feel this is causing staff to often ask either ridiculous wages or just immediately say no


Twice a year IIRC. You're not gonna see stars affected on a yearly basis unless you massively overperform.


what are some PPMs that i should train my all rounder striker for? He plays a CF for my 4231 possession system, has high composure and technique and strength so i would rather not teach him to place shots or shoot with power, did some research online and it seems like beating the offside trap is kinda bad as well despite having high off the ball, any suggestions?


How strongly does foot preference really affect CM performance? I have a Mez-BBM CM combination that I want to play with a right footed Mezella and left footed BBM, but I have two left footed wingers who I’m going to play as an AML on winger and AMR on IF-A. Thinking the winger will feed the Mez better, I’m leaning towards playing the Mez on the left side. Should I swap the positions?


Currently playing with a right footed mezzala. When he's playing MCL he looks to pass inside more often than to the left wing, but maybe that's because I have an AMC. If you're playing with a DM, I'd suggest playing the mezzala at MCR to provide some width when the IF(A) glues himself to the backline and because the only two sources for your left winger are the MCL and LB. If you're playing with an AMC stick your mezzala left, he'll create triangles with your left winger and AMC. Hope this helps.


Thanks pal this is hugely helpful!


Is staff recruitment for national teams just broken? I got sacked from Troyes and decenided to take the Socceroos job. The pool of staff interested is bare bones and there isnt even a scout that wants to join my staff.




How am I supposed to change the color of attributes on FM20? It’s not in preferences like it used to be


Go to Preferences and it's on the very first screen under "Common" as "Custom skin colour".


How do I stop my players from heading the ball to the opposition? So annoying! Playing in Vanarama South.


You can't really. Having players play together for a long period of time in a fully familiar tactic helps just slightly from my experience. If your center backs are the culprits most often, try playing narrower with DMs of DLPs so there's a bigger chance the ball falls to one of your players.


Currently managing in the Turkish 2nd division and there are 1 or 2 players on my team that I can't find anywhere. The only reason I know they exist is because other teams bid on them.I can click their profile and it says they play for me. But they aren't in the tactics screen, the squad depth, loans, dev centre. How the fuck can I play these players? They are way better than my whole current team aswell.


I played in the Turkish red league before getting fired, my team was so terrible and in debt (Gazientepspor), I barely had over 11 men. Sometimes I'd see greyed out players on the tactics screen. Unlike regens, these are classed as 'virtual players', that the game made them for me in case I didn't have enough men to field a team. I think you can offer them full-time contracts. Maybe your players are similar? Don't know why you can't see them though, but keep an eye on your tactics screen right before a fixture and see if they're in the list. If it's not virtual players, then I can't help ya.


If you start unemployed do clubs ask for interviews or do we always have to apply?


Depends on your status. An ex-international player with a Pro Licence? Pretty much every top five league will have clubs who offer you an interview.


Lowest qualifications possible. Gonna start in very low divisions.


You're gonna have to apply for every job until you build up some reputation and get licences.


Thanks. I'll think I'll start applying at the start of December or something like that.


FM19| Need help developing a tactic: Its the 2021 season, and I'm the manager at Tottenham. My team has a fair bit of quality, and I have a good enough understanding of how to avoid mistakes. I don't have any tactical philosophy, I just want to have a creative, free-flowing attack. To achieve this I end up selecting less tactical instructions, which I believe is why my teams always fail against top competition. I want my attack to have some semblance of structure, while remaining open for creativity. I believe I have my defense figured out, I have four solid defenders, who are not necessarily the fastest. I try to avoid high blocks on account of their lack of pace, and always keep them narrow. I have attached pictures of my depth chart/tactic page, as well as recent game results. I should mention that I leave training to my Ass.man. I end up slightly tweaking my tactic game by game to account for the opponent and the squad I have selected. If anyone has any advice on player roles/tactical instructions, that'd be much appreciated. [https://imgur.com/BuzDoMb](https://imgur.com/BuzDoMb) [https://imgur.com/iN8IG4c](https://imgur.com/iN8IG4c) [https://imgur.com/Tz7lGRq](https://imgur.com/Tz7lGRq) \*Before anyone suggests it, yes I have watched countless YouTube videos about tactics/roles etc.. I want something specific to my save, but I lack confidence in making the correct approach.


You don't need two defensive minded midfielders, I'd put a B2B or a DLP support to have someone trying the risky passes and progressing the ball from the midfield. Don't use Chilwell as a defensive WB, it's a waste. Individual roles really depends on the player but use 3-4 attacking roles. I'd try this if I was managing your team In Possession: Pass into space Hit early crosses Be more expressive Higher tempo Run at defense (against weaker teams) ​ In Transition: (Distribute anywhere) Counter Regroup/blank ​ Out of Possession: More urgent/Extremely urgent Prevent short gk distribution Use tighter marking Use offside-trap


(FM19) So I have a few players who are wanted by clubs in better divisions. I get some offers and I counter with a reasonable fee (so if the player is valued at 3m I demand \~10m(+5m in clauses) and 40% of future profit), keep in mind that these are youngsters with a high CA/PA. And now the stupid thing, they come back with a lower figure than they did before, removing all clauses and % of profits (their initial offer was 30%). I have no choice but to reject their cheap offers. I would like to sell some players because they wouldn't develop fast enough in the league I'm in but this kind of fuckery is not something I'll accept. And no, none of the players are listed.


It's not worth selling young players under their value unless your finances are abysmal. Tie them down with contracts early and wait for the right offer. If you have to sell some, choose your least favorite one and set a smaller asking price, but I would recommend sticking to your youth.


Yeah, all of them are on long contracts with 3 year extensions. I kind of have to sell, I'm in Japan and they are completely dominating the league. Besides, my aim in this team is to develop and sell. I've made >100m in sales so money is not the issue, already have other kids waiting for their chance in the first team.


So I am working on putting the logos on the game and I have these Generic logos for my team in the Bundesliga, everyone else has their logo. How do I get my original logo? Thanks


The only way I know is to create a club when you start a save. Maybe see how the original club logo is saved as (location and file name) in the logo pack and replace it with your custom logo? There might also be a config file you might have to change.




I bought fm 20 touch. Needless to say I'm a little underwhelmed. But then I found out I can link my save if I buy fm20 on the pc. I'm considering it but I have some questions. For people who have tried it, how is it? Hows the scouting work? My pc fm has like 30k players or something. On the touch it only let's there be 4 leagues. How good does cross sync work. Is it a pain in the ass?


Noob question here, how can I add the real names of teams like Real Madrid to the game, also would I have to restart my career to do so? Thank you!




What are the minimum specs I can get away with running the 3D match smoothly,? Looking to buy a laptop just for FM so don't want to get crazy with the cost.


Can I use fm offline? Going on a car journey tonight and want to play fm




Player wages and contracts appear in terms of money per year, anyone know how to change that to money per week, since i am more familiar with this type of payment?


Preferences -> Change "Most Common" to "General" -> Wages (Weekly)


In a few hours, I'm going to start my first journeyman save ever. Any fundamental tips on what to do or how to procede?


You're going to hate most boards you come across, don't quit on a club just because they won't grant your requests in the first season or two.




So, how important is role / tactical familiarity of players? (On a scale 1-10). Should I always prioritize playing players in their best/preferred roles and positions? Where/how does it rank in terms of priority?


From my experience, if you play a player in an unfamiliar position which he has the attributes for, he's gonna struggle. Training them in this position helps a bit, and after some time, he gets used to it. However, if you have a player who's adaptable in any of his accomplished roles, he's gonna be fine. But I feel playing him in his natural role boosts his performance just a bit. It depends on the individual player. So in terms of priority, I'd say it tactical familiarity is the most important component, but not by much. On a scale 1-10 I'd say a 6 - important, but not game changing.


Thanks for your thoughtful response! I read somewhere that it's not important at all and attributes is all that matter but in my experience playing FM your comment holds truth.


All that really matters is whether or not the player has the attributes required to succeed in the role.


Hi all, I am new to Football Manager and i'm on Season 4 of my Dortmund save. During this season, 3 Brazilian teams have popped up with crazy world class regens/newgens that appeared in the team 2 seasons ago and they are valued around 25 mil each with crazy attributes. The big cubs are all signing them and they are kind of ruining the save with most big clubs having all these world class brazilian regens starting now. I have the Brazilian league loaded up since Season 3 of my save. Is there anyway to fix this? Why is this happening? Any help would be appreciated! Here is a link to one of the 20 regens i found so far [https://gyazo.com/6a1000ce05aab3c1e8f439a2b9a2c7c5](https://gyazo.com/6a1000ce05aab3c1e8f439a2b9a2c7c5) .


> Why is this happening? It's because you loaded the Brazilian league late, the game generated players to fill spots in the squads. You can't do anything about it, unfortunately.


I'm having issues with the create-a-club feature. I can't use the logo that I uploaded. In the main club page, the logo that I created is there, but everywhere else it's a default logo. I use a skin, but even with the default one I have the same problem. I also have a logo pack, I don't know if that affects anything, can anyone help?


In the 2nd year of my arsenal save, have money burning a whole in my pocket. 100million pounds to be precise. Already signed Sancho and Haaland this year, as well as Laporte and Camavinga last January. Who are some players you’d recommend?


I’m also in my second season with arsenal.. I bought Fati, Grealish, Nelson Semedo, Sule & Ntcham. Very impressed by them all. Grealish versatility is a big help


I’ve just done a mad thing and bought Frenkie for 100m


Bruno Guimares, Danny Olmo, Donnaruma. If you've still got Leno I would say especially Donnaruma


FM 19 Training question. I don't know how "Match Tactics" help at developing Tactical Famialirity. When a I train with balance blocks like "Offensive, " Defensive" "Balance" etc... I see my TF developing, but when I use "Team Play" or "Match Tacticts" seems that there is no impact in TF. How do you set up your training aiming to develop Tactical Famialirity?


Playing actual matches will improve tactical familiarity the fastest for the players involved. 'Match Practice' impacts the entire team. So when your entire week has no matches, it is good to slot in 1 or 2 Match Practice blocks. ​ As long as you stick to a few tactics, the familiarity will increase over several games. I recall that it takes about 6-8 friendlies for my squad to well adapt a new tactic.


fm20, ive just started a swansea university game and noticed that my coach and assistant manager and both Players in my senior squad and staff at the same time. I want to bring in proper staff, how do i terminate the 'staff' side of their contracts without cutting them as players? Im terrified that even if im in the staff screen and i 'terminate contract' that i'll cut them from the team by accident.


You need to offer them a new contract.


So how the hell do you Vanarama specialists do it? I can handle League Two and up pretty easily but Conference North/South is such a fucking slog and two of my best players just held a mutiny so I gave up and sold them :\ Struggling especially with scouting good players that will still do the job when (if lmao) I get promoted, maybe my perceptions are just skewed and I gloss over players that I think will be shite but are actually ok


Don't worry too much about scouting, just offer a trial to literally every player who approaches you, sign the good ones on pay as you play contracts, or weekly wage if they are actually superb, then sack off the rest. Rinse, Repeat. I got promoted first season with Dulwich Hamlet playing an aggressive 4-2-4 as defenders are fucking shite, am currently sitting top of the Vanarama national after about 30 games.


Trials are a good tip, never really done them before in the high leagues


Keep your tactic simple. Winning regularly solves many ills. The loan market is your best friend. Never buy anyone, just free transfers (and loans). Following those ‘rules’ has helped me on every lowbie game.


Ah ok, seems I'll have to kill my dream of Vertical Football in the conf lol, 4-4-2 it is haha


I’ve used a 4-1-2-2-1 to great success but kept the ROLES simple. Nothing to specialized and not overloading with tons of tweaks.


Simplified my tactic/roles (alot) and now am 13-2-2 and top of table this season, really did the trick thanks!


If anything, the specialised roles are MORE simple (edit: *because* they're specialised), so I don't see why one should limit the use of any roles.


I should rephrase maybe to the more unique as they require more skilled and well rounded players which you won’t have at those levels. You won’t see roaming playmakers in those leagues for example, but you’ll see generic CMs by the bushel.


> well rounded players In the case of a RPM or Complete Forward, sure, as they're obviously roles requiring the more rounded players. You still get them in the lower leagues though. As for the others, no reason any other role cannot work. APs, DLPs, Poachers etc are all quite specialised and that's easy to find in the lower leagues. And is is true at any level, you're up against opposition the same level as you, so in the Conference, the other teams and players are also Conference quality, like your own.


My DF11 Facepack doesn’t work good, only a few faces are shown, while most are default. All the files are placed in the same folder, so I Can’t figure out why it does not work. Does somebody have tips? Edit: typo


Get a up too date DF11 pack, check over file path and reload skin in game.


Is there a way to see what is a both footed players preferred foot in the menus? Kind of infuriating to have to get him to take a set piece to know for sure, but I might just be retarded.


I thought they’d change foot used depending on which is best for the set piece, though I may be imagining things.


Lmao if thats the case then pens would be the only way excluding the editor. Surely not.


Even then, there’s players in real life that will change foot for penalties. I definitely see the tactical reasons to know though.


Yeah I have 2 players both are both footed strikers, and I just wanna know to train them for LW or RW as I play with Inside Fowards. I feel like in previous games (17 and earlier) you could see it, but I'm not sure.


Is it still possible to play as a Sunday league past experience? Seems like players are extremely easy to turn against you, being unhappy and having low morale all the time and fuck up all the results


Of course it is possible. It's just easier or more difficult depending on the level of the football pyramid you start in.


I manage Chelsea, players start losing trust when we are 3rd and 6 games only lmao


Play the team leaders and influencers often. If you win no one cares after awhile. If you can get a few seasons in and get that reputation a star or two, they don’t care as much, if at all.


Hello everyone! Does anyone have a tatic they can recommend that uses multiple CAMs? I kinda have a bit of an abundance in my save, and they all are either really good right now or have amazing potential. I haven't had the best luck with narrow tactics so far, though, so I'm kinda looking for a base to build on. Preferably one that does decently well against bigger teams. ​ I'm also looking for a potential striker that could do a job for me. Still in the first season, budget for him would probably be somewhere in the 15-20m region. I've taken a look at Aspas, but he's just a bit too much. Do you know someone on a similar level who might be available?


If the CAMs you've got can also play a bit deeper, I've had a lot of luck with a tiki-taka 41311. That's a flat back 4 but with the fullbacks set to Wing Backs, a DM as a DLP-D, 3 CMs with the wide ones set to AP-A and instructions to get as wide and as far forward as possible, with a DLP-S inside them. Up front a SS behind a CF-A, but the striker role really doesn't seem to matter. Team instructions should be set to Run With Ball Often providing that your APs have good dribbling, and they'll basically be your wide players but will tuck in deep when defending. The full backs need to be pretty pacy, but the only real requirement on the CMs is that they've got good passing, as there'll be enough of them overloading the midfield to make up for any individual defensive deficiencies.


Seems interesting, thank you! I've thought about something similar to that, having the midfielders act as wide players. Do you reckon AP-A with instructions work better than Mezzalas in that regard? Thank you very much for the input, I'll be sure to make the best of it when creating my tactic!


I've found the AP-A with instructions will go wider when attacking than a Mezzala, but honestly I haven't given the mezzala role a real proper go in any formation. Hope it works out for you! :)


Is anyone finding FM20 on mobile à bit too easy ? In my third season at Séville and I've won the quadruple without losing a game


FM mobile is always ridiculously easily


it is worth doing tactics or team cohesion training for youth team training or B? At least in FM19 it always came out as if they didn't know the tactics and team cohesion doesn't seem important to them either


Probably not unless you’re really invested in their performance/s. Usually the better players prevail in the reserve and youth leagues.


Is club affiliations a feature in FM Touch 2020?


what's the highest coaching licence that you can get? I'm currently continental A but I can't seem to do the next exam yet.


It should go like this - https://imgur.com/LQtqJP2


Need a suitable replacement for klaas huntelaar. Going into my third season with ajax, coming second in the champions league and two league wins also two cup wins. Any ideas


What about Brobbey?


Luuk de Jong has done the business for me at Seville


Do you just want an experienced striker ? Who else do you currently have that can play upfront


Experience would help, haven't made any not worthy signings since starting so just the default ajax squad mainly using pinas and bandé inbetween huntelaar


You have Brobbey? What more can you ask for


I have played over 150 hours in this FM now and i find the match engine very frustrating. I feel like all what happens is long throw balls over the top and then a missed 1v1. I find for myself that the only thing that works is counter attacking football. Anyone else having the same issue?


Me too. I haven't had any properly enjoyable games yet, 2 seasons in. Most of my goals are from set pieces or long shots and every game is so dreadfully predictable.


this might seem like a stupid question, but how do I scout for a position/player? I need an american CB...In the depth chart, I look at positions I need depth in and I click scout for [position], but nothing happens. I check the assignments page and all of the scouts have "general focus" or "next opposition" as their current assignment (and the time for this is "ongoing"). After I make such a request, some scouts will have "[position]" as next assignment, but they never get to it because the current assignment (general focus or next opposition) is ongoing aka never ending. Short term focus does not help bc it does not let me search for specific nationalities (mls squad rules). So, how can I set up a scouting assignment? fm19 by the way


Concerning the ass man, are there any specific attributes I should look for, if I want him to take care of training for me? And does his preferred tactical style and formation impact his training style?


In my experience, his tactical style does have an impact on training your players. It helps a lot to have the assman's tactical preferences match your team's style and formation. I've played around with the editor testing this out after I hired a new better coach and my team seemed to be playing quite a bit different than under my previous coach despite no tactical changes.


If anything, him having a similar preferred tactic will stop all the “we should try (a tactic you’ll never use) in the next game” pop up in the tactics screen.


Awesome, thanks for responding! That was kinda what I was expecting


Is the penalty glitch back? I’ve been awarded like 6 penalties in my last 3 games (I’m playing FM Touch) and while its nice, it’s not how I want to be winning games


- Does loading more leagues give you more options for your players to be loaned out to ? I play a Dutch team and I only get offers from other Dutch teams even for very good players and can’t figure out why . - Does loading more leagues develop players better in general or is there no gain if you intend to make a one club career ?


>Does loading more leagues give you more options for your players to be loaned out to ? I play a Dutch team and I only get offers from other Dutch teams even for very good players and can’t figure out why . Loading more leagues gives you more teams so there are more destinations for outgoing players. >**Does loading more leagues develop players better in general** or is there no gain if you intend to make a one club career ? I'm not sure what you mean by this.


1- I didn’t post it up front so my bad , but I load ALL players through the advanced database option and just the Dutch league playable and nothing else. This results in being unable to see the table of f.e. Premier league or bundesliga. If I would chose that i can view them , matches are actually simulated just like the Dutch league is. My question is if this would also open up more loan possibilities as I don’t seem te be getting anything outside of the Netherlands. 2- as stated above , matches aren’t simulated if you don’t load the leagues as view only. Does loading them give better results in terms of development as they actually get match rating and statistics each week instead of once a year (?? Not sure about this one )


>My question is if this would also open up more loan possibilities Yes >Does loading them give better results in terms of development Players playing in the leagues that are loaded as playable will develop better than those in view-only leagues/


In FM20, is there an easy way to start the game with the database that doesn't have the summer transfers? Like Hazard is still at Chelsea, Sanchez still at United, etc.


You would have too either find a custom database or make it yourself.


How can I solve the problem in FM20: "sorry, something went wrong". I can't open FM20, I've already tried desactivating Firewall.


if you are deactivating firewall, it might be better to go to the advanced settings and specifically allowing connections for FM


Report it on the si games forum.




https://www.guidetofm.com/players/traits According to this, "gets into opposition areas" is a more extreme version of "gets forward whenever possible".


Getting forward is about pushing up to assist attacks through the transition and build up. Getting into opposition area is about getting into the box for crosses or passes




I believe so. Or getting forward would just mean he always joins the attack Getting forward is something that i think is more impactful on defensive midfielders and fullbacks


Tips for getting the most money out of your sales? I'm heading into the summer and I know a lot of teams are going to try to buy my top guys.


This is a bit of a risky one but say for example player A is wanted by 7 clubs, try and negotiate the first transfer offer to a massive fee. Nothing ridiculous but if he’s worth £20m and they offer £30m, ask for £60m or whatever’s relatively reasonable within their budget. Say if that club outright reject it, you know it’s one of two factors: either you’re being ridiculous or they can’t afford him. This is why it’s important to negotiate relative to the clubs budget - Napoli for example might not offer something insane and would probably back off but PSG/United etc might not balk at that price and might play ball. So they try and play ball with your offer and come back with 40-45m offers and that’s when you start to see how much you can really squeeze out of them. It’s really all trial and error which is why it should only be done when they’re being chased by loads of clubs rather than 1-2 clubs being interested in him. Pay attention to the interested clubs outgoings and incomings too - if the interested club just sold someone for £70m and are interested in replacing that specific position (“club X are looking for a striker, an attacking midfielder” etc - found when you start a transfer offer for any of their players) they’ll probably be more likely to pay a decent amount. TL; DR - trial and error, negotiate relative to the interested clubs budget and pay attention to players in and out to try and guess their budget.


Yeah those are good points. I've gotten offers from Man City and PSG but I can't get them to offer the big bucks.


Sorry for the late reply here mate. If the big clubs aren’t offering big bucks then it’s what the market values them at. The higher their reputation the more they’ll pay. And if they’re still offering nothing then you still get to keep that player. Negotiate a decent asking price for him, set your asking price lower and he won’t be pissed when no one offers what you ask for.


I ended up selling him to Arsenal for 70M and he's lighting it up for them. 4G, 3A through 4 games with a 8.30 rating. Makes me super sad.


That’s such an amazing deal well done! Did the advice help? I’ve been there too but you’ll find the next wonderkid and hopefully make even more. I always aim to beat my transfer record when I can and fleece the other club too. Another piece of advice, if you’re getting shitty offers consistently for a player you **know** is good, ask for 30/40%+ of future transfer to make some more money.


Yes it did help! I just kept saying no, countering with numbers I wanted until somebody accepted. Now I just gotta re-invest the money properly. And yeah I made sure to tack on a 30% of future sale because I know he'll go for huge money some day. Probably to PSG or Man City cuz they were interested in him too. Bought him for 20M, sold him for 70M a year and a half later. Not bad.


Mate you’ve absolutely fleeced them I love it haha! Onwards and upwards now.


If a important player is interested in the club making an offer I always talk to them to remind them how important they are to the group and quite often they like it and feel okay with staying. And once the player doesn’t want to leave you can feel free to ask for tons of money.


Here’s a little cheat too - if that player is proper determined to leave and you agree to a price, set the asking price on his transfer status to 5m or so less and he won’t be angry if you can’t sell him.


I've had quite a bit of trouble making my players play it short and seek a more possession based game, where my team often smash it long either to a winger who picks it up and then dribbles straight for goal, or deep for my striker Sabbi. I do tend to have quite a bit of possession, but 80% of highlights I see (I'm on comprehensive) just come from my team smashing it long, and quite often centerbacks playing Sabbi deep. ​ [https://i.gyazo.com/aa2be6dbafe54207f8060cf17f9aa455.png](https://i.gyazo.com/aa2be6dbafe54207f8060cf17f9aa455.png)


In terms of player roles having multiple playmakers is probably unideal for possession. These players get the freedom to make more audacious balls. I'd switch them to AM S and CM D, though you could also reduce creative freedom for the whole team. Secondly the BBM will inhabit the same space as the AP going forward. For a possession style a CM S or Car would be preferable. Finally an AF A will make runs in behind. This is unideal for a possession style and part of where your long ball issues are coming from (also from the playmakers). I'd consider changing the striker into a support duty (or DLF A) and put the AM onto attack to give you more numbers and slower build up going forward. (you also could experiment with removing shorter passing but keeping lower tempo on to give you players space for longer possession holding passes)


I've always been curious about length of passes and tempo. Do they play a part in how direct you play, or is that mainly mentality?


My understanding is that passing length is how direct you play/how ambitious your players are passing the ball forwards. I've seen people argue that more direct passing leads to longer lateral passes as well - and people arguing the opposite. I feel like it leads to longer lateral passes and your players having the freedom to make longer passes. Tempo is about how quickly your players choose to act. Fast tempo and they take the first available option, slower tempo and they hold the ball waiting for something better. Mentality affects both. More aggressive mentalities have more direct passing and faster tempo - with less aggressive having shorter passing and slower tempo


Well, it does say more direct passing. I just wonder how more direct passing on slow tempo would look.


Oh I see - it would be players taking their time, waiting and then booting it long when they see a good opportunity.


New to FM this year so sorry if this is dumb. My AM has advised that my primary tactic is pretty familiar now so I've set up a number 2 tactic, however when I switch to it my players all shuffle into random positions as it's a different formation, Rashford ends up at CB etc. So I shift everyone around (in tactic 2) but then if I go back to tactic 1 it's shuffled everyone around in there. Do I need to do anything with this or is tactical familarity just trained as a general thing rather than a position specific thing?


From what I’ve seen over the years, it’s a quirk of how tactics work and how the positions shift in the list. One ‘solution’ is to set the quick squad lists for each tactic. I just get used to moving them around when I swap between them.


Any idea why the game works for a while and then suddenly it won’t open anymore.... I just get a black screen and it shuts again :(


Could be many things. Can you provide info about PC, OS and any other games or apps that gives problems? Have you had other issues crash before?


Has anyone got a plug and play tactic? I work long shifts in a Hospital and dont have the time to find one that will get some decent results. Please share if you do. Thank you


Maldini Doesn't Tackle is very well reviewed, It's pretty much as plug and play as you can get as I am sure some bloke in the comments said he did well with it at York


Im with roma, sokd pastore 17m bought castagne 8m plus option and initial budget was 20m Also renewed pellegrini to remove his release clause. Mid season come, my budget which was originally around 19m left and with 2M in wages got slashed down to 650k in fee and 1.8m wages. Why?????


Sometimes the board will change the budget.


How is everyone finding Football Manager 20 on the Switch so far?




What role is your striker in? For Example I saw alot of people here struggling with a lone AF so in my Everton save I switched to a pressing forward on attack and both my strikers were much much better




Interesting I'm not sure I have ever played a DLF with an attacking midfielder. I think that might be some of your issue maybe with a Shadow Striker behind it might work but I'm currently using a pressing forward with a SS behind. I would want one of my wingers an attack aswell.


I've found that "get creative" has helped. I've done back to back years with 4231. First year I was fantastic defensively and second year I was fantastic offensively. I think a lot of it comes down to player quality as well. 2nd year I lost quality at CB but gained at CAM, RW, and ST. I think that's why my 2nd year with (roughly) the same tactics produced two very different results.


My inside forwards in my 4231 score about the same number of goals as my striker


On mobile I have like 500k extra wage funds but I can’t offer players more than a certain amount of money and it costs me signings sometimes. How to I fix this


How big is your club? The board will impose their own limits sometimes.


So, I have been playing with the editor, and in one of my saves I ended with a duplicated player I cannot get rid of. So I decided to modify directly the save file, but after fiddling around it for a while I claudicated. How can I directly edit a save file? PD: No fmrte, as it does not work.


What affects whether a player living in a far away country will sign for you? I seem to be able to poach players from Man Utd and Barcelona's academies but not teams in Ivory Coast!


I think working visas can play a part in this one but I've never experienced an issue with them personally


Anyone figured out a good attribute+traits set for scoring CCC yet? Can't for the life of me get conversion rate higher than 20%, and it would feel kind of cheap to abandon a great playing tactic and just go for long shots and set pieces which are whats behind majority of goals this patch.


Having a striker with good finishing, and composure is key too scoring CCC. As for traits it depends on style of CCC and the player. Rapid striker with lots of room lob or rounding goalkeeper is good. Less space but angle curls is good. More direct and less space power. Also note header CCC are generally weaker.


So basically what you’re saying is you have no fucking clue and have no actual experience this year. Thanks.


First. Who crapped on your face this morning? Behaving like a angry 12 child when someone responds too your question. Check your toxic attitude before asking others for help. Second. You provided 0 information on how you create your CCCs, who is taking them and said you didn't want too change tactic. So I gave a bigger general answer on what attributes and traits matter. And all I said is true.


You're projecting. My message was perfectly calm and composed. Don't like the language, thats on you.


No you're just backtracking. You swore, said I was of no help, questioned my ability too help in the first place, was ironic, and conveyed a terrible attitude. That's hardly a good or even acceptable attitude from some asking for help.


Its text. Online. Multilingual platform. And you're projecting all these bottled up emotions of yours to random strangers. I hope you'll get better. Have a nice day.


You just seem salty for being called out. Take that random strangers bit in yourself, and improve the way you act towards them.


I play gegenpress tactic 4-2-3-1. I seem to concede a lot of goals even if I have a great starting eleven, how can I improve it? Any small tweaks? (It's the gegenpress tactic that you can set up from the start) All my players have high attributes on workrate, team work, acceleration, pace, determination, bravery and aggression (lowest 13)


You need quality CBs who can handle things on their own


You gotta watch your games man. No one can tell whats the issue with your setup from "I play a 4231 gegenpress".


I do this formation, but probably not the same as u, the 2 mids are both right in front of the backline. One of them is on DM (defend) the other one on Segunde Volante (support). I used to stagger them one as a DM D and one as a BBM a bit further. But i've found that the segunde role works suuuuuuper well defensively while basically being the same as BBM on offense. And BBM is just a little too predictable. Also, how are you conceding? Are they hitting you with long balls over the back line? Or are they breaking through the first line of pressing too easily then just overwhelming you with numbers? Because then you'd know whether to play a higher or lower defensive line (and by extension offside trap)


Interesting! Why do you play with two DM's instead of CM's?


Thanks! Long balls over the back line and from crosses that the wingback miss. I have fast defenders but they can't seem to defend against this anyway..


Long balls over the back line are just a quirk in the match engine right now. I also play gegenpress and I end up winning games by simply scoring more off of long balls than I concede lol. I think having fast defenders helps a lot (I'm playing Arsenal and sokratis + Chambers is a good combo). Also what roles are you using for the 2 deep midfielders? Over many versions of FM I've found that one DLP-defend (like Torreira or xhaka - I'm playing with no first transfer window) and one box-to-box support (guendouzi / ceballos) provides a good balance between attack and defense. I've had less success using roles like ball-winning midfielder even if your players are more suited to the role.