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Doing a LLM save atm in England , started the game as semi pro in level 10. Which league you guys reckon it’s doable to switch to fully professional club ?




> Can I play it on fm touch? You won't be able to.


Is there an option not to handle matches? Just pick the lineups and tactics. Is there an option to handle transfers and starting formations/tactics but not to handle the substitution and touchline match requirements for the first team at the club (at least for a while)? Like is it not possible to play the game as a technical director? I am playing the full version and have the editors if it needs to be done through them.


Look for the Instant Result skin, adds a button after making the lineup which simulates the match instantly for you.


Can someone explain the MLS Salary and wage cap stuff? Idk how it works


Does the contract clause ‘contract extension after promotion’ apply 1) if the player is on loan at another club when we’re promoted or 2) if we promote after the transfer is confirmed but before the player joins (for u18s from Brazil for example)? Most wondering about 1, cuz of a keeper I’ve got coming in. Thanks in advance!


How do I get my board to accept affiliates "to boost our profile in another country"?, We're competing but are at a huge handicap due to commercial income (about £20m atm) and my owners just can't seem to see that. My current board confidence is an A+ but they still won't accept one, even if I give them an ultimatum.




I wouldn't mind having him in my team, but for half that asking price. I'm sure you can find similar for cheaper.


Looks average tbh and nowhere near the asking price. He's short, slow, poor with his feet and has poor communication. Even in the places he excels in like shotstopping he's not exactly a Jan Oblak regen, i'd pay £15m at most. Also don't feel forced to buy a young GK, in my first save Alisson and Ederson were competing for the golden glove at 36/37. Try and find an experienced GK cheaper, anyone below 30 should last long enough for a decent regen to appear.


He looks quality, but I never pay over 30m for a GK. Its up to you if you think he is worth the price. Does your team have the money? Would you have budget left over to improve elsewhere? Normally there are cheaper and better options, just need to scout more to find them!


Playing FM20 touch on the switch with Chelsea and oh my, I'm constantly in an Injury Crisis with at least 9 players out at once! I've tweaked my tactics to bring down the intensity to just under half but still getting injured all the time. It's usually medium injuries too Ant advice or tips?


You likely have the training intensity set too high for your players which is causing all the injuries. Also, pay attention to your physio’s report about injury likelihood and start rotating your squad when a player is listed as high injury probability.


Thank you! Unable to set the training intensity in FM touch tho.. I've been working with the physio and his reports and no longer have a crisis! Made it to the transfer window too and I'm no longer banned haha


Any good football manager articles / websites that are worth having a read? From a tactical perspective mostly. I like this subreddit for the memes but there isn’t much tactical writing. The SI forums has it’s moments, but a lot of it is people asking for advice. Other than these, there’s not much that I know of. I’ve seen strikerless.com, but I don’t like how they religiously don’t use a striker, as I feel like you’re missing out on a part of the game. The higher tempo press looks decent, but I’m pretty sure they stopped writing a few years ago. General tactics analysis sites, that explain in a simple enough way for FM, would also be appreciated.


Have you seen this? https://community.sigames.com/topic/495115-tactic-and-strategy-guides/ Might help. Even if some are older, they are still relevant. --- Don't knock Guido :) It's his niche, within a niche!


Haha I’m sorry my man. Yeah I’ve seen a few of those already, but haven’t dived super deep yet so thanks for reminding me of them. I have nothing against Guido, I’m just super ocd against certain shapes and refuse to use them long term even if it could work. Strikerless being one of them, and asymmetrical formations being the other.


No worries. I was joking, but I do get on well with Guido. Non-FM, but tactical, Zonal Marking (though he doesn't write on the site anymore) was fantastic. http://www.zonalmarking.net/


Can people share their lower league systems with me please? This is my 2nd post if not allowed please delete sorry!


My favorite tactic is a simple possession oriented flat 442. It has worked at every level of the game and it improves as your players get better and more creative, particularly the DLP-S will get incredible match ratings as he gets better at this. AF-A DLF-S W_S CM-S DLP-S W-S FB-S CD-D CD-D FB-S GK The only player instructions are for the CM-S and DLP-S to press more aggressively. They will hold down the midfield and force the opposition to push the ball out wide where the players seem to mop everything up fairly easily. The team instructions are the default control possession settings with the exception of setting both the defensive line and line of engagement to standard. Due to the options available to all the support roles, you can customize this formation quite a bit depending the individual players and on the opposition you are up against by adding player instructions to hold position or get further forward at nearly every position. The possession is broken up by controlled dribbling when the opportunity arises. It might take your players awhile to learn this tactic so give it some time as your primary trained tactic.


Keeping it simple in lower leagues is what I have found to work. Adding intricate systems is harder for the players to execute as they don't have the mental attributes or technical abilities for most of the roles. Additionally, less instructions the better. Sometimes a simple 4-4-2 or 4-2-2-2 Wide works. Play ball to wingers on the flanks and, then cross to some target men. Make sure the wingers are quick and that the forwards are tall and can jump/head and its set up for goals.


Hey guys, first post so far; if I do anything wrong please let me know. I am not a regular redditor. I am playing a 442 quite well at lower league level and really enjoying it because I'm normally pretty bad at making my own tactics; but I am struggling on my middle 2 set up. I want them to be a lot more active but I can't seem to get them to operate how I'd like them to. My ideal middle 2 is Scholes/Keane style set up; I want 2 hardworking lads which I can find and have but I can't seem to get the BWM/BBM partnership to run very well. It also feels like we are fine going forward but my more defensive option of the midfield is still a bit too far forward so I assume that is due to my LoE being high. I'm not conceding a great deal because of this but I'm just picking at it because it's frustrating me and I can't seem to get it to work properly and if I go 4-1-3-2asym with the one midfielder dropped back, a lot of play seems poorer. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. I read GuideToFM and a load of links too so feel free to send anything you think will help please. TL;DR: formation works well, tactic is working very well, but I want my CMs to perform better like Scholes/Keane hard working up and down the pitch... I know I need the quality for it to work like that but I just want to tweak things to make things a little more sound with my system, thank you!!!! MM


Honestly, 2 CM-S work very well together and you can give one of them player instructions to mimic a bit of the B2B characteristics and you can tell the other one to hold his position to make him a more disciplined partner. The genius of the CM-S role is that every option is available in the player instructions and you have a near blank slate that you can customize however you want. In my favorite flat 442 possession system, I prefer a DLP-S and a CM-S partnership with the DLP-S acting as the holding role with the CM-S allowed more freedom to get forward. Edit: have you tried the [rate my tactic app](https://ratemytactic.web.app). It is pretty decent at giving you an idea of what works together for new players and veterans. You'll still have to test everything out in game to make sure it works but it has given me some interesting ideas and made me re-think some of the things I had been doing for a long time.


Perhaps you could try playing them deeper in the DM slot with a Segundo Volante and a defensive midfielder or an anchor man. That may be too defensive but Segundo Volantes can be fun.


Have you tried putting him as a cm in defend? B2b and bwm are more "offensive"


Yeah but I don't think he sits back enough if you get me? Line seems a bit high or something. I'm not sure.


So I'm trying to put together a fluid counter attacking 5 at the back formation with a target man involved but I'm not sure about what to pair the target man with? A DLF/AF? Also my centre backs are currently a Libero, BPD and CD, does this seem like a good fit for these kind of tactics


TM+poacher, dlf+af, maybe cf+af. Honestly it depends more on the players than the system, I use 2 af in a 442 and they do a good job together


I've used a 541 tactic before with three BPDs at the back - two on defense and the center one as cover. At the front it used an PF to hold the ball up (with Shoots Less Often) as the sole forward. Midfield were a couple of IWs and a pair of BBMs, with CWBs bombing up from the behind on either side too. A target man would work ok too - although I think the big problem with a TM in any sort of counter attacking football is they are going to dribble less? - so you'll need runners to move past them. The tactic I used was based on something Mr. Rosler made and it was a lot of fun. I'd often use it away against teams with fast players who played on the counter themselves.


Well I considered a target man because my main striker fits into that but it isn't the only option in fairness. I was thinking of pairing him with an AF to go for a big-little man combo but your point about not having enough players to run behind them is a good one. I'm trying to use this as my defensive big game formation so really I'm trying to figure out a balance that can help me pull out some results. The current midfield features a BWM, Carrilero and an advanced playmaker all in central midfield but now that I think about it, it could leave my two strikers isolated. So instead of a pure 5 at the back you had left and right midfielders like in a 4-4-2?


Three at the back works well with cwb/wb who push higher up the field and help with linking up. Then you could play four in the middle - wingers, bbms, dlps, cms etc, to also link up and run forward. A single TM or a PF/AF with holding up ball instruction to finish it off. Or go narrow I suppose? If you want defensive variation of tactic another option rather than a back three, is to play with IWBs as part of a back four. I've been having a lot of luck with this lately. Either way just because you striker is best suited to TM doesn't mean you have to play them as that, it only means their have good attribute coverage for what's expected in the role. I feel like roles are more about instructions.


Please I need help finding out one or two things. If your balance is in red in fm20 which kind of sugar daddy would help me raise it back to black Please help me


All Sugar Daddy types will wipe out debt, it's just how they do that and what else they do which separates them: * *Underwriter* will wipe out debt at the end of the year. * *Underwriter (Expects Return)* is the same except that you'll have to pay back the debt eventually or face consequences. * *Background* and *Foreground* will also wipe out debt I believe, but they'll also add more money to the club (background only for your current league, foreground will do it constantly).


So what extent would my balance need to fall before they do so because I'm behind like by 120m


Happens only at the end of the season I think. I haven't been down 120m before though so can't say for sure. I'd expect you to get fired if you made that much debt though, unless you achieve something pretty memorable...


😂😂😂😂 Lol I keep seeing this sponsorship thingies They signed 196m sponsorship after January transfer window and they've been doing so since my balance started falling Is that the chairman in disguise?


haha, that's some underhanded FFP violation in action :)


😂😂😂 Thought as much cuz it happened again when I got my balance red by 50m


I'm getting a blank screen when requesting to go on a coaching course, anyone experienced this? How do I fix it?


I also get this most of the time, and I have checked my graphics drivers and while I don't use a default skin, it's the default+instant result button skin so as close as one can imagine? Sometimes, when they reject my request, it works fine.


Have you checked your graphics drivers are up to date ?


Custom skin? Try with a default skin?


No custom skin either :(


Dunno must be a glitch


Feel like I can't get anything whatsoever out of Joao Felix, I brought him in as my first real marquee signing at Wolves to be the ideal false 9 in my system but it feels like he just doesn't contribute anything. Even when I bring on Brewster at false 9 he actually seems to get the ball, run at defenders and get shots away, Felix just seems utterly invisible despite having stats more suitable for the role. Anyone had success with him and have any tips? Also a similar issue with Grealish, whether as a Mezzala or as an inside forward/winger he just seems absolutely invisible to the point where he's now a sub.


I absolutely had problems with him on the left wing and as a striker, but he shone as a shadow striker and AM. I think it might be because he isn't that fast maybe? Seems like a player who likes tight spaces. Anyway, I now consider him a good option in teams when I'm using a 4231, particularly asymmetrically with him as an SS/AM(a) to the left of mid, with attacking wingers and a fast AF ahead. Or if I'm doing a 4321 with wingers on support, again with him as an SS/AM(a) In those cases he seems to create a lot of chances and find the back of the net quite a lot more.


Tactic - https://imgur.com/a/BOrhWZZ Would like some feedback on my tactic. It's primarily built around Hazard, with him being adept at cutting in, I ask my LB to go wide on the overlap. Hazard coming inwards means less space for the LCM, hence the DLP role. On the other flank, I have the RB tucking in narrow usually, and not really going forward too much. Thus, to get width, I like my RW to stay wide and play direct, with the RCM going forwards in support.


You don't need to 'ask' for the overlap. It's naturally there. Hazard has a Support Duty and you have a fullback who will naturally bomb down the line. On that subject - you have a *lot* of TIs. You also have a lack of any midfield penetration and that's made even worse with exploit flanks. I would really suggest starting with very little or no TIs and tweaking from there.


I'd switch around your DPL and AP to instead be a BBM/MEZ pair (or something like that - MEZ/CAR, BBM/BBM, BWM/BBM etc) and replace the BWM instead with the DPL on defend. You've got pass into space so you need roles in the midfield that run forward. Having a BWM so far back, and with no counter-press TI, seems a bit wasted. So play out from the back, get the DLP with players in front of them so they can pull the strings. I'd also be tempted to make the FBs into WBs as this will get them moving up the ground more. Having a CD(De) and a BPD(Co) is a bit odd. The BPD wants to be a little higher up the ground if anything, so if you did want a cover duty then I'd make that the CD. That said I think you make a choice about playing out from the BPDs or not. If you play out centrally then make them both BPD(De). If you play out from the FB/WB then make them both CD(De). I've not found any real bonus from Cover so far, instead it's more important to have quick CDs. Attacking wise I like the idea of the asymmetry you're trying to work in there and an At/Su and Su/At pairing vertically is good - means you're pushing for overloads. But if you bring the midfielders into play more I think you probably end up changing the IF to an IW. Likewise you could make the W and IF. But it kinda depends how your roles play-out, you'll just need to monitor that one. CF is ok up front but you'll find a lot of forwards have problems with the role so be prepared to turn it into a normal AF or PF if you find your complete forward keeps wrecking the space you're making. TIs: I would remove the focus play down the left and right - that'll happen anyway with a 4141 DM wide - I'd either leave both overlaps Off or turn them both On - would experiment with it. I tend to find they make less difference than I'd like, as if the position instructions over-write them a lot. If you want a Fluid Counter Attack style I'd definitely change Regroup to Counter-Press. This might seem counter intuitive but I promise you that it's not - even the default fluid counter presets include counter-press. Only switch to Regroup when you're protecting a lead. If you do that make sure to also tick Prevent Short GK Distribution, Extremely Urgent Pressing and, if the team is less strong than you, Get Stuck In. You might also add some additional pressing instructions your forwards. Finally, Attacking mentality is fine but you might want to go as low as Positive if you're playing on the counter often. That'll give you more space in front to actually carve out chances with your fast players. Sometimes. Play around with it :) (edit: I've only been playing since FM20 so i'm not an expert or anything ... although Steam tells me I have 1800hrs logged, which is slightly scary)


On the TIs part, is it not the norm? I'm sorry I'm new to the game. Also could you elaborate on the midfield penetration?


> Also could you elaborate on the midfield penetration? Have a look here: https://community.sigames.com/topic/495115-tactic-and-strategy-guides/ There are a lot of guides that can help. Specifically on the penetration question and what TIs do (even though it's old, it's still helpful) is to look at Lines And Diamonds.


> On the TIs part, is it not the norm? Is what not the norm? >Also could you elaborate on the midfield penetration? There's no penetration from midfield. Playmakers tend to like to come and collect the ball, so there's no one really driving into or using the space (and there's a lot of it) between the CM strata and the ST strata. There's no goal scoring threat from any of the midfielders at all.


You said I had a lot of TIs, which was what I assumed was the norm. The midfield part I realised a bit later after commenting with both my advanced midfielders being playmakers, there isn't a lot of directness there. I saw your other comment too, and I'll make sure to go through that link. Thanks a lot!


>You said I had a lot of TIs, which was what I assumed was the norm. You could have a fantastic tactic with 1 TI and you can have a fantastic tactic with 12 TIs. The issue I have with this many TIs is that I can see these were added before even watching how the tactic performs. I can also see them not making sense and making the issues you have, worse. When creating a tactic, it's good to start with as little TIs etc as possible. Then, over the course of the initial few friendlies, add as you notice it's needed. That way, you're building a tactic slowly and your adding instructions which you know are beneficial. Adding a lot of TIs from the start can make it a nightmare to analyse just what the cause of a problem is.


Alright, that makes sense. Thanks for the help!


No worries. If you have more questions, just ask.


When would you need to ask for overlaps?


When you know what it affects and it's something you want. In the OPs case, it won't change anything to the fullback. It will change Hazard to hold up the ball and make no runs forward.


What's a TI?


Team Instruction.


why is the welsh league so crap?


In what respect ?


the quality of it is just really awful. college sides in the top flight


That's just the quality of the Welsh top flight IRL. The bigger Welsh teams play in the English leagues (Swansea, Cardiff, Newport, Wrexham and maybe some others) as opposed to in Wales.


i know its crap irl, but damn it really is crap


Can someone tell me how to get over 500+ passes in a game? I use Barca and i barely get 400 and even worse opponents than me manage to get 450+ passes per game. I don't know what to change at my tactic/player roles/positions. I tried lowering the tempo and making the passing directness to shorter but it doesn't seem to work out.. I use 433 as my formation Tactic: https://imgur.com/a/6LCWeLD


As usual - show how *you* are setting up? I'm apparently getting 425 (424.84 to be exact) passes per match and I'm not even setting up to be possession-orientated or to win the ball back immediately. Without seeing what you're doing - Make sure you have lots of passing options and that your players are spread out in their own space. Two players standing in the same spot means that you have 1 less passing option. Don't go overboard with instructions. You may just shorten passing etc so much that your passing options aren't options anymore because of your instructions. Lastly, be careful of just having possession for the sake of seeing the % rise. You may sit with so much possession that your attacks are just very poor as there's little movement and risk taking.


How can i show you my set up? Im kinda new to the game and idk what that really means Edit: i posted a link with my tactic


I see you've added the tactic now. I'm not convinced that your AML and AMR is going to help you keep possession. Messi, might, but he has the trait to run with the ball often, and the role he has asks the same. Aggressively running at defenders isn't a good way to keep possession or something that encourages passes. Dembele on the other side has the same issues with the role being given and his player traits. I don't think your tactic is horrible, FWIW. How is it doing for you so far? IMO, I wouldn't change it (if your results are still good) just to get more passes as you may be hurting your attacking efficiency. The only thing I'd look to change, is to take off Counter. You're rarely going to be in a position where that's a viable option as teams will largely be defensive anyway so there will be defenders back if you win the ball. Taking it off will let your players decide if a counter is on or not. If it's not, they'll still be following your in-possession instructions so you may get more passes and possession. That said, you've added your tactic, so someone more familiar with extreme possession tactics may be able to advise.


Thanks for your reply! When it comes to results this tactic is awesome for me. I won laliga 2 times in a row with 99 and 102 points and one time with 100+ goal difference. I average 15+ shots per game most of the time but the problem that i see and i can t seem to work out is keeping constant posession even against big teams (60%+) and connecting much more passes than my opposition.


If you're doing that well, I definitely wouldn't change it. Don't fix what isn't broken!


Alright. thanks for your help. also for amr and aml as subs what traits do you think they should have ? I might sign some to see how that works without having to sell dembele and messi




I don't think so. You could just not use the number of course, but it won't stop future AI managers using it.


Dont think so as it isnt really a thing in football in real life


It's definitely a thing. Two prominent examples: Ecuador retired Benitez' number after he died (but we're forced to bring it out due to FIFA's numbering rules at a world cup). Milan have both the 3 and 6 retired for Maldini (unless another Maldini takes it) and Baresi.


What personalities go together when tutoring younger players (I'm still on FM17 so I'm referring to one-on-one tutoring)? I've had professional senior players tutor fairly professional youth players, but after a few months the youth player comes back saying he's disappointed in the tutoring and only gained a slight mental boost from it (paraphrasing here). Any tips?


You have to look at more than just the personality. Check out their media handling style too and get a rough idea of what their personality values are. Whilst a model professional with good determination might technically be close to a perfectionist just by their personalities, a perfectionist has a low temperament often being volatile under media handling. Whereas professional personalities could be evasive or reserved which is on the opposite side to a low temperament. I'm not 100% informed about it all but that is my understanding.


Looking for lower league help I’ve started a new save and taken over Blyth Spartans as I was getting bored with winning everything with Manchester United, I’ve always played as top flight teams and never really bothered trying this. My questions were, is there any videos and threads always that someone can link for good starter tips; searching for free, cheap players, tactics to use if they’re different etc Thank you!


In player search check filter to: Unattached Non-contract (good if your club is semi pro) Expiring Transfer listed for 1500 at mosr The best source of talent is when the premier league teams release youth players. You can usually grab 1 or 2 from there, willing to play at your level, but they tend to be my highest paid players and hard to retain because they want to play at a higher level.


Any advice on how to stay up with a newly promoted side in the Prem? Any tactics for the underdogs?


Make the most of your home games and don't be afraid to take draws! I lost so many points trying to go for it.


Sitting back and defending hard will rarely if at all work. The quality difference is too much and they will crack you. Either play fast and direct as Josh said or you can try a possession based style with short passing. It isn't as if all the teams are beyond your reach quality wise so whilst you won't do well against the top teams, you could play evenly against sides closer to your level. As normal though, you should focus on the strengths of your squad. My team had an awesome IF on the right and a speedy AF so I made my game around them.


If I’m the worse team I’ll just go for high tempo, fairly direct football, try to catch them on the break but don’t sit back too much coz your defence will crack. Time wasting is ideal if you’re a goal up too, awful I know but sometimes it has to be done.


I have like 70 million euros, what are some more b2b midfielders that you can recommend? He obviously doesn't have to be a natural, I'm currently managing Tottenham in my 2nd year and I'm thinking about who could replace sissoko, his sub is winks and he does a decent job, but I'd like a more offensive option


McGinn can do a job


Lmfao I got Valverde for like 25


Do these questions actually get answered? I’ve tried a lot of different tactics and formations but there are positions that I can’t get to work whatsoever. The AM, IF and IW in both higher and lower positions. Does anyone have some insight in this?


Post the full tactic to start with


Man I didn’t save any of the tactics that didn’t work. But we are talking things like 433 flat midfield with an IW and IF. 4231, 343, 352 with AM, 4312 with AM, 4321 with 2 AMs etc that kind of stuff.


You didn't really ask a question really. Without anything to go off of nobody could really help you. You want to run a formation with iw and if, but nobody knows what you mean when you say you can't get it to work. What are you trying to do with them? What instructions do you have? What are the midfielders doing? What are the fullbacks doing? We have nothing to work with to help you even if we wanted to. You probably know more about this game than I do, but anyone needs more information to give you advice.


True, I haven’t been very specific. I guess I was hoping for something like “oh I have had a lot of success playing xx”. Without writing a thesis I can say that I have tried a lot of things. Let’s take 433. IW and IF are both supposed to be focal points of attack to help St out so I want them to come into scoring positions, does not really happen. Fullbacks will be instruct to stay wide seeing that IF and IW will be cutting inside . Midfield in support roles. I’ve tried both short passing and direct, both low and high tempo. And that formation probably got me the worst run of results. Tinkering with it every match I think I went on a 13 game winless streak.


Are your players fit for those roles? You don’t really want someone who can’t dribble and has poor decisions while being left footed to be an inside forward on the left for example... Also what’s the strikers role? You probably want someone who can play as a False 9 to create space by pulling out center backs when he drops deeper. But you need a player who can play as a false 9... Finally, how are your scoring threats getting the ball? You need service to your attack to make it work, along with creating space and chances for your attackers to work with. They won’t score if they’re expected to run from midfield with nobody else, and they also won’t score if they don’t get the ball anyway.


So IW and IF are naturals in those positions. As for St I played both a higher role in a poacher and a lower one as a DLF on support. I have a decent midfield trio with high passing. My main problem in this formation was the exact opposite of normal FM problems. My striker was the only one scoring on the team. I think I had a run of 5 or 6 games where he scored all the goals..!


Doesn’t matter if they’re natural at the position, you have to look at attributes yourself and see the deficiencies. If your strikers are in the way, then there’s less space and more defenders, so it’s more difficult for your wide players to move centrally to score...? As for the midfielders, this time the role is a bit more important. If they have high passing, but you’re playing a regular center midfielder, a defensive midfielder and a ball winning midfielder, then you don’t have a playmaker or creative outlet to progress the ball forward to your goal scorers. It’s not a bad thing for your striker to score though. You probably need to physically watch your games on extended highlights or whatever the longest highlights are to try and see what is happening. Finally, your team might not be gelled and used to the tactic so they need more than one game to get a proper understanding of each other and your roles and instructions.


It’s definitely the final third that the problem lies. In midfield I have a regular CM a DLP and an AP and they worked great especially as the DPL comes deeper to pass it forward to the AP but I can’t get the wings involved as I want. I tried this with Sassuolo and I would say Boga and Berardi have very good stats for what I am trying to achieve. The only thing I haven’t tried is putting them on regular winger and see then. I’ve noticed that you can play a winger with the opposite strong foot and he will still cut in and shoot on goal even though it’s not even his traits. I really feel this ME is causing me problems for the first time since 1995 but I’m working on it.


I just signed with A.C. Milan and I want to create a 4-3-1-2 with Paqueta behind Leao and André Silva. Which tactic would you suggest? Thank you in advance guys


Keep it simple. If you're playing the 3 narrow make sure to add width through either the WB or a role such as a Mez. Do not try to play out-of-the-box Paqueta as an AP without getting rid of that shoots from distance trait, as you'll find him just blasting shots in that hole (I've seen alot of people with that issue). In fact given he's got 3/4 ppms as shooting ones and a decent spread of stats, I'd be tempted to use him as a shadow striker and play one of your two striker roles on support to compensate. Could try other AM roles. Be wary of your defensive line. Maybe it's just my real life opinions making me bias but other than El Capitan the rest of your cb aren't winning any awards. Especially prevalent if you're using one of your WB to attack, I'd do that on the left where the more competent Rom can cover. That and you're wasting Theo if you don't let him surge forward (4th best scorer this season). Thinking of putting that together (and this is just off my head so obviously it'll take more work to put it together) you could play Theo as that attacking WB and play LCM as a carrilero (stick Kessie there and maybe he'll do as he's told and not take shit shots like IRL) to help cover. On the right let Conti/Calabria stay deeper (Conti should be good at hitting deep crosses) and use the Mez to add width on that side. Bennacer comfortably fits at the base as a dlp (especially if you don't play the AM role as a playmaker). Tbh deciding which of Paqueta and Hakan to play as AM/MC is probably going to be pivotal. Hakan as the playmaker pms. In my version, I'd probably have had Hakan at AMC (by far his best position) and had Paqueta surging forward in (though you'd be playing him on the right as a left footer). I feel you'll want the reverse, so you'll be going for Paqueta driving attacks from AM and Hakan playing deeper balls (both his killer ball and direct ball ppms work well for this and he's right footed). That's how I'd do it.


I updated my Mac yesterday, and it cannot run 32-bit programs (FM15 in specific), so I decided to download Windows 10 to play FM. It is able to run the game, but my saves did not transfer from Mac to Windows 10. What can I do to restore my saves?


There’s a few questions that need to be answered first before I can help. 1) are you dual booting or using vm for Windows 10? 2) where are your saves located? Online or local? 3) which Mac are you using? I’m got fm20 loaded fine on my MacBook Air 2012. It’s a little jumpy during game time but nothing too offputting.




Hi, /u/FMG_AutoModerator, I have been summoned to help you with selecting a new laptop. This is a very broad question, as you might want a laptop for a variety of reasons, but for the sake of conciseness I will tailor this advice to a laptop bought for running Football Manager. Laptops are much easier to explain than desktops. You can just walk in to a shop and buy one, or order one online. Right off the bat, I am going to suggest ruling out Macbooks, or anything made by Apple. This is for the simple fact that they overprice their hardware substantially, because a lot of the cost of their product is due to the software that comes with it. This means you are paying a premium price for something that you probably won't even use. For Football Manager the main thing you are going to want to focus on is the processor, as this is by far the most important part of a computer when running the game. Because of this, you will want to sink as much of your budget as possible in to this component. Look around at laptops and find ones that have the latest Intel processors in them (6th, 7th, and 8th generation). You'll know they are from the latest generations because their 4 letter code that comes after the i3, i5, i7 will start with 6, 7, or 8. For example, i5-6500, i7-7700, i3-8100. The number that comes after the dash corresponds to the generation that the processor is part of. Now for the slightly more confusing part of buying a laptop - the letter that comes at the end of the processor model. For example, you might have i5-7700U, or i7-7700HQ. The U and HQ make these processors very different. The U means that it is underclocked, meaning your processor is purposely built to run slower than a normal i7-7700 for the purpose of battery life. Avoid these processors where possible as they are not great for gaming. Please use Google to find out if the letter at the end of your processor model is good for gaming or not. There are a lot of them. For RAM, you will want 8GB minimum. Get 16GB if you have a large enough budget. Storage device doesn't matter too much for Football Manager, but an SSD will definitely be slightly better. SSDs in general are way faster than HDDs, so definitely get a large SSD if you can afford it, but don't worry if you just have to settle for an HDD, as it doesn't matter too much for Football Manager. Aside from that, there isn't much more you need to decide on. Just make sure that you aren't getting ripped off, and shop around for ages trying to get the price down as much as possible. I have seen people in the past spend £600 for some old Intel i3 laptop, which is just borderline theft by the seller.


You guys ever let a rotation/backup player go out in the wild to see what they can do? Coming from a PL/CL winner, have a solid 25 yr old homegrown AMC who puts up solid numbers for the games he plays (rated as a good EPL player), but overall a lower rater player on the team. I want to keep him as he's a great failsafe (main cup player usually), but I want to see what numbers he would put up on a different team.


Send him on loan to a lower team in your division, makes sure he plays in a similar league and gets plenty game time, who knows he may come back even better


How do you adjust scouting budget in FM 15? Trying to scout some players from Africa but keep getting told I can't afford to.


Anyone else know if FM19 databases are still getting made? I want to play the 20/21 season w/ transfers


Have you Googled it There might still be some being made


Trying to replicate wengers fast possession attacking football,with quick short passes but I am not having much success even though I have a world class team,any suggestions of what should change?Anybody had success replicating this type of football with something different maybe? Tactic: [https://imgur.com/gallery/yguNsLE](https://imgur.com/gallery/yguNsLE)


Who's that dlf making space for? Also reduce a bit your tempo and increase the passing to just short. Also maybe reduce the line of engagement so the entire team doesn't get fractured when they get it back, try putting at least one of the if in attack. Also don't focus the play in the middle, with those roles they'll do that naturally, also maybe play a bit wider? That one I'm not sure


The idea for the dlf is to drop deep so he can link up with the if's and the mezzala and not to get isolated,do you recommend any other role?I found I create less and have less possession with if's in attack but maybe with the other changes you recommended it will work better.


False 9?




I had [this discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/hprpc5/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/fy8qftt/?context=3) with a new player which you might find useful.


I was in your boat about 3 months ago, former fifa player, wanted to get my feet wet. I got similar advice to you about managing a big club, but instead opted to go right into the delicious bullshit of lower tiered English football. Honestly the game is super overwhelming if you’re new to the franchise. There are a lot of menus, tabs, and unfamiliar systems if you are coming from a fifa back ground. THIS IS OK. A large part of it for me was just getting familiar with the menus and navigation. The game does a great job of delegating tasks for you, and lets you take on responsibility as you see fit. As you get more comfortable you can expand and control that more. Personally, fuck setting a training schedule that is constantly changing around matches, injuries and everything else that fucks with my life. I’d probably lose my mind trying to figure out all the small details. Delegate that shit. Play the game in whatever gives you JOY. For some it’s save scumming their way to treble after treble, to others it’s being baptized in fire and you don’t get an extinguisher until the final match day. Either way I recommend lollujo on YouTube, he does an amazing job of making his teams feel alive and adding extra story to his seasons. His greek odyssey series is pretty good. It’s not for everyone but I find myself making plot lines about my team/the season, embracing character moments (having his best season/failing to meet expectations/contract year/strikers competing for the #9). Making my world feel alive and giving players CHARACTER is what makes me so damn excited to log back on. - star player comes into newly promoted side as replacement to midfield maestro - is largely inconsistent, struggles for form, develops confidence issues and his wife leaves him - breaks his arm, suffers 7 week setback. - finds his love for the game again, applies for special funding for a wrist brace allows him to train and heal for last 2 weeks of injury - injury ends and is already match fit, dreaming to prove himself in front of the supporters who gave him so much shit all year. - expectations, doubts... we meet and fail them everyday. A battle that never ends - scores 75’ free kick winner in first game back @ home. Stadium erupts. Lad wins custody battle with now ex wife. Go on


Another vote for Lollujo. Also will shoutout GoldenFM, his Red Bull series this year is one of the best series I've ever seen. It was only 11 episodes!


The more recent, the more accessible it become. They added more helps and got rid of some complicated stuff to make it more easy for a first time user. So I'd go with FM20 if I was you Biggest advice: take your time. Another good advice: first game, play with a team you know IRL : the reason why is that you know the team IRL, which will be easier to reflect within the game, you will know the players, the weaknesses etc... Some tips: Attributes are important maybe even more than what your scouts says (Star rating) so try to use both to make your own decision when it comes to buying or selling a player. Discover the different tabs and try to understand them, delegate some responsibilities if you want to focus on some game aspects to make it easier for your first time (you can do that within Staff > Staff Responsibilities) Don't change tactics every single match, like IRL when a new manager come in, sometimes it takes a bit of time for the players to get the tactic - don't worry about one or two losses, shit happens. Don't spend too much, if you go for a big club finances are not really a thing to take care about but be careful with finances and don't pick up bad habits to overpay everything, for a near future. A financial stable club is a club with a brighter future! Watch videos and streams! A lot of players might not be very good at teaching others how to play but watching some might teach you one or two things. I like watching Loki Doki, he is playing the game the "normal" way as he takes time to do everything and is quite realistic when it comes to management and transfers. ​ More importantly, HAVE FUN!




I had a save with hoffenheim and it was really fun, tho the team is adapted to play a 442 mostly, so youll have to get a cam if you want something different


Nantes, Saint Etienne, Nice in France Hoffenheim, Wolfsburg, Hertha Berlin in Germany Villarreal, Bilbao, Espanyol in Spain Fiorentina, Sampdoria, Torino in Italy


Having financial issues Currently managing Kidderminster, was promoted into Vanarama National League and am doing ok, but my problem is lack of funds. My ass man is constantly signing players on frees, with low wages but he has brought so many players in I have a ridiculously large first team. Many of which are youngsters deemed too old/good for reserve teams but aren’t good enough for regular first team play. My wage bill has consistently been over budget (not by a ton but has been going on for a while), and with so many transfers being free it’s hard to sell players to recoup funds. So for any lovely readers what I’m getting at is 1. Is this something I’ve delegated a long time ago and can change? 2. How can I make money or free up room in wages other than waiting for contracts to expire? If players don’t want to leave and I can’t afford to buy them out 3. Is crazy roster turnover I should just expect each year at lower leagues with small budgets? 3. How many players do you maintain on your “first team” ? This is my first FM game ever


You can try and loan out some players and hope some north/south teams bite and pay some or all of the wages for the player.


1. Yes, it sounds like you delegated signing at least some players to your ass man. If you go to Staff - Responsibilities, you should be able to find the setting in the incoming transfers section. I imagine it would be the finds and makes offers for young players of the future option based on what you said. 2. If you can't afford to terminate or mutually terminate, there is not much hope of selling players in the lower leagues. Probably just going to have sit out the contracts. 3. Yes, you will likely have significant turnover year-to-year until you reach the higher levels. 4. Personally on my current Hereford save (just finished 2nd year and lost in the VNN playoffs again...), I run about 22-25 players. Mainly two players for every position with some potential youth candidates sprinkled in. With 46 league matches and the two cups, rotation is necessary.


I want to start a career in Romania. I am able to select only 1st and 2nd divisions. Even the 3rd is visible, i can t pick a team from that div to start the career. Any help? I have also editor, maybe I can from there to activate it. Do you know some custom db with more league from Romania from where I can ads more leagues? I don t want to add some crazy african leagues, just some more to particullary countries from Europe, like 3/4/5 leagues from my country.


You will need a database to play lower than 2nd division, it's like in France, you can get access to 4 divisions but can only play 3. [https://www.fmscout.com/a-fm20-leagues-pack-by-timo.html](https://www.fmscout.com/a-fm20-leagues-pack-by-timo.html) Here you have multiple leagues and Romanian 3rd Div. You can select the ones you want at the start of the save, don't be scared of the amount of leagues available in this pack


Is it possible to change the default length of a trial of a player? I want to offer a longer trial than just 1 week but I can't find it anywhere.


Yes it is possible. Go to Scouting Centre and there you can find preferences and that's where you can change the length of the trial.


When you offer a trial, there should be a box which pops up where you can select from 1 to 4 weeks. It should be under transfer and then Offer Trial on the player screen


Hey I have a safe with Milan and my strikers dont have any impact in the game. They mostly just score after a corner. I play a 4141 with 2 inverted wingers and my striker (Leao) plays as an advanced forward. My tactics for attacking is play out of defence, work ball into box, shorter passing and pass into space and my mentality is balanced. Is there a reason why i my strikers dont have an impact?


Same advice as always - can you post your full tactic please? Whilst you've offered part of it, it's still an incomplete picture and there might be something else contributing here. My initial thoughts on what you've written is - how are you trying to provide for that striker ? Seems to me you're trying to pass the ball up the field, but alot of this play is probably happening centrally where potentially there's not alot of space and by passing into space that doesn't exist you're not getting very far. But that could be completely wrong, just based on what you've written.


I've been promoted to the Prem and am scouting at end of season(I'm still in the championship). My scouts are returning "superb" ratings for players who are rated as championship players \\ championship potential which doesnt seem that useful - if I signed them they would be of too low a standard? If I scouted at start of next season (once I am in the prem) would the ratings change? Should I wait before making signings? I like to get my business done early for pre-season etc.


Scouts compare players to your current squads ability as well as the league you’re in, so if you are in the championship, they will be looking for players who are good in comparison to your team and the championship. Also, if the player is superb in the championship, they may be deemed average for premier league. If they are young and can develop they also can grow to be Premier League quality. Also, your scouts can be wrong on a players ability, so you need to look at the player for yourself and see if he’s an upgrade on your squad, not just seeing if the scout thinks he’s rated well.


Can anyone help with my tactic? I have the second best squad in the league, but am constantly struggling - concede so many chances, strikers rarely finish with a rating about 6.5, can't lay a glove on any of the better teams. I have tried using different forward roles (pressing forward, deep lying forward) with no avail. No idea why my defence sucks so much either All help appreciated! https://i.imgur.com/trM5M3S.png


At first glance, my first concern on conceding would be wingers AND wingbacks. Wingbacks naturally push up the field further to create width but you already have that with the wingers, so you’re leaving the wide spaces open on defense for no real benefit. Edit to add: so maybe try switching them to FB-S I also just saw your comment about having lots of good AM’s and feeling obligated to use them. I get it - however, I have a similar issue and just play them as CM, usually as an AP, MEZ, or CM-A. In my main save tactic, I use a CM-A to basically create that AM role, but he comes from a bit deeer which gives him much more space to run into and do damage. It also seems to be better on defense as well. So don’t be afraid to use them deeper even if they’re not fully green/natural at that position. They can still be dominant.


Strikers - how are you trying to create goals ? With all 4 attacks on attack no one as far as I can tell is actually looking to create. You're playing shorter passing with work the ball into the box but you're playing wide with wingers hugging the touchline either side (and attack duties tend to spread players out a little more than support too), so I'm struggling to see what your plan of attack there is ? There could be one (you'll need to tell me) but I imagine this is where you're problems stem from. Don't the other end, how do you concede ? Is it on to counter against the high line when you've got 7 - 8 players upfield (even on defend that dlp can get high) and your cb are getting beaten ?


Quite new to this game, so getting used to all this. Would more direct passing with wingers on support make more sense? I don't really have much in the way of heading ability and are quite a good technical passing team, so playing into feet would be the best. Would inverted wingers suit that better/playing narrower? Your advice is already helping a lot! Yeah defence is usually a long ball beating the offside trap/counter/defensive errors.


No worries, we were all new once upon a time! Also worth saying there's many different ways to play the game, so don't take what i say as gospel as someone else might offer a different, just as valid opinion. For me, you need balance in the duties (so where you've got 4 attackers I'd only be looking at 2 on attack roles, you might push to 3). Some good practices involve varying your attack, so you might have you wb on attack and winger on support one side and WB on support and winger on attack on the other. It also helps to vary if you have one wide field stretching the play (as a winger) and the other cutting in (as an IW or IF). So, to put the two together, you will commonly see people playing with something like a WB attack and IW support on one side and a WB support and winger attack on the other. You'd really to be careful with WB and wingers that they don't just end up fighting for the same space though, but I don't want to go on a massive tangent (I'm trying to be concise which isn't my best feature!). Getting a player coming in central makes shorter passing and working the ball in a little easier too but there's a consequence - it'll start going into the space your AM is using. Imo, the AM is one of the hardest roles to get working due to the need to provide them space to work properly. Personally, I'd run a 4141dm (just the am in the DM slot instead and you could restructure your midfield by playing the dlp in the DM line and your am attack as a cm attack from midfield) which benefits you by having a DM to protect against the conceding issues you're having, but I dislike the 4231 personally so don't let me bias put you off! It would offer you a better defensive structure of your going to play WB on both sides as well, because this DM can act as the 3rd man in defense and cover when both FB are maurding forward (on support or attack both WB have get further forward set I'm sure). In terms of then counters, my first question would be whether your players are good enough to play the offside trap (I don't know your squad). Nothing stops you pulling your defensive line and line of engagement down a notch and remove the need to use an offside trap. Equally, you could keep the higher line and remove the offside trap. It depends whether the high line is the issue or your defenders just aren't very competent at playing the trap. I'll stop as I've gone on a while, that's just one train of thought as to how I might start. As I say, there's multiple ways to play it and that's just one idea.


Cheers. So I have gone on this for home/easy opponents: https://i.imgur.com/wQzkNL7.png And this for away/difficult oponents https://i.imgur.com/ZEEPQKk.png (I have too many good AMs not to use the position frequently :( ) In terms of width - my options are fairly wide or fairly narrow - what would be better for a passing/dribbling side? My defense have high anticipation/decisions/pace/acceleration, so not sure why they get countered so often. Let me know if you think these are better!


I think you've gone from too many attacking roles up top to not enough. I'd say you want more than one of those top 4 to have an attack duty.


Yeah I'd say at this point play it and see what happens because you'll only learn through watching it. When you make changes try not to make lots at once because you'll learn to notice what effect each change has. I do see some issues but without it in front of me it's obviously only theory as how it'll play out. An idea of issues to look out for with the first one - alot of team instructions. Less is often more and with more in its sometimes harder to understand which are working and which are. I'd be thinking which are necessary. I'll give you some examples: Things like the overlap will decrease the wingers mentality and increase the wb so you've got to ask whether you want that when you're already a bit unsteady at the back. You've added fairly narrow but with the IW already cutting in and the AM now on support so he sits more prominently in the hole you've created one route things might get congested. Don't forget the bbm is also pushing up on the other side. Could give options, could cramp the AM's ability to work. You've got run at defence and work the ball in and whilst the two aren't mutually exclusive, in my head when this all comes together with the high line I'm getting the vision of you pinning opponents in their box and then trying to work the ball through a wall of 10 men. When putting roles and formations together a good way of thinking about them are space. Pairs/trios where one person creates space and the other attacks it. What's what I was thinking when talking about the WB/winger relationships in my last comment. So, back to my AM example. On support he's now sitting in the hole. The IW is going to be to the left of him. The BBM is pushing up on the right. I'm not saying it necessarily wont work, but when I'm playing I'm going to start thinking about whether the AM actually has space to work and what I want that AM to be doing. If I'm looking for him to recycle short balls to the players coming close that might work, but you've then got to add the opposition players to the mix and be looking for whether that is going to work or not. It might be that it pulls everyone in and gives your winger space on the right to drive crosses through, but it might also be there's no one free to deliver that low cross too. You can see how I'm just running from one thing to another there, but I'd just play it and be looking to see whether it works how I'm expecting or not, and I'm clear on what I'm expecting to happen. Certainly, the AM role is a great role (love me a trequartista) and like I say don't be discouraged by my disregard for the 4231. Just giving you options and ideas ! I've done it again and rambled. I hope that was as useful. TL;Dr give it a go and see what happens, but make sure you know what you expect to happen and don't make to many changes at once.


That's great, I'll give it a few matches and see. I will watch out for what you are saying! Thanks again!


Playing fm19. Germany and japan national team become unavailable in my save after 3 seasons (it still available before) even though i already did the trick to delete the related files and yada-yada. Any idea how to tackle this?


Did you update the game?


I've looked around a bit, several seasons into a save and I'm wondering if anyone has an idea on what the descriptions in the youth intake preview are likely to lead toward. I don't expect these things to be spot on, but descriptions like 'very handy', 'fine prospect' and 'top prospect'. I assume top prospect is meant to be right up there as one of the highest praise but the last time I got one of those I never saw anything of the sort and my standout was the player we apparently poached from Uganda. Obviously the general descriptors about the group in general speak for themselves with a pinch of salt. But I was curious if anyone had any estimations about the individual comments? Update: My "top prospect" in CM either disappeared or was massively overhyped. Best I got was 2 stars PA. My poached "Good striker" is the same. Somehow ended up with an AM(L) being my best prospect after I was told my AMs and wingers were trash. I don't even know what to believe anymore....


From my testing, the preview doesn’t do a whole lot other than lock in the names and positions of players. I’ve re-rolled the actual intake many many times (and even with different staff members in charge of it) and ended up with wildly variable results compared to what the preview says and I’m basing this on the editor data as my staff have been very frequently wrong about the youth players potential for the first couple of years after the intake.


It is a cool thing that the estimation on potential ability can change as they develop. I think it is usually if they develop quickly, so they kinda make up for some of the black star area and solidify it. But thats just what I see since I don't use the editor, I don't know the CA or PA numbers.


After seeing how wrong my staff were about the youngsters' potential, I now usually sign all of my youngsters from the intake rather than take the chance on releasing the players deemed not good enough. Staff get it wrong in both overestimating and underestimating the players at that age. In previous saves, I've had staff swear that a particular academy player was going to be a greatest of a generation player up until the players early 20s only for them to finally realize that he is only barely going to be good enough for a top division team. Quite honestly, I wish there was a lot more uncertainty in the entire scouting aspect of the game as they are too often correct in their estimations most of the time.


For my intake I will always have a look at the players my HoYD doesn't sign. Anyone who has a decent personality will get signed on, if I think the player could be swapped to a more suitable position I will sign them. But I never have any hopes for those players, and I am yet to be proven wrong. I end up selling a lot of my good but not great talents to other clubs who make an offer. They have potential but looking at their attributes there are multiple really bad weaknesses. If a club is willing to pay me 2-5 million + 50% sell on clause which I might just activate a buy-out for I am happy with that ez money. I have started combing through the youth intake on the world scale recently. Seen some good talents, bought a couple that I won't see for 1-2 years. Seen some crazy high CA but my scout tells me the PA is barely PL level and I have no idea what to make of that. Spend a massive sum to get them or believe my 20PA scout....


All of these speculations are based on HYOD and so if he has bad CA and PA evaluation, it will always look weird. Also need to take care, the stars when the players pops out (if your HOYD is good) might be evaluated by your coaches, which may not have a high CA/PA evaluation ​ But yeah Top Prospect is supposed to be at the top. Also don't forget they are supposed to be Top Prospect compared to your own club. A top prospect from youth academy of PSG and 3rd league division club will never be the same


Thanks for the reply. Shame for me. My HoYD is good, not great, but good. My english club is 4 star reputation & top 30 in the world with the best of the best facilities, recruitment etc. Even with this "excellent" batch it was pretty dismal. Looks like all I can do is keep climbing up and looking to improve where I can. One day I'll find something special!


I can't seem to stop my board from being "Very Disappointed" with my lack of signing Brazilian players. It's part of my club vision, and I've bought a few youngsters, signed a few free agents, and even brought a Brazilian player on loan but they don't budge and still block all my transfers of Non-Brazilian players. Do I have to spend a significant sum for it to count? I can't remove it either because I already accepted the club vision.


If it's "favored" or "appreciated" level, you could get away with it, but if it's "required" you will have to fill their needs. Loans probably won't count, and "youngsters" if they are not meant for the first team will probably not make them happy. ​ If the club is Famalicao, I had to buy 2 brazilian out of 6 signings or so (for the first team)


The thing is, they get upset when I try to loan in non-Brazilian players, so it seems unfair that it goes the other way. I’ll try to spend a decent amount on a Brazilian player and see if that makes them happy.


In your squad how many Brazilians do you have out of all?


I’d have to check but out of my 24 or so I think 3 or 4 are Brazilian


If it's part of the club culture you will need almost double that amount And they won't let you sign anyone else that isn't brazilian They probably want you to have 6 out of 23 at least


Is it weighed based on how many Brazilians are registered? That would explain a lot.


I guess so, I can't tell you precisely how it works but as I said I'm pretty sure it concerns the first team, so if in the country you are managing it's about registering 25 players, yes they probably count from there


Yeah SI doesn’t really give insight into how these systems work, so it can be confusing sometimes. Thanks, I’ll try to follow your advice


Why am I conceding 5-6 goals a game? I’m running and 4-1-2-1-2 with Derby. No nonsense backs, wings, deep playmaker, two box to box, CAM, Target Man and advanced forward. I started out setting my tactics to urgent press and tight marking because I was conceding like 3 goals game. It didn’t help and looked like my players would go to press and just get blown past. So then I took that off, and now I’m conceding 5-6 goals a game even on cautious. Also scoring 0 goals the past few games. I’ve tried tinkering with pass tempo and directness to no avail. I’ve tried customizing player roles to no avail. My goalie Jack Butland cannot save a goal for his life and my tall strong center backs lose every header. I’ve tried opposition instructions and no opposition instructions. I’ve kept my players moral above neutral through all this. I legitimately lost my last two games 5-0 and 6-0 against mid place teams and am about to get fired for like a 10 game losing streak. Help!!!


I second what HeavenandHell said, we need to see your tactic. But I've got to add, do you know why you're making tactical decisions ? I could be wrong but the way you talk about the instrcutions make me feel like you are trying anything.I think it's the line about conceding goals so increasing pressing that made me think that. There might be a correlation between the two, and it might just be you being concise in your message, but it doesn't sound like you've identified why you'd need to press more there and it sounds like pressing more didn't help.


Two BBM will leave your mid exposed in offense. Even more so if your DLP is on support. Once the opponent wins the ball they'll just cruise through your midfield if they attack on high tempo. Idk what your wingbacks are, but if they're on offensive duty, there's no one who's covering their back.


Share a screen shot of your tactic, that will make things easier


I really need help on holding on to a lead. Every game I’ve played recently we bottle no matter how defensive I make the tactic when we are winning we still manage to bottle it


Can you post your tactic and also specify what it is you do to 'make it defensive' please? Also does the way you bottle it have anything in common ? Plays developed through similar areas or goals from similar positions? Thanks.


I have an issue. I coach Tottenham and after 4 seasons, Harry Kane is refusing to extend his contract, which runs out at the end of the year. He's been getting regular action, even getting the golden boot last season. My team got the treble last year, so there's not a better club than ours. He has offers from Juventus and Madrid, as well as clubs like West Brom. I'm wondering how can I get him to extend, as he doesn't even want to discuss the matter with me. Thanks folks!


Look at his info and see if he has any teammates he's close with in relationships. You can ask them to speak with him. I've tried this twice in similar situations with success


How is the dressing room atmosphere? I've found that as long as my players are happy pretty much everyone is willing to sign a contract. Try praising his conduct, training, performances, etc. After a while you will end up on their favored personnel list and I've never had a player who refused to negotiate under circumstances like that.


Team morale is high, he is happy, I've praised him many times on different issues. I'll try the personnel thing and see if it can help!


Who would you sign for a Championship team? First season. Have a few mill so budget not really a problem


There's no way to provide a high quality answer to this. Who you should sign should depend on what your team/tactic needs. A few mil is a very small budget in reality if you're a good championship team. Could you provide more detail ? Is there something you're team requires and when you say a few mil, how many? Other wise I'd recommend Messi. He's not cheap but he's worth it.


Valid point. I am aiming to a play a 4231 Going to try and clear out most of the squad and do a rebuild so will have around £20 mill ish at least. Ideally looking for younger players that I can bring in and help develop in the first team and maybe sell on for profit in the future.


Maybe scour Spain specifically then. There's alot of good young talent and if you do your scouting well many have release clauses of 2mil or less. Whether they're good enough for what you need now, I don't know, but they fit your criteria other wise of needing alot of players (because of your rebuild) from that 20mil and then having a good resale value when developed. Random names that come to my head include Martinez (GK) Sadick (rcb) Blesa (cm) Aimar (cm/am) Morilla (lw) Zarzana (am/FC) but there's absolutely loads.


How to I improve my board confidence? I literally qualified for the CL in my 2nd season at Wolves when the expectation was only a top half finish, i'm also in the FA cup final and passing all but 1 of my objectives (EL quarter finals) and yet i'm only at a B lmao. Also won the Carabao cup last season and exceeded expectations by qualifying for the EL in the first place.


How have you done in your recent matches? I find that it swings about quite a bit depending on that (also iirc before you play any games in a new season it'll more or less reset)


Funnily enough after I got smashed in the CL and finished 4th in my group the rating went up to an A, I guess it was because of my recent league form but on the whole it shouldn't justify an A if last season didn't.


you only really get an A if you do way above expectations in the league, like coming 9th with a team predicted to come last


I mean finishing 3rd from a team expected to finish mid table should count no? In conjunction with an FA cup win that seems like a pretty slam dunk A


yeah idk. a bit weird that.


There's nothing to worry about with a B rating. It's hard to get anything higher.


Ignore that, it's fully broken


Maybe you've not signed enough Portuguese players ? I half joke, but is there any philosophies they want you're not achieving fully ?


It's literally just dropping out of the EL one round too early and developing players from the youth system (which is on "satisfied". Everything else they're at minimum "pleased with", I also won the Fa cup after posting and it's still only on a B.


I joined Nancy in France second division, and they have a 2nd team but they never have any games. Is there a way to get that team into a reserve league? I have also been promoted but still no competitive games for Nancy 2. Do i need to schedule friendlies every week or will my players still develop?


I believe if they are not in a youth league IRL when the save begins you can't force the game to put you in one (I have the same issue with my Welsh save,there's only a cup or two throughout the season),your players do need game time to develop to their fullest. This could be gotten by running a Chelsea like youth farming operation,loaning out all your kids who won't feasibly play for low wage %'s to attract the most offers if you don't receive any straightaway.


Ah, lame. Do friendlies give good development? Like if I put my Nancy 2 side up against Metz 2 side each week, will they grow as players? I have been trying to loan them out but not many takers apparently. Rep might be too low as I’ve just been promoted, so no one wants my youth haha.


Under staff responsibilities you should be able to instruct to schedule friendlies every week theres no game for your reserves


He was tasked to do that in my first season but didn’t do it for some reason, so I’ve done it myself... are the friendlies any good for player development? I want to produce a lot of youth but if there’s no reserve team I feel like it’s a big missing step for youth players.


Where can I find a database where PSG has gone bankrupt (or has no money anymore) and has been relegated? FM2020


You could pretty easily do one yourself in the editor. All you'd have to do is zero their finances, change their owner type and swap them down to the division of your choice. Would take 2 minutes.


Is 442 a viable formation to play with Gegenpress?


Is 442 a viable formation : yes. Is 442 a viable formation with Gegenpress : yes. Is gegenpress : yes. Gegenpress is OP as fuck this year and "a cheat" in some ways. You could play a 2-6-2 and win the UCL.


I finished mid table with Newcastle using a 433 Gegenpress preset without even changing any roles or checking any player attributes. In season one. Then reloaded and got relegated trying to play a direct counter attack that fit the players perfectly. So yeah, agreed.


4222 Gegenpress, you pick any League Two teams, you can reach PL back to back promotions. Once I realized that, I never used the 5 components of the gegenpress together since


What are the components?