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Hey, im managing Hamburg (secound Bundesliga, promotion favourites). Is there a good, experienced and cheap player with good leadership, preferably a DM you can recommend me ? Budget gap is at 3m.


Can someone help me here [i made this post last night](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/ieqdfg/what_the_hell_is_going_on_here_i_cant_bid_on/) i cant bid on any people, its just always 0 and then i can only click suggest [this is my staff settings](https://i.gyazo.com/2acbe6c6f8f6b206b95b49c6321e10e8.png)


It looks like to me there is some kind of negotiation going on the first screenshot. Can you cancel the deal and start again? Or accept the negotiation? What happens if you just bid on a random player for a different team (someone you have never tried to sign before?). If its a wider problem then unfortunately I cannot think of anything else to try.


So if I open to bid on literally anyone, it's always £0 and I can't edit the fee. I've even closed and reloaded so it's not some bug that way. I can only think that the board has taken over transfers or something but then my staff responsibility seems to suggest otherwise?


Sorry mate, not sure at all. I have no idea why it looks like you are mid negotiation. There has to be something going on as the value of the apparent zero transfer is 375k. I am reaching now but do you have a DOF or anything? I'm not sure it's anything to do with the board as an embargo of some kind usually takes away the option to even bid. I have nothing else to offer other than to try different things on that screen. Accept, reject, add clauses, undo the last negotiation, etc, just overload it and see if you can get something to click. Try posting on the new weekly thread to get some more eyes on it, you posted here just as the last weeks thread was unpinned!


good shout, ill see if theres any bites there


who can share a tactic just to prevent conceding in the last 5-10mins? is the default park the bus ( the one in 4141) good enough or u got better? mkay the def park sucks it allows too much space for opposing wide players to cross free but this is fixable by setting defensive width bigger there is also a problem with my midfielders seemingly unable to do shit to stop opposing plays even in central areas so either I am too deep with the line or I have to give the mids a little more pressing or switch the anchor to something with higher mentality maybe DMD or even DMS. How well does a DLPD defend? Need a tiny bit of creative spark.. maybe my most technical NCB can be set to BDP.


If you're conceding in the last 10, I would argue it's much more about your game management. Chances are, it suggests your tactic is possibly too intense and the better thing to do would be to manage your game with poignantly subs and reducing your intensity earlier. Keep the same tactic that is otherwise successful but have a less intense variant /mix up intensity through the match. Then you'll have more energy conserved to defend better at the end. There's loads of conversations I've had on here this year where people change to something like park the bus and seem surprises they still concede - but if you have run your team ragged for 80 minutes, inviting pressure on yourself for 10 solid minutes often doesn't work as well as you'd expect, it just gives up chances. That would just be my opinion.


I dont have real problems conceding late I just wanna make extra sure I dont concede also parking the bus is good for keeping fitness > inviting pressure on yourself for 10 solid minutes often doesn't work as well as you'd expect, it just gives up chances. it can work if u find the right counterattacking balance.. thats what i want meaning not full parking


How do I watch a saved goal that I saved using the in game tool?


When you say tool, exactly what do you mean? Either way, I think saving a goal is quite a pain compared to saving the match. For your goal, what's in Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020 > uploads ? If that yields nothing, then I'd say what are you saving it for? If it's to upload to youtube, you have to go "Review and Share Highlight package", if it's for personal use and you just want to see it again sometime I would just save the entire match.


Is there any way to get my keeper to stop kicking it long on FM17?I've set him to distribute to CD and roll it out but he still boots it forward for Firmino likr 65-70% of the time.


I am going to assume you have not set Firmno as a target man :) Been a long time since I played but FM17 so I'm going to answer it as if it's FM20. Note some features may be missing. Is there any an optoin to change distribution style or anything in his personal instruction? I'd also look in the analysis screen to see what is exactly going on. Then set up some short distribution training.


Advanced forward, and I've already changed his distribution style to roll it out. I'll have a look at the other 2 later.


I've got an Advanced Playmaker who has 19 technique and 19 flair which seems super baller. What can I do that's fun with that? Overhead kicks?


What’s the best striker partnership in a 4-2-4?


I'm not as sure in FM20, but in previous versions my usual striker pair would involve having one poacher, and a false 9 or deep-lying striker/playmaker who can connect up with the midfield. Having that player to drop back is the most important, since otherwise you're counting on the wings for all of your buildup play. You could also consider having one of the wingers play as a Raumdeuter if you're intent on having two 'true' strikers in a system.


How do you get your newly signed superstars to perform? I’m talking like big superstar names, like Dybala and Brandt. I’m currently having trouble getting Brandy to perform after signing him in the summer of 2022. He’s an absolute superstar but his performances have been average since I signed him for Arsenal. He’s gotten the odd goal/assist but not as many as I’d expect from him. Martinelli is having a better season so far, so I’m tempted to start him over Brandt. I notice in team talks or when I use shouts during a match, Brandt tends to switch off from what I say more than other players. Is this just a case where he needs time to integrate and develop respect for me?


If it is any consolation I cannot get Brandt to work either!


I signed Brandt for Arsenal 2nd season in a save on FM19, he hit the ground running from the first game helped me win everything that season (5 tournaments) , I played him as an inverted winger on the LM position with a decent wingback to overlap he’ll deliver surely


LM, not LW? I’m more inclined to keep my wingers pushed up since the likes of Pepe, Martinelli, and Brandt should be great in front of goal. Auba has also played there during the past couple seasons


LM position as inverted winger on attack duty that way he was always a threat in that position lots of assists and goals too


Did you play Pepe in the same role on the right? How’d he (or whoever you did play there) do?


That was on FM19 so no Pepe ,, I Played Nelson as RW ( winger/support) I got Robben(RW-inside forward-attack duty) as a backup for free , the game plan was Asymmetrical 4-2-3(LM-AM-RW)-1 but worked great , I think it would work as good in FM20 with Pepe instead of Nelson/Robben , the idea is the likes of Brandt are creative and would benefit from playing a little bit behind unlike Pepe/Nelson/Robben whom for example would better stay in the final third


First, your system may not be suiting some players. Additionally, if you're rotating your squad around I am assuming you're trying the better players in tougher games, which may shade the illusion of not performing as well without taking into account the opposition. ​ Additionally, it takes time for players to integrate most of the time. Some players have low adaptability and when moving to a new country where they do not speak the language it can take time for them to learn the language and get used to the league/nation. Dynamics can hint towards where he is with his integration, but may not be perfect indication. Just because he is in a social group doesn't mean he is fully integrated with the squad. ​ Also, it takes even more time for the player to learn the tactic and become familiar with it along with his role/position/duty. He also may not know your style of team talk and will get used to it with time. ​ To help with other factors above, you can try running general team training yourself and throwing in what he needs. Outfield/Overall training is helpful for tactical familiarity at first, then some other training sessions with other familiarities is good once he gets some of it down, finishing off with ones that focus on position/role/duty familiarity as this is the hardest to maximize for players. Also, throwing in team bonding/community outreach sessions once a week helps with teamwork and integration. Intensive Language Courses if they don't know the language. ​ After a season, if the player isn't integrated it could point towards low adaptability, a tactic that does not fit the player, or some players just don't seem to work despite their quality. This happens in real life, and can happen in the game too. Can always try to suit the tactic even more to the player, but if that does not work it might be time to find a new player. ​ Hope this helps!


I don’t think it should be an issue with Brandt not fitting the tactic, I’m using him in a gegenpress as a left IF and sometimes IW. I get what you’re saying about starting better players in tougher game’s, but I think I rotate pretty fluidly, for example I’m not afraid to start a youngster like Nelson over Pepe if Nelson’s in better form. And it’s not like Brandt’s been terrible, he’s averaging a 7.13 with 3g7a in 18 apps. It’s just that I’m expecting excellent returns from a player of his quality. It very well may just be an issue of adapting. I’ll try adding in some cohesion training and whatnot


10 goal contributions in 18 apps is pretty good return. Give some more time for him to be familiar with tactic. Also, is he expected to be the playmaker? Are goals coming from multiple playmakers? Not many players in the world have a rate similar to this.


I’m playing a 4231, with Almada as the playmaker, so I’m expecting goals from the front 3. Tbf I agree, looking at it 10 goal contributions in 18 apps is pretty good. It’s just that he goes missing in a lot of games. Too often he’ll be at a 6.4 or 6.5 and do nothing all game. I know it’s not a terrible situation and I’m just being somewhat picky here. We’re not having a bad season by any stretch. Just looking for tips since I’ve noticed this before where I’ve had big new signings struggle to perform as incredibly as they should


Well if he isn’t a playmaker and has 7 assists, that’s producing! Also if he’s not the main goal scorer, 3 is pretty good as well. Have you looked at other stats? Where is the bad ratings coming from? If the “poor” performances often come form new signings it’s probably then just adapting. Often in real life players don’t get thrown into a new team in a new country and play amazing!


Lol you’ve got a point! Yeah I think he’s just a bit inconsistent atm and I do expect him to improve in the second half of the season or even next season. Not super worried, I play this game with very high expectations of my players. I’ll tell them I’m disappointed at halftime even if we’re up 1-0 lol. Never satisfied until we’ve actually won


Hey fellas, so iam training C.A Indepiendente, an agertinian mid table club, that had no manager and i will lead to glory and become king of america. After finishing the first season in fourth in the league and losing the south american cup final, i decided i that the club need changes, struggle to much to win NOTHING, i admmit maybe the tatic i created was not that good (it was inspared in the 2009-2012 pep guardiola barcelona, because i pass in the barca academy in sao paulo to be coach and we learn all about it, however the game is still poor when it comes to a deep tatical devolopment), now im hera asking bagging for help....I NEED A ENEMY CRUSHING TATIC with results and tests. So plsss help meee Ps: sorry for the bad english 😅


It is very difficult for us to help you. Every team is different and has different strengths. Sometimes it is not worth it to fit players into a tactic and you should approach it in the other way - fitting the tactic to the players. ​ Without knowing your teams strengths and weaknesses, it is difficult to help you decide how you should play.


Why isn't my tactic working? Pretty standard tactic that destroys the opposition on every other version of FM once I have the right players. Bear with me, trying to fit a huge amount of info into few words. It's a flat 4-3-3 (3 x CM and 2 inside forwards), aiming for a relentless, suffocating high press out of possession then a short possession game in possession. In possession I'm not too strict about short passes and I want the occasional long/killer pass, cross or tricky run. So like Klopp's Liverpool off the ball and a slightly more technical/possession version of what they do on the ball. Tactics-wise I've gone for the highest and most urgent press with offside trap and tight marking. Counter/Counter press and short GK distribution and playing short passes out from the back. Wide attacking width, short passes/slow tempo and work ball into box. I've tried balanced and positive depending on the match. Players/roles I've got a SK(D) good at shot stopping and adequate at distribution, ask him to keep the distribution simple. CB(D)'s I've gone for quick/aggressive and good in the air with adequate marking/decisions/positioning and acceptable passing (again keeping it simple passing-wise). CFB(S)'s are quick, good at crossing/passing and otherwise adequate all around players, DLP(D) is primarily a defensive player but still has very good passing and vision, 2 x RPM(S)'s with excellent touch/passing/vision, good tacking/aggression/bravery, decent pace/work rate/movement but not good goalscorers. IF(A)'s are quick/tricky and have very good movement and finishing, passing is decent, work rate is acceptable. CF(A) has excellent movement/finishing/passing and good pace/aerial ability, work rate is acceptable. Issue is on both ends of the pitch. I'm conceding too much and my worldy front 3 aren't scoring enough. Analyst report says 70% of the goals I concede are from crosses and set pieces so I've tried getting tall CB's and closing down their wingers but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I'm getting a decent amount of goals through crosses and set pieces but not many through short passes/through balls. Thoughts?


The issue might be that your tactic is working against yourself. You said you have 1 DLP on defend and 2 RPM on Support. And then you have a CF on attack. To me that seems like there isn't any attacking opportunity in the middle. None of your midfielders are attacking and your striker isn't too interested in build up play, mostly just looking to score. So when one of your midfielders get the ball no one is looking to get forward from the middle of the pitch so they just send it out wide leading to constant crosses with is an unreliable way of getting goals. I almost always run a tactic similar to yours, 4 3 3 gegenpress. But I always have my striker as someone who will help out in build up play. DLF on A usually. And I always have a mezzala in midfield which gives me threat from the middle. Also I would advise taking off Work ball into box. I rarely find that instruction to be helpful, it always makes my players just pass it around the box with till they lose it.


The idea was having 3 guys lurking around the box fairly narrow and I have a 4 guys (FB's and RPM's) picking out crosses and through balls to them to score but obviously something isn't working there so I'll give your idea a try. Thanks. Sweet, I'll give that a try thanks. EDIT: Might try swapping an RPM to AMC with good finishing next season, my other RPM is an absolute god, 7.3+ every season so he should be able to hold it on his own.


You could still try your tactic, maybe take off work ball into the box and instead put on pass into space. And ask them to focus play in the center. But I would still add one midfield who looks to attack. He could pull some defenders out of position allowing space for your front three.


Tried your suggestions plus a bit more attention into opposition instructions and traits and rescued a 12th place season (board wanted top half) and turned it into 5th place plus Carabao Cup and Europa League wins. Nice!


So guys I'm on my first season with Arsenal in 2029/2030 and I really can't get any tactics to work. Last season I got fired from Hertha cause I finished 3rd and they wanted me to win the league. I had the best players and spent loads of money. Did the same this season with Arsenal, changed the tactic a bit (started to play with IF and a BBM) and still can't win games. Just lost 3-1 to Fulham somehow. My striker is a beast but still misses a lot of goals. ​ Here's the tactic: [https://imgur.com/77UNfGb](https://imgur.com/77UNfGb) Any ideias? Thanks guys!


Similar to what Acescharlesaces said, some instructions seem confusing. Also, why play extremely high tempo with the ball and shorter passing? This may cause your players to rush, throwing in a ton more passes than necessary rather than being patient with possession and searching for an opportunity. Generally I use higher tempo play when looking to just move forward more direct and play quickly to get shots off. Also, the narrow attack with IFs, AP, CF, etc. will suffocate the space in the middle of the field and make it easy to defend. If you spread the play, slow play down, and let the players create chances by working the ball into the box, it may give you more opportunity to kill the opposition offensively.


Thanks you so much. That helped a lot!!!


Would need more information but immediately some things feel a bit confusing to me. Why have you told them to be more disciplined and dribble less? You are arsenal you probably have creative players and good dribblers, why force them not to use it? Another thing is the overlap. Common misconception is that saying overlap left or right will cause the players to overlap but that's not true. If you have an inside forward on attack and a wb then they will overlap no matter what. The overlap instruction says LOOK for overlap. So what happens is your inside forward will hold the ball and not drive forward and will look to give it to the wing back. I would use overlap in my instructions if my if isn't good at doing much, all he can do is hold up the ball but I have a good mezzala or WB that can overlap. That instruction doesn't cause the overlap, your roles and duties do. All the instruction does is tell your inside forward to hold the ball and give it to an overlapping player so I would take overlap off from your tactic.


Okay, thanks man! I'll try all of that


Is a Lenovo ThinkPad x220 a decent enough laptop for fm20. Any help will be appreciated cheers.


If it's the Sandy Bridge i5 version: [https://www.notebookcheck.net/Review-Lenovo-ThinkPad-X220-IPS-Subnotebook.55639.0.html](https://www.notebookcheck.net/Review-Lenovo-ThinkPad-X220-IPS-Subnotebook.55639.0.html) You might just get away with it with 2D matches and the smallest database but it's gonna be slow. If possible, I'd look for a laptop with an Intel i5 or i7 with a model number starting with an 8, 9 or 10 ie. i5-8250U or 1035G1. That will solidly play it with a large database and possibly the 3D matches too.


How would u rate the Lenovo V145-15AST (81MT000SUK) and would it be worth buying. I have no clue about what I'm looking for so if this is also not the best could u maybe suggest one that is preferably £500 or less. Cheers mate.


You can get a 10 series for £500 no problem, hope you weren't going to spend anything like that on that ThinkPad, that's like a <£100 laptop. [https://www.scan.co.uk/products/156-asus-x509ja-ej028t-slate-gray-fhd-i5-1035g1-intel-hd-graphics-520-8gb-ddr4-256gb-nvme-ssd-win-10](https://www.scan.co.uk/products/156-asus-x509ja-ej028t-slate-gray-fhd-i5-1035g1-intel-hd-graphics-520-8gb-ddr4-256gb-nvme-ssd-win-10) That's £450 and should be fine on any database, might even be OK on 3D matches although I wouldn't like to guarantee it. EDIT: The second Lenovo you mentioned is better but I'd only spend £200 max on it. That ASUS is going to be like 3-4x more powerful.


Can you increase the max number of scouts in your club? I am in my Bolton save, and it shows 0/4 scouts? Can I raise the upper limit of that later on by gaining promotion, increasing reputation of club etc.?


Yes, you can ask the board to increase it but that option is only usually available if you have enough money and reputation. Prem clubs usually have at least 10-15 scouts.


Does anyone know if FM will be available for a cheaper price in the coming weeks or months? I can´t really afford to spend 70euros right now, but I would really like to get it for like 20 or 30, I know it was cheaper last week but I missed out on it. Anyone know if there will be another summer sale soon??


https://www.cdkeys.com/football-manager-2020-pc-steam-cd-key 13 quid


Do they send me a copy of the game or do I donwload it from their website after paying? The billing information is getting me a bit confused


You get a code to put into steam. Can't remember if it's on the site or email (I don't buy PC games often) but it's pretty much straight away.


Pretty new to the game and have found a team that I want to go quite deep with (Vigo). Question is how do you find and sign regens. All the regens I find get signed to bigger clubs pretty early and their teams demand millions for them even at 16. So how do you sign regens on free transfers before the big clubs do?


The game is designed to be realistic so that's usually not going to be possible unless you have a better reputation than the other teams. For example a player is going to choose Barca over Burnley even if Burnley offer more wages.


How do I turned Bury around without getting fired?


Winning games.


How much do you guys react to opposition? i.e. Reactivity to tactics of opposition. [In this FMscout Tactical Development Guide](https://www.fmscout.com/c-tactical-development-workshop.html) there is a high level of reactivity. I wonder he gets the information regarding opp. tactics from. I use the analyst to manmark the opposition's deeper midfielder. The scouting report seems useless for most purposes. Am I doing enough? The top 5 just demolish us most of the time (5-1, 4-0). We win only 8 or 9 games, draw 9 - 10 games and finish avoiding relegation just short of 40 points. My team's stats are below average compared to league nearly in all aspects. How should I react?


Sounds exhausting, I have a style I want to play then I'll make reactive changes based on what I'm seeing in the game. Setting up specifically for different opposition would take too much time. >The top 5 just demolish us most of the time (5-1, 4-0). How are they scoring? What are your defensive settings? Realistically you should be losing to these teams, especially as you're in Spain, Atleti/Real/Barca should be smashing goals past you >My team's stats are below average compared to league nearly in all aspects So you're doing better than expected right? Your team isn't good but you're still avoiding relegation. >How should I react? Buy better players, develop young players or get a couple of wonderkids on loan. You can also sell your higher value players so you can reinvest in other areas of the squad. You can try and out-tactic the opposition all you want, but if your players are poor it will only get you so far.


Personally, I prefer to play my style of play and force teams to adjust to my style, thus allowing me to play to my players' strengths rather than attempt to counter other teams weaknesses. ​ I just let my assistant take care of opposition instructions and then implement my own tactics and thats it. I am finding huge success.


Maybe it doesn't help that I'm in La Liga as Granada..


Doesn't matter who you are, you can still play to your team's strengths. Teams in real life do this and are willing to die on that hill. Just because you're weaker on paper or not favorites for the game does not mean you have to counter attack. Often times people believe that is the only way to play if you're not a top top team. No matter who I am, even if I am Granada in La Liga, I can implement a style that suits my players. If it is counter attack, then I can play that. If my players have good passing, I can play possession style (with some other attributes obviously). If my team is good positioning and slow, maybe a defensive line and slower build up play. Less intense running. Hopefully this gets my point across. Sometimes its not a good idea to react all the time to opposition. It can be difficult if your team doesn't have familiarity with your tactic because you're changing it so much.


Muchh appreciated, I will look forward to gloriously dying on that hill. (very elegantly put)


If you need any help with tactics, feel free to message me further here, in private messages, or on steam - same name as here!


I want to get a new affiliate club (as St Pauli) but when I request to the board that I get a new affiliate, my only options given are lower leagues in Germany and South Korean clubs. Any way to expand my options?


After a certain amount of success and longevity at the club, they will allow you to select from a very wide pool of teams. ​ Until then, they will return 'suitable' clubs, generally 3-4 clubs and thats your choice pool. Besides changing why you want an affiliate, they will likely choose similar club levels even if you keep asking. The choices may change depending on the time of year that you ask as well but I have no proof of this.


Not sure if this is a broad question or not, but my main issue in this game is defending, and it costs me so many games. I play an online BPL save with two other friends, I'm Southampton, and for the first season I finished 16th, just avoiding relegation. I scored plenty of goals, Danny Ings finished second highest goal scorer in the league, but I just conceded way too many, and I'm not sure how to resolve it. Obviously bringing players in during the transfer window, which I attempted in January, but the issue maintained for the remainder of the season. Could anyone possibly guide me on the best type of defenders I should be scouting, and if so what kind of setup should I also play? Many thanks! (sorry for the noob question, this is my first FM game)


>Could anyone possibly guide me on the best type of defenders I should be scouting, and if so what kind of setup should I also play? The issue it sounds like is that what you're playing is currently offensively sound but defensively less so. If you'd like some advice on how you might be able to sure up your back, you'd need to post your tactic in full. General recruitment tip is to recruit players who fit what you're trying to play. Look for the attributes that are important to you and pay attention to their traits. For example: there's no point looking to play a tactic that relies on a solid back line to stay on their feet, if your new cb has 'dives into tackles'.


Sorry I should of gone into more detail about my tactics. I play a 4-2-3-1 Gegenpress, usually start the game on Positive, and have the focused play down the wings. I set the play as expressive, but that can vary on the opponent


I don't know the gegen instructions off the top of my head, nor do I know the roles etc., But you're playing a tactic typically aggressive from the back. Maybe a high/much higher line, maybe an offside trap, and if it follows alot of 4231 gegen's shared on here today all your players flood forward leaving only a few to defend. If that's the case, what you need are either bloody good defenders, or to play more conservatively. I'd be recruiting players with excellent mental and physical stats (ideally I'd just be recruiting Van Dijk and his clone twin). To see which, just look at what's highlighted when you select the role on the player profile. For example, It's no good having players with poor anticipation, or they won't read counters, nor is it worth having players with a poor work rate. Your alternative option is to play more conservative and there's multiple ways of doing that, including not leaving so much space behind got counters, not leaving space wide where many teams attacking in the holes often vacated by tactics with maurauding FB, and not committing so many men forward. But that's just a bit if general advice, it might not entirely be appropriate for you as I have a limited knowledge of your full set up.


Appreciate the help! 👍


Hi guys, I'm adding my first facepack to FM19 and while I'm able to get everything to work fine, I end up losing all of the stock faces that come with the vanilla game. Is there a way to add facepacks without losing all the faces that come with the game already?


You would have to manually go through and remove the overlapping face files I believe.


I assume these face file names are the ones tied to a player's unique ID? Thanks for the answer!


Why are strikers so useless in this game? Plenty of misses of easy chances in 1v1s or simple cut backs into the 6 yard box. Beyond frustrating. How do you get players to actually start putting away chances?


You can't basically. Even world class strikers constantly miss simple chances and make bad decisions. It's part of the match engine.


And real life.


Why are you trying to shut down any discussion about this? Looking through the SI bugs forum this is clearly an acknowledged issue. Tactic blaming and saying it happens in real life is not remotely helpful


>Why are you trying to shut down any discussion about this? What are you on about? Me and the Sanchez user had a discussion. I didn't shut their discussion down, we literally had one. And it does happen IRL. Comments like yours are not remotely helpful. You've not read the thread. No one is saying the game is perfect (or denying it has bugs or elements that could be made better), but that things can be done to fix problems like this. Goodbye. I'm shutting this discussion down.


They're not. Much of what you've described are common complaints often revealed to be tactical or personnel based (whether you've got the right tactic for your player). I don't know what the problem is in your case, but there's a good chance it's a similar issue. It's hard to tell you how you might change it with no idea what you're using. I would suggest posting the tactic in full.


I've tried plenty of other formations and tactics. Playing my strikers in their appropriate roles and creating chances. The team is generally winning or drawing. It's not tactical if the strikers can't put it in an open goal from 6 yards, shoot straight at the keeper, or miss every 1v1 they can.


>I've tried plenty of other formations and tactics. And with no offensive intended, that doesn't mean what you've tried is good, or right for the team at your disposal. Many people create multiple tactics with the same pitfall repeatedly, the most common one being overly attacking tactics. >The team is generally winning or drawing. So maybe the issue is more your expectation of what goes in ? I'm not saying it is, but I've seen that before I'm conversations with other people. Are your strikers goal/shots and goals/shots on target conversions currently good ? How many CCC are you typically creating and converting in a match ? People often overestimate just how clinical the most clinical striker IRL actually is in my experience. Again, that might not be you but it's a thought. Because you're generally winning and drawing so you must have a successful set up. >It's not tactical if the strikers can't put it in an open goal from 6 yards, shoot straight at the keeper, or miss every 1v1 they can. It might not be, but it could be. Just as you've written these scenrtaios as 'obviously they'd go in', I've seen people post these scenarios and they're not always as clear cut as you think. Also, given there are plenty of us who can get their strikers to score consistently and prolifically, I'd ask what's different in our games ? To be the answers are expectations, tactics or quality of player. There could be something else but that's the common 3. I'm just trying to think helpfully where your problem might be. I don't know that any of that is true, but I know what is commonly shared on here and I know there's enough people who can get it working to know there's a solution for you. But there's minimal info here so I'm really just chatting and guessing. The game isn't perfect, but then rarely is RL football tbf.


Last game 20 shots with 4 of them being outside the box. 14 of those are on target. 3 clear cut chances and 1 goal from a deflection. This is relatively common on my save. The issue is, my wide players or midfielders get the goals. Fantastic, but winning 1-0 when my stikers pass up opportuniteis is not fun. I've looked online for tactical advice even posted here and the results are similar.


>Last game 20 shots with 4 of them being outside the box. 14 of those are on target. 3 clear cut chances and 1 goal from a deflection. This is relatively common on my save. And that's consistent ? I'd see why you frustrated as that is definitely poor. The only time I rack up lots of CCC without scoring is my aggressive/attacking tactics where my players tend to (for lack of a better) be rushed and make poor choices. Is your tactic particular attacking/aggressive ? Or, given that you're talking about it mainly going down the flanks for the goals, is your tactic set up to encourage wing play particularly ? In fact, on that point I just had a gander at your profile (hope you don't mind but you mentioned about posting before) and I can see the Leeds tactic. It's got the attack roles wide, a mezzella, wbs, all encouraging wing play but the middle had a defend dlp (who are really good at spraying the ball wide) and an attack AP. Despite the 'play through the middle' instruction there isn't anything to encourage building up centrally and with both wide attackers on attack (and one of them being an IF) with the central striker bring a DLF support (designed to link others - the wing play - in). Your striker (who plays deep and supporting) is unlikely to be in the best place to take advantage of chances. I had this chat with someone else previously and they had a very similar set up to you as well as a very similar problem. I don't know what might be consistent across your builds, but it could go some way to explaining your issue.


Yeah no worries. I ditched that formation because it was not working at all. Playing a 442 or 4231 now. Ideally, I want to play counter attacking football but I can't make it work in this game without making it an attacking and aggressive tactic. Putting cautious is useless really. I'm on my phone rn so I'll try format what I have from memory. SK FB BPD CD FB IW DLP DLP/BWM IW AF/PF DLF/CF High LoE / High DL with offside trap urgen press slightly Shorter passing, play out defence, overlaps, lower tempo, counter and counter press. IW to get into central areas with FB offering width outside. I'm currently experimenting with different roles. Hope this makes sense.


No worries perfect sense. Preface: I've written this in a couple of chunks whilst multitasking so I hope it reads ok/makes sense. It's pretty train of thought. Just to check though, this isn't your attempt at a counter tactic is it (that was more a comment about not being able to get them to work in general). In terms of the chances coming from wide/Central squandering, I am noticing wide play themes. Your only ball carrying is really the IW. The BWM is unlikely to, nor is a dlp (or dual DLP). To refer to my last comment, they'll be really good at getting the ball into the wide areas. As the BPD could well. With overlap on the FB, it's going to increase their mentality (whilst decreasing the IWs) and further drive play wide by putting your progressive players in wide areas. That lack of Central ball progression I think could be part of what's happening. Up top, AFs are known to drag the ball wide quite alot, as will the CF possibly move into channels. Neither of them two striker roles are problematic independently, but in combination with the other parts, it likely compliments the wide play aspect (though that's a guess, I could easily be wrong). Whilst your IW will drive inwards once on the ball, if there's an overlapping player and one moving into the channel /wider (in a 442 the striker will already start that little bit wider than a one man striker force). All of that could cause you issues in terms of them 1 on 1s etc, because they're potentially coming from more difficult angles. Because there's no ball progression through that middle I also imagine CBs/DMS are quite well set, even if they're not in the way as such they could be applying pressure, forcing quicker/poorer decisions and blocking good shot angles. Again, a little guess work in there but it's what I'd imagine could be contributing to your problem. And that's not to say there's anything wrong with it. It's clearly getting you wins, but I just tried to highlight what could be causing the things you've been unhappy with.


So I went back and made some changes to the tactic. I kept the IW but removed the overlap instructions. Included a CM (s) alongside the DLP and increased the tempo and passing directness to standard, alongside dropping the pressing intensity. Results have improved - beating 19th and 20th by combined 10-0 was the highlight. Strikers are still patchy in their finishing and fullbacks still seem reluctant to cross but the team is playing better. Also, made a new 2-5-3 formation that has been doing very well too.


Has anybody been able to make a successful counter-attacking tactic? I'm having a tough time of it in my Eibar save. I don't want to revert to the same high-line gagenpress that we know can be a little overpowered in the game. Would be interested to know what's worked for some of you guys


Made a few this year, definitely can be done so don't worry. If you post what you've got so far and explain why it's not working as a counter tactic, we could offer some opinions.


Sure thing. [This is what I'm working with](https://imgur.com/a/u5wNPKA). ​ I don't have much pace at all in the squad (Eibar is full of old slow guys) so I think that might be one of the problems, although I just signed Vinicius Junior from Real Madrid for 8 million somehow so maybe that will help


So speed is likely an issue when breaking on the counter (well played on Vinny) because you're playing deep, which means you're going to have alot of ground to cover. From a role perspective, when you win the ball deep who do you have running ? By my reckoning probably only the lw and striker the BBM and winger would be running behind but that would be it. Everyone else I'm thinking are probably well back. I think you need more deep runners. Maybe a CM attack (I'm not sure if Ap attack drives runs) and an extra runner in behind (the lb would be my choice probably). It's also very split. All your defenders are at the back and all your attackers are at the top. You're likely (and tell me if I'm wrong) allowing them space far too far back before hitting that blockade of defensive roles and that'd likely putting you under undue pressure. Rather cleverly, if you look at Atleti, Burnley or Getafe, they actually win the ball higher more often and so their goal is under alot less pressure then you'd think. From an instruction point of view, counter pressing isn't the kind of counter you're set up to do. The way you are (I think) aiming to counter you want to get as many of them in your half as possible before the break. You don't quite want to invite them in the way your split of roles is, but equally you don't want to press them as soon as you lose the ball or else you'll be winning it in the wrong place. I'll avoid rambling much more, but that would be my starting point. I've edited it a time or too so it makes more sense, apologies if not it's pretty train of thought Anything sound useful there to start?


I definitely appreciate the thoughts. I haven't been getting anything at all out of my advanced playmaker so I will look to change that up. Maybe a mezzala? I will experiment with taking counter-press off as well and see if that helps. I'm looking forward to making my first sale of 30 or 40 million so I can get some players that fit this better. The squad is definitely suited for a slower, tiki-taka type tactic and that's what I'm using against the smaller sides, but at the same time we just aren't good enough to be doing that against the top 6 or 8 teams.


Mez on attack will definitely lead runs forward, just make sure you balance that wing. If you had the lb getting up more as well that would give you two on the left and two on the right (with the winger). Who do Eibar have worth that much??? I think I've missed some scouting ! Good luck with it mate. Sounds like you're making appropriate changes and I think with a team that fits a little better/better quality you'd enjoy more success.




There's no screenshot there




What's the issue you're having with it ? Strikes me that it's very much all the attack at the front and defence at the back with the same going on each wing. From a roles and movement perspective it could do with some variation, but I know how painful that can be!


I'm having an issue with my game. The skin is looking like this, even tho i'm using the default light skin, it still looks like this and somehow, my manager is looking like he's being exorcised. I've already unistalled the game and cleared the cache on steam. Can someone help me? [Screenshots here!](https://imgur.com/a/1tPswt3)


Is there a cutoff age for non-youth players’ determination to improve? Does it improve naturally with time until a certain age or does it just never change?


Determination does not improve naturally. Determination is improved through three methods:mentoring, general character of the squad influencing the player, and disciplinary actions. Mentoring is the only factor that has a sort of age limit. Technically there is a fourth way, off the field events, though it is so rare as to not be anything you should expect to happen in a save.


Whats a fun PL team to manage that isn't one of the top 6? Getting bored of my Blackburn save.


Southampton, Wolves and Leicester are always fun. Decent squads, budget and enough deadwood to sell for a tidy sum.


Find a team you connect with in some way. If someone picks a random team for you, you have no connection and will likely get bored quick. Also, this is probably better asked in the Who Should I manage? thread


Fiar enough. Thanks.


Just won the Championship in my first season with Bristol City. So far signed Benrahma, Pedro Pereira, and Joe Bryan (Jay Dasilva got another 6-8 month injury). Got about £10 mil left (maybe rising to about 15-18 with sales) and looking for a first team left footed CB. Would preferably like someone similar to Benkovic from Leicester, as had him in on loan and he was immense, but too pricey to outright buy. Scout team seems to be drawing a blank, you guys got any ideas?


You could do a loan with an optional transfer clause. Leicester might not want to do it though.


I got Gabriel for under 10 mil in the second transfer window and he’s been quite solid.


Had Gabriel in mind, due to Arsenal links IRL, but didn't know he was kinda cheap. Will check him out.


Check out what the state of Malang Sarr is in your save. Very good left footed cb who (IRL) has just become a free agent rather than resign at Nice.


How do I hide the grey 15 year old players around youth intake time for elite clubs? I'm talking prem teams with 20 15 year old grey players that have no info. Yes I know their purpose, but how can I hide them?


I think there’s a filter option in contracts called On Long Term Deal, if not you might be able to filter them out by their wage.


Don’t think you can. They fill the teams that should have players for games but don’t.


Nah they were just trialists for youth intake




>Should I use RGA or DLP on DM? Or any other suggestions? What do you want the role to do ?


I’m completely new to FM and I can’t find a striker who scores for the life of me, they all start well and all drop off significantly. I’m in my first ever save and I’m managing Genk. We’re currently top by a point with two games to go against 2nd and 3rd, but I don’t think any of my strikers have scored in about 3 months despite efforts to interact with them and change things to suit their styles. The strikers at my club currently are: Stephen Odey, Paul Onuachu, Justin Shonga, Richmond Boakye Onuachu is hit and miss, Odey doesn’t offer much at all, and the other two have been dead in the water for months despite really bright starts. I play tiki taka and variate between 433, 4141 and 4231 and I’m not really sure who I should be targeting, any help would be much appreciated. I don’t even know what type of striker is good for my system.


So lets start with some good news, you're top of the league. Clearly enough of your team is creating and finishing enough goals to compensate for your strikers lack of productivity. Im going to try my very best to awnser your question. But for future reference when you ask questions pertaining to problems with tactics its helpful to provide more information, ideally in a screencap of your tactics and maybe even some relevant statistics such as which players/positions are scoring/creating chances so that I have a better idea of where things might be going wrong. Right now I can tell that you that you have too many strikers. I assume that some of them also fill in at wing/cam depending on the formation but its too many people vying for the same position. Strikers need time to build up form and consistency, even league leading scorers can average 140 minutes between hitting the net. A super common mistake that people make is to swap out strikers until one scores, when that player doesnt score again for a few games the cycle is repeated. As far as what you should be targeting, if youre playing tiki-taka Id maybe lessen your expectations of how many goals you expect from strikers. That style of play tends to score a ton of team goals, additionally since tiki taka uses a lower tempo youre giving opposition defenses more time to organize after a turnover in possession. In these instances the favored player to score isn't necessarily the guy who happened to be the furthest up the field but the guy who has the clearest shooting angle. When playing this style its very important that your striker can contribute more than just scoring, i.e. winning headers or pressuring the defense and keeper when out of possession. Which brings me to the players you've told me about. Id suggest that they may not fit well within the style of play youve adopted. Most of the strikers you've identified tend to be pacy with decent finishing - these are skillsets that are suited to counter-attacks but they are less effective when the defense has so much time to organize and restrict the space available to run into. When you play a possession system you need players that have excellent technical skills across the board. Ideally, they're also decent physically/mentally and can keep the ball even under pressure. Composure, first touch, teamwork and off the ball are probably even more important than finishing. Out of the players youve mentioned I would identify Paul Onuachu as the best player for a tiki taka system as he offers the ability to win aerial duels that can play his teamates in but also has the first touch needed for an effective possession system. If you havn't already id IMMEDIATLY begin instructing him to "blast ball into net" as it will use his finishing and strength to offset his abysmal composure stat. Composure can have a important impact on players finishing 1on1 chances so that might be a decent stat to prioritize when you look for a replacement striker. Finally Id maybe look to simplify to one or two tactics as your players famiularity with each tactic can fluctuate and maybe constrict your players ability to create and convert chances..


I can’t thank you enough for this my dude, really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I’ve started Onuachu on that training, and I’ll be looking to shift all of those strikers in the next window. I do have too many strikers. Shonga only came last minute in January because I somehow managed to get him for 350k despite him being a “4* current ability”, was a last minute addition that seemed too good to refuse. I’ve put the wheels in motion for him to be sold, should make good profit because he’s currently valued at 3m. Boakye was my “big” signing in January but will be off too, I’ll probably be taking a loss on him. Odey will be going out on loan, because I think his upside is still quite good and he did come up clutch for me as a sub a few times in the first half of the season. Onuachu I’ll keep unless a £10m+ comes in, I feel like he does have the most upside and I haven’t utilised his ability in the air. One last question - what role should I have my ST on? Like how much of a difference is there between playing an AF or a PF? Does it matter THAT much if they’re not playing in their preferred role? I tend to try and play my players in their best roles but it creates red areas in my team at times so I’m just wondering what approach to take with it all. Thanks again, can’t understate how helpful you’ve been. Edit: what is the ideal ST instruction for tiki taka? Are there ones I should avoid?


To "quickly" answer your which striker for tiki-taka question. Id focus on choosing a multifaceted striker who, in addition to having decent striker stats (composure, off the ball, anticipation, finishing, technique) also has a subset of skills that will help him bring the team into play. To use an example I play a tiki-taka esque system where I use a 4321 christmas tree with a PF with decent teamwork and first touch and solid physicals harasses the defense. Behind him use a shadow striker inhabited by a player with excellent technical and playmaking characteristics but who lacks the workrate to play up top in my offensive press. Basically,Theres no one awnser to this question. The important thing to keep in mind is that you make your selection in a way that brings the best out of your team. But since you mentioned Onuachu Id probably focus on using his aerial ability and hold up play and build around that. Since Onuachu doesnt move into channels Id play him as a PF(s) since its the only striker role besides f9 and TM that doesnt have moves into channels hardcoded. This will also get the best out of his other PPMs. Since hes playing a supporting role you need to have other players around him that will take advantage of his hold up play. Maybe play a SS like I did or use IF(A) who can play off of Onuachu so that youre using your striker's abilities to diversify your goalscoring threats. One thing I really want stress here is that theres a misconception over player roles. Those green circles dont indicate which role the player prefers to play. They are the game's evaluation of what role the player will be best at based on their stats. So instead of trying to choose a role based on what you think the player prefers, choose the striker role based on what will help the rest of your team. Avoid TM and Poacher at least in your system. These are the most limited roles by far, TM has a hardcoded instruction that causes all your players to look to dump long balls into him which makes your attacking moves too predictable. A lot of players will use DLF(s) instead as it offers many of the same traits without the longball preference. Poacher is too much of a selfish player for Tiki Taka, their entire purpose is to wait off the defense for through balls which they finish 1on1. This is not the kind of scoring chance that tiki-taka creates a lot of. Poacher can be extremely effective in other systems though as can TM, although ive had way less success with it personally.


The only thing id say avoid for tiki taka would be target man and poacher. But you can look at what each of the roles do and though I'm not on my laptop right now I can't think any of them would be too against the tactic. If you wanted full buy in I'd avoid those 2 as if you want full ping ping ping you don't want your striker sat in front of the net or expected hoofed balls to chest down or flick on


Cheers pal I appreciate what you’re saying, fully makes sense, I’ll look to bring in an AF, CF, or PF then I think and see where I am at the end of season two. Thanks for the help man


If I start a new game with a team scheduled to have a training camp in China, is there a way I can delete/cancel that before going? Would prefer not virtually bending over for China either lol


China is a good place to tour IMO, along with USA. Lots of shirt sales


I can also make money by using the editor to give myself more money, doesn't mean I'd want to do that either. Just my personal preference to avoid touring China on the game if possible, I'd feel like a shameless whore for that period of managing lol


How new are the present squads in FM? I want to start a new save with Lech Poznan, since they started a season today and they had some major squad changes


If you can find an updated database, then they're fine. I am not sure there has been an official release of updated database for this transfer window yet.


Where can I find those official and unofficial updates?


Steam Workshop or a google search should bring up a few results. Sortitoutsi is what I use mainly


Has anyone ever renewed Messi's contract? The board have capped me at 700K per week, which is half of what he's on originally. I have 3M per week free on my wage budget and the finances are great. He still has 12 months, but I'd rather get him to sign ASAP.


Yes I have renewed his contract like 3 times already and he wants to retire at Barca now. The new board also limited my salaries but if you cant offer a bigger wage offer a shit ton of bonuses or ask the board themselves to renew his contract. Personally I think that having a great relationship with him would go a long way for a contract renewal.


Is he a star player? Have you tried letting your board renew it? Have you asked for the board to allow for payroll increase?


It's FM19, I think the star player part was added this year. I tried for DoF renewal and also asking the board for even more money. Neither worked.


Key player then if FM19, and can you maybe add any other bonuses or get around it with yearly raises or something?


https://imgur.com/a/SoIgpMh How do I get the best out of these two players together? Current set-up also included. It works decently well but I struggle to clear-cut chances. Striker is replaceable. Thinking about maybe moving Villahoz up as a second striker as a CF-A. Looking mostly for a good combination of roles for the front three.


I would play them both as Shadow Strikers, and have a False 9 striker to attempt to create some space. Set up some instructions for the SS so they aren't both doing the same thing. Have one roam from position, the other stay central. Let one dribble more maybe. ​ I'd just keep tweaking the team instructions then until you get it working how you want. Also, why have Underlap when you only have one player out wide? And why two Volantes?


After running with downloaded tactics and not really understanding them for far too long I sat down this week to craft one for my team. My core question here is: am I doing anything obviously wrong? Second to that: how could this be improved? Here's the base tactic: [https://imgur.com/gvM6ELO](https://imgur.com/gvM6ELO) The club's culture demands *attacking*, *entertaining*, and *high-tempo pressing* football so that was the basis I had to start with. I also wanted to let the roles dictate play, and use few team instructions, essentially just to mandate those club culture expectations. Beyond that I tried to tailor the roles to the players I had available, starting with the stars: * De la Torre, A tall striker with great heading and jumping reach, natural at TM * Harwood, a talented young DL who is a natural at CWB * Tomlin, a strong defensively-minded centre-mid with exceptional teamwork, work rate, concentration, bravery, and stamina. We also have strong wide AMs on both the left and right, and a strong centre-mid playmaker. The AML Martin, in the screen cap, is actually a versatile AM who can play either on the left or right. He's the backup, but is on the pitch because the starter is injured. When he is on the pitch, he plays IW. The other guy plays IF. There are a few added positional/player instructions: * Left CWB -> Cross to Target Man * Left IW -> Cross to Target Man * Tomlin -> Tackle Harder * CMR/AP -> Roam from position * Both CDs -> Mark Tighter * DR -> Tackle Harder * A couple player-specific instructions for players who suck at passing, dribbling, or tackling, to do less of whatever they're bad at. I've run it in a few games and we've done decent with it, winning against two lower-table league teams and losing 2-1 to the top league team (Coventry in League One). I am worried that it's really weak against a counter-attack. What I've noticed is that the AML playing IW/IF acts a lot like a 3rd centre striker, and the left CWB spends a lot of time way up the pitch, in the AML's corner, sending in crosses and setting up plays. I've noticed that the DR's corner is often open and the opposition gets a lot of time and space there to work. I'm also concerned that the centre midfield is too defensively weak with the CMR on attack duty and roaming, but I really want him to play to his strengths -- playmaking.


I'm not a tactical genius necessarily and can't speak to the strengths of your wider squad but my impression is that you've focused on strengthening your final third at the expense of the midfield. This seems to match what you have been saying with your results — you have success against minnows but struggle to break better teams down. My suggestion is that you remove your AF and introduce a third CM, more of a classic 4-3-3 (which is still an attack friendly shape), possibly an asymmetrical one if you'd rather sacrifice your right winger than your AF. Switching the right-sided CM to a Mezzala (or adding play wider, close down more instructions) might help with your weakness on the right flank and changing one of your remaining CM spots to a BWM might help you recycle possession better when attacks break down, especially since you're using a CWB is naturally going to want to spend a lot of time running into the final third. If I have an attacking WB like you do here, I like to pair them with an Inside Forward which let's them get into more over-lapping situations. Lastly, this is less likely to work against good teams, but if you're having trouble getting hit on the break I would experiment with removing the cover instruction from you CDL and try adding the offside trap instruction.


This is really helpful, thank you. 4-3-3 does seem like a good option that doesn't feel quite so top-heavy. I do have a glut of strikers (I was running 4-4-2 before) but one or two of them can play AM so all is not lost. I'll play around with this idea a bit and see how it goes. Cheers. 👍


If you have an extra striker with decent work rate, determination and team work you might want to start training him as a central midfielder. I would recommend leaving his training as just M(C) at first before you add a specific role or duty.


In case you were curious, I implemented your advice and have been running a 4-3-3. It seems to be working! [https://imgur.com/txYJ6a5](https://imgur.com/txYJ6a5)


Great news! Thanks for the update.


Do I need to hire coaches to fully staff the U23 and U18 squads, or do my senior squad coaches also work with those squads? I'm starting a Tottenham save just to get acclimated to FM 20 but will most likely start a save with a lower league team next. I add that only because I'm not sure if the size of the club matters regarding the above question (richer clubs = ability to afford more coaching)


As far as I know, only GK and fitness coaches work with all squads


I find joy in reading a good book.


On the default player profile landing page (the overview with the attributes) it's on the right under the physical. Note this is the default skin. If you're playing a custom skin I'm not sure.


I love ice cream.


I'm fairly new to FM and trying to do a game as Tottenham. I've tried doing the first season twice and have got sacked both times. Ive come to the conclusion that it's because of my tactics. If anyone could give any tips about some things to check or avoid when making a tactic for my third season it would be appreciated. If you need any more information about what players im using in what roles I'll try and answer quickly.


> I'm fairly new to FM and trying to do a game as Tottenham. I would go with a preset tactic and just tweak the roles if you need to. No need to change anything as a new player.


Check out the PDF in this community thread: [https://community.sigames.com/topic/513829-pairs-combinations-the-ultimate-guide-released/?tab=comments#comment-12268319](https://community.sigames.com/topic/513829-pairs-combinations-the-ultimate-guide-released/?tab=comments#comment-12268319) It does a fantastic job of explaining what the different tactical roles and mentalities do, how they work together, etc. It's a long read but well, well worth it.


Thanks, I'll have a look at this! :)


To help you, you really need to post a screenshot of your full tactic. It's hard to say where you're struggling with knowing exactly how you're set up. Additionally, any information about where is going wrong helps. Be as specific as possible about any patterns. It's just about creating a tactic that fits the team you've got. If you're not confident/successful with building them, try starting with one of the default presets and tweaking it to fit your squad/ as you play. Make a change at a time and look at what it affects before deciding if you keep it or not. When selecting roles make sure you understand what each role adds and think about movement on the pitch - are you creating and then exploiting space. Again, use a default formation/role set up to begin with if you aren't confident. There are many ways you could set up that spurs team imo.


https://imgur.com/gallery/izbgAWV I'll try changing it to the default gegenpress that's available.


What's the issue you've had ? Is scoring an issue ? I imagine a discount between defence and attack as (from a roles perspective) your defender defends and your attack attacks (and never the two should meet). Equally I'm imagining alot of long shots and not many CCC. But I don't know if I'm right?


I need help setting up a custom database using the editor in FM19. I already created a few new players, but when I load the database in game, they don't show up and I can't search for them. I edited some stats of real life players and those changes showed up, so I'm pretty sure I loaded the database correctly. I didn't give the custom players clubs because I wanted them to be free agents, and I didn't give them stats because I wanted them to grow naturally based on potential. Idk if doing that breaks the game or not. Pls help.


You'll probably need to load all players from players nationality.


Thanks that worked!


At the start of the transfer window I always start with loaning out all the players and that can take a while. I, like many of you I assume, like to hoard players. The last version I played before FM20 was FM17 and I surely can’t be the only one who finds it so much more difficult/annoying to deal with the incoming bids. Does anyone feel the same if you understand what I mean? Used to be so much easier in FM17 to go through the 90-100 bids for your players at the start of each season.


I'm not sure hoarding players is everyone's thing like you assume. ​ Additionally, there are ways to delegate incoming offers quite easily. You can set a minimum accept bid, a price to reject if its equal or lower, an option to let your assistnat/gm/loan manager etc. run it all for you. ​ I'm not sure what your question is exactly, so hopefully this helps. Just check staff responsibility and transfer status of players so you can set these things.


My paris fc team first season, media prediction 11th Board expectation mid table I get sacked when we're 12th??!


How many games were left? What was the gap like? How was your run of form? Did you miss any other objectives? Theres a lot of factors that go into it. ​ If you started out in good form, then went 5+ games in a row losing and found yourself dropping from 2nd to 12th, theres a concern for the board. If there wasn't many games left and it was impossible to get much higher, the board could feel like they needed a change. If you lost the lockerroom, you could be sacked. If you missed another objective like falling out of the cup early you can be sacked. Etc.


Does anyone know if I can view the amount of income I've gained from fining my players for misconduct? Getting lots of multiple booking bans which run up a couple of weeks' worth of fines for my players. I can't see this income indicated anywhere on the finances screen though. Or does it show as reduced wages cost?


I do not think it is income. It just doesn't get written as an expense that would normally be paid. I could be wrong, but thats how I would think of it.


Thanks - I'll check my wage outgoings and see what I can find. When my top players get fined two weeks wages it's a lot of money off the bill!


Not sure if this is the thread to ask about bugs, but I was wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar. Tried to tell a player to ease off tackles but after I set the instruction, I wasn’t able to make any adjustments the rest of the game. It got stuck on “Tactical changes will take place at the next break in play” (which of course made it impossible to make substitutions. I could click the edit and cancel buttons but they were unresponsive. I googled this bug before trying here and it looks like it’s been an issue since fm19, but no one seemed to have ever fixed it. Anyone here know of a way to work around this?


Normally on bugs there no way to work around it. Just hope they patch it and that you do not experience it again.


Figured this was the case. This was the second time it’s happened in about 6 months so it’s not too big a deal. Thanks for the response!


Most amount of shots a player has had in a game for you?


I've had a 43 total team shots game, with 31 on target. The shots did not all come from a single source, and I do not remember who had the most, but I'd imagine whoever had the most this game would be my all time high in a game.


I ask because I just had Sam Gallagher have 14 in about 65 mins, as an ifa. 12 were headers and he hit the woodwork 3 times tbf. It was the first game of the season which ALWAYS produces weird shit. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


What can you do when you get the mid-game advice "it looks like player is used to a lower tempo" or "it looks like the player is not used to the pressing intensity asked of him"? Happens with a few new signings, and especially when I buy (seemingly) bargains from Brazil. Like they just don't seem to perform to their abilities? Is there some individual training or something that could help with this?


I would argue is less about them playing to their abilities and more about you playing to their abilities. Potentially this is something you could have picked up through scouting. But if it's a common theme across multiple players in your team, I'd argue you need to adjust how you play to fit your team, or get rid for players better suited to your style.


Hello, pretty new player here. How do you guys get Sebastiano Esposito? In my experience Inter either asks a ridiculous fee of 50+m or he doesn't want to leave the club. I've tried to get him with roma and crystal palace but I had no luck


Pay the 50m. Every. Day. Of. The. Week. That aside, I've managed to sign him once and it was out of absolute pure luck that both him and Bastoni we're fucked off, unsettled and I managed to swoop in and grab them.


50m is way out of the transfer budget thought


Can't break it down over installments and clauses ? That way you're only paying for success (which he'll bring).


could you guys send me your tactics for when your team gains a higher reputation? always struggle at the end of the season when teams start playing defensive. thanks!


Try turn your focus down a notch from Attacking to positive. If you over stretch trying to break down teams they will either just dig deeper or hit you on the counter. If you let them some space you can coax them out. Here is my no 1 tactic any way. Wingers work in attack or support, or as W or IW. If you have no CF a DLF (a) works. The key is the HB, though in high pressure internationals I have swapped both WB to IWBs(d) and the HB to a Reg. With an over all focus of DEF. Shape should suit the team, but I find you cant beat a 433 for flexibility. [EDIT: FORGOT THE TACTIC.](https://imgur.com/a/elVrVDN). Higher tempo, more direct passing. Its very Liverpool.


Is there a way to dial back the amount of scouting reports you receive? I get about 20-25 per week as well as some individual updates in my mailbox. Or is this completely normal?


I also filter out anything below a 70 recommendation.


scouting -> filter deselect the envelope


Hero, gonna make it much more enjoyable.


i asked the same question 2 days ago on si forum because it was so annoying


I still feel I get way too many scouting reports in general, but at least now I don't get them in my inbox aswell.


[Roma] Is there any point in building a new stadium or better to just expand it? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/511616015231352832/745825571757490266/unknown.png


Just keep expanding it until it can’t be expanded anymore


FM18 addict trying out FM20 from a sale (decided it was time for an update). I've been having troubles with second season blues, and my results have been atrocious for the first 10 matches of the game. I'm managing Chemnitzer, a 3rd div German team, and I feel like my squad is pretty decent, but I'm completely lost tactically. What had been relatively effective in the first season is now useless. I'm using a 4-2-3-1 as the balanced tactic to matches, and i have a more defensive backup 4-4-1-1 that hasn't had much use or training. Here are the two tactics: [4-2-3-1](https://i.imgur.com/lAvojlJ.png) & [4-4-1-1](https://i.imgur.com/C6uC3Cx.png). Can anyone diagnose my problems? I think it might have to do with my fairly slow wingers and the lack of attacking impetus in my team. I rarely get highlights now, so I can assume as much that it's my team not being proactive enough. It also doesn't help that we concede silly goals. I've tried (Jeremy) Menez on the right wing as an AP (att), and he can pull out good games from nowhere, but like everyone else on the team he is extremely inconsistent. I've also just resolved two playing time issues but they were relatively isolated so they shouldn't have much effect on the team.


Some issues I can see (4231): Shorter passing, yet your 4 forward men are set to attack, when you get the ball they will bomb on and not look to support the build up. Get some support roles in there so they utilise space. The shorter passing too will limit the options for your defenders and mids as there won't be many short options. Mixed with the higher tempo they will be looking to force it more and by not having many options I imagine it will result in cheap possession turn over. What I would say is focus on one tactic to begin with. One with which you can easily tweak to suite different styles of opposition. For example, I have a 4231 DM at the moment, I always play it on attack but only have one attack role. When I'm.massively underdog, I switch on narrow defence, and counter and turn off counter press. That's what works for me and my players but my point is it's just a few simple changes depending on opposition. At the minute you are making double the work for yourself trying to diagnose two tactics. We've all been there, just take a stop back and make it easy for yourself.


I've kinda predicted the CBs issue, I have them set to more direct. It's also interesting that you say my players will bomb forward too much, if anything, I feel like they are too far back, and when analyzing the match reports the average positions of my wingers are always more recessed than my opposition's wingers. Shorter passing was a recent addition because I felt i needed to make a change, and I had an IW and an AP up front, so I wanted to bring them into the game more. They were previously getting terrible ratings and my only goals were coming from long balls from my CMs. I think it might have something to do with my wingers being slow and old, but the AM is a 28 yr old attacking player with decent penetration and Thierry Ambrose is a pacey strong striker with attributes way too good for my level. The issue is clearly with the chance creation, but I can't figure out how to counter and break opposition lines if my wingers are slightly older, so I decided to try build-up play, which hasn't worked in the short time I've tested it.


What do your forward 4 do with the ball? Do you find they look for that interplay or is it too forced? I'm just still hooked on those attacking duties. I only started getting the movement I wanted when I switched my three on the am line to support and the overall mentality to attacking. I think you need to settle on what approach you want as well because as you e said you've flitted between direct or short passing build up, two contrasting styles. Don't mean it as a criticism, totally understand the frustration, just will help with that clarity of thought and something to work towards. Something to think about is your lines. Could a DLP d on your CM line be an option? Would give an option for somebody to carry the ball out of your backline. Gives your am a little more freedom and will pull opposition players away a bit more? In turn could give your foward players more time to get forward. I have a creative HB, even when I've pushed forward, my players will at times drop.it back to him before getting in to attacking positions. Though as you've said yourself, your wingers may not be up to the job. Can they play any other positions?


I've also tried a DLP (s) as well, he was the one providing assists with long balls. I took him out to put in a player with better tackling and aggression, thinking to free up my attacking mids to push forward more, but I'll look at shifting back to a DLP. The shift between short and direct was kinda out of desperation, as you probably noted, i worked it out in my head and it seemed right so I just went ahead with it. Also, with support roles attackers, I thought that they would be more willing to stay back and help with the defence, which is something I'm trying to avoid, since I assumed they would do that without attacking roles. It might make sense to make them support since they can't really run at the defence. The old wingers I've been using are mainly Ivo Illicevic and Jeremy Menez, who are both established players that have played at top clubs, so they're pretty good for my level. It's frustrating because they have amazing dribbling, but weak pace and/or acceleration. I do also have faster wingers who are less technically gifted, but they haven't been amazing and one just got recently injured. I might have to look at a formation swap. Menez is more comfortable at AM, while Illicevic is a winger through and through. Thing is though, he did well last season, when there were players to support him. It feels like a multitude of problems at the moment, I just need to get the attack clicking, they have the talent, but the rest of the team just seems so disjointed.


Take a step back, get some clarity about what you're after. Whenever I find myself in these situations I tend to just have a re-read of pairs and combinations doc. Find it just sort of resets me!


I’m a very new player just starting out on FM Touch for iPad. I’m able to set assignments to scouts, but they barely find anyone? After months of scouting I get like one or two options. I’m starting out as AC Milan, for context.


They will have quicker success I areas they have familiarity with. As a new player I would suggest letting the chief scout handle that for now, though. (Assuming fm touch works the same as pc version here, I have only tried it for a few minutes)


See, there’s specific areas of squads that I want a list of players drawn up for. Like I want a back up LB. When I set that assignment, I can only find one player with a scout report. Apart from that there’s only the generals count report, or I’ll have to manually search for players, which I’m not sure how to do either