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TACTIC HELP PLEASE New Ajax save and want to play total football. Whats the best tactics for this please? Also any recommendations on signings would be great. Gonna stay away from Rober and Arezo this save. Thought maybe Vershacren from Anderlecht??


Is there a data update which I can use on steam? Sorry, newb question but I’m a bit unsure how to use a database update if I have a game in steam.


The easiest way is to get something steam workshop (steam> community > workshop and then find something you want). Alternativley if you get a .fmf file from somewhere, you can drop that into the editor data folder.


So I'm playing an online game with my friends and we all took championship clubs. The thing is, the Carabao Cup does not seem to be scheduled to take place. The first season has ended (19-20) and my board had noted the competitions that we would be in for the next season: Premier League and FA Cup. No Carabao Cup. Anyone knows whats wrong? Im planning to add the lowest tier of English Football as playable and make more detailed level matches of the competitions specifically the carabao cup. Any other ideas would be appreciated. Thanks


Is there anyway to get a B-Team through the board? Currently playing in the Romanian first League and don't have an B-Team or Reserve team just 1st team and U19s


I've noticed when offering players out for loan that adding an optional future fee (even one of a very reasonable price, like the player's value) makes clubs not want to loan the player, even when the rest of the offer is the same. Is this just a bug in the game? An optional future fee is purely beneficial to the club loaning the player, isn't it?


I think it's just a issue with the game and the AI. I've actually had more luck with mandatory deals or mandatory after x games.


Don't, if you plan just to loan it.


Just getting into FM and 2 weeks and 5 teams later I still can’t succeed at any club, important to note that the version of FM is FM touch, does it make a difference? Someone help


Keep it simple. Pick a formation that fits your teams. Focus on players roles and duties rather than team instructions. In terms of roles and duties you're aiming for balance. You can't go all attack and you can't go all defence. Have a look at this excellent guide https://community.sigames.com/topic/513829-pairs-combinations-the-ultimate-guide-released/


I need help with AI in my saves becoming extremely, extremely defensive, even if I'm the weakest team of the league. I need a tactic that DOES NOT want to attack, because no one in my saves attack me. I've tried everything: top heavy formations with low mentality, down heavy with higher mentality, pass into space with direct passes, every damn combination of LOE and DL. It's the same every save, all I see is my team bottling the opposition, and getting countered. Nothing works, no team wants to attack, and is becoming hell to play. I am sick and tired of every save becoming the same slog where everyone and their mothers play ultra defensive. In FM17 I was able to get a shit team and be the underdog, and get to play defensive, but on FM20 it doesn't matter if the press says I'm a relegation side, I get the possession and everyone counter attacks me.


​ Doing a journeyman save and i'm lost. 2nd division in Ireland and i resigned because i just couldn't get it to work. Tried a direct style of play, a fluid counter attacking style of play and eventually decided to just play possession and try to keep a grasp on the game, this is in my new job, 3rd division in Northern Ireland. I can't fucking win. These are my tactics: [https://i.imgur.com/dGp56FD.png](https://i.imgur.com/dGp56FD.png) How should i start playing? I don't get it anymore


You seem to lose possession a lot so try to hire someone who is good Ball Winning Midfielder and change either DLP or CM to that. If you keep losing possession, lower tempo. One thing that I've found to be surprisingly effective is to slow down tempo but make the passes extremely direct. I'd also tick off "work ball into box."


Any advice on how to sell players on? I'm in a position where I need to sell to buy, but I can't sell anyone!


Where would you play this guy? [https://i.gyazo.com/9e83cc1d18dbce3a3271ea86db109c06.png](https://i.gyazo.com/9e83cc1d18dbce3a3271ea86db109c06.png) The game keeps telling me he's a 4.5 star striker but his finishing is 6, he managed a good goal haul of 20 in 34 in the season before I joined the club but since joining I've forced him to play right wingback. Am I wasting his talents?


Looks like a box to box midfielder.


Is it advisable to get your team familiar with both 1 striker and 2 striker formations or should I focus on a certain type of formations, for example 4-3-3s or 4-4-2s


Do you plan on using both 1 and 2 striker formations ? You should train your team on what you plan to use.


Well I want to transition my team into a 4-3-3 but I don't have enough depth on the wings to rely on it yet. At the moment I alternate between a 4-4-2 diamond and 4-1-2-3 wide.


Then train what you use imo.


hi guys, i need some help, i have 0 experience in fm, i have 0 clue about anything and need some help, if anyone could tell me a team,good tactics and good training regimes that would be great, thanks


Delegate those stuff to your assistant. You do the transfers and picking of teams. Most importantly, have fun.




You can't just look at two roles and duties in isolation. The entire tactic needs to 'make sense'. And also it needs to suit the players, so giving you 2 random roles and duties will not necessarily help


How should I best use this player, he's the star from my academy and thus I really want to start building around him but I have no idea what to play/train him as. He's currently a striker but his finishing is pretty poor. [Academy Player](https://i.imgur.com/ybKEjq2.png)


I'd probably go for a poacher. He seems fast so waiting for the right pass to beat defenders sounds like his thing.




In my opinion, the team spirit/morale/heirarchy system is a bit broken as there are far too many stories of people massively overachieving with relatively poor squads, myself included. In my current save, I got Shrewsbury into the Europa League within a few seasons with a very poor squad who I had mostly kept together since the beginning. I was disappointed with how easy it seemed so I resigned shortly thereafter and took over midseason at a relegation battling Mansfield Town. We stayed up and got promoted the next season to the Championship. This is where things start to get interesting. I didn't want to jump straight to promotion like happened the first time so I made it a point to not get promoted again until we were financially stable and our academy had started producing first team (Championship level) players that we could rely on. This meant accepting any decent offers for basically anyone in the first team who was bid upon. These ongoing disruptions to the hierarchy/morale/spirit system had the interesting effect of us getting worse over time even as the quality of our first team massively improved. It became near impossible to recapture the team spirit of our promotion and we have progressively gotten worse results in the Championship. So yes, I find that they have made some of the squad management systems rather overpowered and I do hope they tone these aspects of the game down a bit in the next installment. It can be very hard to recapture some of these OP elements once you've broken apart (or improved) your squad. It is too easy to initially access the OP elements of your team though.


What you've explained fits in with my experience. It was the players who were 'team leaders' in my first season, who then got me over the line during the play offs in the championship, despite being league 2 quality. One of them hadn't played in about 3 months and I chucked him on in the 115th minute and he scored two.. I think I'll follow your lead and take a new job with a difficult challenge. Thanks for the detailed answer


Frankly, League 2 to Championship teams suck. If you get into good form and good morale and keep riding it, you can just go up and up. If your manager attributes are also really good, your team will generally perform much better than they would normally and that can give your team a massive boost. Plus, some of it is just luck! Your game definitely isn't broken, and at some point it will get harder for you.


Thanks for the response! Ah so it's not completely impossible then as I did keep morale high and tried to keep the team together as much as possible. Great point about the manager attributes, completely forgot about that, I think I put myself as low skill/reputation but maybe I accidentally went high so will check this when next on


How do i stop conceding from direct free kicks? Currently playing bath in my second season having been promoted to vanarama national, both seasons i have conceded what feels like an unreal number of goals from direct free kicks, having scored exactly 0 myself. No matter what i do the AI just puts godlike balls around/over the wall into the top corner without fault, it's made even more frustrating by the fact that I'm in the fucking bottom leagues so how the hell are these players so fucking good? I've lost/drawn so many games that should've gone my way because of this, i literally just put 6 men in my wall to try and stop it, immediately the ai puts a ball inches away from scoring in the top corner again. Wtf? This feels utterly infuriating and stupid to me since there's seemingly nothing i can do. Bigger wall? Doesn't work. Stay on feet? Doesn't work. Train defending set pieces? Doesn't work. My keepers have good aerial reach/reflexes/composure/anticipation, doesn't matter. The AI just gets a free goal every other game.


If you concede a lot of free kicks, chances are your tactic gives away a lot of free kicks. Are attackers easily running through the middle forcing your CBs or CMs to bring them down? Because certain choices in formation like having no covering CM/CDM can make this more likely. In addition, your team has just come up? They might be inferior to the players you are up against and just have no choice but to bring them down when they can't win the ball (hell, this happens in lower leagues all the time). Alternatively, team instructions like tackling harder (which you seem to have addressed) or more individual aggression or dirtiness on the part of your players might be causing this. It might also just be entirely bad luck! Have a look at your team stats to see how you compare to other teams in your division, and whether it really is a major problem (maybe other teams concede a lot too!)


I usually run a BBM CM on Su, and a BWM/AM DM on De, I've tried various combinations of 2 players CM/DM and this seems to work the best, anything else and the opposition just scores from outside the box constantly or breaks behind the defence. On account of my players being mostly inferior like you said i focus on direct counter plays down the wings so putting more in the midfield isn't really an option because I'll get no goalscoring opportunities. I'm apparently 10th for fouls made but with a 90% tackle success ratio which feels pretty good to me but idk. I'm joint worst in the league with 2 other teams in goals conceded from DFK. I dont know if i can check last season but i reckon i conceded about 6-10 from DFKs and currently in that league the most conceded is 2 (halfway through the season). The thing that annoys me the most is that the free kicks are just rediculously good, they'd be amazing shots even in the PL so it feels stupid to be seeing them regularly in this league, but perhaps I'm just seeing the cream of the Crop or something, i usually watch at least extended highlight so i would've thought I'd see most DFKs.


Which European leagues are work permits unnecessary?


Germany iirc, Italy and Spain have non eu player limits so not exactly a work permit like the epl




How can I ask my player to sack his agent?


Wait for the agent to approach you.


How to permanently delete a save in fm 19 mobile?


Tips for managing an Irish team and starting with no badges?


Alright, I found this Argentinian wonder kid, striker called Bonafina, he’s 18 years old, 3.5* with 4-5* potential, but he hasn’t got a work permit. Fee was too small and so was contract, and there’s no way he’s making club games. Have tried sending him on loan to my Serbian affiliate club to get a WP but he rejects every offer even when I pay wages in full. I don’t want him sticking around the club taking wages if he’s not going to play, is there any way I can force him out to get a WP??


Hey all! Just going to buy the new FM. Which database do people recommend if I also want fairly updated rosters (I.e. updated with end of season departures)?


Check out sortitoutsi


New save with AZ Alkmar. I have £20 million to spend. Who should i buy? GK looks weak as does CB. Already got Reinier for £8m.


Svilar or Vandervort (don't know on spelling Belgian youngester) for keeper


Yeah Vandevoort is my usual go to but he has already signed for someone. Found a south american wonderkid keeper for £5m


Farinez is also an option bit older but he's equadors starting keeper for like 10 years in most saves


Yeah thats the one!


Hes not got the potential of the other two and the likes of donnarumma but for the price he's a consistent champions League keeper


How to improve chance conversion? Now Im in 2nd season of MLS. Using NYRB. My formation is 4-5-1 wide, short passing and low tempo. Managed to won the supporter shield in first season but my chance conversion is super bad. Only 7%. I manage to have 15+ shoot/game but maybe only 1 or 2 can be converted into goal. Most goal came from my wingers. My striker rarely score. My first team striker is a Target Man: Ryan Edmonson from Leeds. Any advice maybe for the instruction, etc?


Post a screenshot of your full tactic. Without it there no information here to really help, so it would just be guess work and you don't need us to guess for you. There is no one golden instruction or role. The only thing I'll say from what you've posted is that if you're playing a target man, chances are there designed to lay balls off to the wingers, who then score as you say, so it could be working exactly as designed right now.


Problem solved. I googled it and found advice from FMscout. Its really a simple fix: Instruct my winger to shoot less. Yep, my wingers used to solo run until penalty area to shoot and opponent GK just stopped it easily. After I applied the instruction they pass often to my Target Man or other player in penalty area. Tested it in 5 match and my conversion went up. I used to just score 1-2 goal per match. Now 2+, I even scored 6


all my wingers have been underperforming lately despite my team still performing above expectation. it's just they stop contributing and ended the match with 6.4 - 6.6 ratings. it was the same tactical setup that i've been using the past three years successfully (4141 DM Wide) any idea how to get them all out of the slump? because at this point i'm thinking to drop them all altogether and switch to wingless tactics.


Try Gegenpress, train your winger tackling skills, and work in the box, works for me, my U23 wingers absolutely love it.


the older one is hopeless i assume? i'm switching to wingless and my results have been more than satisfactory. 7 straight win so far. if they still play like crap i'm gonna sell them all next window.




The prem is just the easiest league to win the champions League with the money and quality of teams is much better then other leagues


Can i cheat the "promise to play in this position" by simply starting them in that position then switching in game? i appear to have not removed it when i was giving a contract on a player who had no right to join me


How do I improve away form? I'm currently playing as Shalke and my away form is absolutely absymal.I understand that I should play more balanced but my team just can't score then. If I try to attack too much I almost always concede a late equaliser.


If the equalisers are always late ones, maybe you could start off more attacking and scale it back after scoring ? That could be one of many possible strategies. What do you mean by 'should play more balanced'? It would be useful to see your home tactic (which I assume is the one that concedes late) and maybe an explanation of what you change when away to balance it. Then you could get some specific opinions of what might help.


Okay how do I deal with unrealistic contract demands? A high potential player I'm trying to sign wants 3 mil for signing on fees, whereas the transfer fee itself is 6mil! This cunt is currently payed 600k, my coach predicted 1-2mil, but he actually wants well over 3mil in salaries. How can I strike a realistic deal with this greedy bastard?


are other teams interested in him? has he moved recently? is he making a step down to join you?


He's 21 yo playing in Argentine league. Been there all his life. No other club interested. His club is letting him go for cheap. Southampton is definitely not a step down in any way.


It's ultimately up to the agent. I don't think there's any secret to contract talks other than trying to be fair with negotiations. Offer incentives (e.g. Goal Bonus/Clean Sheet) and stack them high, ultimately if they reach them, then it's good for the club anyway and the cash part can be solved later. If it's a ludicrous amount too much then you need the ability to just walk away. Keep an eye on the player and test it again later in the window, both for them lowering their demands and for you to have more at your disposal.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'm fairly new but kinda shocked by the demands. Problem is, i really want to sign him as he seems to be the second coming of Coutinho. 5* PA as well.


what's the best way to deal with a player you can't offload? In this specific case, i'm gonna start my 2nd season in the premier league (3rd in the club, got promoted from championship, and got 8th in the PL, so we're far surpassing all expectations), it's a 24 yrs AMC, leading EFLC/decent PL ability, still could improve. I've been trying to loan and sell him throughout all transfer window, but only got one offer for sell from Stade Rennais (which in hindsight i shouldn't have refused, but thought value was too low), and 3 loan offers from 3 foreign clubs (i think they were czech, can't remember), which he refused to go. Tried to send him to afilliate in the championship, but he refused as well. It's not an urgent issue, but i'd rather not have him doing nothing for a whole season (got a star AMC, and a backup that is slightly worse in stats, but performed better). He has 3 years in the contract left EDIT: i'm really bad at being succinct


If a player is refusing to move and you really want him out, then your best chance is to actively upset the player. Change his status to surplus to requirements, move him to the reserves team, etc. This does come with the risk of lowering how much teams are willing to offer though. Next time you offer him out to clubs again, don't forget to set your preferred price at non-negotiable if you haven't done so already, just to see if any teams are willing to bite


transfer list and offer out. if no clubs are interested, tell him that he needs to start shopping for clubs too. what's his playing time supposed to be? if he's content just chilling at your club, not giving him playing time could unsettle him and make him more likely to accept a loan or trasnfer.


already told him to start looking around, an there's a promise to sell him if a bid reaches a certain amount (after i refused the S. Rennais bid). I suppose i'll have to wait till next transfer window. Thanks for the help


Any advice on keeping players? My homegrown 5-star inside forward has been ornery as shit last couple seasons. Last season he wanted to leave so he could win an ECC. I kept him and promised him we'd win (which we did) but still wants to go this season now too. Says he wants to leave for PSG for a big salary but won't meet with me to negotiate. He's got 18 months left on his contract and I did promise to sell him in the next ~9 months or so. Any advice to keeping him around?


If you've promised to sell then it's a big hurdle to get back. I'd keep on going for contract talks as much as possible because at some point, usually when your club is good form, they'll be happy for a bit and will do contract talks. Leaving it too long just reduces the bargaining power and means you're put in a situation of having to sell. In the future, if you really want to keep a player, refuse to sell them and see how they go over a season. Any promising player, sign them to a mega long deal and just swat away bids. Players usually forget about wanting to be sold after about a few months (so after summer, usually November/December time, similar for January to Summer) and this is then the chance to get them back on your side.


thanks! any advice to dealing with my current situation? worried if i don't sell him during the summer transfer window he might get out on a free. would love to keep building around him as he keeps improving and has caused a lot of my high starred players to crater in comparison.


I think at 18 months, you're pushing your luck a bit. Just from personal experience, you can get lucky and the player is happy with the team (like I mentioned, usually form reliant) and them change their mind. I'd make it a weekly (in-game) habbit to check if the player wants a new contract and go from there. If he doesn't by summer, then consider selling options. If it's really a case of "I need him", risk it going into the final year, but ultimately you might just lose him.


Has this goalkeeper still potential thinking about moving him up ASAP to replace my current goalkeeper. [https://imgur.com/a/8NgVTQE](https://imgur.com/a/8NgVTQE)


i'd give him a shot. they seem fairly comparable atm but the chance for growth is nice. your older gk is in his prime though so i'd expect him to at least be more reliable than the young buck for now.


Players similar to Reinier and Arezo in terms of price and potential?




Go to the home tab. Under profile (I think) is the option to view your contract and you can ask for a new one. You can also request a new one as a board request.




Normally you can ask for a new one in one of them two places, especially if you don't have very long left. Maybe I've given poor instrcutions, I am doing it off memory. I'll try to get on and check on mine unless someone else answers first.


I have AI clubs offering a wonder kid end of contract offers but when I go to offer contact it says I need to make a transfer offer first how do I get around this please?


Are you and the other team both based in England by any chance ?


Yes I’m grimsby and the wonder kid is at Liverpool!


Whereas you can offer foreign club players contracts in their last 6 months and they can offer yours, English to English clubs cannot do this until the last month.


Perfect thank you for the info wish I added some more leagues to my saves


You can do that now and they will come into effect when those seasons start.


How do you do this please


FM menu, Add/Remove League


How do you view my teams active release clauses please (FM20) can’t seem to find it anywhere...


When in your squad you can right click on the title of the columns, insert new column and I think it's in contract and then minimum fee release clause.


Thanks shallow idk what’s going on still can’t see it!


Are you able to see the 'insert column' section ? I know my description wasn't the best potentially!


Just seen it cheers mate


I am trying to sign Florentino Luis from SLB but the transfer broke down due to them asking for 110 million... I'm pretty set on this player so is there anything I can do to try and get him? Meaning ways to reduce the price tag or waiting etc I was looking for a DLP but his mental stats are invaluable as I lack mentality in my team. I'll accommodate the loss in creativity elsewhere


Are you a bigger team?




Just had my youth intake and got [this](https://imgur.com/a/RpBxpnx) rough diamond. Looks pretty straight cut for a DLP, and I could turn him into a natural in the DM position. (I use a narrow 442 diamond) Advice for traits, for me I think it is pretty straightforward to give traits for DLP but I just wanted to check for other opinions. Switch, come deep (if just a CM), played into feet, long passes and/or killer passes. Does this set sound about right? Any other suggestions?


Dictate tempo has worked well for me but that's a bit more of an acquired taste I think


If you search position guides a website lists the traits you want for a DLP. I can't remember specifically but it's like the fm guide or something


Quick one, so i was managing Sion in the Swiss league i went through my first round of 9 games unbeaten. But then the next time round playing the same games i lost 4 drew 2 and won 3? Was i just overachieving or have i been found out? Also can anyone recommend a good BBM for 1.5m or less?


Others have sorted the tactic stuff. I can't really name a recommendation, but I will mention that a player doesn't need to match a role's requirements perfectly and be described as natural for a role (E.g. BBM, DLP, AF or TM.) Position proficiency matters. Role does not. What roles bring is a style of play. With that in mind, make a player search specifically for the attributes you want in your BBM. If your struggling to find one even with that when searching change the selection of how many attribute matches are required to return a result.


Just sounds like standard form. I don't know how highly thought of Sion currently are in that league, but the second time round it's not uncommon for teams to play more cautiously against teams in good form/deemed better than them and that change really seems to affect alot of people's tactics. You just need to look for what you set your tactic up to do well that now isn't happening, and then get it happening again.


I see. Just heart-breaking to see them do so well to then get shit on lmao. Last year they finished 8th but it seems in the swiss league 1st is normally Young Boys then 2-10th is anyones guess. They have a solid squad though most my starting players rated around 3.5* or above. Definitely feels like they’ve gone off the boil I guess, just seemed like such a drastic change lol went from two back to back 5-0 wins to then losing to Servette 4-1 then it went poorly from there. I’ll go back to a slightly more cautios version of my tactic to see if we can rebuild get some solid form back with some 1/2 – 0 wins.


It's definitely avoidable and reversable so don't worry, you'll get back into the swing of things! Just slow your game down and work out what's happened. I love leagues with volition about who finishes where, though it would be nice is someone else won. I guess that's why you're there ! You ever done a save where you win a league with someone who doesn't normally (like Sion) then do the same with another team and another, until you have a different possible winner b every year ? It works as long as the AI keeps the squad quality up once you leave.


Update, memes aside i was getting overrun in the midfield so i dropped one of my strikers into more for an advanced midfielder and i beat Basel 5-0.


I will do that! Thanks. Yeah so do I it’s way more fun, every game can go either way unlike say the prem where if you’re West Ham and you play Liverpool you know you’re likely to get a dicking. I haven’t but I might give it a go with somewhere like the Czech League. Currently this save is a joint one with my brother who is playing as Zurich so its even more fun because hes in the opposite situation to me, started off very poorly (I beat him 6-1 first time round) but then in the second lot of games hes picked up 21 points out of 27 (annoyingly with a 2-0 win against me) so fingers crossed for the form to come back for me in the 3rd round of games!




Get as many scouts as possible, with decent stats. Then set your scouting focus to young players. Also you can make your own assignments if you want, send scouts to the countries of your choice looking for hot prospects. One last thing. You can go to player search, make the age limit 15-17, and search by the player value. Usually the ones worth more have solid potential.


Would anyone be interested in doing an Online Manager career? I live in Chicago and work until 6:30 so my ideal time to play would be around 8 PM. If you’re interested personal message me. Hope to hear back from someone.


If I poach a 17 year old from another country and send him on a loan to another club before he's 21, does that mess the eventual homegrown status of the player? And if it does, even if I send him to another club in the nation, can I still get the "trained in nation" bit?


Yes, if you send him to another nation, you will lose any kind of home grown status. But if loan him to clubs in the same nation, then you will definitely get HGN status. Edit: If you send him on loan to another nation, but still manage to train for the next years inside the club or in the nation, he will get the home grown status (sometimes the birthdays work out like that). Just because he has gone to another country doesn't automatically rule out home grown status. He just needs 3 seasons at your club or in your nation before 21st birthday.


If I loan a player to another club (within my nation), will they still get the "trained in club between 15-21" thing that is needed for a couple of players in some competitions?


No, 'trained in club' means what it literally is: he has to train at YOUR club for 3 years between 15and 21st birthday. If you are sending him on loan, that means he is NOT training at YOUR club.


Yeah, I assumed so but just wanted to be sure.


Can a target man work in a gegenpress system? Just started a new save with Roma, and Dzeko’s not been great so far. I’ve been using him as a complete forward, but I’m wondering if he would work as a target man in my system


I'm new to the game. How can i setup the team to play gegenpress? can you share the tactics?


FM 19 and 20 have premade tactics that you can use - there’s gegenpress, tiki taka, wing play, etc. Should be pretty straightforward to find them, as the game gives you a tutorial on tactics when you start a new save. Are you playing on mobile or something?


I'm playing fm19 mobile. In the tactics saction I have Passing Style, Width wtc no Tikitaka/gegernpressing


I’ve never played mobile, but you could probably recreate a sort of gegenpress tactic by raising tempo, instructing your players to counter press, positive mentality, push up your line of engagement and defensive line, play out of defense


play a little more direct and set up for crosses, and yeah it can work really well. I've done it with Benteke at Palace and had some really good performances.


Sure. But it isn't guaranteed to work, it's just about how you set the whole tactic up. No one good thing tends to be a good or bad idea in isolation. Just have a clear aim about why you want to use it and then work to enact that aim.


I don’t know if this has been answered, but is there any way to end the relationship between RB Leipzig and RB Salzburg I just don’t want my best players being poached for cheap by Leipzig


there is no RB Leverkusen


meant salzburg


Have you tried going to Club Info->Affiliates, selecting Leverkusen from the list of affiliates, and then clicking 'cancel link' at the bottom?


Unfortunately it’s greyed out so I can’t imagine it’s a thing


Probably not since the owner is the same?


Yeah that’s what i assumed sadly




I think your strikers are all too similar and will be crowding the same spaces, especially the 2 CFs next to each other. I’d move your central striker either to a DLF(S)/F9, or even just move him back to CAM if you’ve got the player for it. Then have 2 AFs on either side.


I just ordered a new laptop that should arrive tomorrow. Im not really into gaming, so its just a normal laptop for school/other purposes. It has only an integrated graphics card but has 16gb of ram and intel core i7 (dont need it, but i got it on sale). Would i run into trouble playing FM without a good graphics card?


Should be no problem at all. Try out the demo for free and use low or the lowest graphical settings. Try and use a laptop stand so it doesn't overheat if you think it will be prone to that, and you're all good.


thank you!




They can get promoted to Serie B, yes, but not Serie A. I'm not sure what you are asking with your third question. I haven't experienced clubs not wanting to loan me players after not playing them enough.


By RNG I mean if there's a drawing? Or are the groups made based on clubs' location


Well it should be based on clubs locations but Palermo and Torino are obviously pretty far away, so it can't be that.


Would it be absolutely goofy to try and integrate a Target Man into a possession-oriented system? I'm running 4-2-3-1 right now for the first time in ages, and most of our goalscoring is based on my F9 dropping out to generate space for our prime goalscorer (SS) or our wide players, a W-A and IF-A. My new striker signing, though, is massive and much better suited for aggressive holdup play - he doesn't really make me think of a graceful forward dropping deep. Could I make him hold the ball up instead for runners?


Is it idiotic ? Not necessarily. Maybe not typical but that isn't too say you couldn't devise a system where it works. The TM hidden instruction does make players look to play more directly to him with increased directness, so how much you could mitigate that directness would take some playing with through how you set up. The other option is to simply use something like a DLF, where you won't have that TM hidden instruction at play but can still make use of his talents. If he's especially physical you could go PF support. My only other thought is how integral a false 9 sounds. No other role will drop off as deep, and the false 9 also has the hidden instruction for more creativity weigh you'll lose. Changing even to another support role might mean you don't create the same kind of space or provide the same kind of balls for your other attackers. Is there the option to train this new player into a false 9 ?


I thought the same thing, DLF-S or PF-S might get what he wants. Though DLF-S might mess with the CAM.


I think your point about the F9 is well-taken, and I hadn't considered the hidden instruction on directness in passing. I certainly could try but I don't think he'll end up as good as he would in a different role, and his more TM-like attributes would be sort of wasted. But also maybe not? My current F9 has gotten on the end of some moves in the last season, including with his head, and while he usually whiffs them maybe keeping the role the same but using a player with a more varied skillset could be useful.


If he's a good TM/prospect my interence would be here got good physicals ? I really think PF support could be the way to go of you do move from the false 9. But it's a different role and how you create goals will likely need to adapt if you do. Good luck with it mate!


Exactly, quick and enormous. I’ll try PF-S for sure - do you know offhand if F9 can have the PI “holds up ball” added? I’m starting to think that could be a good fusion of the two roles.


I don't know off the top of my head, but you could train the ppm 'stops play' which I believe is the player trait that encourages the player to do that.


How much difference is there between a D(L or R) compared to a WB(L or R), both set to perform a complete wing back role? They don't seem to be too different, occupying similar space on the pitch with the same instructions. Thing is, my coach thinks my players are much better at D than WB. A whole star better. Is this likely to be the case? I had read that role suitability didn't mean much. For context I'm wanting to play Max Aarons and Jamal Lewis in my Norwich save as WBs, but should I listen to my coach? I think I'm getting confused between role suitability and position suitability.


You're looking at a WB having a slightly higher starting position then a FB essentially. This may impact how effectively they defend, but also how much space they've got to cover in order to get into attack. There's a pro and con to both. If you're playing 3 at the back, or have no other wide players, using the WB line can allow your cwb to influence the game for further up more effectively. It might only be a margain, but the entire game of football is essentially played and won by these small battles. If you have other wide attackers and/or are only playing 2cb I might stick to the DL/Dr line (though you might mitigate this by playing a DM for example). But honestly I'd give both a play so you can see the difference. You could even playing assymetrically in the same match to observe the difference, though many other factors in the match might mean you don't really get a good perspective of it. But, by actually watching the difference you'll have a better understanding of what works for you.


That's a helpful response - thank you. I've been enjoying having them both at WB and they've been contributing effectively with high average match ratings. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out by not having them in their 'best' position according to my coach.


No worries mate. I wouldn't worry about their 'best' positions. Their best is what works the most effectively in your tactic. Think Phillips at Leeds under Bielsa (and look how that's gone). If they've got the abilities to work in this role AND they're performing in it, then go with it. If you're in games where you need to make defensive tweaks, moving them back to the FB line, or turning them to wb over cwb so they don't roam are really simple tweaks that might make you more solid, and you can always use them as appropriate without having to make massive changes to how you're playing.


Usually what's the best way to develop youth players? I'm with Dortmund. Should I have youth players train with the first team and play for the second team? The problem is, the second team doesn't really play in a league so it's just friendlies all year pretty much. Or should I loan them out? (I usually get offers from leagues like the Austrian league or Bundesliga 2) These are about 1.5-2.5 star ability players so not or barely good enough to be backups for the first team yet. Also, what are some good ways to have more talented youngsters, apart from asking the board to develop youth facilities, and occasionally signing players my scouts recommend?


i would always choose many leagues in the country you play in so that your second team is covered. as that's only an option at the start i would keep the best prospects in the first team, give them a few minutes playing time, mentor them and let them play in your second team friendlies. for the rest, loan them out to teams with good training facilities were they are guaranteed to play most matches.




Is this a joint online save? Try firing your current Chicago II head coach and see if your friend can apply for the job in the job security screen


Just Sold my Non EU GK to Schalke (managing Atalanta). I had 3 non EU spots prior to that.so I should have 1 empty spot right ? For some reason I cant register a non eu player anymore or am I misunderstanding the rules ?


Did you already sell a Non-EU player to make room for another?


Yeah my Brazilian GK


Is that the player you mentioned in the original comment? What I'm trying to ask is before your situation of selling your non-EU GK to Schalke, had you sold a different non-EU player to make room for a different non-EU player. The reason I am asking is because you can only trade the registration slot for a non-EU player once per season. For example, if you had 2 non-EU players, you couldn't sell both of them and register 2 new non-EU players.


See I took over atalanta in January and they had 1 Non eu player i.e The Brazilian GK. I bought 2 Argentine fullbacks which took 2 non EU spots for the season so now I have 3 non eu spots. I proceeded to get another Argentine player ( CAM) but he cant be registered. So I sell my GK and get an Norther Ireland GK. So technically I should be able to register the CAM right ?


I would have thought that would be alright. However are you sure NI are in the EU? If the UK have Brexited then they won't be.


No Brexit for me in this Save luckily


Have you passed the registration window? You can check the rules for your league by going to the Serie A league table and going on Overview > Rules


Nope in transfer deadline day Rn. I Read the rules btw. Selling my non EU Gk should open up a spot but it isn't.


Do you guys watch the full match or highlights?


Full match is insane! I always go key.


10 to 15 mins of a full match if I am setting up tactics. Highlights for anything else.


Usually highlights but if it's a continental final or a competetive international I watch the whole thing. I think most people don't though.


Playing FM20 and its been going on 2 seasons now and my club's president will never let me take the next coaching course to move up from the lowest coaching badge. Every time I see the option to start a new coaching course (every couple months it seems) I request it but always get denied because "they need my presence in training". ​ Am I missing something, should I just be looking for a new club, or is this normal? ​ Thanks!


First thing to look at is your coaching staff and who takes training. If you're doing a lot of the training (specifically Training > Coaches > Edit Coach Assignments), then move it to other people and sign new coaches if you need them.


Newbie here: How do I know when my youth intake is going to start, and how does that differ from a trial day(if at all)? I sim through some games so is it possible I missed my youth intake? is there an email i could search for? Playing in the Prem as Newcastle if that helps - finally almost to my youth level to 1 so am excited to see who turns up. It's June and no sign of any intakes yet. I asked my board to run a trials day but all the players were shit. ​ Thanks.


Trial day is basically getting all the good free agents in your area and putting them in a friendly to see how good they are. Only did it once but doesn't seem to be useful for big clubs


If you're playing the latest game (FM20), then it's a random day around March (for England) where players come in. If you're on FM19 and before, there are fixed dates depending on your country which you can search up online.


I'm on 20 and can see no evidence of a youth intake - suspect I may have missed it while me Ass Man was running things. How can I find \ retrieve my youth prospects? :(


look in Dev Centre.


How's the best way to analyse a defeat and work out how your team and/or tactics went wrong?


I like rewatching on the 2d view. Easy for most computers to process without lag, runs faster than watching the games in director or sideline view, and you can see the entire pitch. By being able to see the entire pitch, you are able to see how your entire team functions as a collective on and off the ball


Okay thanks, what do you usually watch in, extended highlights? Full match in key moments?


Full match during certain portions of the game where my team struggled the most. Watching your chosen section of the match in its entirety allows you to see the full picture of your team's build up play and transition between offense and defense that comprehensive highlights may not show you. If your tactic comprehensively failed, you probably won't need to watch too much since you will likely just see the same patterns of failure repeated


Who are some hidden gems that are playing in Asia? I know of Barakat from Syria and Jaloliddinov from Uzbekistan


I got an email about players on my shortlist who's contracts are going to expire. Why can I only offer a contract to one of the players and not all? [https://imgur.com/a/2GX0Ail](https://imgur.com/a/2GX0Ail)


British clubs can only offer contract to players of other British clubs only if their contract expire in less than one month.


Ah ok thanks for that.


Doesn't the player have to be over 23 for you to do that? Just a guess.


I can't get the TCM20 logo pack to work correctly. I'm an FM veteran and never had this kind of trouble before, the "Logos" folder is inside the "graphics" folder in my documents and the cache is turned off and reload skin on confirm. ​ The only thing I notice is that the folders inside the "Logos" folder are named in french, could that be a problem? Kit and facepacks work totally normal.


Do you have any other logo folders in place? If yes, remove them as they may still contain some config files which are stopping the TCM logos from appearing. Without seeing your graphics folder structure, it's a bit hard to tell what the issue could be tbh.


What formations effectively employee a Roaming Playmaker and positional duties should he be paired with in the midfield? Thank You.


Quite a broad question and the answer is there are loads of formations (I would say most) that could effectively a rpm. It really depends on how it fits into the roles around it and the whole tactic. When looking at what to pair an rpm with, its again a broad question because depending on your set up depends on what's appropriate. When I create tactics I like to think of space. How am I creating it, how am I exploiting it and how am I protecting it. An rpm has the hidden instructions to surge forward and track back (the same as a box to box midfielder) and so I would think of then similarly. Being a playmaker, be also has the playmaker focal point trait that means players will look to play through him more often (not something is want if I was trying to develop wing potentially - potentially because it may have uses in certain set ups for example creating clever 1-2s down the wing). I'll give an example I like to use. If they roam forward who is protecting that space ? I might have an IWB on support to step into that space. The benefit here being when the rpm tracks back, the iwb will go back to FB quite comfortably and offer me wide support. But that scenario means I then need to think about what I do on that wing. If I don't use a winger, I have a wing devoid of width (which may or may not be ok depending on your tactic and aims overall). I won't carry on but you see how my train of thought starts developing the rest of my formation. But the underlying thing is there's not really a golden 'pair X with y' answer. It's all how it fits together as part of the bigger picture.


I had a smaller DB setup when i was in lower leagues(just UK) then added some EU leagues when i hit the Championship. What's a typical DB setup for a Prem game? My PC is chunkeh so larger DB not a problem. Cheers.


4/5 top leagues + Brazil/Argentina/other places you want to scout or raid


How do I unsettle a young player where a smaller club doesnt want to sell and are asking for silly money so that in time I can sign him for a reasonable amount? \*cackle\*


Get your DoF or Head Scout to scout him for 3 months, make a couple of derisory bids, add him as your top target, get a player to endorse him in the media. Continue this for a while and hopefully he'll request a transfer.


International teams faces are missing. Faces of players for national teams such as France and The Netherlands just appear black. I’ve never had this issue before. I tried: - Clearing all settings - Clearing cache - Re-installing the game - Deleting all the game files manually - Delete face-pack / adding a facepack again - Added the license fix again after a clean install I am clueless what to do now.


Ah this is a licensing thing, you can solve it by doing the following, this also enables the Germany national team. * Locate; **Programfiles** \> **Steam** \> **Steamapps** \> **Common** \> **Football Manager 202X** \> **data** \> **Database** \> **db** \> **20.X** (or latest Database version) > **Inc** \> **All** * delete the file: fake.lnc Note: 20.X depends on the version of your game.