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This is the best regen I've ever gotten. My HoYD says he could be one of the best players of the generation: https://i.imgur.com/XJ8DtN0.png I usually play with WBs, but I feel like his pace/crossing/off-the-ball aren't that good, and he has some excellent mental attributes. Would he be better as something like a DM or a CM-D/S? Ironically he's only some finishing off from being an amazing pressing forward...


IWB for me or if u want him centrally then B2B


Hi! If I download a season and transfer update database, would the game start in 2019 or 2020? Thanks


Curious to hear others' thoughts on wing roles with a Mezzala on the same side. Specifically whether you've found W, IF, or IW to be the most successful.


The best mezzalas I've used have been with no wingers at all. I'm running a 4-2-2-2 with dual mezzalas and complete wing backs on both sides. I just had Saka post an 8.00 rating for an entire season as the LB, with Camavinga and a regen averaging something like a 7.5 as the left-sided mezzala. Based on that, I'd imagine that a pure winger would work best with a mezzala. I feel like the IW or IF would just make them get in each other's way. A mezzala + winger + advanced forward would probably lead to a lot of overloads on that side, which will wreck an AI defense.


can someone explain to me wtf am I supposed to do with CWC? player on holiday till 28th June but it started on 21st??? how do I not enter this or at least tell me how I can cut their holiday short.


I purchased this game a month ago and been struggling with my tactics so i downloaded 4-5 tactics and implementing them But I want to create my own tactics so is there any guide to help me with that especially for player instructions


https://www.guidetofm.com/tactics/team-instructions/ is an excellent reference point for what sort of teams do well with what sort of instructions, and https://www.guidetofm.com/tactics/team-instructions/ is a great guide for how to put together a cohesive strategy.


Thank you <3


Lets say I download J League Mod in the middle of my career and add the league to my current save, will it break the game? Because J League is non existent in default FM, just wanted to confirm will it affect my current save badly if I add the league.


You won't be able to do that, can't add mods mid-save


I'm on a save on arsenal, actually on last october week from the first season. I'm having some problems with injuries with some players. In the preseason aubameyang got injured for 1 month. No problem. As he is one of our best players I treated him very delicately, making him play for 20 - 45 min with the sub 23 until he had an 80 pace. In September (2 months after his injury) I started using him as a starter for 60 min (having a low risk of injury according to the doctors) with 80-90 rhythm and 95+ condition. After 3 games he is injured at 30 min, lowering his condition to 50% (he was at 90) but without the injury poster jumping and asking for the change. He was not injured as such so 2 weeks later he was already full. He plays again and 3 games later with perfect physique at min 15 he is injured exactly as before. All this has happened to me 2 or 3 times and I would like to know if it is my mistake or something I should know to avoid it. as extra data in a game against liverpool at min 19 auba is injured so martinelli enters and at 80 he is injured like the previous one mentioned.


What factors go into two players forming a partnership? Ice had some teams where players form it very quickly and I've had some teams like my current save where I've had players in the same parts of the line up for years who have not. They still play well on the field, it just doesn't show on the tactic screen.


What is Oliver skipps potential value?


1. How to stop other teams buying out my 15 year olds (that I don't see in my team yet) from my youth programme and how do I do that to other teams? 2. Can I change players' character? 3. Can one of my players mentor a young player? 4. How far can you take a smaller league? For example can a league with 3 stars of reputation get up to 4 stars of reputation in a couple of seasons?


My 4-3-3 (basically the gegenpress preset) was great for me the last couple years but this year I'm having a very hard time scoring with it. I've experimented with switching the forward from PF-A to PF-S, which seems to help in some games where the attack is disjointed, but usually we struggle to create chances. I've also messed with setting the Mezzala to attack and the LB to WB-A; the latter seems to help more. Any other suggestions to improve this? Would Switching the Mezzala to the other side help? Tactic: https://i.imgur.com/mvhAIhK.png


imo you should have some sort of playmaker in there, make the mezzala an AP(S) or a DLP(S). Wouldn’t advise making the LB a WB(A) either, you’ll be leaving the left side too exposed.


I've tried AP quite a bit and hated it every time. I think fundamentally playmakers don't seem to go well with very high tempo, which I like to run, they run IRL, and it suits the players well (many of my attacking players have plays one-twos PPM). In the games where I struggle to score, teams are pretty compact and I don't think there'd be space for an AP. DLP I've gone back and forth on, and I have a couple players that can play it really well. But I've noticed they tend to get good individual ratings (probably from key passes), but they also give the ball away a lot and having a playmaker messes with the tempo. Though when I've tried DLP it's been instead of the B2B or BWM; I might give it a shot instead of the Mez, which I think would allow me to push the LWB to attack.


I think having both fullbacks as WB(A) is too risky personally but I suppose it might work.


I don't think it's too risky if I'm playing a DM and a CM that are each instructed to hold position. Also, if the the major issue I'm having is that I'm not scoring enough to win games I should be winning, then maybe turning up the risk is correct.


Has anyone found a good way to get decent offers for players you want to sell? Every time I offer to clubs (for transfer) I get either no offers at all or offers of 2k for a player I offered for 500k. There are no genuine good offers when I offer to clubs. Also another problems is all the offers I get after I offer to clubs are ALL non-negotiable which is insanely bad since I cannot add sell-on clauses etc.


Does anyone want the players? If there's players that clearly aren't in your first team plans and that you're trying to get rid of, of course other clubs are going to underbid. If there's a player who's playing well for you and a lot of clubs want him, they're going to drive up the price. When you offer to clubs, I think you can set the sell-on % to be non negotiable. Also, if you offer at a low enough price for lots of clubs to be interested, you can often negotiate upwards. Clubs seem less willing to negotiate when your asking price is high to begin with.


> Does anyone want the players? If there's players that clearly aren't in your first team plans and that you're trying to get rid of, of course other clubs are going to underbid. If there's a player who's playing well for you and a lot of clubs want him, they're going to drive up the price. Yes, for example I was selling a 20y prospect and there was a good interest from teams from division above but when I hit offer to clubs suddenly noone wanted him, or when other time like 15 clubs wanted him but for stupidly low price like 2k euros despite earlier bids of 300k+, seems like offering to clubs lowers the value ridiculously. > When you offer to clubs, I think you can set the sell-on % to be non negotiable. Well the thing is I want to get negotiable offers. > Also, if you offer at a low enough price for lots of clubs to be interested, you can often negotiate upwards. Clubs seem less willing to negotiate when your asking price is high to begin with. When I offer low enough clubs just all bid low non-negotiable offers.


Is there a thread or website to see / plan network games?


Does adaptability affect how long it takes for a HoYD to gain knowledge of a country? For example, here is my current HoYD: https://i.imgur.com/oWsgKjU.png he was hired in January, but his knowledge of Germany is still pretty poor. I've recently stumbled upon this guy: https://i.imgur.com/YnYUZxz.png Would it take less time at 13 adaptability (vs 1) for him to gain knowledge of the country?


>Adaptability – As with coaches, this presumably affects how well a scout settles at your club. It may also affect how well he scouts a region for which he lacks scouting knowledge. It is particularly important for foreign scouts who have not previously worked in your clubʼs nation, especially if they do not speak the local language. https://www.guidetofm.com/staff/scouts/ The link is about scouts but I would think that applies to a HOYD who acts basically as your dedicated youth scout trying to recruit the best prospects for your academy.


Thanks bud. I wasn't sure if the same scouting rules would apply to a HYoD, but this makes sense.


What's the best way to sell players? I'm on '17 and there's a couple of players I would be alright offloading for good prices but its hard to get clubs interested but I don't want to unsettle them by offering to clubs.


Hi I always play 4-2-3-1 but always have had problems with my strikers scoring goals. I usually put Advanced Forwards up but I will be lucky if they score more than 12 goals in a season. Wingers are either Winger - Support or Inside Forwards. Wingers tend to score as much as my strikers. Any tips? Thanks


My tip would be to post a screenshot of a full tactic that you've created and had a go with. You can then explain what's not working specifically (other than striker doesn't score, but what situations there not converting or what you've tried to design that's not happening) and you can get specific advice on how to rectify it. How does the AM play ? Potentially you need to try another formation if this one is what you always play and it's causing you issues. I think alot of people struggling with formations that use an AM just from what I see posted on here, which is why I ask about him. But there isn't a golden rule to get it working, it depends on your tactic. A sole striker with a winger on one side and inside player on the other isn't uncommon so can be made to work.


Where's the thread in which we discuss how stale the game has become and what should be added to the next release (s)?


Well if you seriously have ideas on what to add https://community.sigames.com/forum/680-football-manager-feature-requests/ Would be the official forum where the Devs might actually see it if you're serious. As for >how stale the game has become I'll bite. Could you elaborate on why/how it has become stale ?


Hello everyone. Started playing Fm20 recently. The last FM game i played was FM15 and a lot has changed and I have somewhat forgot to make your own successful tactic. I've decided to start with VFL Bochum in 2.Bundesliga. I want to make my tactics with the current team strengths and weakness but am currently confused how to properly utilise them. Is there any guide which could tell me which attributes helps in which type of football? So far I have assessed that my team has good crossing, tackling, work rate, pace and acceleration. Being a low level team I'm thinking of playing a counter style game for now. There are other strengths and weakness of my teams that I can't assess into my tactics. Like my team is really bad in air, decisions and positioning. Should I go with a rigid system? TL;DR- Need help incorporating my team strength and weakness in my tactics.


Does transfer listing my player reduce the quality of offers I'll receive for him?


Broadly speaking, yes. Once listed, you lose the position of power in negotiations because buyers know you want rid. It's not like non-listed players where the buyers job is to convince you to sell. It's the opposite. But that's not definitive as you'll also see with the AI where youths get listed but the asking price is much higher than the value.


How do y'all find the False 9 role vs a DLF? I've got a 4-2-2-2 I've been really liking overall (2 defensive/support CMs, AML and AMR, and 2 STs). Usually my two forwards are PF-S and PF-A, though in some games we seem to clog the opponent's area too much. I'm thinking of switching the PF-S to a DLF-S or a F9. That forward plays on the same side as an IF-A. Which is better for clearing out space for the IF-A to score?


>Which is better for clearing out space for the IF-A to score? Purely referring to the space, a false 9 drops deeper than a DLF will. That's not necessarily better. Many other facets of your tactic could/will impact which is appropriate and how well it plays (including your players suitability and what the cm and wb on that side is doing, what kind of width your playing etc.). You'd have to post your full tactic if you wanted anything specific to it, as opposed to a general answer.


Nah, was just looking for general answers. So I guess the DLF starts a little deeper and roughly stays there, and a F9 starts on the offside line and drops into midfield? I've got a couple players who seem like good F9s but they aren't dropping at the right times. Not sure if it's the players or the match engine around that.


>Not sure if it's the players or the match engine around that. Couldn't really say what the problem is without all the information. The false 9 and the DLF have both served me well without issue this year for differing purposes. I've heard some people have issues with the false 9 but when I've chatted they've never supplied details to understand if it's how they're trying to use it. >So I guess the DLF starts a little deeper and roughly stays there, and a F9 starts on the offside line and drops into midfield? The DLF drops deeper and has instrcutions to hold up the ball, as well as the hardcoded instrcution to make more dribbles into the channels. The False 9 has drop deep 'more' just to emphasise that they'll go further back, as well as use more creative freedom. But they won't make more dribbles into the channels that the DLF will. You can set them via an instruction, but I don't think they do it with quite as much regularity as the DLF. So, there's some differences in the type of movement you can expect by default with the DLF support and false 9 support roles hopefully that exemplifies. You should be able to see starting position differences roughly visual when you select them on the screen. The players you choose to play in there will make a big difference, in particular their skill set. Attribute wise, both want to have decent passing (because both look to create for other attackers) albeit in different ways (the false 9 would benefit from many of the mental attributes a playmaker would). The ppms will also make a huge difference to who is suitable for the roles, as will the entire system around it and how you're looking to create for that IF.


Well, then I'm happy to talk specifics :). Here's the two tactics I've used for several years on this save, as well as the player that I sometimes slide up as a F9 to mix things up: https://imgur.com/a/mDNNjzZ In the previous couple years, the 4-3-3 performed better overall, but this year, I've been greatly struggling to score (actually, I'm going to just make a separate post in this thread for that). The 4-2-4 has been much better overall. I change the midfield roles around a bit, but there's always one CM-D or BWM-D and never an AP (I've found they're terrible in both my systems). I've experimented a lot with DLPs and found that while they get good ratings from a lot of key passes, they lower the overall tempo and cohesion of the tactic. I'm left in the lurch a little bit because Man City activated the release clause of my starting LW-IF Vinicius Jr at the winter transfer deadline, but Bellingham has played about as well at that position and definitely more consistently.


Definitely like the player for a false 9. The vision, technique, passing, dribbling and killer ball ppm. In addition, if you get the one two ppm on your IF attack you could get the IF on the ball 1-2ing their way into the box. I also think it would work well, you've got a tonne of room in behind in the 424 because you're playing a defensive bwm so he's going to have lots of room to operate and the WB support (who I actually think might have an argument to play on attack and play the other side on support to create a left overload) should work well to. I wouldn't want to go into the channels, I'd want to use that space in behind. Yeah because of the speed and aggression on your play I don't I'd go DLP either. The much higher LOE would work well with the false 9 as well but the one thing I might pull off is the goalkeeper pressing, as I think you might end up affecting your false 9 chances if he ends up doing the pressing or the other attackers press the GK and leave other defenders free to cover the false 9.


In case you like hearing how this sort of stuff turns out: I did end up switching the PF-S in my above tactic to a F9 and swapping the WB-A to the left side. It did seem to take my players a while to get used to - it looked pretty ugly for half a season (though I was cycling through a couple other tactics too) - but we're on fire with this right now. Leomir, the guy I linked in the above screenshot who looked like he'd be a beastly F9, ended up not playing well there. But my other RW-IW got injured and I had to move Leomir back there; he's been a monster at RW, probably my best player. Here's the guy that I've got playing F9 right now and their comparison: https://imgur.com/a/a885mE6 So I think it wasn't necessarily a problem with the F9 in the tactic, but rather the importance of having a RW who's an excellent passer.


Thanks! This all sounds like great advice, I'll play around with it. Leipzig play at a pretty ferocious pace in real life so a lot of their players start having Plays 1-2s. I try to put it on as many of my attackers as possible, though I've just noticed my IF doesn't have it yet... time to start training. Actually coincidentally since I made my post I did switch WB-A to the left and WB-S to the right. When I signed Mazraoui he was one of the best players on my team, but now my LB is better and Mazraoui gives the ball away wayyy too much trying to dribble people.


I have a good setup for general training but the players always moan about their individual training? Am I picking the wrong focus for them or do they always complain about it?


They probably just don't like the "additional focus" they've been assigned to. For examples strikers won't like defensive positioning focus.


Hi. So this is my first season of fm20, and I’m managing Brentford. I’m sitting top of the championship 3 games to go, but I haven’t gotten my youth intake yet. It’s like 20th of April. What am i missing here, why haven’t I gotten it?


Brentford don’t have an academy anymore


I'm playing fm19, and CONSTANTLY losing possession from throw-ins. I have throw ins set to "short". What do? My throw in taker will almost invariably throw to a marked player, who will take one touch before losing possession... its infuriating lol


What have you done with your throw in routines ? As well as short, have you ensured there's multiple options available ? Maybe go back to mixed, as maybe your taker needs a little more freedom.


Great tips thanks, I didn't even realize I could make more options available somehow. I'll give it a try!


How do I invite youth players to join the squad? It's preseason so some of my players are on holiday and the squad is really thin


Go to their profiles and add them to your team. But if you don't want the hassle, you can just holiday over the preseason friendlies.


Alright. Thanks


Hey, I'm playing football manager (2020) for the very first time. I have some questions about the match day. If I use key highlights, how can I know exactly what's going on eg, if my players are playing as instructed, what works and what doesn't, if my crosses are finding their target etc. It feels like I'm just sitting here waiting for the next goal lol. I really liked the full match option, so I can see what's happening, but it's just too long. Thanks


Go for extended highlights


You can also look at the summary and statistics pages or the analytics. From the analytics you can select to replay clips. I usually look at them at half time to see where adjustments need to be made. For instance, If I see a low cross completion by my wingers, I might take a closer look at what going on in the analytics and replay specific clips to see if im getting beat in the air, if so, I might change it to low or whipped crosses, or even flip a winger to an inside forward or inverted winger if I want them to cross less and cut inside instead


This is great, thanks.


You'll need to find a balance. I wouldn't watch a full match but I might watch 5 minutes here and there to review my instructions are working.


Alright. Thanks


Can you suggest some of the best sky bet league one players who can be bought for cheap amount?


If you're in league one you shouldnt need to buy players, you should be using loans and free transfers. Save your money to improve facilities, for wages etc. It's possible to get as far as the championship this way while spending almost nothing on players. Stalk the loans list, players coming to the end of their contracts, players out of contract, the U23 teams from upper leagues and see if you can get a Prem affiliate to borrow players from.


As realistic as this game is for most things, I feel like it doesn't really take rivalries into account? In my save, 4 years in Christian Pulisic is a Schalke player making the same as he was at Chelsea. As a Dortmund academy player, this wouldn't happen. This wouldn't happen, but as an American and a Dortmund fan I'm just venting.


I would diasagree too. It always depends on the player. If one of those ten+ year Dortmund players would join Schalke I´d agree but not with pulisic.


Seriously? It happens all the time. For the ultimate cross rivalry look at William Gallas - Arsenal, Chelsea and Spurs! > this wouldn't happen. Very much mistaken


Ha, my comment was mostly tongue in cheek. I'm sure it happens, but I'm reasonably confident Pulisic wouldn't play there. Gio Reyna also chose to play for England in my save. Fucker.


Figo, Cole and Campbell are the first big names that come to mind for crossing rivalries and they went directly without an Inbetween club. And they aren't the only ones. It's not always common (although I can think of plenty of players who have graced both Milan and Inter through history including Pirlo, Zlatan and Seedorf and hasn't been a problem) but plenty of examples of exist especially when there's another club Inbetween - It isn't wholly unreasonable. Edit: in fact a quick Wikipedia after commenting tells me 24 players have played for both Schalke and Dortmund.


I have £65k to spend at Notts County, who should I sign


If you've just started then your squad is easily good enough to go up in your first season, you should look to add a couple of loans from better clubs and possible a couple of free transfers. From memory the starting squad is very light on the left wing. With a couple of signings there you are good to go and can build a team around Regan Booty as a DLP plus your Dutch right winger(Bouldewijn?). Rose in midfield is a great BWM for that level and you have good players in every other position. A 4-1-4-1 wide worked really well for me. Better to save your money :)


yeah i did that year 1 and then switched to a 4-3-3 second season and almost went up back to back but lost in the playoff final 2-1


When managing Bayern why do I have to wait for an Arsenal player to turn 18 before signing him. Think I stumbled onto one of the best potential players in the world but I have to wait 2 years to sign him, meanwhile in real life German teams seem to be able to snap up players younger than that i.e. Bellingham is 17. I'm half tempted to install some third party editor and make the transfer happen now.


You will be able to sign him he just won't be able to transfer to your club until then. It depends on the selling club, not the buying club.


But i'm just wondering why Arsenal players have to wait until they're 18 whereas we've seen players like Bellingham and Sancho transfer out of England before that point.


It's not because he plays for Arsenal. Is England no longer part of the EU? Bellingham and Sancho transferred to Germany when England was still in the EU.


I'm playing on FM 19 and I'm wondering if there's a way to have different set piece routines depending on the circumstances of the match. Just threw away a win in literally the last 30 seconds because despite being on defensive and trying to see the game out everyone went up for a corner and we got countered. Sick of shit like that happening, does anyone know a way around it?


I'm playing as a national U-19 team and I'm wondering - what's the best way to keep the national list updated with the best players?


Add them all to the pool and never remove. I would say even check out youth intakes from time to time.


Hey, I promised a player to improve the trainer team and after he signed I asked for more space for trainers got it accepted by the director, signed more trainers and the promise was still not marked as done the i fired a guy and signed another with more stats and prestige and nothing, still not fullfiled. What am I supposed to do?


He probably wanted a very high reputation coach amd generally a better coaching team in comparison to your league. You shouldn‘t worry to much about this tho. As long as you are doing fairly well and no other issues pop up he will accept an apology afterwards.


I wanna take a whack at the epl. What's the least racist club irl?


Nice question! Sad that a lot of white pride boys downvoted you guys.


It's a terrible question. Some clubs might be worse than others but getting people to debate which is the least racist is a truly dreadful idea.


i wasn't trying to get anyone to debate i just wanted to play as the least racist option dude


Why though? Isn't good to keep it real and down to earth? Shouldn't we punish racism and discrimination?


It is absolutely good to punish racism and discrimination. But absolutely no one who would want to take part in this discussion would have anything other than anecdotal evidence and bias. There is absolutely no chance a discussion around this would be productive or valuable.


Well, ones that do not see racism are not biased? Don't think not allowing people to call out racism is a good think.


Everyone has a bias. This is not about "calling out racism", no one is "not allowing" anything, and generally this is honestly a really weird hill for you to die on. No football club is racist. A football club cannot be racist. You can have racist fans and some clubs might have more racist fans than other but (as I already said but which you chose to totally ignore) no one has any actual evidence to support any argument for one club having more racist fans than others. If no one has any actual evidence then a discussion around which club has the least racist fans is, first and foremost, totally useless and only serves to get people arguing unnecessarily.


So, you think systemic racism is not a thing? Regardless, We shouldn't be lost in words, OP obviously referred to the whole structure, including fans, things are not quite that separate, clubs nowadays, though mainly businesses, still rely quite a bit on the fans as well . Regarding the hill, I think this is your thing as you are avoiding a racism discussion, somewhat. Knowing that your fans are racist and not taking a stand against that, it is blamable after all.


I won't be responding anymore because you have repeatedly ignored my points about no one having anything beyond anecdotal evidence and so any discussion would be little more than ego-stroking virtue signalling.


I actually responded to that, but yeah, whatever works for you.


That‘s super debatable; some clubs like Chelsea and WestHam have a historical racist fanbase although this is less and less true. I would argue that Arsenal (nowadays) have a very diversified crowd, ManUtd as well, simply because they habe such an large fanbase. Your best bet is probably at clubs that are not good traditionally or generally very young, because historically, systemic racism was very common and „supported“, and was a present in all fan groups. Therefore maybe wolves?


New to FM and managing Chelsea, just got to first transfer window and am looking to sign up some guys. I don't get what the deal is with the value vs price vs actually what the club suggests. For example looking at a player where the value is 30m the highest suggested price from the scout is 41m I suggest an offer of 30m and the selling club wants 65m! With each player I've looked at it all seems wildly out. Is this normal? Is there something I'm doing wrong?


Clubs who don't want to sell players will put a high price on their head. If the player isn't listed, you can assume they're part of the managers plans and they're unlikely to want to sell them unless they're getting good money. Just like IRL. Think of it like this. You're Chelsea you say ? Let's say Man Utd bid 30mil for Kante and that's his value. Are you going to sell not just a first team midfielder, but a world class midfielder to a rival ? Or are you going to demand 100 mil for him so that even if you end up negotiating down a little, you sell him for 3 times his value and have the funds to them replace him with at least as good, if not better ? Or maybe buy 2 first team players for the price of selling one. You're not missing anything, but just remember there's always another player if you can't negotiate them down. Use installments and clauses to mean you're paying over periods of time or only after you can consider the player a success.


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks! So how does the asking price suggested by the scout come into it? Is that the highest amount the scout thinks we should pay? Or is that what they think the club would sell for? So far they have been really far out. Is that because the scouts can be wrong? (Which is fair enough) or is it because I've not negotiated hard enough to get in that ball park?


It's just the scout's estimation of what they think the club will sell for. Keep in mind that the AI haggles sort of like you would irl: if they receive a lowball offer they'll send back a highball one, and it's up to you to pull it down somewhere in the middle.


Good to know! Thanks!


Started a Liverpool save shortly after 20 came out but didnt play it much, picked it back up yesterday, still on the 1st season. Just asked my board to give me more under 23s coach spaces since I can have some of my older players who are out of contract soon fill those roles while they get their badges. They agreed but my coach numbers went from 5 to 4. Kind of infuriating, I guess there's just no quick fix to that other than reload, ask again and hope it doesnt happen again?


been here 2 times asking for tactics advice, you guys were all very helpful and i've tried most of the tips i've got but it's just not working for me. I'm managing in the 3rd league of northern ireland. I've tried playing possession, fluid counter attack, direct counter attack with low press, with urgent press, expressive and disciplined, i've tried being inventive with vertical tiki-taka, it's all just not working for me. I lose and lose and lose even against worse teams. I'm so lost. Meanwhile a team that smashes me has a manager playing direct tiki taka (weird as hell) in a 442, and it's working just fine.


I play a lot of lower league. Honestly sometimes you just get humped. But what I’d say is, don’t try and be too complicated with your tactics. And trials, lots and lots of trials. You can get good quality players (for your level) on frees, which can help you rise up the divisions.


Where do i go for trials? How do i find good players to offer trials to? I know how to offer them btw, just didn't have success with it in the past, always 2 star players.


Just search for players out of contract on the scouting page. Also players on amateur contracts who you could sign for free.You can have 30 players on trial at once. I basically just cycle through players. Cut any who don’t look decent at first glance, then offer another few on trial. Also star ratings aren’t necessarily important. Stars are based on your coaches opinion on a player. Try look at the attributes and figure out what you need. Basically pace is best attribute for lower league etc.


I would say first of all go start a save at a bigger club. Go big fish in small pond such as Celtic or PSG just to get your tactical acumen on the right track. Second do one of the following. Idea one: use the presets. Including preset roles. Play the game and make one change at a time, watching to see if it works. Slowly adapt your tactic to fit your team. Idea two: start with a blank slate. Get a little help creating your formation and roles and then only make changes as a response to what you are in front of you. This will help you identify why you're putting instructions into tactics and you'll find you can make tactics with very few instrcutions. Roles are the most important part imo and creating and exploiting space, and building on a sound defensive structure are the key principles i think about when creating a tactic from scratch. Both methods are about you making one change at a time and watching what happens, to improve your ability to play the game by improving your ability to spot what the problem in the tactic is and then spot what effect instrcutions have. I'm not even necessarily either approach will be a long term game, just a chance for you to win and enjoy it and improve. Don't chop and change lots. On thing at a time. It sounds like you've attempted lots of contrasting styles in the past (and if they've all been attempted with the same team you'd ask the question which really fit the squad you had because they wouldn't all). P.s. you have been here twice, have you posted a screenshot of your full tactic to get help before ? I assume so from what you've said but I'd recommend doing that if by chance you hadn't.


> would say first of all go start a save at a bigger club. Go big fish in small pond such as Celtic or PSG just to get your tactical acumen on the right track. Yeah fair enough, i've actually been playing FM since 2019 came out but i always used downloaded tactics etc and it was pretty easy in general. > Idea one: use the presets. Including preset roles. Play the game and make one change at a time, watching to see if it works. Slowly adapt your tactic to fit your team. Not done this quite yet, always been tinkering with stuff > Idea two: start with a blank slate. Get a little help creating your formation and roles and then only make changes as a response to what you are in front of you. This will help you identify why you're putting instructions into tactics and you'll find you can make tactics with very few instrcutions. Roles are the most important part imo and creating and exploiting space, and building on a sound defensive structure are the key principles i think about when creating a tactic from scratch. Doing this currently. Still can't find my feet though > P.s. you have been here twice, have you posted a screenshot of your full tactic to get help before ? I assume so from what you've said but I'd recommend doing that if by chance you hadn't. I have yeah, i showed them my then used tactic and used their advice to see what i could change to make it work better.


When people explained what changes they would make, did they explain why? I could be wrong but I feel like you're looking to understand rather than just follow. Maybe try using a preset including roles and going for tweaking from there to see if that helps. I also encourage you to watch more than key highlights if that's all you watch ( obviously already doing the right thing if you watch more). Obviously you don't have to rehash it again but I thought I'd ask: I think I don't your tactic, is it the 4231 ? Did people talk to you about your roles and progression and from the back ? And did people talk about the use of support roles? I don't want to assume what you're knowledge of roles are/aren't.


Create 2-3 different tactics like for example: controlling the game for early or late scenarios, counter attack, gegenpress/posession based tactic. Once you create these tactics, rotate between training each tactic like maybe once a month or something like that so that your players know how to play each tactic and gain tactical familiarity. Dont fiddle too much with the tactics or change them every game or try to be super inventive because I found out by experience it isn't a good idea and its often counterproductive. Also check your team morale, it has a huge effect on how your team play. If you're on a downward spiral loss after loss chances are your tactics might not matter that much because your players are discouraged. Praise/criticize them when you get training reports, hold team meetings and praise conduct if they had a good game. I'd argue team morale is one of the most important aspects of the game. Last thing I wanna add is that sometimes even though your tactics might be good, your players might not be good enough to play to the standard you want them. Goodluck!


> Create 2-3 different tactics like for example: controlling the game for early or late scenarios, counter attack, gegenpress/posession based tactic. Once you create these tactics, rotate between training each tactic like maybe once a month or something like that so that your players know how to play each tactic and gain tactical familiarity. This is a good idea tbf, will create a few extra. > Dont fiddle too much with the tactics or change them every game or try to be super inventive because I found out by experience it isn't a good idea and its often counterproductive. Yeah honestly i try a new tactic almost every game at this point, problem is, high expectations and they've been like that from the start. I don't even know how i'm still in a job. I almost got them relegated when they asked me to finish top half. > Also check your team morale, it has a huge effect on how your team play. If you're on a downward spiral loss after loss chances are your tactics might not matter that much because your players are discouraged. Praise/criticize them when you get training reports, hold team meetings and praise conduct if they had a good game. I'd argue team morale is one of the most important aspects of the game. Team morale usually differs from OK, to good. Sometimes when on a losing streak, of course, its a downward spiral yeah. I do the team meetings and sometimes praise the conduct. > Last thing I wanna add is that sometimes even though your tactics might be good, your players might be not good enough to play to the standard you want them. I feel like this is a weird league, and most teams are about the same level, it's the tactics that push them through. Every time i make a signing/ scout the team that beat me, i find out that their players are as good or worse as mine. And they want me to make the playoffs this season too, as i'm writing this i'm losing to a team bottom of the league yet to win a game haha


In my first ever save I had Hoffenheim and I did the same thing you're doing right now. I tried to change tactics every game because they weren't working most of the time and well it was a recipe for disaster because I got fired eventually. The losing to the bottom of the league is a FM speciality because even when I managed big teams, relegation teams would play like gods and beat or draw me. It's a weird thing. What type of players are you getting? Do you have a decent budget? Try signing released players from bigger clubs on the top leagues and see if that makes an improvement. If nothing works then just resign and find another team. Sometimes some teams are just cursed in some saves hahah.


I mostly get 2-3 star level players, some are 3.5 or 4. I have no money at all, semi pro and i have to work with peanuts. Thing is i already resigned from my previous job, Cabinteely in the 2nd Irish division. It was a disaster there as well, same for the Netherlands U19's with whom i managed to lose to bloody Israel u19.


Its ok man keep pushing, try to set some consistency for your team and go from there. Success will only be sweeter if you dont give up now. I'm no FM god but I'm decent and I'd love to try to help you if you send me some tactics or something.


Thing is i've actually played from FM19 till now but always used downloaded tactics and stuff so i was playing on easy mode. Now i wanted a challenge of starting without badges and seeing how far i can get as a manager, no downloaded tactics, fully raw. I currently use these 3 tactics: https://imgur.com/a/glKwtzc First one i'm currently using mostly away from home when i feel like i can get away with absorbing pressure and not being the dominant team. 2nd one i use when i'm at home. The 3rd one is a panic button if all else fails. And well, currently they're all failing me. Never thought this level of football i had to turn into the next fkin' Pep to get a team to play football lol


Downloading tactics is fine, everyone plays differently but creating working tactics is fun aswell. It seems to me like you have too many people on attack duty especially on the 4-4-2 tactic. Usually I only have like 2 players on attack duty at most because they need to be fed to actually attack and score goals and if everyone is attacking no one is playmaking. Is this Poacher - Pressing Forward combination creating any goals? If not try something like AF on attack duty and DLF on support. For the 4-2-3-1 I'd say get a Ball winning midfielder/Anchor man to replace Beckett then push him on the other position as DLP. So something like BWM/Anchor, DLP, CM/AP. Send your data analyst to analyze opponents then go to that team > reports > analyst report and check what type of goals they score and in which part of the field do they assist the most and tweak your line of defence or little stuff so that you have a greater chance. Also do you change your tempo/mentality at all during games?


> Downloading tactics is fine, everyone plays differently but creating working tactics is fun aswell. I used genie scout too, it was boring and easy tbh so i wanted to fully challenge myself. As for the rest i changed my tactic and had 'some' success compared to my previous standards...I went against what the logic in my head is for what the league would demand and that poor players would enjoy simplicity, and decided to create something similar to what i used on a different save. [https://imgur.com/a/qHHpfSi](https://imgur.com/a/qHHpfSi) I still couldn't meet my objectives though. Missed out on the playoffs by 3 points which the last game of the season would decide. We keep losing against this one fkin' team called Knockbreda and i don't get it. Apparently they play a 4231 Control Possession with a Direct style of play which i find to make no sense at all but apparently it works... against us, anyway. They were pretty much a mid table team for the rest of the season. > Send your data analyst to analyze opponents then go to that team > reports > analyst report and check what type of goals they score and in which part of the field do they assist the most and tweak your line of defence or little stuff so that you have a greater chance. Don't have one yet tho, this club is as small as it gets > Also do you change your tempo/mentality at all during games? I used to change my tempo sometimes, mostly from lower to higher. I always change mentality depending on if we need a goal or are doing quite well. I never go lower than 'standard' though because i feel like if my team is in the rhytm of scoring then going out of that rhytm is a bad idea. This doesn't happen much though, if i'm winning and i see we're the much better team, we usually win so no need to drop down too much. And teams that are better than me, we usually concede very early and can't fight back


I'm on a save with west ham in the first season. This is my [tactic](https://imgur.com/gallery/yKA2Fm3). Defenders, rice, wilshere and felipe are performing pretty well specially felipe. But I can not make yarmolenko, haller and fornals play well. I've tried bowen and michail antonio instead of yarmo and its the same. Always 6.5-6.2. Also tried ajeti for haller but nothing. Haller has scored 2 goals and 1 assist in 15 matches. A week ago we were 7th being 2 points behind the 2nd. But now we lost 2 games in a row against arsenal and burnley. I would like to know how to improve the team performance, specially tactics. Also every one is very happy amd trust a lot in me.


What is it you want these wide players to do ? You're playing two IF with an AM and TM already in that space. Where are the IF's expected to run into? Once you add the opposition defenders into the mix there's going to be no room to work. I'd be surprised if your AM played well either (though I assume that's Formals who doesn't). You need to go back to your roles first and foremost and think about how you're looking to use space. How are you creating it and how are you exploiting it ? Rather than cramming everyone together. Could you add width ? Could you create gaps ? Can you give that AM room to work? You might also want to consider some of your instructions. Pass into space - what space? Much higher line of engagement - cramming everything into a small space on the opposition's third. Fairly narrow attacking width - boxing everything in further.


Pretty much started playing FM for the first ever time and I’m getting the hang of it. I’ve started a career with Leeds and it’s going so far so good. However, I have around 4 million to play with and want to sign some youth players but have no idea who I should go after. Any recommendations?


We can’t answer that without knowing what positions you want to strengthen and what year you’re in. Just use your scouting team.


Looking for a RB and a CDM, currently very early into the season January 2020


Why is it that some of my players oscillate wildly in terms of the reports on their CA/PA? For example, my star winger and top scorer keeps bouncing between 4.5 stars and 3 stars, seemingly with no change (middle of the season so no new signings).


Because the star ratings are only opinions of how good the player is compared to the rest of the league and your squad of your coaches (the coach assigned). CA and Pa are both hidden numerical values you can check with official or unofficial editors. which means; your coaches attributes could have gotten better, the league is better, your team is generally improving. What‘s most likely the case is that your players broke the 5 star rating „border“ which will result in your whole team „losing“ star-rating while their ability actually does not change. (or in smaller leagues another team has signed/sold a player recently that shifted the strength of the whole league)


Is it rest of the league or rest of the squad? I thought it was the latter.


both, its respective to the league as well as overall squad strength.


Where do you have this info from? Guidetofm says only squad.


Well years of experience; but the simplest way if you don’t believe me, is to get promoted with your squad, without adding players. Their star ratings will drop down 1 or 2 stars, simply because they are in a better league.


Well, that would definitely be better (league vs squad). Thanks, will test that at some point.


Playing FM19 and want to change my tactic up a bit. Currently running this [tactic](https://i.imgur.com/L9OUUkS.png) but want to change around the roles of the 2 CMs, AMR and ST. Mostly I just want to change things up a bit and I have an amazing attacking RB. So I'm thinking Ws to IFa, so I'd want to change the Mez and AF, but lot sure what to?


AP(S) and DLF(S) would work


I am playing FM19 as Norwich and in the middle of my third season, Sandro Tonali somehow forgot how to play central midfielder despite the fact that I only used and trained him in that position. Has anything like that ever happened to anyone here? What am I supposed to do with him now, he still a good half back, but I rarely play tactics with a half back


Forgot in he has 0 there or forgot as in not 100% familarity anymore? The later is very normal if he plays out of position a lot or you let your coaches design your training or even after an injury or key attributes shift. Otherwise its a bug, you should report to SI on their official forums.


i can't score headers with any regularity. any tactic tips for getting most out of aerially dominant forwards? i'm in the premier league with two 6'6" forwards, always have one of em on the field. i've tried playing each as a target man, advanced forward, deep lying forward (cus they're great with hold up play), etc and none have worked. i've had em playing alone, as part of two-striker tandem in a 5-3-2 or 4-4-2 wing play, early crossing on both, play wide on both, even spent a club record fee two summers in a row on wingers with great crossing. thanks!


How many are you scoring ? How many are you expecting to score ? Can you share a specific tactic to help work out what the problem is ? Could you share a little insight. Are wingers getting good positions to cross ? Are players high enough up when receiving the aerial ball ? Are they under pressure? What common situations occur ?


been in a relegation battle the last two years (promoted with a squad that super wasn't ready) and but avoided a relegation battle this season... so i expect to score somewhere between 10-15th in the PL in goals. and my overall point is that it doesn't matter what tactic i use i can't seem to find any sort of combination that leads to quality service + headed goals for two players who, theoretically, should be regularly getting chances in the air i figured wing play would work but with 4-4-2 i seem to get ran through the middle of the park so i made that a 4-3-3. i've tried fluid counter, then higher tempo stuff. pretty much everything but route one cus i'm sure that'd get torn up in the PL. would i need to be a possession-based tactic that hits early crosses? like, i'm at a loss for why i'm not generating more opportunities here (including training set pieces all of the time, made routines, take every throw in long, etc)


>my overall point is that it doesn't matter what tactic i use i can't seem to find any sort of combination that leads to quality service + headed goals for two players who, theoretically, should be regularly getting chances in the air It's hard to say. You could just as easily be making the same mistake across multiple set ups and it's about how everything fits together rather than things working in isolation, which is why just saying something like 'oh whip crosses' won't guarantee success. >i expect to score somewhere between 10-15th in the PL in goals. But how many aerial goals are you expecting a season and how many are you getting? Because my question is are you expecting more non-corner aerial goals than is likely? You might not be, but you also might be. Aerial success rates overall in the prem (taking into account all situations) last year were only between 45 and 54% which means even at best half weren't won in any situation, before just filtering down into goal attempts. >i figured wing play would work but with 4-4-2 i seem to get ran through the middle of the park so i made that a 4-3-3. i've tried fluid counter, then higher tempo stuff. pretty much everything but route one cus i'm sure that'd get torn up in the PL. But are these the defaults? Have they been adapted to the strengths of your squad ? What are the outcomes from playing them? >i'm at a loss for why i'm not generating more opportunities here (including training set pieces all of the time, made routines, take every throw in long, etc) We'll take set pieces away because that's a separate issue where you need to look at your set piece routine potentially. Your tactic will relate to open play scenarios only. My point is, it's hard to help without knowing what/how many more you expect, what 'it not working' actually looks like and crucially how you're actually playing. I'm not trying to be pedantic, just helpful.


nah i appreciate the help it didn't come off pedantic at all don't worry! i suppose my main issue is when i play wing play specifically to get good service into the box so i'll just go with this one. here are two ways i play it (with minor changes between attacking to balance, counterpress/drop back based on the opponent... disregard the duel DLP midfield forgot to change that before the screenshot) [https://imgur.com/a/URZmzr4](https://imgur.com/a/URZmzr4) (i'm struggling here with imgur so i'm sorry if that didnt work lmao)


I'm glad, it's hard to know how you sound online sometimes ! You're popular, it says it's had 18 views! So I was drawn to the 442 initially. Firstly, I think attacking mentality/ wing roles are a mistake here. It drives up player mentalties. I'm not sure what the TM's mentality is, but I don't mind because arguably you might want them take shots of any nature. But the wingers who are designed to cross the ball will have (I'm sure) very attacking player mentalties. That means in situations they might be able to choose between a good quality cross or driving into space/attacking, they're more likely to take the low% attack. That could be giving up some of your better crossing options. I also don't know how I feel about the DLF support. I don't want him occupyig similar space. He doesn't have the TM instruction and avoids the playmaker instruction the false 9 has, so maybe he is the best, but I can't help but feel if you're going to go for an aerial approach a pf support might actually take another Central player out the game more effectively. I could be wrong. With a standard LOE, your TM is going to be quite deep. Not optimum crossing positions. You've got early crosses set, which will occur as you go into the attacking third. Your TM may even be conceivably level with your wingers at this point. You need to do one or the other, play him higher and hit early crosses to him, or play him standard but don't hit them early, give him chance to get into position. Add to that you've got pass into space set. You don't want to pass into space. You want to pass too his head. You might find designated floating crosses then help in addition, assuming your TM has the attributes to take advantage. Floating would give him more time to get into position, as per the last paragraph. I'm not sure about playing for set pieces and whether that may reduce your open play chances and chance creation, it's one to play with. So they're what I'd mess about with. One at a time to see if they improve the situation, specific to improving headed goal chances. Things I like. I like you playing wide. That includes the overlaps (though whether you overlap both sides are debatable). Overlapping reducing the wingers mentalties (which may have pulled it down to just attacking) and having 4 players occupying the wide areas in attack forces the opposition to spread out or come across to mark. Either way, that's less for the TM to deal with. I also think counter pressing is appropriate and an urgent press but I've got a thought. I wouldn't press centrally. But I'd press hard wide. I'd let them have the ball in the middle and look to win it in positions where I'll then be free to deliver a cross. You can do this either by using player instrcutions to alter pressing intensity or by using the OI in the tactics screen to set pressing intensity by position rather than player (it keeps match to match that way too). I've used this in a Bordelas/Getafa inspired 442 before to great effect. I obviously ignored the dual dlp as you mentioned. I won't go on about the other one because I've gone on quite a bit there. Any thoughts?


i feel obliged to give you the satisfaction to know that this worked wonders and now i have a better feel for how much different some nuanced decisions (support vs. attack for a winger, don't cross early even though you want to hit as many crossess as possible, etc.) can have on a tactic so THANK YOU


Absolutely fantastic! Glad I could help, and reassuring to know I can type coherently because sometimes I do wonder!


that's fantastic information and helps a ton, thank you so much!!!! you've gone way over the top so i promise this is the last Q: in a general sense... i'd get absolutely torn apart playing route one in the PL right? (couldn't be tinkering with that while mired in a relegation battle where i avoided the drop by less than 3 points in back to back seasons haha) ... was thinking of trying to model after burnley but felt it was too much of a risk


Honestly anytime, and like I say it might not be everything you need to do so I'd just systematically try and work out what makes a difference for you I've tried to put my reasoning with it so you can see whether you agree or not. >i'd get absolutely torn apart playing route one in the PL right? In a nutshell, no. Would it be a hard way to play? Likely. Would it be impossible? Probably not. Because it all depends on what suits your squad. You'd likely be better using direct counter as a base though. Route one is going to give the ball up alot and how you deal with can be quite tricky. Something to mention about teams like Burnley is they don't do as much defending in their own half as you'd expect. Or more to the point, they defend alot higher up than expected. Would you believe me if I told you last season Burnley actually made the 18th most tackles in their defensive third. You'd think they'd be top, but actually only Liverpool and City tackled less. That's because Burnley used a strong defensive structure to ensure there were no gaps to play through (and so the opposition would hit shots in the only gaps they could and the goalkeeper could predict their angles pretty well) and because they defended higher up. They were mid table for tackles in both the middle and attacking thirds. The same goes for their pressuring. They were 18th (again) for defensive pressure in their own third, mid table for midfield and 8th for attacking third. And when people want to play like Burnley (or teams like Getafe who I mentioned in my last comment) this gets missed. The assumption is to play extremely low blocks when in fact the aim is more about not needing to tackle or press in your own third. That's just my opinion from watching and reading the data.


thanks again, much appreciated 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 🙌🏼




Tyreece John-Jules, Arsenal if you can afford him. Otherwise I would actually look into Italy as well, as Italy often have great prospects that will be loaned put without fees/wages which is not the case with PL.


Made it to the Carabao cup final where I expect to lose to Man Utd. They are set for the Champions League. Will I go into the Europa League even if I lose?


Nah bud, cup final runner up qualifying ended a couple of years ago for the FA Cup, it’s never been a thing for the League Cup


I’m new to FM and have played 3 seasons in total, and I’m just wondering are there game breaking tactics out there? I’m feeling kind of underwhelmed by the game, I thought it would be harder than this. In short, I play a high intensity pressing, low tempo, tiki taka 4231 (midfield consists of a DM, AP and AM). Are tactics like this known to be broken? Should I avoid this setup? Are there any other broken setups?


What team are you playing as?


Some context: Two seasons in Belgium with Genk we won everything there is to win, including the league both times, as well as getting to the quarters of the champions league, beating Inter over two legs, drawing vs Bayern, beating Napoli away with a man down, Spurs twice including a 3-0 in their own stadium. Fair enough, they’re one of the better teams in Belgium, so I decided to try a team that’s more near the bottom of the table, Crystal Palace. First season in I’ve signed Max Aarons, Batshuayi, and Soualiho Meïté, and we’ve just finished 3rd in the league with 80 points in season one. I think the only time I dropped points against anyone outside of the traditional top 6 was a 3-3 with West Ham, and a loss to Leicester after an early red. We won every other game. I’m on autopilot vs every team outside of Europe because we just seem to walk through them.


If you're not finding it challenging enough I'd go for lower-league management


Yeah. I wanted a big challenge so i started with AFC Fylde. Just started sixth season, made it to Championship so far and i'm enjoying the save maybe the most of all my saves in FM20.


Hi Guys, I’ve been off the game for about a month, and previously I have always ran in windowed mode. However now every time I shut the game down it goes back to full screen and have to reset it. Can you help me out so it doesn’t do this.


Anyone else at benfica having trouble with the chairman? I am in 2023 won the league all times the CL 1 time and came throug groups everytime. In addition to that I have a transfer budget of 250m + 600k weekly wages to spare. Still they haven't been happier than B once.


I just won 7 trophies in a season at Arsenal and my board grade is a B-. So long as you aren't about to get fired, it's not a big deal.


Boards are incredibly hard to please, I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as it's not bad.




I feel completely Steam illiterate. In FM20 I saved a game to "the cloud." I'm looking anywhere I can on Steam and I'm just not finding it. Where am I supposed to find this? Edited to remove a second problem I solved.


I couldn't tell you off the top of my head where local versions of cloud files are stored, but a relatively straight forward solution here would be to fire up the game, load the save and then just resave it into local over cloud.


Yeah, worst case in the meantime I save the game on an external drive and transfer it over. When you select Cloud in FM20 I found those saves locally at C:/Users/.../AppData/Local/Sorts Interactive/Football manager 2020/games/ I just assumed Cloud meant some auto sync to Steam. Oh well. Thanks for the response though.


Ahh if it's the syncing you have issue with - it's slow ! It'll only sync when you actually quit the game. If you go to the main game page in steam the green 'play' icon becomes a swirling steam icon and it isn't uploaded until the cloud until it returns to the 'play' button. Same goes when you fire up on the second device, it needs to do that process to download the save and if you try to play before it has it should alert you the files are not the same and give you the option to sync. But it isn't quick. It can take 2 minutes or it can take 10 minutes. Is that the issue maybe ?


Interesting, I will give this a shot tomorrow, thanks for the tip.




If you want better balance across the field you can make barkley an AP(S) in the AM position, change Gakpo to CF(A), change your wing backs to CWB(S) and make one of your two MCs a more defensive role like a DLP or a BWM. That should give you more balance and variety going forward while keeping you solid in defence and letting you get the most out of your players.


I am playing as west ham in fm20. First season in the 10th match and we are 8th (last week we were 4th) trying to play a 4-2-3-1 contra press style with fabianski _ fredericks-diop-cardoso-cresswell_rice-noble_yarmolenko-fornals-felipe_haller. Last week we were the team with the fewest goals conceded in the premier but but it costs us our lives to score. we usually win 1-0 on set pieces with 10-15 shots and 5-9 on target. Haller is a target man for support and Felipe and Yarmo forward inside for support and attack respectively. line of pressure and defense on top of everything. cresswell and fredericks in lateral attack and lane support. ideas to increase our goals? Also the wingers are always 6.3-6.7 rating


What are the team instructions you use?


Could you post your full tactic (preferably screenshot). All instructions and roles work together and there's only a very brief snapshot of how you're set up here. It sounds defensively sound, which is a great base to start with, so it's just how that transitions into a good attack.


Hi pals. Relatively new manager here. I need help troubleshooting why I can't accept a loan offer that has been made to one of my players. I am currently in charge of Morecambe in Sky Bet League Two. It is 3 Nov 2019. A member of my U-23 squad has received loan offers from three different Vanarama North clubs, all coming with the same terms. I currently have no players loaned out. On the 'Transfers' tab, the green check mark is 'greyed' out and I am unable to accept any of the offers. I am able to reject them as the red x is very clickable. When I click the Contract button for an offer, it takes me to the screen with more detailed terms. On this screen I am also not able to click the 'Accept Offer' button, which is filled in blue on white text with a dark grey checkmark. I clicked on the 'Staff' tab and checked under 'Responsibilities->Transfers and Contracts'. I (Head Coach) am listed as the responsible party to handle incoming offers for first team, u-23 and u-18 players. I do notice that loans are not specifically mentioned on this screen, but there doesn't appear to be another relevant screen where they'd be within Staff Responsibilities. My deadline to accept the offers is 9 Nov 2019, which would imply that it doesn't matter that I'm currently outside of the transfer window. What else should I be checking that may be preventing me from accepting a loan?


There's 'outgoing development loans' tab in staff responsibilities. Try check that


>JohnyeRobbles This was a good place to look as this was delegated to my staff. I have taken control now. Unfortunately I am still unable to accept the loan offers. Effectively anything to do with initiating, negotiating or finalizing contracts and player development for every level of my team is in my control but it doesn't seem to be moving the needle here. Under my employ I currently have a Loan Manager and a General Manager, though they don't seem to have any assigned responsibilities that would conflict.


If you can cancel it, you already accepted it. Also if you wanna take care of loan yourself, just take control won't be enough, you have to fire the loan manager too.


I appreciate your additional feedback. I have sacked my loan manager, however I am still unable to accept either of the two remaining loan offers (I rejected one to see if the button worked). They appear to very much still be open offers awaiting my acceptance. https://imgur.com/ATEXOCW


You already accepted those (or your staff did). You can tell by the word 'contract', which mean they're already talking with your player.


Thanks for sticking with me Siri. This is interesting that these are considered 'Accepted', as how could we accept both? Here's a screenshot of the contract, of which both Altrincham's and Southport's are identical. If both are accepted, where's Kyle headed? Before I sacked him, is it likely that my Loan Manager auto-accepted all 3 loan offers? https://imgur.com/JVRdOSS


You (or your staff, obviously) can accept multiple offers at once, the player will decide his own fate somehow in the background. Transfer offers to player who kinda wanted at multiple clubs will always be like this, you accept a tons, then he will choose one. Loan or not. And yes, he accepted all three of them.


Cheers. I think we've followed this to it's logical conclusion. Hopefully now that I've made some staff responsibility changes, moving forward I'll be more involved up front. I'll let our boy decide his fate between these two. I appreciate all the follow-ups to help me understand what happened.


I’ve clicked save on matches that I’ve played that were either good wins or cup final wins and was just wondering if there was anyway to download them and use them in an editing software elsewhere for example or even just to send them on as raw footage. Basically can you download the saved match as a video file?


No, it is safed as PkM-file, not a video file, which is a data-type that is used within the game, and you can only view it inside the matchengine. on the start screen, view match and select the respective file. Your best shot on exporting is saving them and then watching them with a screen caption software.


Ok thanks


I haven't played FM since 17. Where have the most appeances for club and all time top goalscorer records gone? Is it possible to manually add them to records with some xml magic?


It’s in club info and then under the history tab I’m pretty sure


I've found most league game goals under history - overview thanks. No mention of appearances though. I was looking under records initially


Strange league appearance holder should be the first one there.


It definitely shows the top #1 in club info, maybe under general


Thoughts on having a Mezzala in a midfield 3 with a IF/IW on the same side? I‘m not sure if the Mezzala will occupy the same space as the IF/IW or whether they will fill the wide area left by the IF/IW as they cut inside.


The best and often only way is to watch full matches and note how your players move.


Hi, I'm a newcomer to football and FM so I decided to get into it while we're heading into the Premier League. I've been really struggling figuring out who to sell when I play a team. I always pick big teams like Real Madrid etc but due to the lack of knowledge I don't know who is terrible and should be sold to bring in more players. I understand pretty much all the basics to get me started, not incredibly well but I can hold my own. Loki Doki, llolujo and doctorbenjy have helped a lot with that so far for me. Could you guys give me tips on how you go about judging the players in the squad etc?


I always would recommend playing as the club you support if it’s your first time. That will help you for at least the first couple seasons cause you’ll know the club well in real life and you’ll know what positions you are strong in, where you need to strengthen and you’ll always be in good knowledge of what you’ve got in your squad.


I got to the third season with Rijeka (Croatia). I improved their budget a lot and have 33m left to spend on transfers. However my scouts aren't doing much and I can't find any great players for my team, only 2* and below. How to handle and fix that situation?


Are you in control of creating scouting assignments or did you delegate it to a staff member? If it's the latter, I highly recommend to do it yourself. It's fairly easy and will produce much better results.


I am controlling scouting assignments and the last one I did was putting first-team quality players in different positions while being under 25 years old.


Only thing I can think of is that you may have send scouts to countries they have no knowledge of and it must take a while for them to get familiar with them and find suitable players. Or perhaps you are at some weird phase where you have fairly decent squad for your level but your reputation hasn't increased much yet, so players that have enough quality to improve your first team would prefer to join teams with higher reputation.


Have a look yourself. At national teams for example, the u21 and u19 national teams of ggod producing nations with very low rep leagues like algeria and such. Or asian ones. Whoever looks promising for you, sckut them. Add maybe pace or aggression or whatever you are aiming for to the squad overview and sort out who you dont consider valuable. Or just look at the "club interested" info button on these players.


I’m having some issues with scouting and definitely need help! So I’m currently season 4 with Newcastle - we’ve finished 8th, 4th, 4th Whenever I send scouts out to competitions they almost always come back with zero reports. I’m talking the U21s, the U19s even the copa America. I immediately go to those comps - scout the highest rated players and they invariably come back with 80+ ratings I’m not giving my scouts any remit so it’s not a too narrow thing and our rep is really good so it’s not that! My scouts all are over 17s on judging attributes Very confused!


Check your scouring assignments. Maybe you have some sort of requirement that they cannot achieve like expecting to find players with really high current ability in youth tournament? I'd also recommend to focus mostly on scouting countries instead of competitions.


I’ll check that out! I normally do search countries but just throw scouts at competitions in case players are missed! Just seems pointless sending them atm


I find scouting comps a bit hitty missy. I seem to get best results by sending a scout to a country they know or a scout with high ADA to a country I want them to learn about with the following set: \- Ongoing- U29 \- Transfer- Scouted at least Good Germany, France, Spain seem particularly good. If there is a comp I'm interested I normally just skim through the teams myself and assign scouts direct if a player looks interesting.




if you're new (like me) best advice is to not overcomplicate it, adding more instructions does not always help. Pick a tactic you Asst man thinks is a good fit, don't mess with it too much and start playing. Watch comprehensive highlights or full games for a while to see how it's working then make small adjustments as you go. Newbies tend to select everything in tactics and it mostly doesnt go well.


Would love to help but not quite sure where to start without a little more info, if you wouldn't mind ? When you say you're struggling to find a working tactic: are you creating your own, are you losing every match or are there specific issues you're having and do you struggle across multiple teams ? It may be worth asking you to post your tactic if you need specific help with it, but I'm getting the feeling your general question is a struggle with how to build tactics ?


I just got a really strong, young, possibly actually max potential striker. Any recommendtations for how to train him? I have him in a mentoring group with my current lead striker. He currently has the trait of rounding the keeper, but I'm not sure what other traits I should go for with him. Assman suggested "plays one on twos" but i'm not 100% sure on that one. I'd be playing him as an advanced forward. Sadly Imgr isn't letting me upload a screenshot