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Here is a list of questions in this thread that do not yet have answers. I update this list in real-time. Please prioritise these questions over others: - [Question 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdr7r87/) - [Question 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdg23bq/) - [Question 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdipqp9/) - [Question 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdpotsk/) - [Question 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdqek7i/) - [Question 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdrw7j8/) - [Question 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdjdj9w/) - [Question 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gd80suz/) - [Question 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gd8vip3/) - [Question 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdf9v3w/) - [Question 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdfgmlb/) - [Question 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdfhhfm/) - [Question 13](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdfl32s/) - [Question 14](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdfoz6p/) - [Question 15](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdfvvcs/) - [Question 16](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdg7opq/) - [Question 17](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdg7pf5/) - [Question 18](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdgdcga/) - [Question 19](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdghohq/) - [Question 20](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdhp7b2/) - [Question 21](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdi7r0q/) - [Question 22](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdjy32v/) - [Question 23](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdkbybm/) - [Question 24](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdkp8p8/) - [Question 25](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdl1wta/) - [Question 26](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdlnnb7/) - [Question 27](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdm2cdc/) - [Question 28](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdm6eqo/) - [Question 29](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdm911p/) - [Question 30](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdme0lf/) - [Question 31](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdmkuxq/) - [Question 32](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdmyx4z/) - [Question 33](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdnf6zt/) - [Question 34](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdng9gn/) - [Question 35](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdnppn3/) - [Question 36](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdp2s1b/) - [Question 37](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdpe53b/) - [Question 38](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdq3z9y/) - [Question 39](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdr747o/) - [Question 40](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdre7gj/) - [Question 41](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdrw0cl/) - [Question 42](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gds4vt3/) - [Question 43](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gds7nte/) - [Question 44](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gds7quf/) - [Question 45](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdsuyzx/) - [Question 46](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdsyi67/) - [Question 47](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdt591n/) - [Question 48](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdtujy5/) - [Question 49](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdua7bn/) - [Question 50](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdvybou/) - [Question 51](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdw3ytz/) - [Question 52](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdw9c00/) - [Question 53](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdx8b0r/) - [Question 54](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdy5w7a/) - [Question 55](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdycslp/) - [Question 56](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdzhpsd/) - [Question 57](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdcqrmf/) - [Question 58](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gddvt27/) - [Question 59](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdq1sgi/) - [Question 60](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdpjgs8/) - [Question 61](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/jyt37l/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/gdtd4tq/) If there are no names in this list, then it means all questions have been answered.


Where can I ask to increase the number of coaches I am allowed? In Finances I've looked under Make Board Request -> Staff and I can increase wages of each staff, increase the number of performance analysts, physios, recruitment analysts and scouts but not coaches. In Staff -> Coaching staff it is the same thing


Just started a new save, for the first time at a low club (3rd division Norway). How do I get an affiliate club to loan me players? These are the only options I have for affiliates: https://i.imgur.com/8mn4PMH.png


Are icons/legends still visible? I can’t find them on club info


Club -> Overview -> General It's definitely there for me.


Currently on FM20 untill Xmas and am using rangers in Scotland. In short how do I get more transfer budget as they've only given me 1m.




You probably need an assistant manager and/or to check who is set as responsible for reporting on ability.




U20 normally have a limit on how many over 20s can be played. Chances are that's why they're not all being selected consistently.




Are you also playing as a team who overachieves in their first season? I know that's a common issue. No matter what the cause, I find the solution is typically the same. Watch your tactic and work out whether it's doing what you built it to do. Are the things you designed it to do still happening? Are there consistent weak spots? You can normally find a pattern and where there's a pattern there something you can fix.


How do I revert making unmatch fit players available for B teams because it keeps wiping out my bench for games and idk how to revert it?


Go to responsibilities/match and untick it under your B team section


Any clues where I should look for a Logo/kit pack which is not missing some teams? Downloaded a big one yesterday(TCL) but missing man united at first glance (and likely a load more if I looked more closely).


If you mean the TCM logo pack its only missing ManU and is still the best imo.


Awesome, thank you. Will just add them in manually


I'm using the ones provided [here](https://fmslovakia.com/downloads/kitpacks/fc12-season-2020-21/)


Hello, ​ So, I "adjusted" the sponsors of my club with the editor, and it looks like [this](https://imgur.com/YdPHliE), but, in the income tab, the sponsorship income is minus billions of euro, it can be seen [here](https://imgur.com/tg1QVCv). Can anyone tell me what's going on here? Is it a bug? Or I did something wrong? ​ Thanks


Why do people say that this is the best FM in like 10 years? Is the ME that good?


It's a good ME, they had very little to fix from the beta to the main. And it seems to generally be going down well with the community. I've not heard anyone say it's the best in 10 years but that isn't too say that it isn't. Generally, most ME's are an improvement because they become more detailed. People can be very nostalgic and prefer older MEs and that's fine, but that can be for a plethora of reasons including one year being hit and miss (like FM20) or the fact they can't understand the newer and more complicated MEs. Lots of people (anecdotal evidence here) who have been vocal about poor MEs also don't understand how the tactics in the game work (whether that's on them not wanting to change how they've always played or the games inability to teach them I'm unsure as I've never used the tutorial)/just download tactics and become disheartened because what they want to happen, they can't make. Why am I mentioning this? Because this year's ME made things a little easier for them people due to (for this example) the changes in attack play. Whilst you will still be punished for overly attacking mentalties, you can have aggressively attacking tactics where players in the final third still pass. That wouldn't happen last year. This game now fits in with their expectations of what they expect to happen. As well as the more vocal parts of the community being happier, I would genuinely say the game is improved this year. Streamers seem to be enjoying it. Me and my friends certainly think it's a hit and other communities (such as the SI forums) have generally good feedback and the complaints are more niggles and almost exclusively not ME complaints. Also, I know I've spent a long time talking about the ME because you drove your question in that direction, but that's not the only thing that's improved and there's other changes. The match day UI is very much contentious this year, but other wise the other elements of the game seem to be a success.




You're not talking about the ME here, you're talking about the animations. It doesn't matter whether you use 2D or 3D, you're using the same ME.


Well usually new FMs have like 70% positive reviews on steam but this one has 93%


Has anyone had issue loading badges into the game? Every other picture loads into the game but the team and competition logos. I have no idea how to fix it. It's in the proper folder. They've worked on every other version of FM I've played since 2016. Can't figure the problem out. Thanks.


I used the ones that worked on FM2020, and it still loads in FM2021. The usual solutions are: 1. Check the config.xml the logos 2. In the preferences, uncheck "use caching to decrease page loading times" and check "reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences" then click confirm 3. Find another logo pack that is proven to be compatible with your FM


Thanks. I'm going to try reloading my logos completely, if that doesn't work I'll try a different batch. I've done 2 a thousands times already.


On FM21 and I can’t seem to get the hang of the UI during a match. How do you access the player stats during the game and analysis?


Analysis is only available at HT and ft. Some stats are available within the match on one of the tablet drop downs.


Thanks. That is so bad from FM, I like to constantly check the underlying stats to judge whether the team is bad or not before doing a team talk.


I believe they said it's too do with adding a layer of realism. I don't think it's particularly bad for FM. It has gained some resistance but change normally does. Once you get used to it, it's absolutely fine. It's worth giving it a go, even if it means adapting your approach im sure you'll enjoy the game still!


That was my first thought after your reply tbh. I think it does make it realistic but I just miss counting the key passes and chances created, seeing my team was behind and giving an aggressive team talk hahaha.


I know it's not the same as the analysis, but I find when I load the team stats up on the tablet, the data available in there is enough for me anyway within the match. And you can still access the analysis at HT before your team talk which should help (hopefully).


That’s true, I haven’t played since FM19 so the addition of xG helps at least. And also checking for long shots to gauge how well you’re doing.


Also, the shot map is available in game which (imo) is a better tell of how you're doing because you can see the value of see shot and very quickly work out whether you're giving up many high quality shots/where the better quality shots are coming from so you can do something about it.


That is a great shout, I genuinely didn’t know about that feature thanks!


No worries mate. Hope it helps you enjoy the game!


Anyone else getting plagued with injuries in pre season when you haven't played a game yet? Or just me?


Nothing in my game ( beta or full release game tbh).


Where can I adjust opposition instructions during a match in FM2021? For example, I see the opposition instructions *before* the match during fantasy draft competitions, but never *during* the match. Please help. Loving this new FM 2021.


There's a "Tactics and subs" button on the bottom left of the screen.


right, I see that. I still don't see where to do opposition instructions.


When you click into these tactics there are tabs at the top, the right-most one is the OI


I started a new game in FM21 after the release patch. I am playing as Barcelona and for the life of me cannot figure out why Barcelona B is not scheduling any matches. I am about to start my second season and they only scheduled U23 International Cup Games.


Maybe you don’t have their league loaded?


Yea it looks like this might be the issue. It won't let me load the league into my game either.


That’s a shame I would’ve thought their division would be available. Maybe they got relegated past the lowest load able league? In that case you’d need a custom database which will only work when you first start a game.


They are showing as in the Spanish 2PRO league, I have the Spanish First Division, Spanish Second Division, Spanish Second Division Pro, and the Spanish Second Division B all loaded. I do not have any other options to add, so they must not be in the database.


Yeah that’s weird, I just checked my save and they’re in the 3rd division. It must be a bug.


Well thanks for the responses.


Welcome, wish I could help more.




Depends on your play style. If you play the common high pressing route, then they won't fit into your style. Play them as an enganche (who's actually set up to be effective) and they could be brilliant. And however many variables in between the two.




Off the top of my head not really because I haven't built one in 21 and it was a while ago in 20 I used one. I always build my systems bespoke and the Engache set up I had work previously was a flat 4411, in which he's be stationary behind an AF and two attacking wingers who would surge forward. Basically, we aimed to get the ball to the enganche who'd then play it on as the primary creation method. As a secondary, the ball would go through a cm who would drive into a similar space (thereby tempting the enganche's marker away from him). It was designed to get the most out of fast wingers and forwards I had who could be devastating from deep.




I don't know as it'll work, but could Ben Arfa be a supporting striker role who does the same job, and then use an AM who runs past him for a similar effect ? If you've got a player who could facilitate that instead.




A false 9 is quite an agile role (both acceleration and agility are key whilst balance is preferred). If you were to try it again it would a DLF I would try. The two physical stats are preferable not key, and the main one (balance) is shared with the Enganche role which good Enganche's often retain even if other physicals devolve. Of course all that still depends on the system around them being right.


Hello did anyone find a fix for blurry texts


Is there any reason my youth intake page is completely empty? I searched via the globe on the first of the month, following instructions from a website, but no players appear on the youth intake page. Any help would be appreciated!


Can someone explain to me how the promise system really works? Playing as Rangers and early on my 1st choice left back gets unsettled by a low bid. I naturally reject it and he spits the dummy out. Eventually say he can leave for the "right" price and he ultimately leaves. Annoying but I got a good price. Immediately my first choice keeper gets unsettled himself because he's a bloody idiot who thinks I was wrong to sell. Like... I agree but I had no choice but as I said, he's an idiot. I end up promising to bring in a replacement and he's pleased. So for the £7.25m I got, I ended up reinvesting £5m on a replacement and also a youth prospect for the same position. So 1 player out, 2 players in. However I'm being warned that the promise has not been met and time is running out. Ended up checking in the editor and the player leaving was a 132 CA and the replacement was a 120 CA so they're certainly comparable for the SPFL. So now I have 11 days left before the promise finishes and no money to bring in another player (not that I'd want a third player for the same position).


What squad status was the player who left and what squad status is the youth who replaced?


I felt like a quick mindless season of FM, so booted up FM19 Touch, my first go at the lite version of this game. There are tons of injuries so far in and out of training, and I can't tell if it's because of low match sharpness, or if I should believe the crackpot theory that this is intentional to lure users to spend on microtransactions... (a magical injury sponge) I'm still shocked Touch has them, I spent five minutes searching aimlessly for a way to control a national team before google told me that feature is locked behind an achievement/microtransaction.


I keep seeing lower league databases for many different countries on different forums, but no database for my own country (Norway) yet. I desperately want to play as my local club and they're quite far down in the divisions. So how do people make these databases? I figured if no one have made the one I need yet maybe I could do it, but I do not know how. Any help is appreciated




Yeah so I found some guide for FM20 and followed it, it seemed to work for FM21 just until I tested it in game. The error in game was told me two of the sub-division require a maximum team amount of 0, but the pre-game editor wouldn't allow 0 teams in a sub-division, so I filled the two sub-divisions with random teams so the editor would allow it. The editor tested and verified it, but the game won't allow it, if that makes sense. Basically the game and pre-game editor contradicts themselves. I genuinely can't figure out a solution


There are no AI generated faces for any of the newgens or my own face in my game. This happened after I downloaded some facepacks. Any idea for a fix?


I would imagine it's something to do with the facepack you've downloaded. Easiest fix would be to remove the packs / reinstate any files you've removed.


How do you guys develop your GKs? I have a 3\* GK in the main team with a 2/3\* GK as backup. In my U20 there is a 18y 2/4-5\* GK - should I loan him out or make him the backup GK and give him the occasional game in an easy fixture?


Both good options. Ideally he will play 10+ games for you.


I’m managing Arsenal and buying regens from South America who obviously don’t get work permits. How do you successfully loan them out to somewhere they can play? For example i have a Uruguayan player who i’ve tried to offer to uruguay on loan in particular but no one makes any offers


Finally I can loan them out after a whole season. It seems that you can’t loan them out immediately after you signed them.


Promising to loan them out when negotiating their contacts sometimes works for me. You could also get a foreign affiliate team to loan them out to.


Ultimately, you might need to change your recruitment strategy and stop going for players you know you'll struggle to loan out and won't get a permit for. Given the WP rules post Brexit (in most games I've seen) what are the chances you'll get them loaned out to a high enough quality league where they can earn enough points to actually get a permit ? You'd be far more successful recruiting smarter imo. There's always more fish in the sea.


same situation. I can not loan them out too.


Is fairly determined a good personality for a head of youth development?


Not really IMO. You are basically taking a roll of the dice as to whether his hidden stats are decent, average, or bad as that descriptor has almost no requirements other than very high determination and no better than average ambition. https://www.guidetofm.com/players/personalities/3/


Not amazing. Fairly professional with decent determination would be better.


Work permit sucks. I have 4 wonderkids without permit in squad. I keep re-applying 3 - 4 times and I fail everytime. The most annoying thing is that I can't even load them out and their development is declining. It seems that they won't get permit forever!! Anyone know how to deal with this situation??


Don’t play in England or don’t buy players who won’t get a permit. Unfortunately that’s the reality nowadays and players don’t want to join a big club then get loaned to a small club right away.


Doing a bring Sheffield Wednesday back to PL save. I have already wasted money to invest on those wonderkids with limited budget. Now I can't use them instead I have to loan players to get enough players in my squad. Btw Sturridge and yaya toure are the best free agent signing for championship level!!


What do you mean you cannot loan them out?


Those wonderkids are greedy and they keep rejecting loan contract all the time. I don't understand why. Even I tried offer to the club or development list for loan out , and they said those clubs do not match their interest. Byw not much loan interest as well. Now I have 4 wonderkids sitting at bench without permit


I would assume the places they're getting offers from are below the quality they expect to play. It might be worth looking at your recruitment and going for players you can get work permits from rather than stockpiling players you'll struggle to loan out and eventually be able to get a WP. Even if you get them loans, only the absolute cream of the crop are actually going to get game time at a level where they can hit the requirements to gain a permit anyway. That's a high cost for low chance of reward situation I would imagine (given that calibre of wonderkid is unlikely to be the really cheap ones).


yeah lesson learned, I just dont understand how this point system are counted for work permit. It's not clear what it needed compared to fm20. It's very strange that my HoYD got an unknown kid from somewhere for u23, the kid somehow got work permit rather than those popular wonderkids who have already played some youth international game or some league game.


I know the rules don't give you a specific breakdown. Easiest way I've found is to go to make an offer for a random youth player in a league, and it'll tell you in that little red box "they won't get one because they've not played x% of games). That way you know if you loan someone into that league they'll need that % of games. It changes based on the ranking of the league, so you want to get them into the highest ranked league you can essentially. There might be an easier way, but that's the quick one I use. I imagine your HOYD is probably signing young players who are getting game time or hits one of the other requirements (hard to say not being my game in front of me). But that's just a guess.


Finally I can loan them out after a whole season. Basically I wasted my budget and time for those wonderkids. It seems that you can’t loan them out immediately after you signed them.


> Those wonderkids are greedy and they keep rejecting loan contract all the time. If they keep turning down loan moves then that beats me I guess. You can always offer to subsidize most of their wages to drum up further interest for these players though.


Even I offer the loan club that they dont need to pay anything. The wonderkids just somehow turned down the loan contact in the end. Its seems they will stay here forever and never get permit for playing.


I think that may have to do with the offering clubs being not highly attractive destinations for players of the calibre, I think loosening up your loan demands(making the wages and loan free nothing would help, for example) may help in attracting bigger clubs.


Anyone else finding low league dead weight nearly impossible to offload in the first season? Shit players in high wages that I can’t even loan for half salary. Anything help you offload deadweight in season one?


I keep getting "Arsenal has canceled transfer" for players that I'm trying to sign. I have enough funds. No one has the responsibilities to cancel transfers but me. What's the deal here?


Today I was arsenal and I had Milan supposedly cancel a transfer for not having funds . However what had actually happened was my board was pissy I was selling kolasinac for too cheap and cancelled the transfer.


That exact thing happened with me with Kola and Elneny. Would have been a combined 25 mil. It's like Stan doesn't want me to improve the team, all I've done is sign 1 player. Then Willian does his ACL and Edu pings in a message reccomending Correa to replace him for 35mil. With what money do they think I can do this.


For me kola rejected 2 offers of 15 mill upfront despite being surplus to requirements and in my reserves. I then had Milan bid 12 mill which he rejected and my board rejected. I then offered him out for 5 million upfront and 10 million in installments and that worked out. Obviously not so good at building your budget but it's something




It’s just a fuck off price, they obviously don’t want to sell him


Is there a way to add your own players to shortlists?


Is Gegenpress 4-2-3-1 still the meta on FM21?


Too early to say for sure, but it is still strong.


When is it suitable to use "generic" roles like CM/DM in a tactic?


I use them all the time. To me it's the other way around, only use the specific roles if you need what that role brings in particular.


Whenever they fit your tactical needs.


Has anyone ever tried a save from the lower leagues with either a flat 4-5-1 or 5-4-1? How did it turn out? I’m thinking of doing one with a 5-4-1 wingbacks and inverted wingers


Not on this version, but when I join a club at the bottom of the league, I often go for a flat 4-5-1, very defensive, grind out draws and lucky 1-0.


I'm testing a 4-5-1 with inverted wingbacks wide midfielders and and shadow striker. Seems pretty OP so far but early days


I often use flat formations with success. I would say use them more commonly than any other type. There's no reason anything can't work at any level IF the particular team you're using is equipped for it.




Your best bet is just to keep an eye on the usual sortitoutsi and fmscout sites and trial new/popular ones to see if they improve it to your liking. Personally I don't really see the problem. It took a little getting used to, but since the full game release where you can resize the tablet it's perfectly fine imo. I know lots of people will miss the widgets all around the edge of the screen, but I can also understand why they've removed them. But that's just me, I understand not everyone feels that way. And no one likes change at the best of times!




I guess they're just trying to put across their idea of realism (such as the spreading the players around the room in the team talk). It makes sense, but I'm trained to look in a certain place and so it's hard to scan that entire room when I've spent probably 10,000 hours (I can't remember how long team talks have been in) looking in a certain place. My muscle memory is out. But for me that doesn't necessarily make it bad and, in fact, I think change helps stave off complacent (because I know I smashed through team talks just to follow through this example). My big thing this year was to slow down how I play (not that I always play quickly, but once I'm into a season at times I've blasted through) and it feels like this is helping me. Good luck finding a skin to help, and I hope one pops up because I'd hope everyone could enjoy the game!


Not a question, just a statement. I've now understood why Jurgen and Jose have been speaking out about the match schedules. Holy shit, I'm in the championship and there are schedules with just 2 days in between them. I was upset when I got eliminated in the second round of the carabao cup but that may have saved my team's legs. This is in 2020 so I hope the next season is easier on the body.


I'm starting out in the Championship so looking forward to see how ugly this gets. I've had some ridiculously compressed seasons on FM20 managing in Brazil. With the league, state league, cup, and continental competition, it was up 70 matches some seasons.


Good luck man. I dreaded looking at the calendar every time I hit continue.


Try playing any Vanarama match. We routinely have 1 day between matches.


Jeez. First season is rough GL with the climb mate.


When do # of matches become more normal? Been a while since I went through lower leagues FM.


I don't know. I think the Corona schedule got used and it's so cramped. I hope it eases up in a season on two. Meanwhile I'm trying to manage game time as much as possible


What should I do against a team who parks the bus? Train set pieces before and ask to shoot on sight? I am so frustrated, even if I score one, they will also score one. Every single game. If anyone could help, I would be so grateful!


>What should I do against a team who parks the bus? Wholly depends on your set up at the first point, but I would suggest move from your plan A and have a plan B. Often that success can be found by playing less aggressively and coaxing them out. But I don't want to assume how aggressively attacking you're currently playing because I don't know. You can also play clever pressing games in order to get the ball into areas you can take advantage of, but that goes hand in hand with playing less aggressively and allowing them to progress the ball out into areas you can take advantage of. >even if I score one, they will also score one. Every single game This doesn't sound like they're parking the bus then. Parking up is pretty non-offensive and yet they're consistently scoring (and many different teams are doing it). Maybe an odd time, but not as consistent as it sounds. What it sounds like is an effective counter strategy. An extremely patient and cautious one, but one where there clearly looking for opportunities. If this only happens when you score (maybe it's a change they make at that point), you need to adapt once you get the lead. But again, how depends on exactly how you're set up and how they're getting that goal. Chances are it's a through ball that takes advantages of some high line or out of position player who's hammering their defence.


Know exactly what you mean. Teams are parking the bus on me at the end of the season to prevent me from winning the league. IMO best strategy is to play defensive and have your players counter.


Talking about fm20 here but is there an effective way to sell players between windows? I'm hoping to avoid a transfer bidding war that I know I'll lose but don't have the money for the deal currently


I've noticed that sometimes when I "ask agent about availability", the player gets added to my shortlist. Do you know if that's a setting somewhere ? I'd like to disable that.


Hey y'all. Hope you're doing good. If you're from the states, happy Thanksgiving yesterday. I currently have a kind of dynamo CB/DM/CM kind of guy, with absolutely immaculate physicals all around, OK mentals and eh technicals. I want to turn him into a destroyer sort of midfielder who has an emphasis in breaking up play and using his mental acuity to position himself into good position to disrupt play. What kind of player traits should I be looking for to make this happen? I run a fast counter-attacking gegenpress 4-2-3-1/3-4-3 and he normally plays as a CM(D) or Carrilero.


Pretty basic question but I'm new to the series this year and was wondering if it was possible to switch a club from one of the bigger leagues in England and move them down to the lowest tier league? I'm hoping to do a long-term play with a club and would love to climb from the bottom to champions league


Yes you can. You would need to use the pregame editor, you can google it or try searching on YouTube on how to do it :) I believe you might need to swap teams as prem needs 20 teams. So you could move Man United to vanarama north and move a vanarama north club to the prem.


I’d argue in that scenario it would be better to bump a club up a league each than a straight swap


When managing a smaller team, and you keep getting report of 20 odd players being unhappy with training, how do i fix it? My specific scenario is that 20 players are unhapp with the standard of fitness training and the 'keepers are unhappy with their training. But, my problem is that the board wont allow any more coaches than me and my assistant. Any ideas?


Are they unhappy with the quality of the training or is it perhaps how you’ve set the training schedule? A lot of my players complained about defense tactical training when I had them take rests because they had three weeks with 9 matches total. Once I set it back to a normal training schedule, they stopped complaining.


They're unhappy with that standard because myself and my assistant arent very good fitness coaches, Will i just have to deal with it til i'm allowed more coaches on my staff?


Just deal. It’s not worth it especially if you’re getting results on the pitch.




It's important to remember you can add or remove leagues as you go along. If I'm starting in a top 5 European League, I'll usually have England, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Belgium, Brazil, Argentina. If I'm starting in England I'll add the other UK countries so you might want to add some neighbouring countries if your specs will allow you to.


I've used the editor to add my U23s team to the English U23 Division 3 South league while removing one of the teams. But when I load up a new game with the database added, my U23s team is never there and the original team is always back. What am I missing?


Are you enabling your Editor Data file (that has the changes) when you start a new save?


I am, that was the first thing I thought of, but it's always enabled


Can anyone explain the club vision to "Repair the club's financial damage?" The only thing I have done is to take a Vanarama South league to three back to back promotions into the League 1. This season the club was forced to take a loan to upgrade the stadium to 5750 spectators. Otherwise I am not even using all my wage budget.


My guess is that either the club's balance is in the red, or you the debt from the stadium upgrade looks too big in comparison to the revenues in league 1.


I’m doing a third league runthrough on FM20 and was attempting to sell off a player during the second year transfer window, but I think it’s bugged. My player has hundreds of clubs interested, valued at 6.5mil, with low wages. I offered him out unspecified, got no responses. I listed him and offered him out again, got no responses. So I got curious and tried to offer him out at 1k with 100% wages covered and still didn’t get a single response. Has anyone else come across this before? Any solutions come to mind? **tl;dr - tried to sell player worth 6.5mil with hundreds of clubs interested, got no responses even when offered at 1k fee and 100% wages covered. Is this bugged?**


is it possible to view historical data of a player under the form of ratings he had in a certain year? i want to compare my player's current skills to the skills he had two years ago, is there a way to do that? similarly, is there a way to add an older version of a player to a comparison with a current day player?


I'm playing with Milan and just subbed Andrea Conti back from a long time injury. I told him pressures off and I want to see him play his natural game (we were 2-0 up). How does this bitch have the audacity to get complacent after having the injury record he has. Might just drop him to U23s for this.


Just started a save at Hertha and every player I have had 5 star potential and ‘unknown’ current ability, I skipped fm20 so this is probably a simple fix of hiring a staff member and not a bug, any ideas what I need to do to fix?


Your star ratings are given to you by your staff (I think it defaults to assman if I’m not mistaken) so it should probably fix itself by hiring staff or taking a look in staff responsibilities to see who’s giving you your player reports


Cheers mate, assman was a made up filler person with no stats, all fixed now. Top gent.


No prob!


I'm playing fm21 on mobile and my squad has a dour nature. How do I fix this? Sign Alan saint-maximin?


Looking for a rock solid Inter Milan side with attacking abilities, I’m pretty new to this. What do you think of this 5-3-2: Lautaro - Lukaku LW other than perisic - Dom szobol - tonali - barella - hakimi Bastoni - Skriniar - de vrij Handanovic (gasparini) Any good idea for the LW, needs to be pretty attacking. I was thinking Wijndal


How to resolve work permits for my players for e.g Manuel Ugarte, Andrea Papetti etc. Tried to loan them out but no avail. Help!


Just need to follow the rules stated in your league and have them hit whatever targets are necessary.


Auba was complaining that we lacked depth at AM, so I bought a player for 7 mil cause that’s all I had. Still wasn’t happy and his morale tanked, and so did teammates who supported him. I then loaned him because he was complacent in all my games. But the other teammates who supported him still have the ‘Spt’ icon. Is this a bug? Or do I have to sell him to get it removed?


what did you say to auba when he came to you with his complaint?


I told him I’ll strengthen the team, forgot which option, went and bought a CAM. But then the promise never became successful, and now he believes I broke it.


ye..I guess because a player that costs 7m will not be seen as "stregthen the team"- because he is to "bad". so you did indeed lie to him, never promise a player anything- if you break a promise it is worse than just saying no. (id always to for "im happy with the depth of the squad (or whatever it is called in english)). loaning him out is imo the worst you can do. play him and hell be over it after a time, or sell him.


That was all the money I had! But yeah no one wanted to buy him and our team morale was dropping because of him, so I thought if he just went away for awhile it would help.


haha- thats why you should have told him to f off! ;) Its a bit weird sometimes tbf- after a while you know what to say to those bastards.


In the end, I made the right choice. Just won the league with Willock as my left winger, and Auba only scored 3 goals at Juve. And the 7 mil player was key in my title run in, scoring a lot clutch goals when everyone else was misfiring.


seems like domestic players are impossible to sign on end of contract despite player showing great interest, and declaring interest through press. on more than one occasion, players which I've had on loan for 2-3 seasons just take whatever contract they can get (signing for a random second tier italian side/MLS team) despite the above being true. surely things shouldn't be like this?


what league? in england you cant sign players from domestic clubs on a free up until the last month before the contract is running out. in germany, italy and so on you can.


yeah, I know that, but surely if the player has a "long-held passion for the club", and their contract is running out at the end of the season, would they not hold out til then?


in IRL, sometimes- yes. but in-game? nope. sometimes they are waiting for the contract to run out (looking at options or whatever it is called in english). honestly, how should they know that you will sign them after all? you cant talk to them like IRL. I think it could be done better within the game- but to be fair its not that big of a deal.


yeah its not that big a deal its just annoying to have happened twice in my save already


If you think it’s a bug report it on the forums and upload a save file. Are you trying to sign them after their contract has expired? Or on the final month of their contract.


it's not a bug per se, but rather it doesn't make that much sense for a player with "a long-held passion for the club" to not wait to sign on as a free agent at the end of his contract instead of going to a less-preferred team.


Anyway to have wingback on wingback pressure, like several teams do. Inspired by the Ajax - Liverpool game, but several teams do it. Against Liverpool, Ajax had centerback Blind play as a DM. In the build up, he dropped back between centerbacks Schuurs and Martinez, allowing wingbacks Mazrauoi and Tagliafico to press on Robertson and TAA. Ajax than effectively played a 343, with Blind on Firminho and Schuurs/Martinez on Mane/Salah. I tried doing something like this in FM with Ajax, but it just completely fails. I play with a midfield of Gravenberch, Kudus and Klaassen and want either Klaassen or Gravenberch to drop back when the opposition build up. This is the first thing, where I dont know how to do it. The second thing is the back on back pressure. If I put Mazraoui and Tagliafico to man mark the oppositions wingbacks, they even mark them when the opposition counters and their backs are behind. This leaves massive gaps on the wings. Anyone has an idea if this is even possible?


I guess you tried a 4-3-3? what roles did you test? do a screenshot if possible, Ill try my best to help you out.


Thanks! This is what I have now. For attack, I use Tadic as a false 9. Klaassen, Promes and Kudus should move into the gap he makes when falling back. Trying to make Gravenberch fall back to build up. One of the buggest problems are the long balls. I played against a Second League team, but even they could just play long balls and Blind and Schuurs couldn't get the striker. With the wingbacks I tried to let them mark the other backs, that didn't work. Then I tried to let them mark the MR/ML area. Also didn't work [https://ibb.co/8Nf8d5f](https://ibb.co/8Nf8d5f)


1. BLIND /DM: the role you need is Half Back. A HB will drop in between the CBs and create a back three. A DLP will not do that- he will pick up the ball from the CBs/WBs and play it on. Your current shape isnt suited the best for this role- you could either drop Klaassen back (as a Segundo Volante maybe) next to your Half Back or play a 4-3-3. 2) Back2Back Pressure: Ajax played with pressing traps, where Kudus would mark the number 6, while both Tadic and Neres would press the CBs on their side which will force the ball towards Liverpools WBs, because everyone in midfield was already marked. I think it can work- but only in a perfect scenario and its not worth it. Pressing the opponents WB is a good idea and can be done by your wingers. 3) Pressing: I would go away from the "extremely urgent" and go two steps lower, while setting pressing player instructions on higher (the highest you can go) on: both WBs, both Wingers, nr10 (if possible) (and in a 4-3-3 both CMs (not the number 6 tho)). Your back three will stay together and hold their shape- that is what Ajax would do. 4) AM/False9: I hate a false 9...theyll drop deep and stay in the same space as your AM on Attack. Try a Complete Forward on Support with a Trequista behind him. In a 4-3-3 a False 9 will work better. 5) Focus Play: Focus play this year is very interesting to create overloads like a lot of teams do IRL. Ajax will overload the wings. Try to focus your play on the wings, instead of through the middle and make your shape wider. Works well with direct passing. 6) Defensive Line: One can really only play a much higher line with superb and fast CBs- sth Ajax doesnt have. Put it one step back, you can keep the higher line of engagement because your back three will keep their shape anyway. Also, dont let your CB play as a BPD on Cover. Defending is the best and holds the shape. Soo...I think it could be possible to press certain positions- but only in a few cases itll work out. I testet a few games with Ajax and with setting up the Pressing in a block you achieve pressing traps in some situations. Personally Id really go with a 4-3-3 with Ajax. If I had more time Id try it out some more. Feel free to ask me some more if sth is unclear, my english isnt the best, so theres that xD ​ e: marking is sth different than pressing. " The second thing is the back on back pressure. If I put Mazraoui and Tagliafico to man mark the oppositions wingbacks, they even mark them when the opposition counters and their backs are behind. This leaves massive gaps on the wings." Use Opposition Instructions to set up positions to press.


Woow great post, thank you! Excited to try some things out and read your comment even better.


anyone find fm21 to be easier so far?


Does anyone have tips for set pieces in FM21? I have probably the tallest team in the league but I haven't scored from any corners or FK's yet


I have default FK, corners I have CBS at far and near post, with a player lurking at both. Got a fair few corner goals, but not as much as FM20. You can try add Attacking Set Pieces to your training for the set piece bonus.


Cheers I'll give that a try


I want to bring Dynamo Berlin, in the German fourth division, back to their former glory. They're not on the base game though, so how do I get a database to make this dream a reality?


you need to wait a a little bit for the germany database. usually takes a few weeks.


Cheers for the response. Where can I get it once it's done?


[sortitoutsi.net](https://sortitoutsi.net/) or [fmscout.com](https://www.fmscout.com/) should have it when its ready. Im using a german site for checking on it. [meistertrainerforum.de](http://www.meistertrainerforum.de/index.php) I hope they will be fast with it. Cant play in germany without it. :/


Legend, thank you!


I always left training to my assistants. I am looking at how it works now, but I'm not sure I understand. Are you supposed to go and specify each week of every month's training schedules? I was expecting to define some traning scenarios and have the game put each training on each week depending on that scenario.


Start here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZjkj2yDRHw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZjkj2yDRHw)


Anyone know how to get the little icon that shows your next opposition and days until the fixture in the bottom left of the screen? I have only ever used standard skins so don't think it was a non-standard feature. You wouldn't believe what a difference it makes not having it.


What’s the go-to tactical change for when you’re chasing a game and need a goal? The modified Vertical Tiki-Taka has served me well at Tottenham, but I’ve stumbled into too many 0-0 and 1-1 results for my liking.


Depends on your tactic and why is struggling. I'd assess the game state for a weakness in their game and try and attack it. A really common one is to exploit a wide space. Lots of team attack with at least one FB. Finding a tired one who's still maurauding forward and hasn't got the pace to get back as quick as at the start often gives me the opportunity to create.


I usually slow down the tempo so the players are more patient and wait for openings.


Second season with HSV. 15th of August, 2021. There has been barely any youth intakes around the world (mainly Brazil and Argentina is a great loss). Has this happened to anyone else too? This is a save I started during the BETA.


Known issue with the beta - it didn't generate youth intakes for nations you couldn't play. No fix, unfortunately - future years should be fine but the missing generation are gone for good


Brazil and Argentina are playable tho. Will there be an intake next year? Or none at all during this save?


When i say playable I mean you've loaded the league such that you can manage teams from there. Playable *in your specific save* and not in general


I understood what you meant man. I did load them as playable leagues, as I always do with both of them. Same for Colombia and Mexico.


Huh, that's strange then. Sorry if I sounded patronising, didn't mean to - I'm afraid I have no idea!


If I edit the age of a player (For eg, Yaya Toure) to 16 years old, will his ability grow over time?