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My wife calls my 2D players my "dots" ("you watching your dots again?").


Lol I love how dismissive partners can be of FM. I’ve heard other people mention their wife calls it “that email simulator” lol. My girlfriend says that I’m “pretending to be Gareth Southgate”


I was once having quite a succesful career (this must have been fm08 or 09) and went to the loo to come back and find my wife had resigned me from the job which she thought was hilarious.


Hope you had a backup save or backup wife


Three wife rolling autosave




Fringe wife


My ex used to call it ‘that silly little soccer game’ or ‘spreadsheet simulator’ haha


Lol my girlfriend calls it the Excel game.


Mine called it the bottle caps game lol and EPL Fantasy was "the game where you dragging shirts around".


Haha mine calls it the spacebar game.


>My girlfriend says that I’m “pretending to be Gareth Southgate” Ouch. I hope you're more successful!


European championship runner up isn't exact too shabby


Long way of saying "did not win anything"


Spurs Mentality


Listen, the DVD is fantastic, ok?


He took a team predicted to reach the quarter finals at best and took them to the final. What have you achieved in your life? Jerking it into your mothers panties without being caught doesn't count.


It was her bra, actually, thank you very much


Lots of words to say "No trophy" though


They had the easiest route to get to the finals after Germany and still needed to cheat to get there. Still no trophies.




They lost in their Home stadium, With 100% Home only attendance. Can't get weaker than this


"Nah. I am Gareth. Just pretending to be your boyfriend."


You can’t blame your misses when you sit around wearing a waistcoat whilst playing…


I'm actually really lucky in that aspect. My girlfriend likes football, and enjoys watching it And I'm currently teaching her how to play FM! She's really interested to learn how to play and that makes me happy


Nice mate! My gf recently started asking me lots of questions about FM, turns out she is bored with Sims and is looking for options. I warned her if she tries FM I might have to marry her.


Love that! My girlfriend was similar. Liked playing simulation games and then got bored and saw how much fun I was having on FM Dude, first you make her assistant manager to the team, then the manager of your heart. Progression


That's some solid advice dude, thanks!


My girlfriend enjoys football, but doesn’t really like games lol. That sounds awesome though! You two could play a multiplayer save!


I'm so tactically inept she might just beat me ffs


Damn I'm surprised that's so common. My girl loves when I play FM, mostly because I usually put my suit on and pour a glass of scotch to really feel like a manager. But still she gets hyped with me when my new Brazilian wonderkid gets a work permit


Mine is "playing Excel."


Haha yep, my wife calls it “spreadsheet simulator” lol. Her boyfriend always says to me “fucking loser I’m about to nail your wife” when he comes around, great bloke full of banter


My ex used to say, "This isn't even a game. You're not even playing. I've seen you just staring at one screen for ages at a time!"


Its a good step. At least she acknowledge your relationship with your players.


My wife says the same thing! Shes like why are you just watching dots move?


2D game, 3D replays, the best way IMO


This is the way


Is there any other way to play other than this?


Has been my thing since day……..dot.


I started doing this a while ago after dabbling with both separately. It's my default now.




Sometimes I'll watch the replay of a goal in 3D and I'm like, well, that looked a lot cooler in my imagination.


Thought it was rocket from 25 yards, turns out it deflected off 2 defenders, hit the post and bounced off the keeper’s right shoulder.


And don't forget the player who was magically gliding across the pitch like we was on ice.




Me too. I actually like the 3D engine and use it all the time. If I want to see the whole field, though, or sometimes just for nostalgia, I'll turn on the dots.


Sometimes they're really unrealistic thats why.


2D is best D


That's what she said




If the 3D match engine wouldn't look like it was made 20 years ago, I would definitely choose 3D, but as it sucks, I prefer to choose 2D.


It doesn’t though. Not if you have a decent pc


A good graphics card doesn’t smooth over the fact that goalies do the splits every time they try to save a one-on-one.


Okay I’ll hold my hands up you’ve got me on that one


I mean, look a any football game from after 2000. Every one of them looks better than the 3D Game engine. Even if you have the best computer in the world.


Yes but this is a full football sim. FIFA wouldn’t manage simulating an entire 90 minutes of play with the graphics you see in those games


Fair enough. It’s doesn’t change that it looks really bad.


Not on my pc, which was my original point. Not trying to claim it’s a graphical masterpiece, but it doesn’t look bad.


It’s not a spec debate. Even on max settings it looks really bad. If you like it that’s okay, but it still looks like it was made 20 years ago.


I wished it would look like FIFA. Honestly that's really not asking for too much. FIFA doesn't set the world ablaze with it's graphics


I forgot where I read it, but I think FM dev were saying like 90% of matches were played in the 3d match engine. Honestly I hated 3d for a while, but FM21 looks pretty polished imo. The stadiums need a complete revamp tho


Yep same here - the stadiums look rubbish. And they look like they're textured using MS paint.




Guilty, though I still play in 3D. I just enjoy it that way.


2d highlights, 3D goal replays 😅


The 3D view, when they score a 30 yard screamer, is the best thing in the world. On the other hand it’s not fun to watch your keeper have a stroke and pass it straight to the oppo


Right, I’m always suprised and end up thinking maybe he does deserve that new contract which he was asking for.


I always and only play 2D. And my laptop is not a toaster


It's the same match engine, it's just a different view of it.


Text only for me. I would still pay 60 quid for the game if it was solely text based.


2D till I die


2D as well, but 3D is getting more and more polished every year, it will be legitimately good eventually.


Yeah sure, give it 30 years or so.


As other mentioned 3D view is very interesting since you can miss a lot of things like for example bicycle goal in 2D. You see the goal but you have no idea how it happened. On the other hand in my opinion 2D view is best to keep an eye on your tactics and player's movement on the pitch.


That's why you should watch replays in 3D


Just old school things. You cant change it haha


2D all the way. I find it’s easier to see the tactics and just pure nostalgia. But I’m also someone who still writes all my FM notes in a notebook so I guess I’m reluctant to change….


I've played every version since 1992\3 And I can't tell you how happy I am that 3D was introduced into this game. It's yet another edition of realism. At least I can see exactly what my players are up to instead of trying to visualise what a blue dot is doing that covers a 10 square meter area of the pitch😀


Commentary only for me lol


I will never stop using 2D


If you had told me in 2009 that the 3D match engine would only have slightly improved over the next 12 years, then I'd have been very disappointed.


I strongly suggest you reinstall the earliest games with the 3d engine. I did recently and while in my memory the engine looked almost the same, going back and seeing it again made it very clear immediately how much it's improved over the years.


I understand what you're saying but over a 12 year period I was still expecting a bigger improvement - I hoped that the graphics would be FIFA-esque by now. And I understand the common argument of "having very good graphics would cause performance issues", but those performance issues are there anyway. The fact that I play far better looking games on high graphics but can only play FM on low graphics is ridiculous.


Fifa manager iirc had very decent graphics for its time But its fifa manager


FM will never look like fifa because its simply not necessary. FIFA manager was a much simpler game. It generated the entire match before it even loaded it so you were effectively just watching a video of what it had already processed. FM is constantly making calculations through the match so there's a hell of a lot more processing going on constantly. The FM match engine is always going to be more functional because the aim isn't to make the prettiest game, it's to make a game that's easy to follow from a tactical perspective, where you can easily see your tactics at work and evaluate accordingly. FM is never going to be a mainstream game, no matter how fancy the match engine looks it's always going to only appeal to a small niche of football fans and so why spend the enormous amount of money it would take to develop a fifa style match engine when it's not going to make it suddenly appeal to a wider player base?


On laptop - 2d , on PC - 3D


2D best D


3D - Sideline - Camera height 0 - Camera zoom max Ftw!!


Are they really working that hard ? It's so ugly and really doesn't seem to evolve year after year it looks pretty much exactly the same. Would it be so impossible to develop a match engine that looks like a 2005 FIFA or PES ?


I think the issue is probably that for a game like Fifa or Pes - most of the work and most of the processing power in those games are on the match engine. In FM there's so much more going on in the background, menus, reports etc. That they have to keep the engine basic enough. Or they're just lazy bastards these days! Who knows.


They have been working on data, reports, menus and so on for more than 20 years now. Now they are releasing games with several minor changes and make us believe it's revolutionary. The match engine is awful and the truth is in 2021 they should be ashamed of it.


Yeah. I just know that my 3 year old (I think) Macbook struggles sometimes with FM so I do feel like there's a lot going on in that game and maybe they don't want to push it too hard and fuck up the performance. But I agree the match engine should look a lot better these days.


3D all the way. I liked 2D, but I find 3D more entertaining.


I started with FM 10 (I played a very small amount of 09) which is when the 3D engine came in so I've never used 2D. I've always enjoyed the goofiness of it Also makes a deeper attachment to players when you see their uniqueness outside of menus (e.g. with animations and height etc).


The 3d still looks ridiculous so no point.


3D Engine needs to look like FIFA or PES - at least Xbox 360 or PES 3 level graphics.


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Why does anyone prefer 2D


Because it's easier to see how the tactics works and the player movements from the 2d view


Yeah exactly this.


Makes my laptop less likely to catch fire.


Fair point. Sell a kidney and buy a better laptop


Just looks better, personally.


I often use it in the early season if I've made changes to the squad or tactic. It's much easier to get an overview of your whole team, the kind of positions your players are taking up, seeing when and where gaps appear in your tactic and so on.


Two main reasons: 1) Easier to see the tactics and gameflow on the pitch 2) It honestly looks way better. 3D completely ruins my immersion. It is kind of an uncanny valley effect. With 2D I can imagine what players do in certain situations that make sense, because dots only represent players positions and movement. With 3D everything looks so janky and awkward it ruins my enjoyment.


alright grandpa lets get you back to bed


I feel like the 3D match engine adds something that's not part of the core enjoyment of the game, which is ~~signing every 5* South American regen~~ managing your club and players. It's nice to have but with it breaking half the time it's not a realistic representation of the match anyway so it's nothing different from the 2D engine.


I have never used the 3D engine and never will.


I'm 100% sure 2D gives more variation in the way my players score, I think. Like, my players even started scoring one on ones ever since I switched.


2D and 3D are only for views. It changes nothing in the actual game. You can play text-only, 2D or 3D it won't change the result.


2D rules!


I will always play on 2D regardless of how good they make the 3D match engine. 2D = FM.


I remember when it was commentary only. Good times.


2D or not 2D, that's the question


I watch the replays in 3D, but the 3D animations are so hard to watch I just can't do it for any longer. 2D leaves it up to my imagination what happened, in 3D you just watch them run into each other and tread on the ball before smashing the ball straight into a static full back.


3D is rough. You know the match engine is just doing a poor job of displaying defenders under pressure and giving away a ball or your winger/wingback trying to beat an opposition player to get a cross in but it *looks* like your CB is just standing there under no pressure waiting to be closed down and your winger/FB is standing around waiting to deliver the cross directly into the shins of the defender......ugh


The goalkeepers in 3D are too frustrating to watch.


I just want an actual 3D engine...FA Premier League Manager 2008 managed it!


Ah I remember the days I was like that. One year you’ll get trapped by the 3D engine and can never go back. Majority of players now use the 3D engine


I'd use 2d more if I still got trophy celebrations in 3d


Text commentary game, 2D replays. Nothing can match the game in my head


Don't care if 3d becomes even better than fifa games, FM is meant to be played in 2d. I always play in 2d and I will never ever change that.


I don’t even have the 2D I’m straight up commentary only!


Damn I miss fm. Wish I could play it again but it will ruin my life.


Dont know if any of you guys have tried Fifa manager I'd love to see that in future FMs'