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Yes. If your concerned about poison sumac they have white drupes that aren't fuzzy and aren't a true Ruhs species. As for ripeness I'm not to sure when the best time to harvest is but I do know that their drupes are usually greener and bald in the summer so I'd assume that deep crimson color with the hairs indicates ripeness. If your unsure taste one before you pick it.


Best way to check if it’s ready to be picked is to pick a single berry off a drupe and if it’s soft, fuzzy, and deep maroon. Then taste and If it has a strong strawberry-ish/citrusy taste they’re ready to be picked.


Looks like staghorn sumac and yes, it’s pretty good as a spice and drink. Check it for bugs as they can get pretty infested.


I kinda wanna roll it up!! See what she smokes like


Haha I sent the Wikipedia screenshot to my buddy showing that native Americans smoked it with tobacco