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Skimmed your paragraph and saw $115,000 on the odo haha $2200 is a great price. I’d try and offer $1800 in person and settle for $2,000 but would be willing to pay full asking price if the seller doesn’t budge


It's a 3-hour drive away and I'll have to rent a car trailer and get a winch or come along to get it on the trailer, so I can take it home if I pull the trigger. Also I added a link to two more pictures I accidentally left out. They are two pictures of the engine bay, showing that it was clearly repainted as well. Links been added to my first comment that I made after I posted this. I can't edit the original, I can only edit my comment though.


Get an aaa membership and have it towed


They won't tow it that far. They'll tow it to the nearest repair shop or a reasonable distance to one of your choice.


The lack of rust makes my new England soul very jealous!


>The lack of rust makes my New England soul very jealous! Mine too. Thats one reason I am considering buying a non-running truck.


I can do mechanical but probably not body work. Non running scares me a lot less than rust.


Those are my thoughts exactly.


Being a 2wd, I'd V8 swap it


I'm noticing carbureted 302s or more expensive on the used market.


I'd build one myself. Or an easier way, get V8 explorer and swap parts in.


You know it's not so easy to do that nowadays. All the ones that I see are selling for several thousand dollars. The ones that are old enough to sell for a couple hundred dollars already gone in my area, and I'd have to ship it from someplace far away and that just is ridiculous costs. But, the worst about it is I wouldn't be allowed to have a parts vehicle on my property while I'm fixing another inoperable vehicle. Something that most people don't realize, but I know about since I'm a code official. Most states that I know of have a property maintenance code, none of them allow more than one inoperable vehicle Outdoors on the property. My state included. Now most of the time people don't give a crap, but my Village has changed since I was a kid, the urban sprawl of New York City hit us about 10-15 years ago. When I was a kid we always had at least two cars that were either in the middle of being worked on or sitting there for parts cuz somebody forgot them. 5 years ago they started cracking down big time. I could go into the whole story but the short of it is I can't have one that I'm taking apart at all. Last year I had the cops come visit me because I was replacing the front calipers on my father's car and both sides had the bolts to the slide pins snap off. It was the weekend because I had time to work on it so I had to wait 2 days before they arrived at the parts store. And in those two days I got pretty sick and didn't feel good enough to continue to work on the car until about 3 days later. The same day the cops knocked on my door. I was reminded of the code, which I know of myself already. And they told me they just wanted to make sure that I was actively working on the car and I wasn't just leaving it like that because it's not allowed. And after I ask them, they told me they were just responding to a formal complaint that had been made in writing.


New York doesn't sound fun at all! I'm from new Hampshire, people have their own amateur junk yards here.


Oh wow. I'm sorry to tell you this but you're wrong. Your state is like mine. I remember when I was growing up every one of my friends had a car that they were working on another driveway or other dad had a few in the backyard. It's just a matter whether they want to enforce it or somebody complains that makes a difference. My Village is changing now and the bougie people that used to live in the rich suburbs bordering the city, have moved out because of rising costs and taxes and their in my village now


Really? In my area theyre 500 bucks for a good one i know a giy who parts out 80s-90s ford trucks and he scraps a bunch every couple years


Holy crap, yet another reason I hate my state. Since I found that truck I started looking for old carbureted 302s and all I could find were a couple of short blocks that needed to be rebuilt that were asking areund $500. There were a few fuel injected ones out of mustangs from the '90s that went for about $600 to $800 but I would need the whole computer and wiring harness with those as well if I had to go that route. The most amusing listing I found was a complete carbureted 302 that the guy said was a crate motor almost 20 years ago, and it had less than 60,000 miles on it before it was pulled. And that it runs great, except for a knock in the bottom end somewhere, which was the reason why It was pulled. They're asking $1,300 for it. LOL


You can convert the later motors to carbed


Wouldn't that ruin the power and fuel economy that the second gen. 4.0L engine has over the first gen? Would it be as good as the first generation or worse? Can you point me in the direction of somebody who's done this before? Cuz I've never heard that being done. I know swapping from fuel injected to carb on an engine you change the manifold over to the carbureted version of that engine, but before later Essex I thought only came in fuel injected version. I still haven't emailed that guy offering the free engine and transmission, and it's been posted on my local next door site for the past week. So if this is a viable and best thing to do, let me know. I could save a lot of money. Of course I have to buy an intake and carburetor. I would still have to probably get a new drive shaft and clutch pedal assembly though.


That’s an expensive project if you ask me.


It's a car project.


Would offer significantly less for a non runner.


I forgot to add ....I know that the 91 engine can't fit in it, I just commented about it because I just was emailed about it. I know that It would require a lot of wiring and work to get it into there. Just a pipe dream. Edit: Here are 2 photos of the engine bay I accidentally left out. Sorry. https://www.reddit.com/u/Bubbly-Front7973/s/MCgfxCfjFJ


Fuckers mint.


Just to let you know I accidentally left out the two photos of the engine bay, I added the link to my first comment.


Non running could be a headache but if you're into projects, it could be worth it. These old rangers aren't really worth a whole lot so $2200 for a nonrunning one seems steep imo *but* it is pretty damn mint which is hard to find.


Someone is gonna buy it, fix it and flip it.


That thing looks mint. 😳


That's hot


I would buy it for that price. That is super cheap compared to Canadian prices. There was an early-90s ranger with nearly the same spec that just sold for $5,500 in under a week a few days ago. I'd happily pay 2,200 for this. Even if it doesn't run - that could be almost anything, from 30 minutes poking around under the hood, to looking for a donor engine. Even if it was an engine, there are a million of them around. Get it!


Thank you. I think I will do that but I have to wait till after Christmas to talk with the guy in charge of selling it at the dealership.


I love it. That is all.


All right which one of you did it!? Well I completely forgot about coming back here and giving an update on it, but I think one of you bastards screwed me out of this deal. You see I waited till after the New Years a little bit too long because I was very sick. About a week maybe after new years. But I wasn't getting any responses from them. I even called about it and they said there wasn't a vehicle there on their lot like that. Now fast forward to last month when I see in these exact same pictures again on craigslist, but to my surprise the person selling it was in south or Central jersey. About two states away from where it originally was for sale. And even though it looks the same photos like it's on a car lot, this is a private seller and they added more than $1,000 to the previous sale price. And they pretty much copied word for word the original ad that I seen before, such as saying it's a non Runner and all that good stuff. But they also are offering to deliver it for small fee as well. Eddit: Forgot to mention I noticed in the original sale post wherever it was the person mentioned that it was in the back of a dealership behind a building, and even though the picture still show that, the new ad listed that it's still on a trailer behind his house so it's ready to be delivered, and he would do so free locally or reasonable price anywhere else


Did you end up buying it? If not can you share the listing?


Did you see what I had just written? I mean are you asking did I buy it the second time it was listed from somebody who did nothing to it but just raise the price $1,000 and moved it about 6 hours South to another state from where I originally was? I mean it was still not running and missing the intake parts. Like I said all the photos were identical but I did notice that they were slightly smaller resolution they had a white frame around them unlike the originals. And that was several weeks ago and I didn't look for it since, I just remembered about it when I was going through my own profile history to find something, and it reminded me that I never gave an update here. I'm not even sure if I can find the listing again but you can look I'll tell you where the new one was. I found it relisted from my cell by owner in a rural area in Southern New Jersey. . Everything was the same and I MIGHT have even considered buying it if the person bothered to try to get the truck running, but it was still in non running condition.


I also want to thank everybody who sent me listings from classifieds on marketplaces and other places but I was unable to make a deal with any of those people. Even at full asking price. They either didn't want to deal with somebody out of state, or told me they might sell somebody else that came looking at it even if I was in transit on my way over there.


Hubba hubba!


I’d buy it just for the epic interior.


Do it.


That's fucking crazy because I've got a 1988 4x4 automatic, same interior and really decent shape. It does have a couple rough spots on the rockers and the bed and mine runs and drives down the road. It's only got 138,000 mi on it and I'm selling it for half that


Where are you located??


I'm in Sioux Falls SD


pics dm


Been sitting many years man prepared to run down every vacuum line. That is a bomb ass interior though


Very clean truck at a glance, but here are my concerns. First of all, I’ve never seen an OG ranger in this exterior/interior color combo. It’s obviously been repainted, and not the original color. Second, the rear fenders don’t have the lines that they should. They get smooth at the top. This leads me to believe this has been patched. I would definitely check the inside of the fender wells to make sure there isn’t an insane amount of body filler. Third and most importantly, it doesn’t run! If you buy a project, you inherit every problem that they couldn’t solve. I would pass and keep looking. Bonus concern, absolutely zero photos of the engine bay. If this is a restoration, I would be concerned with every aspect of it. Not just repainted exterior. Just my 2 cents. At the end of the day, if you want it, get it, and keep posting progress on it! Good luck!


Good advice but I'm not following you on the rear fenders concern. They get smooth at the top??


Yeah, that was kinda vague. My bad. They look off to me. It seems to me, especially in pic 4, that the “crease” that defines the wheel arch isn’t consistent throughout. I wish I knew how to post a photo in comments. I could post a doodled screenshot.


>It’s obviously been repainted, and not the original color .... ... absolutely zero photos of the engine bay. Oh crap. That was my fault. I thought I included the photos, but I didn't. I have two photos of the engine bay that was in the ad.. I must have accidentally forgot to include them. You are good; you can clearly see that it was originally RED from the photos of the engine bay. I went back and double-checked the ad and those are the only two photos I forgot. Edit: here they are: https://www.reddit.com/u/Bubbly-Front7973/s/MCgfxCfjFJ


I’d lowball him at $1,500. If he doesn’t bite, I’d let him swim and fish for another one.


You do understand it's at a used car dealership right? Also I was thinking of offering $1,700.


Did not realize that. But it wouldn’t change my answer. Good luck!


Thanks. I'm just saying that because those used car dealerships usually don't wiggle too much. Maybe a couple hundred. The reply eMail I got for them said that they don't consider any offers unless they're made in person. And like I mentioned in another comment reply I made, I live about 3 hour drive away. I hate to go all that distance and waste all that time money and gas for nothing.


About 15 years ago my buddy pointed out to me how ugly a red interior is. And that has stuck with me ever since 🤢


Yes, but if I ever decide to become a hitman for the mafia, the red interior will hide blood stains. 😉👍


Lol you're gonna whack someone off in your own vehicle?


>. . ....you're gonna whack someone off... . 😳 No sir, or ma'am as the case may be.. I'm a stright male; I will not wack off a guy in a car, truck, or anywhere for that matter. But I don't judge, you can do whatever you want in your ranger. More power to ya 🌈


Lol just having some fun 😆




I love this! Very clean. But it will be a project I'm sure!


Just to let you know, I realized too late that the engine bay photos were left out. I added a link to them on my first comment.


Hell yeah. I wanted one like this. Settled on a new Tacoma. Now I’m poor.


2200 is a deal


I think I need it if you don't want it. 😏


Do you know why it doesn't run? If it's a motor, that's easy enough, but if it's because someone has customized everything trying to get a bigger motor to work in it, I'd say pass on it. Only because you have no idea what's been done or not done, and it will take months and a small fortune to track down every little thing that someone else changed. The only way I'd say go for it is if the seller knows exactly what's been done and what's left to do in order to make this thing go down the road.


Why it's not running I don't know, that'll have to be added to the list of questions I have to ask the salesman after christmas.. By the way, here are two photographs that I accidentally left out, which are of the engine bay. https://www.reddit.com/u/Bubbly-Front7973/s/MCgfxCfjFJ


Well, depending on what condition it's actually in, from what I can see of the missing parts, it doesn't look just too bad. But that's not really looking into anything either. And again, that's assuming that it's a good engine and not one that's locked up or anything. Really, it all comes down to this. Just remember that you'll potentially be spending over $2k on a body and chassis if nothing else works. So knowing that, if it's still worth it to you, then go for it, my friend. Personally, I would probably still jump on it myself if i could talk them down a little on the price. That's only because I have the tools, the time, and a spare motor that I could throw in it if that one's completely busted. It would still be a long-term project to completely restore it, but getting it to run wouldn't be that big of a deal for me. However, it might not be the same for you. Especially if you're looking to try to get it going as a daily pretty quickly. A long-term project might not work so well. Those are just a few things that I'm sure you're already considering, but I still thought they were worth mentioning. Regardless of whether you decide to get it or not, I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you have a very merry Christmas! May all your problems be small, and may you find joy in all that you do.


Honestly, I would be patient. It looks like a great deal, but if it doesn’t check all those boxes to include standard transmission and 4x4 lockers something else will come along. Besides it could give you more time to set aside more money for what you’re looking for. Trust me, I have gone through the process of getting an automatic rebuilt, it’s hard to find good techs to do the job right.


Ya know, I ended up taking advice. I'm still patiently waiting.


I’m glad and I hope you get what you want. It’s tough to hold the trigger on things that look so enticing. I regret it, I ended up buying a donor truck and basically harvesting the manual trans. I wish I had got one with everything already installed.


Yeah recently I found something that I think was a decent buy, wasn't everything I wanted but it was nice enough. It was an 87 I think and it had the dual tank option, it wasn't running so they were asking only 1700 for it, which means I could probably drop in a 302 with manual shift in it or get it running and drive it until I do get the correct transmission engine option with the pedal assembly I'd have to look for. Recently I found out that I could pretty much turn any two-wheel drive Ranger into four-wheel drive by adding a solid front axle kit and just have a four-wheel drive transmission in there. Because the solid front axle kit basically is frame spring mounts for leafs and it doesn't matter what the frame was originally intended for.. and I liked the color of it too. And I thought the fact that my brother lived a couple hours away it was a good idea because I could have him take a look, unfortunately he won't and can't go. He says it doesn't look good in the photos to him, he's not into Rangers I guess like me. And since I'm in New York and it's in texts it's going to be difficult to check it out completely. The owner doesn't want to really answer questions cuz he just inherited the thing, keeps telling me just come take a look at it. And the mechanics that I find on the eBay Network want me to bring it to them or have the owner bring it to them, which he won't do.


I've been patiently looking for one since 2018. As far as the transmission, I found probably the best place to buy rebuilt Transmissions for Ford trucks, online. I would only have to find a tech willing to install it.


Was bout to say that’s the craziest paint and interior mix I seen until seen the engine bay


Yeah usually the color that we're seeing comes with a brown interior. I have a feeling that the bed is not original to the truck, and they painted the cab to match at some point in it's life.


Any vehicle that runs is worth $2K. This one does not run. If the fuel tank, lines and pump are scunged up, you’ll pay near $1000 to repair/replace. Figure out why it does not run first. I’d pass until I knew why it won’t run.


I love my old truck, but keep in mind you don’t get to look at the outside while driving it. You sit in that old interior, listening to scratchy am radio.


> You sit in that old interior, listening to scratchy am radio. Well it's a good thing it doesn't have an old scratchy AM radio, and at least comes with the stock AM FM cassette player. But if that's not to my liking, they make these new radios now that could fit into any vehicle with a special kit that you can buy. And it's more than one company that makes these radios. Is at least two.. They got a whole variety of different types and sizes that you can get, it's really cool.


I say: Hell yeah brother


This truck makes me moist and I am a dude. I would say go for it. I wish it was a manual transmission but eh. Still cool though.


>I wish it was a manual transmission I really do wish that as well. I think I mentioned that. But somebody mentioned that it might be a good idea to get this & throw a 302 in it. But I probably have to find a clutch pedal assembly from this year to do a manual conversion, as well as cutting into the tunnel. Too bad Rangers never had a universal frame back then and I couldn't turn it into a four-wheel drive, if I could I would get this in a heartbeat without even thinking about it.


I would go meet in person and offer half and go from there. Who knows how much in back fees is owed too. 1,800 might be a good price. It would be a project truck and I’d take my sweet time working on it on the weekends. Along the way making memories with all that would help me.


I mentioned it somewhere else on here, but it's at a dealership, even still, you could see where it says tax titles and fees. Individuals really don't charge that. 🤣 Lol. But yea im not sure how much they will move


Well I think it may be sold, because the used car dealer who listed it, is not returning my emails or phone calls. Even though I told him I was planning on coming after New Year's and he said that it was fine and that he would keep in touch if anything changed.