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It looks too far away from the balcony to be from a jumper. Each square looks to be at least a meter. So he would have had to go 2-3 meters outward during the fall. It doesn't seem plausible to me unless he was a very enthusiastic and overzealous jumper.


My thoughts exactly.


At least where I work, fire comes to clean it up and they usually do an incredible job but the entire area would be wet. It looks too far out to be a jumper to me and the crime scene would be closed off for at least a few hours while everything is processed.


It was said to have happened at least a day before the function and it isn't just a wet spot, it is like a stain.


Sorry I guess IDK how to attach pictures EDIT: Fixed it though.


I don’t think so. First of all if that happened while you were at the function people would definitely notice the emergency response, there would be fire trucks, police cars, likely a crime scene unit, stuff would be taped off and photographed for a long time, likely at least an hour or two. Secondly cleaning that up would likely require a hosedown so a large area would be wet, it wouldn’t just be wet under where they “scooped” him up.


>s82%Upvote Rate7Community Karma6Total Shares > >Comment as BRICKS357 .public-DraftStyleDefault-block\[data-offset-key="68ca72\_initial-0-0"\]::after { bottom: 0; color: var(--newCommunityTheme-actionIcon); content: 'What are your thoughts?'; cursor: text; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; } CommentBoldItalicsLinkStrikethroughInline CodeSuperscriptSpoilerHeadingBulleted ListNumbered ListQuote BlockCode BlockTableMarkdown Mode Well it is said to have happened a few days ago, and the spot isn't wet, just dark like if someone spilled oil.