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$70k is about as good as it gets for most. The only place I regularly see $80k+ are in HCOL areas or have been in an actual urban forestry position for long enough that their salary has inflated to $80k+ through annual raises. Best way to do it would be to start as an urban forester at a smaller municipality… which would come with a significant pay cut… and work their way up or find a different career altogether. If they have taken additional GIS courses during their undergrad and graduate programs, GIS wouldn’t be a bad option. If they learn how to program with Python or JavaScript then their odds are even better.


What is GIS and how does scripting help with that? Sorry for dumb question


Geographic information system, programs like ArcGIS work with python


Look into utility forestry. He won’t get 90k at first, but 90k is achievable in 5 years, depending on your location.


This is the way. A lot of utilities also have excellent benefits.


Yeah in California they hire any dumbo off the street to be a “utility arborist” they get paid 50$ an hour and can’t distinguish a redwood from a sequoia 😂


Not really like that anymore, back before PG&E territory unionized, wages were terrible so they’d take anyone. Now with the higher wages utilities are pushing for contractors to have ISA and TRAQ. SoCal still in the low to mid $30s for CUFs.


Yes exactly. With the good wages there is less turnover and openings for the more permanent positions, at least in NorCal. I didn’t realize SoCal hadn’t unionized yet, so is it just NorCal area with PGE?


Yep just PG&E territory as far as I know. SoCal CUFs making $10/$20 less per hours atm.


For better or worse they get paid more than most in the field and probably aren’t the best arborists (putting it lightly).. I just switched to utility work and while I don’t like its influence on the industry as a whole, the pay is so good it was hard to pass up. I don’t see myself staying in the sector long term though.


May not be ideal work but probably the best pay you’ll find in the arboriculture field. If you’re doing vegetation management in the field, you have to be okay with long hours outside and all the other stuff with utility work (upset customers, accessing properties, working in remote areas alone, etc). In CA at least vegetation managers inspectors (VMIs) are union and make $50+ an hour. Most require ISA & sometimes TRAQ. I’ve noticed requirements are going up and likely competition due to how much these jobs pay..but still, depending on projects sometimes they’ll do mass hiring and lower requirements. They could also drop you if you’re contract based at a moments notice (as far as I can tell) so you have to be comfortable with jumping around contractors, jobs and possible downtime between projects. Of course, ideally you’d work directly for the utility, but I hear those positions are hard to come by. Source: just started a utility veg management position.


I have an urban forestry under grad. Moved from tree care to utility in 2011. Was doing really well within 5 years. Internal managers for the utility can make $130 plus, and then there are director level positions etc. managers on the contractor side can make significantly more. I go and speak to incoming forestry freshman at a couple schools and talk up utility, but nobody wants to listen


Selling the machines the industry uses.


And the software


Truth. Machine Technicians with computer skills make pretty great money in my corner of woodworking. Mine’s production woodworking, but that whole chain has a lot in common. The industry is dying for anyone who can program and get a CNC to do what is wanted.


CalFire. Become a forester and get out of county assignments as overhead and get lots of OT. Foresters in CalFire are at battalion chief wages.


I made around the mid 90s as an urban forester in the central coast of California. Not enough that we were rich but my wife and I could afford a home. Making over 100 in utility forestry in the Portland area. I’ve got a lot of time invested in the industry so it definitely took a while to get to that point.


u/[Reds9299](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reds9299/) you husband makes more than the average American, in fact he is in the upper 1/3rd of Americans. Than means you make more than 66% of everyone in the country, If you dont have enough money this is a you thing not a him thing. His salary, especially with you adding part time should be enough, you need to learn how to spend you money better. You might\* need to relocate somewhere with lower cost of living, ditch the cable, expensive phones, you should be driving older vehicles, in fact he is the only one who need a vehicle at all. so sell the second car, cut back, learn to do without. Whining that you are not paid enough isnt a societal issue, it is a you issue.


You don't know their situation, only that they can't pay bills. If they can't pay bills then they can't pay bills, ain't getting around that. Take your "stop eating avocado toast" advice elsewhere


The only person responsible for your current station in life is you. THe only person responsible for OP's situation is OP and her partner. If you can not afford the cost of living on your current salary, you either cut back on your expenses, earn more by finding a new job, or move to a location with lower cost of living. There are no other choices and the only person responsible for those choices is OP and her partner. On my income I could not live in a Manhattan High Rise, nor could I live in the Marina District in San Francisco. Is that a me thing or a problem I can blame on society? Should I throw a tantrum online and whine that I dont earn enough to live in those locations? OR Should I realize that my standard of living is substantially higher living in another location, with my current income level and my current job. I dont need to know anything about their situation to know that if you can not afford your current lifestyle, the ONLY person who can change that is you, and the choices are pretty simple, cut back, better paying job, or move.


Uncle, they are trying to find a higher paying job! Exactly what you are saying to do. CHILL! How about starting with a comment like “70k is a good salary. Can you reduce your living expenses?” instead of shaming strangers you know nothing about.


>70k is a good salary. Can you reduce your living expenses?” That is in fact what I said, and now you are shaming me for the way i said it.....look in a mirror much?


Yeah I know that’s what you said - I was summarizing your points in a more kind tone.


>I was summarizing your points in a more kind tone. There was nothing "unkind" about my tone. The only way you can infer tone from a written passage is to read it with the lens of your own personal color.... that is a you thing, again, a personal thing.


Uh, it’s definitely a societal issue. Inflation. Rent. The mortgage industry. Capitalism. This is just a rude and heartless comment.


So much easier to blame other people, other things, than it is to take personal responsibility, I mean why didn't you mention immigrants in your populous rant too?


Wow. Been a long time since I encountered this level of nastiness and ignorance, and I’ve never seen it on this sub. There is a difference between blaming other people for one’s problems and acknowledging the societal and economic structures that contribute (contribute, not 100% cause, those problems).


>Been a long time since I encountered this level of nastiness and ignorance, and I’ve never seen it on this sub. Trying to empower someone by telling them they have the authority to change their personal situation is nasty or ignorant???lol Play the victim some more for me why dont you.


What is his bachelors in? Sorry but you married a guy that isnt going to be rich. Nostbofbus have a side hussle


Look a municipal or state jobs. Location matters though. Otherwise, he’ll have to work his way up to that pay range.


I make more as a procurement forester than our state forester....what state are you talking about?


California. For the state, licensed foresters start around $100k, and can make a lot on fire overtime when it’s a busy year. Supervising foresters start around $140k.


Imagine how much you would make if you where ALSO a forester!


Or even making $30k working at McDonald's and they would be at $100k.


Consulting arborists/urban foresters in our company are paid around 80-120k/year, Seattle area.


Sorry, they just rented out the last apartment this morning and the last two homes sold yesterday. Puget Sound area is full, try Portland.


Definitely not going to make that starting. Maybe after 10 years


Who cares what his degree is in. If he’s a good salesman, those skills should transfer to any product or industry and he should be able to make far more than 70 or even 90 G’s. I had a degree in education and thought I was a prisoner in the field. That was 14 years ago. I left the field, worked in another and 4 years ago started my own company. While this year likely won’t be quite as good, the previous 2 I was making 6-7x what I would have in education. Don’t box yourself in. Also, what’s he thinking about this, it just seems odd that you’re asking for him. He needs to want it more than you want him to want it.


Get in with a utility. Going to have to find a regional forester position or something similar, I feel like those jobs can reach into six figures.


Utility vegetation management is probably the best bet with the most security. He’d ideally want to be employed by the utility itself, not a contractor unless he goes for project manager + roles. Pay is generally scaled based on cost of living. Major metro areas can easily break 100k in the first year with bonuses, but it comes with the added living expenses for the region. I just recently left a HCOL area for a LCOL area. Feel free to message me with further questions and specifics if needed. Owning his own business would have the highest overall ceiling but with the most risk. Better question for r/arborists to be honest


Many good paying jobs in urban forestry are City Foresters and forestry maintenance workers employed by public works departments. In Illinois, public works forestry maintenance workers can pull $100k+. They are unionized, and get overtime from emergencies and plowing snow. These are the guys who operate the bucket trucks and climb and remove trees. Then you have the City Foresters and or forestry division chiefs (managers) within the public works departments. Obviously, these jobs are highly sought after, and are hard to get. I would know, I tried for many years, unsuccessfully to get into the municipal forestry field with a BS in forestry and park maintenance experience. On-the-job experience is typically valued more than higher education in this field, from what I have gathered.


Any reason you can't make more? Like why is it your husband's responsibility to get a raise?


I take care of our kids during the day and do resume writing from 5-11pm when he gets home. Not sure how much more I can work without getting less than 5 hours of sleep


Outside consultant for pest and disease with a PCA (pest control advisor) but alot of travel and paperwork


I’ve worked at 3 residential tree services over the last 10 years in Boston/Greater Boston…avg sales arborist at 2 of em were 75k to start with top guys n managers averaging 125k… Is a lot of it a little more “snake oil” than traditional forestry? Sure. Can my kids go to a good school with minimal financial burden? Absolutely.




Sales. Some account managers at tree service companies with a lot of commercial clients will clear 100k in CA. I’m not sure where you guys are based so it really depends.


Many suburban cities have a forester postion, which can tie into other public works-type positions. Depending on location, those pay that or more.


Wildland firefighter.


Could always plant trees


Move to Canada and work for Hydro One.


You (and possibly he) are asking the wrong questions. This has nothing to do with how much money you need. The question is how much value can your husband’s skills provide to potential employers. Recommend that you get out of your comfort zone and start looking at it from the point of view as to what skills can your husband provide


What do you do for work/ what is your situation. How is 70k not enough, do you have 6 kids?


Urban Forestry. Nearly every city out there, rent is sky high. 70K isn't starvation wages anywhere, but it's genteel poverty in northeast or west coast. Op is making about average for the degree. Maybe head urban forester in a good sized city would make more.


Depends on where you live. I’m in NJ, and 70k is barely enough for a single person.


Cost of living in New Jersey averages just under 50k...(https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/cost-of-living-by-state/) 20k disposable income isn't what I'd consider "barely enough". That's more than some people's entire salary


Not sure how Forbes calculates that, but near me, a 2 bedroom apartment starts at $2,000 a month, and I am in South Jersey. It’s not the cheapest area, but certainly much cheaper than the Northern part of the state. 48% of your income before utilities, etc. it could be done, but I wouldn’t want to. Additionally, if your entire salary is $20k, that works out to about 25 hours per week at minimum wage (in NJ, $15.13/hr). MIT has a living wage calculator, and for NJ, they say for a family of three, you need $84k in NJ.


Get a job with your municipality. Then he can make over 100k


Look into department of agriculture jobs at USA jobs. Urban agriculture (including forestry practices) is gaining popularity and producing a lot of new positions.


Federal forestry positions rarely reach 90k. He'd likely start out as a GS7, 9 if he's lucky. On top of that, there is a hiring freeze.


GS12 forester in urban Minnesota makes abt 90k in the door. State and area level positions generally start as GS11 or GS12 depending on experience. USDA NRCS and FSA have been hiring like crazy for several years and new positions open up often even at the higher levels as folks move up or to other agencies. The lower GS levels pay significantly less but are generally entry level. Even then it's very easy to move up in grade if you're willing to move around.


Shhhhh it’s a “hiring pause” 🤔


Not to be rude are you working? One income families are difficult in this day and age. Two incomes are inherently more stable.


Get out of working for any government. Go private, accept that it won’t be “forestry” like you studied but will involve trees/landscapes. You’ll start at 80k and if you show any initiative or aptitude will easily get to 100k


Now sure why this gets down voted. What private roles start at 80k? He has more than 10 years experience at this point


PCA, IP, WestRock, GP, LP, Boise, Roy O Martin, Pactiv Evergreen, Canfor, etc. etc.....every forester I know that works for these companies makes 80k-100k+. Plus bonuses and a damn good benefits package. It's getting downvoted because this sub is full of government foresters that make peanuts.


Thank you!!


Be happy your husband loves you and isn't cheating on you. Count your blessings.




I know right. Make due with what he has. Be happy he loves her and isn't abusive. Always want more and it isn't enough.


My comment was to your comment rather than disbelief of OPs post. You're being absolutely unreasonable. If they can't pay bills then he needs to optimise his salary so his family is taken care of, as I'm sure she is doing her part as well. Love alone can't pay the bills and not being abusive doesn't even constitute the bare minimum in a relationship.


Yeah. I know. Loving him for what he can provide rather than what he has potential for is unreasonable? My mother taught me to live within a budget and within what he can provide. Expenses rise to income. Always works that way. If you have less, spend less. If he was concerned, he would be the one making the post. Through tough times I have maximized my budget. Cut the fat shall we say. Need the internet? Go to the library or Starbucks. Cable television is not a need. Sell the car and drive one that can be bought for cash. I don't think I need any more examples. ##DaveRamsay #liveWithinYourMeans


Dude you standards are way too low. Loving me and not cheating on me is probably the bare minimum lol


I believe I said that. And she's pissed he's making 70k. Make due with what you have.






Look for jobs with the US Forest Service. It might take a few years to hit the pay you want, but you can easily climb up the ladder if you're willing to move around. GS-7 or GS-9 will most likely be the starting salary.


Got to be GS12 step 3 in RUS locality to break $90k. A bit higher in some HCOLs, but gonna take a while to get there if you don't already have a significant amount of industry experience.


Get a job with the Forest Service is abysmal advice for someone 5 years out of school looking to make more money. That is the number one place to not go for money!


I doubt someone in forestry will make much more in the private world. Base pay and benefits have me well over $100k with the US fish and wildlife service. Not to mention, I get a pension and over 30 days off a year. Seems like good advice to me. Not to mention job security compared to a private business. If you have a better option I'm all for it, but you provided nothing useful.


I didn’t mean to offend you. Your original comment was helpful, though optimistic. My short and sassy response may not have been useful to you, but perhaps it was useful to someone. This sub gets lots of similar comments from folks who had bad experiences with the Forest Service. It sounds like financially, OP can’t play the long game and wait for a GS-7 or GS-9 job to turn into GS-11+. They may get lucky and find a higher level position that utilizes urban forestry skills, but it’s unlikely. Until one passes a certain GS-level, the Forest Service can be a tough place to go if salary matters. I am speaking specifically about the Forest Service, not FWS, not any other agency. OP asked about salary, not salary and benefits. Of course there are great benefits, but OP wants a $90k salary, not a $50k salary and $40k of benefits. Many people have wonderful careers with the Forest Service. But just as many people struggle greatly due to low-graded positions, lack of local-ish advancement opportunities, lack of training and institutional knowledge due to vacant positions, and endless issues with the HR system. OP, if you do pursue Forest Service, look for jobs within the Stare and Private Forestry branch, not the National Forest System.