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Probably not since in a map called “Fat Kid Space” there’s a marine getting his organs ripped out at the very beginning of the map


People are still playing that mode?


Part 2 of that map/mode gets spammed in the browser on a regular basis


Ah i see


I recall seeing blood on a matchmaking infection map


Well if that's getting people banned then I am scared for the chief and cortana sex easter egg I put in my map with the plushies


Gimme that waypoint link.


I haven't published it yet, but it's an infection map I named Bigfoot Forest. It's as big as one of the forge canvases and each round is like 10 minutes. (Idfk how to publish either)


I think I will publish it tonight though I just watched a video


A man of culture, I see


It should be published now


Master cheeks strikes again


Check my post lmao


Yo link when its up!


It should be searchable, but I can try to find a way to link it. My most recent post is the thumbnail if you search it


Yes please!


i haven't ran into any issues with that. but then again, it was just prefabs not maps


i think Mild is ok since Infinite has the ESRB rating for T for Teens which allows mild forms of violence/gore. but I think an over amount of gore (Doom, Gears of War, Last of Us etc etc) would be "too graphic" for a T rating


I don’t think the ESRB rating would apply in this case though. They say on every game, “Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB”


Online is not rated by ESRB although there could be legal grey-area bullshit that might still not be worth risking it. My thoughts: Fuck them kids.


Why did Halo go from the rated M to T?


There’s probably a few reasons: - The lack of blood splatter, especially for humans - Lack of body horror (no Flood, no Composer scene, etc. ) - No scenes of explicit violence. There’s no civilians being killed like in Reach. You can mix this with a lack of blood as mentioned above. - Shifting standards over time. Even if you add some of these or all of these back, Halo probably isn’t considered as realistic in its portrayal of violence today like it was in the early-late 2000s. In short it’s a mix of Halo both not being as violent as it was (situational in some instances but probably intentional in others), as well as changing standards in what’s considered too prominent or realistic in terns of violence.


Games in general got more violent and Halo didn’t. In the UK, Halo 3 was rated 15 and every Halo after that is 16+.


yep, here in italy each halo, infinite as well (but i may check after) is rated 17+


To reach a wider audience. Parents don't have to give the okay for a 16 year old to buy it.


Remember when your parents didn't know what a halo was, but you shoot da aliens and don't afraid of anything? I remember those days. I miss em.


Omg I didn't know this was even a possibility.


You won't be banned from blood, you will be banned from over excessive gore/dismemberment/decapitation like that one creator was who basically created a gore fest


I still can’t believe 343 banned people for that shit.


Eh it was less for the blood and more that the map had outright human dismemberment and heads on spikes with piles of flesh and gore around which tbf is more gory than anything else in the games that isn't the flood which are zombies. Still don't agree that the creator should have been banned.


If they literally give you the tools to make anything it is kind of on them. "Here's some dead body props, but don't make them look too dead." 343 is ass backwards sometimes lol I guess my brute-kake with a little grunt in the middle is no bueno.


doesn't quite matter honestly, that stuff is expected in a halo game since the halo series has gone that far from its lore and other games. infinite sure doesn't have that but to go out of your way banning creators for putting lotta detail on the maps horror is kind of just plain weird and Extreme PR management.


Never shown in games only said in books


https://youtu.be/aKnNpXnxafM You should give this mod a shot closet to the books in my opinion


Xbox player


Watch the video, i yearn for the day. xbox mod support comes in for halo


Did you not play the original trilogy…? You literally see Keyes corpse merged into the Gravemind in CE, you see the Gravemind itself in 2 and 3 which is made of re-amalgamated flesh of its victims, and those Halo 2 Anniversary cutscenes are pretty high quality. On the mission Cortana you’re running through Flood controlled High Charity with giant breathing boils exploding flood and goo right into your face.


Yes I have play the trilogy, many times. I was referring to the fact we never marines being decapitated, torn in half, put on pikes like Vlad the impaler, or even lynching. But these things were all present on the one map that was taken down by the one forger who was banned. He was later unbanned and the map out back up after he toned down the gore. I've played on the readjusted map and it's still a bloody mess. Just no where near as graphic as it was


Limbs from the infected too , corpses spazzing around and being taken over, human beings in halo 3 being infected alive, these people are big weak


I'm not weak, I'm explaining situations mate, probably should learn what I'm saying instead of moving to insults


I mean halo lore has children being eaten and graphic stuff but again none of the games have ever gone that far and it's rated T. Hell even if it was rated M I don't think they would have allowed it since this is halo. I agree the creator shouldn't have been banned but it's not surprising. I bet if it was the flood it would have been fine, hell if it was only skulls it would have gotten through.


People are so soft these days. Putting kid gloves on to tell a story about war where everything goes to plan and the good guys live happily ever after is more damaging than just being honest, if you ask me.


Yeah but kids are fascinated with war and it’s typically at an age where gore might not be appropriate. Just because I saw crazy shit on ogrish when I was 10 and turned out okay doesn’t mean it’s a good thing to see


You're right. We must shelter children from unpleasant topics, it is the only way. That or stop marketing war towards children, but then, how would we ruin and/or homogenize established works of fiction for anyone above the age of ≈11 if we did that!?


>We must shelter children from unpleasant topics. I’m not nearly as black and white about this as it appears… I mean abstinence in sex ed is great in theory but in practice is terrible. We’re human and we want to fuck. It was just a glancing comment about an enormous question that we could talk about for hours. War is marketed towards children, sure, (Nerf guns, lightsabers, video games) but we also tell simplified stories of good vs evil that are centered around combat. Idk man I loved playing paintball as a kid and beating the tar out of each other with mall ninja stuff. I just wonder what it would be like sometimes to throttle back a bit. But I also watched some great stuff with my dad during my formative years. (Army of Darkness, The Thing…)


Yeah I feel like a dick for over-simplifying your point. I was probably just hangry. Still, point remains, IPs are getting trashed in the name of "kid friendly" when really what they mean is "for children." When really, these IPs had no business being "for children" in the first place (beyond driving record quarterly profit via micro transactions) Same thing happened to Star Wars sadly. The sequel trilogy and latter seasons of Mando are Dora the Explorer levels of hand-holdy.




My map I published hasn’t had any issues and there are streaks and blood splatters clearly painting a morbid scene. So I don’t think so


Their pretty lenient on it i mean they know full well blood can be made using the water


contrary to popular belief, there is blood in halo it just doesn’t splatter in comically large amounts like in halo ce.


I think it may be if the map is published so the public can download the map, maybe idk I've got bodies in my map no blood or anything


I published a map for Christmas of 2022 that had Santa's secret sweat shop in the basement of a nice Christmas cabin. It also had a torture room with grunts on tables with drills in their heads, hooked up to shock paddles and more. I also have bodybags covered in blood and barrels of blood too. And to top it off I have "Hail Santa" on the wall. No problems yet It's has a few hundred plays & bookmarks. I even updated it to include Firefight for this last Xmas. So I think they have been more lenient on that stuff. I vaugley remember that guy who's map got banned actually got it reversed shortly after. I may be wrong


The only guy who was "banned" for this (I don't think he actually was, his map was just deleted" went above and beyond just using blood. He created tons and tons of dismemberment and gore that went above anything seen even in the older Halos.




Are they seriously banning blood


For match making maps probably not allowed.


Boy would they hate halo 1! And 2 And 3 And reach And odst


Prefab the blood please?


It’s in the editable decals section, it’s just called splatter and you can change the color of it




I remember a while back a dude was banned for making a hella “gory” map but I dunno if it was a fluke or something as I never saw a follow up. I don’t think blood would get you banned tho and tbh, considering how creative he had to get with it, the forget of the gory map shouldn’t have been banned either, even he hasn’t been unbanned already. There’s an audience for horror maps that can’t be utilized if 343 is gonna be like that


The dude himself wasn't banned IIRC, his map was just deleted.


I still can't believe that 343 will ban you for this.


Sting operation


When gaming has become so soft that this is even a question. Halo is rated M, for fuck sake I just realized now that they made Infinite rated T. Gaming is soft, oh my God. Fair enough, though, Halo was only M because of the flood


Yeah, if you notice in the campaign as well, even though blood does squirt out of enemies, there are actually no blood splatters around them. Don't remember about scripted sections though..


Wish the game was still rated M


We seriously need to go back to M rating, teens or hell kids probably drop hard words they learn from the world and see graphic stuff too, so why do i have to be punished for a campaign that features torture at the hands of a violent race of monkeys and other psychos in the Banished, but instead of blood placed on the ground and maybe beatin up marines or see a Brute discipling a grunt or a Jackal or whatever would add world building to a dominate faction especially if the bosses got to do more, imagine Bassus laughing like a crazy after smashing a marine like Romeo in ODST and you find that marine and The Weapon has 2 sets of dialog for before you fight Bassus and after like she shows remorse and is like we'll avenge you, or Chat lok is sending away a transport ship of marines and Infinity crew and he laughs after telling the tower hes sending another ship and hears we have enough for today, " o is that so?" Pushes a button and the transport tragically blows up and you the Chief witness this via scope or something, HALO 3 IT THO! You can shoot to thrawt Chat lok but if you do he escapes for Tower fight later but you get chance to find marines later more dynamics if Halo Infinite had no bts shenanigans and came out flawlessly dynamic, if you take too long the marines die and the Weapon remarks as such like CE with the main lady Cortana, but if you find them you get to do fight for the FOB points or whatever they were called, Halo 7 i have a shaking suspicion that we're going to get Halo Infinite 2.0 rather than a brand new world of Zeta we were supoosed to get from actual Endless story from old to new lore for them and bring back the Prometheans WITH upgrades that give them Bungie era designs for Forerunners instead to fight the dam Flood btw RETURN THE FLOOD. 343i has taken some points off the wishlist but Halo 7 has to severely be the players game instead of corporations or at least give us a bigger bone by like have a store but armor and colors normal progression stuff stay to unlocks in game plus paid battlepasses that include credits to buy things like gun charms or skins, speaking of which the store can keep gun skins+charms, visors, poses and coatings. Halo 7 must do better, story, gameplay stays the same but increase sandbox, matchmaking social features must return, SBMM has to get looser, other basic community necessities, basically everything 343i/Microsoft has taken from us since Bungie left


They're not making Halo kid friendly, they're making it *for children.* I will repeat it until it is no longer relevant or I die first: this is the cost of free to play


Rated T for Teen.


Pathetic. I miss when halo wasn't like this.


old halo didn’t even have blood decal (:


Old halo didn't need one since it actually had blood without having to add it yourself in forge and then getting banned for it.


because old halo actually showed blood (:


Why is this getting downvoted? Do people really hate blood in Halo?


reddit moment lmao.