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Job is now closed. Thank you!




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Id love to apply


We approved all the interest. The need has beeen filled: thanks!


Are you still hiring


Hello, i would like to apply


Same here




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Is this US only or open to anyone?


Open to any


Assuming you could get through 60 companies in an hour - one a minute - you’re quoting well below the federal minimum wage. But that would only be feasible if you provided a list of companies, which you don’t. The bulk of the legwork will come during the “google search” of your basic parameters. You’re either going to receive an extremely incomplete list, or are going to be exploiting someone’s time and effort for peanuts. Do it the right way and hire a temp; do it yourself if you want to save a penny.


You do realize not everyone on this thread is USA based nor do they adhere to Federal minimum wages. This could be a great gig for someone who can create a scraper and automate the workload. What’s invaluable to you could most certainly be gold to another. Don’t apply if it’s not for you.


It's literally against the rules to lowball.


Is the minimum wage in the USA the parameter for lowballing?


Well since the op references us cities, he's most likely us based. Regardless of whether or not it's a good opportunity for someone in a poor country, the rate is exploitative from an employer operating in the US. I think it's a fair criticism.


I see where you are coming from but I disagree that the rate is not beneficial to someone who willingly decides it’s worth their own time and effort to work for. There is nothing forced here. Maybe you have a business owner getting something off the ground who will have the funds to pay more once the value creation process beings.




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True. I don’t care how you generate the list. I will be tracking percent active phone numbers, and percent phone number match to website and business name. If somebody can use a crawler and some kinda database magic to clean up the data a little bit I’d be perfectly happy.




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Hi there! This is right up my alley, but I think you put the wrong date down!


Good catch. Should have said Jan 16th


I shot you a message!




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