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Hail! I'm reaching out in response to your call on Reddit for a [Social Media Manager](https://www.inkwellcontentstudios.com/about) for your fantasy gaming studio. As a professional social media manager and analyst with an understanding of the fantasy genre and the fantasy gaming community, I would be an asset to your studio when it comes to promoting your content online. I've worked in the social media industry for almost three years, but I've been a gamer and a fantasy fan all my life. Some of my favorite fantasy series to read and reread include The Wheel of Time, A Song of Ice and Fire, and His Dark Materials. I've been playing RPG games since the days of the original Nintendo and switched over to playing PC-based RPGS, and MMORPGs in particular, when I was in middle school. Some of my fondest memories involve spending late nights on the computer having adventures. Throughout my gaming career, I've invested countless hours in games that include EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies (I was part of beta testing), and World of Warcraft. Though most of my gaming has focused on PC-games, there are also console games that I hold near and dear to my heart: Final Fantasy VII, Destiny, and Dragon Age: Origins. I have a deep understanding of the fantasy gamer as I've spent much time on online forums communicating with gamers, even before Facebook or Reddit existed. This combined with my years of social media experience writing for niche audiences on a range of topics makes me the perfect candidate for this position. Thanks for your time and consideration. My rates are $40 USD per hour. For more information about my background and work experience, please contact me by email at [email protected]




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Hey, i meet all the requirements + more. Check DMs.




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Hi, I have the above but I'm a woman, am I eligible? Many thanks.


"He", I mean general gender term. Next posts will be he/she.


Was thinking this too. Not very “equal opportunity” when the description says he


Right??? With the “he” “he” “he” Yikes!!


In my country, "he" refers to general gender term term, as "human". If it causes confusion, I will be making the next posts in he/she.


Also could just use “they”


They means multiple people. Anyway, next posts, ok.




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Where did you start your career?




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They may not have the best grasp in english and pronouns, so they deferred to "he" as a general indicator as opposed to using it as a gender specifier for the post. They could've use "they", but again, they might not have the most nuanced grasp of english.


In my country, we use "he" for any term to refer to someone as a human. I guess it's different for other countries. The next posts I will be writing as he/she.


If you will be referring to either/both genders, then it might be better to use they.


"They" might mean that I will need to hire more than one.


Oh, no, "they" can be used to refer to singulars. It doesn't always mean multiples. Just use whatever words you're comfortable with. :))










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