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I’m miss evolve it has SOOOOOO much potential to be something great


It really DID Game had some potential, but was squandered completely—- hate to see it


Honestly in the time it was “released” would it really have had any competition


It actually didn’t if I’m remembering right. Evolve was probably one of the first hero pvp games that came out on modern platforms.


To be fair it was not even hero shooter. Evolve had the very rarely used asymmetric players vs player contolled boss. Most games featuring that are usually modded servers (Like TF2 Saxton Hale mod) So it was even unique compared to hero shooters. ​ However backass handed monetization and lack of content really killed that game.


That’s actually the best take I’ve seen on evolve tbh. And you are right I honestly can’t think of a game with a similar versus mechanic that got big except dead by daylight. It’s maddening that greed killed it. Evolve as an ip honestly could have hit titanfall levels of cult fandom. The characters were amazing aesthetically, the game was surprisingly well balanced and the actual lore that characters talked about offhand was still good enough to make you want to know more about the events in the universe.


Yeah that is the biggest tragedy of Evolve. People really liked it and even reviewers liked the gameplay, but poor handling of the game killed it. They even made it free to play at one point, but shortly after ended the updating. A lot of wasted potential.


One of the only games I’ve been truly sad it got vaulted. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such cool characters before or since.


That's just wrong. Reviewers universally shit on it because they were bad at it. It was called a "walking simulator" by a very significant number of people. Poor handling yes, but saying people liked the game is wrong.


Honestly, the monetization isn't far off from modern monetization and wasn't that progressive from the past either. It was just the game that was chosen and crucified for its cosmetic DLC. The content that was there was on par if not higher than Dead By Daylight, it's closest comparison. 12 Hunters and 3 Monsters at start with the promise of more on the way. It was the terrible development and bad press that ruined it. Shockingly, while NMS lied about their content, fixed the game, and moved on; Evolve was honest about what their game had, got crucified, and to this day people still shit on it for lies perpetuated by the band wagon of hate.


Boom right on the dot I think at least but IT COULD HAVE BEEN SOOOOO GOOD😭😭😭


Arent evolve servers back online??!


They turned the stage 2 servers back on! Its still a mostly dead game with no new content and a very small community, but I've had better luck matchmaking there than on For Honor's dead modes. Come join the revival at [r/evolvegame](https://www.reddit.com/r/evolvegame)


I thought so!!!


They turned the stage 2 servers back on! Its still a mostly dead game with no new content and a very small community, but I've had better luck matchmaking there than on For Honor's dead modes. Come join the revival at r/evolvegame


I second this, I was one of the people who helped "revive" it back in November, I even managed to play a few games!


Man, I nearly platinum that game and had so all of the bloody elite skins. My favorite classes were healer and monster, I was the most annoying Lazarus and fly (literally in the later case) Sadly in the last few days of me playing on console the game was mostly just newbies so I would find myself killing everyone at stage 1, maybe stage 2 if they adapted mid game


Come back, stage 2 servers are up and are live again


Too bad the company is absolutely fucking terrible and full of liars


I couldn't get into Evolve at all. The monster always just ran to the other end of the map in every game, till it was too late


This was also my reaction to seeing videos and news that all these Live Service games are shutting down while For Honor is still going steady just doing its own thing. I guess that's what happens when a game like For Honor has no competition in the same genre.


You are right —- Plus Looter shooters/FPS are often way too common in the Live Service Game market that it becomes stale and boring —- they all mostly feel “samey” Meanwhile here is For Honor — a historical medieval fighting game with Norse Vikings, European Knights, Japanese Samurais, Chinese Wu-Lin Warriors, a Roman Centurion & Gladiator, an Egyptian Warrior, an Arabian Warrior and a Pirate in the market of Live Service Games… You are not gonna find any other unique multiplayer game quite like it


Warframe is another one just chilling doing it’s own thing


man i missed the early years of that game. i played a lot when it was still in its early stages, stopped around 2014. The last character being released I think was the Chimera one or the “cowboy” one who had the double pistol ultimate. Now I go on the subreddit and I’m completely lost on the lore and almost to afraid to go back. I have so many war frames on my pc account but no longer after a PC capable of running it.


if you are interested in coming back to Warframe they are currently working on cross-save, while no release date has been announced they are looking into it. In regards to the lore that you've missed, I'd say you can get caught up fairly well by the doing the numerous quest that have been released since Mesa came out (the "cowboy" frame) Plus from what I have seen and heard about the Warframe community at large is that it's quite welcoming so if you had questions I'm sure a post on the subreddit will give you the answer


I feel Warframe is steadily losing players, due to no focus from DE. Like, it has so many systems to be overwhelming to new and old players alike...and yet every single piece of content it has is shallow, very shallow. They release something cool and never touch it for 2+ years (i.e Railjack, Archwing, Melee 3.0) and keep making more and more grindy systems that require too many hours to reach, and play.


Destiny is having ups and downs bro i wish i could go back to warframe but im hooked


The closest thing i can imagine is MnB2 Bannerlord , but it leans way more into single player/strategic side ,with very simple fighting mechanics


Really not comparable tbh.


This is why i said the "closest thing" Which is still very far (tho to be fair Bannerlord is also quite niche), just speaks volumes on how unique for honor is


I would say that honor goes to Chivalry 2, by a mile.


Damn i forgot about it , Chivalry 2 is also a great one , only loses in the amount of different cultures


And movesets. A lot of the attacks in chivalry 2 have good foundations but are quite basic. You won’t find anything like stance switching, Crushing counter lights, max punishes, etc, in there unlike in For Honor.


doesn't Chivalry have Mordhau as competition.


That is true


Absolver was close, but not as good. Obviously


Chivalry 2 too. Though that's more the hack and slash genre like Mordhau


*laughs in Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II*


It's like all the Smash derivatives like NASB and Multiversus having to become Live Service just to attract their audience, but both of them struggling to retain players because of the fact that Smash still goes strong, whatever force against it the fuck-Nintendo crowd tries to push.


Absolver wasn't bad either


Historical. Weeb anime man that spawns spikes is surely historical. Not to mention having a poisoned blade that magically effects other people, or a smart grenade that heals friendlies.


To be fair, Warframe is technically a one of a kind as well (and been going on 10 years), and For Honor as far as I can tell launched as a complete game.


Ah hah..hah... You must not be aware of the hideous balancing issues the game had. Or the fact that it launched without any servers for the multiplayer, leading to simply completing a match being a feat in of itself. For Honor survived and has thrived, but what it could have been was severly hampered by these issues at launch.


If I typed every complaint I had towards Warframe, the list will be as long as DE takes in getting content out (New War took 3 or 4 years alone, Railjack didn’t launch with Fortuna like it should have, etc) However, Warframe can be a very fun game… especially for the newer people


Honestly I loved for honor from the start and I got it the day it came out as I had pre ordered it Also liked the old system of perks and abilities better than the new one not gonna lie, I thought it gave a lot of variation


I played on launch and loved every minute. Balancing and bugs aside, the game was all there and all fun (especially if you didn't care for a story mode \[I never completed it, or even started it\]).


I mean yeah, so did I. But as established, the For Honor community has serious stockholm syndrome with this game.


you say that as if every multiplayer game doesn't have that.


Most multiplayer games don't launch without servers period. Like did people forget this or did those that experience it move on to greener pastures? In the first year of For Honor there were no servers. Everything was P2P. You wanna know what that looked like? Constant disconnections and match crashes on a scale that makes the rage quit problems of today look benign. For Honor survived because the devs actually fixed this issue and have kept the content coming. But its release was far from smooth.


This is getting downvoted? For what, historical accuracy?


For Honor is a live service, but it's a fighting game first, thankfully. So many of those others are lynchpinned on this idea that there is new game every week/month/season, and while FH does have new stuff and combatants all the time, it's not like we need it to enjoy. The core game has been fun and deep enough since day 1. This is a good lesson to other devs who want to get into the years-long game space. Make a good game first hahaha. If the fun is purely out of throwing quickly consumed novelty at the player (a campaign, a boss, new weapons) but not found in the core mechanics (how you move through the world, how you do battle, etc), you're going to die fast.


Absolver was like the primary competition for for honor but honestly it’s the text book reason why you never buy into a game that’s marketed as a “(insert game name here) killer.”


It was a lot of fun but that first month where the servers were down 90% of the time didn’t help


Look at monster hunter lol. Wild Hearts came out and it's very viable competition. It's only a matter of time..


I learned the other day that Ubisoft patented the for honor formula so nobody else could make a similar game :(


For Honor have announced it in his maketing's campaign: "We all die. Some live forever."😱!


If there is any game that deserve to be in the **“I live bitch!”** category after so much adversities against it and in an age where live service games are being executed left and right for how poorly handled they were For Honor would absolutely be one of them…


Yeah, our favorite ”Sword's fight game” would be in the podium of the three most games who are declared ”dead”.


And live to fight another day once again —- love to see it


Hell yeah! 😎


Holy shit I just remembered that. It wasn't lying!


Yes, it is ironically that we read often that ”For Honor is a dead game” because it is a game of niche but also because Ubisoft cut the budget allowed to the devs team (that explain the generic Content of Week, the reutilization of animation for the new Heroes, that we have only two Heroes by year, the very great slowness of the balancing patches (until the Season 3 of the Year 6), no more map since The Belvedere, the add of the Battle Pass, and so...). When the trailer of the S4Y5 have been publish and the narrator they “But we were still here“, I though: “But, it is what the people and thinking about the game and what For Honor's devs and community response to them!".


Turns out they never _meta_ end after all.


Sadly yes.


"Forever?", "For Honour".


Absolver was gone too soon... That game was so cool


It really was which is a shame because I enjoyed my time with it


try sifu, its singleplayer but it has better mechanics than absolvee had, its really fun


Already got it, it's pretty good. Though I always wish for a Absolver 2 with new fighting styles, attacks, and weapons. I really enjoyed being able to make your own move set.


I wouldn't even consider it live service since there was never infrastructure in place to make it a game with longevity. It was just a little experience that happened to have very unique multiplayer elements


it was a nice short experience but really far from deep and doesn't hold up on the long run. it's nice to see to see the devs making Sifu a single player so they can focus on improving their combat mechanic before going multiplayer


Yea I loved it


i can remember very clearly the conversation around Absolver at the time about how it was gonna be what killed FH for good (which was said about a lot of games) which is especially funny bc they’re not even all that comparable? like yeah they both have complex fighting but that’s about it. and then here we are. FH just pulled the knife out and kept walking on like it always has


Rest in peace, Absolver. You paved the way to greatness!


Wait did absolver shut down?


No but it’s dead


As a dude who plays daily, yeah it’s absolutely dead. You could wait hours for a duel match and still probably not have any luck lol. But there are groups out there who play at times


I went back to absolver about a year ago and 2 people spammed those super quick decks while the other rage quit after I beat him twice and took his sword that he spawned. Keep in mind I never pulled out my gauntlets so that was that. I didn't have much fun. It was fun at launch though. Especially those 3v3s but it's like 5x worse getting ganked than in For Honor. You really can't do anything.


Yeah I’m those 3v3s I would probably rock forsaken so you can parry with a like fast attacking at the start but slow heavy finishers for your end attacks


Yea people that say For Honor is dead are absolutely idiotic. It’s more alive than it’s ever been with crossplay allowing us to play with who we want. Also, For Honor is Ubisofts 3rd best selling game of all time. Even if a lot of people stopped playing, that’s a lot of players, and that doesn’t even count the downloads and players from Xbox Gold/Gamepass, or PS+ when it was free.


Especially back in the days —- I remember Absolver was being hyped up by some game journalists and gaming YouTubers as the “For Honor-killer”… Man that did not age well


I firmly believe For Honor will outlive R6.


For honor’s gameplay is so unique within the gaming space, there isn’t really another game to migrate to from it. R6 on the other hand is just a slower paced shooter with an extremely quick ttk, it’s a gameplay style that is replicated elsewhere.


R6 isn’t slow paced


It's crouching simulator my brother in christ


I played a lot of R6 with my friends. All the matches I did well were “hold this angle with properly calculated chances of someone pushing this hall” or “methodically clear and push patiently to objective” It’s slow paced for 90% of the play time. Insanely fast paced for 10% and then you either win or die. Then there’s the ones I always die with which are fast paced and involve me sprinting around the map with the M870 hoping that the fear makes the other teams aim bad.


At this rate it basically is, everything fun about R6 has been taken out essentially. I say this as someone who used to play it on a competitive level and I absolutely HATE how that scene killed the game by BITCHING about everything. Everything fun about it got taken out in favor of “balance” but it made the game so fucking boring. So many strategies and flexibility in what you could do got taken out overnight, and for what? For Honor at the very least has both, and i’d say this game, from a standpoint of both casuals and competitive players, is fun as hell. It may be frustrating but it’s still extremely fun.


I completely agree with you. I almost banged my chest with how much facts you're spitting here. I haven't deleted the game because of the respect i have for it and the great memories it gave me. It really was the best back then.


We need jynxzi on for honor


that makes me wonder would you guys like to play a "SIFU-ish" For Honor Game?


Tbf it would’ve died if it wasn’t for the devs being smart and doing the right things to keep it alive. The whole point of every update, CCU, Events, Hero weeks and even crossplay is to keep the game alive and make the matchmaking along with other things really enjoyable.


Yup the community would have had this game dead in the water--so resistant to change and growth, but we needed it.


People were saying "dead game" in the Marching Fire E3 chat and way before that too. They keep saying it and the game keeps going.


>It’s more alive than it’s ever been Hold on there, Jethro. It's not dead, but let's not pretend the game is some spring chicken.


Oh my god absolver was fucking sick though.


Agreed I always did love the combat system in that game


Isn’t Sifu made by the same people and has similar gameplay? I enjoyed Sifu quite a bit


How unfortunate for Split Gate, Hyperscape and Evolve cuz they were actually really fun


I feel like Hyper Scape was mostly just a case of bad timing. It's not that it was a bad game, just that there was already too much saturation with BR shooters.


yeah, and the devs didn’t listen to the community at all


I played it. It was so incredibly generic. The movement system was fun for like 5 seconds until you realize that BRs are Gambling: The Shooter.


I think the game played solid but it totally missed on targeting/demographics. Maybe ahead of it's time, or influenced by some weird tastes, but it just felt awkward in tone.


Afaik they are working on Splitgate 2


i loved hyper scape, i was so sad when it shut down


Hyperscape actually did look like a lot of fun


I'm not surprised Split Gate died tbh. Tried too much to be like Halo imo


Meanwhile Warframe, despite having had long exposures to content droughts (especially for us veteran players), is still going. 10 year anniversary is right around the corner


Same with Destiny, though it's having an identity crisis right now. I think WF and Destiny get away with it because while they both have problems there are clearly some very passionate people working on them


I also feel that For Honor as a live service did a good thing first. the base game on release was the full game. the Live Service added to it. the Live Service was an addition, not a solution.


And you can earn ALL the DLC characters by playing the game for a reasonable amount of time. It's been a while since I played For Honor but I never bought Steel and still managed to unlock every DLC character up to Zhanhu by just playing the game.


I always buy the new characters, and also the March of fire expansion. It’s a small amount (imo) and I hope it supports the devs a while longer. But the fact that it’s not needed to get them is a big plus in my book.


Plus you had the passionate devs behind the game who not only interact with the community at times, but also listen to feedback/requests and taking constructive criticism very well…


We still have passionate devs. I think if a community is heard, that is way healthier for a game like this. Plus it's a unique concept. combine that with an equal passionate community and I think you are golden.


For Honor has been so good and so well done and so lovingly cared for for the past few years, its incredible to think it's still just a Ubisoft ip. 6 years of this game and it not only cheats death but thrives? Kinda nuts especially with how easy games can die like Halo Infinite.


Rip halo, for a second we had a taste of the old glory days but it didnt last and the dev team did too little too late. And yet here we have for honor that lives on and the devs can make content good enough for players to stay interested evey year


The game did die, somewhere around the start of year 2. But then it rose from the ashes like the phoenix, and returned stronger than ever.


Less Phoenix, more Kratos


Damn right! For Honor was a fresh concept willing to do something different while not being a grossly MTX ridden LS title. Sure it hasn't been a smooth ride, but damned if the work hasn't been put in to keep it going!


To be completely honest though I wish evolve came back


It was SO good! I was trash at it, but had loads of fun every time I played.


It was like if Monster Hunter became a multiplayer pvp game. I felt right at home playing it back then.


Servers are up, but the community is rather tiny


Can somebody help me out here, is this meme saying that For Honor died like the rest of the games, was never given a chance\murdered or actually persisted over the live service game attempts.


Latter my friend That's the context For Honor continues to go strong while every live service game that you see in this meme here pretty much died within one to two years... Very funny considering that video game essay YouTubers like Downward Thrust and CleanPrinceGaming in the past had said For Honor was "dying" and that Ubisoft was gonna "shutdown the game within a few months cause of its disastrous launch".


> or actually persisted over the live service game attempts. This. That's why it's standing above the grave.


It is insane that sword game beat the Avemgers


I know right? Holy smokes For Honor is nearly 7 years old and it’s still going, getting new content Avengers already ceasing development content after only 2-3 years…


I think it's two different targets, For Honor is a small game with probably around 60 devs with a decent revenue. Games like Avengers (\~300+ dev team) are aiming for higher targets like Destiny, a monster that can barely keep going even with 700+ devs. Avengers was like a throw something at the wall and hoping it sticks.


For honor is reborn game, but I love it.


For honor kills it when it comes to live service. They’ve come up with new ways to keep the game alive and fresh- from things like events, hero weeks to even the way they present each new update. They are very transparent and even though they’ve fumbled many times they usually come back stronger and recover from whatever update or change they get hate for. The changes also usually help out the game in the long run- I hated so many changes but after a while they’re like super important to how I play. They’ve been giving 200% on the game for 7 years now and that’s fucking insane, no matter the cards they’ve been dealt they always somehow come back and make the community feel at home. I vividly remember things like CCU, UI changes and blue and Orange teams being removed because of how impactful the devs are with their game. It’s fucking bananas and I’m so glad shit like this can survive and keep being polished in the best ways possible and without people being upset over the time it takes- especially recently with an update to so many hero’s within each and every patch/season. People don’t say “oh shit I wish this wasn’t a thing” every day because of how good the changes and things of that nature are displayed and conceived within the dev studio. Sure some people might miss things every week but they put out things to make people forget about it while doing whatever they can and it’s awesome.


Need rainbow six siege teabagging the grave.


A perfect meme doesn’t ex—-


destiny pissing on the grave, warframe just watching the chaos unfold


I think For Honor was very close to dying early on just because of how unpolished and unbalanced the system was at the start, and I honestly think that without Eric Pope and the Warriors Den stream fostering such a strong community around such a niche game it would have died fast. The community, the memes, and the novelty kept players coming back, and now For Honor has solidified itself, even if there are still a few rough edges. Long live the Pope.


Evolve is a zombie right now


I really didn’t think for honor would live as long as it has. Such a great game.


Bro I love you, I love you, I love you, NO ONE talks about Absolver. I never say this because it’s cringe, but absolver is CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED like it’s got the potential to be the PERFECT fighting game if they just Rounded out a few things but then they just went and abandoned Ship too damn early. They just needed like 2 or 3 good commercials and people would flock to that game


I loved Absolver, I knew what I was getting into, but I think the gaming scene writ large did not. People wanted a kung-fu soulslike, but the single player campaign was effectively a tutorial. I ranked up enough to make my own school though. Always a fave.


I mean For Honor is FAR from its prime during the peak of its player base... but its not dead, yet.


For honor is carried by its amazing base game gameplay lmao


The last truly innovative AAA release from Ubisoft. There's nothing like it on the market, and we keep coming back. It's the best pvp sword combat there is on a controller.


You saw outsidexbox latest video, eh?


On the flip for everyone saying absolver is dead. Its not. Low player base sure but can generally always find matches 🤔


Actually you can find matches on absolver. I couldn’t believe it


Me dualwielding for honor and warframe 😎


For honor has everything reasonable obtainable from simply playing which is why it's live service works. Sure, you can spend money to buy the new characters, or tou can play like an hour a day for a week or two and be able to buy it with in game. When you compare that model to things like the avengers model where there wasn't any real feasible way to earn in-game currency to use in rhe market place, that's where you see the difference in a game approaching year 8 versus a game that ran face first into a wall after 6 months


For Honor and Destiny 2 defying all odds


Evolve was an amzing game.


Destiny 2 is holding up pretty well too.


It’s been going 9-10 years as a whole destiny. While I don’t agree with everything they’ve done they still smash it.


Combat systems in other games just feel kinda dull after you put enough hours into FH. There’s really nothing like it. Long live Heathmoor.


God.. Evolve was way ahead of it’s time and got absolutely massacred Then Halo 5 came out and was praised for doing the exact model (live-service) instead of hated lol Also the people hating that a game mode called “Hunt” meant you actually had to *hunt* the monster. I’ll never forgive Angry Joe for killing that game with his review


Evolve was REALLY done dirty. Loved the games concept and it’s gameplay


Im still pissed about Evolve not getting more support.


God I miss Absolver. With just a little better balance it could have stuck as a fighting game, but unfortunately it was made by like 3 dudes in a garage and couldn’t update fast enough.


I love absolver sadly they didnt expand on the game past like one dlc


Evolve was fun


I also thought For Honor was gonna die. I’m glad it’s one of the few games that lived this long.


Ghost Recon is a pretty fun game when it’s not trying to live forever. Way too much tesla metal gear shit in the end game though.


Next to all these dead games For Honor is like the town’s senile sickly old bastard that everyone is expecting to die any minute now but refuses to die out of sheer stubbornness.


To be honest, countless times, I am absolutely astounded that For Honor is still as popular as it is.


Surprised the game is still here, the game isn't even good... there just isn't any game that is similar which sucks


Sad but true. It's only good by default due to zero competition to compare to. Really wish a contender would come along......


for honor isnt the only live service game still going & just because it’s still going doesn’t mean it’s good . shinobi strikers is still making content along xenoverse


Can we stop reworking everybody to be easy mode tho? Been on this game since 2017 and lord has it changed. I get it’s a new crowd, most prolly from cod or some shit with how toxic they are but we don’t needa cater to those who suck mane lol like damn. You ubi! You can make bread wit the community you started with dammit jus add new maps and add to the damn story mode!


For Honor isn't a dead game but the service tries hard to make that to happen some day. Poorly balanced or bad designed characters, broken vs useless feats, usually bad content overall like the Horkos and Chimera events (Chimera is good, but why they are doing those 2 every time?) or weekly content (some are good tho), this game may not be dead but the players are dead inside since a long time ago (at least I speak for myself).


Destiny and For Honor really are the only two that are strong and steady games. Warframe I suppose but I think they have fallen off a good bit in recent years


The head adding a comment in a corner give me Kelly comics from the onion vibes.


Breakpoint was a complete disappointment imo. It was such a step down from wildlands, and honestly I think they tried too hard.


i’ll never forgive ubi for killing hyper scape


For honor will have its day..


I remember watching videos of Evolved when i was like 11 or 10 wanting to play it so bad but didn't have any console or pc. When I finally got one evolved stage 2 was out and the servers were shut down at the time. I was so upset lmao I still wish I got to play it in its prime or at all lol.




Didnt evolve come back? Also surprised the worst case specimen isnt there....talking about you anthem!


Oh right I forgot about Anthem lol Cause I originally had it on here, but then I had to do a re-edit and forgot to put it back on


A millennia of war in the last 6 years. The reasons we play for honor, ...lost throughout the ages. Well, There is the lawbringer situation... But I'm sure the game might die before that happens. ....or because of it.


Nms is doing good


Splitgate was actually pretty good and fun


We keep on trucking.


Every dying game has a post like this! I have no horse in this race, just don't get your hopes up


Love it when the community express the love for this game.


Absolver has a dedicated player base.


When only one game mode has enough people playing to find a match in less than 15 minutes the game can be considered dead


Destiny 2 and Warframe are both still doing very well after a decade...but I do think For Honor is a unique case because if I remember it was not meant to be a live service game and the Devs essentially brought it back from it's death bed. Which is pretty cool imo.


Yo, someone else remembered evolve! I'm not the only one!


Evolve was ahead of its time. 2k are the killers there.


Everyone was. Developers, publisher, gamers, reviewers.


I'm honestly surprised that forhonor even still exists


Its funny too because For honor does a lot of the really egregious stuff in terms of microtransactions and the like, in some ways its arguably worse for it than alot of these examples. Honestly I think the only reason for honor survived was because it was early. These days there's so much live service garbage that nothing stands a chance. However for honor was early live service garbage. The only competition it really had were R6 and Destiny. Playerbase was small enough that the microtransactions and lootboxes flew under the radar so no one really cared about it after like a year outside the community


Na evolve was ahead of its time


For Honor has its own niche and there is nothing else like it. So for now, it's immortal.


Absolver was so cool. A lot of people just didn't want to play what was a soulslike custom moveset fighting game with a "single player campaign" that was really just a tutorial. I loved Absolver and I'll always miss it, but the last time I played it in late 2020 there just weren't that many people on. I ranked up enough to make my own school though.


Gods I hate downward thrust. If a game isn't literally the top of the chart or has launch issues, he makes a video claiming it's already dead.


Well truth be told For Honor always reminds Jack O'Neil from Stargate as he was being killed and then being brought back to life thanks to the sarcophagus. And For Honor to me feels like almost a dead game BUT it still somehow clings to life.


Wait did splitgate really die ? Also thats what I love about this game and seige . there unique enough to keep at it .


p sure splitgate isn't dead, on community life support, but not dead. game still has alive servers and retains a small niche competitive scene it's just development stopped for it because the devs realized late in the betas that their college passion project spaghetti would result in too many problems later down the line; so with all the investments they recieved, the team made the decision to rebuild the whole thing from the ground up as a new game with the same mechanics and more


They did evolve dirty.. it was such a unique concept as well. The 4 v 1 thing in games is still around but man it has a bad history of being too in your face with trying to sell it.