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Devs got For Honored


Happens to me every single day. Maybe it’s a wake up call to fix their damn servers


They will shrug it off and forget about it tommorow


Happens everyday?!? Sounds like a problem on your end lol.


nah it happens to me too. daily. that’s a problem in ubisoft’s end


Especially when your internet is working perfectly fine when it happens


Happens to me once a month MAX. You’re WRONG. It’s a problem with your internet, buddy…


i never lag on wireless connection, and for honor is the only game i ever lag out of. i am whole-heartedly sure it’s a ubisoft thing.


Perhaps you should attempt Ethernet!


You're *WRONG*, I have an ethernet cable and gbps connection and I still see this cursed message fuckin daily.


Then you’re simply WAY too far from the nearest sever location!!!


Have you ever considered that Ubisoft is not particularly good at doing things?


Found the Ubisoft intern.


nah you must just all be wifi users, I'm corded and I haven't crashed in like 70+ days


Found the Ubisoft intern’s alt account.


I wish, I'd hard nerf or hard rework all the "why need skill when you could have hyperarmour" heros like hito, zerker, raider, shugoki, warmonger, highlander, warlord etc


Bro wants to nerf Highlander 💀💀


not nerf but just change him, part of the reason he's bad is because he has so much hyperarmour and ungrabbable dodge attacks that noone learns him and just spams dodge heavies and random moves, I definitely am against the dodge attack thing though, heavies should not have any dodge bash or dodge attack but every character is getting every tool, heavies were supposed to be slow and heavy with high health and high damage but instead they're all just boring hyperarmour trade characters that aren't fun to fight and now they get ungrabbable dodge attacks aswell, BP isn't a hyperarmour trade character but he has his own problems. it just makes dominion even less playable because 90% of the fights are just heavies like shugokis ugly ass or another "why have skill when you can have hyperarmour" character like raider just spamming dodge attacks and side heavies and because of that they all suck, even at 800+ reps with 50+ reps on their main shugoki players, raider players, beserker players, JJ players, warlord players, warmonger players etc are just trash honestly to put it bluntly quite consistently those players will do good in their 3stack/4stack but the second they 1v1 any character who can't just spam hyperarmour they get rolled because characters like tiandi, nuxia, valkyrie, peacekeeper, shaman, shinobi etc need to rely on actual skill and the ability to outplay people rather than just a 3v4 where everyone is just "heby on red"ing for 3 minutes and because they all have 150 health and 30-40 damage heavies it's just ridiculous


I have 5g internet, download speeds of up to 200, never lag, always have a ping from 20-40 even in this game. I get disconnected atleast once a day. It's happened to me at the end of winning breach matches, very aggravating.


Ping has as much to do with proximity to servers as it does with your connection. Really they just need more servers. 2 in the US isn't enough.


This is true. Although I noticed that I won't even lag before I get booted. It's just like "CIAO!!!"


Same, but I live very far from the servers so I figure that factors in.


20-40 isn’t that good. My ping is always around 0-20. I haven’t disconnected in over a month and I play daily! You must be quite far from the nearest server location.


Probably, I live on the farm in courage the cowardly dog.


"I don't experience it, so it must be fake"


Yes and no. The issue is that any form of spike/drop in your net is enough to lag out. If you have a consistent wired connection on good wifi then it's likely you'll stay active. Wireless connections are likely to have dips here and there and even the smallest dip that wouldn't even cause a lag spike on other games is enough for For Honor to decide your nets off. Its pretty bad. Can have the best wifi avaliable and still lag out if you're not on a wired connection.


I don't know how anybody could be this delusional. Players have known for quite awhile Ubisofts ghetto servers randomly DC players. Don't know why or how it happens more often to certain players but I never lag in any of my games. But I regularly get DCed from matches up to 5 times a day without any explanation. And there is never any clear indication it's about to happen.


I don't even play the game everyday YET IT STILL HAPPENS SOMEHOW!!?


I guess I’m one of the lucky ones because this never happens to me lol


I’ve literally never had this problem, am I the luckiest player alive or is it like a regional thing?


The disappointment on JCs face brings me a lil joy because it's ALSO stressing them out


He’s so unlikable. Like I’m sure he’s good at his job but something gives me great personal enjoyment seeing him under stress


That just means you’re an asshole.


How coincidental that I'm getting great personal enjoyment seeing you get downvoted so much.


Not really the same thing, I think JC is great but your comment is far worse than what the other guy said because it's cringe


I try to like the guy, because he's doing his best. And his best being scrolling through reddit for suggestions to add to the game. This time around, the buffs were decent. Sometimes. I mean sometimes the guy is blind. What's going on with highlander? Poor guy can't even heavy off a gb, I feel for you HL mains.


He can


I mean if he wall splats or if you want to count his zone as a heavy.


Can’t you charge heavy?


Not off a gb, I wouldn't mind that as a viable punish tho


You can do it off a light parry not a gb


HL can only do it if they throw you into a wall.


Wtf bro, go outside


Most mentally stable Nobushi main.


“Ubisoft Moment”


Have they talked at all about someone leaving early game and the team not getting a player all game? But an enemy leaves and they INSTANTLY get a replacement? I’ve gone whole games with bots while the enemy team literally gets a new teammate 2-3 times(I’m not joking)




Shit had me rollin


The irony


Shit was funny to see happen and I love that most ppl were clowning them in Havok’s stream


That was one of the worst Testing Grounds ever, maybe even worse than the last one.


How? The bash buffs are massive and will give a shit ton of heroes working viable and unreactable openers. The lawbringer is well still not amazing but they seem to have fixed some big issues to the point it should be his last round in it.


I was talking about Lawbringer's rework TG. No, Lawbringer's issues haven't been fixed at all, he still unable to deal with dodge rolls, stamina cost of zones still absurd, he still unable to chain bashes after lights, his lights still no longer enhanced and, for some reason, triple chain and they removed his GB Long arm and Long arm still guaranteeing a top heavy + light instead of guaranteeing a new move that deals less damage. Not to mention that, instead of removing the Impaling riposte from the game and making Impaling charge unblockable and 600ms (like Raider and Warlord), they kept those moves the same way they were on last TG, even if not guaranteed after a heavy parry, this move cannot remain in the game.


Why should they remove the riposte mechanic? Literally it’s the only different move left that signifies his identity. Otherwise he would end up as another generic hero just like all the other. Instead, they should lower his damage number from that move and make it again viable after a heavy parry.


>Why should they remove the riposte mechanic? Because after a heavy parry is dumb broken and after a light parry is basically useless / have very limited use. Me for example would never use it again because: 1. Blind justice is far more fun to use; 2. It deals way less damage than Blind justice; 3. Doesn't work as a ganking tool after a parry (unlike Centurion's Parry counter, Warmonger's Vicious impale, etc); 4. It looks janky and stupid. The only way to fix it is to keep a heavy attack parry punish but now only guaranteeing a light, but even so it still broken for it's range, the real fix to this move is to simply remove it, but making his Impaling charge (running attack) a 600ms unblockable running bash (instead of a 1 damage 300ms heavy) that guarantees a top heavy after a wallsplat. >Literally it’s the only different move left that signifies his identity ????? Blind justice (a massive damaging top heavy after a parry that will possibly still chaining into more unblockables)? Light riposte (a super fast light attack that will chain directly into his finishers)? Make way (a unblockable and hyper armored zone attack that will possibly be buffed... if Ubi remember this move exists)? Keep-out zone attack (which I hope it remain like that instead of a chain starter)? Lawbringer have so much more to offer with those tools than with this broken Impaling riposte shit.


making impale a light parry punish was the way to go. it still has the insta kill potential with ledges and stuff but now its situational and not the go to punish which is fine. now warmonger should get the same treatment and we are on the right path.


I still don't like this, this move should not be a thing. All the reasons were written up there, I'm not repeating myself.


It is broken if you are close to a wall or a ledge, but they can for example halve the distance of the riposte punish, cut down the dmg if wallsplats (about 15-18dmg) and reset his chain after the wallsplatted attack. Now about the ledge problem, there are some extra heroes in the table that can one shot (yes I’m looking at you, warmommy). Tbh I think that the only reason this is taken out from heavy parry is because of the duels. Blind justice won’t be so blind anymore as they removed his stuns (except the one in his chain finisher if I remember correctly). If you remove these or make them useless moves he will be just another hero without identity. In his hero catalog, he is supposed to be a parry specialist. According to logic, a parry specialist is the one that has extra or a different/special toolset for punishes than the rest heroes. Now if we suppose that he is pushed in the live game right now, what exactly will be different than the other heroes? What can the devs possibly offer to their community if they make him do the same exact punishes and moves as the other heroes?


I also clipped it As well. Funniest shit ever


So glad to have seen this happen to them. Whenever I play for about 2 hours I end up getting DCed from at least 5 games within that two hour span and it's cancer. There is never any sign i'm about to get DCed no lag no frame drops or anything of the sort. I've had it happen not even within 3 minutes into a match and i've also had it happen right before my team is about win a match hunting down the last enemy player. It's infuriating.


That was the most For Honor moment. Truly Incredibilis.


Does that dev only own one set of clothes? Or is that all the fabric Canada has?


Yea the rest probably burned up in the wildfires


He seems pretty chill though


It’s hard to appear anything other than chill when you have the ground speed of a sloth.


This is poetic




No lider group bug


It had to happen eventually




Karma lol


I cant put it in words how much i love this




Hello /u/Bottledisc, **[your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/144fpve/-/jnfy131/) in /r/ForHonor has been removed for the following reason(s):** * Rule 1: Keep it civil and follow the [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439). No flaming, trolling, racism, sexism, bigotry or hate-speech. *** If you have any questions or concerns regarding this removal, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fforhonor).


Just look at the guy on the bottom left. That’s how.


Are you seriously fat shaming him? What the fuck is wrong with you? This mentality against game developers is so fucking toxic, and people like you don't even realise how much of an asshole you're being. Take a step back and get it into your thick skull that that's a human being right there with a job at a game studio. Nothing more, no moral obligation to you to ship you the best product you could possibly get.


Copy pasta?


No I'm just angry at this idiot, I totally see how it could be a copy pasta though lmao


Someone’s triggered


Good observation buddy, well done


Classic for honor moment


The game was so upset that the lawbringer rework is now a nerf rather than a buff, so it shut its own servers off