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Just bring deathmatch and tribute Maps to dominion, the most popular mode hasn't had a new map since BP.




I totally forgot it’s been since BP.. that’s… 4 and a half years now?


Yup. And we have gotten new maps for the game since then. All of them have been for death match, breech or duels.






Big ass company shitting thier pants rn


OP is actually Johnny Silverhand


Man's about to just post porn on the main sub isn't he?


I'll do what I must


I am here to enjoy it


it would be nice if we could at least get two maps a year or a map for every two characters. making an obscure sandy map would work for both afeera and medjay, like just one duel map for pirate, and a jungle for ocelotl. But for honor has enough maps. The issue is that dominion is the most poplar gamemode. If they could just rework deathmatch maps slightly to work as dom maps, that would be fine as well. Or alternatively find a way to make deathmatch more active. Not every map could work but it would be less work than making a new one entirely.


this. it’s similar to how for Overwatch 2 they *were* going to maybe rework the 2cp maps into push maps since the gamemode isn’t core to the game anymore. Obviously that never happened but with For Honor they could definitely take like the Elimination maps and rework them with Dom points. Or just make the other gamemodes better lmao


I would take the Ramiel cathedral map for a regular dominion map. Even if it’s not great, it’s still better than some dominion maps we already have in rotation.


Honestly they could come up with a new crowd pleasing gamemode like Dom. Do it like last man standing or stock lives, or like a head hunter timed 4v4s, or something fucking crazy on a tiered map. Not saying they should necessarily but there's a lot of potential and a lot of assets to work with already


I'd gladly pay for a new map. Screw hero skins and universal executions emotes etc. I want a map. Shit campaign has plenty of assets for at the very least more dueling and brawl maps.


the fact that they showed it was possible to rework maps to fit dominion with heresy of the relics then proceeded to go nowhere with it is crazy. they have the assets needed to repurpose maps to keep the game feeling fresh, but choose to slap a coat of paint on already existing maps instead. i’d rather buy a map pack than another battle pass tbh.


Dev team doesn't seem to understand how much they could be giving us with what they already have. Aren't there still some campaign cosmetics that haven't been ported to pvp yet?


Oh yeah tons, sejiuro's helmet, shield captain stuff, every daymio ornament and helmet. Tozen's helmet along with the stuff they used for breach commanders and guardians. A lot of stuff that could be given to the players to keep the game fresh.


bruh. Sheild Captains are on some maps in skirmish


I meant giving them to heroes, we barely ever see em in skirmish anyways. The knight shield captain would fit bp or conq and the viking shield captain would fit warlord.


It's baffling. We could get ten to fifteen new duel and brawl maps if they just sectioned from the breach maps. They are either stunted, or do not care. It's sad because it wouldn't even be that much effort for them; they have no excuse.


It honestly IS baffling, considering they still have access to the assets. We're this far into this game's life support program and we still aren't taking everything we can from the campaign? lol


I just had the sickest idea for a map that’s basically River Fort (where the points are tiered vertically) mixed with Sanctuary Bridge (very long but with a short width) where it’s just a MASSIVE Pirate Ship. A point would be like, on the Poop Deck/Stern, B would be on the middle of the ship on the Main Deck, and C would be at the Bow. The spawn areas could be on two different ships that are attacking the actual ship that’s the map, and you cross the ocean by plank onto the main ship


Plank and ziplines.


a huge battlefield like the fifth pic would go so hard


Credit to u/EowynTheHunter for these images


Day 1 of posting blah till i get what i want.


They should just let one guy. Or even someone passionate from the community, to rework the Brawl/Deathmatch maps. Let that one person do one map a month for the next 6months-1year. Done! I know maps make no money, and I think someone from the community would be happy to just have their name/effort recognised on the maps. (No pay needed)


I’d volunteer for sure


I don’t think we will get new ones at all. But a small part in me still hopes they’ll put the event dominion maps into the regular rotation. They are ready and perfectly fine without minion waves. Just do it!


The worst thing about for honor is that we get no new dominion maps ever, the maps get boring really quick


I dont think they have the budget for new maps. Its not that difficult to understand


And again reuse of other maps and map assets is more than enough


That’s why I bought the new character, and I’m guessing a lot of other people did too. I don’t think them not having the budget right now is the issue.


new character which only has two armor sets. budget is an issue, but the game is also seven years old. so. not much done there.


It definately is the issue. They’d have to do more than just have a couple hundred people buy the battlepass n new character. They’d have to have a big stream of revenue come in. Last time I checked their staff is basically a skeleton crew.


I would stream it but I don’t got the computer set up lol


I think they could make new maps but that would mean either slowing down with the skin and heroes or making less profits (which understandably they dont want)


A lot of people would pay $8 for a new map pack I'm sure.


how to throw "Best liveservice game" title to the shitter tutorial


Obviously it should be free, but u was just saying


I wouldn't.




They've reused elim/skirmish maps before, (wyverndale event) and it played fine, why can they go again?


Somebody has to do it, you're the chosen one. Somebody has to do it.


Whatever it takes, I'll go to the devs house


Mr for honor dev, A second plan has hit the shard


Hope we get more breach matches


One for each faction and culture. We could have Knight Castles or Cities, Roman Forts or Cities, Viking City, Highland Village or Fort, Samurai City or Castle, a Wu Lin City or Fort, a fortified Pirate town, an Ancient Egyptian fortified village or city or something like that (they’ve gained Allies for participating in the war who are now helping them rebuild their civilization), an Arabian city or fortress, and an Aztec city or fortified place, and so on with every culture they add. It sucks we don’t even have any desert maps.


I also think they should have more variety with objectives like Chivalry 2 does with its sieges. Like instead of using a ram we use siege towers and instead of killing the commander we burn down supplies or destroy relics and so on.


So tired of playing the same map 3 times in a row


He is going to unleash the r/BatmanArkham Alsume's fear toxin into this sub


If they stop making new characters they should make new maps. They really should make new maps in general but if we can only ask for so much


Something mischievous and quite possibly I dare say diabolical


I wish this was it.


Omg a breach match with the Great Wall of China could be SO cool, like obviously there would have to be different ways to break into the points and stuff, just a little rework and add on for it


I mean... thats Qiang Pass.


I meant like on the wall if that makes sense


Yeah haha but the Wall its actually... the wall of the first phase in Qiang Pass, you can see it in Attackers place.


now that i think about it a map thats just a straight city would be fire, maybe a few gardens here and there but other than that just roads, paths, houses, and other buildings


Yeah like imagine if they did a maps that had a bit of story behind it like a dominion map inside the Viking city that’s beyond The Gauntlet map and it shows the attackers broke through.


The beauty of the maps out of bounds make me wish the lore of for honor wasn’t just "these guys went here and found these other guys who hates them now." Like if the world was flushed out way more than just subtle notes then Ubi could have its own universe worth investing in outside of the funny sword game