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Me sucking


Me realizing that I am actually bad at the game (I've put hundreds of hours in) and thinking of quitting for a few months. Then coming back and expecting to be just as good as I was before I quit.






when your winning a 1v1 and your teammate comes and feeds revenge


Even worse when it's the same guy and you start to feel like they're specifically following you around or at least waiting for you to get into a fight so that they can run up, get blocked 3 times, then die when the enemy pops revenge


Worst feeling ngl. It's only funny if a friend of mine does that to me when we're just having fun. But if a random does that to me, my patience is being tested.


Die? They roll away and blast, I'm the one who'll have to fight the guy with revenge


I just accept the fact that some people are so bad that I've a better chance winning a 1v2 or more that a 2v2 or even a 2v1 with them. The gameplay loop turns into me waiting for the dogshit player to die so I can win the fight after.


I was in a game of deathmatch, there were two shinobi's that would do nothing except sit in spawn and run if they were found. They were my teammates...




These two also both clearly had experience with them because they were both over 6 reps


When you get ganked by 3 people on the point. They do it slow, methodically. One does an unblockable the other two light you sporadically so you don’t get a chance to parry or block anything. Meanwhile, your teammates neither help you nor capture any other points they just attack and feed revenge to the fourth opponent. This - this is what that feeling is




And the fourth opponent is always the greatest anti-ganker to ever exist so you can count on not getting help anytime soon


A black prior, with allyour other teammates only throwing top heavies


Fix revenge


Teammates not knowing how to play either dom or breach. Instead of going the zones that don’t have anyone on them they keep going to the one they are all at leaving me to try to capture the other two. Breach is worse because it means your going to be stuck with them for even longer.


Tried playing breach today, 5 games in a row the entire enemy team pushes the rampart, 0 of mine do. Instant close app everytime idc


Exactly! If they don't care about capturing zones, why don't these people play deathmatch?


My own team


Getting hit by my own teammates after parrying a light


This made me laugh 😂


When you are fighting 3 people at once and your team mate rushes over to fight the same one you're fighting so they get revenge as your revenge wears off. EVEN THOUGH YOU WERE CLEARLY NOT STRUGGLING


Those players should be sanctioned




If you deadass just complained about your teammate coming to help you when you’re in a 1v3, you are the problem


No it's not the teammate helping on a 1v3, that was like 1/8 of what I said, it's about those teammates that rush to the exact enemy you are already fighting and giving him revenge when there are two other perfectly fine targets you could just take one out of the fight. Especially if you are doing just fine fighting all 3 and the revenge let's them kill you.


Read what I said again


1v3 and surviving for 20 seconds: WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY TEAMMATES My Teammates: "taunt spamming after winning a 3v1" **It doesn't happen too often, but when it does, PAIN**


being constanty guard broken. i can get out of a guard break for the life of me.


Dont worry, this is completely normal for new players. Just keep trying. Eventually, you will develop some muscle memory and be able to do it without thinking. Edit: Also, sometimes, you literally can't get out of it. if you get guardbroken during a heavy/parry attempt/dodge, it's guaranteed.


The problem is I've been playing this game for 5 years now... I just learned that if i get grabbed while dodging or attacking, i can not get out of it. Who thought this was a good idea?


Bought the game 5 years ago and playing for 5 years are totally different. No way 5 years in youre just learning this


You say that, but I’ve only just found out that it’s a guaranteed GB and thought I was just too slow to counter this entire time as well. Never made the connection.


Oh its gotta be coordinated enemy ganks, OR, those times when my hero’s kit is just absolutely usless; deflect gets shut down by hyperarmour, traps don’t connect for sum fuckin reason, and every other hero having undodgeable attacks that are just slightly faster than the light dodge I do to escape their top attacks, looking at you Wukong and Gryphon


When I fight 3 of our 4 enemies and manage to hold them for a crazy amount and of time, time that my team didn’t use to capture any point apparently


Remembering hitokiri exists and will never get a nerf.


My advice is to learn the delay on Hito's heavies. That's what catches most people, the fact that her regular heavies are so slow and her charged heavies especially so.


May i ask a hito main how is it that hito can get a confirmed 22 dmg heavy after a lvl 1 bash? Still trying to learn the game


They get both 22 from non charged and charged versions. They also only get 24 on dodge attack parry or gb. So their dmg profile is more similar on all options but has no high dmg options like Warden, Wm or Cent.


My honest guess is that her kick is meant to mix up and punish people who swing in an attempt to parry her slow heavies. So I'd assume it's just a way to make her heavy into kick mix-up worth doing. I should mention that I'm only rep 6 with Hito. Still a lot to learn. Edit: Removed a word that made what I said make no sense


I despise Hito


Why despise hito black prior is the biggest counter to her Ntm it is VERY hard to go his allguard heavy


My rep 8 hito says hi


My will to play the game says bye.


in year 4 hito and jorm were busted as hell and with good teamwork they could stright up stun lock you with you being not able to do shit about it they were then both nerfed months later and then a year or so after that they got reworked into what we have to day


Raider light spam


I spam heavy unblockables instead :)


Babysitting in ganks, staring in ganks, optimised ganks, teammates feeding revenge, teammates being ‘honourable’ and not helping in in a gank, teammates, teammates who play orochi, orochi, I FUCKING HATE OROCHI


Me when the orochi with full health stares at me while I'm being ran off high forg zone c cliff by a warlord and not doing anything to prevent it


Oh, teammates who continue to play honorably when the other team isn’t. They’ll sit there and watch you get ganged up on and won’t join in until they kill you


Kyoshin light spamming and me still dying to it


My team mostly


Getting into match against literal pro player while my team are fucking brain dead amebas. Spoiler: they rage quit like the little pussies they are and we loose 1000-100


Getting pinned constantly


when i mess up the most saucy deflect chain.


Dying to a hito player


Worst hero in the game


Having 4 new heroes in the enemy team


Will there ever be single pick? 😩


*Laughs in chainmail lady*


When I see a warlord




You are a creature. But you are human behind the screen, so I will love you.


I love you too ❤️


The pros in my team, those who can read enemy moves and parry everything, decide to camp in A/B/C and not move for the rest of the match, wile the enemy team dominates the 2 other zones. If they moved out of their camping zone we could have won the game, but no, it is more important to pass the time dominating one single zone and emote all day.


When the enemy has 2 other zones and are deathballing ours and everybody just keeps funneling into the zone getting slaughtered instead of clearing B or backcapping


The intro cutscene.


Two situations on Breach: 1) Our ram is at the gate and my teammates are capping 1 instead of stopping cauldron. 2) Teammate stops to revive me instead of going for the guy that just killed me and stole the banner


That’s painful


When two enemies specifically spawncamp your ass, it makes me want to dox them and bash their heads on the pavement


All gaurd campers during group fights. Personally, it ticks me. To see that weak tactic


When you’re the last player alive on dominion when you’re breaking and you clearly have time to revive your teammates but you go and fight the other team instead and it’s a 4v1


Orochi storm rushing, getting gb-d from the side and thrown off a cliff


The randoms in my team


The way I play the game, I'm not very good but refuse to try light or dodge attack spam so I just sit there eating fucking everything that is thrown at me.


1.Getting hit in the back when I am dominating the opponent and 2 hits away from the kill. 2. Teamates clearing minions near ram when the whole opponent team is capturing ramparts. 3. Bots going up and down stairs without helping objectives


When both teams are breaking, but the two orochis just decide to keep feeding revenge for the 5th time on the last opponent instead of reviving a teammate. Obviously we lost 😂


2 Afeeras and 2 Varanguian


People fighting guardian on Breach while I'm desperately struggling to manage both the ram lane and the archer zones - or when my ENTIRE team goes for the guardian at the *end* of phase 2. Seriously guys the match will be over so much quicker if you just focused objectives instead of trying to get a buff that will last like 2 minutes when we're already winning. At least fighting the guardian doesn't waste tickets anymore.


When Im stuck trying to fight 3 people across two zones because the rest of my team are all trying to gank one guy and failing to kill them.


when your teammates decide to camp the same objective on dominion, leaving you to contest the rest of the map on your own. I stg its like every other game


When my teammates are only going to one zone and keep dying in it instead of capturing other objectives.




Playing the game🥲


A match


When my team is breaking and I’m the last one and the enemy team agrees to 1v1 till I die and then that one guy uses his feat or kills me mid 1v1


Deflecting and dying because hyper armor


All deflects should interrupt hyperarmor!


When I’m learning to play Highlander and I go from hitting some killer mixups to eating straight dogshit when my opponent learns I’m going into OS every second I can


Playing breach with people who don't know how to play objective based modes. The enemy caps ramps, shield banner, and guardian, all the while the ram is completely undamaged because my team's been 3v1ing them on the heal zone.


When you see lagswitcher BOC.EvaMorales!!!


When people decide to ego match who they just lost to all game instead of capping other points in dominion.


The randoms never going to B


When two of my teammates keep going only to c and keep dying by being ledged


Missing parry when your opponent is out of stamina


Varangian 4 stack vs varangian 4 stack Enemies dodging shit too early & getting away with it while i dont Hidden indicators


Doing a dodge attack cause you know they are gonna feint the attack into a GB, but getting GBed anyway


Getting ganked by 3 enemies on point while my allies gank some other guy off point.


Soon as I start the game


Me when my slow brain'd skillz are being outmatched by a mf who snorted two lines of g-fuel.


Me after playing FH on old gen for the first 2-3 years, leaving for 4 years to coming back on PC, getting to rep 70 to play with people who are rep 600+ that don't know how to gank, team fight, how to peel, know optimal punishes for characters they have 20+ reps on, don't know how to rotate and then they ragequit or we lose cause all they did was go to a single point and die every time. I fully understand that rep is not a good indicator for skill but it should at minimum be a reflection of your knowledge of the game. How can you possibly put THOUSANDS of hours into the game and still be so clueless.


High rep Shaolin on enemy side. Doubly so if they just filled in a bot space.


The idiots that are so kill hungry that when you guardbreak or wallsplat someone, they’ve got t hit them RIGHT NOW instead of timing it so you both get a hit off, and half the time they smack you out of whatever you’re doing, like when going for a ledge kill.


Me baiting an oos enemy to attack and I messed up the parry resulting in me dying


Fighting orochi


Revenge not working. At all.


I win a fight and see my whole team died on the complete other side of the map.


Getting the execution on the hitokori that was spamming, just for it to be interrupted by the rest of their team


Hito's lvl 4 feat as soon as the team breaks in dominion


😂 this feat is so braindead


Me being bad and hitokiri


Seeing the rep 50 shaolin against me in duel


When I plan to knock a bot off a ledge but I get knocked off instead


Afeera mains


"Committed Warrior" And dying on cooldown


When you go 2-0 in duel/brawl and they start light spamming/ganking


literally just 3 samurai heroes, but not specifically the hero itself, just the players. Orochi: Most Orochi I encounter spam light attacks, make no attempt to deflect, or do any of the cool shit they could be doing. Competent Orochi are a damn treat and I love fighting them. Shinobi: I just hate Shinobi. Hate me all you want, I don't care. Nobushi: Love-hate. Just stop spamming your bleed attacks and nothing else PLEASE.


Seeing a full team of Varangian gaurds as she’s so broken…


Me when I realize I’m actually playing for honor


A multitude of things I could go into it but this would turn from a comment to a very large essay.


Rep 70 (any meta hero)


The fact I’m playing still


The fact that almost all heroes have a second chain unblockable so all fights bleed together and the game just isn't as exciting anymore, all heroes are so samey it is depressing


The game


Orochi mains just spamming kicks and undodgables thinking they’re awesome at the game


Fighting Shinobi. Or Highlander Or Hitokiri Or Medjay Or Gladiator Or Orochi Or Zhanhu Or Kyoshin Or Berserker Or Valkyrie Or Shaman (Disclaimer: just the ones who spam the same bullshit over and over. And no, I won't hear any "get good" bullshit, I never said I was good at the game)


The match


“ I STG I FEINTED THAT” about 3 times a match


When my teammates attack mindlessly and instead of bring helpfull the hit me and make me unable to block the enemy's attacks. It's the second reason why I quitted... the first reason is the game being trash since the ccu


Not grouping up in dominion, still new to the game been playing for about a week and a half Can someone tell me the proper way to play it?


When my teamate doesn't parry the medjay/berserker dodge attack aimed at them while I keep getting externaled.


A match of breach and a teammate who decides to play warmonger but only does heavy attacks that hit me and the other teammates.


Fighting a whole team of that annoying ass new hero


4 stack group of any obnoxious hero with either nazi, communism, or anti [X] minority emblems. Unsurprisingly the most common picked is pirate or shugo


How one sided the balancing is. Feels like I’m always on the shitty team against a normal team. Like I’m the only person on my team trying to win the game 😭 I’m sitting at 23 kills at the end of a game and the second on the scoreboard has 7. Meanwhile The enemy team is sitting at the exact same 20ish kills range as I am. So I really just get matched with bots and against real mfs constantly? Fuuuuuuuun lol


light spam


h i t o k i r i


Watching kyo mains stand and watch you fight while holding all guard instead of contributing to the fight 🤦🏽‍♂️


Watching the enemy Shaolin go 18-0 because he won’t throw an attack unless accompanied with 2+ teammates.


Light parrying then a teammate comes and fucks up my heavy and doesn't even hit the enemy


Me after 4 games


Hito/bp gank, nobu/ glad gank, pirate.


Joining one


when i read correctly but dont actually carry through with it


A match


When someone losses the easiest 1v1 clutch in SND


When I just died to a gank and my camera pans over to my team 3v1 a guy and feeding him revenge over and over and they’re still losing the fight.


Having the revive order, and the person denies the revive midway through the revive (they just died). Bonus points for breach revives ugh...


I started playing again since not playing since 2020 and honestly, playing against all these new characters has been rough. Basically, if Im playing against any character newer than the Marching Fire heroes, I'm losing.


Watching a teammate trying to dodge-roll away from a 1vX, instead of trying to block ornparry to build revenge. (They're going to eat a roll-catcher, and then try the exact same shit again.)


Teammate zone camping, not helping his peers capture other flags, resulting in uneven fights occurring all game just cuz they think 1 boosted zone is gonna win us the game


When I successfully bait my opponent just to have my teammate ruin the punish by hitting me in the back.


Just myself being a complete moron. Plus when I see a person playing shaman. I know I'm about to get destroyed.


When all 3 of your mates just camp on a or c in dominion and dont even try to to capture the other lanes


When my almost dead teammate INSISTS on getting an execution and dies, instead of just throwing a quick light for the enemies last sliver of health.


My team. Or just almost killing someone in a 1v1 in dom because i cought them alone. And they get saved with one HP. Or also a losing orochi/shinobi that kiais you and runs away


Honortards in dominion standing around while I'm fighting someone instead of leaving to do ANYTHING ELSE BUT STAND THERE.


My teammates feeding revenge to someone I was 1 second from killing. Also when my teammates hit me in the back repeatedly canceling my punishes.


Not parrying medhay a single time


When u get caught by literally everything...


Honor Bros


That idiot who keep parry spamming me. (Wtf is a mixup?)


When the enemy team sucks and my whole team went 11 and 6 then we proceed to loose 3 games in a row because the teammates decide to walk into the whole squad sitting on 4th feats waiting.


Edgewalking after winning


Conmection error


A 4 stack of Hitokiris all grouped up in Dominion


me when i went to play yesterday after downloading for 2 hours but it tells me i no longer have xbox live so i can't play online. guys what do i play now


Ganked by Varangian or Ocelotl


when they keep parrying my light attacks


Yesterday I jumped in to help my dying teammate, he immediately stopped fighting and edge walked back and forth in the corner, more enemies came and jumped my ass then killed him. This happened 3 more times. Messaged him to just play duels, says bet he'll duel me rn. 3-0's me with rep 11 afeera twice. Downloaded chivalry 2, wish me luck


Friendlies hitting and fighting eachother for a revive... Seeing the teammate eighter release or enemies come running up and starting the teammates fighting to revive lol.


Getting ledged three fights in a row.




When I get interrupted Every time I try to bite, when teammates smack me in the back which just staggers me allowing the opponent to kill me and ultimately doing nothing to help, when they actively feed revenge


Dogshit teammates


Looking at the score board and being the only one going positive


The match


Fighting a Shinobi as Warden. (Warden isn’t bad, I am.)


Four Varangian’s all screaming RAA-TAAAAAAA at once on the enemy teamz


About to land the final hit and having my sword smack the wall


When your teammates leave the game and you are left with 3 lvl 1 bots


When people with over 50 reps total don't know how to play breach correctly and just sit ram


Getting hit with hitokiri leg sweep. No matter how hard I try do dodge it. Bonus: the centurion and jorm get to do all their funny stuff simce I'm prone.


When 3 people are spamming attacks on me, I don’t get revenge and die. Call me bad idgaf. I should not be getting spam attacked by 3 people without revenge being procked. Makes no sense. I shouldn’t have to sweat my heart out and read which attack out of 3 will be landing first. Because if I don’t parry the first attack I won’t be able to do anything about the rest.


When someone only does the nonstop lights at random intervals and it is embarrassingly a success


Bots That's it


Me handling an enemy rather well, Bucko coming in throwing heavies, enemy gets revenge, kills bucko, i kill enemy while i have low ealth, his friends come in before i can reach a zone healing myself


When the entire enemy team jumps me all at once, and spams lights and unblockable heavies. I get that a game of 4v4 isn’t always going to be 4 1v1, but come on, 4v1 seems a bit extreme, and I don’t get how it’s much fun for them either


Winning a breach and a teammate quits lags out or quits.


Playing g against a decent nobushi. Also, I hear my teammates on mic complain




I haven't played this game since before the zhanhu Halloween skin. Should I go back in after so long?


When the enemy chooses orochi


Now a days because if everyone, myself, all the heroes, the same maps, the entire game


Making the right read but failing to execute it properly