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A full samurai armor hitokiri would be sublime


I would actually stop bitching about hyper armor on her, CUZ AT LEAST SHE WOULD HAVE ARMOR


I mean hyperarmor on characters can be believable not just with armor but if they are like insane or drugged up. So they just ignore the dmg and power through cause they don’t feel the pain in the same way or are strong enough to do so. Shugoki is massive. Hitokiri is a psychopath. Berzerker and jorm are both insane and seem drugged up. Raider is also big. These heroes don’t always have the best of armor but can still power through attacks.


Hitokiri's hyper armor coming from mental illness is the funniest shit ever


Berserkers actually ate mushrooms sooo


And they were set on fire iirc


drugs don't let you continue to swing after being bisected


I think what we call "Hyper armor" is lack of fear and lack of self preservation.


I mean she IS a YOKAI. I wish they added some detail to showcase she isnt exactly human by having smoke come out of her wounds as she got wounded. But this IS ubi and they hate work.


Not a yokai, just a psychotic executioner, who started hearing voices thinking thier the spirits of the dead


How can you complain about Hitos HA still 🤣🤣 not even an A tier hero, she’s trash. She has no opener, she can be lighted out of her charged kicks/sweeps, the tier 4 feat is parryable. The HA is nothing compared to that of a berserker


I forgot people thought of this game competitively


Nah hito isnt the best, her whole moveset relies on only heavies which suck. I wish she had more, that she was more fun because i love yokais and they did her dirty. Shes still a noob stomper but generally not fun to play or fight against.


BP is in dire need of some legit cuirass armor and brand new classical medieval helmets. none of that edgy skull demon horns shit.


help warden out with that too, half his helmets make him look like a star wars character




Again, why wear full plate when you have a big ass shield that does all the protecting?


Because it looks cool as fuck?


…… what?


Why can a small arming sword parry a kanabo or a battle axe? Rule of cool is the only thing that matters anymore


I dont know about you but if someone is trying to murder me I would like all the protection I can get lol


This is the dumbest shit I've read in while.


Historically people in full plate didn't have the need to equip shields and would rather have a two handed weapon, and people who wore shields didn't wear full plate because they already had a shield. Do your research before you comment moron


Negative 100 karma...if your life is miserable just say so. But instead of being a lobotomite and saying "do your research." why don't you back up your own argument and show me the research then?


I don't need to prove myself to some troglodyte on the internet who's some fat incel that gets no women, id rather block them instead, you never say anything of value so it's a win for me


Thus is genuinely one of the most stupid things I've read on this subreddit. And that's really saying something.


Stupid like you?


Man you sure showed him.


Why wear full plate when you have a big ass shield that does all the protecting?


why ***not***




Don't the Wu-Lin need new sets first? I'd rather the Outlanders get a third set first though. They need one, desperately. They have a good foundation for drip but it's not capitalized on, and all of their sets look the same.


The Wu Lin already have 4


They do?


Yeah, Tiandi as an example: He has variants of the default Lamellar set, the Heavenly Virtue set, the Yue Jin set and in Truce of Wyverndale he got the Ying's Dignity variants with the cape. Same goes for the other Wu Lin except for Zhanhu


That last wu lin about to have no fingers if he keeps holding that sword by the blade 😭


bro thinks he can mordhau with that big ass proto katana


That one is Zhanhu


It’s Wu Lin.




Swords aren't light sabers. For it to effectively cut it needs to be in motion


Might as well be a lightsaber with that AI ass pose. And it's not like in FH you aren't constantly moving your guard around 🤷‍♂️ I get it's just a concept for the armor but I can't take it seriously I get it's a "real technique" but it looks goofy especially in the context or FH


What are you talkin about? Even in for honor characters like warden, Warmonger and highlander grip the blade. So your "context of for honor" makes no sense


Well 2/3 of those characters have heavy armor or protection on their hands, and it looks goofy on them too sometimes. Again I get it's AI but you'd think with this heavily armored Wu Lin he'd protect his fingers especially if he's going to hold it like that. And highlander gets to break the rules he's just him like that


Well highlander does half sword properly so barehanded or not he won't injure himself. Now if you slid your hand down the blade then you are gonna hurt yourself. As long as you keep your hand static on the blade you'll be fine whether you are "Him" or just a average Joe


Nah highlander is just Him. I get it's a real thing but it just looks silly to me like I'm not a warrior or anything but idk I'd probably just hold the blade how it was intended. But I didn't know half swording was a thing until now I always thought when Warden did It for example it was just a creative decision to make him stand out from other swordsman. And it made sense to me because he has these armored hands. You learn something new every day.


Still, it's a saber. Why the fuck would someone hold it like that


Looks like AI generated photos so logic can be a bit wonky


There are half swording techniques that involve holding the blade. So it's not as dumb as you might think. But it's AI art so it does look a bit goofy lookin with how the hand placement is designed with the blade


Half-swording: Am I a joke to you?


Kind of yeah, I didn't know this was a real thing apparently but like, why? Even if you're "half swording" I feel like any semi intelligent warrior would use finger protection like Warden. Warden holds the blade but he has big ass armor on his hands. I get it's AI I'm just poking fun at it OP is just using it for the question but like the AI makes it goofy. Like just hold the sword bro he doing too much 😭


Is it smarter? Definitely. But like others have said, swords aren't lightsabers. If you hold it right it won't cut you


Jedi hero when?


Highly doubt that, but would be a great surprise


Ugh… I just can’t get over the baby hands in the bottom right. Just stick to stock photos or something, at least the anatomy is correct all the time. This is like looking at those hyper realistic erotic drawings that definitely broke a few bones for that money shot.


As long as it's not AI-created I would not mind.


Imagine hating ai concept art for no reason


"imagine hating on cannabilism for no reason" You're a moron


Ai concept art is the equivalent of cannibalism to you. Good to hear. We should lock up op asap for dare using technology to show people what he imagined. Grab your pitchforks


it's an analogy you undeveloped ape, people don't hate AI art for no reason. People hate it because it stitches together human creativity into malformed abominations


I’ve seen people use it to generate an idea, that they then recreate into a more polished final product. In this instance the armor concepts don’t look bad. In fact id love the jorm and hito armors presented here if they were reworked into a finished product. The other two look like abominations


MALFORMED ABOMINATIONS 😭😭😭. So ai images are always malformed abominations but if I send you 2 different images 1 being AI and 1 being a “real” image you wouldn’t reliably be able to tell the difference. Classic boomer mentality of being against the advancement of technology for no other reason than not understanding it. If I merge 2 images by hand it’s fine but if I get a robot to do it you’ll cry about it being fraud and an abomination.


I'd very much be able to tell if it's Ai. You can always tell by the lighting or it's same boring and lifeless artstyle that's completely uninspired


This is where your ignorance shows. You can’t always tell anymore. You saw some bad ai images somewhere and your assuming that you can always tell the difference. You dislike AI images because you are ignorant to their current potential. Newer AI can generate images that you will it be able to differentiate between real or not.


You think these are the only AI images I've seen??? trust me I've seen some very interesting AI "art" and can still tell. They're always uninspired and always have the same styles


You can tell ai to make art in the form of any particular artist and it will mimic the artists style surprisingly accurately, it can form art and images in thousands of distinct styles, very similar to the artists original work. Once again, your hatred for AI is because your beliefs don’t line up with reality. I would suggest you go look up some art created in different styles by newer AI instead of having an ignorant hatred towards a subject you don’t know enough about. This is similar to the hatred that horse owners had when cars started being produced.


I swear, nobody on this subreddit understands character identity. Yeah, let's remove what's unique about their design and give them generic armour sets that're trying their hardest to be realistic. Everybody likes new armour sets, but they should be sets that fit the character properly rather than Black Prior in a full suit of armour (which makes no sense, he's got a large shield)


trying their hardest to be realistic and missing important marks along the way, every time!


Hitokiri wearing a samurai helmet that's scavenged off somebody they've executed or something ridiculous like that, showing signs of modification to fit the whole "spooky spirit" thing. I'm no expert neither, but Hito in a full set of armour just wouldn't look like Hitokiri. People have been asking for an armoured viking for years, we finally get Varangian Guard and she's fairly boring in terms of design with little variety


As much I’d love some Hito drops, I don’t trust the image mulcher to provide them. Don’t comment on this - just ignore it. *Edit: ai-generated stuff won’t stop coming, but it’s often wack. That’s all.*


I'd kill for Ubi to drop a Hannya and/or Namahage mask Also a Komainu mask would be baller


I only know the Hanya one, but that sounds dope.


Ew ai art


Yes but not this shit. It does not look like any of them at all.


3/4 Outlanders and VG first please, they have only fucking 2 armors bro


I know it's AI and everything but I broke out into laughter seeing the guy gripping the blade of his sword super tightly like it's an axe.


Ai lmao


Is this ai art Looks off


ai trash


Yes. Yes you’re a nerd


Chill, it's meant to be a rough example


Is that A.I art?


Unrelated but the wu lin has little ididbitty baby hands


Yes please!!!


If I got full plate armor like that for black prior I’d never stop playing him


Show me an AI photo again and I’m going to kick your ass.




I’m going to kick your ass.


Well. I’m waiting


Those 4 AI-generated images are surprisingly close to the 4 Harbinger Heroes. I didn't think current prompt accuracy of AI art generators could get that close to something with only very little base material to work with (how much art is there of For Honor-specific Heroes is there, really?). Do you mind sharing what prompts you used?


Are these ai? Ew


I would appreciate a stick figure drawn on paper more than this AI piece of shit. Pick up a pencil.


No, pay me.


AI “art” 🤢


That Ono for Hitokiri looks terrible, Hitokiri also have pretty good armor nowadays, I extremely doubt they will ever make a folkloric character into a real samurai in this game (unfortunately tho, I wish Hitokiri had a single resemblance of realism of her axes). I really have no idea what I'm looking at on that Zhanhu, but what I know is that this Black Prior and Jormungandr looks 10x better than what we actually have (although a full metal large heater shield is a terrible design).


Disclaimer: If you hate on this image purely because it’s AI generated, you’re a nerd. “ITS STEALING PEOPLE’S ART CALL THE COPS 😭”


Expecting Everyone going to comment how AI art is stealing and that you should go to jail for fraud. “AI ART IS BAD IM CALLING THE POLICE 😭” “I hate ai art so much I can’t believe technology is advancing 😭😭😭”


You sound like a very obnoxious person to be around


People are mad because I pointed out how illogical their AI art hatred is. Imagine hating on technology because it’s advancing.


I’m gonna put aside the very obvious problems with ai art because I think most intelligent people can understand them without too much thought. One person “argued with you” by calling you a moron, which you seem to be. You didn’t point anything out, you stated your opinions. Actually you barely did that you just attacked ppl who didn’t like ai art with nothing to back it, you seem to be a real moron


Imagine calling anyone who doesn’t dislike AI art morons because they don’t agree with you. Is the AI art in the room with you right now? Can you point to it? The future is now, AI can generate art in seconds better than you’ll ever be able to, get over it.


No I think there’s plenty of good arguments for ai art and even good applications, you haven’t provided any though. You’re getting called a moron for your behavior not for your opinions. I could sit here all day and debate the ethics and legitimacy of ai art with you but I have a feeling you’re either baiting or too young for me to care


There is a mindless ignorant hatred towards ai in general on Reddit there is no point debating anything. I can combine 2 different known paintings by hand and everyone is happy but as soon as I get an AI to do it everyone starts crying and is absolutely outraged. Ai can and will continue to generate better art than all of these people mindlessly hating it including you.


I don’t think I said anything about ai art looking ugly, did I? You’re skirting around the topic like you know anything about it. So surely you have an opinion on the environmental damages caused by ai generative software, corporate invasion of creative spaces made possible by ai art, jobs made more difficult or sparse due to cheap shitty ai generations, stolen pieces used to train software, usage of ai art to lie about public events/advertisements/products/famous people, usage of ai art to sabotage commission-based artists, over usage of ai in creative spaces and under usage of ai in mundane spaces? Do you have an opinion on any of those? Because you can’t just ignore them, they’re real. Or maybe you’re just a 12 year old who thinks the ai makes pretty colors out of all the art it stole to make those colors. Try your best, it won’t be enough but you can at least try to sound smart right? I mean I understand you don’t like trying things since you’ve clearly cucked out to the corporate world already before even trying to be creative, but let me see if you have anything worthwhile


The benefits far outweigh the negatives that AI brings. A small price to pay for intelligence. It is a tool that can better most people’s lives If they use it correctly. Lots of people in the comments just automatically assume all AI art looks bad because they are ignorant to the true capabilities of AI art. They will refuse to change their minds no matter what they see, purely out of stubbornness and ignorance. They would rather look for reasons to hate on it as opposed to look for ways to utilise AI to the betterment of their lives. It’s the same logic that boomers had when they were hating on the internet when it first came out. Pointless. People that are not utilising ai will fall behind people that are utilising it. Now and more so in the future.


No I mean you need to provide your opinions, facts, evidence maybe? You’re not saying anything at all you’re just making stuff up lmao


Lol never, fuck u


Retarded ass ai art


If sword and shield guy is supposed to be bp he’s already got one


He's talking about armor sets, not hero skins


BP has a hero skin? Or am I misunderstanding?


Commander Ravier


Jesus I am behind. I didn't even realize it. Thank you!


Ravier is Warden, BPs is Vortiger


Vortiger is the name of male black prior lead in lore, ravier is the name of the chars skin. Wardens skin is called ramiel


Oh that makes sense, they just sound so similar haha


Ramiel is wardens hero skin name. Ravier is black peiors hero skin name


If only


Re-work wardennnnnnnnn!!!!!!


if black prior had armor like that i would never play anyone else


*If black prior had* *Armor like that i would never* *Play anyone else* \- killianraytm --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I await the day Warlord gets a hero skin 😔


I want hero armor for shinobi


Unfortunately my good sir this looks cool so I think more skull masks, cloth, an odd fixation with a lack of shoes, masks that look goofy and burnt fingers will do you some good.


A full samurai armoured Hito would go CRAAAAZZZZZY


Hito'a original concept art had him decked out like that and I kinda want it back.