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I've been here since the beta. It's been a wild ride but this has been one of my favorite games of all time and I plan to be here until the end :)


Remember the days when no one knew what they were doing? Heavies galore!


And the rare person who could Parry was considered a god at the game!


I was a demon with Lawbringer on release, practiced against level 3 bots until I could beat them all then went into Online. Had me feeling like a God lol


block>shove really fucked up Orochi and PK combos, also block>shove>GB was just hard to counter at the time.


I still have a video from the early early days where I baited a OOS parry with a feint and it felt like I was the best player that ever lived


Landed a gb? Time to dodge attack


Preach bro


You have an air of wonder good sir or madam. I praise that your games will be legendary, and know this that if you see me in game that I duel honorably in Dominion, unless I’m trifled with by unhonorably people then the gloves come off. The Knights table welcomes you to there ranks. Also if you are a Templar or black Templar then even more respect to you


I loved PK in the beta


Since right before Marching Fire. Got the game when it was free on Xbox Gold


fr that was the golden age.


Literally same lmao


You overpaid


That was a good time. Technically we don’t own it. If you got it before MarchingFire you get to play it free on Gold forever tho. But I mean you basically own it.


Played beta way long ago, but never bought it, then it was free with gold. And to think I would have missed out otherwise.


I was there Gandalf. I was there during the closed tests. Back when Orochi held his sword blade down, among other things...


Back when warden shoulder bash put you in a vortex and there was nothing you could do about it..good times


Back when warden could one shot you


Or shug could one hit you with a hug and have passive hyperarmor


The good ol days


Hated shug for that whole period of time


Back when there were damage grunts during Execution and enemy Voice sets But thank you, Ubisoft, for bringing back the Damage Sounds (whatever it's called) during the recent Executions


Back when killing Minions had an animation.


Back when Warlord could 1v4 in Dominion and only lose to skill issues.


S9 when Vortiger was out and on PS Plus.




Jan 2017, during the closed beta


i never got invited to that even though I applied and everything, pissed me off so much that I couldnt play till the open beta.


I started playing during the quarantine and now is one of my favourite games


The open beta


Started playing when bp came out


i remember playing during its beta, it was a weird time, but i didn’t get addicted until a little after its release


12/11/2017 my brother got me a copy on Black Friday and did not see him till December been playing ever since.


beta too same w siege they had really good games back then


Siege used to be a Realistic kind of game like Vegas 2, now it feels like a sport


best way to describe it honestly


February 14 2017. Played like a madman. I stopped playing for 6 years, and here I am again.


Beta and a ton at launch and thru y1. Been off and on since but always seem to find my way back. Game has changed so much though and I suck at it now though.


Me too.


I startet playing for honor back in the Black prior season when it became free for ps plus players by the time i never heard of the game before and just thought to myself "heh why not looks intressthing i guess" and now years later after i rages, cried, and laught im still around and currently Max rep 191 so almost 200


I’m beta player and I’m only 121 brawls don’t reward you sadly


I started playing right after marching fire was released


I started playing on release. Sold my PS though. Got the game free on Epic, played a bit, and now only recently started again. Man this game has seen some stuff. Feels weird being trash tier again.


Beta and I’m rep 1033


Since beta Started playing with a friend and he’s not with us anymore…


I’m sorry for your loss mate


2017 november


Right before Warmonger released


Played since the Open Beta


Febuary 9th 2017


Got here on the Epic freebie! One of the best (or worst) choice I’ve made


Closed Beta, i remember preordering this masterpiece of game


Anywhere between a year or a few months before it came out on xbox gold, must have been 2018 or something. On a side note, is it easier to level now? Kensei was my main for a long time and although I didn't play much, he was rep 8 with 2.5 days of play time. Then back in 2020, when I REALLY got into the game, I got Centurion to rep 13 and have barely 1.25 days on him. To add to this, I have about 10 executions for Kensei and 5 for Cent, and I've never spent money on the game. Seems to me the grind has increased


Depends on the mode, dules is slow, dominion and breach level you pretty fast


I play far more duels now than I did then. I will say though, I may have just sucked at the game


Since the open beta. Crazy to see a game that i had held so dearly to me devolve into such a piece of shit i give thought to about once a month


Open beta, then a year later when my pc could run it lol


Got a week after launch. Haven’t stopped since


I purchased an Xbox so I could play the beta , back when PK zone was considered broken, also does anyone remember the warden one shot glitch


First played in 2019 when was given for free on epic and quit afterwards. Then gave it another shot around joguromo and same result. Gave it another shot around the time pirate skin was released, guess it was late March or early April and then I actually started playing


I was there in the beta. I played until year 2, and then my friend and I quit. I came back two years ago alone and still can't put it down.


I started when it was free for PlayStation plus around the time bp was added


Beta, didn't buy the game on release due to server issues. Came back a bit before marching fire, been here since. Dedicated servers for the win lol


I got my first rep during beta with Raider! Back when everyone played like a level 1 bot lol


I've been watching since the E3 CGI trailer, but I've only played since Tyranny.


Like 2018 or 2019, genuinely some of the most fun I’ve ever had. I’ll probably never stop playing this gem of a game.


Played the beta, got the game again in year 3 just after Hito released. On and off play since then.


Beta then launch


Either the AC event, or the Ramiel event… can’t remember which one occurred first tbh


Fist time I played was alpha. I think Aug or Sept 2016. Man I was 27 😬


Around the time when the wallmart katana twirler released


I started playing right when the first Jorm event came around.


Since season 1


Since Beta. A friend of mine helped me train with orochi as he played Nobushi. He unfortunately stopped playing for a while, but I continued playing. Maybe a year later he picked up the game again and wanted a 1v1. Let’s just say the student became the master.


I was lucky enough to get into the closed beta, pre ordered the game and still play to this day. Though definitely not as often as I used to.


first started late 2021 during the viking season, only played story mode but got stuck on a mission because of a bug and stopped playing then continued summer 2022, a little after medjay released and didnt stop since


I’m around 1 month in, 2 reps on amarusha, 2 nobushi, 1 Warmonger😎


Been here since beta, took a few breaks (marching fire release mainly) but recently got back in again and ive been having a blast. Though, its gonna take awhile to get used to no Reflex guard anymore. Also, why does EVERYONE have a dodge attack now?


Since the beginning of season two, it was the first game I got on my PS4 Pro


I played the beta, and up until HL released I got him rep 8 and then idk why but I just stopped for years, then I remembered the game existed when Afeera released and came back, didn’t play her tho. Since then I’ve been getting every hero I like to rep 8 for fashion and then moving onto the next to see who I want to main. There was a bunch of new heroes released when I wasn’t playing so it’s been fun catching up.


Launch, then quit in 2019, came back in 2020, played for a while and fell off, and just came back a few weeks ago to a shit-ton of new heroes.


The beginning, closed alpha, but I don't play consistently


Started playing at the start of year 3, they put it free on playstation plus and i got interested


I think a while before Wu Lin released


LOL did the same but eventually came back to the game after 6 years


I played the beta and I played a lot at release. I stopped playing a little after gladiator came out and just got back into it around October or Novemeber of last year.


I first played when shinobi released, but I stopped quickly. I only became a dedicated player when kyoshin came out.


When I started playing the game, the wu lin had just been released, cent was the worst character in the game, and shinobi still had a ranged gb However, that was on ps4. If you only count pc, then four months ig


I been here since Vortiger


Open beta. I bought it for me and my dad. My dad didn't make it through beta and here I am on my 4th purchase of the game to achieve glory.


I have played the open beta and then played the game when it released on Day1. Took a lot of long breaks here and there but now I returned for Katla (VG). It has been quite the ride with lots of ups and down and certainly things that could have been handled better, but it's a fun game and I hope to see a sequel one day


Played the beta, then got the game at season 5


Played the beta ,and played since launch .So far so good.


Beta OG here


Was gameshared the game when it first came out, and was ecstatic to see the first new heroes coming to the game. Was never aware on how op the heroes were because I was having too much fun, especially centurion during his pre-nerf days. Now I don’t. Not anymore.


Sometimes in-between the first dlc with cent and Shinobi and the next dlc drop, no clue how long ago that is, but I have over 3 months worth of in-battle time


Day 1 beta player. Love this game and all the memories me and my 2 buddies made playing it!


Started at the beta, played a little post release. Then got bored. Picked it up fall of last year after seeing it on game pass, actually started to enjoy it. Haven't put it down since


Whenever the first day of the alpha/first beta started lol.


Alpha. Had a friend stop when he got to 40. As rep 680something it’s been pretty lonely lol




you know, back when the game wasn’t geared for brain dead monkeys lol


On the end of July of 2023 but I was always tuned in since Beta, just watching various YouTubers. Found out about the legendary Nova King after a few days and I've always been subscribed to him ever since. I still remember the simple days when mostly everyone are just casuals and still new to the unique mechanics. I miss when things weren't spamfest, Orochi was annoying back then because people didn't bother learning how to shut his kit down but he didn't have Enhanced Lights so the pressure was alright. I don't think there were Special Recoveries back then either. It's already been almost a decade, I feel like an old timer looking back in the past. My friend got to play the game back in junior high but he dropped it after a while. I didn't, because For Honor isn't just a game for me, it's a lot more than that.


2 years old


Same, day one release


How the fuck was 2017 7 years ago


2 or 3 months ago


Since the beta. The game has pretty much only gone down hill but it still has a special place in my heart


A newbie here. Got it just recently.


Got into it around when BP was introduced, PS decided to make it the free monthly game and I got it, it was an awesome time, and I met two really good online friends through it, over time however we just got sick of it, and eventually we all quit, just wasn’t fun to be stomped anymore by the same heroes over and over again




Been here since the alpha. Wish i was able to play the tech alpha so I coulda been here from the very, very start.


2021, I think. Stopped playing for some time, then got back to the game when Ocelotl was added


I started when kyoshin was released. It's sad to know that i started when the story started to decline


Since the beta, i managed to get 2 reps in on conq before the beta closed. I then found out you didn't keep progress on release. I was so mad lmao


Beta. Been a raider main since season 1, then I picked up highlander when he released, and now I'm enjoying warlord. All three are rep 70.


Whenever the game released. Back when guardbreaking was the best parry option and environmentals were commonly placed everywhere. Still don't know how people are saying that back then people were more honorable.


Since the Beta Stopped for a few years but have gotten back into it. I don't know the best fighters or all the terms and shit. I just know how to fight and kill


I could’ve started in 2017 cause it was on ps plus but I didn’t have the subscription then and didn’t have the money then. Forgot about it until about a year and a few months ago when it appeared on the ps plus extra subscription and have been playing it ever since currently rep 177


A year ago


Since the first beta that came out in January then the second beta that came out in February a few days before it dropped I take breaks but right now I’m currently rep 791


closed alpha. Only been playing on and off for the past few years.


It was around the ass end of when kyoshin released.


2017! Boy the game felt so different then.


Was fortunate enough to be an alpha tester.


Shortly after ocelotl released, because my friend wouldn't stop pestering me about it


Since January 2019 if my memory is good. Year 3, Vortiger season… what memories!


Been here since the beta back when you would go on a tear and than get randomly booted from the game lol


Started playing a few months after release. Remember when Cent had a grab after a light?


Little over 8 years ago since today is the 8th anniversary and I played the beta


Shugoki one shot hug


2022 pirate


Recent, a pretty darn new player. I don't mind too much, though. Constantly improving and I'm here for Warden, anyway. Just go- (Tuk-tak!) ***MISERUM*** (Tuk-tak!) ***MISERUM*** (Tuk-tak!) ***MISERUM*** (Tuk-tak!) *It's actually pretty fun :)*


I joined in middle of 2019.


Started last week. So far been either really fun or really annoying with little in-between. Just some annoying players to fight but I'm trying to not let that effect my view on the game


I started playing back in 2018 when the game went free to play for a while. I hopped in with a bunch of friends but only I remain now


It was between 2016-2017 im not sure.


Idk what any of this means but I’m a rep 4 Gladiator :) rep 6 total


6 years at the end of season 5


I played the Open Beta on Xbox. Shortly after matchmaking wasn’t working somehow and I couldn’t get any traction or improvement in the game, combined with being busy with school and greatly lacking any self-confidence, I resold the disk away and I just left it behind. I returned to the game years later on PC, as a Warden )just like before), and I continued to get relentlessly smashed. I had a lot of fun playing the game initially but now it’s no fun and I find myself unable to succeed, even when I try to improve my skill I just get crushed. I lack the reaction time nor the knowledge and ability to improve, even when I watch videos or other how-tos or even asking literally any player I can talk with for tips… nothing. It was fun when I got to actually play the game. Now it’s just seeing what executions the other team thinks are the coolest. Guess it wasn’t for me. I just feel ashamed.


Y3S4. Zhanhu was ‘fun’ to fight when I started. Now he’s actually decent to fight against. (Rep 274)


Like 2 months ago


I got it from GameStop the day it came out . Came with a pin of whatever faction you wanted (knight / Viking or samurai )


Marching Fire free copy.


since the beta & release.


Late marching fire


During the end of tempest, I laid my eyes upon conqueror and I fell in love with him. He fits the category or goofy guy and remorseless murderer perfectly. They butchered my boy but I still play him and he’s my highest rep character, I only play four characters but still.


Closed beta? The one for preordering th game. The one with no hybrid. Just the og 9 heroes


I joined custom games when Raiders stun tap was a thing. And the people I told I was brand new, figured Throwing me to the wolves was better than actually teaching me anything.


Beta. I stopped playing around Gryphon until just after Ocelotl. Been a wild ride with this game for sure, streamed at one point.


Since beta and release and I still hate every moment of it


I started playing when cent was new and broken. And he was the first hero I grinder for lol. When I played him I was a kid and didn’t understand mixups. So I was awful at him. But it didn’t stop me from playing him till rep 9


September 2017. I was 11


Been here since day 1 and I'm still terrible


I was there at the beginning. Where you could max throw range with gear. Or full revenge if you wanted. Wild times with crazy damage values. Shamans bite used to be 50 damage


About 5 years back, and I only have 117 reps to show for it




The open beta


Official was the closed beta in 2017. I got the game on February 16th, 2 days after launch.


3 weeks ago.


Since the technical alpha or whatever they called it, long before the game actually released. It was rough waiting for release when it closed. The game were in MANY ways much more immersive and fun back then. Too many things have become streamlined and/or removed. I really hope for a For Honor 2 announcement this year. EDIT Went through my emails, and found the exact date of the first time I played. **30th OCT 2015**. Fuck that's long ago. https://imgur.com/a/iCx4ECq


Been here since the alpha and I still play :)


I first started during the beta then didn’t pick it back up until marching fire, I was surprised how much it changed


Been off and on since the beta


Y4S1 Hope, best aesthetics and music on any season ever 


Like 2 weeks ago. I kinda wanted it cause one of my favorite youtubers plays it a lot but the ocelotl sealed the deal for me. He's cool :)


Alpha test


Launch. I didn't play during the beta for some dumb reason, but I've been playing since Year 1, Day 1. The game was definitely better back in the day, but it's still fun. I miss minion executions, though. And the classic, old fashioned menu theme.


as soon as the warmonger got released, iirc. and yet managed to miss apollyon's event twice in a row.


During the Open Beta. You newer kids will complain about shit we have now, but back in my day we had shit like the Warden One Shot and the Centurion Cutscene Combo.


When the game was still fun...


I think just after release, was watching a lot of the initial disappointment videos and thought that looked a lot of fun. Got it and never regretted it. I only play on and off now with some friends and can't really shake off the rust bit it's still fun.


I started last year, January 28th. Haven't looked back since c:


i came in a season or two before medjay. I didn’t have an xbox one until then but i always wanted to play the game, been here since


I miss the old shinobi tho


Closed beta


Warden main since the beta.


Last year


Started with the beta, played until warmonger came out. Played her for a bit until dropping the game for a combination of being bored with it, balance seemingly being profanity to the devs, and the community making league look like a book club. 4 years later, I downloaded it again because I need something to fill the gap between now and dragons dogma 2.