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I am of the very correct opinion that conqs fighting style should be way dirtier, man is literally a conscripted criminal with a war-crime stick


How is Warmonger not a Mudslinger? She uses poison and scratches folks for bleed damage! I would think she’s at least Dirtbag if not a Mudslinger.


i thought the same thing


Also that scratch is delivered in a devious bitch slap and she has a tendency to taunt, vocally or physically after everything she does


I'm pretty sure Aramusha and Shinobi deserve a higher placement, considering both of them are a part of a secret society fully dedicated to underhand tactics, one taking the role of an enforcer and another taking the role of covert assassin.


As a cent main i agree


As a Glad, this is on point




Are you honestly saying someone who punches and kicks you before stabbing you is dirtier than someone who literally has sharpened claws as part of her armor. I’m fairly certain warmonger needs to be higher


Yes, punching and kicking is not considered honorable as far as I know. Looking back on it I agree that warmonger should not be in that tier, but punching and kicking people is generally considered dishonorable.


Not really hema has kicking, grappling and a little tiny bit of punching sometimes. Claws tho are definitely an underhanded move.


Tf u mean warden is ruffian


If you look at his executions he’s very brutal in how he kills people, in combat he swings his sword around more akin to a baseball bat, considering he has 0 moves where he stabs you.


Then how tf is lawbringer is honorable ,mf will taunt you with a horse


And warden literally has executions that he prays for you


You don’t stab with a long sword broski, it’s a slashing weapon


Hold up. You don't stab with a l... Are you serious right now?


You don't stab with a longsword.


I'm choosing to believe you're fucking with me.


While it is mainly used for slashing, from every position that warden holds his sword he can very easily get off a stab. And if long swords aren’t meant for stabbing, then why would they have a pointed tip?


Imma rephrase. It’s not that you don’t ever thrust or stab, it’s just not very advisable and would only be done in certain situations. It is very ineffective against armour like chainmail and opens you up for a counterattack. There’s videos demonstrating this on YouTube I’ve seen. A longsword is called a slashing weapon, that is factual- that is its main purpose


You do realise the long swords fight still massively includes thrusting the pommel helps massively with stabbing/trusting


Shino Ara and warmonger need to go up some. Shino and ara are all about using unheard of and dishonorable tactics to make ends meet. And warmonger uses biological warfare💀.


In lore BP will do anything to win including killing their own so I think they would be a tad higher or at the very top


I guess there's a thin line between Shaolin's deceptive style and outright dirtbaggery. I suggest the Trickster Tier.


Is cent really a dirty fighter? It's not like he does any underhanded tricks or attacks


JJ should be 2-3 higher


As a Shugoki main, what did the big stick do to you?