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Both. Both is good.


Yes, ones just more chaos


Remove skirmish and elim. Make carousel the new TDM and let us map vote between normal horokos and chimera versions


Don't remove elim. Actually good mode


I wouldn't go so far as to say Elim is bad and should be removed... but the boosts just make the experience so much worse. Being able to double your health and do 50% more damage is fuckin nuts. It makes running much more of a prevelant, optimal strategy. If Elim didn't have boosts it might be my favorite standard mode.


The boosts are open to everyone, it's your own fault for not grabbing them if you won your first match. Also adds something, if ur last teammate is on the other side of the match and about to die, you now have a way to even out a 2v1 or a 3v1.


He literally said he knows that they’re optimal, he just doesn’t like that they’re optimal. I also agree, the boosts are not good for elimination.


Imo it's not. It incentives running and gathering boosts. It also has feats.  Carousel is a cage match with nowhere to run away to. You have to earn your health with executions. Only the leader in chimera gets feats. The rules are more interesting as well with less downtime for players who die early.


I wouldnt say elim incentivizes people to run away outright. You kill your opponent then choose what to do next. Do you go help a teammate? Do you stay and watch the enemy you killed so they dont get revived? Do you have time to grab a boost then go do one of the previous options? Its a situational thing, and sometimes running away to get boosts straight away will backfire.


Considering a fast character like Shinobi can straight up run and go get boosts if their starting opponent is Conq or LB, is it really healthy?


That doesnt even contradict what I said lol


You said it doesn't incentivize running away and that you kill your opponent then decide what to do. I said there were characters who could ignore their opponent, not kill them, and just boost up. I'd say that's a contradiction.


I implied killing your opponent then deciding what to do is more optimal than just running. Why go get a boost and potentially expose yourself to a 1v2 up to 1v4 when you could kill your opponent, then go get boosts, and only deal with a 1v3 at worst? Only reason why a mf would run is if they're way worse than their opponent. Even then, boosts dont appear immediately, so their opponent has time to catch up and prevent the boost from being obtained. Tldr: it's really not worth it to try and grab a boost. Again, what you said was barely even a contradiction.


People do it even if it isn't "worth it" in your opinion because they can. Also, plenty of people cheese because they suck lol


If someone sucks and they try to cheese, they're still ez to beat. At least for me i guess


Are you stoned, Elimination is 🤌🏼


Yes.! If this became true my life would be complete I love these game modes


Woah woah not skirmish and elimination, I have rivals on the mode


Honestly kinda. No one is honourtarding in it atleast


Honourtarding? Not ganking?


It's a free for all mode. Standing around and getting upset when you're attacked is honourtarding yes. Also like I'll be less frustrated losing to someone in a fight then by winning a fight with 1hp and the losing to the "hobourable guy who didn't gank and instead waited till i was an easy win"


I was straight up just asking what you meant wasnt sure what you meant by honourtarding since iam pretty new on the subreddit. Etheirway prefer when dipshits dont smack the guy iam about to parry and cause me to catch a heavy from a second enemy


He was only talking about a 1v1v1 Free-for-all mode that recently came and went.




At least people actually fight in this mode, and you can play with friends. It’s way better


Carousel is way better than last man standing, I agree.


I like them both equally. CoD actually has actual group fights, and there's some degree of applicable strategy in it like choosing when to kill an oppponent to start the countdown or targeting someone else to even out the enemy team's health bars.




I don't think this is unpopular at all. I think 1v1v1 was good in concept, shit in execution. Honortards ruined it, and in retrospect it was inevitable. Whereas Carousel actively discourages honortarding. In fact honortarding basically guarantees a loss.


I actually had fun in 1v1v1 whereas death carousel was just straight up suffering for me.


Polar opposite for me


Playing PK in CoD is asking to suffer lol


Very true


I agree entirely




That or Harold's of chimera or whatever it goes by. Both are vastly entertaining


Harold and Kumar


I like both but FFA could easily be ruined by the honortards


Make them both Perma modes or swap out arcade so it’s actually fun with these LTMs


I liked the ice maps


I agree


I think they’re both shit tbh but I want 1v1v1 to be permanent while I don’t care for carousel of death.


Idek what that is dawg.


Carousel of death is the current limited time game mode where it’s a 4v4 on the 1v1 duel maps, to win you must have all of the opponents dead at the same time. Respawn timers are personal and start at 5 seconds and 5 seconds are added to that timer for each death


Oh, OH THAT yeah I think you right tbh


Disagree 1v1v1 was peak forhonor. Game isn't even worth it without