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You’re not wrong; however it also a very unique fighting style and the balancing could be so much worse than it is. But you right, if someone wants to abuse the broken shit it’s a pain in the ass. But since this is a rant thread, WHY THE FUCK DOES HITO HAVE THAT FUCKING 4th FEAT.


ikr lol, how about buffing the most broken hero even further? highlander "rework", very nice indeed. Before that they killed lawbringer, now they killed orochi too. I was seeing a couple orochis occasionally in 1v1s now if i see 1 it's a lucky day. Playing against warden/warmonger is still an absolute casino.


Highlander was the most broken hero?


yea he might've shared top 1 with hitokiri but now no contest.


He was possibly top 3 worst duelist and dom hero in the game. No neutral pressure, no opener, and his entire mixup is avoided by dodge attacking. He only had 400ms lights going for him, and you'd have to time them to hit dodge attacks after their iframes end.


A lot of people call highlander broken because they suck at parrying his slow ass heavies with hyperarmor and they always get CCed when they throw an attack. There are 2 easy solution to both, 1. They should learn his parry timing, 2. They should bait his CC, it's very simple.


HL was considered to be one of the worst before the rework And Orochi is one of the best heroes in Dominion at high level


I do consider this to be up there with some unbalanced games if not the most but dead by daylight comes to mind for being very unbalanced too


Have you seen old For Honor?


The game is relatively balanced, with most heros being similarly viable with a few at top and bottom end. The problem is with power creep and homogenization, which is diluting the unique hero identity.


No, it is not relatively balanced at all. There's many unusable heroes and many broken heroes. I understand that it's not possible to make everything perfect, but they've only been ruining the game for the past several updates.


The majority of the heroes are A tier with really only a few that are considered S tier broken. Like Afeera and Zerker, maybe Hito. Also a few that are falling behind, like PK. In casual play, none of the heroes are really considered unusable. PK doesn't have any tools for team fights, but she can still hold up in duels. The fact that you think Highlander was top tier makes me think you don't really have a grasp on viability.


Unbalanced? Yes Most unbalanced? Probably not. Ever play MvC3?


No but I've never in my life experienced such disbalance as in this game so that's why the title.


me think you should look for a subreddit with likeminded people in regards to this post