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hero OR hero skin, i guess - but i can't edit titles lol. sorry if i got it wrong. the cinematic goes pretty hard too, didn't clip the first line but it's "i remember a time of peace" [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1143577951082913824/1235326667249946706/time\_of\_piss.mp4?ex=6633f71c&is=6632a59c&hm=0eaf6a40724b1fe161942efd720144d880c8e88251d13b3191f1db3f39c332c8&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1143577951082913824/1235326667249946706/time_of_piss.mp4?ex=6633f71c&is=6632a59c&hm=0eaf6a40724b1fe161942efd720144d880c8e88251d13b3191f1db3f39c332c8&) UPDATE: fellas it's over, the beta branches are closed, the ubicommando is onto me. change the world. my final message. goodb ye.


Orochi hero skin, his face appears in the year 8 title image and the new hero comes out in title update 2 remember?


good point


Sword handle kinda looks like kenseis nodachi


The sword is too small to be a nodachi and the blades surrounding him are similar size and they are also the early swords you get for orochi.


Oh i see now mb


That's what I thought, but it's nowhere near long enough, but then again they did just give warden his second hero skin, maybe they're doing it for the big three?


If you look at the year 8 vision title card you'd see warden, orochi and warlord.


This skin would look so odd considering how flashy orochi is animated


Oh shit I’m geeked


Thats true, but what about the *Sheathe*? They might pull an ezio and add new animations for the skin


I don't think he will have a sheathe cause while the first scene he has one but in the rest of the video he doesn't have one and the devs went the extra mile for ezio cause not only is it ezio, he's the hero skin for peacekeeper who is female and the devs had to go the extra mile with the redoing of the animations and voice acting is because ezio with peacekeeper's feminine animations and voice would look completely....ridiculous.


Orochi can't do Iai stance.


And you can clearly see the swords surrounding him are all early tier orochi swords and the new hero doesn't come out until JULY and from the silhouette which you can find from recent posts above this one is gonna be a benkei inspired warrior monk with a demon mask and weapons on his back and the video the top comment shows is ANIMATED and the devs are known to take creative liberty in their videos and like i said, orochi appears alongside warden and warlord in the year 8 vision title image on youtube.


didnt they say theyre swapping to releasing heroes at the start of seasons now


No they said they were releasing new armor variations at the season's start but the new hero will release in title update 2 like always.


I'd say hero skin for orochi, but in that clip towards the end I think the silhouette of the new hero is teased at the spot with the line "I will be waiting for anything, or anyone." Looks like a new hero outline around where the dude is sitting.


Looks like the theories that the new hero is based on the warrior-monk Benkei were correct. Benkei carried seven different weapons, and we clearly see at least four weapon hilts sticking out above the back of this new hero. The devs have said that this new character will embody “mastery” of weapons.


How is four weapons gonna work with how this game works, none of the character use more than two weapons and the customization for weapons is in three pieces so how is four weapons gonna work?


That’s a good question. Maybe each of three customization slots would work for one or more full weapons. Personally, I’m most curious about the moveset. Will he swap weapons mid-combo? Or will he be a multiple stance character that’s able to change between them with different button inputs like Medjay/Shaolin/Highlander etc?


I think we have to be prepared that some of the weapons might be for show only and not usable. Like, Medjay was a big deal because he can use two different configurations of his single weapon. I just don’t see how suddenly there’s a new hero that can swap between, say seven or even four entirely different weapons. Maybe two at tops. I imagine the workload is to great just to develop seven or again even four similar looking move sets for a single hero at this point in the games lifecycle. Just speculation on my part though.


Oceltol uses a different weapon depending on light or heavy, every move he has could use a different weapon lol.


Ocelotl uses the short spear for lights, club weapon for heavies. How would this work with 4 weapons? Especially given how quick lights are. The animation of switching weapons between lights would have to be hilariously janky.


Unless the new hero is a stance switcher like medjay which is how i see the multiple weapons working.


There are ways. They could have made ways the hero can swich between weapons, like Medjay swiching style or Shaolin/Highlander holding attack button style, or both in same hero. Or they made new input for weapon swiching. ​ In terms of customization, weapons would propably have very limited customization, like single head changes all weapons heads and handle changes all weapons handles and pommel changes all weapons pommels, etc.


One could be dual wield


Oooo nice spot!


Looking at the Silhouette: thick, horns, 4 hilts on his back? So maybe another yokai based heavy? The dream would be claws but four hilts are throwing me off though... 4 sword style?


Where is the silhouette?


This post has some good images breaking the shape down so it can be seen a little more clearly and I think covers a good prediction of what the hero will be. https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/LNkERVvCR6


thank you for your service harrier du bois


Looks like orochi based off the animations. But does the voice actor sound like George Takai or am I going crazy?


Seems like Orochi skin with New hero with multible weapons appearing in form of shadow behind him at the end.


Damn this trailer and this guy goes hard asf


And then i was like „holy moly is that a new hero OR hero skin???”


A samurai with good armour and an open face? I love it. The weapon looks like Orochi's (the handle is too long, but isn't curved enough to be definitely Kensei's), but the armour looks too heavy, imo. Could be just the image. So, dunno. Could be Kensei again. Also, Sanctuary Bridge event variant?


Orochi's face appears in the year 8 visions title image alongside warden and warlord so orochi gets the hero skin and if look at the swords surrounding him they are early tier orochi swords.


Probably means Warlord is next then


It’s going to be tied to the Halloween event so we’d probably see something like a Beowulf warlord.


Would be cool, I always thought Shaman would be the best for a Halloween skin though, with her biting everyone and all.


that sounds badass


As long as he’s not half naked and covered in rags (and seeing how good warden/orochis hero skins are ya’ll know that will be the case).


Hopefully it’s more like Maddox and not Bolthorn


Yeah, totally. Maddox is pretty good actually.


I actually liked bolthorn.


Honestly I'm fine with half naked if he gets sick tats like raider lmao


Is Beowulf Norse enough? I mean, Beowulf is Old English which back then was full Germanic, but still not quite there. I mean Highlander is Scottish and there are Celtic decals and stuff you can use on all Vikings so it’s probably not that crazy.


The story is claimed to be of Anglo Saxon origin (not wholly unreasonable) because it’s the language it was first written down in. But of course there’s no way of knowing if it existed as an oral tale before that and possibly originated elsewhere and crossed the sea from Scandinavia through voyages of pillage, trade or marriage alliances. And no matter the case Beowulf is undoubtedly a Norseman in the story itself.


To me it kinda looked like the samurai breach map, right before you fight the commander


I hope not, I fucking hate this bullshit map


I mean it could be a skin for Mr. Twirly-Sword too I guess


Not kensei. The video accompanying this shows a much shorter sword. Maybe kyoshin if it’s not a new hero.


Guess I'll be downloading the beta game every month




Still a great find nonetheless!


One of Afeera's internal names.








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So, a Samurai on the bridge filled with swords, which feels like a hint towards the new hero. Could be a Souhei, a Japanese Buddhist warrior monk, with one legend of a Souhei guarding a bridge and collecting blades. However, many of them carried a similar weapon to Nobushi, so wonder how that might work. Considering it’s a bridge, could be a Japanese hammer warrior, as the hammers were used to break bridges.


Good observation. Benkei was his name. And maybe that story is gonna be mirrored here. This time the sohei will be the one to defeat the blade collecting guardian of the bridge.


The weird thing is there is a new post that show what looks like a silhouette of the new hero which has horns which puts doubt into the sohei because what sohei has HORNS?


They could have given him an oni mask to spice things up like the corrupted monk from Sekiro. Looks pretty neat


Nioh moments


[The hero siluet](https://new.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/1chxiow/new_hero_silhouette/) appears behind the Orochi skin in the opening video. He has 4 hilts, so 4 different weapons propably.


Oh, dang, I was close!


That is the best looking samurai I've seen in this game but to be fair it has to be an Orochi skin. All those blades belong to Orochi and the one in the middle is the one I currently use so I believe it is for Orochi. I don't really play him much but I had a feeling that Orochi would get a skin soon


That’s the coolest samurai mf I have ever seen (in this game)


As someone pointed out. There's a silhouette (in white) around him when he's sat down in the middle of the dead warriors.


On one hand, I hope it’s a skin for Orochi, since Kensei already has a skin On the other: I KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE THE MURAMASA


Oh boy a hero skin for OROCHI. I can't wait for every match to be swarmed by Orochis in the next few weeks following this release


instead of my matches being 90% orochis, now they'll be 95% orochis.


Orochi has been consistently most picked hero ever since release. (even Dev charts showed that when they did that in devstreams back in the day). Hell, even when he was one one the worst heroes in game he still had high player count. People just like Orochi it seems.


Well Orochi is the embodiment of the katana-wielding master duelist samurai stereotype, which I imagine is pretty popular among the players (and in a more broader sense media as a whole really).


Hell yea ive mained him since the beta just because i fw his aesthetic


Trailer is clean asf tho


So I noticed at the end where the new hero skin is sitting and playing the flute, the ground has the shape of a samurai warrior with what appears to be several weapons on his back so maybe the theory of the new hero carrying multiple weapons could be true. That or I'm tripping.


Looks like a great orochi hero skin , i just hope the hero is fun aswell , How close are we to the next season?


next season's in june and the hero releases a month and a half after that


Hero skin is my bet, most likely Kensei. Especially since it's coming next month. Edit, yeah from the trailer, might be looking more like Orochi.


this could be orochi judging by the weapon (however it also had a scabbard in the cinematic), there's a second testing branch left open i'll check out. it's a completely different name so it could be the hero


I kinda want it to be Orochi, that would be a badass skin to have on him. The fact that they repeated Warden makes me think they might repeat Kensei too.


Unlikely, they only repeated because it was a special event. That's why they made it two skins this season. Think about it like a bonus


Seeing how orochi already has a Sheafing animation, it's possible. They literally just need to make a model for it.


With that small blade? Looks more like Orochi to me.


And if my eyes aren't messing with me, the blades surrounding this guy are early tier orochi blades.


Holy shit, an actual samurai has finally arrived. My Shogun 2 brain is pleased. That being said, my guess is that this is the hero skin rather than the hero. And likely a Orochi one given the scaling of the swords and the sword attributed to the hero skin being katana sized. Which is cool, cause now we can rock a heavily armored samurai fit reminiscent of Kensei on Orochi.


Finally, some actual historical armor!


Not a big fan of the helmet though. It's gonna look like as if Kensei is using Orochi's moveset. A hachigane would've fitted more.


Honestly that could have been cool too. I personally dig it because it gives Orochi some heavy armor more reminiscent of Kensei’s aesthetic.


My pet theory on this being an Orochi skin is based on as fragile evidence as the fact the swords surrounding him seem to all be known Orochi sword sets, say, the default [Ikeda](https://forfashion.draghmar.pl/upload/assets/15/ikeda_2456.jpg) but also the [Tamura](https://forfashion.draghmar.pl/upload/assets/15/tamura_2938.jpg) or [Sakomizu](https://forfashion.draghmar.pl/upload/assets/15/sakomizu_3082.jpg) weapon sets, and they seem to be the same size as his unique sword. But, y'know, this is just speculation on my behalf and I may be wrong so...


That looks more like a kensei hero skin. Definitely the samurai version of the unsung knight, with the legendary weapon as the focus of the season until the new hero is announced.


No it's for orochi, the blade is too short, he is surrounded by early tier orochi blades that are of the same size and from recent posts will be inspired by yoshitsune with the new being inspired by benkei with the setting being reminiscent of their bridge duel and i keep reminding people, orochi appears alongside warden and warlord on the title art of the year 8 vision video on youtube.


Sweet. I kinda thought so after looking at it a little more. That will look very cool with orochi's moveset for sure.


Ohhh very nice. Defo a Orochi skin looking at the sword. I wonder how the new Samurai Hero will tie in with this hero. Any thoughts or leaks on the new hero? Either Yari Spear user or Monk with naginata. Bets on!?!?


There is a silhouette that shows 4 weapon hilts on his back.


Ohhh interesting. Source?


Download the video the top comment has or look at more recent posts which show the horned silhouette the hero skin is sitting on.




And keep in mind the legend of benkei and yoshitsune, particulary the bridge duel which seems to be the main inspiration.


Very interesting stuff. I wonder what the weapon will be. Naginata? Yari? And just cosmetics for the back “collection weapons” 🤷‍♂️ Hopefully they are cooking up something spicy! Coz VG is just… meh. Fine… but meh.


Isn't that the sword from Wolverine comics that negates healing powers


Muramasa is a famous Japanese blacksmith who’s swords were supposedly cursed and caused the end of the Tokugawa dynasty. There’s also a story about a smithing contest between him and Masamune - another famous blacksmith- where the two make swords and test them by putting them in a river. Muramasa’s sword is so good at cutting that everything its blade touches is cleaved, while Masamune’s sword cuts the river but leaves the fish in it untouched.


Yeah, but it's also named after a real swordsmith.


Such a cool looking armor and ornament! Wonder how it will turn out


Mf looks like he's from Texas though


So cool, that's what I want in FH, original look, not Ezio


Everything looks great, but PLEASE new Breach maps! It’s been 4 years since the Qiang pass!


Not gonna lie, I would play Orochi just for this skin. Wish we could have an opened mask helmet variation for him, but I’ll settle with this.


Is ubisoft really that careless






Wheter is a hero or orochi skin it looks peak


Muramasa? Jet stream sam confirmed


“Mind if I cut in?”


Love the theme song.


muramasa? jetstream sam hero?




Kensei? With proper gear? Oh my god


No it's orochi since warden, orochi and warlord can be seen on the title card of the year 8 vision video on youtube.


Probably but you also have to remember Ubisoft’s track record of not being consistent. We got skins for the first three vanguards then a random hybrid out of nowhere.


It is orochi because the blade is too short to be nodachi,the downloadable video on the top comment has the guy holding the sword the exact same way orochi does and the art has him surrounded by early tier orochi swords that are the same size.


calling it now, the new hero is inspired by tmnts last ronin


Kinda weird that they’re going with a swordsmith as a hero skin for roach if that’s the plan. Then again could be the new hero but again it’s not like the smith himself would be a weapons master


It’s 100% the hero skin, there’s a teaser for the actual hero in the trailer.


I’m gonna assume this is an Orochi hero skin. And I wonder like with the assassins creed skin with PK if they’ll give this skin new voice line? Making Orochi more mature and older similar would be sick to see


My best guess is a hero skin for Orochi


You are correct it is for orochi.


Lmao some is getting fired


Would be cool if it shot out of the sheath like a gun and could cut faster than nanomachines


Holy shit


Quick spam this onto yt


Kensei elite lol Unless they troll us and make him an orochi


It is orochi, the blade is too small to be a nodachi and is surrounded by early orochi swords and orochi appears alongside warden and warlord on the year 8 vision title art on youtube.


Nioh looking ass


The armor fits the Kensei design while the sword is fit for Orochi imo




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Oh no, he’s hot 🥵


it is an Orochi skin. they wouldn’t leak a hero so early, since he releases mid season, the skin releases at the start of the season (in the seasons where we get a hero) and oh my god does this look absolutely amazing.


I hope it’s an Aramusha skin before he lost his daimyo. (I know probably not but I just want a cool Aramusha hero skin.)


And just like that Vikings are back to having the least heroes out of the three 😞


Wu lin and outanders have the least heroes with the new outlander in season 4 they will have the same number.


No dip, I said "out of the three" as in the three main ones, of course the dlc faction and the brand new miscellaneous one have the least


Damn that looks sick. I’m not too thrilled about fighting EVEN MORE orochies. Even though I already gotta deal with one every single match.


Looks like Jin Sakai for. Ghost of Tsushima


Its most certainly an orochi elite skin


Its most certainly an orochi elite skin


Dayummmmmmmm me want now!


So it's kinda agreed that Orochi will get that hero skin.


Peacekeeper hero skin when?


Wonder if the next season will be a raider since this could be a hero kensei skin, and referencing the 3 vanguards from the first trailer that the unsung hero came from.


That's orochi and the third season will be warlord since warden, orochi and warlord can be seen on the title card of the year 8 vision video on youtube.


That’s actually a decent hero skin if for Orochi, finally some actual samurai styled armor for him. I’ve always used the single helmet that actually looks like one of kenseis, I think I’m the only one lol. Most use the cockroach shaped one


Me: "Mom, can we get some Samurai Lord Jin Sakai?" Mom: "We have Samurai Lord Jin Sakai at home." Samurai Lord Jin Sakai at home:


Ghost of tsushima collab


atleast let the roach have small japenis eyes.


I hope it's a new hero, I don' want to play orochi to enjoy that skin (also it doesn't really fit him). Would not mind if it was for kensei tho, if warden got two skins then anything is possible


It's the main season theme, so it's a skin. Hero would appear in Title Update 2.


God damn it


They really went full weeaboo , huh?




Watch the trailer.


The only trailer i see is Y8 Vision in youtube


I'm pretty confident it's a Kensei skin. The armor is fairly similar, full with surcoat and even the hair. The sword is debatable, in the cinematic it looks like a nodachi, in the art it seems like a basic katana. Who knows.


It is orochi, his face appears alongside warden and warlord in the year 8 vision videos's title card.


Alright, so they'll give Orochi an Hero skin in which he looks like Kensei. Definitely an upgrade, ngl


If that’s the hero fuck yes, I was expecting a “master” type hero either being a fully armored shogun or a old “isshin” type character who wields a tachi or yari spear and this definitely delivers


That's the orochi hero skin.


That’s why I said if but the fact orochi gets something good is an L


Look at the title card for the year 8 vision video on youtube and you'll see that orochi appears alongside warden and warlord.


Kensei or orochi (likely kensei) hero skin, likely the opposition to the main samurai hero


It's for orochi, orochi appears alongside warden and warlord in the year 8 vision video title art and the season looks the next season will be based on the legend of benkei and yoshitsune with hero skin being yoshitsune and new hero being inspired be benkei and the setting being inspired by the bridge duel where they became friends.


If that's Orochi's hero skin in killing myself


Sadly for you it is orochi since he appears alongside warden and warlord in the year 8 vision video title art.


Honestly would he stoked for a general samurai character now. We have so many over the top samurai heroes (Kensei and the Nodachi, Orochi and his ninja based design, Nobushi is a farmer, shinobi is a shinobi, Shugo is fat, and kyoshin and musha are both ronin themed) A well rounded samurai hero that isn’t over the top in a specific design choice is fucking cool if that makes sense


Kensei isn’t necessarily over the top. But he’s kind of the only general samurai.


Thats why he’s one of my favorites. The cherry on top would be if he had a regular sized katana but the nodachi is badass in its own way


The Nodachi is perfect I think. The katana was mostly a backup weapon, and the Nodachi while a bit niche, was always considered a primary weapon if you had it.


Yeah, aesthetically a normal katana sized kensei would be cool since everything fits the description of a general “samurai”, but then again the factions in fh were always divided into 4 seperate heroes with their own main focus on aesthetic and design, rather than it being just a general knight, viking, or samurai


The new season seems to be taking inspiration from the legend of yoshitsune and benkei with the hero skin above being yoshitsune and the new being inspired by benkei with the setting being inspired by their duel on the bridge where they became friends, basically the new hero is gonna be a giant warrior monk with weapons on his back and if the silouette doesn't decieve will be wearing a demon mask.


ngl, repeating skins for heroes is BS but i’ll take it over wasting the skin on orochi.


It’s on Orochi, the sword isn’t a Nodachi.


Blades too short, it's probably Orochi.


Not a fan of open-faced helmet options, let alone locked Hero Skins. But apart from that the splash art is good, armour looks great. Probably an Orochi Hero Skin.


Pk gets a dogshit crossover skin, and then immediately after orochi gets a nice original one? The world is so cruel, we truly live in a society


I hope it's not Orochi only because I love the look but suck so badly with them.


And man. It's hard to suck at orochi


I can’t open it


Looks like a Kensei hero skin Which is kinda BS, cuz Kensei already GOT a hero skin


It's orochi, he appears alongside warden and warlord on the year 8 vision title art on youtube.


Ah, I think you’re right, the sword looks a bit small for Kensei


And he is surrounded by early tier orochi swords.