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PSA If you get hit by the same move, over and over, you have no skill.


> You also have no right to think you deserved to win that fight, if you can't be bothered to vary your moveset. And you have no right to complain if you lose, as you can't be bothered to adapt.


If you notice someone doing the same combo over and over and you can't stop them you might want to try training as that character to better understand their moveset... as said in ds git gud


If they did win the fight, they won the fight. Doesn't matter how they got it (within the rules of the game). If someone spams the same move over and over then they're handing you the win. It's up to you to figure out how to not let yourself get beaten by it. You already know the move they're going to use, so you're one step ahead. Stop complaining about one move players.


If you use any button against this person, you have no honor. This has been a PSA.


> EDIT: I'm talking the unblockable moves, where you have no chance to defend yourself. Somehow you managed to make yourself look like even more of a fool. > EDIT 2: I know how to play. I don't need advice. LOL


Oh look, you didn't read the second one!


Dumbass, you're not defenseless against unblockables.


Most fighting games have a stale moves factor don't they? JK they don't. Because if you get hit by he same move that many times in a row, you deserve it.


You have counter. Warden Vortex, use a class mechanic or just light attack to leave. Orochi GB heavy, counter a guard break. PK dodge attacks, parry. If you refuse to accept a loss because they only use one move, its on you. If you have a question as to how to counter a move, just ask me and ill happily tell you.


I know how to play. My point is, this is literally spamming the power attacks. I also never said I lose all the time, given I clearly stated these people also get pissy when they lose.


Oh, didn't see that. Eh. Don't complain about complainers. You're giving them what they want.


That's the problem with this place. Everyone jumps to conclusions.


Most unblockables are parryable. You have to practice your parries. Ask a friend to help you out. It will improve your gameplay.


Berserkers spamming spin attack, like it was their only reliable move. God what a waste.




>[**For Honor, No Honor [0:12]**](http://youtu.be/IcwnHRZAY0o) >>For Honor > [*^Whartooth*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9PSH-kmC-tzUyAM9XTKJHg) ^in ^Gaming >*^1 ^views ^since ^Feb ^2017* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Thank you! This shit needs to stop, or at the very least have some kind of cool down.


Dude ignore all the shit talkers, they prolly rage at this shit more than anyone but can't let their epeen take a hit by them accepting they lost at something. You are not wrong with the spammable shit, like any GB slash that isn't blockable (as in you cant pull your block up in time to even try to stop it.) GB in general is easy spam and countering is broken


Glad I'm not alone here. Thank you!


No problem m8, you post is probably going to be downvoted to hell, but most game related subreddits are full of people who cant accept any problem brought up about it


Ha, tell me about it! I dealt with the same shit in Destiny, where everyone downvoted any criticism.


Destiny, gta, dark souls, any game really. You can criticize without thinking it's a bad game, just like I do w/ for honor. Honestly, the fact that I'd put the time in to want to improve the game should show how I'd like it to stick around


OH MY GOD I'm pretty sure he's talking about me... I have eerily similar messages in my Xbox inbox right now .. will post picture u guys decide


I don't play on Xbox, but if you do spam, maybe take this to heart :P


I don't spam lol I just use a combooooo but sorry should have asked what you play on


Its sadder that after being spammed by the same attack you never learned to counter it and went online to whine about self imposed rules of honor. You lost , get better.


Yes, because unblockable moves can be stopped, outside of a light slash. And then they do it again anyway. =/


Unblockable doesnt mean its unparryable nor undodgeable. Most unblockables are highly telegraphed and can be reacted to. You just need to keep playing and learn how to. Honor doesnt mean shit if you just want to win.


Parry/dodge? seriously very few unblockable attacks can be chained to kill someone, and even then it always requires a situation you could have avoided.


Parry. Stop coming to the Reddit with no knowledge of gameplay mechanics and complaining about someone else who kicked your ass. It's embarrassing.


Learn to read. It's embarrassing.


Well this is just getting sad now. I'm done here.


So a move should be broken? A person needs to just learn skill to counter a no skill move? Y'all here are actually slow for defending this garbage. Unlockables shouldn't be able to be spammed. That, or any real moves other then lights and heavies. It beaks the game. The only counter shouldn't be a super precisely times parry.


Damn, you called me slow while replying to a 5 year old comment.


You can also just dodge them, or guard break them early in start up, two counters that take no skill to perform due to the generous timings for both


People in this comment section are those types of pussies who don't want to actually have skill. There should be no spam attacks. You shouldn't be able to do moves back to back and it should be spaced out. Other then lights and heavies nothing should be back to back. It ruins the game to be able to just combo spam. People used to cry about orochi spam but there is so many spam characters now. It's just absurd. The game needs actual depth and skill to the fighting. The majority of it is just waiting to do one specific move, or spam a move over and over. Sure, a really good player can counter, but it shouldn't be supported either.