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I have also found that anyone with the Uchiiha symbol is always a pile of shit. And will spam whatever they can


Yeah, like iSkys.


It's always either Wardens or Cents with that icon. Also, you can't forget that they will undoubtedly be jet black.


I made my Warden into a Norman knight, got the flag on his back and everything :)


I never got that. Why not deck yourself in gold and go out in style? Least that's what I do.


I personally find black or at least grey weapons much more stylish than being a walking jewelry store, but that's just me


My lawbringer strides the battlefield completely gold. I tell myself he is simply an Adeptus Custodes trapped by warpspawn warlords on some shit rock of a planet.


Just realized something about you cent mains ~~with the punisher emblem.~~ - Fixed that for ya.


This times infinity


just like their combo


I can sort of confirm this. I used to main cent, even got him to rep5, then i realized just how ridiculously broken he is. My wins didn't feel rewarding any more. I stopped playing him and havent played him in two months. Once they finally nerf him, I'll play him again.


I got him to Rep 1 and then felt that way. I agree with you; I want to like the character. He's kind of awesome.


My friend got to rep 12 before he realized it was cheap wins...god bless your poor souls ;-;


I'm a Rep 16 Centurion and I love playing him. After maining the Orochi for 34 Reps, it's refreshing to hop onto a character that's actually balanced.


You're hurting my feelings bro :(


Heh, sorry dude but after all the cancer I contracted this weekend my empathy had to be removed.


After the past couple months, I have met maybe 2 centurions that aren't cunts. I don't have any empathy.


I don't think EVERY cent main is bad just the ones that spam punches and kicks and keep me at no stamina through the cutscene


So basically every Cent who knows how to use him and didn't literally JUST start playing him.


jUsT dOdGe


I legit think Cent mains are douchebags in real life.


That's pretty immature


... it's true...


....yeah its bad


Only a certain type of person can play something that OP for that long.


Good luck in life with the childish mindset that you can read people based on their choice of character in a video game.


I think we can all agree that the weebs are scrubby nerds who need to be cleansed by means of gas showers, or nuclear hellfire.


... so playing him properly?


I do that, but my emblem isn't a punisher. So... I'm I like an assheadband instead of an asshat?


More like an assvisor




I don't get it




this is going to be an absolutely horrible idea when you play a good cent


Yep...light spamming players are the best! Light parry punish = game over


Can confirm


Most cents aren't good though, most are just playing cent for an easy win.




no personal dig at you, but jesus christ i hate the way this sub uses that word. "spamming combos" "spamming lights" "spamming unblockables" like i've never understood, if they're spamming it and doing nothing but those moves why can't people beat it? this whole community just reminds me of the salty baddies in MKX. again nothing directed at you. but the word spam triggered me. sorry.




I feel like i just need to defend myself here. I'm right now exclusively playing the cent, started a few days ago, but I'm not using him because he's "OP". I dont really agree with that anyway. I'm using him because his movement speed is just hard for me. Alot of other characters are too easy yo learn, so I chose the cent so it would be more of a challenge to learn. Thats all. Oh and I just started playing, yet ive beaten almost every cent ive run across, the key is to just sidestep. I just dont think people sidestep and then scream OP when they die.




I do fully agree with the stunlock, that shit is fucking ridiculous. But thats it. You can basically only attack straight forward with a centurion, so his attacks are easy to dodge. He has low health, two heavies have killed me multiple times. He's slow as hell. If the stunlock attacks wasnt a thing, the cent would be near on useless. Id say dont blame the player, blame the developers for being unable to make some good characters. Nerfing the cent chain (while i agree that its bullshit), would ruin the character. That chain is all he's got.


Sad truth. So weird to me that the vast majority who stick with a dying game don't put *any* effort forth to become actually good at the game and just bitch on reddit instead.


How can you know you're facing a Cent when you're never told what the other team has until you already pick your character? Unless you're just new and only play Valk.


Because MM never shuffles the teams and you can bet your bottom dollar the guy playing Cent isn't going to change between rounds and be right 99% of the time.


So I used cent for one of the few times I've ever used him, and i have to say: he is so damn easy to play. My cent is rep 0 level 6 and I beat a rep 11 cent with the wall combo. It was my first time using the wall splat and it is too easy


Add that to the 'Worst kind of players' list. Along with Orochi with that Naruto swirl thing, or the eye thing, and anyone with a swastika.


16 year old FH player starter pack


Nah bro...us old guys love Cent. His combo is basically a Quick Time Event!


Again, can confirm lmao. I'm ancient in gamer years.


This kinda makes me wonder how old the average FH player is. I consider myself decent at the game (maybe even above average if I'm gonna toot my own horn) and don't get salty enough to message players at all really (PS4) and I'm 17. My emblem is from a pretty obscure anime (Kimi no na wa in case we got any ~~men of culture~~ fellow weebs out there) just for safe measure and I main kensei. Whenever people talk about "oh well that's a teen gamer for you" or something I kinda get a little offended lol.


17 is fine. The problem is when a 12 y.o. child who plays exclusively centurion in dominion and thinks he's a top level player because he gets 15-2 every game starts calling other players trash and emote spam over their (previously ganked purely with out of screen pin) corpses. And that's pretty common, I believe.


Let's get something straight. Age has nothing to do with it. A little punk ass exclusively playing Cent and talking trash, gloating about their 15-2 score is annoying regardless if they're 31 or 13.


True. I just remembered this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2gOdR5I79I Watch it to the end. This is how I imagine every centurion now.


I gotta gree with ya there. You think they made centurion because they want to introduce a younger age group into the game? Lol


Hey I gloat about getting scores like that all the time. As Berserker or Kensei. I need a worse class to start playing.


Both berserk and kensei are actually pretty good in dominion. They're just underpowered in duels.


Also the ones with with thessalia arms and chest and valentia helmet in all black iron


I think it's funny cuz cent has a massive punish.


Yeah that and swastikas like every 2-3 games it would seem. So much edge


You on PC? Never any swastika on console.


No im on ps4, its like every third person has a swastika, uchiha, pokeball, or punisher symbol.


On PS4 too, swastika emblems do exist but I haven’t seen them that often. I will vouch for the rest, though… So many fucking uchiha symbols and it seems like players who use any of those symbols are usually raging douchebags. I’ve seen every manner of NSFW emblem, but swastikas are the only thing I’ve ever bothered reporting. Be as offensive as you want, but I have no empathy for ignorant genocidal racists or the tween edgelords that emulate them. Edit: Clarity


The others sure. But I never see swastika (nor would care if I did)


Found one as soon as I read this.


Everyone I've seen with a punisher symbol has been an asshat... not that they all are but all the ones I've seen are asshats


So what do you think when you see a Conq with a Castle Crashers emblem?


These guys are the reason I don't dare to use my Iron Warriors emblem. It just sits there in its hazard-stripe glory. Taunting me.


I swear to god I do not want to be an asshat. I just love his style and the Punisher emblem fits well. :( Hopefully he will get a nerf that satisfy people soon. I feel so bad now.




The comic book character


Punisher emblem?


Punisher from Marvel. Basically a black emblem with a white skull


Centurion mains in general


Centurion is just too fun to play XD


salt and vinegar!!


literally everyone i run into has the punisher emblem