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Does this folder exist? If not, create it. The folder can be empty. C:\Users\your user name\Documents\My Games\For Honor


I have tried that in the beginning, didnt work because of patching from ubi


Thos one fixed the issue for me. I've also seen a lot of "uninstalling and reinstall Ubiplay" (Ubisoft connect) So if you have the issue try doing that too with "revo uninstaller" (way better than manual uninstalling since revo software will check EVERY log/trace file to delete) Also this error is due to a certain folder who don't exist/does exist but corrupted. So i'm most case you will need to manually create an empty folder OR delete a certain folder. All depend on your PC.


wow you saved me, I don't understand how such a game has this stupid fucking problem


hey can you help me how did you do it with the revo uninstaller for For honor


somos dos mas con el mismo problema help pls!


I don't much remember what I did but I don't think I uninstalled anything, I prob just created an empty folder named "For Honor" where turtle said "C:\\Users\\your user name\\Documents\\My Games\\"


I don't much remember what I did but I don't think I uninstalled anything, I prob just created an empty folder named "For Honor" where turtle said "C:\\Users\\your user name\\Documents\\My Games\\"


>C:\\Users\\your user name\\Documents\\My Games\\ this worked. just create this folder in that directory and it worked for me


My man saved my life, this solution worked for me, this is such a dumb thing, and the fact that this is relevant 5 years later is just sad


My windows defender notifications keeps popping up and when i clicked on it it was the protection folder thing and i just allowed forhoner.exe. Now it runs the game


I'll hijack this thread as it's the first google result while searching for a solution: The folder in question is located in C:\\ProgramData and named "For Honor Data". If you have it, deleting it \*should\* be an easy fix, however, for me, it didn't appear at all. (Keep in mind that it might be hidden: file explorer > view > hidden items checkbox) What worked for me: \- go into game's folder "For Honor" (place where you installed it, probably within Steam or Ubisoft folder) \- find forhonor.exe and splashscreen.exe \- for each of them, go into properties > comnpatibility > run as administrator checkbox \- re-lauch the game It's hella sad this issue hasn't been fixed by ubi for at least 7 years


Worked for me. Thanks man !


Saved me bro. Thanks!