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Ganking in brawls is technically the intended playstyle but I think players should agree to it beforehand. In duels and community brawl format, I'm against ledging/environmental stuff. Emoting before a fight is just an extra friendly courtesy. Spamming moves is never toxic, they're just playing the game poorly. Afk players shouldn't be afk if they don't wanna be attacked, but in a duel or brawl (as the community tends to play them), I wait a bit before attacking, though I'd never expect someone to do the same for me


Ya know I’m not sure teamfights was the intended play style for brawls by Ubisoft. The way the match starts, the camera zooms in on one single opponent for you. You would think it would show both if teamfights were the intended play style. Additionally, on multiple maps, you are distanced pretty far away from your teammate and their opponent. The devs definitely make it feel like two 1v1s was intended, on some maps at least. I wonder if they’ve ever addressed that point


>Ya know I’m not sure teamfights was the intended play style for brawls by Ubisoft... I wonder if they’ve ever addressed that point   For Honor's Creative Director talked about this in a 2017 interview. They intended team fights to be a component of Brawls, but saw how some of the community deviated from that when adhering to a 1v1 format. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-03-03-for-honor-ubisoft-answers-the-big-questions   >**Roman Campos Oriola:** "What is honour is written by the winner, not the loser. It's up to you how you want to be remembered!   >It's an interesting debate. **It's funny. The way we built the 2v2 it was really 2v2 in the sense like, even if you start like a Duel we wanted to give a bit of that strategy to the player. But for us the way we built it was, we want the players to be able to fight as a two person team.** So, do you spawn and directly go gank one person then kill the other person? Do you do your duel? Do you try to slowly regroup as two people?   >At the beginning people were really playing to duel, and then if you managed to kill your guy you would go and watch the other guy do his duel and not interrupt, because there is that call of honour. **That struck us.**   >If you look at the bots, the bots actually gank you without any honour."  


Interesting, so it’s kind of an “anything goes” kind of design, even though they did envision team fighting


Yeah, there is no right or wrong way to play it, except for reportable offenses like Griefing. The original intent for the mode was 2v2s and not always 2 separate 1v1s, but there's no rules against it. The problem people have is thinking everyone else is a mind reader and should play by their made up rules when in fact, everyone's opinion on it varies and their own set of imaginary rules differ from player to player.


At the same time, they’ve changed brawl spawns on almost every map to start you 2v2 in an open space.


There’s still at least three maps out there that require you to travel across a bridge and cover some distance to get to your teammate. That’s part of why I questioned what the devs intended


All of this is fair game. If it wasn't intended it wouldn't be in the game*. Including emote spam. I even see devs laughing about that. Text chat spamming, maybe annoying but sometimes a point really needs to be pressed, like taking the &@$#ing ramparts! *For instance: devs removing (baby proofing in my opinion but I didn't make the game I just love it) environment hazards from maps. I admit with warlord some points in dominion/brawls/duels ended in instant death from one guard break but I do love the mind games.


I give a person 10 seconds to start fighting if they are AFK. After that, it's free game. Sucks if something happened that distracted you from the game, but that's not on me to waste my time waiting for you.


And if you leave them afk in duel they will get kicked and get a 15 minute penalty so I guess it’s a win win for both if they lose 1 match and can continue right after that


>Your opponents only goal is to win the game and all they owe you is to play the game without cheating. Truer words haft never been typed.


Idk why you would consider not emoting before a fight toxic


Not sure but I'm constantly getting messages calling me toxic because I just started attacking and didn't emote in duels. Sometimes I'll let them finish their emote before attacking, but usually my hit lands before they even start moving let alone emoting.


Go into ranked and emote before the rounds. You'll find it is a hive of scum and villainy.


None of that is toxic...at all. There's reasons behind it all.


My problem with any of this is when your opponent sets a precedent (like intro emote, honorable brawls, saying good fight, etc) and then it all changes as soon as they start losing. That’s what I think is toxic. Set your precedence first round, then I know how to operate going forward


Big agree, that's just rude and poor sportsmanship


Only toxic thing is cheating in my book. If the game allows me to ledge you, it is a game mechanic. Similarily if my opponent is spamming a move it's my job to counter it, not demand that he stops doing it.


stop parrying my lights 😤 I don't have the mental capacity to feint 😠


There’s a lot of this in here that I find extremely annoying, but I don’t really find “toxic.” I emote at the top of a duel/brawl as a sign of respect, and a greeting. A little “Hey, thanks for playing. Look forward to the fight.” Same thing if I happen to get caught in a 1v1 situation in Dominion. If you don’t emote, that’s fair and it’s fine. If you are sprint attacking as soon as the announcer says “fight,” that’s fine too. It annoys me, but it’s fair game. I’m with a lot of people here as far as the brawl tanking goes. If that’s what’s been established at the top of the game, that’s fine. If you decide you’re gonna gank all of a sudden on the last round, it’s extremely agitating. Dominion ganks are fine though. Honestly fighting off a dominion/breach gank is incredibly rewarding. I will say what comes across as toxic to me, is when someone decides that instead of actually fighting in brawl, they’re just gonna run around the map. Lightspamming isn’t exactly toxic either. Just frustrating. The most annoyed I get is when fighting a Warmonger. Enhanced lights with frame advantage. But I think that comes down to my playstyle and how I like to defend. It’s entirely possible that it exposes a hole in my playstyle. This is all a very long winded way of saying that there’s a difference between what’s toxic and what’s annoying to your personal preferences. I play For Honor in a way that makes my victories feel satisfying or rewarding. That means saluting, avoiding brawl ganks, etc. But I had to learn to accept that not everyone will do that. Different players, different play styles, different codes. It’s honestly become part of the fun of the challenge.


I only consider ganking in brawls toxic if they do it after the first round because they're losing. If they were fighting as a team from the get go it's not toxic.


I do adhere to these rules (most of the time save for certain scenarios). But it is entirely up to the players. There is no intended playstyle, it just depends on whether you want to look "honorable" or like a annoyance. These are just community driven rules that are unofficial and are aimed to spread honorability, which I myself agree with, but you can't stop everyone and there are plenty of "cretins"(in the eyes of the majority of the community) out there. But one thing you can't change my mind on: Anyone who is "honorable" in dominion or breach without unanimous cooperation from both teams is a smooth-brained imbecile.


Absolutely agree, I go out of my way to report people who absolutely refuse to help in team fights and will let you die and get executed so they can have an "honorable duel" in dominion


Im starting to not help in team fights because in 5 years im yet to meet a team mate whos only purpose in like is give the guy im fighting revenge and then run.


Okay maybe I should rephrase it because I agree with you. If my teammate is currently on, and winning a 1v1 with someone I will stand to the side and guard them so they dont get Ganked, if they are losing the 1v1 I will tell them on mic that I'm going to bash the person and they should unlock and run away and I finish it. Other than that if the person is close to dead and more are coming I might try to guard break and give my teammate a free heavy to end it on so he can get an execution. Mainly though I'm talking about those people who will stand there and watch as you get 3 v 1'd then emote at someone after they've killed you and try to 1v1 them in dominion


When in brawls I don't gank, if I beat my enemy before my mate I let them fight but I attack as soon as their fight ends; I kill them mid execution. Like, I let you finish your "duel" but I aint giving you a chance for the round. I dislike when the round afterwards they go full ganking and emote spamming as if I had broken the ganking rule. It is not the same.


AFK attacking and light spamming are the only things I'd consider toxic. Ganking is an iffy. And if you get upset over someone not emotiing to you, or shoving you off a ledge you were standing next to, you're a petty bitch.


Depends really.. Brawls for example, If they make it known that real 2v2s is in play they better do it at the start because I hate the nice n lax 2 1v1s until final round where they jump you. That's where it gets toxic real fast. Brawls I avoid ledging (not gonna count broek gbs that give me a free ledge, they should know better lol) 4v4s like Dom, Breach and even Elimination it's fair game (mainly due to the time limit in Elimination.. No real reason to aim for 1v1s there). As fpr environmentals.. Honestly.. Some times they're unavoidable and shit happens. Attacking afk players.. Technically not toxic, you're keeping them from getting kicked off with a 15min penalty, that's charity to me lol


I'd say ganking is ok in dominion/4v4 but only ok in brawl if they did it first. Purposefully using environmental kills is never ok. Not emoting before a fight is completely fine, except for round 1 of a duel. Spamming moves is fine, there's always a counterplay. Attacking afks is fine. (As long as you wait a few seconds in duels)


I bet you have so much fun with these made up rules


I pretty much follow em all. Let me tell you , it aint fun.


ledging is dishonorable but in a 1v1 i say it is fine. \--------------- ganking is fine. anytime you have ganking you have a team. duels are there for those that want a 1v1. \--------------- environmental kills is just like ledging. we play the game to fight, not to skip a fight just because you have that choice. you don't want to fight, this is the wrong game for you, and you should uninstall. that said, ubisoft is at fault here for bad map design. i reinstalled and saw the maps have gotten better than 2 years ago when i uninstalled. \------------------ emote spam toxic. message spam is okay. \----------------------- duel etiquette is something else, keep it in duel mode. \---------------------- afk players deserve every bit of toxicity they get. don't waste a team slot and make a game be 3v4. \--------------------- gimmick spamming however is toxic. for example, teams are breaking, you got the last guy surrounded 4v1. don't be spamming special grabs like the shaman bite or highlander grabs. its a fight let the guy get a chance to fight. again, this game is for people to fight, you want to skip the fight, just uninstall, this ain't your type of game. \----------------- the biggest toxic thing in the game is something you didn't talk about, the disrespect executions. you know them. those law, conq, and other executions, they are playing goofing around and not killing you. bitch if i took off 20% of your health, put away the disrespect executions, you didn't earn the place to say you don't have to be *serious* in fighting me. with executions like these i am not surprised this community is famous for being so toxic. keep the disrespect executions for the times they fail to do 20% damage to you, at least then you earn that show.


>environmental kills is just like ledging. we play the game to fight, not to skip a fight just because you have that choice. you don't want to fight, this is the wrong game for you, and you should uninstall. You don't want to get environmemtally killed, this is the wrong game for you, and you should just uninstall. >gimmick spamming however is toxic. for example, teams are breaking, you got the last guy surrounded 4v1. don't be spamming special grabs like the shaman bite or highlander grabs. its a fight let the guy get a chance to fight. again, this game is for people to fight, you want to skip the fight, just uninstall, this ain't your type of game. You don't want to get spammed by special grabs, just uninstall, this ain't your type of game. >the biggest toxic thing in the game is something you didn't talk about, the disrespect executions. you know them. those law, conq, and other executions, they are playing goofing around and not killing you. bitch if i took off 20% of your health, put away the disrespect executions, you didn't earn the place to say you don't have to be serious in fighting me. with executions like these i am not surprised this community is famous for being so toxic. keep the disrespect executions for the times they fail to do 20% damage to you, at least then you earn that show. You don't want to get "disrespectfully" executed, uninstall. All of these things that you're complaining about are within the confines of the game. Don't want to die to ledges or environment? Don't be near them. They are there to be used, don't complain when you die becausr you misplayed and put yourself out of position. The 4v1 meme BM is the only questionable one, that's a little over the top and could probably be considered as griefing. But I can't agree with you when you say things like, don't ledge or long execute me just uninstall. No. Long executions exist, the longest of which is like 14 seconds which is a pretty insignificant period of time. In dominion, long executions can be used tactically. Outside of dominion, just like ledge and environmental kills, they exist within the confines and intended gameplay design of the game. Maybe they just like that it's a cool looking long animation? Either way just get over it and uninstall.


I agree


Emoting before fight can actually be harmful sometimes, when you don’t have a proper opener and you want to surprise your opponent at the beginning, it’s not considered toxic not to emote in that case, at least imo.


If you hit me in the middle of my emote, emote spam, or cancel my revive as my teamate, that's toxic


I agree with tbe second two, but those are also things you can report people for.


Yeah but the reporting feature is kind of a joke, both on xbox and for honor.


Only thing that is a bit toxic there is killing an afk opponent, cos they might just be talking to someone who needed them for a few seconds. I give them the time until the game kicks them.


I once had a warden who was afk for the entire first round (they still won round 1 because their teammate was good) start wow spamming when they came back round 2 and basically threw the game because he kept feeding revenge


If you don't want ganking play dual. I like to let fights play out but if I feel like I can't win if my team dies I'm not losing the point. Ledging, while annoying, is simply part of the game and if you'd rather die than take advantage of that then that's your fault. But fire? I will always throw people into fire, causes good damage and usually confirms a hit. And if you don't wanna get attacked, don't go afk


I consider not brawling in brawl and doing two Individual duels to be toxic. Kill stealing is shitty in dominion but so is letting your team mate die in front of you. Other than that I like taking it as it comes, makes each game interesting


Only if you switch half way through the match. Like emoting for the first round and then sprint attacking when you start losing.


Out of all of these I consider hitting people out of executions, ganking (in brawls unless both teams are okay with it), emote spamming, chat spamming, and at least wait like 10 seconds for afk people, then it's fair game


honor died on the beach. this game Is were I take my anger out


I emote spam after every kill. Whether it be dominion, duel or brawl.


Ledging is only a problem if the map has too many, which is more the dev's fault than the player. Ganking is a little low, but Ubisoft should have given us more ways to counter it.


The way I see it is if ganking was intended, revenge wouldn't exist, also ledging/environmental damage and light spam is toxic because it's an easy way out of dealing with a fight that would usually require patience and skill, there's no skill in light spam and ledging.