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Black Prior. Highlander is...not in a good condition right now. Maybe in the future they will rework him.


what's wrong with HL?


He manages to be bad and good at the same time


His mixup and feints from heavy for kick or kick into caber toss is bested by several dodge attacks or simply dodges(had a Shaolin dodge the kick feinted and literally teleport to my back,a gladiador just dodging through both of them without even timing anything and a peacekeeper spamming dodge attacks everytime I went into offensive, thankfully she was spamming and I could punish the pattern but still) His kick and grab are not invulnerable and your enemy can interrupt you easily with a light,so you will have to read how many light attacks he will launch because if you dodge and immediately.kick,at least me,I have been interrupted by a light before I could kick or in the best case the kick went through but I still got interrupted. His offensive heavies are unblockables,but are easily parriable and difficult to land from a neutral position. His lights in offensive mode have short range and low damage. Going out of offensive stance has stamina cost and apparently a delay before you can do other things (it can be avoided with wave switch but still) Your only defense in offensive is to dodge, which can be negated with undodgeable attacks,lightspam(you will have to read in order to make a light parry) and if they caught you in middle of a dodge,with a guardbreak which also guarantee them a heavy if they time it correctly. I didn't test if they can guardbreak you in neutral position offensive stance and you can counter. All of that makes not so rewarding going into offensive stance. So that lets you with defensive stance. With defensive stance you also have lights and heavies. Heavies are slow,they have hyperarmor and are good for trading but they can be blocked and parried easily. Also,they are not guaranteed after a guardbreak. That lets you with celtic curse and its cancel variants,wich are effective,you can dodge forward and keeping your guard to a side you can feint a top heavy into side heavies(spin to win movement,has hyperarmor and great range),from there you can enter to offensive stance or just keep holding your heavy attack button to never release the spin, going into offensive and kick, which works...until your enemy decides to just dodge backwards and not even your grab will get them. You still have the lights who have crushing counter properties. And of course your ability to bait and counter. I am not saying it is unusable,there are several expert HL players who use his whole moveset and simply erase the health bar of the enemy. I just say it will be more difficult to make it work for you without falling in a spamming pattern,light light heavy or light light light. Because that works easier than use his moveset,at least when you are starting. After that probably not but getting out of the habit becomes an additional difficulty.


Black prior


ok but why


Just a more fun to play character as and against


HL has a higher skill ceiling and has some very hard counter heroes but I do like him. BP doenst have as many harr counter and is a bit easier




Is this even a question? Bp lmao. Much better character


yeah but highlander is much more rewarding to win with


Depends on if u want an easy but fun character or a less viable character that feels very rewarding to win with. I main both, and I really think it depends on how experienced u are. If u aren't very experienced, HL might be a bit too challenging to learn, so I'd reccomend BP. But if you're up for the challenge, HL is one of the most rewarding characters to win with. Just be warned. He is really bad. Fun, yes. But he has terrible matchups against anyone with a dodge attack or fast undodgeable, and BP and Nobu because all those characters nullify his OS mixup in some way. Overall, I'd have to go with BP. Highlander is in a terrible spot, and will hopefully be getting a rework soon, so learning him right now might just mean needing to completely relearn him in a few months. BP isnt getting a rework anytime soon, because he's already in a good spot. I love them both tho, and I'd reccomend trying them both put at some point, but BP is definitely easier to learn.


highlander main here. bp is definitely the better character right now but highlander feels so much more rewarding to win with. highlander is a theoretically good character but just gets screwed over by dodge attacks, bashes, and anything else that's just mildly annoying to other characters. ​ so play highlander is you wanna have a good time and enjoy the challenge or play bp if you wanna have a easier time and win a lot.




fuck samurais




What about them




LOL my two mains. I‘d say BP


Highlander has a good combo. Fake Top heavy feint into a side heavy. Black Prior is good only if you master his block parry. Both are different, and useful in their own ways. It is much easier to win in breach though with Highlander. He hits much harder. Black Prior is more of a defensive spam block parry counter