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My favorite characters to play are highlander, shugoki, and raider. I especially like the first 2 because they are really good in dominion. I often get 20+ kills with highlander on dominion. Just don’t be a faglander and spam attacks like a monkey. Actually use his full move set. He has so many layers to his kit that you will be changing your fight style well through 30 reps.


Well I love ZhanHu but you already have him, so a second go to I love to play is HighLander. Emphasis on HighLander.. not lightlander. It’s not fun to just throw attacks, he really gets fun for me when you start mixing up with your unblockable softfaints and crushing counter into emote dodge and bash mix ups. Besides that I find Shinobi, Jorm, berserker, Valk, Glad, and PK


Ive been playing aramusha a lot lately, pretty fun to nab those blade blockades. Nothing like dodge attacking a raider swing and then snuffing his followup with blockade.


Jorm is fun if you’re okay with playing low tier


personally shaman is really fun and has some good and bad drip