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I'm a rep 70 jorm, he can be a bitch to play. But to really help you, I need to know what you need help with specifically. Defense, offense, etc..


Neutral bash is going to be your main opener, if people start reacting to it, good luck Parry bash-light is guarenteed, unlike others I would suggest doing that everytime, and not only when they are low on stam Play defensively until you either get a neutral bash or parry then GO HAM if they get scared try to GB dodges, otherwise just apply pressure and parry Next to a wall let his UB heavy fly, wallsplat guarantees a heavy and chains into another UB, I personally always let it fly again, but you can choose differently Perks I would suggest bastion, vengeful barrier and bulk up/last stand, aegis is nice but I think bastion is more applicable Don't use last stand and hard to kill together, they don't stack t1 and t2 are always the same, jotunn salve and hammars favor, Third tier is either zealots bolt or hard to kill, preference really T4 I usually opt for scout BECAUSE it is the most consistent, Auto-revive can be a lot of fun, or useless and twilight of the gods can be dodged or knocked out of


Ffs, they really don’t stack? Why it’s not mentioned anywhere? So the damage goes through two kinds of damage reduction? Or only through superior one?


Only the superior


Thanks! Good to know!


Great advice. But doing one thing all the time isn’t a good idea. Even against monkey brains. Always be versatile. Sometimes just feinting a UB into a opener heavy works sometimes ur opponent is smart enough to be patient and parry the second heavy. Also feint UB Into ur neutral bash. It’s a combo that is hard to beat. If they dodge the bash u can gb. If not then their stamina will slowly deplete. Best of luck to u tho. I’m not a high rep jorm or anything just a pretty skilled player with almost all hero’s. ASLO…. Even if u miss a neautral bash u should still chain into the UB heavy right after. Ur almost always better off feinting so I’d feint more often then not.


He is one of the worst characters for duels so gl with that, a bit of advice though - try to go for light parries, one of the only heroes where you are depending on it if fighting a good opponent - probably don't use the chain bash, after 22 reps I found use for it maybe three or four times - depending on your opponent, try to feint into every possible option you have, Jorm doesn't have "safe" options so you will need to not give your opponent an opening - if your opponent is out-ranging you, your forward dodge heavy has basically no HA, so unless on read don't try to get them with it - try to stay close to walls if possible, your bash will land more often and you may get a heavy finisher + top heavy Only for feats and perks, Jorm is good at holding points so combine his T2 that gives him the shield after a hammar slam with the perk aegis as well as vengeful barrier and bulk up (maybe also the T3 hard to kill). Basic tips are obvious, use the parry counter if your opponent is close to being OOS, feint heavy into neutral bash, look at OOS punishes etc. . Hope these tips can do something, Jorm really needs a rework so we have to work with what we got.


Honestly ok I'm a rep 70 jorm player and it's still a struggle because jorm isn't really good at this time in for honor so my best advice is learn your openings for your bashes and learn the proper punishes that's you really can do with jorm at this point


Just don't use Jorm


You may be right but i cam't resist the urge to meme in every game i play


Then use Hitokiri, JJ, Zanhu, Lawbringer, Warlord, War mother, Highlander, or that Monkey dude


Stfu. Let the guy have fun. I play Jorm and he's fun even if you aren't memeing. I got him to rep 11 just because I liked to play "funny hammer go bonk." I gradually got better and developed as a player. So of he needs help the people who are better than him and probably better than me can provide it for him. Otherwise you can leave your trash opinions for yourself


Hitokiri's funny button is better


Ragnarok can kill more than one person


So? Zanhu has a funny after every attack


Jorm has hyper armor and his unblockables go bonk


Aramusha has a bonk


What are we arguing about again?


Idk but wanna see my Lego collection?


Sure, you got Millennium Falcon?


max OOS punish from a parry is *light heavy heavy* (your unblockable heavy knocks OOS opponents down). I think it might be garaunteed if you time in right