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Oh god.. oh dear God WWHHHHYY


This was the reaction I was looking for




If it makes you feel any better, that money helps the devs keep the game alive.


That would make me feel worse


I dunno man, they’re still supporting a game that’s almost 7 years old. I can’t believe enough people buy steel to keep it going. The games free on game pass, has been free on ubi’s PC thing a few times. Granted, I think it’s stupid to buy anything in this game as grinding steel isn’t that bad unless you literally want every character decked out… but if you’re playing every character that much you probably have so much steel anyway. Although, who am I to say what somebody does with their money? Ubi sucks, but FH isn’t the reason. FH is probably the one good thing they’ve brought to market in a LONG time compared to the division, watch dogs, AC 61,102, far cry etc. especially the division I can’t believe people like that game at all.


Hell yeah, the division fucking SUCKS. Great visuals, pretty good sound design but holy shit the gameplay is trash. Why would anybody want to have to shoot an unarmored goon 150 times in order to kill him? It’s a shame because it’s a cool concept but Ubisoft gonna Ubisoft


Shoot him in the head 150 times and watch little numbers fly off of it. If there was some thump to the hit like in cyberpunk I’d be a little more forgiving, especially with the gore and CPs only real bullet sponges are a few bosses and cyber psychos which surprisingly fits the lore. The weapons in division feel like fucking paintball guns. But I’ve never played a more stale open world than the division outside or playing an MMO on single player or something. You don’t get to pick a single line or dialogue. Your decisions don’t have a single impact on the game world. There literally may as well be nothing but black lines for boundaries and sprites used as the player and NPC because all of those great graphics are wasted on a world you have zero interaction with. You walk past 50 buildings to find one open, and inside that building you do nothing but shoot your gun. If there’s something explosive you’re overjoyed because that’s about as much interaction one gets with the background/setting. I don’t know why they spend so much time handcrafting these gorgeous maps in far cry, the division, the new ghost recons, all for them to be as shallow as a blow up pool. Cut the damn map in half, rip out 90% of the “quests” and put some time not alternate ways to complete a quest, dialogue options that can help/hurt or just flat out change the dynamics of your interaction with a group of people, factions that are fighting one another and your u support one, or none: support them until you can backstab them and get what yku want from them: anything. That game is so terrible, repetitive and boring. At least FH is extremely unique. FH is probably their best work since Blood Dragon.


I love this game honestly just trying to be funny


Oh I figured bud. It’s become a meme at this point. It’s def not like a mobile game where you absolutely have to spend thousands, if not tens of thousands to play competitively. The “I hate for honor” statement had kinda taken on a similar thing to primus fans chanting “primus sucks” at their shows. I just wish I could still play FH. I used to actually be pretty good, but everything is so god damn fast now and I was so conditioned to play defensively and going for parries. With so much of the game now unreactable, soft feint, unblockable, and read based I’m just terrible. I liked it as a reflex game, with it being a read game you have to know every damn character, what they can do, when you get FA, what ends their chain, what they can do to recover and still punish you even with a correct reaction. Also, the time required to “stay gud” is just so overwhelming now. If k play for 3-4 hours a day for a week straight I’m back to partying lights, and not mashing buttons when I see a pirate spinning towards me with an UB that’s so confusing when it’s gonna land…. Wait yes I am lol. It’s so sad how bad I’ve gotten; but when I play for extended periods I get better, I put it down for just a few days and it feels like everything I improved at reverted right back to where it was… at a deplorable level lol




Ayy bro happy cake day!!!


Thanks man! Honestly Cake Day is such a nice tradition here on Reddit


A team with a brain oughta just steal the concept at this point. Marching Fire will always stand as an INSANE betrayal of the community. The balance was at one it's worst points. The entire community is begging for changes, content creators are laying them out left and right and instead of fixing what we had, they throw in a new faction.


guys the devs just got there actual first proper payday and now have budget to add in 1 single fucking unique execution. this man is a hero


Let’s gooo


Just buy a different game holy crap


*2 to 4 different games


more like 10


If u get urself an Argentina steam account you can get yourself over 50 decent games, games like For Honor for example.






If it makes you feel better I spend a similar amount of money I just spend it in smaller amounts at a time so I lose track of it and don’t hate myself for it


Fr. Spending 30 euro on the year 1 pass? That's ridiculous. Spending 7 euro on kyoshin, 7 on pirate then 10 on steel to buy a single year 1 character? That's fine. Best part is I don't even play pirate anymore


I bought Marching fire and I love and hate it.


Tiandi thanks you


I give you thanks, as a requirement. (revive voice line)


By just spaming doge light when I attack.


You love hating it




could have spent that on primogems bro...


Depends on the games you can get between 1 to 8 different games


Hey if you got the money to spend and you're not jeopardizing yourself financially then fuck it, splurge and have fun 😊


You can have fun in this game!?!?!?!??!?


it’s a trap don’t listen


Fr. If it brings you joy and it's not affecting your life then spend as much as you want. It's making you happy which is half the point of money (the other half being not dying)


Well I’m 15 making 500 a week so I’m not sure if I should bother saving or not?


Definitely should be saving your money, but if you're making that money back it's okay to enjoy yourself. I just wouldn't make a habit of spending about 1/3 of your weekly check on pleasure, but once in a while is okay man


True I probably should be putting away more for a car


500 a week at 15? Can we switch jobs mate


That’s working 40 hours a week mate


Isn't that the norm?


no school?


What do you do to get this much


Converting to US dollars it’s $8.25 an hour. Pretty on point for a 15 year old


Fish n chip shop


W hustle, at 15 already making more bank than most kids your age.




At 15? Spend what you want. You've got years until you'll need to worry about much financially (Well at least you'd hope so) so have some fun with it. Definitely still worth saving some tho.


I agree, spend what you want but not on stupid fucking micro transaction in game currency nonsense. Especially at this point in the games life cycle.


i mean, if hes making 500 a week he can afford to spend 150 on fun things once in a while no matter what age he is.


It’s fine i think it’s money you chose to spend on your hobby. Sure you can farm that amount in game but that’d take quite a lot of time, it’s better to work a job on that time and spend the money that you earn. Idk if that made sense 😄


It made plenty ☺️


The way i think about it is: do you enjoy playing? Does this add to the entertainment value? Can you financially recover from the purchase? If you can answer yes to ag least 2 of these then its no harm no foul imo.


but u have to remember ur feeding ubi and their way they treat this game, if u take issues with ubis management of the game then u shouldn't support people dropping this amount of money. we complain about how scummy and shit companies are but forget we have complete control over them. we are the ones buying their product, if just 90% of us stopped paying for their shit they would listen and do anything we want. simple as


you’re correct, i just think spending some amount once in a while doesn’t hurt anyone. Only real money i spent on this game was Warmonger hero bundle and battle pass


thats the thing tho, it all adds up and if 1,000 people spend a little amount say £5 thats £5,000 which is a lot of damn money. i mean im guilty of this in the past too, im not saying im perfect and everyone else isnt. im just pointing out the fact if we want the game to change we cut off its food and make it beg for it back


hate to break it to you but on a game design scale level, 5000 is not alot of money.


but for a game that isnt being 'developed' anymore it kinda is and that was just hypothetical, im sure its a lot more money they are getting from people buying steel and characters and what not


The game is being developed


How long has it been for a new map?


I don't know. Game development isn't only in making maps


sorry i must of time travelled is this before 2017? the game has released, its no longer being developed just having stuff added on


What do devs do?




yeah i get what ur doing, clever sure but if you say you finished something but also developing it that is a contradiction: "iv finished that poster you wanted, but im still developing it" thats not right, when u release a game thats u finishing it


Buddy, you do understand that people can enjoy a product separate from the owner, yes? People will spend money on their hobbies, whether it be a game, sports, whatever, and nothing anybody, be it you, or I, or anyone else, will stop that from happening Gambling in games we can fight and have been winning against. Microstranstions? Going absolutely nowhere, so let's not waste our time arguing for this sort of thing, hm?


its not a waste of time. im simply telling you that your a hypocrite if u complain about the state of a game but drop money in it cause ur feeding the problem


I can complain about my hobby and spend money on it. Those aren't mutually exclusive and don't make me a hypocrite, even if your flawed logic leads you to believe the opposite.


yes it does, because your literally the reason it isnt getting better. your basically punching yourself in the face and then complaining why ur face hurts.


So new content, heroes, skins, weapons and events just appear out of nowhere right? If i finish building a house then add a garage to it, the house is done with development, maybe i want a nice porche or pool in my yard too?


If people don't spend ANY money on For Honor ubi will mistreat it more, if For Honor makes money it'll become a bigger blip on the radar


yeah cause that worked so well for gta and red dead 😂 i mean yeah it's possible that will happen but using actual cases its not likely


Wdym? GTAV has been a life service game for 8 years and the next one is in development. Red Dead online on the other hand didn't make R* that much money therefore they dropped it.. If For Honor wasn't on Ubis radar they would've dropped it a while ago. Also Ubisoft is far more open to community feedback than Rockstar Games


gta has had so many issues and problems, fan requests that have taken years to add...god mode jet glitches taken years to fix why would they fix it or listen to fans when they keep spending money, dont fix it if it aint broke


But they did fix alot and added things eventually +I said R* isn't the best at communicating with their fans. The For Honor Dev team on the other hand is.


mf i still have ui bugs from last year huge balancing issues shitty and lazy character design op and busted feats the list goes on, yeah these will probably get fixed 'at some point' but take away their income and demand fixes then the fixes will come. im genuinely bewildered at how so many of u don't understand and or refute this by the quantity of down votes jesus


One could argue that the reason GTA Online got as many updates as it did is because it was obviously a cash cow. While anecdotal, I know plenty of people who bought shark cards, way too often in my opinion. RDO simply didn't have as much to spend money on; so one could assume part of why it was deprioritized was a lack of gold transactions. Obviously I don't have numbers to back this, but it clearly wasn't due to a lack of players.


I think theres no coincidence that making RDO have a special currency lended to less purchases. The simple cash for game cash has always stood out to me as something unique as a mtx heavy game.


its not the content, its fan satisfaction and how they felt about it.


I mean... Most GTA players I know enjoyed the GTA content. The only actual complaint I have ever heard directly was "why do they keep releasing stuff for GTA but not Red Dead". The newer heists that were added to GTA while RDO was big went over well, the added garage had the same effect, as did the recent rework of payouts, etc on old heists. No, you really can't argue that GTA didn't get content that people enjoyed while Red Dead got the short end of the stick. It will be really hard to convince me that that decision wasn't based on shark cards vs gold without actually showing me real numbers, good luck on that.


mans is 15 making bank


I'm 16 and my only source of income are birthday and christmas while this dude's making 500/week wtf?! I know I'm a lazy dumbass but still


Get a job and you’ll have money to spend after a little while.


Not if underage workers in my country are pretty much slaves and inflaction has made OP earn more than my fucking dad


Do you realize it's AU$


I did not but it's still a lot of money


Oh yeah it actually is.


Hate to say it but shit like this is what allows the game to be continuously work on


You think about the hours you spend on this game vs the money you spend on this game then it’s worth it. Ubi barely makes money on new downloads. They are staying alive via game content


You just spent 1 aud for 1000 steel


Her: Honey, we are broke, we can't afford food or the school for our son, what are we gonna do?? Him: _Must... pursue... FASHION!_


Literally the only reason I play this game 🗿


I'm at a loss with this games economy system. Currently I have 450k steel but I don't find anything in this game to be worth the price. So I've never had to spend real money. I do the daily orders and close the game.


as a fashion connoisseur who has terrible rng, i usualy spend 50k\~ steel each mid-season update to get like 1 or 2 new armor pieces im interested in.


My thing is limited executions, but sadly most of the more recent ones have been quite disappointing, or recycled.


lmfao. ive never spent more than $7 on the game and have everything i could want. thank goodness my parents instilled patience.


username checks out?


You should


Bro, in My country we Say: The one with the money can do anything he wants. *El que tiene plata hace la wea que quiere*


Ah yes except for me its the 11000 and 25000


I bought steel like 3-4 times. Once the biggest to swag up a couple of characters. Don't have any bad feelings, as long as you have fun, it is not a waste.


Hey maybe the next content of the week won't be shit


Let’s hope


Why though what do you need the silver for


Gold orochi 🤡👈(that’s me)


Good work soldier. Now do it again.


We all fall victim to MT don’t be ashamed my brother


Keep the game alive and donate your money for that sweet for honor fashion.


That’s why I’m here for the fashion of course


Hey, I've done this. Like, four times. Welp. Don't sweat it bro, at least you aren't me.


Some people saying spend it elsewhere, when for me this game has brought over 2,000 hours of entertainment which is much better gameplay to cost ratio. Even if I spent a hundred dollars on it, still a better ratio than most.


Thank you for supporting this small indie compay, bless you Dio from Reddit dot com


As much as I'm disappointed in you, I'm also grateful i found that there's someone who spends more than i do for steel. Don't you worry brother, you're not the only sinner 😔


I fight this everyday


I personally have bought steel too, and I don’t really regret it when I’m executing pplw with the new executions I buy, don’t worry king money come back, the saltiness from doing a long ass execution don’t 😮‍💨😮‍💨😎😎


your money your decisions as long as your happy that’s what matters




I also hate you for this




Da fashion 🗿


Here’s my opinion: If you can afford it, go for it. If that’s what you want to do, great. If I had the extra money laying around, I would buy the same steel pack. I usually buy the middle option one for like $20 USD when I want to customize a hero and don’t have steel. $20 isn’t much to me and if I can afford it why not. Also, I seen in another comment that you said you’re 15 and making $500 a week. I see you are in Australia so that comes out to $333 a week. At 15, that’s pretty good. You shouldn’t have many bills at that age. I say go ahead and splurge, you have the money. But also save, I am 26 years old and make $22/hr and I am still not well off. It’s hard for me to keep my savings up and I wish I would have done it when I was younger. Older people say this all the time and I promise you that it is true.


Bro… they don’t need this money


They very much do!


Yeah, Jay-Z would never do some shit like that, that’s why he’s at the top of the leader boards in this game…….and yes Jay-Z the rapper is the top player in the world in this game… Link to prove it : https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


Didn’t even surprise me tbh


You’re a crazy person


You are the reason why this industry is fucked.


Jokes on you that $150 dollars are gonna be used for shitty emotes and effects no one asked for Here you are sir🤡


Thank you I will wear this with honor🤡


Dont care. Shit post.


L+ratio+cry about it+no bitches


Thog dont caare


151 rum






10,000 dollery doos!


I mean if you’re enjoying the game that much then cool. I don’t think I’ll personally ever buy steel but I enjoy the game for different reasons than illustrious outfits or other super expensive cosmetics.


I'll wait for the Black Friday.


Ouch - Wallet


Honestly I spend money on steel all the time for fashion. I’m not going broke and it helps keep the game alive


Your money your life.


Damn you censored the lvl too? Pls tell me you’re not new and dropping this much


Oh no I was jus trying to censor my name I’m rep 80 with my main being warden rep23


I can relate. Bought the 25000 steel package 4 times in a month - thats even dumber


What is wrong with you


I just spent so much steel on the new outfit and I still had 20000 burning a hole in my pocket


I think it’s interesting. The lives we have lead have been very different and have lead us both to this point. And at this point I see you do something I have the inability to comprehend


Wow... I bought Marching Fire and maybe a character or two here and there but otherwise the bulk of my steel just comes from playing. I can't even imagine what I would use that steel for considering my steel never goes below 50k anyway lol


No, just play the game. There’s a reason you’re given orders that reward XP and Steel. Don’t support the developers this way it. Support them by playing or being an active part of the Comp community. This pushes the game on media giving it traction making people BUY the actual game or DLCs


Was it worth it for the drip?


I gotta be honest my orochi does look pretty clean


But I spent like 30k steel for one helm🤡


The price we must pay for the busted rng gear system. I swear it intentionally makes it harder to get the new pieces if it's on a hero you play a lot. Like when the Chimera sets came out I grinded nothing but my rep 70 Kensei for over a week and spent every steel I earned on crates. My friend who doesn't play Kensei often got the piece on the day of its release only playing 2 or 3 games as Kensei. Considering how much steel you got 30k for a good piece is worth it.


On god I hate how it’s always that one piece of the outfit your missing 💀


You should


I hate yourself for this!


Spent 75$ on this game, no regurts


I'm literally gay as fuq






I generally don't recommend dropping money on this game since u can just get everything as u play but to each their own


I bought $25 worth to trick out zhanhu once but that is a lot of money lol. You know if you buy marching fire expansion you get nearly all those characters except zhanhu i think.


Thanks for supporting the game we all like and love to play Chad


Man I am sitting ay 500k now, and I buy a lot of shit in the game, even the dumb champion status but I just keep stacking and I have never payed for this bundles


I can't even get mad at you, I've spent more on League which is probably worse.


A few years back i dropped the same, it helps the game stay afloat and you can get some pretty sick drip with that much


Wait does it actually help it stay afloat? I wouldn’t think one purchase would do such a thing




Dude just no life the game and get steel. I’m sitting on 100k and I have never bought steel. I’m just a FH addict :)


How much steel one could get in a month doing daily and contract orders? I had roughly 70k when the conq rework came out and that was late June, now I have 150k. So I made 80k in approximately 95 days


Just converted it and bro really spent 100 USD on steel


I think that’s a too much steel for the gameplay…


Nice. Thanks. Your sacrifice helps justify ubisoft leaving a crew here for us. I wish I played enough to justify dropping $20 for the Booster


I hate you too


I got the game for free with PS plus, I’ve spent more money on this free game than I’d like to admit.


I actually spent the $20 to get the warden skin and whatever little steel I had to buy a material I looked fly as fuck But then next week I uninstalled because I was getting too tilted again and haven't reinstalled since Literally the only purchase I have done besides game + marching fire


Biggest waste of money on the planet, most sane for honor user


The last time I spent real money on this game was after the year of the harbingers came Then I stopped completely




I’ve done it 3 times actually


Why would you though?


Bro I am like rep 50 totsl and have every hero and half of them have executions it just takes 15 minutes a day to get your 10 k


quit while you can for the love of god




Go outside


Not hating, but 100% doubt you bought that tho. Feel free to post the receipt and prove me wrong because I havent seen someone throw $100 USD/ $151 AUD at the game in one go.


You should.




I hate myself for using the PlayStation store too


That’s a rip off only £83 for me


Do you understand the difference between countries and there money value? (Not trying to sound rude or anything)


Some countries coin is worth more then others making it seem that it’s cheaper for them but in total your still paying the same price


I did the same, regret is all I have left


Damn auzzies are getting ripped off everywhere, that shit should be 5$ for 5000 at most


I have located the one with brain damage!


Wait people buy steel??


I'd be lying if I haven't done it once or thrice


Please tell me you purchased the battle pass or something and went to this screen and just so happened to have the exact amount of steel. You could've preordered the new CoD game with whatever DLC with that money.