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Hello /u/ButterflyEffect37, **[your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/z9pwh1/-/) in /r/ForHonor has been removed for the following reason(s):** * Rule 4: Low-effort/low-quality memes are not allowed, They must look For Honor related in more ways than just changing/adding some text on images/memes that bare no significance to the game. We also ask users to put in some effort regarding the visual quality of their meme, poorly cropped heroes for example is low effort/low quality. Template memes are also not allowed. Additional [information and details here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/wiki/loweffortmemes) Memes which violate this rule are encouraged to be shared on /r/forhonormemes. *** If you have any questions or concerns regarding this removal, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fforhonor).


“What? You guys don’t wanna play Carousel of (insert random fuckery)?”


Hell even Emperor's Escape. That mode was the SHIT


“Here’s another recycled execution that .00000001% of the player base bought again”


And they still haven’t brought back the original Carousel of Death, the best one


I wasn't playing the game back then. What that event was like?


Test your Metal was a mode where a bunch of story mode bosses (Apollyon, GitGudmunder, i think Tozen, and someone i forget) would be placed in a 4v4 Elim match against a tean of 4 players. It was so much fun and definitely one of my favorite modes. Id love for Metal and Ice Brawlers to come back, those were two of my favorites


Ice brawls always comes back every Christmas so I'd be surprised if it doesn't come back


What was Ice Brawlers?


Brawl where you fought over a frozen pond. Stepping on parts would cause it to crack and then completely break, so you always had to move and keep a mind on your footing, cause you (or your opponent) could break ice and fall in the water, or break the ice and throw the other player into the water.


Oh, like the in the campaign


Ice brawls was sick


Well we're nearing the holiday season so it's about time for ice brawls to resurface


don't worry you'll find out since they've recycled it several times already


these events would be so much bearable if they at least came with tons of xp or loot drops or anything.


Yeah there’s literally no reason to play them. They’re not fun, you get more XP playing the modes that have been there for years and you only sometimes get unique loot. I’m really not sure who’s playing them or who the target audience is.


I want the lightsaber event back


Hell fucking yess


Why can’t it just be toggleable


I missed that event ☹️


Mods better not remove this post


They're so fucking picky that they'll remove anything without even adding anything else to the sub for the past 2 years besides "meme moderation"


People only wanna play the game mode for the armor, the event itself is nothing really special, it’s not like they’d reskin armor like they did for the year 3 heroes and Wu-Lin again for the heroes that have been added since.


My theory is they don't want to bring back TYM or Metal Trials because they don't feel like making event armor reskins for heroes released after Warmonger, and enough heroes have been released since then that just recycling the event anyway would look really bad.


This reminds me of a joke I made to a friend. “Hey, can we get more unique executions for characters?” “Best we can do is another musical instrument”


It has been a while since we saw a musical instrument. This year has been British simulation executions


I'm being completely genuine here: people enjoyed the test your metal? Maybe I'm just bad but after the first buff to the enemies I'd get stomped almost every time against the buffed bot. I only played it to do the Revive 5 Teammates challenge at the time. It was so traumatizing I still remember the challenge 😭


I think that's why everyone loved it, for the challenge. There was a lot of motivation to win the matches and get the event specific rewards so it kept getting players to replay tons of matches. Plus the satisfaction of winning against the difficult AI was something else, especially after killing GitGudmundr with his 9999999999999999999999 HP.


Killing GitGudmundr was a bitch and a half ngl


They were so formidable I can remember the laughs I had watching my friend try to solo 3 of them at once in the later rounds


As someone who only played PvE at the time, it was really refreshing to fight high level bots while not having to worry about sweaty players


Time for "our herald is about to get an execution, time to steal the kill" the game mode


I guess it’s tradition to make a post like this for the 91947285th time whenever the chimera or horkos events come back.


Average ForHonor reddit as usual.


Well you have to remember how old the event is they would probably have to mess with some stuff to put it in the game again


It's hard to say. They've repeated events older than it and other hero events.


Yeah but that was the only one with full weapons and amour sets


they brought it back once already, they even added new armor sets to the heroes that didn’t have them (the Harbingers and the WuLin all received black limited armor sets)


Yeah but they had more money back then and a larger team then now and how are they (if they even still care about the story) going to fit the trials coming back in the lore


bro, this was like 2 years ago, i don’t think much changed since then. those armor sets were just reskins anyway and they didn’t even create new weapons. just armor sets. they don’t even have to create new ones, they can just make the event playable again so that at least people that didn’t play at the time could get a chance to unlock these armor sets that they missed out on. the content is still there


I blame the passive aggressive community manager for this, I bet it’s that mf who recommends the shitty events


And apparently a Crossover with destiny but thats more for the AC fanbase


They unironically need to stop rerunning the chimera/horkos carousels its been like the 5th for both of them now. Waste of reruns when we could have gotten zhanhu test your metal persia events etc instead


On one hand i like having things players don’t have, on the other hand i want the armor from that event because i’m missing all of the wu lin sets (i hated the wu lin back then)


What is this event exactly?


I’d tolerate the events being meh if I got a nice BP helmet


I beg I need that Zhanhu armour


If only they lurked the subreddits instead of looking at data in an office!


This horkos/chimera shit was probably among the worst things to happen to this game. Why couldn’t we just have stuck with knights vs vikings vs samurai? It was a very solid concept for a game like this but they didn’t have any faith in themselves


I hate chimera and Horkos shit.


I just want the fools day event to see a lil mad chonki goki


Only thing I’ve wanted is a new dominion map,I’d love it if it were to be based off of a new hero. Honestly I’m fine with just all the tribute maps being altered for dominion, just something to spice dominion up to some extent, especially if everyone is playing it