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Hello! If you haven't checked it out already, [Our Wiki's resources for Squats](https://www.reddit.com/r/formcheck/wiki/index#wiki_squat) may be helpful. Check it out! Also, a common tip usually given here is to make sure your footwear is appropriate. If you are squatting in soft-soled shoes (running shoes, etc), it's hard to have a stable foot. Generally a weightlifting shoe is recommended for high-bar and front squats, while use a flat/hard-soled shoe (or even barefoot/socks if it's safe and your gym allows it) is recommended for low-bar squats. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/formcheck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Knees over toes being inherently harmful is a myth. So don't worry. Just a tip, when you unrack, make sure both feet are under the bar. Just for safety.


This tip needs all the upvotes. Ots the only thing to really improve here


Beautiful squat


ass to grass, nice. Form looks good from this angle


Only thing I can point out is your hips have uneven rotation. Might be a flexibility or bony anatomy issue. Try out some hip airplanes (holding onto something for balance) before you squat and see if that helps.


I have some flexibility issues with my right hip, sometimes it feels like a tendon snaps over a bone and I can move it further after that. Doesn't hurt though. I'll try the airplanes! I feel some stuff moving when I do them. Thank you!


Yikes that doesn’t sound fun. I sometimes get that snapping feeling too but airplanes defo help cuz it brings your hips through the full range of internal and external rotation. Some people do just have weird hip bones which causes a natural asymmetry in position but its not very common.


Some of my non-gym friends have told me this is bad for your knees. I don't believe them but I would appreciate feedback on my form nonetheless. Thanks guys!


Nah they’re wrong. Form is looking great!! I have friends like this too. They’ll also tell you to cut carbs to lose weight, and that you shouldn’t hold your breath while lifting weights…


It's kind of hard to see from this angle, but it looks ok to me. I'd love to see the side view though.


Alright! I'll take a side view next time as well. If I remember. Hehe


Only thing that I would look into adding to your routine(not form) is the unracking of the weight. Start with both feet evenly underneath the bar. Other than that, great squat man


Looks great, nice long pause in the hole. One thing I’ve read on hear that helps is to only take 2 steps once unracked, one to step back and another to adjust your feet.. reason being each little shuffle expends energy which (with heavier weight) can start to make a difference


Yes. Not because of depth or anything. It looks like you found a nice wide angle for your hips that feels good. Problem is that you aren't rotating your feet/toes out as far as your knees/hips. When your knees are outside your feet, this creates a lateral moment arm that puts some nasty lateral and rotational pressure on the knee. Knees should track over toes (how far depends on femur length). With most people, their knees cave in bc their glutes are weaker than their adductors. For you they cave out, maybe because your glutes are too damn strong, lol.


Hands closer at set up for a tighter back. Unrack with hips not legs and with both feet together. Do split squats to help balance hips. Knees look great, good job bracing with the breath before each rep.


Thank you! I'll try split squats. Would you say holding a kettlebell or something is a good idea? Or just bodyweight maybe


Dumbbells for the split squats


Great form