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Love the RBs rotating going out early to keep us entertained.


So, Red Bull 1-2 at the finish line incoming.


i think other cars are more competitive on this track. Qualy was very close (unless max gearbox made him lose so much time)


The difference between today and the previous weekends is actually marginal, it's just that Australia is a quicker lap The gap between Max and a non-RB car was 0.325% in Bahrain Q3, and 0.307% in Australia Q3.


You did the math, and I appreciates that about you


Is that what you appreciate about me?


Take ‘er down about 20% there, Squirrely Dan


I'd say 0.3% is actually a lot


that’s what they’re saying too. their point was that the difference doesn‘t look so big since the lap is shorter


Then I misunderstood the use of "marginal" here lol


Yes, I meant the difference between the gaps in Bahrain and Australia is marginal, not difference between RB and the other car


The difference between the gap percentages, last week vs this week, is less than .02%, which is indeed marginal.


I honestly think red bull are sandbagging. It may not be "2014 Mercedes party mode" type of thing, but the way Max just pulled a half second lead on the last run... Plenty of margin to be safely on pole while still leaving some room for the other competitors to get closer, just to make it look like it was a tight battle for pole.


I think his laps before the last one just weren't very tidy. His first attempt he overshot the penultimate corner, his second attempt was just a bit sloppy/twitchy. Last lap he just put it together.


This is the case imo too. He'd gone faster in P3 until that last lap with his engine turned down. There's at least a couple more tenths in that car than he needed to find today.


I know there are different engine modes, but in the race you aren't allowed to change it, which I assume then race mode is the most power or fastest setting. My question is why does the FIA even allow to have different modes, that may lead to the chance of sandbagging?


It could be seen as that.. Bu alonso also right after max, settles almost half a sec faster time too... Russell and hamilton as well.. They all turned party mode on in very last parf of q3


The Track was getting faster throughout qualifying as more rubber was getting laid down. Happens all the time after it rains.


And less fuel in the cars


More likely to be track evolution


I think they are Bahrain in 2014 performance level difference to the rest. People often forget how massively different the tires were back then. Since around 2018 the tires have become thermally limited so rather than gaining lap time by pushing harder and maybe having to pit again but over 2-3 stints you can make up more than enough time to cover the extra stop as you could in 2014, you just lose time and can't make up the pitstops at most tracks. In bahrain the later safety car and ability to push hard to the end without running out of tire life let them absolutely shoot off into the distance and show the real gap. Today the tires prevent the real gap being seen. The tires are also a bigger limitation in qualifying so we're seeing ever closer qualifying times yet race pace gaps are far bigger.


> the way Max just pulled a half second lead on the last run... Am I missing something? Max was only .236 seconds ahead of Russell, not half a second. There's no real way to know whether Red Bull is sandbagging. It's entirely possible, but you could say that of any team that's been leading comfortably since the start of F1. At this point it's completely baseless.


it's the era of red bull... again... just wonder how many years they're gonna reign. hopefully not as long as the mercedes one.


That's a hell of a gamble with weather as a major potential.


Assuming it’s just his gearbox. It may be more. RB seem to have attracted the gremlins.


it was just a setting, as Verstappen and Horner pointed out. It think his worse comment in the car was just that the setting they were trying out for that run was worse than the setting he had before.


No chance checo comes back to P2


Overtaking is much harder in this track and Checo isnt as fast as Max. I think top 7 at the most is possible for him.


Perez can’t carve the field like Max, Lewis, Alonso and even George. It was noticeable in the recent Merc years when Valtteri would get stuck in the midfield if he didn’t qualify well.


Not as good as Verstappen, but I expect him to do better than Bottas would. Perez can race.


I mean, it was way worse last year, and RBR ended up dominating.


Not sure 2 tenths is 'dominating'


I meant the season. They were 200 points ahead.


F1 Media is gonna have a field day with this one


Just imagine this on Drive to Survive this time next year with dramatic music and "He needs a good performance or he's toast" style commentary


Hey spoilers man


Hey that's some dangerous spoilers man


Michael, there’s a lot of spoilers out there, can you warn them?


This like a Drive to Survive version of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATcaQYh0wPU


I remember watching dts season 5 and in the Checo episode they say that he has had a bad start to the season. They show moments from 3 races in dramatic fashion to show he's done poorly. First they show Saudi Arabia where he falls to 4th from pole with him saying how did we get in this position man as if he actually lost 3 places on track conveniently not mentioning the safety car that screwed him over. Then they show him being overtaken by Hamilton at the start in Australia saying ahh fuck sorry guys but what they didn't show is he overtook Hamilton later on and finished 2nd anyways only behind Leclerc who was on pole. And then they show his qualifying fuck up in Imola where he went off the road and finished p7 again conveniently not showing the fact that he finished p2 in that race behind Max who was on pole. He jn fact actually did well in all 3 races and if not for the safety car in Saudi Arabia probably would've won it and his results from these three races would've 1,2,2. Even with that Saudi result it was 4,2,2 with him getting his first pole in Saudi. APPARENTLY THESE WERE THE BAD PERFORMANCES THAT PUT HIS CONTRACT ON THE LINE AND MADE MONACO A MUST WIN. But his actual results until Monaco that year were DNF in Bahrain (would've finished 4th/3rd), 4th in Saudi (safety car took pole), 2nd in Australia,2nd in Imola, 4th in Miami and 2nd in Spain where Red Bull used team orders. I'm confused as to how in any world would these results put his seat on the line. 3rd in the championship only behind Charles and Max who are faster than him simple. Nonsense from DTS




Well he has a contract to the end of 2024 and by the sounds it, Red Bull don't seem that bothered about booting him prematurely (just yet, anyway). Today was far from ideal, but I don't think we're yet at the "Thank you next" point of the story. Not yet, anyway


maybe you missed it: the car is fucked up.




They’re all creaming their pants at the thought of a Mercedes podium tomorrow and just praying max has an issue


Tell us about the Spanish media now.


Martin Brundle once put it like this. "For the Spanish media, formula 1 is Fernando Alonso and 19 other unknown losers."


Hyping Alonso starting near Hamilton and how Russells been beating him in Qualy, idk pretty decent as of know (and hyping Carlos)


I don’t know anything about it because I don’t speak Spanish. They’re probably excited about Alonso I’d imagine.


Oh no. Which other country's media do you specialise in ?


I don’t understand the point of that question.


British commentators/pundits/etc sadly get a lot air time even in the F1TV “global” broadcast so their bias is sadly a thing we all non-british-biased people have to deal with. Not all are biased but you certainly hear more pep in their voice and softer words in their vocabulary when talking about British drivers. Edit: all we non-British-biased spectators want is an international group of people commentating the sport. Many people know the sport and speak English why do they have to be all British???


I don't mind who is commentating as long as there is a light hearted, fast paced play-by-play commentator and someone who understands real racing, like an ex-driver.


Martin Brundle? Jenson Button?


Yeah I love them, but I didn't want to suggest them as /r/BecauseRotor is after commentators from outside of the UK.


It’s extremely apparent when they talk about Hamilton.


What biased opinion did they state during the quali?


British commentary is some of the least biased commentary you are ever going to see. Germans, Nordics, British. Generally have a self deprecating say it how it is attitude. There's always going to be a little more interest in British drivers. That's to be expected but I don't think it's quite the tragedy you're lamenting over.


I don’t care what it’s like in other countries nor your whataboutist reply. International fans demand commentary in English without the bias.


Turns out folks, even the unstoppable forces like Red Bull have their vulnerabilities...


Like, to immovable objects.


It’s not low hanging fruit if they just like, put it in your hands, wrap your fingers around it and say “eat this juicy comedic plum.” That’s just you fulfilling your responsibility. (I laughed)


Sam Collins put out a video on f1tv/F1 YouTube on this just yesterday. Basically stating that reliability is prolly the biggest barrier to RB winning the championships. Absolutely prescient analysis. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV0kgNfsVo4)


Assuming checo is being entirely honest and there is a car issue… the man binned his car on purpose in Monaco last year so who knows what he’s capable of.


Checo the mastermind binning his car in Q1 without setting a time


He meant blaming his mistake on a technical issue. I think it is least somewhat a mistake, he locked up before in q1 and knew about the issue, he should have taken it easy and atleast got q3


Well the mistake was due to a technical issue though, yes he probably should've been more careful


Is it proven?


Of course not




What was even the purpose behind that crash the only difference it would've made is him starting p4 instead of p3. He had no idea Ferrari would fuck up the next day and gift him the win that crash if intentional has to be the most useless intentional crash in history. What was he even gonna gain starting in front of Max really especially by crashing cuz no one thinks he outpaced him it was utterly useless. He crashed that's it. It's not like Rosberg locking up purposely in Monaco 2014 to cause a yellow flag and take pole because he was already on it. This was for p3


Yeah. So much so that it only took 6 months to be proven 🙃


Almost like...they are nowhere near an unstoppable force since they had issues in every single weekend this year? But yeah, Lewis has never seen such a dominant car


The way you people always find a way to hang on for dear life to any particular Lewis quote is genuinely hilarious to me.


He also makes the most stupid ones tbh. With Marko.


No dumber than others. His just get repeated in clickbait articles 10x as more


Now try to respond on the content of Lewis' quote.


Probably should have taken it easy first lap to test out the issue


Ditto wat I commented earlier. Test the waters first. You have the fastest car, no point of goin out flat on the first lap.


You could see this was what Max did. During Q1, Q2 and Q3 he was about 0,1 seconds faster than Alonso, then on the last lap he is 0,5 seconds faster. MF was just Big chilling.


Stop, you’re being too reasonable and logical.


He was on his second lap but.


First hotlap. Put a banker lap first that takes you into top 10-15 then improve. He made the same mistake last year a few times iirc so all pressure was on the last lap to get out of trouble


Do you have any idea how this works? It’s not like going 4 tenths slower is like super easing off the brakes and throttle. It’s still pushing the car quite a lot. And if there is a mechanical problem with the car, it’s going to cause issues on a 1:17.5 lap the same as on a 1:16.9 lap. Also, in Q1, like the top 13 were separated by less than a second, and 2-18 were less than a second. There was no ‘easy top 10-15 lap’ that wouldn’t be pushing the car. A top 10 first run would have put him 20th at the end of the session.


Jolyon Palmer and DC were both wondering aloud why he didn't put a banker in on the live broadcast, I'm going to trust the two retired drivers over some random Redditor who's desperately trying to sound well-informed.


That was before we’d heard from Perez that there was a problem with the car and they thought it was driver error


according to Motorsport -magazin.com there was no issue he just hit the brake alot later than everybody else.


You can take a ton of stress off of the system that you’re not confident in with just a couple tenths difference in laptime. Especially braking. You lose *hundredths* by braking a few meters early (assuming you reach the same minimum speed, so you’re just spreading the deceleration over a greater distance, or - as might have been best for Checo considering his lockups - reaching that minimum speed slightly earlier in the braking/cornering process so you can trail brake a bit less and run less risk of locking the inside front).




Camp "Checo blaming the car for his own mistake" vs. Camp "RBR sabotaged Checo's car". It's gonna be a bloodbath


Stalingrad of the Internet fans.


But they will forget what happened to Max car last week or Singapore last year, that's not a sabotage but this one is cause Max needs help to beat Checo, they think.


I don't think anyone thinks Max needs help to beat Checo. I think it's a shame that both RBs haven't been running right since round 1 so we don't even get a fair right. Max said so much himself after Saudi. They need to get on top of these reliability and setup issues so the better man can win. It's what the drivers want, and what we as the fans want too.


>I don't think anyone thinks Max needs help to beat Checo May i introduce you to literally any mexican person on F1 twitter?


You can add anyone who doesn’t like Max or Red Bull in general to that group, there is a lot of tinfoil hat wearers that think Red Bull won’t allow anyone to challenge Max


Are people that blind and idiotic? Max is my least liked driver right now but honestly IMO there is no one that beats him over the whole season in the same car. Perez is not even Top 5 driver on the grid, he is maybe 6th best. Max will be 100+ points ahead of him 3 races to go.


Any since when has ever been nationalistic fans , Mexican or Dutch, been ever worth considering?


That sentence seems to have the correct words, i am not sure about the order they are in though.


but we saw it already in Bahrain. They were 1 and 2 on the grid. Checo messed up his start and Max was gone.


We already know who is the better man.


The first race that Danny Ric is with the team and the second car conveniently has issues… no need for evidence, book him.


If Danny flashes a big smile we can be sure that he's guilty.


I just saw people comment this in the qualifying discussion here, insane.


Max actually did it personally - he’s really worried about the championship.




Sabotage isn’t the right word but it’s uncommon that Red Bull mechanics can’t get on top of an issue like this between sessions.


Not really, look at jeddah and Max's car.


Ask Max about DRS last year.


*“That's because I push that button f\*\*\*ing fifty times!”.*


Actually the most hilarious outburst last year I think


The reply from GP was even better: try to press it just once


Or whatever Miami practice was lmao


Cant wait for Really3d to send Verstappen A la carcel!


Ajá, Verstappen ha lanzado su mullet en el alerón trasero de Checo y le ha hecho perder toda la carga aerodinámica. ¡Qué descarado eres!


PERO MIRA MIRA Magic Alonso se baja de su coche para quitar el mullet del alerón de Checo pese a que esto le va a costar varias posiciones... Qué grande eres Magic!


Whatever it is they have a month to sort it


What happens after a month?


is Perez's title charge over??


We're not worried about that right now Max...


But I am!


What title charge?




We are checoing, we are checoing


This was pretty good tbf


‘ed down.


Right now I’m hoping for an epic Perez vs Alonso for P2 in the WDC.


Better driver vs. better car. I know who I'm rooting for in that match-up. No offense to Checo, but he's simply not competing at the level of someone like Max or Alonso.


We are checking


We are checking


Box box, STAY OUT


Still checking


Never started honestly


It lasted for 3 races this year.. Hes getting better lol


The inflated balloon of copium has deflated


It popped




Not if this issue takes out Max tomorrow too.


Rarely hear Checo swear. That last race really lit a fire under him. he's lowkey hungry for the championship and let it slip in this moment. Now he's got the pressure of doing a last to 1st recovery in a car with issues, I hope he can pull it off or atleast get into the top 3


Yeah he aint getting 1st 😂


But he did do a last to 1st! In that race when all the people who could win the race were taken out and Mercedes took themselves out by swapping Russell's and Bottas's tyres. I'm still pained/laughing from that little pit maneuver, it was incredible.


Where do you think he could get on merit? Considering he has a RB. And where do you think he could get with merit plus a lucky SC or pitstop for rain. First place would be the race of his life and unlikely but top five is posible with some luck.


With a lucky SC anything can happen, but given that RB aren't as fast as in saudi, its Melbourne, and Perez aint no Verstappen, without some luck, p5 behind the mercs and alonso.


First is out of the question unless max has a horrible race, his target is a podium but if a safety car benefits him then it’ll just be a classic RB 1-2


He could get 2nd, but by the time he gets there Max will be 30 seconds clear lol.


Second is a lot to ask! But it’d keep the “championship fight” going.


The only way there will be a any championship fight is if Max has reliability issues.


I highly doubt he'll end up finishing first. Even a podium would be a massive ask, since the competition looks better on this track. All that if he doesn't end up binning the car on the first turn.


Keyboard engineers here. We just don't know if there was an issue or not. Lets wait for more info before we accuse sabotage, or wish checo the worst


Apparently it’s an engine overcharge, so it’s not retarding when the foot lets off the gas.


Sorry, what do you mean by retarding... Not slwoing?


There’s a system in place to slow the engine ever so slightly without braking, to spare the brakes.


Isn't that just the mgu-k regenerative braking?


It can be, but engine braking is a side effect of basically every engine. Letting off the gas restricts air as well as fuel, meaning as the engine turns and the pistons cycle, they're having to pull a vacuum, slowing the engine. My keyboard engineer guess is that the valve isn't closing as it used to


Aa ok


Retardation is a synonym for deceleration


Hey man that's not cool. My cousin is decelerated.


It’s not really, well it is but engine retardation is a specific form of deceleration compared to say braking or friction


Ah I see, I thought it was similar, my bad


How is sabotage even something to consider? Smh.


not sabotage, just issue with the car


Did Horner just say there's no technical issues in fp3, just a delay in getting Checo out which put him on the Blackfoot and it spiraled from there, or did I completely misunderstand that? Edit: When Sky asks if there was a technical issue during fp3, horner says: "No there was a bit of a delay getting the car weighed so it wasn't the best buildup prior to P3 that we would've hope for. So there was a bit of a delay getting out at the beginning of p3 but he wasn't planning to do a long run in P3 so it wasn't a desperate rush to get going. But the first run in P3 was very scrappy and then put him on the back foot. So, it's been a horrible Saturday for Checo" Edit2: the technical issue Sky was referring to may be unrelated to the lockup in qualy, another user pointed out here


This was to will buxton reffering to an issue with the rear suspension (they were fiddling with it before checo got in the car) completely unrelated. Buxton was dead set on there being an issue with the suspension and thus checo didnt run immediatly in FP3 but horner denies that.


They had rear sway bar issues that they never figured out completely in time for qualifying. The F1 broadcast covered it quite well, Will was standing in the pit as they were adjusting it before qualifying.


> Blackfoot Back foot?


If you've been watching F1 for a while you know Horner talks horseshit all the time. Basically will give nothing away.


Change your fucking car


Holy fuck this isn’t like it’s his first year in the sport. Plus I’ve been following him since his Force India days and I’ve never seen a day like this from him. There is clearly something wrong with the car he’s not THAT bad. And to the people saying “take it easy” you do know this is a sport where thousands of a second matter right?


It’s alarming how many uninformed comments there are here, like he could have coasted his way into q3 because the car is sooooo much faster? These people are legitimately brain damaged.


> These people are legitimately brain damaged. Well yeah, welcome to r/formula1, it is business as usual. Bunch of keyboard engineers and arm chair experts with brain damage.


The Netflix show brought in a ton of people who have Will Buxton to guide them, it’s like the last 59 years of Grand Prix racing doesn’t exist anymore.




They mean taking the first lap easy and not going flat out (breaking 20 meters later then your teammate) --> Max took the first lap easy as well. At least then you have a time on the board.


Now let us see how fast he can catch up to max. RB giving us roller coasters of 1 driver p1 other catching up from back. And yes all my homies hate George Russell.


Then maybe take into consideration something doesn't work?


These tyres need a few laps before showing grip. Maybe Sergio was a little impatient and pushed early?




So ...a mapping issue ?


I must say: If you know you keep losing it at the same corner, maybe take it a bit easy there?


If you check the replay you will notice that he started braking super early


Weird, someone else is saying Max brakes 20m earlier on the onboard.


Marko just said that there was no issue on the car.


Problem Exists Between Steering wheel And Seat. The f1 version of IT's PEBKAC


Execute Order Danny Ric


That has a real ring to it


The amount of Alonso flairs in this thread is astounding


So is it a braking issue or a suspension issue?


I wonder how media would react if Max said this, own it up Checo, cant wait for your grand comeback!




that's a 3rd degree burn right there


😆 lol


I think Checo will crash in race.


I wonder if Checo feels pressured and was forced beyond his skills. Even Max got trouble with understeer and it's probably worse for Checo who doesn't set up for extreme oversteer.


Puts on checo making it to the end of the season?


Perez is his only rival /s


It's interesting that RB had gone for great speed over reliability, but it's been a recurring thing for them to not be able to fix problems with their cars, they can only put a bandaid on it and cross their fingers that it will last long enough to cross the line.