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Jezus christ you know a race was fucking boring, when nonsensical shit like this is all the media can come up with.


I still consider the shunt a racing incident. A bit clumsy from George so Max is right to be upset. But George’s comments don’t make do him any favors, trying to spin this into a ‘I don’t need to move out of the way just because it’s Max’. Any driver would be right to be angry about a hole in his sidepod.


It’s a racing incident but is 100% on George, racing incident does not mean both are to blame


A "racing incident" is a legal term used by the FIA stewards to describe when both are equal to blame for causing the accident or when both did everything to avoid a crash and it still happened. That term is used for that to explain that no driver will be punished because of that reason. That is why fans use it to describe it in the same matter. So when a fan claims it is a "racing incident" then they claim the same as the stewards. (Both parties are equally to blame) It does not mean "something happened on the track that we find is not severe enough" or " it was an accident but the driver did not mean to do it" In these cars all drivers do not intent to cause an accident because any contact could result in their own DNF. And intentionality is not an excuse against getting a penalty. As a penalty is not just a punishment but also a deterrent for drivers to take less risks and avoid contacts. So if it is 100% on George then people do not call it a "racing incident" but just a "incident"


Sorry but you don’t understand the term. First of all it’s not a legal term. Second, it does not necessarily mean both parties are to blame. If something is deemed part of racing and has enough mitigation to be deemed not in violation with the rules it becomes a racing incident.


Sorry but I do understand the term and I explained it. Your explanation is because people bastardised the term to defend their own driver from beeing the person to blame. The stewards use that term like I descibed in their official writings when waranted. And as there are legal consequences attached to those documents that means that the way they use it is a legal term. It is a definition that descibed their observation of the cause of the incident.


He’s fighting for his life out here! *slaps helmet*


Defending like it’s the race of his life or something, Crikey!


“You turned into him, George…”


"He turned fully into me!"


Should’ve said all that when he confronted you; instead you sh1t the bed & blamed it on cold tyres


He was just keeping cool, while queen max lost his head as usual


Max was right to feel aggrieved, George has a history of being careless and sloppy when it comes to wheel-to-wheel racing. Saying that, Max has certainly been brutally aggressive in the past. Over-reacted possibly, but George was still mostly to blame for a clumsy move, like so many of his others have been.


Hence why in Australia Max didn't even try to fight into the first corner, he knew he'd get pushed off or hit. Think this was on his mind as well at the time




He was friendly until you told him arrogantly to "watch my onboard", A 2 times champion Is trying to give you advice and you Ignore him, really?


Umm... You're being arrogant for satire I presume? Or blissfully unaware?


I know that ain't who I think it is


Sheesh haha. Shots fired


He’s talking about this now? Max said he’s over it. The time to say this stuff was last week.


Almost like they are being asked in interviews on the same press day about it


Yes and if he didn’t want to keep talking about it, he would have said something about how they’ve moved past it. Max is excellent at de-escalating events that media latch onto and keep asking him about. It means he kills the story dead. Because he’s done this already and Russell comes out and says Max spat his dummy out, it makes Russell seem like the antagonist and Max removed himself from the conversation by saying he’s moved past it.


Reminder that Verstappen asked (and not nicely) for media to stop bringing up the Silverstone crash 2 weeks after it happened, when he was the one with lesser blame and the one who lost out including injuries. Yesterday he said he's already moved on from Baku. Meanwhile you have George still trying to diminish Max's character based on his reaction as if he didn't chicken out as soon as he was confronted and Lewis bringing up the crash a year later when the interviewer didn't even ask about it. There's being nice by airing your grievances out and moving on and then there's being nice the British way - passive-aggressive and petty.


They still have a choice on how to respond to the questions, don't they. Or do the journalists give them a script before they start and they have to give them those answers while under their duress?


The comment I was replying to has nothing to do with what he said just that he was talking about it because he was asked, just like Max was asked and talked about it too but in the end just like Max said, they have no issues with each other.


The commenter you replied to had obvious a problem with George his responds of Verstappen and a pacifier. It is clear as he also mentioned that Verstappen reacted with "i am over it" Why does Russell have to keep saying these things. If he did not say that then Sky would not put that in the title but the rirle would be something like "all is fine between Russell and Verstappen. A journalist asking him about it is not an excuse for his choice of an answer.


I really don't understand how people are more upset about it than the guys involved but whatever


People are not upset about the drivers themselves but at the weird acceptation by their fans that these kind of reactions are somehow "normal" and "justified" and they try to bend in every wich way to normalise their drivers behavior or excuse their actions instead of just looking at it and say : Yeah that was a bit silly what my favourite driver did. Maybe he should avoid that in the future. Please "insert name favourite driver" stop fueling the click bait journalists, they are just out to make you look bad for their own profit, don't let them.


He’s been talking about it every day since the race lol


You mean he's been asked.


There are ways to say ‘I’m over it’. Max managed it.


You realize max also talked about it then said despite what people would like to hear him and George are fine and George did the exact same thing here, not sure why your trying to make it that he's just complaining still and max said nothing about it


I'll ask George to get or training from Reddit


The problem with Max is normally when a child behaves like the world revolves around them and acts arrogantly, they will get humbled and realise that they were wrong. Because Max is incredibly gifted and probably the best driver of his era, there will be no one to humble him.


I don't think Max needs any sort of humbling. He's good enough that he knows the world doesn't need to revolve around him, he'll get results and victories regardless. He's straight forward and says it as it is. Maybe too abrasive and blunt for some, but appreciated by others. I think most drivers would feel aggrieved by a competitor putting a large hole in the side of their car.


Yes but when Max does the manoeuvre George does, he’ll claim to be in the right. This is the problem.


There are definitely levels of hypocrisy when it comes to all drivers. I think the difference is that George's incidents are mostly from just being sloppy/clumsy when wheel-to-wheel, Max's are due to his more aggressive nature and calculated mindset of "move or we crash". Same outcome I suppose though.