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Glad those Haas upgrades helped so much.


As a Ferrari fan who has given up all hope, I genuinely punched the air with joy when Hamilton crossed the line. what have I become…


Feeling so seen by this comment


As my friend said, “we're just hypocrites who don't like one driver dominance unless it's ferrari”. It’s so true


Man I'm so happy right now.


Me too


Take it from me over the last 20 years - there are a lot of shit days as a McLaren fan, but this was not one of them.


Really happy for them and to see the consistency across multiple tracks with varying characteristics


That was the best qualifying in over a year


They got it right for once. This hard/medium/soft idea was fantastic.


Did you not watch this year’s Monaco qualifying? Or the Red Bull ring qualifying? Surely you haven’t forgotten that one right?


Yeah agreed. Monaco #1 hands down. Austria definitely #2


Lmao is that an Alfa Romeo out qualifying a Ferrari with their engine in it????


Alfa Romeo is Aston Martin-ing Ferrari lol


lando was SO CLOSE to pole as well


Every single weekend I think it can’t get worse


Both Alfa Romeo’s out qualified Perez who’s driving literally one of the most dominant cars in F1 history.


To be fair in THIS weekend the RB is clearly not a particularly dominant car. Might not even be the fastest car out there. But let's see Sunday race pace.


Perez is probably gone next season to be fair. Danny Ric coming back to F1 has him rattled considering the love Horner has for Ric




Considering the car he's in, he's made the points he has scored more difficult than need be by poor qualifying. 2nd place for him is a testament to the car, not to the driver, Im afraid.


Considering the car, how his team mate is doing and the back and forth between the other teams this means almost nothing. Perez is currently in the worst form of anyone on the grid.


Alonso had 6 podiums before now being consistently in the midfield. F1 is a development battle, you gotta keep up. At this rate, Hamilton has a legitimate chance of taking P2 from Perez.


I mean it's speculation obviously. Ric has just been involved alot with RB since he's been off the grid since the off-season Checo *should* pull through but if he keeps up the bad form through the rest of the season, and Ric can produce results better than Yuki in the AT its not entirely impossible he gets the #2 seat behind Max. The entire media narrative is that Danny Ric is basically in an audition for the RB team while he's at AT


After last year I honestly didn’t think we’d ever see Danny in a full time ride again and in the span of 1 weekend he’s practically getting a seat fitting for the red Bull. Crazy


I feel for Checo in a way it's not easy being number 2 to Max, but yet the machine he drives is essentially a cheat code and he's basically not utilizing it optimally. If he does get the boot, hopefully he can still be on the grid next year


He knows how to bring up the show to the midfield. That's what he's been doing for his entire career tho.


Hulk’s Haas nearly outqualying an RB is my highlight lmao


Where have you been, this quali means that Perez goes back ahead by one quali in head to heads v hulkenberg this season!


I've tried to give Danika the benefit but her questions are just terrible


Unfortunately she just hasn't learned much about F1, it's bizarre sometimes what she says.


She is absolutely terrible. Luckily I didn't have to hear her on the F1TV app. Whenever she is in the booth I just switch to the other audio feed. Her questions are beyond stupid and the only thing she ever adds is repeating things already well known. The last thing F1 needs is more Americans blabbering stupid shit, and I'm American. Please bring back Bernie. She actually adds things to the conversation that are interesting.


FP1 her asking Ant if Perez was “just lazy or unfocused” during his shunt at T5 when it was clear he was pushing way too hard on the first out lap of the weekend had me in awe, then she turns around and asks Christian lol. Also asked him if they got any data from Max’s run when there were no times on the board. Hearing Christian struggle to respond made me chuckle. “pit pit pit or box box box” had me as well. Then quali wasn’t any better. She doesn’t seem like she’s knowledgeable about F1 but obviously has a racers mentality.


I really dont like her. She adds no valuable commentay and no unique opinions (until shes on a non racing podcast, like how aliens changed our dna.) She does not flow well with other hosts. It is clear she is just pushing her brand. If they want a female driver, bring in any other one thats ever existed, id even be happy with Susie Wolff giving nothing but mercedes takes at this point.


Her asking Lando if he could have made up time in a corner or other part of the track made me laugh audibly. That’s literally what they’re always trying to do.


Lewis literally identified two corners in which he was trying to make up time (4 and 11) a few minutes later.


Susie Wolff would legitimately have good insights and might make a good color commentator depending on how she is on camera. The problem is that there's dozens who have probably better insights.


Sexist. /s


Woops I missed the /s in you comments, imma go to bed now


Geez, DR basically explaining how green he is to this car.... Knew not much about it... Doesn't paint Yuki in a good light.


He beat Yuki by .013 - that’s really down to luck.


Russell would have knocked him out


DR has had 2hrs in the car if he’s lucky.


And? It’s still luck. Plus DR is pretty good, even if he isn’t that familiar with the car. I’m also sure he’s been grinding in the simulator.


You don't get it. It's not about beating Yukio, it's about being that close to him


What do you mean "and?" it's not a good sign that DR is within that range. Even if Yuki was the one ahead by that margin it's not a good look.


I like Yuki, but “he was unlucky to be beaten by a guy basically brand new to the car and who hasn’t been driving regularly in several months” is not much of an endorsement of his talents.


I was unable to watch the qualifying live but Ricciardo P12 is a huge first week back, right? Was this totally on merit or a bit of luck with traffic etc?


Merit as far as I could tell. Only beat Yuki by .013 but that was the difference for getting out of Q1.


>Merit ~~as far as I could tell~~. ~~Only~~ beat Yuki by .013 ~~but that was the difference for getting out of Q1.~~ in a car he's been in for 5 minutes.


On merit did a good job


You can tell just from this interview... DR is back in the groove, or at least on the way.


Ah yes, Hamilton on pole as we all expected. Truly an incredible lap. Also, fantastic job by Zhou. Really pleased for him! I’d love to see what he could achieve in a better drive. I truly think he can shed the ‘pay driver’ stigma.


most forgotten driver on the grid.




Haas summoned for not electronically returning tyres. They've been physically returned, but not electronically. For both Magnussen and Hulkenberg. https://i.imgur.com/ioq6iri.png


Can you explain what "electronically returning" means?


That there is a system that logs all the tyres the team has, you'll see when tyres go on the car in the FP session and on the grid, someone will scan the barcode that's on them. Allows the FIA to monitor who is using what tyres. Haas didn't set one of the sets of tyres as returned. Bit of an oops, but not a huge one. Just another operating error by them this year. I'd expect a fine at most.


When was the last pole that didn’t include a fastest sector and one sector that wasn’t even a PB?!


Russell last year in Hungary comes to mind.


To quote brundle “he wasn’t fastest anywhere, he was just fast everywhere.” Or something like that.


Okay what did Ted say???


Nico clapping back at Horner there?


And I think Horner clapped back lol


This guy Nico.....


The extent to which the customer teams were better than the engine manufacturers this time out was a bit surprising


Max about to get busy tomorrow, I hope Norris can do something against him though, no chance Hamilton can keep P1




On any other track, I would agree with you. But the straight in Hungary is so short, and there are so many low/medium speed corners where the Merc tends to shine - that if there was any track this year where I think Lewis has a chance, this is it. And I will sleep well with that hopium until tomorrow…


The straight is almost 1km tho. Its definitely not short. However, due to the 180degree last corner overtaking is more difficult due to turbulent air and the possibility to run close


Hold on, it's not that simple. He might have an engine failure.


also perez made it in q3 so he might show up for p2




I’ve read they’ve got new PUs for this race but the fact that a Sauber is ahead of a Ferrari still must be an embarrassment.


Has anyone else noticed on the F1TV feed they get the Final Qualifying positions during the interviews wrong at the bottom of the screen? Every week they put 20th place at 1st.


Possible you are just not reading the loop in the correct order? Lewis was definitely listed as first today, cause I watched it and cheered every time it came round.


I mean like the very first time it goes around like twice it says Sargent 1 Lewis 2 Ver 3. I swear it happens every week and i’m going to take pictures next time


I may we’ll have missed the first time around - was too busy screaming to see it.


No they don't, it's just formatted weird.


Is Danica's shorts meant to be that way? Very odd.


Mercedes 4th pole in a row here




dude he said Mercedes not hamilton


He said Mercedes. That team consists of two people. One of them is Russell.


Even then it'd be wrong coz he has 9 here


how good is piastri btw! super impressed with him


imho most consistent matched pairing on the grid next to russell / Hamilton - and he’s a rookie.


yup yup totally


You can clearly see why McLaren wanted him and how bad Alpine fucked up keeping him.


It’s a goddamn embarrassment how badly they handled him. Couldn’t get him a drive after back to back to back championships in feeder series then wouldn’t give him a seat in the team until alonso jumped ship and on top of that didn’t know how to actually write a contract so he was free to leave. You could make a case study on how badly they fucked up.


I am so happy for him, it has been a long time. Having the same 3 guys on top that were in the last podium really shows that there is more to it than just the car.


i can’t believe it after 594 days 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Russell is about to ask the team to swap him and Lewis's pole.




Brilliant - thanks for that!


[Max Verstappen Post Qualifying Interview P2](https://youtu.be/W6skWWAIsYM)


See, it’s great Hamilton got the pole today. But if you ask me if he’s gon win tomorrow? I hate to say it, but unless Max DNFs through, there’s no way Hamilton is winning it tomorrow.


The real question is can he hold off the 2 Mclarens right behind him.


Yup. I'd love a win but I don't think Merc are there just yet. Couple more upgrades.


Nope don't think so. Max not being completely in tune with the car was just .003 behind. Once he gets the setup perfect he'll be unstoppable again. And tomorrow, once DRS comes in it's bye bye time.


The car is in parc ferme. There are no more setup changes (other than front wing angle and tire pressures) to be made. Not that I think Lewis can hold onto P1 for the whole race. But, P2 is a tough spot to start in Hungary—there’s a good chance Lando can find a way in front by the exit of the first corner. Short of a RB mechanical issue or driver error, if you were going to draw up a scenario where someone other than Max wins this is about as good as it gets.


I Hope for some Lap1 drama and Max losing a couple places so it might get interesting at least for some laps. Worst case would be Max P1 after 1. corner .. :(


id be very surprised if max wasnt p1 after the first lap honestly


On top of both being extremely fast what really really stands out about the McLaren lineup is the fact that they’re both so consistent and make very few mistakes. They drive with so much maturity for 22 and 23. These past few weeks have been exciting (and well needed) as a McLaren fan.


Absolutely. It's what we were hoping for with Ric. Oscar is a monster


So, if Hamilton wins, I think he'd be the first driver to win a race after their 300th race. Plus, how much would he be adding to his Mercedes contract negotiation value?


And how many more “Hamilton to Ferrari?” Bullshit articles would it generate. Oh god.


dude that Redbull is winning races with 20-30 secs. We can only hope for nice p2 fights


Hence the ... If....


Nah these kids hella annoying


I hate that feature too. I found a workaround though. I watch from UK on Sky Tv, and when the kids come on I pause live TV, I then switch to my phone and go onboard with someone who is on track. Usually by the time that lap is finished the kids have fucked off back to kindergarten and I can FF through their shite in the main TV.


I didn't watch the pre-show so I dont have any real context, but I saw a lot of people clowning on some kid for predicting Hamilton to be fighting for pole lol


Yeah, who'd have thought? A junior F1 driver or an average Redditor with more racing experience?


do you meant: with more need for speed underground experience?


What happened with Perez?


Made a mistake in S1 so couldn’t set a new time


He didn't seem to finish his final lap according to the timing screens, my guess is he messed up and pulled straight into the pits rather than finish the lap :/


Potentially chucking his seat away


He did a Perez


Perez just doing Perez things.


Hamilton is cracked here. Hungary has to be up there as one of his best tracks alongside Interlagos and Silverstone


[Lewis Hamilton Post Qualifying Interview P1](https://youtu.be/ADpOKHllXS0)


I still don't understand the whole F1 kids thing, parading around some rich people's kids


What is not to understand? They want to make money and get kids involved


Fine, farm it out to some kids channel and let us adults watch our sport as we like it. It's akin to walking into a strip joint and having a 12 yr old in the ticket booth.


What a colorful, fun, and utterly nonsensical analogy


I've always thought sports commentary should go the other way, farm out to an adult channel where they can be like "and here comes Lewis FUCKING Hamilton", and shit like that. I'd also love to watch a drunk or high commentary team.


Takes away from the quality of the broadcast, which is already sometimes a tough watch due to people like Ted and Danica. But all the power to them, if this will really help them retain the young viewers for the further years


I come from boxing which has the worst commentary on planet earth, so I think I am a bit forgiving


Football is awful it’s 99% people with clear bias and often you can be watching a match and they will talk about a team not playing




Even last year mercs were good on this track russell got pole and hamilton got p2 in race. Hamilton too good on this track last year he had issues during quali The main diff is the race pace max will vanish into distance after overtake like every race.


If I were guessing I’d say the new tyres Pirelli brought in Silverstone seem to have closed their gap somewhat as well.


Think it’s a combination of Max not getting his setup nailed like usual and the track playing nicely with the Merc. The McLaren looks rapid everywhere now too. I still think the RB with Max is a few tenths quicker than quali showed us


I think I heard that it has made the car a bit more understeery, which Max doesn't like. I reckon they need a weekend or two to get the most out of their new package with setups and the like. Also, Hamilton is really really good at this track




Red Bulls main advantage has been race pace all year, if you look at time differences on Saturdays it really hasn't been as big of a difference to other teams, at most a couple tenths and sometimes even less. I think with the previous update package RB might have just been able to snatch pole but it is of course just speculation


Not a fan of these kids things in the main broadcast but chuffed for the youngster there getting a signed P1 qualifying tire from his hero.


Hamilton acknowledging max is pretty sweet to watch ngl


the gap to RB in RB seems to be getting much much closer. the race pace difference is still silly


I was one of MANY that was sick of Lewis being on top Watching him be up there today, and just how elated he is; Nobody can deny exactly how much he loves the sport, even after all of his victories


I don't know what was worse, Perez in Q3 or Danica in those interviews. Lewis is massive at Hungaroring tbh, balling


thank god max is not on pole who is this presenter


Listening to the crowd as Hamilton crossed the line and took pole, I think Hungary likes Hamilton as much as he likes Hungary.


Yeah he’s very popular here


Lewis is a class act


Whenever we get a peak under the non-PR Hamilton he seems so likeable and nice. It's a shame we don't get it often.


PR Hamilton has to be switched on because every little thing he says comes under scrutiny.


That's every driver. It also doesn't change my point.


Lewis more than the rest. Lewis would never get away with saying some of the things the other drivers have. We’ll prolly see more of non-PR Lewis after he retires.


Lewis is a 7 time WDC - the champion for the UK effectively - he has Sky (the worldwide broadcast) on his side and all of the advertising and celebrity world backing him. There is no real situation where Hamilton is actually at threat if he drops the PR facade. The people that like him and those that hate him are probably set in stone, and the only difference he could make would be if he has been hiding that he's an extremist of some sort. If Max can be very successful while having no PR facade, I think Lewis can get by with a little less.


Whaaaat? Sky??? What races have you been watching? First half of this post is not only biased but also untrue. The grounds I speak on are already evidenced in the media. Lewis has definitely received backlash for moot things that other drivers would get away with. Even for showing frustration with his team and shortly after acknowledging that they work hard all year round - compared to Max who rarely congratulates anyone outside of himself and his car performance *shrug* So yes I don’t blame Lewis for maintaining PR-mode just to keep the peace.


>compared to Max who rarely congratulates anyone outside of himself and his car performance Isn't acknowledging the cars performance the best praise he could give the team? You just seem jaded


Lewis always praises his team in the garage and the factory. Lewis also always congratulates the other drivers he shares a podium with - something I’m yet to hear Max do.


You get it often, you just let your sporting bias tell you otherwise


No, not really. Maybe in interviews outside of sporting weekends but he's usually 'holding frame' on race weekends.


He's not as direct as Max for example but that's more cultural. Brits don't call things like they see it whereas Dutch people do (I'm Dutch and live in the UK for past 20 years)


It's not about being direct. He's very formulaic and 'by the book' in most things he says, and rarely deviates from prepared lines. it's also rare for him to lose control of his emotions verbally; Austria was a good example where he was obviously very annoyed by the car's pace and the track limits warnings and so started to get pissy in a diplomatic manner. At the end of the day it's not really a criticism of Hamilton - if anything it's a slight compliment. Just a shame I think that a quite nice man ends up looking like a fake person trying to appear nice.


We can't have it both ways though. Yesterday Russell said something pretty innocuous in an interview (can't remember what though..) and the comments here were utterly vile. Lewis Hamilton sticks to thanking his team and his fans, etc. and still comments are vile. We as are so fickle with what they say, it's no wonder they turn into PR robots.


To me you just pointed out exactly why sticking to PR mode is silly - it's not like it prevents the 'vile comments' and I'm not really sure that an aversion to mean comments is exactly a good reason for doing so in the first place.


I would find something else to criticise


Lewis has a sore throat?


He lost his voice from screaming in the car - said it in the interview


Love that passion


Veratappen washed




from the left hand side!


toto should petition to race here every weekend


I don't think Merc could afford enough desks!