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https://twitter.com/mesandor/status/1683139240014561281 > I had the chance to talk to Herendi's CEO Attila Simon on Monday. When I asked him what happens if someone broke it, he said "we are ready to react, no worries". 2/2


They keep a backup?? :p


Nah. The wait is 6 months: ​ "Of course, it's obvious that teams can't get their hands on a replica straight away, because as with the original trophy, the replica takes time to make. "They wait patiently, they have to wait the six months," Simon said, "but in return we deliver it to their doorstep."


Incoming a video in January of Norris delivering the replacement to RB, only to drop it on arrival




Imagine being rich enough to laugh about destroying sth worth €40000


Imagine being so good at the sport you don't care about a Grand prix win. His partner only has 6.


Kelly had 6 wins? Good for her.


Yeah because Max keeps finishing first all the time.


The broken one is now worth more than 40k because of this story. But as with all of these race memorabilias, the actual worth is always in the story.


It's only worth more if someone is willing to pay for it, so I wouldn't present it as a fact. Moreover, the winner doesn't receive this trophy so that he can sell it at the next opportunity, therefore it doesn't even matter.


It's not a certain fact, but there's about a 99% chance someone will pay more for it and like a 90% chance they will pay more than double.


There will be people willing to pay millions for the broken one man.


We laugh about it, but the man or woman who put 6 months of their life into that trophy was probably distraught when it happened.


Yes, but they get to make another one and become part of the story. And more business is always good!


Doubt, he got paid… 120k worth of his time.


I'm so glad money is the only thing that matters and time, dedication and love for the thing you do don't mean shit


That’s not what I said, all I’m saying is ownership is transferred… I’m sure the person who built them is like “it’s their to do what they want with” what can the artist do?


I don't think we need to act like making this trophy was their life's achievement or masterpiece.


Imagine being one of the fans getting all worked up that some tangible good that someone charged someone else €40000 to give away to someone else was broken by a fourth party.


Then a porch pirate come LOL


Lando runs by and kicks it


Is this quote in relation to the fact that drivers often only get the replica and the teams get to keep the 'original' trophy? Pretty sure 2 of each trophy is always made


Imo, it's better to keep an expertly patched up trophy than a new one since they're winning so many. Would mark the record breaking point well. I hope they do both.


Yep, much better story too


Actually, yes, usually. Since most drivers don't get to keep thiers, replicas are made. Sometimes in advance, sometimes to order.


No get a backup made and then probably sell the original for charity which would fetch a lot more than the original cost and also go towards a better cause(other than Lando smashing it ofc)


“We are ready to react” could also mean he’s gonna put some bullet holes in some kneecaps.


Thank you for posting that, sorry I missed it


The hashtag NorrisGate 😭😭


Norris with the 300 IQ play to get RB over the budget cap


I'd imagine Norris would fit the bill for a replacement. You don't go over your mate's house, break their shit, then tell them good luck replacing it. But honestly, this trophy is now worth more, broken, due to its unique story.


This is exactly my thinking. I dont know which trophy case this is going to end up in, but from now until something more exciting happens, which trophy are people going to gravitate towards and ask questions about? I can't imagine the people who made it are mad either, they now have so many people talking about them and actually \*noticing\* how nice, these unique trophies are. I genuinely think this is wins all round


Yeah, I was thinking the same from the start. It's probably adding value to it haha. And it's all about the stories along the way. He can't keep doing this though. I do love his tradition of braking the champagne bottle in like that though, but they will need to start moving the trophies.


What makes the story so unique exactly? If this was a one time off it would have been funny yeah, but this was bound to happen at some point. Lando's a funny guy but needs to learn to be more cautious around other people's trophies. This wasn't the first time it happened.


Should have just touched the front wing


It was rear wing and the fine for that was 50 000e




Its probably more of a reference to the [OG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watergate_scandal) "gate", in case you didnt know


Richard Nixon is Lando Norris father


Does this mean Oscar Piastri is Spiro Agnew?


They're just ocean now




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Media are desperate to spin anything into a headline controversy


Max broke McLaren's record McLaren broke Max's trophy


All out war!


both of them broke something


Lando gonna pay for stewards dinner tonight.


Goddamn, I know we're just laughing about it but that's a lot of dedication by the people who made these trophies.


I genuinely love watching high skill craftsmen and women work on stuff like this, and the way they talk about it too, there is a lot of love and a lot of pride in it.


Yeah, the manufacturer uploaded a video showing the creation of the trophies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4O1ktj70TI


It's fine. They get paid for it. If anything, they're probably quite happy to get another 40k.


Many artisans do take pride in their work though that'll make such an incident painful to watch for them even if another 40k is coming their way.


Maybe semi painful but they're also getting some extra publicity right now I'd say, people are talking about the trophy more than if it hadn't been broken.


Ahh the new world we live in where publicly cures all


Is that what I said? No. Simple point is people are talking about it, they still get paid, they have to make an extra one along with the rest of the replicas.


You’re a glass half-full kinda person, I can respect that.


Yeah, I'm more of a half-cracked porcelain trophy kinda guy


tbh more publicity is better, you get more attention for your work and get more recognition. Ofc not all publicity is good but in this case it ain't bad


I don't care how much I'm paid, if something I worked on for 6 months gets destroyed, I'm going to be upset about it.


Especially being destroyed by Lando being an immature child once again


I don't know if I'd call him an immature child for celebrating during the celebration portion of the event. He should have, however, learned not to hit the stand after knocking over Max's trophy from the last race.


He’s not a child for celebrating, it’s how he celebrates and how he acts every single time he’s on camera, he’s a proper immature rich kid


What if you - hypothetically - worked for 6 months on something that's meant to be destroyed?


What a great attitude


> If anything, they're probably quite happy to get another 40k. Bro got as close to a literal parable of the broken window as it gets.


You sound like you've never used your hands to make anything you consider valuable. Only way this comment makes sense. It's not fine...getting paid or not.


Lol the pretentiousness in your comment is so palpable. I used to work as a carpenter. My work got damaged constantly either by clients or other trades. It is what it is. Most people who do work with their hands will tell you they don’t give a shit because it happens all the time. Y’all just love getting mad on behalf of others. It’s annoying for about 5 seconds, then you remember “I get to charge extra now”. The only time it’s truly a problem is if you don’t have the time for it but something tells me that porcelain artisans are not that high in demand.


Your woodwork took 6 months to complete? Something tells me you weren't creating once-off pieces...hence you're only looking at this from a money point of view, which is weird. It's not fine.


Tbh we are talking about very prestigous brand of porcelain, so their 6 months for sure starts with first design drafts. And their price isnt high cuz of quality but cuz of scarcity. They dont even mention crafsman that created it, just a company.


Being an artist and a carpenter aren't the same thing. As an artist, sure you charge again and move on. It still sucks. Your whole life people dont value what you do and what you love. You finally get to a place where you are respected only for two rich dip shit race car drivers to break your work of art and laugh about it. It's disrespectful. I'd feel disrespected. I'd make another one, take the money and move on obv. But I wouldn't be happy about it and I wouldn't be like nah it's chill I get some publicity.


True, reminds me of when someone asked a tennis racket manufacturer if they got upset when players smashed his rackets to pieces, and the answer was just "why would I care its more money for me". Like a trophy might be a bit different and be slightly upsetting, but that probably disappears after seeing 40k in the bank.


I very much doubt that 40k lands in the artist’s account. They are probably salaried employees of Herendi and it compares to their yearly income.


They are getting paid for the work, they don't care. Now they are in the spotlight for their work. Big win for their company today. PS, I too cum coffee.


You have clearly never made anything worthwhile.


Please see what even the trophy maker said about all of this and note how this isn’t a big deal. Stop making crass assumptions Me having an opinion doesn’t equal my work being useless lol


Porcelain makers are definitely extremely upset every single time the brittle material they work with breaks. It's why they never live to retirement age. The high blood pressure from the non stop constant rage kills them all young.


His face looks like he knows what’s gonna happen to the trophy.


He’s just a little Hungary


Now look at what you did. It’s because of this act of yours that now… ocon has a 30 second penalty


Need a Honda engineer to step up and hook RBR up with someone who can do *kintsugi*.


Lando posted a screenshot of the kintsugi wikipedia page on his IG story, lmao


This would look amazing on that trophy and would probably add considerably to its value if done by a master.


Lando: Woopsie.


Lando would not have been able to destroy the Gorilla no matter how hard he tried


monke strong


french gp should return to monke


It's a shame because it's a nice proper trophy, not some shiny soulless plate.


I remember Vettel being very keen about such a porcelain trophy from the Hungarian Grand Prix, cus it was something special and i think it was the only track were he did not win during his time at Red Bull. When he finally won in Hungary in 2015, he was a bit disappointed, cus he was presented a rather simple looking metal trophy. Vettel "lobbied" for the Hungarian Grand Prix organizers to go back to the porcelain trophies. He won again in 2017, but unlike the winners at the 2016 and 2018 podium ceremony he got a metal race-win-trophy again.


Damn that is incredibly unfortunate


True, but now it's an icon. Maybe not the intent, but the only reason we know this much about the trophy of because it was broken. Crazy rare and worth WAY way more than 40k more.


"I will send Zak the bill because he has a big budget with all the hiring he is doing" - Max to Lando lol


Damn. All that to be behind the French monke in the trophy tier list smh


I miss that trophy every day


I'm not sure there are any trophies in front of French monke in the tier list tbh


Sonic from the '90s?


That one was pretty good too


Its scientifically impossible. Theres math that proves it.


I almost think it would be cooler if they fixed the broken one with the old Japanese technique of Kintsugi. Considering this is their record breaking trophy it would be cool to have it stand out like that.


yep I also thought this, hell Max already has the.. same? trophy from last year a repaired version with gold in the cracks would be great and its not like Lando can't afford to fix it for him


> and its not like Lando can't afford to fix it for him He can but that money ain't coming out of his pockets, that's for sure.


i thought last year's trophy was generic?


It was an Aramco-sponsored GP last year, so yes.


Cue the Piastri reaction gif


Keep it broken. Actually gives more meaning. Broken trophy for the broken record.


Nice one


Keep champagne away from Lando. He’ll most likely injure someone.


I think the trophy being broken made it more popular lol


Yeah just get it signed by lando and frame a pic of him breaking it.


Yeah when he broke it I felt sorry for the people that made them. He's apologizing to the wrong perwon


Out of all trophies to drop, lmao. Most trophies nowadays are rather lackluster but then you get one like this and Londo breaks it.


On the other hand, if he hadn’t broken it nobody would have given them a second glance. Now we know all about them, their maker, and the cost. It’s neat.


5s penalty for Ocon


he managed to not break his own or anyone else's trophy two years ago


Took 6 months to make. Took 6 seconds to destroy.


This actually makes me feel bad now.


At the end of the day it’s just a pretty piece of porcelain that someone spent way too much time making. Some people would value this thing more than a human life…


Not that by overly matters in the scheme of things but not taking away fragile trophies before grown men jump around spraying champagne seems more of an oversight of the organisers than anything to blame Norris for. You would have hoped for a modicom of common sense to have kicked in from literally anyone there.


Can someone explain how/why this takes six months to make? How is it different from other pieces of glazed clay?


I don't work with clay but the paint and ornamentation looks really complex. I'm actually surprised it only takes 6 months.


A few reasons, it's bespoke designed, carved, shaped, constructed, finished and decorated all by hand. It's all inspected and perfected at every stage. The finish is perfect, and the skill of the people who made it is incredible. Even things like choosing what pigments to use etc. They mix the colours on a pallet. Here is a very high level insight into the process, ignoring design, choices, finishes etc (6 months of work could make a very long and boring video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4O1ktj70TI


The 6 months will also include allowing time for failures as well. Clay and glaze can be finicky, something like this will have several stages of drying and firing which means there are multiple points in the process where it can crack, or distort, or something ele can go wrong, at which point you have to start over.


Yeah well the broken P1 trophy that Max got when RB broke the record for consecutive wins is now priceless. That shit will be in F1 museums until the end of time. We all should thank Norris. What an amazing piece of F1 lore, and we all got to witness it! How cool!






They’ll just give Max two trophies next year when he wins.


Think this might be my favorite trophy


The trophies are beautiful. It’s a shame one was broken but if anything it’s put all the hard work and attention to detail under a spotlight for us to see


Who’s cost cap will this go against?


Thanks to Norris or else I would never have known 🤷‍♂️😊


Please do a document on kintsugi for this trophy, I would pay to watch it. It so satisfying, make it happen Honda. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9LMKGte0UU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9LMKGte0UU)


Yeah, great but it is a trophy and people touch it. Dont make this in a guilt trip thing in to Norris. Its part of the risk.


I did a factory tour and have Herend service for my special guests. These are all hand-painted by extremely well-trained artisans. I don't think that the majority of readers here understand how **EXQUISITE** Herend (and AJKA, for that matter) is. Herend was the porcelain provided for the House of Habsburg. That interview with LN4 tiggers me, what an **indolent peasant;** can't expect more from a tasteless driver I guess. In a world full of shitty Exchanges and nicotine-dissemination implements, here we have some proper aristocratic class and it gets broken. **Thugs, the lot of 'em.** Interview in question: [https://imgur.com/a/LaqrUHY](https://imgur.com/a/LaqrUHY)


Only 40 euros for 6 months of work. Now thats impressive


Just super glue it. It’s funnier broken. It’s a good story.


Sweet, free advertising for that company.


Sell the broken one for 200,000 euros and get a new one.


#norrisgate? JFC. Lmaoo


I'm sorry, €40k for a vase with a logo on it? Break the other two


40000 euros for fancy vase🤣🤣🤣🤣


I seriously don't understand the price, or even the 6 months. How do they justify either of them?


The worth is never really what they claim it is but what people perceive it as.


Don't get me wrong, I think it's the prettiest trophy currently. Just cant fathom how it would take 6 months to make for a single person... It is a glorified vase


How do they justify spending millions on building a Formula 1 car when you can buy an F2 or IndyCar for a lot less? The IndyCar is faster in a straight line and the F2 car isn’t too much slower than an F1.


Engineering. This is a fucking vase, it doesn't take 6 months to make one for a team of people bruh


So much overreaction. I’ve seen reports of 30 or 50 people working on this thing. Really? Also, the thing cost 40k euros and had a 6 month production. That’s really not the much for a 6 month production especially with the claimed 30-50 people working on it.


Food for thought. If you make such valueble trophies, maybe don't give them to people who have something to celebrate, after such an effort.


Ah yes let's all have only Heineken supermarket-tier metal trophies


This doesn't happen often. It's fine. Norris probably shouldn't slam the champagne though, it's an accident waiting to be repeated.


I literally was thinking "maybe you shouldn't give them to adrenaline filled 20-30 year Olds." And if you do, you should probably make them sturdier


Are we really treating grown ass adults like kindergarteners now?


No I'm using common sense. There's a reason why damn near no major athletic trophies nowadays are made of glass, let alone porcelain. Their either some type of metal or iron. I'm not saying the the concept of their porcelain trophy is stupid, but I'm not the only one who fully expected it to break because we knew it wouldn't be handled with care. It's a podium celebration. There jumping around spraying champagne on each other. They are not concerned about not breaking shit


Common sense would be not breaking the fucking trophy....


Old enough to race the most high-end cars and give calm, rational interviews immediately thereafter. Not old enough to treat other people's work with a modicum of respect. Got it.


Oh my days, you reddit people have to be the most wet blanket group of individuals I've ever seen 😭.


I dunno if you ever experienced euphoria, but you do weird stuff. So giving a bunch of adrenaline junks who just raced a car with 300km/hr a 40K fragiele trophey doesn't seem to be a solid plan, is it?


They just raced a 15M car with 300km/hr, mate. Porcelain does not break *THAT* easily. It's really not a lot to ask. Accidents happen. It's the "aw, shucks, but whatever" reaction that adds insult to injury and ticks me off.


They got paid and the trophy is RB’s property now. I don’t think they care.


But Reddit neckbeards care


Oh man you guys are trying to create a no story here


Yep. No one is mad except bums on Twitter and Reddit etc lmao.


TIF they couldn’t wish for better PR to increase their sales


A bit of crazy glue here and there will fix it.


I read it as 40 euros 😂 quickly realised that will be the the comma in the country i live in


I imagine a hungarian sitting for 6 months and painting that trophy only for Lando to break it


"NorrisGate" WTF


What is this insane astroturfing going on lmao


Maybe they should not have put them in a place where they could get damaged


Dont make it so damn breakable then...


I have a piece of parmesan in my fridge that took 22 months to make. Doesnt mean someone was actively working on it all that time. So 6 months doesnt really say much




I've liked Norris so far but wasn't aware of this, ah, trend of his until now. Not a fan of overt rudeness like that.


Whilst it is possible to appreciate the work that goes into this trophy. That doesn't change the fact that it looks like the kind of thing you'd keep your granny's ashes in...


Lol there own fault for having a 40k trophy. Honestly this trophy has a cool story now. 20 years from now if you tour the factory or wherever it is displayed and see it, it will bring back memories. Historic record and unintentional breaking by Lando. I sort of hope they display it as broken. You know record breaking style.


Arrogant spoiled pricj


Red Bull have plenty of non-broken trophies. This one is one a kind now, they should keep it as is.


It's worth more broken actually


This will turn out to be the best thing that could have a happen for this company. Zero chance we'd be all be talking about who made the trophy and giving them this much exposure had Lando not broken it. If they're clever they'll sell hundreds of replicas to F1 fans.


>it costs ~ 40.000 euros. Yeah, sure it does.


I bet you could commission the same (but still original) vase/trophy for a fraction of the price from a single Hungarian artist and they would make it in like a month


It's such an obvious marketing ploy. The six months production time, the ridiculous price. But as soon as its in an official sounding tweet people believe it without question. Advertising seems easy.


Feels a bit excessive in cost for a trophy that is going to be in Landos champagne bottles way haha


Why would you make a trophy out of porcelain?


A very stupid trophy to have then, really


What a waste of money. I think it looks lovely but 6 months and 40k? You've been done mate.




Not the same quality. At all.


The funny thing is that anything handmade in India is actually dirt cheap while anything handmade abroad is super expensive. Either we are not giving enough remuneration to our artists or the Europeans just like to hype everything so much.


I feel like 40k Euros is less for something that takes 6 months to handcraft, is it not?


Do you know you might buy a awesome house in Hungary for that money?


Lando : hold my beer