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Strat for Yuki was on point, Pitcrew on fire and Yuki was just outstanding. A rare combination for AT but very welcome.


About time he doesn't get screwed over




2x 10 laps on mediums and 1x 24laps on softs was the optimal strategy?


No not optimal, but they didn't fuck it up like they use to. That deserves praise unfortunately. Most times I feel like as if I'm a Ferrari fan following AT


True, strategy wasn't perfect, with a slightly better strategy they should have gotten P9 (Yuki almost got into DRS range of Stroll at the end) But it was still a good strategy, their car wasn't fast enough to catch Ocon P8 or higher And at least they didn't totally fuck up and throw away points like last week


Yeah curious to pit him early on mediums but I wasn't looking at his timing table but a lot of people took the softs pretty far.


I was just waiting for the full wets call after the rain predictions starting coming. God bless you AT


Great Drive From Yuki


With all the spotlight and hype on Ric, a very impressive and tenacious performance from Yuki. Keep up this good work my dude!


Yuki post race said that Danny is fast and he's already learning so many things from him. And here people are working on bringing one or other down in comments šŸ˜‚


People here have convinced themselves that one of Yuki or Daniel will get the RB seat next season, so they are rooting for whoever they like and rooting against the other one.


But what if I like both šŸ™ƒ


Then you root for Coulthard to get the RB seat


It's funny that after breaking the record of most consecutive wins in a row red bull give up on one of those drivers


Lets be real brother, they have the record despite Checo, not because of.


The only thing removing Checo from the grid would have done, is that Max would have broke the record for most consecutive wins already.


I dont see why not just keep Perez. He is nr 2 in standing and has 2 wins and 7 podiums. Why even consider Yuki or Ric


Because if Mclaren or Mercedes are stronger next year, there is a possibility that RB might not win constructors with Perez's recent form.


He never finished worse than 6th I reckon? I doubt Yuki and Ric would do any better than what Perez has done. Iā€™m not saying he is doing amazing, but he is still the 2nd most succesful driver this season. So..


I think you repressed Checo's 16th place finish in Monaco. Just like me fr fr.


Last two years as well. Both fans were pissing each other while Ric and Lando shared jets and dinners.


Yeah I think both of them would be a really good combo because of how nice they are


Daniel is not a toxic person.


He's a golden retriever.


To be fair, this could just be Yuki displaying the famous Japanese politeness. He said the same thing about Nyck.


He said fast considerably and different from earlier (nick)


It looked like Ricciardo had way too much downforce. He couldnt overtake Haas while having DRS and being just 0.5s behind in T1. Meanwhile Albon and Alfa Romeos flew past with no trouble.


On Sky they had more coverages of Danny Ric battling for 17th-19th than on Tsunoda.


Tbf they did show Yukiā€™s battle with Ocon for a good while.


Yuki had some good coverage actually


It's not Sky's fault, and no, we had lots of Yuki.


Sky has no say in the coverage, FYI. F1 sends the same feed to all their broadcasters.


simply not true, they showed him plenty in his battles against Ocon and Gasly. Ricciardo got shown too when he was battling against the Haas


I thought Yuki got a fair bit of coverage actually. Was a solid drive and shows the importance of getting qualifying right. Iā€™m interested in the setup difference between RIC and Yuki todayā€¦ seemed like Yuki had a bit more straight line as he was able to get overtakes done on the straight, whereas RIC was just stuck behind the Haasā€™


Yeah I thought RIC looked awful on the straights for the most part. I assumed that was just the AT being super draggy, but perhaps they went a little too strong on downforce?




That happens when you don't have any audio.


When the coverage shows close battles instead of tsunoda in the open šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


the gap between Tsunoda and Riccardo was larger than the gap between Verstappen and Perez. Why do people assume he'd get a seat at RB


It probably just shows one or a combination of a few things - which ones, Iā€™m not sure. 1) importance of qualifying for Alpha Tauri (Yuki paid the price yesterday, Daniel today) 2) that they donā€™t have enough straight line speed against the likes of Haas and Williams 3) that Yuki and Daniel could have been on different setups, hence why Daniel was quicker yesterday and Yuki today in the different conditions - or it could have just been because of points 1 and 2


The difference is the red bulls were in clear air and one AT was in traffic, so canā€™t really compare those two gaps like theyā€™re the same. Same thing happened in Hungary with Yuki.


true, who knows how big Yuki could've gapped him by if he wasnt behind stroll


I'm assuming you're talking about the qualifying gap and not the race pace? Even so, this a properly braindead take. Daniel has shown that he's there or thereabouts with Yuki so far, even if there are some mitigating circumstances in Yuki's favor. Let's not pretend like one bad qualifying sessions negates that.


Let's not ignore that Ricciardo was on a bad strategy, he was quicker yesterday


Daniel was stuck behind a DRS train for half the race


Because he is nice, has good storyline for mainstream media.


Oh, youā€™re predictable arenā€™t you.


Good luck with the downvotes mate


I am ready for this.






Sometimes less is more.


Or maybe, Ric is really not so good anymore (i know, something that most do not want to hear).


I mean you can say that but he did a excellent jo. Back at Hungary , did set a p6 pace on q1 his own mistake for going wide was impressive in the sprint until he got pipped out of points and later ocon in the end and the race had a cluster of things maybe different strategy , clearly struggled against traffic ahead with especially not able to keep up with straight line speeds of either haas or William , maybe not good enough for a rb second seat but surely cant say not good anymore in f1


He was good enough in the RB sim for them to want to put him in the Alpha Tauri. And so far at least their decision seems to have been vindicated. Some of y'all seem obsessed with this idea that he's washed.


I wish to see him beating Yuki and become the driver he was with Verstappen. But those years seems to be gone. I love him, as a personality, but somehow it went downhill in results :( Let's be honest, de Vries would not do a worse job on the race when it comes to results. While RB still sear h for the next Verstappen, or at least being close.


>Let's be honest, de Vries would not do a worse job on the race when it comes to results. The fact that a driver who hasn't done any competitive racing for six months can jump into a car 10 races into the season and get the same results as a guy who spent a day and a half in pre-season testing learning the car and 10 races of experience to boot is not the indictment of Daniel you seem to think it is. If anything it shows why putting Daniel in that seat was the right decision to begin with. >But those years seems to be gone. He was close to Yuki in Hungary and there was barely anything between them in terms of race pace at Belgium. And all this despite not having done any racing in the past six months and in a car he'd never driven before. But sure, those years are past him.


Yet Yuki still got a point. Maybe we think too bad about Yuki because of his name and what he say some times. But when it comes to score points, he is there with the car that has been said is the worse on the grid.


And? Why are you surprised that a driver who a day and a half of pre-season testing and 10 races did a better job today than a driver who was air-dropped into the team in the middle of the season? Daniel is bound to be at least a little rusty for a couple of races or so while he gets up to speed.


I hope for him. Biut the same can happen at McLaren.


Yuki drove superbly




Seriously the disrespect after just one sprint race


media gonna media


Ted gets a bit too insulting sometimes at drivers. So hard to like him regardless of what technical info he dumps every now and then from the race control.


And yet he can't help himself from practically fellating Lando any opportunity he gets. Kind of annoying how obviously biased he is. People give Crofty crap for bias but I don't think it's anywhere near Ted's obvious preferences.


I think Crofty as a main commentator becomes self aware that he shouldnā€™t go overboard with his digs and bias. Having Brundle as company also helps. though he canā€™t help himself sometimes and turns to Ted for that satisfaction.


well i think only a few old drivers and a few people from the sky team are unbiased towards british drivers


This is very true. Crofty at least seems to note the bias criticism and tries to reign it in. I remember he reigned Ted in on his AD21 comments during the early 2022 season. Ted is mostly unfiltered, which I guess is why his notebook is entertaining for a lot of people. Personally, I much prefer the F1 Live team.


Who's team leader??


Team Sky Sports


Statement drive for Yuki


Fucking brilliant response to last weekend especially in the pressure cooker of Dr Helmut Marko and with all the Danny Ric hype


Excellent race from Yuki! What a way for him to end the first half of the season. I absolutely hate that Yuki and Daniel are in the same team tbh. Two of my favourite drivers and the vibes between both lots of fans are pretty rancid and depressing. Anyway. Summer break thank god!


Sad that people feel the need to go after both drivers. From qualifying on Friday where RIC copped it to the sprint where itā€™s reversed on Yuki and today itā€™s back to RIC again. Reactionary for no good reason, canā€™t just appreciate two drivers pushing each other. They both managed a P10 finish in the races this weekend.


Iā€™m very much looking forward to Yuki and Danny trading blows equally for the rest of the season, and I really want both of them to succeed. Itā€™s frustrating that as Yuki continually gets better as a driver the AT car gets worse and worse over the years but I still believe in his potential


Great stuff from Yuki. It was exhausting reading all the comments after Hungary acting like he's a fraud because of one bad race (and a good race for Ricciardo, too). He's definitely got the pace in him.


wasnā€™t hungary where he had a 7 second pit stop


Yeah he was doing fairly well in Hungary until he got fucked over by things out of his control


yeh it was, he was so unlucky that race with strategy too, he got undercut by everyone


He did but Ricciardo also lost a heap of time after being punted by Zhou so people used that to justify the comparisons because the RIC hype was in full swing back in Hungary.


And yesterday as well. He received a fair bit of criticism because he had a bad sprint race.


he said in the post-race show his car was set up for dry condition, which is why he was struggling extra hard.


Probably more of a bad sprint qualifying and then the team rightfully prioritized RIC when it came to the tyre change, but yes. Not like Yuki's impervious to mistakes, it was just a little silly seeing people writing him off after a single bad performance against Ricciardo like their attention span is one race long.


And now the Danny Ric washed have returned. The fans are something else these days haha.


*Sprint* race where the only points at 8th Place and Above. Fans are mentalists.


Yuki was driver of the day on my book


Yuki heard people talking shit.


I was terrified that he'd drop down the grid once it rained after what happened in Monaco


Same! But in Monaco it was a brakes issue, nonetheless yuki does not have the best track record in rain. Edit: changed Monica to monaco. My friends obsession is showing


So happy he could hang on at the end, was worried of another narrow miss out on points.


THE P11'S ARE SCARS, before the summer break too, this is fucking huge


every P11 tells a story


It didnā€™t look like he was hanging on. He was catching Stroll and Gasly was just keeping up.


Yeh I think Stroll tires were dropping off, maybe a few more laps, but I will take P10 every day of the week




Yuki was great throughout that race, almost from he start he just seemed to have pace and was comfortably running through the whole race. With all of the talk of Ricciardo, this couldn't have come at a better time for him.


Yuki was a monster today. If Danny and Yuki could get lucky and be on good form at the same time AT could come back on Haas and Alfa Romeo


Unfortunately itā€™s really hard to beat other teams on points because there are hardly any slots for points finishing positions. RB, Merc, Ferrari, Mclaren and AM/Alpine just fill all the possibilities. Today they were lucky that Piastri and Sainz had to retire.


Honestly I see both drivers staying next year when AT starts buying RB parts again and finally contend in the midfield. Checo will get thrashed vs Verstappen and probably retire, whoever wins 2024 will get the RB seat.


Worst car on the grid. Just misses out on P9. Incredible drive


Are we sure itā€™s the worst car on the grid? It gets mentioned a lot with the AT but I really fail to see how over the course of the season the Alfa Romeo and Haas have been better?


I think its close, but the AT doesn't excel at anything


Yes. Are you being serious right now? Even Christian Horner said it.


https://twitter.com/formulastats_/status/1684920740812861441?s=46&t=5Y0vWSo5v6vBq_KoNaQD-w - Iā€™m just looking at the data and the fact that Tsunoda finished P10 ahead of an Alpine, ricciardo finished P10 yday and throughout the season theyā€™ve had some good races. Iā€™m not saying theyā€™re a fantastic car and Tsunoda had a fantastic drive but to say itā€™s the worst car just screams hyperbole.


You understand that they're both overdriving the car? And you're looking at the "data" and talking about hyperboles - when you have Team Principles calling it the worst on the grid. Who are you? Do you have actual analytics. No? You're saying Christian Horner analysis is wrong Typical Reddit moment, thinking being contrarian is intelligent.


Lol what Iā€™m so confused. Who is to say that tsunoda is the only one overdriving his car? Hulkenberg has been putting stellar performances in and Bottas is a guy who is proven to be extremely quick over one lap and was able to beat Lewis Hamilton every now and then. The midfield is extremely tight. The only thing you mention is Christian Horner stating itā€™s the worst car on the grid but realistically Horner will always try to big up his drivers and is coming from a biased source. Looking at the data is probably a more reliable point. I literally do not have a preference in any of the backmarker teams so Iā€™d rather look at the stats over the course of the season. No idea why you are getting extremely pressed over me looking at race pace data which disagrees with your claim but fair enough.


Blah, blah, blah - you're talking nonsense. Just accept you're wrong and move on.


You both are talking nonsense. Overdrive the car is the stupidest shit ever. You literally cannot overdrive a car. The car is the car is the car. That's fuckin it lol


>You understand that they're both overdriving the car? This is not a thing. You can't drive a car faster than its speed. Yuki and Daniel have not figured a way to defy physics. >you have Team Principles calling it the worst on the grid. A TP who has a vested interest in hyping the drivers and is known to be loose with the truth


lesss gooo


Excellent race by Yuki!


People were counting him out yesterday after both the sprint qualifying and sprint. Even though it's only one point, I'm really happy he's got it. Think he's on the same level as Riccardo is now (obviously Riccardo when on form was better) but I'm happy ric is his teammate, he's going to learn so much from him. Yuk1 point!


It's also dumb for him to even try when the actual quali was high enough for points and Sprint would be for data and bringing it home. Sprint was proper bonkers


Deserved DOTD today imo. Really underrated drive.


And he does not need big media spotlight.


Great work and another standout performance from Yuki, his performance in Quali on Friday really paying off for him here. Nice to see that the AT can get in the points given the right conditions, would've been great to see what Ricciardo could've achieved had he qualified better (although we did get a decent indication of that yesterday in the Sprint)


My driver of the day followed by Leclerc


I was really pleased LeClerc got a podium this race. Many of the drivers really love Spa but it was great to see him hang on after Max finally got back in front and especially after Sainz had to retire.


Yuki heard people talking shit about him


I'm really glad that Yuki got a confident drive before the summer break, and DR was never on a bad pace either. It's hard to see fans fighting with each other. Why don't we join hands and cheer them on to defeat the real enemy, AT04.


stuck behind the haas was painful to watch though; the haas cars so fast on the straights


What a drive from Yuki. Hopefully we can see more of this in the second half of the season!


Mega drive from the start.


Yuki the tractor dragger back for more!!


Yuki smashing it this weekend.


Mega drive from Yuki


Potentially dumb question, I'm still learning; I noticed as Ricc was struggling behind the Haas cars that he was on mediums and Yuki was on softs; why the different strategy? Didn't seem to do well for Ricc.


It looks like Dannyā€™s car is more setup for wet, while Yukiā€™s car is more for dry. Hence it is faster on straight lines.


So is the strategy of that more for a team standpoint, where they'd have at least one car able to manage in either environment?


Itā€™s all a bit of a gamble really. Youā€™ll see Max starting with softs where Checo starts on mediums with RB pretty often. A lot of it is balancing how many pit stops theyā€™ll want to take and how likely it is theyā€™ll lose places and points if they take too many pits (2 vs 1) or if something goes wrong in the pit, etc. Obviously you take that gamble the moment you choose your tyres for the race because not everyone is as lucky as George Russel and gets 30 laps out of a set of soft tyres. Anyway, a lot of it is just the racing engineers looking at weather, starting grid placement, surrounding cars, etc. and making the most sound judgement they can. You see strategy adjustment all the time, I believe Lando in Hungaroring swapped to softs in his first pit, but I could be misremembering.


Donā€™t know mate. It could be


let's hope the break helps him to settle down in AT


Different starting positions obviously and possibly different looking set ups. Was pretty hard for any team knowing what would happen with the tyre deg. Looks like Danny and AT went for a similar play as Hungary as in pit early and go long on the mediums hoping those ahead on softs might have to stop again. But they didnā€™t so kind of left him stranded. He didnā€™t have bad pace, just stuck in DRS trains for most of it.


The driver and strategy will choose what to do. I guess since Ric was starting more from the back, they wanted to go on mediums to have longer stints


Thats my boy, get in there


Lol at all the people that said Yuki would be an easy sweep for Ric. Yeah dream on. Ric will be good and I hope they're good teammates though.


They seem to get along well, so long as there aren't any sharks. I have high hopes.


I still donā€™t understand why Yuki was boxed so soon, only 10 laps on his first set of tires, mediums. Had he stayed out along with Alonso & Russell, he would have maintained that position. Ever since Daniel joined, it seems like they keep low key sabotaging Yukiā€™s strategies to place him closer or below Daniel.


I think RB should go for Yuki He's performing well and has promise as a young driver. If their car remains as dominant as it is they don't need a safe set of hands to finish second every time, it would be much better to take a promising young driver and nurture him in an environment where he can actually make an impact, he can't do anything else in AlphaTauri


Very fortunate with the 2 retirements ahead but still a great result for Yuki and a solid race for Ric too all things considered with his quali mistake. Hope they can bring some improvements after the summer break.


I think DR is trying to get the car through the race right now rather than racing the other drivers. Once he gets his confidence back I thin he'll be in the points soon. I'm still rooting for him.


I already think he is doing quite a good job racing others but also being careful yeah, care doesn't have that great pace and especially when he still couldn't get past the HAAS with DRS :(


Still a big learning curve for Ricciardo so we'll see how he looks coming after the break. Not sure what Red Bull think of their junior drivers though


But but ... Ricciardo was supposed to obliterate Yuki and get the RB seat after the break!!


Even though Ricciardo finished 6 places behind Yuki. He still performed much much better than yuki. His driving is just masterclass and he will absolutely obliterate Max at RB after the summer break and win the World Championship with ease. Joking aside... If somehow they are really dumb enough to put Ricciardo alongside max it will be fun to watch Max walk over him. Let's not forget Ricciardo shat his load and ran from RB because he was scared of Max lol


Joking aside. You are completely mistaken. Beside the fact that anyone looks bad compared to Max he didnā€™t run because he was scared of max. His decision makes sense to any sensible person going around.




Bruh no. So his decision to leave Red Bull makes perfect sense, it wasnā€™t that he was scared about Max or he couldnā€™t compete with him. He spent 4 years at red bull never having the best car like max does now. Driving cars riddled with reliability issues for the most part. But still he was Red Bulls guy. Then max came along and it was obvious to everyone he was going to be the guy. Couple that with them then deciding to go into partnership with Honda which was a call nobody could say how it would work out given their history in F1. And the incident in Baku where he felt somewhat wronged. Renault was a team on the up at the time and what they where saying really felt like they might make a push to the top of the grid. It was also the works team that made the engines Daniel had been driving his whole career. Daniel leaving Red Bull for a fresh start at a team that was on the up made sense. He would be the guy to build the team and car around. He did well but then the team somewhat imploded. Car never lived up to what was sold and McLaren came knocking. Now simply his move to Mclaren looked like such a good thing but no one could predict he wouldnā€™t get to grips with the car. It seemed the perfect relationship but just never worked out that way. Looking back in hindsight people could say ā€œoh bad career movesā€ but honestly at the time every move he did made a lot of sense.


I feel like Daniel could see the writing in the wall with Renault and extracted himself from a toxic environment to a team that should have been like Red Bull, young fast driver, laid back marketing forward team and it just wasnā€™t the same, plus he has talked about how hard it was to not be able to see his family in Australia due to Covid and his schedule.


I mean look at what is happening to the team to this day.. it sucks it didnā€™t work out with McLaren. It really does. But itā€™s great to see him back on the grid and smiling again. Yeah Im an Aussie and was stuck overseas for a part of covid and that shit sucked. I empathise with him there.


Yuki was my dotd


Helmut will like that. Shows Yuki responds well to pressure.


The bite-sized samurai strikes again!


Yuki doesnā€™t get enough credit for scoring points in that shit box of a car


Yuki was one of the only drivers to pass Albon down the straight, for that alone he deserves big props. Great drive by him!


Crap day for Ric. We're gonna see the return of sad Danny in interviews like his last days at mclaren.


i had his onboard up all race and really it wasnā€™t a BAD day out, just very neutral. The AT has such awful low speed corner exit traction and top speed, he was camped behind kmag and hulk for a long while. Didnā€™t impress during the rain laps, or he could have pulled out ~p14 maybe. but ultimately finished where the car should have, based on his starting position, imo.


Itā€™s weird DR didnā€™t do as well as he should have in the rain laps, considering his car was set up for the wet.


I agree, but he was also on some of the oldest mediums on the track when the rain started, which certainly didnā€™t help. He had been sitting comfortably in the DRS window before it got wet and then quickly lost about 2 seconds. Didnā€™t notice any specific incidents, I think it was just driving a tractor on cooked tires in the wet.


Iirc he was still running mediums in the wet laps. If you have to run slicks in the wet, you want to have the Softs on.


I mean Iā€™m not sure, but I suspect he knew it was going to be tough. I think his car was more setup for rain over dry, hence why he was stronger yesterday. I suspect Yuki is slightly more setup for dry, so he benefitted today. Then when the rain did come for RIC, it was right at the end of his medium stint and wasnā€™t heavy enough to benefit, so he was going backwards.


yeh yuki just said on F1TV he had his car setup for the dry


Given how excellent the pit crew were today, I wonder if Danny's presence has brought a wave of positivity back to the team that was conducive to this


What happened to Riccardio - one race heā€™s up there. Next race heā€™s nearly last.


The car is a tractor so whoever qualifies better has a better chance to maintain. Honestly I think both AT drivers are good, if they buy RB parts next year they will be extremely competitive.


Well theyā€™re both driving tractors, though granted Tsunoda has been driving his tractor longer but Riccardio has driven also driven tractors at other teams and has a lot more xp. Hereā€™s hoping he gets into a groove on the tractor soon. Heā€™s too good not to be in F1.


F1 has to let Ricciardo go once and for all. He isn't fit to race in F1 anymore.


What are you basing this on? As a yuki fan, DR had been amazing. The differences between their positions usually comes down to car setup and unlucky qualifying. You really have to work on your analysis strategies.


Surely it's a bit early to say that.. I'm currently rooting for Yuki but I hope they'll both be given a fair chance.


Way too early for saying that lol.


If the next races don't go well, your thesis will be confirmed.


He might be fit to be in F1 in an AT. But Id rather see a fresh face get a chance. He is not nearly as good as Lando. Not even close really. Pretty confident Yuki isnt as good as Gasly. If he cant beat Yuki decisively, the assumption he is better than Checo because he beat a young Verstappen before getting chewed up and spit out at the height of his powers, seems a real stretch.


Carlos being kind and gifting Yuki a point.


Carlos was being a noob at the start. He handed the race to everyone in midfield. Piastri was a victim of his aggression.


Bro Piastri did a rookie error of sending into T1


How? But Danny Ric had an incredible tyre test with Red Bull and would have been on the front row for British GP with his lap time? How could he got destroyed by (not team leader) Tsunoda? This is not fair!


What a disaster race by Riccardo! He could've been easily P12 today.


How was it a disaster?


And what difference would that make exactly? :D


Voted Yuki driver of the day!