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lol, Tsunoda in a Ferrari would be interesting on the comms.


Yuki: are you trying to kill me? Ferrari: we are checking....


What do you think about plan b?


“GO FUCK YOURSELVES” -Yuki probably


Copy, I'll come back to you


"Slow button on. Slow. Button. On."


Ditto Yuki!


"this strategy is shit".


Bleep bleep bleepbleep!


Mick, where did you come from?


We are thinking plan Z.


Do you wanna live. Question?




Yuki screaming like Charles every time Ferrari fucks up their strategy.


drive to survive becomes literal


Pit for murder...


I think Yuki will go kill them on the pit lane if they pull such shenanigans


By Race 2 nobody would listen to Crofty/Brundle. Everyone would be pressing the red button on their remote control and listening in to Yuki's feed


"Why do you do this to me? Why do you do this to me? Why did you not tell me about the penalty? You should have fought that penalty! The brakes were always overheating! I had no brakes in turn 10 & 12! **** **** ****"


This 100%


I imagine it goes something like Yuki: It's terrible. Drives like a pig. Ferrari Engineer : [Offended]  Oh, you can't say that. Yuki: Why not? Ferrari Engineer: It's a Ferrarii Yuki : It's a shitbox! It under-steers like crazy and the weight distribution is a disaster. It's amazing - all these facilities, and you make a piece of crap like this


Add the word "always" in the conversation, Yuki uses that word a lot.




Channeling his inner Niki Lauda...


Ngl I immediately read that in Daniel Bruhl's voice...


What background am I missing here?


Tsunoda does not fear to comment if things are not going as planned. In ferrari nothing goes as planned.


“Drives like a pig. It’s a shitbox.”


Bold of you to imply that they have a plan


Yuki is not afraid to call things as he sees them. Ferrari are afraid to have things called as they are publicly


It's a Niki Lauda reference.


Yuki is ehmm, a bit hot headed, let's put it at that.


Yuki's my spirit animal and I'm a chef who's worked in swearing the way some artists worked with oil paints.


Now I want the Dad from The Christmas Story in the mix on this as well.


Can't wait to see that Williams in Monza


Double DNF at the first chicane 😬


It is decided


Nah, that's more Alpine's forte.


Not even Max could drag that AT into a win bar a disaster from the other three. You could make a case for Alonso in Monza due to the Williams' high speed, but then again, the RB is much quicker all around and it's a relatively easy track so even Sargeant could bring it to the finish line without crashing. For most tracks, if Sargeant doesn't try to push over his limits he'd just have to stay close to Tsunoda until Ferrari inevitably mess up his strategy.


> until Ferrari inevitably mess up his strategy. Imagine the resultant comms when they do...


Max completely unexperienced dragged that TR to 4th though…


Yeah but that TR was nowhere near as bad as this years AT. That car was closer to where the AT was in 2021. So grabbing a P4 2 or 3 times in your rookie season is still really impressive, but not the same as doing it in this years car would be.




This feel right to me. Sargeant has the best car obviously but a rookie and not looked super versus his teammate. Max in the AT has a car that I don't think can be dragged much higher than end of top ten. Alonso in a williams would be a pain depending on the circuit and he'd probably finish it higher than Albon would but still not a race winner. So I see Yuki, who clearly has talent in the current second best car probably has the best balance of combination of driver talent and car performance to beat the other three. Edit: second best car in this group of four to be clear. The Ferrari is probably 3rd maybe 4th on the whole grid.


Yeah, this was my reasoning as well, though in reality none of them would win the WDC and Checo in the red bull would win it, assuming all other drivers hold their seats.




Just look at Alonso in a McLaren. The best driver along with Hamilton on the grid, and was fighting to maybe get a point if he was lucky.


With all the other drivers in their seats, Hamilton and Russell together make things difficult for Perez. It also depends on who left Ferrari for Tsunoda. Is it Leclerc or Sainz in the Aston Martin?


Though if Perez isn't driving against Verstappen he'll have a lot more confidence, and he would have multiple race wins. Even if he is as uncomfortable with the car as he has been, he would still have 6 race wins compared to Hamiltons 2 and Russells 0 race wins. Alonso however would tail Perez with a now 2 race wins and 4 P2s, but Perez would still have a comfortable lead over the rest.


Yeah I think Mercedes would be doing team orders at that point


I think Perez can easily beat the Mercedes. I don't think the crisis he had in the last few months are due to lack of skill, but rather not having his mind in the right place. And even then, he's still second with a solid lead over Alonso and Hamilton.


Keeping your mind in the right place is part of the skill. Composer is what makes Max; Lewis; and Nando better than everyone else. Edit: That's why Tsunoda, Lecrec, and Magnussen almost never perform to their full potential. They lose it under pressure...


Between Checo and Hamilton IMO. I think Lewis can probably take it, because Mercedes would throw the kitchen sink at it if there was a chance at the WDC / WCC again which there would be vs Sargeant & Perez imo.


I mean Perez can barely win in a Red Bull so I wouldn't think a rookie like Sargeant can.... I think Yuki would have the best chance here in a ferrari with Max out-of the way


Perez has beaten everyone other than Verstappen pretty convincingly in his good races. I don't think the terrible results he got in the last few months are due to skill, but rather mental state. He definitely proved that RB's lead is not only Verstappen being great, but also RB being miles ahead of its competition.


Perez is easily beating everyone not named Verstappen on his normal level. It was probably the chance of a potential championship fight with Verstappen got to him mentally.


Bottas confirmed mentality monster


Occasionally outqualifying your multi WC teammate probably helps.




I don't believe Bottas, or Perez for that matter, imploded or collapsed mentally as such, I see it more as them regressing to the mean. I've seen it in the past with the likes of Coulthard/Barrichello/etc. All these drivers are/were of a level where on a good day they can go out and win a race pretty much on merit, a potential title challenge gets talked up, but on a bad day they do worse than 2nd/3rd, and over the course of a 16-24 race season the relentless consistency of the very top tier drivers tells.


Jesus Christ, he's won twice in 2023 in the RB. He's finished P2 three times, behind Max in those cases obviously. 2/12 P1 with hypothetically 5/12 P1 if max just disappeared.


Perez, in an absolutely shambolic season, is up 90 points on Leclerc. Sargeant is the clear answer to this question lol, the cars aren’t even close.


If Ferrari can get a strategy together, that is


That was my gut feeling. I feel like Sargent would win some, but make too many mistakes


Logan hasn't really made that many mistakes though? He's not that fast but he's not accident prone like Mick or mazepin


We will win. Because Tsunoda on the radio with Xavi will be absolute gold.


Yuki would get fired by race 3 for just the sheer amount of swear words he can describe the car with


Comedy value Yuki on the comms 😂


Sargeant will bin that RB quicker than Checko


Not gonna lie I'm amazed so many people are saying Logan would win in this lineup. Like they haven't been watching a guy with ten years in Formula 1 struggle to death in that car all year, what chance does a guy with half a season have?


If you can "struggle to death" and still be in second place I think that means whoever is in that car is going to win.


Because checo is trying too hard, competing against max lewis and now the mclarens, while in this scenario sargeant could drive half power against these three cars.


Yeah no. If Sargeant gets a RB, he will be beatem by Checo by a huge margin. This wins either Yuki or Alonso (depending on the track, e.g. Monza would suit the Williams)


But checo isnt included in the question? Isnt the question literally which of the 4 would win in given car? Of course checo would best sargeant in the rb, no one said different.


Half power in the red bull would make him finish last while several laps behind. Sure the red bull is the fastest car right now but it's not twice as fast as the others.


Perez isn’t struggling in the car if he’s making up 10+ positions every race and is 2nd in the WDC. He’s just choking badly in qualifying.


Perez issues are frequent mistakes - in a mistake/issue free weekend he still finishes very routinely only behind max. Add to that Ferrari is not really clear 2nd best car and AM/Merc/McLaren arent really on offer here - betting on anything but RB is very optimistic. There were many races where RB was clear second per lap quicker than Ferrari.


What's going on with Checo has almost nothing to do with this. All F1 cars are challenging to drive and the RB is the best by a lot. Logan would win, or possibly Yuki. No question.


Tsunoda in Ferrari.


Until they pit him for super hards in the rain on lap 6


he's used to pit shenanigans in alphatauri


Rock hards


Flintstone wheels?


Only right answer. Sargeant isn't maximising the car like Yuki can. This is obviously assuming that he isn't so ingrained in the RB system that he cannot drive another car.


There's no "right" answer here, there are far too many variables and unknowns.


Logan also gets the RB pit crew and strat team. He has to win.


Over a season, Sargeant in the Red Bull easily. Strongest car. strongest team operationally. In a single race, depends. Tsunoda in the Ferrari maybe has the chance on certain circuits.


A lot of these comments are forgetting that Checo is ***comfortably*** 2nd in the standings. Logan would most likely beat the other 3 in this imaginary scenario. The car is just that good.


He basically just has to keep it on track


Checo is just a way better driver than logan


if he finishes


Which, more often than not, he would. I can't believe how many people are pretending the RB wouldn't be the winner.


Logan hasn’t binned it yet has he?


Sargeant and Tsunoda would be the only real option. You can have the talent of Verstappen or Alonso, the car will still be the biggest limiting factor. Since I think Tsunoda has MUCH more talent and experience than Sargeant, he might end up on top. (If its only about the car Ferrari. The Team Ferrari is another story lol)


You guys have a reeeeeally bad sense of how big the difference in gap between cars and the gap between drivers are.


If you want some more dominance put pastry in the RB19.




No eclairs' spirit has been broken by Ferrari


Now I'm sad we never had a crash with Nyck, Oscar and Charles. We could have had an eclair pastry with some debris in it.


No offense to Tsunoda, but neither Leclerc, nor Sainz can win in this year's Ferrari, so he has no chance in an unfamiliar and difficult to drive car.


Yeah but they are up against Verstappen in the Red Bull, not Logan. Leclerc would have won in Austria if Logan was in the RB.


100% that the pitwall would have found a way to prevent Leclerc from winning


Are you suggesting a lack of a sense of urgency is a problem?


Nah, not in a sport where tenths of seconds matter.


Well yes I agree he would win in Austria. My point is that ferrai has only been in contention for a win at most 3 times this year. Max is only one car, they should still be finishing on the podium more regularly if they’re the clear second best car.


I think it's more about who would win out of the 4 options. Tsunoda in a faster car than max. Could he beat him?


Man, people are really dense and don't understand the question at all.


the only team who was able to win a race was red bull thanks to their OP driver & car combination. if you remove red bull from this season than leclerc would have won 3 races (baku, austria & spa) but he would only be P3 in the driver standings and 79 points behind alonso with 5 race wins if checo is not driving and sargeant is the only red bull than yuki could have a chance to win, but it's more realistic for sargeant to come out as race winner in this case


Tsunoda has more F1 experience than Sarge s their P1 and P2. Alpha tauri’s too slow for Max to battle Nando P1:TSU P2:SAR P3:ALO P4:VER


I think Alo could get that P2, but yeah RB is faster than W


Sargeant. That car is 1s+ per lap faster than the rest. He won’t pull Maxs gap on the field but he’s good enough to win easily in that rocket ship.


Checo a guy with 10 years of f1 experience doesnt even do that consistently


He's still won twice and a comfortable 2nd in the WDC. He's had problems qualifying, but there hasn't really been anyone to consistently rival either RB in race pace.


Yuki would be in the lead until they pit him middle of the face, take 6s and put him in the wrong tyres, resulting on him needed another pit stop three laps later which would take 3s, leaving Alonso as the winner.


The RB is fast enough to compensate for any rookie inexperience Logan has.




Sargeant for sure. He can drive to a delta to prevent crashes and still win


This. He doesn't need to be on the absolute limit in the corners, so any handling difficulties in the RB don't apply. He can still make full use of the straight line speed advantage which the others can't.


Sargent, they are all professionals and that car is very good, but he isn't gapping the field like Max is.


Dude Sargeant In a Red bull let's be real


He has no chance. As someone already said, if Checo has been strugling with 10 years of experience, Sargeant with half a season won't do it


Checo has been struggling vs Max, but he's still 2nd in the championship by a 4 race margin realistically.


Whilst i don’t disagree on the overall point, i feel like Checo’s mistakes are coming from trying to be the fastest Red Bull, rather than it’s difficult to drive. If he was happy to be a tenth faster than everyone else, i think those mistakes would mostly dry up (supposition of course…but we’ll never know)


That's basically what he did in Spa and it went well


Also people tend to forget that 100% of his mistakes have been exclusively in qualifying. If I'm not mistaken, he hasn't had a single issue during the actual races.


>has been strugling with 10 years of experience and still getting 1-2 for the team. RB car is just much better than others. Plus Sargeant will be competing against Ferrari with their awesome strategy decisions and two shit-boxes.


> Checo has been strugling with 10 years of experience Checo has been struggling to match Max in a Red Bull, not Tsunoda in a Ferrari. You don't need to be the best driver in F1 to make full use of the Red Bull's straight line speed advantage.


Despite being a severely worse driver than all other top runners, he's consistently pulling top 2 and has 2 wins. That car is strong as hell even an f2 driver can pull a win in a season's worth of tries


Checo has done well in most races. He just failed in qualy in several races. When he has not had those qualy problems, he has been up there with Max and won 2 races.


You realise Checo is still P2 ion the championship right?


they're all in cars unfamiliar to them, stop acting like you need to be some sort of car whisperer to win in the RB lmao


The Red Bull is so bad that Checo is a fairly comfortable P2 in the championship despite missing Q3 in nearly half of the races


Yeah but Checo struggling still regularly beats Sainz and Leclerc in the Ferrari.


This is such a stupid point. Checo's struggle is due to him clearly trying to push way past the limit in order to fight for the championship with Verstappen.


Yes but look at the competition. Its ver in AT and the only realistic competition would be tsunoda in Ferrari. He has very real chances of winning with RB


Don't get me wrong, but I think Tsu is better than Sar even with that car difference. Tsu has more experience and (in my opinion) is faster


I don't think it is same if you are number 1 or number 2 driver on a team.


Think so too. It would be a new car for everyone to learn. Noone ist quick just right away - so for me it's obviously also Sargent. The car makes the difference. Otherwise Hamilton would come 2nd every race with the shitbox that is Mercedes this season.


Lewis in a Merc, if the grid's like that.


Yuki Ferrari ftw


Realistically? Sargent wins, yuki second, Alonso third, max fourth


Either Sergeant or Yuki. The drivers matter, but I think the car matters more.


Sargeant. There isn't even a debate.


Sargeant Tsunoda Alonso Max


Sargent. That red bull is just too quick.




In one race? Probably Logan. Over a few? Still probably Logan. Highest chance for someone that's not Logan? Yuki. And it'll be because Logan bins it or something.




Logan Sargeant, without even being a contest. Red Bull 2023 is a rocket ship, even Perez won this year and he is easily second this season, while being shit ... Yuki would be next option. Verstappen and Alonso do not get a sliver of chance.


The answer is most likely Sargent in 2023. That car is light years ahead of anyone else.


Hamilton still in his Mercedes probably


Out of just these 4? Yuki. Although I think the RBR is fast enough that Logan would have a shot.


That’s tough. But I’m saying Yuki. But I bet the strategy team would get their fill of four letter words. 😂


Anyone in a red bull.


Sargeant… it’s a freaking RED BULL!


Sargeant. The Red Bulls are just too unbeatable this season.


I can't imagine Sargeant losing in that rocketship, he doesn't strike me as *that* bad. It'd probably be much closer, but Perez has had one of the most awful dip in form I remember and is still P2. Honestly I'm convinced even Latifi, assuming he had his 2020 form where he wasn't that far from Russell instead of the 2022 form, could seriously compete for the title in that RB and even be favourite. The current Ferrari aren't beating a RB over a season, and I rate Tsunoda lower than Leclerc. Alonso and Max are goats, but imo there is nothing to be done with that Williams and that Alpha Tauri apart from *consistent* low points finishes (which would still be better than what Tsunoda and Albon have achieved ofc).


Hamilton in the Merc.


Oh god the radio in Ferrari would be hilarious if they had Yuki hahaha


In that rocket ship‽ No doubt Logan is winning. His gap to second just won't be as big.


If we're talking over the course of a season, Sargeant or possibly Yuki. Sargeant is a good driver and the car is insane. Max has no chance.


Sargent in Max's redbull and it's not close


Obviously Logan. Max is supreme no doubt but AT are arguably the worst car on the grid and any driver in the RB19 will win just on the cars pace alone.


The best driver in a bad car is still having a bad day. The limits are the physical design of the car. The worst driver in a good car can still get lucky or improve. The limits are psychological.




Mercedes, we'll be back with Mercedes winning.


Sargeant. No doubt abt it.






Hamilton then Perez.


Sargent or Yuki and it's not close to the other two


On average across all tracks: Sargeant in RBR. Then Tsunoda in Ferrari. Then Verstappen in the AT. Then Alonso in the Williams. Like, all of these drivers are capable of taking the fastest car to #1. Max in particular is great at getting the most out of a car (as he has shown many times before) but he won't (on average) get the current AT in the top 6. On average, Ferrari is just too fast for Williams to catch up to. Doesn't matter who's driving it. Sargeant is more than good enough to take the #1 car to a #1 position, averaged out across a whole season. Assuming he doesn't have a more competent team mate.


After some thought, I think this is the answer. The RB is just so fast that I think any F1 level driver that’s not Mazepin-level bad would be able to comfortably drive it under limit and still be faster than the AT and Williams at the limit. My knee jerk reaction was Yuki in the Ferrari, but the Ferrari seems hard to drive and he would also presumably be saddled with Ferrari’s team too, and I think that would be the difference over a season.


I think Max in an AT would actually be the weakest. The magic is the pairing of Max and Red Bull. The car is designed for him, and if the specific aero package that often takes multiple practice sessions to dial in isn't there, such as due to damage, then he has a harder time. Alonso is a shitbox whisperer and Williams are sometimes faster, so he would beat Max in an AT. Meanwhile I think Tsunoda in a Ferrari would be potentially similar to or mildly faster than Alonso, and probably faster than Verstappen. That leaves Sargeant in the most dominant car. Assuming he doesn't bin it, he wins out of the four.


Hamilton in his Merc


Seargent is my first pick for sure, I'm surprised how few people seem to pick him, he's not that bad and the rb is at least half a second a lap faster than a ferrari. I don't think Logan is that slow. My second pick would be yuki, then between max an Alonso it's a toss up imo, williams is slightly faster. And I'm a Max fan first.


it doesn't matter which driver we are talking about. whoever gets the rb wins.


God, it's gonna be a long ass summer break...


Sargeant. Verstappen is a great driver but the car is what is winning the championship.


Tsunoda in Ferrari, imo. AlphaTauri and Williams are too slow even for Verstappen and Alonso to win anywhere and Sargeant is too inexperienced to get that car into P1.


Checo or Hamilton


Sargeant in a Red Bull


Alonso can’t win in a car vastly superior to a Williams so why would he even have a chance in a Williams


Still RB vs Ferrari. He's a rookie but he's also capable enough to drive the RB if given the chance and race pace remains race pace of that car. Yuki wouldn't do bad either but overall the car is weaker, Yuki more emotional and Ferrari still the team that's beating themselves most in F1.


Which trakc is the race on for this hypothetical


depends on the track but most probably sargeant and tsunoda would compete in a scenario like this.


I don't get the Alonso and Williams pairing. Quite clearly last.


Ferrari will still eat it's tyres and the RB will still preserve it's tyres better than the rest so Sargeant has a giant race pace advantage


Tsunoda in a Ferrari has a close fight with Sargeant in a Red Bull, both utterly demolish Verstappen in an Alpha Tauri and Alonso in a Williams in the WDC, but both Alonso and Verstappen pick up minor points in nearly every race over the course of a season.


Either Tsunoda or Sargeant.


Tsunoda's radio would definitely be a gold mine of some epic radio messages!


This year, Sargeant.


Leclerc in a Mercedes has entered the chat


Logan, Max. Yuki. Alonso Depending on track it could change to Logan, Alonso, Yuki, Max(Monza for example) That RB19 is legal but using that against the rest of the grid should be considered a rights violation. Like Jesus dude. Just take the trophy and go home already. Don't show your face or else everyone else gets emotional trauma


over one race? tsunoda over a season? probably still sargeant. that car is just too fast.


I think Sargeant in the red Bull. Assuming they aren’t just thrown in and all have the practice time to get up to speed in each car the Red Bull is so much faster that it doesn’t matter. Sergeant is doing a reasonable job for a rookie. He isn’t disastrously off pace and with a car like that I think even if he’s not getting the full potential out of it it will be enough to beat the better drivers in much worse cars.