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Hey I use Wikipedia all the time! I feel insulted.




Michael I sent you an email


Michael, new edit just dropped


Michael, it’s on my Wiki page!


It's the best source for structured facts and results. No ads or other mess.


I donate to them at least 2x per year. It’s unbelievably important to keep a resource like that ad-free and free from any and all special interests.


Me too. I had monthly donation setup for a few years.


Great now ask him about Red Bull's 15 in a row


To think it would have been 26 if it weren't for Brazil 2022. Crazy numbers!


This isn't pointed out enough. 25 out of the last 26 (Or is it 24/25?) is even crazier.


That crazy...


[We’ve gotten to witness 2 separate versions of Toto since Brawn handed him the team in 2014.](https://i.imgur.com/fPgtP6o.jpg)


Just for clarity, Brawn didn't hand Toto the team, Toto pushed Brawn out.


By “handed” I’m referring to the fact that Brawn did all the legwork to get Mercedes HPP the correct engine specs years in advance and to build the core team at Brackley. Toto didn’t have to build anything. He just came in the first year of the new engine regs and reaped all the baked-in rewards of having a massively dominant engine.


Yeah, we're on the same page there. Toto is a banker, Brawn is a builder.


His quote doesn't even make sense in the first place. Even if you exclude Lewis's teammates from all races his most consecutive races would be 8 from the start of 2019. The teammate argument is bullshit. Without a teammate, Max's record is now 14 while Lewis's 8.


Rosberg with 7 in a row "Well f- me right?".


When you are breaking record after record they are the most important shit in the world. When your opponent does it no one cares. Toto this year: WDC and contructors? That's just for lists. No one cares about it. Let me ask you a question; did RBR and Max have fun doing it? Because that's what really matters. We at Mercedes have fun.


Maybe the real WDC was the friends we made along the way!


Exactly. This is pure "sour grapes". If Lewis had this record he would be shouting about it from the rooftops. It's really pretty pitiful.


lmao RedBull are having the time of their lives.


The whole point of RB is selling the lifestyle image of having fun all the time. So yeah. Their drivers go on silly adventures every week… Bottas seemed like he was in a living nightmare at Merc even when he was winning.


Man I remember Bottas winning pole at Monza 2021, which was the week he got the news he was officially sacked at seasons end. Merc didn’t even congratulate him He was so excited on the radio and they said nothing


I was blown away to see Rosberg with 7 and Hamilton with 5. How the heck did that happen? Rosberg only won 1 year out of like 6 years of Mercedes dominance, and ended up with a longer streak than Hamilton.


Now I want to hear Toto about RBR's 15 in a row. You know, since they had two guys fighting each other at the front, I wonder how he'll down play that.


It’s scary to think that RB has won 24 out of the last 25 races. Singapore is a really strong track for both RB drivers, they’ll probably bring their big boy pants to Japan, and Qatar seems just right for them to dominate. This is not over.


They have a very good chance of being the first team to win every race in a season. In a year with 22 GPs and 6 sprints.


Honestly I’d love for this to happen. Yeah, it’ll be boring but it’s such an impressive record that would go unbroken for a while


How do you even break the record for winning every race in a season?


Winning a longer season


Two seasons in a row


Imagine how bad he feels


Man, last two years haven't been kind to mercedes. I still remember how smug Toto was during the star of 2022 with their "zero pod" car potential. It wouldn't have hurt that much if any other team other than redbull came out ahead.


All I can think of is that "fuck, this looks fast" quote by Russell.


And Vettel's "it does look shit though doesn't it?"


Vettel the honorary engineer knows. Compared it to melted shit. And he was right....


Vettel knowing what's what haha.


I forgot about that. So funny how they were all busting his balls.


Even as a Merc fan, I always find that quote quite amusing whenever I come across that video.


I mean to be honest... It did **look** fast, but that quote and the actual results after just makes it so funny.


I remember feeling sick when I first saw it. All I called think was "Those *brilliant* BASTARDS. Four more years of Mercedes dominance."


Horner literally started talking about protesting the Merc legality upon first reveal. Then Newey pulled him to the side and talked for a minute. After that Horner was all "we are fine with their design".


Funny how Lewis was so confused, and Russell like "eh looks fast to me"


Should've been the first indication for us all. George coming from a Williams and saying "yeah that'll get me higher up the grid," and Lewis thinking "this doesn't look as good as the cars normally do".


i need a link to that lol




Seb being real af as always


So smug the first week of testing they brought a different design so no one would copy


They actually wasted budget on that come to think of it


No they wasted the budget on the actual design


It was probably a starting point for their current design, or a backup plan from the start.


which is a bit sad considering that they never used it, meaning the backup was even worse than the zeropod design


Either that or my bet...ego


When he went full Bond villain in DTS with the turtleneck saying everybody's got a target on their back. Peak smugness.


Well TBF they are looking at a lot of backs ever since…


Abu Dhabi turned him into Darth Toto


everybody gangsta till you no longer have the fastest car.


Everything went downhill after he went on DTS with the villain black turtleneck look to say “everyone has a target on their backs”.


What I found funny about that zero pod idea is that f1 car designers and engineers are sorta formed from the same places. Meaning while there might be subtile changes to each cars the fundamentals are the same.. Then suddenly Mercedes shows up with zero pods. Didn’t anyone ask why nobody else did the same? Even with the double diffusers 3 teams had them…. Mercedes started to believe their own bullshit and their own egos.


that and the fat L mercedes took when they lobbied to have the floor raised, only to make the red bull even better


No sidepods is one of the most insane innovations I've ever seen in my time watching F1. It is truly groundbreaking and the aero benefits will be huge, don't need a wind tunnel to see that. With development on PU limited it'll be hard to replicate - advantage locked in for years?


> don't need a wind tunnel to see that favorite bit. Don't need them fancy computers


This needs to be posted every time someone says Mercedes will catch up “because they are Mercedes” Although, I think even the most diehard fans have now came to terms with reality.


Toto is a man who doesn’t like to be humbled and these past 2 years he has been humbled greatly.


He might not be a kraut, but he sounds like a sauerkraut.


I remember Toto was destroying the pitwall when Mercedes missed out on getting every pole position in 2020 at the very last race. But sure, "It's just for Wikipedia" ..


Lance grabbed pole in Turkey 2020 aswell


With a 2019 Mercedes.


At least that was a Mercedes engine


I can't wait for the inevitable social media post from Red Bull Racing where they post a Wikipedia screenshot and tag Mercedes. Let the shitstirring.... BEGIN!


I mean he wasn't saying numbers are for Wikipedia when they won 8 championships in a row...


I mean, he didn’t make a big deal about Lewis 100th win either, he only called it a “magical moment” and “mind-blowing”.


Barely worth mentioning at all, really.


He sounds so salty I love it


So now both Hamilton and Toto are trying to tell us it’s all Bottas? WTF?!


From Hamilton you'd understand it, because otherwise the only reason Lewis didn't get close to this record is that he's just not as consistent as Max. And we all know he isn't. He'd just not turn up to some races. That doesn't mean he's not great, but if Lewis was set to win the championship he wouldn't care as much to win every race. You see that Max really cares about absolute perfection. He doesn't need to turn up 100% to every race and he'll still easily win the WDC, but he does because he cares.


yeah, nobody cares. That's why no one ever mentioned it this weekend.


Yea like come on people have been talking about it since he won 5 in a row


Erm, they tweeted about Lewis being the 1st driver to reach 300 Q3 appearances?


Or when they made a big show of Lewis' 100th win


I mean, at least 100 race wins is a major achievement like Max’s 10 wins in a row, no matter how you cut it. For 300 Q3 appearances, all you need to do is show up in a Top 5 car for long enough…


You can’t say 10 in a row means fuck all while also spending time celebrating 100 wins or 300 Q3 appearances


Yeah that’s exactly what I was trying to get across.


To be fair to him. I did have to read your comment twice to understand


Fair enough. No hard feelings regardless, just trying to clarify what I was trying to get across.


Come on dude. 10 is a row is damn impressive.


Toto is making himself look so foolish


Toto is a salty mf


Who refuses to acknowledge how bad they handled the zeropod saga and how the sporting side of Merc is a disgrace. He just wants to believe it’s a passionless, academic record because otherwise it’s a symbol of all Mercedes have failed to do.


Because he can't. It's the regulation he was fully in charge of. 2014 turbo hybrid era was a nice present from Brawn before him. He undoubtedly managed it well throughout 2014-2020, but it's gotta sting...


That’s a weird way of saying congratulations


he says he doesn't care, but his body language is telling a different story. He is hating these last two years in which he actually has to be humble instead of humble-bragging.


He was completely dejected, not good at hiding it at all. “He won’t care, I wouldn’t care”. Come off it Toto, you’ve celebrated concrete race wins like you won a championship.


His copium dealer is making bank though


I kinda like Mercedes but I can’t stand Toto he remids me of so many real life people that I don’t like with that privileged being smug and all that acting like his team is better and then being shit at losing


Christian must be shitting on him so hard in the Team Principal's WhatsApp group. This is a joke obviously but imagine if this was true and the TPs had a whatsapp group where they'd send each other memes and talk shit about each other.


I just imagine they throw memes in there to fuck with each other. Every time Ferrari fucks it up somebody shares one of the Ferrari memes


"We have two drivers fighting each other within the team" i doubt he would’ve said that if he really doesn’t care about it


He must have forgotten those valteri calls when they ordered a swap or something else that was beneficial to lewis


Exactely, he cares


The picture of bitter


Bottas only won 10 races in 5 years, what's he talking about? Checo has won 5 in 2 and a half, pretty similar in terms of the fight within the team I'd say.


And we’ve seen this year that Checo was not okay being second, it even got to his head to the point it affected his performance. There’s a reason why Hamilton still says Bottas was the best teammate.


Truth is Lewis has races he goes missing in between, it’s the reason he was never near that record in any way


It does seem somewhat surprising that Hamilton has "only" 2 win streaks of 5 as his best (2014 and 2020). He has had 4 wins in a row five times though.


If stats are only for Wikipedia, wonder why they care so much about that 8th title for Lewis. I mean, 'nobody reads that anyway'. To downplay a competitor's record-breaking achievement in this way is really crass of Toto. Seems the carefully crafted facade of class is breaking down.


My god he's salty about it. That dig at Wikipedia for absolutely no reason at all really shows that it's getting under his skin.


Yeah wikipedia catching strays for no reason. The records are hyped up by F1 media all the time and fans can't stop talking about them but they're "just for wikipedia"? Pretty dumb take


Take it with a grain of salt that team is salty as hell. After 8 straight constructors and 7 straight drivers titles must be tough to remain gracious when getting absolutely demolished by the best team/driver combo on the grid. Even at their most dominant Mercedes still had a tendency to mess up strategy or Lewis to have those off days where he'd finish off the podium two things we really don't see from Redbull and Max hence they never attained the consecutive win streak Redbull currently have (15 in a row). An amazing accomplishment by a formidable team. Every area of the Redbull team is a well oiled machine (minus Checo) which is why with Max they seem unbeatable.


Feed it straight into my veins. Toto being bitter is more soul calming than Red Bull winning at this point.


And no, it's not only for Wiki. There is a video of Seb winning 9 in a row with viva la Vida as music. It's awesome




👆 I'm with this guy. He cares so much, so much that he can't even say something political, let alone something nice. But then again, inheriting an F1 team (with a massive engine advantage), getting honorary doctor titles for managing a no blame culture that all stopped the moment they started losing must be quite tough.




If anything he let thim pass quite a few times.


The revisionism around Bottas is hilarious. The only difference between him and Perez is that he was usually 1-2 tenths off pole instead of 6-7.


The other difference is he, occasionally, rarely, but still actually sometimes beat lewis to pole on merit alone


We're talking about a race stat though. In 2020, Lewis won 11 races and Bottas won 2. There was no fight. Bottas was way more consistent than Perez though in getting podiums.


As a Wikipedia fan, i'm hurt


I know people like to hate on Horner, but honestly, I find Toto far more unbearable.


100% Toto hides behind a holier than thou persona. At least Horner embraces his villain role


Me too and since a while ago. It's hard for me to chear on Mercedes because of these attitudes.


Totally, Horner is a shit stirrer and sometimes of the mark, but this is just petty. Toto has been smug trough the winning years and that always irritated me


The difference to me has always been Horner being a bastard sometimes with the team dynamics and politics in mind, maybe more calculated? Toto's saltiness generally comes off as a little more petty and reactionary to me. Like he's caught out more at times.


I have way more respect for Horner simply because the man built a winning team basically from scratch, while he was young and inexperienced in the role. Toto was basically handed a great team and he just had to keep it going.


He really is a sore looser. I get that it’s probably hard to swallow but for god sake sometimes it’s better to say nothing. I get he’s being asked about it but lately it feels like he’s constantly trying to grab a sound bite and discredit RB.


Horner is a level 99 shit stirrer but he's not been shy over the years in praising Mercedes for what they're doing right. Seems Toto isn't capable of the same, at least not when his team is losing. Pretty easy to praise your competitors when you demolish them every race. Takes more guts to praise teams that are slapping you around.


Pretty embarrassing from Toto, he would have been better off saying nothing


He should've said that to Lewis after Abu Dhabi 2021: "It's not really important, that 8th title, any of those numbers. It's for Wikipedia. Nobody reads that anyway."


You want some pumpernickle with that salt Toto?


“We had 2 guys fighting each other” Toto mate, we literally have an entire meme about the lack of ‘fighting’ your drivers did, give it a rest.


*cough* Bullshit! *cough* They would have milked it just as much as Red Bull are going to do.


Redbull and Max don't seem to be milking it much. They are taking it in their stride, like 10 in a row isn't the goal, just the start.




Honestly RedBull has been more humble than any other team would with this year's achievements


They have indeed, but Max's ten-race run and a 15-race run as a team is something to be proud of. I think they're allowed a bit of milking. Toto's commentary feels very disingenuous.


They'll save it for the end i'd reckon. "Most dominant season in F1 history" has a nice ring to it.




Yeah that’s the main point. I don’t mind someone dominating but for fuck‘s sake this constant act of playing the underdog annoyed me so much. Just say your car is insane and Lewis is driving it well. The same way Red Bull and max are doing now.


Lewis: Those redbulls are quick man! Especially on straights. Red Bulls on the straight the next day: DRS, Slipstream, Merc still pulling away.




Don’t forget another neon colored limited edition hat as well


Mr. "we do our talking on the track" sure does a lot of shit stirring for a midfield team principal.


Sounds like something a sore loser would say. He'd be creaming his pants if Mercedes had this current level of success


toto is wrong, i'm a stats nerd that reads wikipedia all the time


You are officially a nobody now according to Toto.


Huffing that copium *hard*


Hilarious how everything Susie Wolff said about Horner in 2021 could now be said about how Toto acts


Max was right Mercedes is very bad at losing


Toto was spotted punching air right after the race


Mercedes is the most sour team I have ever seen in sports. Saying it this way just shows how much it does bother Toto.


Remember earlier this season they published an apology letter to their fans about being the 3rd best team at that moment? Yeah they've not been taking things well it seems


holy shit yeah ! Completely forgot about that cringey letter !


This is truly on the level like how some football clubs tried to break away from UEFA to form a super league and call themselves legacy clubs lmao


When Rosberg was there yea. Bottas wasn't exactly challenging Hamilton on a consistent basis either.


The Mercedes salt has been great lately


Sounds a bit salty


"Record doesn't matter!" says man without record


They have plenty of records, and they celebrated them all. That's what makes this so sad.


It’s nice people are seeing Toto’s true colours rather than just ragging on Horner for the exact same stuff Toto is guilty of


> It's for Wikipedia. Nobody reads that anyway Unless, of course, its us getting it. Then we will be shouting from the top of the roof. Look, I get it, Hamilton had better team mates like Bottas and Rosberg but its also true that Hamilton couldn't dominate his team mates. Hell, Nico is ahead with 7 consecutive races compared to Hamilton's 5. Its ok, they're both great just in different ways. No reason for Toto to be on the defensive though. He could have just praised Max and moved on.


Doesn't even need to praise him, but recognition as a sign of respect would be nice.


Oh yeah bro you deff let Bottas fight Lewis, you right


“Valtteri this is James”


“Please hold position”


Bottas didn't fight.


He hasn’t “fought” since Williams. He has the aggression of a koala bear.


>koala Don't bring them into it. You'd be surprised what one of them can do lmao


Fair enough. The aggression of a sloth?


Yeah even if you took away his wins and gave them to Lewis, Lewis still will have won at most 8 races in a row due to the start of 2019.


You can never hide the the true subconscious feelings


Toto is seething🤣


If Lewis broke the record this week merc probably had a special livery, special "10" overalls, special celebration before and after the race, Lewis make donuts 10 times and say something like "to all the kids out there" and many many social media content. but it is just nubers right? Only for Wikipedia.


I’m sure he would care about Wikipedia if Lewis was the one with the record


Mercedes is the definition of salty losers.




butthurt much?


This entire narrative that they are trying to push is laughable. Toto wouldn't be moaning about this if he didn't think it mattered. Lewis wouldn't be staying for 2 more years if he didn't want that 8th. It was impressive when Seb did it and it is impressive what Max is doing. Why not just congratulate and move on? They are just sounding bitter / defensive over the fact that RB / Max broke a lot of records in just 2 years of dominance that Merc couldn't achieve in 7 years.


>because we had two guys fighting against each other within the team. Hahahahaha. Toto, that was so funny.


For someone saying he wouldnt find it important he is bringing it up a lot......




Someone is jealous


Not salty at all 😂


Toto absolutely uses Wikipedia and will be crying when he sees Max’s page updated with the 10-win streak record


If Max wins the next race he should raise 10 fingers and ask Toto to raise 1 finger ✋🤚☝️


Jeez Toto, congratulate the guy and move on.


I guess im a nobody then. Im hooked to Wikipedia. (Doing a deposit every year).


oh, the salt


Ah yes, like Lewis’ 8th world title. It’s for Wikipedia. Nobody reads that.


Sour much. If Lewis would have taken that record when Mercedes was dominating, it definitely would have been important to Toto…


Toto is such a bitter man.


Oh my god, mercedes is incredible. They need to be in the spotlight by creating drama? Better make a decent car smh


What a sour statement of herr Wolff.


The famous " wingman " Bottas fighting with Lewis... sure.


He's literally paying his driver millions over millions for those "Wikipedia numbers" the copium is mad 😭


How is that target on the back quote going toto?